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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

*Unit 1 :
I/ The Simple Present Tense (Thì hiện tại đơn):
1.Form :
to be
- Affirmative :
S + V1(S,ES)
S + am/ is/ are……..
- Negative :
S + do/ does + not + V
S+ am/ is/ are + not…
- Interrogative : Do/ Does + S + V.....?
Am/ Is/ Are + S…..?
2.Use :
a.Diễn tả hành động hoặc thói quen ở hiện tại (every,often,usually,sometimes,always….)
b.Diễn tả một chân lí,một sự thật lúc nào cũng đúng.(The sun rises in the east)
II/ The Simple Past Tense : (Thì quá khứ đơn) : diễn tả hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ.
1.Form :
to be
- Affirmative :
S + V2(ed)
S + was/ were…..
- Negative :
S + did + not + V
S + was/ were + not…
- Interrogative : Did + S + V…..?
Was/ Were + S …..?
2.Use : diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ xác định rõ thời gian(last,yesterday,ago,in the
past,in 2000…)

3/ (not) adjective + enough + to_infinitive : (không) đủ….để
*Unit 2 :
1/ Be going to + V0 : diễn tả dự định ở tương lai gần.
2/ Adverbs of place : Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn.
Inside : ở trong ,Outside : ở ngoài, here : ở đây, there : ở đó, upstairs : trên lầu,
downstairs : dưới lầu.
*Unit 3 :
1/ Reflexive pronouns : Đại từ phản thân
You yourself He
She herself
We ourselves You yourselves
They themselves
2/ Modal verbs : động từ khiếm khuyết ( can,may,could,should,must,have to )
S + modal verb + V0
*Unit 4 :
1/ Prepositions of time :
In + tháng,năm, buổi,mùa.
(Ex : in May,in 1990…)
On + thứ ,ngày
(Ex : On Monday, on January 9…)
At + giờ
(Ex : at 6 o’clock..)
After/ Before+ giờ : sau/ trước
(Ex : after 5,before 9)
Between …and…: giữa ..và….

(Ex : between 8:30 and 9:15)
2/ Used to + V0 : đã thường diễn tả thói quen ở quá khứ, chấm dứt ở hiện tại.
*Form :
- Afiirmative : S + used to + Vo…
- Negative :
S + didn’t + use to + Vo…
- Interrogative : Did + S + use to + Vo…?

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

*Unit 5 :
1/ Adverbs of manner : Trạng từ chỉ thể cách (Softly,well,fast,badly,hard)
Adj + ly = Adv
Ex : He is a good soccer / / He plays soccer well
Ex : She is a quick English learner./ / She learns English quickly.
2/ In order to/ So as to + V : để (chỉ mục đích)
3/ Reported speech : Câu tường thuật
*Request : câu yêu cầu,đề nghị.
S + asked/ told + O +(not) to_Vo
*Advice : lời khuyên (should)
S + said + S + should + V0
*Unit 6 :
1/ Gerunds : (danh động từ) : V_ing
S + like,love,enjoy,hate,dislike, + V_ing
2/ Modal verbs (Động từ khiếm khuyết) : May,Can,Could…thường sử dụng trong câu yêu
cầu hoặc đề nghị
S + modal verbs + Vo
Asking for favors
Responding to favors

Can/ Could you help me,please?
Certainly/ of course/ sure
Could you do me a favor ?
No problem
I need a favor
What can I do for you
Can/ Could you…?
How can I help you /
I’m sorry.I’m really busy
Offering assistance
Responding to assistance
May I help you ?
Yes/ No.Thank you.
Do you need any help ?
Yes.That’s very kind of you
Let me help you.
No.Thank you.I’m fine.
*Unit 7 :
I/ The Present Perfect (HTHT):
- Affirmative :
S + have/ has +V3/ ed
- Negative :
S + have/ has + not + V3/ ed
- Interrogative : Have/ Has + S + V3/ ed……?
*since : kể từ (chỉ điểm thời gian)
*for : khoảng (thời gian)
- Thì HTHT diễn tả hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ nhưng vẫn còn kéo dài đến hiện tại.
* Các trạng từ của thì HTHT : since,for,yet,already,recently,just,ever,never.
I.Comparison of equality : So sánh bằng
(not) as….as (không) bằng, (not) the same as : (không) giống, different from : khác

as + adj/ adv + as (bằng / như)
Ex : I’m as tall as Nam (Tôi cao bằng Nam)

