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Anh 9 (at school) 5

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English 9 A - (at school)

Revision 6
Ex1.Choose the best option in brackets to complete each of the following sentences :
1. We are all ................................ destroying the environment around us. (slow / slowly)
2. Wild plants and animals on the earth are ........................ disappearing. (quick / quickly)
3. Farm workers have to work very .............................. during the harvest. (hard / hardly)
4. Please don’t go too ............................. the edge of the cliff. (near / nearly)
5. Mr. Black sounded really..... this morning. He had his car stolen. (unhappy / unhappily)
6. The lakes in our town are polluted ............................................. . (bad / badly)
7. My uncle’s old car was ......... but his new one is very ..... (slow / slowly – fast / fastly)
8. What is for dinner ? It smells very ................................ . (delicious / deliciously)
9. Bob is sometimes a .............. driver. I think he drives .............. when he’s in a hurry.
(dangerous / dangerously)
Ex2.Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets :
1.If the weather is good next weekend, we (go) ............................ away somewhere.
2.Come on ! If we (hurry) ....................... , we (catch) ................................... the bus.
3.If there (be) ......... too much litter on the streets, the environment will become polluted.
4.There (be) ..................big floods every year if the cutting down of trees continues.
5.If the sea level (rise) .........................., there will be floods in many parts of the world.
6.They will be late for their meeting if they (not leave) ..................... now.
7.If you aren’t careful, you (drop) ................................ the plates.
8.If anyone (phone) ....................................................... me, tell them I’m out.
9.If he (not use) ................... much pesticide on vegetables, they will become edible.
10.If crops (not spray) ................ with pesticide, they will be destroyed by insects in soil.
Ex3.Match a line in column A with a line in column B .
1.If people use public transport,
a. I can’t sleep.
2.You’ll learn English more easily

b. will you give her flowers?
3.If they don’t give him the job,
c. if he does exercise regularly.
4.If I drink coffee at night,
d. I don’t know what he will do.
5.You will speak English well
e. there will be less pollution
6.If you see her
f. if someone enters the building.
7.The alarm will go off
g. if you have more practice.
8. Henry may lose weight
h. if you study a little every day.
1.____; 2.____; 3.____; 4.____; 5.____; 6.____; 7.____; 8.____.
* Rewrite the sentences.
0. Work harder or you lose the job.
-> If you don’t work harder, you will lose the job.
1. Stop telling lies or no one will trust you anymore.
2. Pay attention to the teacher or you can’t understand the lessons.

English 9 A - (at school)

3. Go to bed early or you will be exhausted the next morning.
4. Save money from now and you can reward yourself with a long vacation at the end of
the year.

5. Read more books and you can broaden your knowledge.
6. Brush your teeth often in order not to get toothache.
7. Listen carefully or you won't know what to do.
8. Unless you want to get sick, you should eat more healthily.
Ex4.Combine each pair of the sentences by using BECAUSE :
1.The weather was lovely, so we spent the whole day in the garden.
2.My homework is long and difficult. I can’t finish it on time.
3.He left school because of his hard life.
4.She can’t work hard because of her age.
5.I can’t buy this bike because of not having enough money.
6.He couldn’t meet you because of being busy.
7.She went to bed early because of her sickness.

8.We can’t swim in this part of the river because of highly polluted water


Ex5. Give correct formation of these words.

1. The air in the city is ……………..(pollute)
2. Many people still refuse to believe that the smoking is ................(harm)
3. An accident happened because of driving …………… (care)
4. He was ……………… (disappoint) that they were not coming.
5. Air and water ………….. (pollute) can make people fall ill.
6. Plastic bags will cause ………………….. (pollute).
7. Mr. Brown is one of the ……………….. (conserve)
8. We should make our world …………….. (pollute)
9. ..........................call for the.............................of the countryside. (conserve)

English 9 A - (at school)

10. Environmental groups want a total .....................on the dumping nuclear waste .
Ex6. From each number, pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from the others.
1. A. walked
B. filled
C. died
D. played
2. A. wrap
B. mass
C. area
D. sand
3. A. ocean
B. flow
C. post
D. conservation

