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Skkn graphic organizers effective tools for teaching writing skill in the new “tieng anh 10” textbook

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Năm học: 2020-2021






Năm học: 2020-2021







1. Reason for choosing the study


2. Purpose of the study





1.Theoretical considerations
1.1. Definitions of writing


1.2. The importance of writing


1.3. Difficulty of teaching writing


1.4. Effective writing teaching requirements


1.5. Graphic organizers


1.6. Students’ attitudes towards writing


2. The reality of teaching and learning writing at
Nguyen Duy Trinh high schools


2.1. The teacher’s and students’ attitudes towards the
teaching and learning of writing


2.2. Students’ difficulties in learning writing


2.3. The new “Tieng Anh 10” textbook


3. Research methods


3.1. Participants and setting


3.2. Data source and research material


3.3. Data collection procedure


4. Research schedule


4.1. Intervention


5. Applications of the study in the Units
6. Results







1. Reason for choosing the study.
In the process of globalization, English plays an important role in enhancing

economy, politics, culture and international relations between many countries.
Therefore, there is a great demand for teaching and learning English in the world
as well as in Viet Nam. English users today focus more on the ability to
communicate in spoken and written languages. However, the education quality has
not met the society’s expectation because mostly high-school graduates cannot
communicate in English effectively in both oral and written forms. Under the
urgent demand of improving the quality, Vietnam’s English language teaching has
recently undergone a comprehensive reform. Vietnamese Ministry of Education
and Training has issued a new set of textbook for high school students in order to
develop students’communicative competence. The new textbook displays two new
teaching approaches. They are learner - centered and communicative approaches.
However, regarding Vietnam’s context, the change will create a lot of difficulties
to teachers of English who are too familiar to old teaching methods, especially in
teaching writing skill, which seems to be the most difficult work in teaching
At Nguyen Duy Trinh high school, teaching writing skills is really a big
challenge. One of the major reasons for students' low performance in writing;
however, is the traditional methods adopted to teach this skill. In fact teaching
writing in this part of theword does not go far beyond: "the teacher assigns a topic,
the students write and the teacher evaluates and (at his/her best) provides
feedback"(Marshi& Henatabad 2011.p.79). Such an approach to teaching writing,
in the researchers' point of view, is very unproductive and demotivating. It induces
the learners to develop negative attitudes towards writing. To make teaching
writing more fruitful and less boring, more modern innovative techniques such
asgraphic organizers are worth considering and being utilized in teaching English
writing. Another problem is the students’ low level of English proficiency. That is
why they find it difficult to write. Moreover, lack of motivation also faces the
students. They often get bored and indifferent in the writing lessons. In my
opinion, the current problem must be worked out and appropriate teaching
techniques should be made. Up to present, a few researches have been carried out

on the teaching of writing for students in Nghe An. As a teacher of English,
who is aware of the fact, I wish to contribute some suggestions for possible
improvements in the teaching and learning of writing skill by the means of
2. Purpose of the study


In response to the problem of students' insufficient writing ability, comes this
research as an attempt to determine whether using graphic organizers helps to
improve Nguyen Duy Trinh high school students' writing performance. This
research also intends to see how the use of such techniques impacts the students'
attitudes towards writing.
2.1. Hypotheses of the study
Through the use of graphic organizers to teach writing, it is hypothesized that:
2.1.1. Students' writing performance will improve significantly.
This hypothes is is based on the assumption that graphic organizers provide
scaffolding or support for new information, help to focus attention, organize
information, select relevant vocabulary and offer a reminder for previous
2.1.2. Students' attitudes towards writing will become more positive.
This hypothesis is based on the assumption that these organizers create an
enjoyable learning atmosphere that enhances meaningful learning. Hence they
serve to improve performance and prevent frustration and boredom.
2.2. Questions of the study
This research is intended to answer two questions that are directly related to
the above hypotheses.
1. What is the effect of using graphic organizers on students' writing performance?

2. How does the use of graphic organizers impact the students' attitudes towards
2.3. Significance of the study
This research is significant as it attempts to investigate the impact graphic
organizers may have on the writing ability and attitudes towards writing English
of the 10 grade students at Nguyen Duy Trinh high schools towards this
significant skill. This study is also significant because its results would
demonstrate the viability of using such an occidental innovative technique; the
graphic organizers to improve the writing proficiency of a group of the 10 grade
students as well as their attitudes towards this important skill. If this technique
proves to be useful, then it goes without saying that it will be adopted to teach
this vital skill to attain better writing performance. Better writing performance
secures the academic future of the students and facilitates their educational



