Peter Lang · Europäischer Verlag der WissenschaftenPeter Lang · Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften
Language Testing and Evaluation
Edited by Rüdiger Grotjahn and Günther Sigott
Volume 1 · Günther Sigott
Towards Identifying the C-Test Construct
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2004.
224 pp., num. tables
ISBN 3-631-52062-X / US-ISBN 0-8204-6558-5 · pb. € 39.–
What do C-Tests really measure? This book describes the history and the theoretical
background of C-Tests and gives a survey of research into C-Test validity, which leads to
the central question: How much context do test takers need to process when they take
a C-Test? The author answers this question on the basis of extensive material and data
from over 800 subjects. It turns out that the C-Test construct is fluid: Test takers have to take extended context
into account, but not everybody to the same extent. The book discusses the implications of the fluid construct
phenomenon for language testing practice and research.
Volume 2 · Carsten Röver
Testing ESL Pragmatics
Development and Validation of a Web-Based Assessment Battery
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2005.
XIII, 156 pp., 43 tables, 8 graphs
ISBN 3-631-52836-1 / US-ISBN 0-8204-7343-X · pb. € 39.–
Although second language learners’ pragmatic competence (their ability to use language
in context) is an essential part of their general communicative competence, it has not
been a part of second language tests. This book helps fill this gap by describing the
development and validation of a web-based test of ESL pragma-linguistics. The instrument assesses learners’
knowledge of routine formulae, speech acts, and implicature in 36 multiple-choice and brief-response items.
The test’s quantitative and qualitative validation with 300 learners showed high reliability and provided
strong evidence of the instrument’s construct validity. Its web-based format makes it easy to administer and
score. The book ends with a discussion of future research directions in assessing second language pragmatics.
Volume 3 · Tom Lumley
Assessing Second Language Writing
The Rater’s Perspective
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2005.
368 pp., num. tab. and graf.
ISBN 3-631-53327-6 / US-ISBN 0-8204-7655-2 · pb. € 56.50
This study investigates the process of rating texts written by adult ESL learners. Four
experienced raters provided think-aloud protocols describing the rating process for
a set of 24 texts. The think-aloud data allowed analysis of the sequence of rating,
raters’ interpretations of the scoring categories, and difficulties raters faced. The study
reveals the complexity of the rating process, whereby raters struggle to resolve a tension between the
wordings (or rules) of the rating scale and their complex, initial, intuitive impression of the text. Rating
requires training to provide reliable measurement. The study also demonstrates that caution is needed in
interpreting results from think-aloud data, despite their methodological value in this kind of study.
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Volume 4 · Annie Brown
Interviewer Variability in Oral Proficiency Interviews
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2005.
X, 289 pp., num tab. and graf.
ISBN 3-631-54224-0 / US-ISBN 0-8204-7759-1 · pb. € 51.50
This book was the winner of the 2005 Jacqueline A. Ross Dissertation Award for
second or foreign language testing.
The assessment of speaking skills is an important part of the language learning process,
whether carried out by teachers in the classroom or through proficiency tests
administered by testing agencies. However, the complex and subjective nature of speaking assessment
raises a number of important questions about the validity, reliability and fairness of test procedures. This
book, which is based on research into the speaking test of the International English Language Testing
System (IELTS), shows how the performance of learners in oral proficiency interviews cannot be taken
unequivocally as an indication of their ability, as variation in interviewer behaviour can have an impact both
on learner performance and on ratings outcomes.
Volume 5 · Jianda Liu
Measuring Interlanguage Pragmatic Knowledge
of EFL Learners
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2006.
XIV, 352 pp., 21 fig., 49 tab.
ISBN 3-631-54595-9 / US-ISBN 0-8204-9811-4 · pb. € 45.50
Pragmatic competence is an integral and indispensable component of overall language
competence. Omitting the pragmatic dimension from language assessment is, therefore,
quite unfortunate. This book describes the development and validation of three test
methods designed to test the interlanguage pragmatic knowledge of EFL learners. Altogether 413 subjects
participated in the development of the tests. Results showed that all three methods investigated had
measured learners’ interlanguage pragmatic knowledge. Quantitative analyses showed that the tests tapped
the intended construct and the test methods measured a similar construct. Analyses of verbal reports
yielded results which supported the quantitative analyses and revealed that the construct-relevant knowledge
was involved in the test takers’ cognitive activities. This book ends with some pedagogical implications of
this study and directions for further research.
Currently in preparation
Volume 6 · Rüdiger Grotjahn (Hrsg.)
Der C-Test
The C-Test
Theorie, Empirie, Anwendungen
Theory, Empirical Research, Applications
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2006.
Approx. 280 pp.
ISBN 3-631-55304-8 · pb. approx. € 49.80
Language Testing and Evaluation
Edited by Rüdiger Grotjahn and Günther Sigott
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Books are distributed by Peter Lang AG, Berne/Switzerland. 02/06
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