4. A. refreshment
B. environment
C. reduce
D. deforestation
5. A. treasure
B. sewage
C. save
D. campus
6. A. spoil
B. folk
C. float
D. violent
7. A. aspect
B. trash
C. sand
D. junkyard
8. A. polluted
B. shore
C. protect
D. provide
9. A. persuade
B. prevent
C. impressive
D. secondhand
10.A. protect
B. conservation C. secondhand
D. cover
Ex7. Choose the best answer.
1.…………….. air is one of the many problems we have to solve.
A. Pure

B. Polluted
C. Dust
D. Pleasant
2.I’ll be in trouble if I …………..my passport.
A. lose
B. will lose
C. lost
D. would lose
3.If it is raining this evening, I……………..
A. will go out
B. don’t go out
C. go out
D. won’t go out
4.Minh’s English is excellent. He speaks………………..
A. perfectly English
B. English perfectly
C. perfect English
D. English perfect
5.I’m disappointed ……………. people have spoiled this area.
A that
B. when
C. if
D. how
6.He ………. to find a job but he had no luck.
A. hardly tried
B. hard tried
C. tried hardly
D. tried hard
7.We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned ……….. it was raining.
A. however

B. but
C. because
D. so
8.“ ……………..” means a piece of land full of rubbish.
A. junkyard
B. treasure
C. hedge
D. stream
9.Dynamite …………….. many years ago.
A. has invented B. invented
C. was invented
D. were invented
10.Unless you understand. I …………..explain it again to you
A. am
B. was
C. will
D. would
11.How about …………..dinner with us on Sunday ?
A. to have
B. have
C. have had
D. having
12.The villagers are interested in..….Natural resources but they don’t know how to do so
A. to conserve
B. conserve
C. conserving
D. conserved
13.The girl was not pretty but she sang .............................

English 9 A - (at school)

A. beauty
B. more beautiful C. beautiful
D. beautifully
14.If we ……. wasting water , there will be shortage of fresh water in a few decades .
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. go on
D. look for
15. You should………….. all the lights before going out .
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. turn up
D. turn out
16……….we go on littering , the environment will become seriously polluted .
A. And
B. But
C. So
D. If
17. If her mother doesn’t drink much wine, she ………….so sick.
A. won’t be
B. isn’t
C. doesn’t get
D. wouldn’t be
18. ………….you smoke too much, you’ll get respiratory problems.
A. If
B. Though
C. As

D. Because
19. …………….. it is rainy, I walk home with my umbrella.
A. When
B. Though
C. But
D. Because
20.These vegetables are poisonous; they are …………..
A. eatable
B. edible
C. inedible
D. eaten
22.…………. are used to kill insects and weeds so as to help crops grow better.
A. Pesticides
B. Dynamite
C. Treasures
D. Creatures
23.We can protect our environment save a lot of money by buying………..products.
A. used
B. recycled
C. waste
D. recycling
24.If we plant more trees along the streets, we …….. the amount of pollution in the
A. reduce
B. reduced
C. will reduce
D. would reduce
25.The baby laughed ………….. when her mother told her a funny story,
A. happy
B. happiness

C. unhappy
D. happily
26.Tuan spoke English ………, but he didn’t win first prize in the competition,
A. unwell
B. good
C. well
D. bad
27.I failed my exam. I worked really hard for it. I’m so …………..
A. disappointment
B. disappoint
C. disappointed
D. disappointing
28.While Hoa was picking up the broken plates, she ……. her finger.
A. cut
B. was cut
C. was cutting
D. is cutting
29.Keep ……….. your mother for a valuable gold ring until she says yes.
A. asking
B. to ask
C. and ask
D. ask
30.This man ………..50,000 VND yesterday for cutting down the trees in the forest.
A. was fine
B. has been fined
C. fined
D. was fined
Ex8. Read the text then choose the best answer
We are all slowly destroying the earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in.
There is so ..........(1) smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world’s

cities. In one well-known city, for example, poisonous gases from cars .............(2) the air
so much that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks.
We have cut down so many .........(3) that there are now vast areas of
wasteland ............(4) over the world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa

English 9 A - (at school)

cannot ...............(5) enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is too little rice.
Moreover, we do not take enough ............(6) of the countryside. Wild .............(7) are
quickly disappearing. For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too
many for them to survive. However, it isn’t enough simply to talk about the problem. We
must act now before it is too late to do anything about it. Join us now. Save the Earth. This
is too important to ignore.
1. A. a little
B. much
C. many
D. a few
2. A. pollute
B. pollution
C. polluted
D. unpolluted
3. A. forests
B. plants
C. trees
D. wood
4. A. through
B. out
C. on

