Amphibian peptides that inhibit neuronal nitric oxide synthase
The isolation of lesueurin from the skin secretion of the Australian Stony
Creek Frog
Litoria lesueuri
Jason Doyle
, Lyndon E. Llewellyn
, Craig S. Brinkworth
, John H. Bowie
, Kate L. Wegener
, Tomas Rozek
Paul A. Wabnitz
, John C. Wallace
and Michael J. Tyler
Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville MC, Queensland, Australia;
Departments of Chemistry,
Molecular Biosciences
Environmental Biology, The University of Adelaide, South Australia
Two neuropeptides have been isolated and identi®ed from
the secretions of the skin glands of the Stony Creek Frog
Litoria l esueuri. The ®rst of these, the known neuropeptide
caerulein 1.1, is a common constituent of anuran skin
secretions, a nd has t he sequence p EQY(SO
. This n europeptide i s s mooth m uscle active, an anal-
gaesic more potent t han morphine and is also thought t o be
a hormone. The second neuropeptide, a new peptide, has
been named lesueurin and has the primary structure
. Lesueurin shows no signi®-
cant antibiotic or anticancer activity, but inhibits the for-
mation of the ubiquitious chemical messenger nitric oxide
from neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) at IC
(16.2 l
), and is the ®rst amphibian peptide reported to
show inhibition of nNOS. As a consequence of this activity,
we have tested other peptides previously isolated from
Australian amphibians for nNOS inhibition. There are three
groups of peptides that inhibit nNOS (IC
at l
trations): these are (a) the citropin/aurein type peptides
(of which lesueurin is a member), e.g. citropin 1.1
); (b) the frenatin
type peptides, e.g. frenatin 3 (GLMSVLGHAVGNVLG
GLFKPK-OH) (6.8 l
); and (c) the caerin 1 peptides, e.g.
(1.7 l
). From Lineweaver±Burk plots, t he mechanism of
inhibition is revealed as noncompetitive with respect to the
nNOS substrate arginine. When the nNOS i nhibition tests
with the t hree p eptides outlined above w ere c arried out in the
presence of increasing concentrations of Ca
the inhibition dropped by 50% in each case. In addition,
these peptides also inhibit the activity of calcineurin, another
enzyme that requires the presence of the regulatory protein
calmodulin. It i s p roposed that the amphibian peptides
inhibit nNOS by interacting with Ca
calmodulin, and as a
consequence, blocks the attachment of this protein to the
calmodulin domain of nNOS.
Keywords: amphibians; Litoria lesueuri; neuropeptides;
nNOS inhibition; Ca
calmodulin interaction.
Amphibians have rich chemica l arsenals that form an
integral part of their defence system, and also assist with the
regulation of dermal physiological action. In res ponse to a
variety of stimuli, host defence compounds are secreted
from specialized glands onto the dorsal s urface and into the
gut of t he amphibian [1±4]. A number of different types o f
bio-active peptides have been identi®ed from t he glandular
skin secretions of Australian anurans o f the Litoria genus,
including (a) n europeptides of the caerulein family [5±8],
and (b) wide-spectrum antibiotics, e.g. the caerin peptides
from green tree frogs of the genus Litoria [6±8], the citropins
from the tree frog Litoria citropa [9,10], and the aureins from
the bell frogs Litoria aurea and Litoria raniformis [11].
Amongst the most a ctive of t hese are n europeptide caeru-
lein 1.1, and the antibiotics caerin 1 .1, citropin 1.1 and
aurein 1.2: caerulein 1.1 pEQGY(SO
Aurein 1.2 contains only 13 a mino-acid residues, and is
the smallest peptide from an anuran reported to have
signi®cant antibiotic activity. The aurein peptides have also
been shown to exhibit anticancer activity in tests carried ou t
by the N ational Cancer Institute ( NCI, Washington DC,
USA) [12].
The s olution s tructures o f t he antibiotic (and anticancer
active as appropriate) peptides shown above have been
investigated by NMR spectroscopy. In tri¯uoroethanol/
water mixtures, caerin 1.1 adopts two well-de®ned helices
(Leu2 to Lys11 and from Val17 to His24) separated by a
hinge region of less-de®ned helicity and greater ¯exibility,
with hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues occupying well-
de®ned zones [ 13]. The central hinge region is n ecessary for
optimal antibiotic activity [13]. Similar NMR studies of
Correspondence to J. H. Bowie, Department of Chemistry,
The University of Adelaide, South Australia, 5005.
Fax: + 61 08 83034358, Tel.: + 61 08 83035767,
Abbreviations: FAD, ¯ avin adenine dinucleotide, oxidized form;
FMN, ¯avin mononucleotide; IC
, concentration (of peptide) which
causes 50% inhibition; MS/MS, mass spectroscopy/mass spectro-
scopy; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine nucleotide phosphate, reduced
form; NCI, National Cancer Institute (Washington); nNOS, n euronal
nitric oxide synthase.