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

John works as hard as his father.(John làm việc chăm chỉ như cha của anh ấy)
not as/ so + adj/ adv + as(không bằng/ như)
Ex : This watch is not so/ as expensive as mine.(=my watch)
(Đồng hồ này không đắt như của tôi)
She does not sing as/ so well as her sister.(Cô ấy hát không hay bằng chị của cô ấy)
*Unit 8 :
I/ The Present progressive Tense : Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
1. Form :
- Affirmative : S + am/ is/ are + V-ing…
- Negative :
S + am/ is/ are + not + V-ing…
- Interrogative : Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing…?
2. Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra trong lúc nói (now,at the moment,at present,at this time…)
Ex : We are studying English now.
3. Note :Ta dùng thì HTTD với động từ “get” hoặc “become” để diễn đạt 1 sự thay đổi.
Ex : The weather is getting/ becoming colder.(Thời tiết ngày càng lạnh hơn).
S + am/ is/ are + getting/ becoming +
short adj _er
more + long adj
II/ Comparative (So sánh hơn)
*Short adj (tính từ ngắn ) là tính từ có 1 vần or 2 vần nhưng tận cùng là y (tall,long,fat

Ex : Lan is taller than Hoa.
Ex : The roads in the city is busier than the roads in the country.
*Short adj(tính từ ngắn) + ER + THAN
*Long adj(tính từ dài) : là tính từ có 2 vần trở lên (modern,beautiful…)
Ex : This house is more modern than that one.
*MORE + long adj + THAN
2/ Superlative (So sánh nhất)
Ex : Lan is the tallest students in her class
Ex : This is the most expensive dress in the shop.
*THE + short adj + EST
* THE + MOST + long adj
*Tính từ / trạng từ bất qui tắc :
Adj / Adv
good/ well(tốt)
the best
bad/ badly(xấu,dở)
the worst
farther/ further
the farthest/ the furthest
the least
many/ much(nhiều)
the most

*Tính từ/ trạng từ tận cùng là “e” Ex : large
*Tính từ tận cùng là “y”
Ex : easy

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

*Tính từ / trạng từ tận cùng là phụ âm đứng trước là một nguyên âm (hot/ hotter/ hottest)
* Choose the answer for each sentence :
1/ She enjoys…………….jokes(tell/ tells/ told/ telling)
2/ He prefers watching to…………soccer(play/ plays/ playing/ played)
3/ He fail the exam…………he was lazy.(if/ because/ why/ when)
4/ The Earth………..around the sun(go/ goes/ will go/ has gone)
5/ Put all dangerous objects out…………….the achildren’s reach.(of/ up/ off/ to)
6/ Alexander Graham Bell…………….on March 3(born/ was born/ is born/ has born)
7/ My friends usually enjoy my sense of…………..(jokes/ funny/ humorous/ humor)
8/ Lan……….her chores every day(makes/ does/ done/ works)
9/ The sun…………in the east(is rising/ will rise/ rises/ has risen)
10/ You look very………….today(happy/ happily/ happiness/ happiest)
11/ My sister……………French for 2 years.(studied/ studies/ had studied/ has studied)
12/ Hos’s room is…………..than Minh’s.(larger/ large/ largest/ more large)
13/ Your stamps are different…………….hers(to/ of/ from/ as)
14/ Your shirt is…………..expensive as mine.(so/ not/ as/ same)
15/ Can you help me…………this homework ?(doing/ do/ does/ did)
16/ It’s very kind…………you to pick me up(for/ off/ of/ to)

17/ She told me…………..thes cakes to her house.(take/ taking/ to take/ takes)
18/ I prefer the city……….the country(than/ to/ over/ as)
19/ My mother is too tired……………..tonight(cook/ cooking/ to cook/ cooks)
20/ Let me………….you(help/ to help/ helping/ helps)
21/ He learned how………..a computer(use/ using/ to use/ to using)
22/ The little boy is not………….to lift the suitcase(enough strong/ strong enough/ too
strong/ so strong)
23/ My father used to………….swimming in summer.(go/ goes/ went/ going)
24/ I often play soccer……………Sunday afternoon.(in/ at/ on/ for)
25/ Last night I watched the movie “romeo abd Juliet”.At last they killed……………..
(himself/ herself/ themvelves/ ourselves)
26/ We must be there………….7.30 and 8.15(at/ before/ between/ after)
27/ Vietnamese language is different…………English language.(as/ like/ from/ with)
28/ Jane is………..beautifuf than her sister(as/ like/ the most/ more)
29/ London is…………capital city in Europe.(large/ larger/ most large/ the largest)
30/ She told me………….you that present(give/ to give/ giving/ given)
31/ She wasn’t old enough…………..in my class(be/ being/ to be/ been)
32/ I uesd to………..in that company(work/ working/ worked/ works)
*Choose the best answer for each sentence :
1. He ………in Hue city for fifteen years.(lives/ lived/ is living/ has lived)