D. all
5. A. grow
B. work
C. take
D. supply
6. A. careless
B. care
C. worry
D. tired
7. A. tigers
B. animals
C. animal
D. cattle
Ex9. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.
Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his
surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (1)................. the water with
chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with (2)................ many fertilizers
and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings in various other ways. For example,
people ruin natural beauty by (3).................. garbage and waste products on the land and in
the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise.
Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (4)................ death. Polluted water kills fish and
other (5).................... life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for
growing food.

A. scattering
Ex10. From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the first
1.  A. appliance   B. activity  
C. adventure  
D. average
2.  A. chemical   B. effective  
C. experience  
D. biology
3.  A. primary  
B. satisfy  
C. variety  

D. remedy
4.  A. compulsory  B. population  
C. occasionally  D. immediate
5.  A. favorite  
B. government 
C. influence  
D. identify
6. A. inspiration B. collection
C. reputation
D. limitation
7. A. letter
B. happy
C. today
D. lovely
8. A. addition
B. probable
C. nature
D. example
9. A. answer
B. revision
C. subject
D. cheerful
10. A. reduce
B. empty
C. factory
D. glassware

English 9 A - (at school)

Ex11. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each
A World of Sausage
All over the world, all different cultures created interesting processed meat
products, and one of the most popular is undoubtedly sausage.
To begin with, sausage making may be considered disgusting as it deals with using
various animal parts. Since meat is ground up, certain cuts and parts of an animal that
wouldn’t be served in their original forms can be used. Literally, this means animal parts
such as noses, ears, and other less appetizing areas of an animal’s body. Very often, the
ground up meat and flesh is mixed with a certain percentage of fat, along with spices and
other fillers. After being mixed well, this meat mixture is then stuffed into the cleaned
intestines of the animal, which are then sealed at both ends. The result is sausage.
The meats used in sausages come from a variety of animals, although beef and pork
are by far the favourites. In some cultures, sausage made from the meat of horses is
considered a delicacy. When sausages are cooked, the cooking process sometimes adds to
the flavour. While boiling is probably the simplest method, smoking sausages will add a
lot of smoky flavour.
Next time you bite into a sausage, it is probably best not to think too much about
how it became the tasty thing you are eating. After all, you don’t want to ruin a good
1. Where is the mixture of meat placed?
A. Inside a plastic package
B. Inside a cleaned intestine
C. Inside a refrigerator
D. Inside a metal container
2. What won’t be served in their original forms?
A.Certain cuts and parts of animals B. Spices and fillers
C. Sausages of all types
D. Intestines of an animal

3. What are by far the favourite meats for making sausages?
A. Chicken
B. Horse meat
C. Cuts of lamb
D. Beef and pork
4. What is the simplest method of cooking sausages?
A. Grilling
B. Smoking
C. Boiling
D. Baking
5. What advice is given in the passage?
A. Be careful when making sausages.
B. Don’t think too much about what you are eating when eating sausages.
C. Try not to use too much fat in the meat mixture when making sausages.
D. Make sure intestines are cleaned before packing with meat.
Ex12. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Cor D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.
A Healthy Life?
health experts believe that children and young people today are more(2)
than they used to be. So why has this happened?

English 9 A - (at school)

One reason is bad eating habits. (3)
of young people don’t have a healthy diet.
They eat too much fast food (4) hamburgers and pizza and not enough fruit and
vegetables. In the US, many children (5)

fast food regularly since they were
veryyoung. In fact, almost one-third of American children aged four to nineteen have been
eating fast food (6)
all the time. They also don’t (7)
exercise and spend
of their time watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing computer games.
So how can you change your habits if you have been following an unhealthy
lifestyle for a long time? First, change your (9)
and eat more fruit and vegetables.
Next, find an activity you enjoy. Why not try something different like rock climbing,
surfing or hiking? Many young people have found that (10)
fit and healthy can be a lot
of fun.
A. Many
B. Much
C.A lot
A. healthy
B. healthily
D. unhealthily
A. Many
B. Much
D.Very few

A. such
B. includes
A. eat
B. are eating
C.have been eating
A. nearly
B. most
C. most of
A. play
B. make
A. many
B. much
A. menu
B. ingredients
10. A. become

B. becoming
D.to be become
Ex13. ind the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
A. garnish
B. slice
C. dip
A. spread
B. cream
C. bread
Ex14. Complete the sentences with a, an, some, or any.
We need
cheese to go with the pasta.
I’m reading
interesting book at the moment.
We haven’t got
homework this weekend.