(Received 18 June 2001, revised 8 October 2001, accepted 23 October
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 100±109 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002
citropin 1.1 [9] and aurein 1.2 [11] show that these peptides
adopt conventional amphipathic a helical structures, a
feature commonly found in membrane-active agents
[1±4,8]. Interaction occurs at the m embrane s urface with
the c harged, a nd normally basic peptide adopting an
a helical conformation and a ttaching itself to charged, and
normally anionic sites on the lipid bilayer. This ultimately
causes disruption of norm al membrane function leading to
lysis of t he bacterial or c ancer cell [14±16].
Many Australian anurans that we have studied conform
to the model outlined above in t hat t hey have a v ariety of
host d efence peptides in skin glan ds including a neuropep-
tide that acts on smooth muscle, and at least one powerful
wide-spectrum antibiotic peptide such as those d escribed
above [8]. However there are some species of anuran that
divert markedly from this scenario. For example, the Red
Tree Frog Litoria rubella [17±19], and the related species
Litoria electrica [20] excrete neither antimicrobial peptides
nor neuropeptides such as caerulein. Instead, they release
large quantities o f small peptides, called tryptophyllins [21],
onto t heir skin, wh ich are thought to be neurotransmitters
or neuromodulators [22], at least partly because they s how
structural similarity to the human brain endomorphins (e.g.
) [23]. The sequences of two tryptophyllins are
as follows: tryptophyllin L1, FPWL-NH
; tryptophyllin
Even more unusual are the marsh frogs o f the Limno-
dynastes genus. These produce only minute amounts of
anionic skin peptides, none of which are post-translationally
modi®ed, or s how neur opeptide or antimicrobial activity
[24,25]. A particular example, dynastin 1 (from Limnodyn-
astes interioris) [ 24] has t he sequence GLLSGLGL-OH.
In this paper, we describe the isolation, sequence deter-
mination, and activities of t wo bioactive p eptides f rom the
skin glands of the stony creek frog Litoria l esueuri. We have
not studied a member of the L. lesueuri complex of frogs
previously, and we have now found that it does not produce
antimicrobial peptides, unlike the majority of the other
members of the genus Litoria. Instead, it produces a
neuropeptide t hat i nhibits the formation of nitric oxide by
neuronal n itric oxide synthase (nNOS). We next examined
other p eptides isolated earlier from a nurans of t he genus
Litoria. This has led to the discovery of three types of
amphibian peptides that inhibit nNOS.
Preparation of skin secretions
L. lesueuri was h eld by the back legs, the skin moistened
with deionized water, and the granular dorsal glands
situated on the back were stimulated by means of a
bipolar electrode of 21G p latinum attached to a Palmer
Student Model electrical stimulator. The electrode was
rubbed gently i n a circular manner on the particular gland
(under study) of the animal, using 10 V and a pulse
duration of 3 ms [26]. The resulting secretion was washed
from the f rog with d eionized water (50 mL), t he mixture
diluted with an equal volume of methanol, centrifuged,
®ltered through a Millex HV ®lter unit (0.45 lm), and
lyophilized. This w ork conforms with the Code of Practice
for t he Care and Use of Animals for Scienti®c Purposes
(1990) and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
(1985), a nd was approved by the University of Adelaide
Animal Ethics Committee.
HPLC separation of peptide material
HPLC separation of the s kin secretion was achieved using a
VYDAC C18 HPLC column (5lm, 300 A
,4.6´ 250 mm)
(Separations Group, Hesperia, CA, USA) equilibrated with
10% acetonitrile/aqueous 0.1% tri¯uoroacetic acid. The
lyophilized mixture (0.5 mg) was dissolved in deionized
water (20 lL) and i njected into the c olumn. The e lution
pro®le was generated using a linear gradient produced by an
ICI DP 800 Data Station controlling two LC1100 HPLC
pumps, increasing from 10 to 75% acetonitrile over a period
of 60 min at a ¯ow rate of 1 mLámin
. T he eluant was
monitored by ultraviolet absorbance at 214 nm using an ICI
LC-1200 variable wavelength detector (ICI Australia,
Melbourne, Australia). The r esultant HPLC trace shows
two major peaks (Fig. 1). The two fractions were collected,
concentrated and d ried in vacuo. T he ®rst major fraction
(Fig. 1B) (50 lg) contained the known neuropeptide caeru-
lein 1.1, identi®ed b y HPLC a nd mass spectrometry [27].
The second major f raction (Fig. 1C) contained 10 lgofa
new peptide, called l esueurin.