1. Theoretical considerations
1.1. Definitions ofwriting
There are a lot of definitions of writing. According to Byrne (1991), writing
can be defined as the act of forming graphic symbols. When we write, we use
graphic symbols (alphabet, grammar, and structures) to make visual meaningful
utterances. Therefore, on one level, writing can be said to be the act of making
marks on flat surface of some kinds. However, writing is not just simply putting

words, sentences together. Many researchers tended to focus on the nature of
writing as an entity of linguistic creation. Writing is also considered as a
communicative process with purposeful interaction between the participants.
However, writing, in language teachers’ opinions, is a language skill which is
difficult to acquire. In short, the definitions of writing are various. However,
writing is characterized with some basic features, i.e. being linguistics, creative,
progressive and interactive. Besides, the word “writing” itself may imply an act, a
process, or a skill, which needs practice and study to develop. It requires both
physical and mental powers from the writers.
1.2. The importance of writing
Writing is a means to acquire and attain language, confirming that it is an
important mode of communication through which life experience and personal
views can be shared. Writing is also described as skill that draws on the use of
strategies to accomplish a variety of goals. Writing is a means of extending and
reinforcing knowledge. Writing acts as an effective tool for acquiring new
1.3. Difficulty of teaching writing
Albeit the importance of writing, many scholars and researchers admit that
teaching this skill is a complex and cumbersome process. Teaching writing is just
as complicated as writing itself, teaching writing is demanding and cumbersome.
As a teacher of writing for a long time, I acknowledge the difficulty and
complexity of teaching English writing. However, it should also be acknowledged
that the traditional methods which are widely adopted to teach this skill in this part
of the world is one of the major causes for the poor level of the students' writing
1.4. Effective writing teaching requirements
Effective writing teaching requires the use of assistive devices to support and
maintain the learning of this skill. It is not enough for the teachers of writing to be
highly qualified, but that their practices of instruction follow scientific based
research. There are some major principles of effective writing instruction. These

involve providing support for recognition through presentation, support for
strategic learning through expression and support for affective learning through


engagement. Use of mind mapsand graphics, says Strangman, provides the teacher
with tools and strategies that help him/her to adhere to the above principles of
effective writing teaching. Currently, visual organizers are widely incorporated in
teaching writing. These tools are claimed to provide learners with a concrete
structural framework of information and help to focus the learners' attention on key
ideas and the conceptual relations between these ideas rather than the apparently
isolated facts (Delrose, 2011). In fact, the use of graphic organizers enhances
understanding, organizing and meaningful learning, and in this way facilitates the
complex task of learning writing while serving to prevent boredom.
1.5. Graphic organizers
Graphic organizers are defined as visual displays of key content information
designed to guide learners and to enhance their comprehension. They are
sometimes referred to as concept maps, cognitive maps, or content maps, but they
are all used to serve one purpose. They are meant to help students clearly see how
ideas are organized within a text or surrounding a concept. Through the use of
organizers, learners acquire the structure of abstract concepts. A graphic organizer
is a visual graphic display that shows the relation between facts, terms or ideas
within a learning task (Hall & Strangman,2002). The visual representation of
graphic organizers provides learners with a structural framework of information to
be learned. This helps to direct the learners' attention to key concepts and
conceptual relationships. The use of such organizers, thus promotes understanding,
and enhances organization and long term retention of information. It stresses
meaningful learning which serves to facilitate learning and minimize boredom.

1.6. Students' attitudes towards writing
The ability to write clearly, consciously and efficiently is important to
achieve academic success. However, many students have limited writing abilities
and struggle to write compositions that adequately convey their thoughts and ideas.
Indeed, the writing process can be very cumbersome and difficult to master.
Actually many students are classified as low achievers in this skill. This situation is
quite frustrating and leads many students to develop negative attitudes towards this
essential skill. Educators can play a major role in helping students overcome this
problem. It is important for teachers to provide students with interesting, authentic
and meaningful writing experiences (Chohan,2011). When these types of
experiences are provided for the students, they become more engaged and
interested in their learning. According to Chohan (2011), writing is better learned
when students are engaged, helped to organize their thoughts, and allowed to
express their own experiences. Lancaster (2013) reports that when students have
the chance to participate in writing workshops and use a variety of graphic
organizers, writing becomes meaningful, creative and more enjoyable.
Furthermore, when learners are offered the opportunity to practice writing under
stress - free conditions, they become more comfortable and confident in the writing


process. Teaching writing via the use of graphic organizers is meaningful and
interesting because it effectively shows students' growth with respect to their
writing abilities. Lancaster (2013) confirms that the use of graphic organizers in
teaching is one way to create a learning atmosphere where students love writing.
Teachers can prevent writing failure and students' frustration when successful,
meaningful ways of teaching are used.
2. The reality of teaching and learning writing at Nguyen Duy Trinh high