Are there
apples on the table?
I’d like
olive oil on my pizza.
There isn’t
salt in this soup.
Mi got
tickets for the concert.
I need
clove of garlic for this recipe.
Have we got
rice and fresh fish for the sushi?
10. I’d like
egg for my omelette.
Unit 7.
Ex1. Choose the correct connectives in brackets :
1. I opened the door ........................................................ looked out.
(and / but)
2. I arrived 20 minutes early, ................... I had time for a cup of tea.
(so / because)
3.We looked everywhere. ............., we could not find the keys. (However / Therefore)

English 9 A - (at school)

4.The bus fare is expensive. ......................., I prefer to walk.
(However / Therefore)
5.There were many people at the concert, ............... we couldn’t get seats. (so / however)
6. I read the book, ......................................... I did not understand it.
(but / or)
7.We had to wait .......................................... we arrived early.
(because / so)
8. I would like to go swimming. ..., I have too much work to do. (However / Therefore)
9.I go for a walk .................................... the sun is shining.
(because / so)
10.Do you know his address ............................... telephone number?
(but / or)
Ex2. Complete the sentence with the one word given below. One word can be used for
more than one sentence: for/ up/ after/ on/ off/ away/ in
1. Who’s going to look …………. the children while you’re away?
2. “Turn ……….. the TV for me, will you? I want to watch the cartoon.
3. She’s looked ………… her keys everywhere.
4. Turn ………….. the radio. I’m working.
5. If we go ……….littering, the environment will become seriously polluted.
6. Don’t throw these newspapers ………….
7. Could you fill ……….. this form?
8. Don’t wake the baby ……………. Let him sleep.
9. Don’t believe her. She’s just made ………. the story.
10.Susan took ………….. her coat and put it on the sofa.
Ex3. Make a cross on the correct answer A, B, C, or D in the following sentences :
1.Oh dear ! How ………….. our household bills are ! We can’t pay them.
A. heavy
B. enormous
C. small

D. low
2.In winter, heating ……….. for 50 percent of our electricity bill.
A. takes
B. occupies
C. accounts
D. costs
3.Energy can be collected by solar …………on cloudy days.
A. boards
B. panels
C. bars
D. sheets
4.If we don’t find ……… sources of power, we will use up all the fossil fuels in the near
A. effective
B. efficient
C. natural
D. alternative
5.We want to use solar energy, ……….. it cannot be used on cloudy days.
A. but
B. so
C. because
D. however
6.Are wind power ………solar power new kinds of energy for future use ?
A. and
B. or
C. with
D. but
7.Her husband bought not only two energy-saving light bulbs but …….. one cheap
washing machine last Sunday.
A. also

B. too
C. as well
D. some
8.Ba really wants to buy new tables and chairs. ………., new furniture costs too much.
A. However
B. But
C. Therefore
D. So
9.If the TV is always on in your house, you will not reduce the … of electricity you use.
A. number
B. amount
C. much
D. plenty
10.“I suggest fixing the dripping faucet.”

English 9 A - (at school)

A. We will.
B. Good idea !
C. Yes, please.
D. I’m afraid not.
11.Lan spoke English ………….. after she lived in England for several months.
A. nature
B. natural
C. naturally
D. unnaturally
12.There’s nothing good on TV. Why don’t you turn it ……………… ?

A. on
B. down
C. off
D. up
13.I’m trying to cut down ……….. the amount of driving I do to save energy.
A. off
B. to
C. out of
D. on
14.We decided not to go out for meal …………we were too tired.
A but
B. because
C. so
D. and
15.My shoes are dirty. I’d better take them ……….before I come in.
A. aways
B. up
C. on
D. off
16.If you want to save money, you should ……….the amount of water your family uses.
A. increase
B. reduce
C. adapt
D. repair
17.If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest ……… the manufacturer directly.
A. contact
B. contacting
C. to contact
D. be contacted
18.Our energy will soon come to an end if we don’t………… it.