Sequence determination of lesueurin
Electrospray mass spectrometry. Electrospray mass spec-
tra were determined u sing a F innigan LCQ ion t rap mass
spectrometer. Puri®ed fractions from the HPLC s eparation
were dissolved in m ethanol/water (1 : 1 , v/v) a nd infused
into the electrospray source at 8 lLámin
. Electro spray
conditions were as follows: n eedle potential 4.5 kV, tube
lens 60 V, heated capillary 200 °C and 30 V, sheath gas ¯ow
30 p.s.i. Mass spectra were acquired with the automatic gain
control on, a maximum time of 400 ms, and averaging over
three microscans. Mass spectrometric sequencing was
carried by the MS/MS method using B and Y + 2
fragmentations [28].
Amino-acid sequencing. Automated Edman sequencing of
lesueurin was performed by a standard procedure a s
described p reviously [29] using an applied Biosystem 492
Fig. 1. H PLC separation of the glandular secretion of Litoria lesueuri.
B, caerulein 1.1; C, lesueurin. A, n onpep tide material.
Ó FEBS 2002 Amphibian peptides that inhibit nNOS (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 101
procise sequencer equipped with a 900-A data analysis
module. The best results were ob tained using a disc o f
immobilon ®lm treated with bioprene in ethanol, onto
which t he peptide was absorbed fr om aqueous acetonitrile
(90%). The disc was pierced several times with a razor blade
to aid t he ¯ow of s olvent.
Preparation of synthetic lesueurin
Lesueurin w as synthesized ( by Mimotopes, Clayton, Vic-
toria, Australia) using
-amino acids via the standard
N-a-Fmoc method (full d etails including protecting g roups
and deprotection have b een reported rece ntly [30]). Syn -
thetic lesueurin w as shown to be i dentical to the n atural
lesueurin by e lectrospray mass spectrometry, and HPLC.
Bioactivity assays
Antimicrobial testing. Synthetic lesueurin was t ested for
antibiotic activity by the M icrobiology D epartment o f the
Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science (Adelaide,
Australia) by a standard method [31]. T he method used
involved the measurement of inhibition zones ( produced by
the a pplied peptide) o n a thin agarose plate containing the
microorganisms under study. T he microorganisms u sed in
this procedure were Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Leuco-
nostoc lactis, Listeria innocua, Micrococcus luteus, Pasteu -
rella multocida , Staphylococcus aureus, Stap hylococcus
epidermidis and St reptococcus uberis. Lesueurin s howed no
activity at MIC values below 100 lgámL
against any of
these organisms.
Anticancer activity testing. Synthetic lesueurin showed no
activity below 10
in the Ô60-human tumour line testing
programÕ of the US NCI (Washington) [12].
Neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibition. Inhibition of
nNOS was measured by monitoring the conversion of
H]arginine to [
H]citrulline. In brief, this involved incuba-
tion of a homogenate o f r at cerebella (which had endogenous
arginine removed b y ion exchange chromatography) i n a
reaction buffer (33 m
Hepes, 0.65 m
EDTA, 0.8 m
,3.5 lgámL
calmodulin, 670 l
b-NA DPH, 670 l
dithiothreitol, pH 7.4) containing 20 n
H]arginine (NEN
Life Sciences, Boston, MA, USA). The n NOS inhibitor,
-arginine (1 m
) was used to measure back-
ground radioactivity. Reactions were terminated after
10 min with 50 lLof0.3
EGTA. An a liquot (50 lL) of
this quenched reaction mixture was transferred to 50 lLof
500 m
Hepes (pH 5.5). AG50W-X8 (Na
form) resin
(100 lL) was added to separate [
H]arginine from [
rulline. After repeated vortexing, this slurry was centrifuged
at 1200 g for 10 min, and 70 lL of supernatent was removed
and the [
H]citrulline measured b y scintillation c ounting.
Peptides selected for f urther examination t o d etermine the
mechanism of i nhibition were assayed in t he same reaction
buffer as used for initial screening except that it contained
30 n
H]arginine supplemented with 0.3±13.3 m
nine. Peptide concentrations used are given in the legend t o
Fig. 4.
Data analysis for nNOS studies. Peptide inhibition curves
were ®tted using the curve-®tting routin e of
(SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) with the variation o f the Hill
equation: fmol [
H]citrulline production 1/(1 + [inhibi-
), where I C
is the c oncentration a t w hich the
peptide causes 50% inhibition and n is the slope of the curve
and can be considered as a pseudo Hill coef®cient [32].
Lineweaver±Burk plots [33] were generated using
(SPSS, Chicago, I L, USA).
Calcineurin assay. This assay was performed following the
manufacturer's protocol [34] with minor modi®cations.