2.1. The teacher’s and students’ attitudes towards the teaching and learning of writing
Writing is not highly appreciated by the students and even the teachers do
not take the importance of writing seriously. This is because of the main purpose
of teaching and learning English at Nguyen Duy Trinh high school. The results of
the final exam and university entrance exam are considered the most importance of
teaching and learning English at school so both the teachers and students there
focus mostly on grammar and reading skill rather than on other skills such as
speaking, listening and writing. This certainly affects the students’ writing
competence and prevents the improvement of their writing ability. Consequently,
most of the teachers and the students think the students’ writing competence is bad.
2.2. Students’ difficulties in learning writing
The 10th form students at Nguyen Duy Trinhhigh school are sixteen years old.
Although they have been learning English for four years at lower - secondary schools,
their English knowledge is still limited. Besides, they have no clear determination on
English learning goal. Students have to face many difficulties that are from two
causes: from the students themselves, and from the teachers’lectures.
In terms of the first cause, the majority of the students have trouble with
writing because of their low level of English proficiency. Their vocabulary and
sentence structures are poor. Grammar mistakes and spelling are also a common
fear for many of them. Besides, their low background knowledge also makesthem
feel stressed when writing. Many of the students said they found it hard to generate
ideas and make an outline because of their low background knowledge.Their low
motivation is also a problem. These students consider the result of the exams as the
most importance of their learning. Therefore, they care much about grammar,
structures and reading skill. This, obviously, decreases their interest in writing.
Moreover, they consider time limitation as a trouble. Many of them said they
sometimes did not have enough time to complete writing tasks at class. The main
reason for this is because of their low level of English proficiency and low

In terms of the second cause, the students do not highly access their
teachers’ assistance. They find their teachers’ feedbacks are not comprehensive
and their teachers’ instructions are not adequate.


2.3. The new “TiengAnh 10”textbook.
The new “TiengAnh 10” is the first of three - level English language set of
textbooks for the Vietnamese upper secondary school. It follows the systematic,
cyclical and theme - based curriculum approved by the Minister of Education and
Training on 23 November 2012. The aim of this set of textbooks is to develop
students’ communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing so
that when finishing upper secondary school, students will achieve level three of the
Vietnamese Foreign Language Competence Framework (equivalent to B1 in the
Common EuropeanFramework of Reference for Languages).
2.3.1. Grade 10 writing objectives
The aim of the course is to equip students with English writing skill for basic
communication. For grade 10 students, the objective is to develop students’
abilities to provide 150 - 180 word paragraphs or short essay on familiar topics.
2.3.2. Writing lessons
The writing subsection prepares students to cope with the two biggest
problems they usually experience, which are lack of ideas and lack of necessary
language to express ideas. It often begins with a pre - writing activity that
presents the topic and gives students an opportunity to brainstorm ideas related to
the given topic. In the following activity, useful phrases are presented and
practiced so that students can use them later. Sometimes, a model text is presented
with one or two tasks for students to study its structure and format before

producing their own text. This approach to writing gives students some guidance
so that they feel more confident and are better prepared for the writing task. In
order to realize the course objective, the writing section focuses on daily and
popular topics. The required competences and objectives of the writing lesson in
each unit are detailed in the following table:

Required tasks

1. Family Life

Writing about doing household chores

2. Your body and you

Writing about what to eat and not to eat

3. Music

Writing a biography

4.For a better Community Writing an application letter for volunteer work
5. Inventions

Writing about the benefits of an invention

6. Gender Equality

Writing about the disadvantages of working mothers

7. Cultural Diversity

Writing about some typical characteristics
of Vietnamese people


8. New ways to learn

Writing about the advantages of electronic devices
as learning tools

9. Preserving

Writing about environmental problem and give

the Environment

some practical advice on how to preserve
the environment

10. Ecotourism

Writing a travel brochure promoting an ecotour

Table 1: Checklist of writing tasks in TiengAnh 10 textbook
3. Research methods
3.1. Participant and setting