A. use
B. save
C. spend
D. take
19.The children like to put …………… nice clothes when they go out.
A. in
B. off
C. into
D. on
20.I like bananas, ……….my brother doesn’t.
A. because
B. but
C. and
D. even though
21.He is tired ………he stayed up late watching TV.
A. so
B. because
C. but
D. and
22.Her parents saw her ………. at the railway station.
A. in
B. for
C. up
D. off
23.Can you turn ................ the light? It's too dark.
A. on
B. off
C. in
D. for
24. What are you looking ..................... ? .My picture book. I've lost it.

A. for
B. off
C. in
D. on
25.She is very tired. ………….,she has to finish her homework.
A. however
B. so
C. and
D. moreover
Ex6. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.        
Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the
world's energy resources are limited . Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left.
However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of
power. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the New England Institute of
Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear
power is the only alternative.
However, many people don't approve of using nuclear power because it is very dangerous.
What would happen if there were a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer
and may badly affect the future generations.

English 9 A - (at school)

The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economically as
alternative (adj) thay thế
nuclear (adj) thuộc hay liên quan đến nguyên tử
radioactivity (n) tính phóng xạ
1. According to the passage, using nuclear power is ................

A. dangerous        B. interesting        C. safe                D. cheap
2.  Radioactivity from nuclear power ......................
A. does nothing with the future generations
B. will be a new kind of useful energy
C. is necessary to cure diseases
D. causes cancer and has bad effect on the future generations
3.  How much fuel is left?
A. No one knows exactly                     B. Let's use it as much as we would like
C. It will never be used up               D. There is a lot of fuel
4. We should use coal, oil and gas .................
A. as economically as possible           B. carelessly
C. as much as possible                         D. All are incorrect
5.  According to Professor Marvin Burnham, ..............................
A. Nuclear power isn't the only alternative
B. We have to use coal, oil and gas as much as we can
C. We have to use coal, oil and gas with care
D. We have to waste coal, oil and gas as much as we can
Ex7. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Taking a Working Holiday
One of the more difficult things young people face when they want to travel is the
lack offunds. During summer holidays and possibly at weekends, they are able to take on
part-time jobs, but the money they make is just a drop in the bucket of what they need to
travel far away. For example, traveling to Australia from Viet Nam can be quite expensive
just for an airline ticket, and to a lot of students wanting to travel, it can seem out of reach.
For students wanting to travel to Australia and New Zealand in particular, however,
they are in luck. Although many countries offer working holidays, these two countries are
well- known for offering them. When a young person signs up to get a working holiday
visa, he only pays for the round-trip airfare to get to either place and only needs to carry
some extra cash for incidentals. Once he is there, a job awaits where he can earn some

Many of the jobs require little or no experience, such as picking fruit or working in
a busy pub out in the countryside. Some of the jobs require more experience that most
people are unlikely to have, such as being a certified welder to work for eight weeks on a
farm. That shouldn't discourage you, though, because there is always something to be
found if you search hard enough.

English 9 A - (at school)

There are many websites that advertise working holidays in Australia and New
Zealand. If you have the courage and are looking for a way to make a little money and see
the world, it might be just the ticket you were looking for.
1. What can seem out of reach for young people?
A.Being able to find a part-time job
B. Being able to travel
C.Being able to get time off from school
D.Being able to earn money
2. Which students are in luck according to the passage?
A. The ones who want to go to Australia and New Zealand
B. The ones who have part-time jobs
C. The ones who have airline tickets
D. The ones who are on holiday
3. Where can people find working holidays advertised?
A. In magazines B. On the radio
B. In travel guidebooks D. On the Internet
4. According to the passage, which statement is true?
A.Some working holidays are not paid.
B. People on working holidays must be from Australia or New Zealand
C. A young person needs a special visa to go on a working holiday.