Calcineurin was diluted to 0.036 UálL
in enzyme dilution
buffer (50 m
Tris, 0.5 mgámL
BSA, pH 7.4). Peptides
(5 lL) were assayed i n duplicate in a reaction mixture
containing 16 m
p-nitrophenylphosphate, 0.4 mgámL
BSA, 0.8 m
calmodulin in Tris buffer
(40 m
, pH 7.4). The reaction was started with the addition
of the enzyme (5 lL; 0.1 U ). All samples were assayed at
30 °C with positive controls containing water in the place of
the test sample and negative controls containing no enzyme.
Absorbance (A) readings at 405 nm were taken after 30 min
with readings av eraged, a djusted t o the change in A per
minute and corrected for background A (negative control).
Percent of control w as then calculated as (A
405 test sample
405 positive control
) ´ 100.
L. lesueuri, usually called either Lesueur's Frog or the
Stony Creek Frog, has varied do rsal colouration ranging
snout to the tympanum [35]. The animal ranges from 37
to 63 mm in length, and is often found in the vicinity of
rocky streams in coastal regions from north of Queens-
land to eastern Victoria. It is reported that there are t wo
distinct populations of this frog, one con®ned to north-
eastern Queensland, the other in New South Wales and
Victoria. Whether these are two different subspecies of
L. lesueuri or two different species has not yet been
determined [36].
AsinglespecimenofL. lesueuri , collected at Atherton,
Queensland, was used in this study. The electrical stimula-
tion method [26] was used to elicit secretion from the
granular skin glands. The animal was not harmed in this
study. Less than 0.5 mg of material was obtained following
work up of the secretion, and this contained less than 100 lg
of peptide material. This is an unusually small amount of
peptide material. It is normal for a species of the genus
Litoria to contain 5 mg of peptide material in the glandular
secretion; some frogs, such as Litoria splendida, secrete more
than 100 mg of peptide material [8]. HPLC separation
(Fig. 1) revealed t wo major p eptide components. The ®rst,
and m ajor component was identi®ed as caerulein 1.1 from
its electrospray mass spectrum and HPLC behaviour [27].
This potent smooth m uscle agent, analgaesic and hormone
is often a m ajor peptide component of species of the g enus
Litoria [8].
The minor component is a 13-residue peptide that we
have called lesueurin. Only 10 lgofthismaterialwas
available for study. The MS/MS of the MH
ion of
lesueurin is shown in Fig. 2. As this mass spectrum does not
differentiate between isomeric Leu or Ile or isobaric Lys and
Asn, we have con®rmed the identity of these f our residues
using the automated Edman procedure [29]. The automated
102 J. H. Bowie et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
Edman procedure identi®es all but the last amino acid in the
lesueurin sequence. This residue, C-terminal A la-NH
clearly identi®ed by mass spectrometric fragmentation data
(Fig. 2). A synthetic sample of lesueurin was prepared, and
shown to be identical with natural lesueurin using HPLC
and mass spectrometry. The sequence of lesueurin is
Lesueurin h as no antibiotic activity (at minimum
inhibitory concentration values below 100 lgámL
against the nine bacteria we use in our test regime. Also,
lesueurin exhibited no cytotoxity at concentrations less
than 10
against any of the 60 human tumour lines in
the NCI test regime. Lesueurin was, however, shown to
inhibit nNOS with an IC
of 16.2 l
(Table 1) . This
Fig. 2. Ele ctrospray mass spectrum (MS/MS)
of the MH
ion of lesueurin. Masses shown in
this spectrum are nominal m asses. Data from
B fragmentations give sequence information
from the C-terminal end of lesueurin (see
schematic arrows above the spectrum). D ata
from Y + 2 f ragmentations give sequence
information from the N-terminal end of the
peptide ( see schematic arrows below the
spectrum). For a review of fragmentations of
ions of peptides see [28]. This method
does not distinguish between isomeric Leu and
Ile ( nominal mass 113) and isobaric Lys and
Gln (nominal mass 128). These residues have
been dierentiated using the automated
Edman procedure [29]. The correct residues
are shown in this ®gu re.
Table 1. n NOS Inhibition by amphibian peptides. Amino-acid sequences, so urce species and na ming convention used where a peptide has been
named previously. Peptides with minimal or no eect are h ighlighted with respective concentration used listed in f ootnotes below. All peptides in
Group 1 are amphipathic a helices in solution [10,11]. C aerin 1 peptides in solution have a helices from r esidues 1±1 1 a nd 18±25, with a ¯exible hinge
region including residues 12±17 [13].