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

2. You should work harder ……… your English pronunciation.(to/ in/ on/ with)
4. She used to………… to school when she was young.(walk/ walking/ to walk/ walks)
5. My mother told me to study …………(hardly/ good/ bad/ hard)
6. What does she …… like ?(is/ see/ look/ do)
7. Would you like ……out for a drink with me ?(going/ go/ to go/ went)
8. Nam always makes everyone laugh. He is …………(helpful/ humorous/ sociable)

9. Our family ............... live in the countryside when I was a child.(used/ used to/ uses)
10.The tea isn’t strong ....................to keep us awake(enough/ so that/ in order)
11.He fell ................... and broke his leg.(upstairs/ ouside/ inside/ downstairs)
12.It was a lovely holiday and we really enjoyed ..............very much.(itself/ ourselves)
13.Nam got the best grades because he studied very ................(hardly/ hard/ good)
14.They have built this hospital ........................... over one year.(for/ since/ in)
15.My father is the same age .......................yours. (to/ with/ as)
16.He 's very .........He doesn’t want to go to any public places.(humorous/ reserved/
17. My dad always goes to work ................. having breakfast.(at/ until/ after/ between)
18.I don' t understand this problem. .................. you explain it to me ?(Could/ Are/ Do)
19.She ................a letter from her friend last week.(sent/ took/ gave/ received)
20.Would you............ to meet him ? - Yes, I’d love to.(like/ love/ mind)
II/ Write complete sentenses,using the words or phrases given :
1.-We/ going/ sell/ this house/ and/ move/ Ha Noi.
2/ My younger sister/ used/ cry/ when/ she/ be/ a baby.
3/ His brother/ not/ enough/ tall/ play basketball.
4/ My father/ not/ have/ enough/ money/ buy/ a new motorbike.
5/ Mary/ ask/ her mother/ pick/ her/ up/ after school.
6/ Jane/ have/ a cold/ 3 days.
7/ The weather/ get/ cold.
III/ Write complete sentenses,using the words or phrases given :
1.- Lan/ like/ learn/ English.


VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

2.- She/ study/ this foreign language/ nearly 3 years.
3.-She/ always/ want/ improve/ her English.
4/ Last week/ she/ buy/ English- Vietnamese dictionary.
5/ She/ often/ use/ it/ for/ reading.
I/ Supply the correct tense of the verbs in parentheses :
1) I(go)________to school every day.
2) She(listen)______to music every night.
3) My father sometimes(go)_______to work by bus.
4) You always (have)_____lunch at school.
5)Where is your mother ? She(be)______in the kitchen.
6)We(be)_________pupils now.
7)They often(walk)________to school.
8)He(be)_______a teacher.
9)My mother often(go)________to Cao Lanh City.
10) He sometimes(get)_________up late.
11)Lan always(have)________lunch at school.
12)I(teach)________here for 8 years.
13)Hoa(go)______to HaNoi last summer.
14)Nam just(go)______out..
15)I already(see)___________that film.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

II/ Give the correct verb forms :
1. My mother dislikes(go)____________to the market late.
2. Nam has to(cook)____________dinner himself.
3. You ought to(study)____________harder.
4. We enjoy(work)_____________in a team.
5. They are going to (visit)_________Hue.
6. She wasn’t old enough (be)___________in my class.
7. I can (take)________you across the street.
8. Ba loves(do)____________homework.
9. I hate (cook)_____________meals.
10.This bag is not big enough (carry)____________everything.
11.Do they enjoy(work)____________in team ?
14.I used to (live)___________on the farm.
III/ Fill in the blank with a correct reflexive pronoun :
1. You didn’t cut___________badly.
2. The boys__________do the homework this morning.
3. The students have to do the exercises_____________first.
4. My sister and I___________make this cake
5. Nam has to cook dinner__________
IV/ Put these sentenses into reported speech :
1. The teacher said to Tim “ Come into my office, please”
2. Mrs Jackson said to Tim “ Could you give me a hand, please”.
3. She said to her son “ Go straight upstairs and get into bed ”.

4. Mrs Jackson said to Tim “ you should study harder”.
5. Mrs Jackson said to Tim “ Please wait for me outside my office”.
V/ Do as directed below :
1.They plan to invite him for lunch tonight.(Use “be going to”).
2.The children liked to work in the rain.(Use “ enjoyed ” instead of ‘liked’)
3.He is very strong. He can lift this box.(Use ‘enough’)
4.She goes to work …….. 6:45 a.m …….. Monday ………… May.(Fill in the blank with a
suitable preposition).
5.Nam has to do the work____________.(Fill the correct reflexive pronoun)
6.The teacher said to me “Keep silent”.(Turn into reported speech)
7.I have lived here____________years.(Put ‘for’ or ‘since’)
8.Orange juice is(good)___________than coffee.(Give the correct adjective).
9.This dress is the (beautiful)_____________in that shop.(Give the correct adjective).

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

10.Miss Jackson told Tim(study)__________harder.(Give the correct verb form)