D. Picking fruit is the only job available for young people on working holidays.
5. Why would a student NOT want to take a working holiday?
A. Toearn money
B. To show how fearful he is
C.To see the world
D. To visit a new place
Ex8.Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning with the first one :
1.She planted that tree five years ago.
That tree ..........................................................................................................................
2.My family has someone water the roses every day.
My family has the ..........................................................................................................
3.He’s going to have his room redecorated with some new furniture.
He’s going to ask ...........................................................................................................
4.Shall we use gas instead of burning coal ?
I suggest ........................................................................................................................
5.Tom failed the exam because of his laziness.
Because Tom .................................................................................................................
6.Unless we reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this month.
If we .............................................................................................................................
7.Lan is a better cook than Hoa.
Hoa can’t .....................................................................................................................
8.Nam’s motorbike was washed carefully.
Nam .............................................................................................................................
9.To make friends in the new school is not easy for a new student.
It’s ..........................................................................................................................

English 9 A - (at school)

Ex9. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the rest :
1.a. torch
b. sport
c. record
d. colorful
2.a. balloon
b. hand
c. band
d. bamboo
3.a. flow
b. row
c. know
d. now
4.a. fly
b. hobby
c. energy
d. ordinary
5.a. dump
b. bulb
c. nuclear
d. plumber
6.a. receive
b. replace
c. regularly
d. reduce
7.a. label
b. slavery
c. late
d. last

8.a. model
b. solid
c. solar
d. profitable
9.a. bulb
b. consumer
c. plumber
d. luxury
10.a. chopstick
b. scheme
c. champagne
d. chair
11.a. recent
b. efficient
c. faucet
d. receive
Ex10. Fill in the blank space with the correct from of the words in parentheses :
1.They live ............................................................ in a small village.
2.You should spend your money and energy as .................. as possible.
3.You can buy waste ....................................... made from this factory.
4.This library is open to all .................................................................... .
5.Air and water are ........................................................ in our life.
6.My brother can repair electric ............................................. very well.
7.These .................................................. will conserve the earth .

8.Since the world’s energy resources are limited, we must .. .... them.
9.We suggest ..................................... the light bulb. It is broken.
10.To keep the air unpolluted, people ought to use ..........energy to create electricity.(sun)
Ex11. Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful
passage. There is one extra word that you don’t need to use:
recycling/ nothing/ list/ vegetables/ something/ save/ trouble/ polluting/ taking.
Our environment is in (1) …………….. Modern ways of living and today’s industries
are (2) …………… it. Most people think there is (3) …………. they can do. This is not
true. Everyone can do something to help (4) …………….. our environment. Here is a (5)
……………. of things you can do.
- Help to cut pollution by (6) …………… the bus to work instead of your car.
- Buy fruit and (7) …………that have not been treated with pesticides.
- Recycle all your cans, bottles and paper. There should be a (8) ……………….. center
somewhere near your home, so take them there.
Most of the world’s energy comes from the sun. The sun’s energy is in wood, oil,
and other things that people use for energy.
Ex12. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
A. magnificent
B. delay
C. bank
D. travel
A. checkout
B. erode
C. exotic
D. decision


English 9 A - (at school)

A. reasonable
B. resort
C. season
D. excursion
A. safari
B. stalagmite
C. lag
D. package
A. explore
B. environment
C. resort
D. expedition
Ex13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
A. safari
B. breathtaking
C. traveller
D. sightseeing
A. vacation
B. delicious
C. excursion

D. holiday
A. original
B. stimulating
C. imperial
D. geography
A. magnificence B. destination
C. affordable
D. accessible
A. habitat
B. addition
C. fantastic
D. discover
Ex14. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
A. host
B. honor
C. hockey
D. horror
A. badminton
B. swallow
C. challenge
D. ballet
A. teammate
B. reading
C. creating

D. seaside
A. athlete
B. author
C. length
D. southern
A. touch
B. foul
C. account
D. mount
A. lose
B. vote
C. control
D. social
A. rear
B. bear
C. gear
D. year
A. please
B. peace
C. seat
D. spread
A. deny
B. emotion
C. respect

D. better
10. A. overlooks
B. beliefs
C. towards
D. rights
Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given.
1. Scuba-diving is not really my cup of tea.
=> I .............................. ..........................................................................................................
2. No mountains in Western Europe are higher than Mount Blanc.
=> Mount Blanc ......................................................................................................................
3. They require special permits to access Son Doong Cave.
=> Special permits ..................................................................................................................
4. Jane hasn’t decided where to go on holiday. MIND
=> Jane hasn’t .......................................................................................................................
5. We don’t like travelling during peak season. INTO
=> We .....................................................................................................................................


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