Name Source Sequence
Inactive or weakly active peptides
Rubellidin 3.1
L. rubella [17] IEFFT-NH
Trytophyllin L3.1
L. rubella [17] FPWP-NH
NA NA +1
Electrin 2.1
L. electrica [20] NEEEKVKWEFPDVP-NH
NA NA )2
Caeridin 3
Maculatin 1.3
L. eucnemis
NA NA +1
Inhibitor Group 1
Lesueurin L. lesueuri
16.2 1.5 +3
Aurein 1.1 L. aurea [11] GLFDII KK I AES I-NH
33.9 2.0 +1
Citropin 1.1 L. citropa [10] GLFDVIKKVASVIGGL-NH
8.2 1.6 +2
Aurein 2.2 L. aurea [11] GLFDIVKKVVGALGSL-NH
4.3 2.5 +2
Aurein 2.3 L. aurea [11] GLFDIVKKVVGIAGSL-NH
1.8 1.7 +2
Aurein 2.4 L. aurea [11] GLFDIVKKVVGTLAGL-NH
2.1 3.1 +2
Inhibitor Group 2
Not named L. dahlii
Frenatin 3 L. infrafrenata [8] GLMSVLGHAVGNVLGGLFKPKS-OH 6.8 1.4 +3
Splendipherin L. splendida [67] GLVSSIGKALGGLLADVVKSKGQPA-OH 8.5 1.3 +3
Inhibitor Group 3
36.6 1.4 +1
41.0 0.6 +2
8.5 1.7 +2
1.7 3.7 +3
6.2 2.2 +2
Inactive at 13.3 lgámL
Inactive at 33.3 lgámL
Inactive at 66.7 lgámL
Inactive at 133.3 lgámL
Caused 46.4% inhibition at
31.4 l
. Full IC
determination was not possible because of solubility.
Brinkworth, C., Bowie, J.H., Wallace, J.C. & Tyler, M.J.
unpublished work.
Present paper.
Ó FEBS 2002 Amphibian peptides that inhibit nNOS (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 103
discovery of previously unreported pharmacological
activity of an amphibian peptide p rompted us to t est for
similar bioactivity of amphibian peptides that we have
investigated previously. Table 1 lists the sequences of the
natural peptides t ested, both active and inactive towards
nNOS. The solubility of t hese peptide s and the maximum
tolerable amount of the peptide solvent in the nNOS
assay affected the maximum concentration tested for
several of the peptides. Those peptides found to inhibit
nNOS from the primary screen were then titrated to
determine t heir IC
parameters. T hese results are given in
Table 1 together with the slope of the inhibition curves
and various physical properties. Three examples of the
inhibition curves, including that generated by lesueurin,
are shown in Fig. 3.
Four model peptides were selected from the inhibitor
groups (Table 1) to further examine t he mode of action by
which they were inhibiting nNOS. Lesueurin and citro-
pin 1.1 (both from inhibitor group 1), f renatin 3 (inhibitor
group 2) and c aerin 1 .9 (inhibitor group 3) all produced
Lineweaver±Burk plots consistent with a noncompetitive
mode of inhibition (Fig. 4) with respect to the nNOS
substrate arginine. Thus inhibition is not mediated by direct
action upon the arginine-catalysing site. Rat cerebellar
nNOS may retain endogenous calmodulin rendering it
unsuitable f or a Michaelis±Menten study of enzyme kinet-
ics, as was carried out with ar ginine.
An experimental procedure was used to gauge the
potential for selected peptides to inhibit nNOS by displacing
calmodulin from the calmodulin b inding domain of
nNOS. In this p rocedure, the nNOS inhibition experiments
were carried out with citropin 1.1, frenatin 3, and caerin 1.9
with added Ca
calmodulin to determine the in¯uence o f
the calmodulin on th e inhibition of nNOS. These experi-
ments measured nNOS activity in the presence of
142.9 lgámL
of the a ctive p eptide (about 10-fold greater
than the IC
value of each peptide), with the Ca
calmodulin concentration in the assay buffer increased 100-
Fig. 3. Inhibition of nNOS exempli®ed by (A)
lesueurin (circles) and frenatin 3 (squares), and
(B) citropin 1.1 (inverse triangles) and caerin
1.9 (triangles). These p ept ides represent each
of the groups of peptide inhibitors listed in
Table 1. Curves are drawn to the Hill equa-
tion, and the values f or the I C
and slope of
the curve are given in Table 1.
Fig. 4. Li neweaver±Burk plots derived from
changes in enzyme velocities in the presence of
increasing amounts of the peptides citropin 1.1
(A), lesueurin (B), caerin 1.9 (C)andfrenatin3
(D). Enzyme k inetics data o btained in the
absence of peptide are depicted by ®lled cir-
cles, and re present the uninhibited re action.