The participants of this study are the students from class 10D1 with 44
students. They are chosen to be the first students to study the new textbook
designed for those who have been studying English for 10 years from grade 3 to
grade 12. To study this textbook, students have to achieve level two of the
Vietnamese Foreign Language Competence Framework (equivalent to A2 in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). However, the
number of the students that can meet the requirement is very small, about 15 in the
total of 44 students. Consequently, I faced a lot of challenges when teaching
students the new textbook, especially writing skill.
3.2. Data sources and research material
Both quantitative and qualitative methods are employed to carry out the study.
The study used three major instruments for data collection: a writing rubric (see
App. A), an attitudinal survey (see App. B) and tests (see App.C). The writing
rubric based on The Georgia Department of Education Scale was selected and
modified by the researcher to assess the various traits of students' writing. The
second instrument used in this study was the attitude survey. This survey was
intended to measure the students' attitudes and feelings towards writing and their
perceptions of the writing task. Informal interviews with the colleagues and the
students are also conducted. Besides, reviewing the related documents is also a
method to establish the theoretical background for the study.
3.3. Data collection procedure:
The data collection procedure is indicated in the following chart:



44 grade 10

The attitude survey

Writing pre-test

The teaching of writing skills (3 lessons-Unit 3, 4, 5)

1st writing post - test

The teaching of writing skills (2 lessons - Unit 6, 7)

2ndwrtiting post - test

Compare the results of the pre-test and the two post tests

The attitude survey

Data analysis



4. Research schedule:
4.1. Intervention
4.1.1. Pre –intervention
This began after I had finished teaching Unit 1 and 2 in the new textbook.
This stage lasted for one week during which I met twice with students. In the first
lesson, the students were given some explanation of the intended experiment and

its expected benefits for them. The concept of graphic organizers was briefly
introduced and the students were informed that they were going to learn more
about these techniques and their use to enhance writing ability.
In the same lesson, the students were given the writing attitude survey. This
was a close-ended survey intended to collect some information about the students’
perceptions and feelings towards writing before the graphic organizers'
intervention. This survey would be given to the students once more at the end of
the study to see if there were any changes in students' attitudes towards writing
which could be attributed to the graphic organizers' intervention.
In the second lesson of this phase, the participants were informed that they
were going to do their first writing assignment. Evaluation was carried out by
using the writing rubrics designed for this study.
4.1.2. Intervention
I applied graphic organizers in teaching writing skill for 10D1 in Unit 3, 4,
5, 6, and 7. In the first semester, the students had 2 periodical tests, the teacher
used these tests as a way to check the development of the students’ ability on
writing skill. After each writing lesson, the teacher took notice of any development
of students by collecting students’ writing and that was also used for the
comparison in collecting dates.
4.1.3. Post – intervention
There were two post - writing tests, the first one was conducted at the end
of the first term and the second was in the middle of the second term. The scores of
the students were averaged and recorded to be compared to their scores before the
intervention or before they received their graphic organizer's training. Results of
this comparison would help to answer the major question of this study and to reject
or verify its main hypothesis. In the second lesson of this last week of the study,
the students were administered the writing attitudes survey. It was the same survey
which was given to them during the baseline period. The students’responses to this
questionnaire were used to check if the use ofgraphic organizers had changed their
attitudes towards writing.



5. Applications of the study in the Units.
Unit 3:

Writing a biography

3. Write a biography, using the Fact Files. (The new “Tieng Anh 10” textbook –
page 32, Volum 1)
a. Fact Files not using graphic organizers
Frộdộric Franỗois Chopin (1810 - 1849)
+ Early years: born in 1810 in Warsaw, a renowned child prodigy, grew up,
completed his music education and composed many works in Warsaw before
leaving Poland in 1830 at the age of 20; settled in Paris after the November 1830
uprising, suffered from poor health since childhood.
+ Typical works: 59 mazurkas, 27 études, 27 préludes, 21 nocturnes, 20 waltzes,
18 polonaises, 4 ballades, 3 piano sonatas.
+ Important achievements: invented the instrumental ballade and made major
innovationsto the piano sonata, waltz, and prélude.
+ Conclusion: one of the greatest Romantic piano composers, his piano works are
often technically demanding, died in Paris in 1849 at the age of 39.
b. Fact Files using graphic organizers



Early years:
-born in...
-settled in....

Franỗois Chopin

Typical works:
- 59 mazurkas
- 27 ộtudes,
- 27 préludes ...

- the greatest
-died in .....

-made major ...

c. Sample biography:
Frederic Francois Chopin was a famous Polish composer and pianist. Born in 1810
in Warsaw, he was a renowned child prodigy who published his first composition.
At the age of 7. He grew up and completed his music education and composed

many works in Warsaw before leaving Poland in 1830 at the age of 20. He settled
in Paris after the November 1830 uprising. Chopin suffered from poor health since
childhood. Most of Chopin’s music was written for piano. During his short life,
Chopin composed 59 mazurkas, 27 études, 27 préludes, 21 nocturnes, 20 waltzes,
18 polonaises, 4 ballades, 3 piano sonatas. Chopin also earned some important
achievements. Heinvented the instrumental ballade and made major innovations to
the piano sonata, waltz, and prélude. Chopin is remembered as one of the greatest
Romantic piano composers. His piano works are often technically demanding. He
died in Paris in 1849 at the age of 39.