Open circles show t he e ect o f t he ci tropin 1.1,
lesueurin, caerin 1.9 and frenatin 3 at 4.1, 24.7,
5.1 a nd 6.1 l
, respectively. Filled inverse
triangles show the eect when the concentra-
tion of citropin 1.1, lesueurin, caerin 1.9 and
frenatin 3 are increased to 8.2, 49.4, 10.3 and
12.2 l
, respectively.
104 J. H. Bowie et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
fold to 350 lgámL
. For citropin 1.1, the inhibition
decreased from 94 to 58% in the presence of Ca
ulin. T he results for frenatin 3 and caerin 1.9 are 8 3±52%,
and 84±53%, r espectively.
Selected peptides were tested for t heir ability t o inhibit
calcineurin, another calmodulin dependent enzyme.
Lesueurin at 7 4 l
(4.6-fold g reat er tha n t he I C
nNOS) inhibited c alcineurin by 33%. C itropin 1 .1 reduced
calcineurin a ctivity b y 34% at 31 l
(3.8-fold h igher t han
the IC
against nNOS) but at double this concentration (i.e.
7.6-fold greater than its IC
against nNOS), calcineurin was
inhibited by 96%. Frenatin 3 inhibitied calcineurin by 38%
at 46 l
, a concentration that is 6.8-fold g reater than the
against nNOS. Finally, caerin 1.9 inhibited c alcineurin
by 48.1% at 19.3 l
(4.8-fold more concentrated than its
against nNOS).
Lesueurin is the name we have given to a new 13-residue
basic peptide isolated from L. lesueurii. The sequence
shows reasonable homology to that o f aurein 1.1, an
antimicrobial and anticancer peptide isolated from
L. aurea [11] (Table 2).
There are some critical differences in the hydrophilic
residues o f the two peptides w ith lesueurin having Lys11
whereas aurein 1.1 has Glu11. Even so, we predicted that
lesueurin should show similar antimicrobial and anticancer
activity to that of aurein 1.1. Surprisingly, lesueurin neither
exhibits antibiosis below 100 lgámL
, or cytotoxity below
in the 60 human tumour lines in the NIC test
program. Thus, L. lesueuri, as with only a minority of
species of the g enus Litoria (see introduction), has no host
defence a ntibiotic against microbial pathogens. To discover
whether lesueurin has other biological properties, it was
subjected to the bioactive molecule discovery p rogram of
the Australian Institute of Marine Science. It effectively
value of 16.2 l
with a slope
of 1.5. This is the ®rst instance of an amphibian peptide that
inhibits the f ormation of the chemical messenger nitric
Testing of other am phibian peptides indicated that there
are three well-de®ned groups of basic peptides that i nhibit
nNOS, and the results are summarized in Table 1. These
are: (a) the aurein/citropin group of peptides, of which
lesueurin is a member. Most of these (lesueurin is a notable
exception) are membrane active peptides, which show
potent antibiotic acitivity, and in the case of the aureins,
signi®cant anticancer activity. These peptides are amphi-
pathic ahelices, as evidenced by solution NMR studies on
aurein 1.2 [11] and citropin 1 .1 [9]; (b) the frenatin 3 type
peptides, molecules that are characterized by a C-terminal
H group together with two lysine residues near the
C-terminus. T hese peptides show little or no antibiotic and/
or anticancer activity; (c) those caerins 1, particularly those
containing Phe3. These molecule s are also potent mem-
brane-active antibiotics, and NMR studies show they have
two a helical reg ions separated by a central ¯exible h inge
region [13]. How do these three seemingly unrelated groups
of peptides inhibit t he formation of n itric oxide by nNOS?
The three nitric oxide synthases, namely neuronal,
endothelial and inducible, are highly regulated enzymes
responsible for the synthesis of the signal molecule nitric
oxide. They are amongst th e most c omplex enzymes known
(for nNOS see [ 37,38]). By a complex sequence involving
binding sites for a number of cofactors including heme,
tetrahydrobiopterin, F MN, FAD and NADPDH, nNOS
converts arginine to citrulline, releasing the short-lived but
reactive radical nitric oxide [39,40]. Nitric oxide synthases
are composed of two domains: (a) the catalytic oxygenase
domain t hat binds heme, tetrahydrobiopterin and the
substrate arginine, and (b) the electron-supplying reductase
domain that binds NADPH, FAD a nd FMN. Communi-
cation between the oxygenase and reductase domains is
determined by the regulatory enzyme calmodulin that
interacts a t a speci®c site between the t wo domains. In the
cases of the nNOS and e NOS isoforms, the calmodulin is
regulated b y intracellular Ca
, b ut not for i NOS [41±44].
Dimerization of the oxygenase do main is necessary for
catalytic activity [39,40].
The signi®cant departure of the Hill slope of all of the
inhibition curves from unity was the ®rst indication that
these peptides are not acting directly upon the arginine
substate site of nNOS [33]. A Hill slope 1 would indicate
an interaction between a single active enzyme element with a
single substrate. As Hill slopes > 1 are obtained, some other
interaction must be causing the inhibition of nNOS. To
con®rm this suspicion and to elucidate the general mech-
anism of inhibition, an analysis was conducted of the
kinetics of the nNOS inhibition reaction at different
inhibitor concentrations. Lineweaver±Burk plots are shown
in Fig. 4 for representatives of each of the inhibitor groups
listed in Table 1, namely, lesueurin as the original nNOS
inhibitor found, citropin 1.1, anoth er member of inhibitor
group 1, frenatin (inhibitor group 2) and caerin 1.9
(inhibitor group 3). The fact that the regression lines plotted
for each inhibitory peptide shown in Fig. 4 all intercept at a
common point on the X-axis of t hese plots is typical of
noncompetitive inhibition, and so these peptides are
unlikely to directly involve the arginine substrate site [33].
In its simplest de®nition, noncompetitive inhibition is when
an inhibitor binds at a site other than the active site,
changing the e nzyme±substrate af®nity.
These four peptides, lesueurin, citropin 1.1, frenatin 3
and c aerin 1 .9, a nd pr obably t he o ther active amphibian
peptides of inhibitor groups 1±3, m ust therefore inhibit t he
formation of nitric o xide by either blocking one or more of
the cofactor s ites on nNOS or by some chemical modi®ca-
tion reaction with nNOS that alters the activity of the
enzyme. A n obvious example o f b locking a cofactor s ite
would be if the amphibian peptide reacts with the regulatory
enzyme Ca
calmodulin, t hus changing the t hree-dimen-
sional structure and preventing its attachment to the
calmodulin binding site on nNOS. There are examples of
small basic peptides, often a helices, being captured and
enclosed within Ca
calmodulin, and as a consequence
changing the three-dimensional shape of the calmodulin
[45±48], but nNOS deactivation by these peptides has, to
Table 2. Se quen ce identity of lesueurin and aurein 1.1.
Peptide Sequence
Ó FEBS 2002 Amphibian peptides that inhibit nNOS (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 105
our knowledge, not been tested. There are also e xamples
where certain small p eptides (one of which mirrors part o f
the sequence of the calmodulin binding site of rat nNOS)
preferentially interact with Ca
calmodulin, impeding the
interaction of Ca
calmodulin with its binding site on
nNOS, and, as a c onsequence, preventing the formation of
nitric oxide ( IC
values at l
concentrations) [49,50].
The possibility that the mechanism of nNOS inhibition
by the amphibian peptides does i nvolve complex formation
of peptides with Ca
calmodulin is supported by the
following experiments. The inhibition of nNOS by selected
peptides (citropin 1.1, frenatin 3 and caerin 1 .9) is reduced
by the addition of Ca
calmodulin to the assay buffer. The
maximum r eduction of inhibition under t he experimental
conditions used is 50%.
The enzyme Ca
calmodulin regulates not only nNOS
but also a number of other enzymes including calcineurin. If
the active amphibian pep tides are i ndeed interacting with
calmodulin, they should also inhibit the activity of
calcineurin. The four model peptides lesueurin, citropin 1.1,
frenatin 3 and caerin 1. 9, all inhibit the activity of calcineu-
rin, but at concen trations lower t han t hose obtained f or
nNOS (Table 1). Even so, the f act that all four peptides
inhibit both n NOS and calcineurin enzymes, provides
credence to the proposal that the amphibian peptides are
affecting the Ca
calmodulin interaction with nNOS. This
is an interesting observation because sequences of the
calmodulin binding sites of nNOS and calcineurin are
quite different ( see below [51]), even though they have been
classi®ed a s belonging t o the s ame class o f enzymes [52].
The sequences are nNOS (rat, human) and calcineurin A
(rat, human), respectively are a s follows:
Currently, although three-dimensional structures o f c er-
tain domains of nitric oxide synthase isoforms are known
[53±57], we are not aware of the three-dimensional s tructure
of the calmodulin binding sites of any isoform being
reported. Thus, we cannot make meaningful comparisons of
common structural motifs that might underlie calmodulin
binding to the e nzymes.
Most nNOS inhibitors are small organic molecules t hat
are either analogues of the arginine substrate such as
-arginine [58] or s pecies that pr event calmodulin
conjugation such as tamoxifen [59] and m elatonin [60].
Protein and peptidic inhibitors of nNOS are few. Apart
from those w e have m entioned above [45,46], caveolin-1, a
structural protein component of plasmalemmel caveolae,
inhibits endothelial NOS but not neuronal NOS or indu-
cible NOS [61]. Residues 82±101 of caveolin-1 in the form of
glutathione S-transferase f usion p roteins h ave been shown
to attenuate the activities of all three isoforms of NOS [62].