Unit 4:

Writing an application letter for volunteer work

5. You would like to volunteer at the Heart to Heart Charity Office. Write a formal
letter of 140 - 160 words applying for the job. (The new “Tieng Anh 10” textbook
– page 44, Volum 1)
a. Outline not using graphic organizers
Sender’s address
Date of writing
Employer’s title
Office Address
Dear ........,
+ Stating the reason for writing the letter and mentioning the job you are applying

for and where you saw the advert.
+Telling why you are right for the job, mentioning your personal experiences and
+ Listing your personal qualities and offering to send references
+ Saying you are available for an interview and when you could start work
+ Thank - you note and formal closing
Useful language
I am writing to apply for the job as \ the position of…
I am writing to express my interest in the volunteer work placement…
I am writing regarding the advertisement for the job as…which appeared in…on…
As you will see from my enclosed CV, I am…
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the
above address. I am available for an interview at any time.
Thank you for considering my application.



b. Outline using graphic organizers

Sender’s address
Date of writing
Employer’s title
Office Address
Dear ........,

Paragraph 1: Mentioning the job you are
applying for and where you found the job.
Paragraph 2: Telling why you are right for the
job, mentioning your experiences and

Paragraph 3: Listing your personal qualities
and offering to send references.

Paragraph 4: Saying you are available for an
interview and when you could start work.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully


Sender’s address
Date of writing
Heart to Heart Charity Office
15 Ha Thanh Street Ha Noi
Dear Sir \ Madam,

Paragraph 1: - volunteer
- in the Youth Newspaper.

Paragraph 2: - having experience of doing

office work at a school for deaf children….

Paragraph 3:- be reliable,honest,hard-working...
- can send references from the ...

Paragraph 4: - being available for an interview
- start working from next week.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully


c. Sample letter:
99 Lam Ha Street
Ba Dinh, Ha Noi
22 November, 20…
Heart to Heart Charity Office
15 Ha Thanh Street, Ha Noi
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my interest in the volunteer work placement in your office
which I saw advertised in the Youth Newspaper on November 15th.
I am fifteen years old and I am a high school student in Ha Noi. As you will see
from my CV, I have always wanted to do volunteer work. Last summer holiday I
had a chance working in the office at a school for deaf children. My job involved
showing donors and visitors around the school and keeping record of their
donations. The staff there commented positively on the quality of my work.

I am reliable, honest, hard - working and responsible. I can send you two
references from the headmaster of the school and the head of the school office
where I used to work.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the
above address. I am available for an interview at any time. If my application is
successful, I can start working from next week in the afternoon.
Thank you for considering my application.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Nguyen Trung Hieu



Unit 5:

Writing about the benefits of an invention

4. Choose one invention and write a paragraph about its benefits. (The new “Tieng
Anh 10” textbook– page 54, Volum 1)
a. Outline not using graphic organizers
+ Topic sentence: More and more people are using smartphones because of their
+ Supporting ideas and explanations:
Supporting idea 1 and further explanations:
For communication -> make phone calls, send and receive messages
Supporting idea 2 and further explanations:

For entertainment -> listen to music, play games, read books
Supporting idea 3 and further explanations:
For information -> surf the Web, use maps to look for places
+ Concluding sentence: In conclusion, a smartphone is one of the most important
devices of modern life.
b. Outline using graphic organizers
Topic sentence

Supporting idea
1\Benefit 1

Supporting idea
2 \ Benefit 2:

Supporting idea
3\Benefit 3:

Benefit 1:






Benefits of a smartphone



Make phone
Send and
receive message

Listen to music
Play games
Read books

For information

Surf the Webs
Use maps to

c. Sample paragraph
Smartphones have become increasingly important in modern life. More and more
people are using smartphones because of their benefits. The first benefit of
smartphones is they are useful for communication. People can use them to make

phone calls, send and receive messages. With them, people can get in touch with
their family and friends even though they are far away. Another benefit of
smartphones is that they can help people entertain themselves. When they have
free time, they can listen to music or play games on their smartphones. They can
also read a lot of interesting books. An additional benefit of smartphones is that
they give people useful information. With a smartphone connected to the internet,
people can surf the Web to get access to quite a few newspapers to get themselves
updated with the latest news. Moreover, with a smartphone, people are not afraid
of getting lost because the map on their smartphone can help them look for places.
In conclusion, a smartphone is one of the most important devices of modern life.