A novel 10-kDa protein inhibitor of nNOS, known as PIN,
destabilizes the native d imer form of nNOS preventing it
from functioning [63±65]. Proteins such as presynaptic
density proteins-93 and -95 and synophin bind to n NOS via
a specialized domain called PDZ domain, which s erves as
cellular localization signals, but these proteins do not
modulate nNOS activity [66]. The basic amphibian peptides
that inhibit nNOS show little homology of sequence ( a)
between the three active groups of peptides shown in
Table 1, (b) with the sequence of amino acid residues of the
/calmodulin binding domain of nNOS, (c) w ith t he
sequence of Ca
/calmodulin itself, and (d) with o ther
peptides or proteins which inhibit nNOS. Thus we are
unable, at this time, to predict from homology, any features
of the active amphibian peptides that allow them to inhibit
There is, however, a signi®cant homology of sequences
within each of the active groups shown in Table 1. Consider
group 1 (Table 1) as an example. All peptides of group 1
have a post-translational mo di®cation in that the
N-terminal group is -CONH
. Lesueurin has high homol-
ogy w ith some of the citropins and aureins. It i s s everal
residues shorter that aureins 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and citropin 1.1, all
of which have IC
values more potent than that of
lesueurin. Aurein 1.1 has the same number of residues as
lesueurin but a l ower overall positive charge, and is not as
effective as lesueurin in inhibiting nNOS. The length of these
peptides seems t o b e a factor in determining t heir activity.
Another important feature conserved in this group of
peptides is the cen tral Lys-Lys pair and the b asic nature of
the peptides. It appears that the length of the peptide and
this pair of basic r esidues are important in determ ining the
magnitude of the nNOS inhibition. All three groups of
nNOS active amphibian peptides (Table 1) are unique new
molecular p robes f or the functioning of nNOS. We intend
to carry out further s tructural s tudies on each of the three
groups of active peptides listed in Table 1, i n order to probe
the r elationship b etween sequence, solution str ucture
(determined by NMR) a nd nNOS inhibition.
The ®nal question to be addressed is what role do t hese
active peptides have in the amphibian integument? The
glandular secretion of the animal is exuded onto the skin
(and into the gut) when the animal is stressed, sick, or under
attack. Logically, there are two possibilities, either the
nNOS inhibitor is playing some regulatory role in the
animal and/or it is acting as part of the primary host defence
arsenal against predators.
Consider the ®rst possibility. The nNOS used in this
investigation is from rat. Although the sequence of nNOS in
anurans has not been determined, i t is likely to be very
similar to that of rat nNOS as the sequences of nNOS so far
determined (from man, rat, rabbit and snail) are very similar
[51]. W e have s hown that L. lesueuri secretes two neuro-
peptides onto its skin. T he ®rst of these, caerulein 1.1 is a
known host defen ce peptide o f many a nurans [1±4,8]. It has
a multifaceted role including smooth muscle activity (at
body weight), which makes it a powerful toxin
against predators, it has potent analgaesic properties and it
is also thought to be a hormone involved in the hibernation
cycle of a nurans [67]. The o ther n europeptide, lesueurin,
inhibits the formation of nitric oxid e by nNOS. Nitric oxide
has many roles in animals and plays important roles in t he
nervous, muscular, cardiovascular and immune systems
[68]. In anurans, nitric oxide is already known to be involved
in sight [ 69], reproduction [70] and modulation o f gastric
acids [71]. It is possible that together with caerulein 1.1,
lesueurin has a role in e ither stress control and/or temper-
ature control.
The other scenario is that nNOS inhibitors are front line
defence c ompounds. W e have now identi®ed nNOS i nhib-
itors as major skin peptides in 10 out of 12 studied species of
frogs of the genus Litoria. These compounds are all active at
micromolar-concentrations. A predator ingesting even a
small amount of the anuran skin secretion could be seriously
106 J. H. Bowie et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
affected if even part of its nitric oxide messenger capability is
reduced. The predator could either be large, or small
(bacteria have recently been shown to contain NOS
In conclusion, most frogs of the genus Litoria secrete a
cocktail of bioactive peptides onto their skin, some of which
are c ytotoxic and antibiotic, and others w hich regulate the
neuronal isoform of the enzyme N OS. We propose t hat this
effect on nNOS is mediated by allosteric modulation of
arginine catalysis, through an effect on Ca
binding to nNOS. We do not believe this is unexpected
bioactivity. The peptides that inhibit the formation of n itric
oxide from nNOS either p lay a role in the fundamental
physiology o f the animal, and/or are part o f t he defence
arsenal to combat attack by predators, both small and large.
Amphibian experiments and peptide s yntheses were funded by t he
Australian Research Council.
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