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of Heat
and Mass
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Connecticut
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles
College of Engineering
University of Notre Dame
School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
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In the Preface to the previous edition, we posed questions regarding trends in engineering
education and practice, and whether the discipline of heat transfer would remain relevant.
After weighing various arguments, we concluded that the future of engineering was bright
and that heat transfer would remain a vital and enabling discipline across a range of emerg-
ing technologies including but not limited to information technology, biotechnology, phar-
macology, and alternative energy generation.
Since we drew these conclusions, many changes have occurred in both engineering
education and engineering practice. Driving factors have been a contracting global econ-
omy, coupled with technological and environmental challenges associated with energy pro-
duction and energy conversion. The impact of a weak global economy on higher education
has been sobering. Colleges and universities around the world are being forced to set prior-
ities and answer tough questions as to which educational programs are crucial, and which
are not. Was our previous assessment of the future of engineering, including the relevance
of heat transfer, too optimistic?
Faced with economic realities, many colleges and universities have set clear priorities.
In recognition of its value and relevance to society, investment in engineering education
has, in many cases, increased. Pedagogically, there is renewed emphasis on the fundamen-
tal principles that are the foundation for lifelong learning. The important and sometimes
dominant role of heat transfer in many applications, particularly in conventional as well as in
alternative energy generation and concomitant environmental effects, has reaffirmed its
relevance. We believe our previous conclusions were correct: The future of engineering
is bright, and heat transfer is a topic that is crucial to address a broad array of technological
and environmental challenges.
In preparing this edition, we have sought to incorporate recent heat transfer research at
a level that is appropriate for an undergraduate student. We have strived to include new
examples and problems that motivate students with interesting applications, but whose
solutions are based firmly on fundamental principles. We have remained true to the peda-
gogical approach of previous editions by retaining a rigorous and systematic methodology
for problem solving. We have attempted to continue the tradition of providing a text that
will serve as a valuable, everyday resource for students and practicing engineers through-
out their careers.
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Approach and Organization
Previous editions of the text have adhered to four learning objectives:
1. The student should internalize the meaning of the terminology and physical principles
associated with heat transfer.
2. The student should be able to delineate pertinent transport phenomena for any process
or system involving heat transfer.
3. The student should be able to use requisite inputs for computing heat transfer rates
and/or material temperatures.
4. The student should be able to develop representative models of real processes and systems
and draw conclusions concerning process/system design or performance from the atten-
dant analysis.
Moreover, as in previous editions, specific learning objectives for each chapter are
clarified, as are means by which achievement of the objectives may be assessed. The sum-
mary of each chapter highlights key terminology and concepts developed in the chapter and
poses questions designed to test and enhance student comprehension.
It is recommended that problems involving complex models and/or exploratory, what-
if, and parameter sensitivity considerations be addressed using a computational equation-
solving package. To this end, the Interactive Heat Transfer (IHT) package available in pre-
vious editions has been updated. Specifically, a simplified user interface now delineates
between the basic and advanced features of the software. It has been our experience that
most students and instructors will use primarily the basic features of IHT. By clearly identi-
fying which features are advanced, we believe students will be motivated to use IHT on a
daily basis. A second software package, Finite Element Heat Transfer (FEHT), developed
by F-Chart Software (Madison, Wisconsin), provides enhanced capabilities for solving
two-dimensional conduction heat transfer problems.
To encourage use of IHT, a Quickstart User’s Guide has been installed in the soft-
ware. Students and instructors can become familiar with the basic features of IHT in
approximately one hour. It has been our experience that once students have read the
Quickstart guide, they will use IHT heavily, even in courses other than heat transfer.
Students report that IHT significantly reduces the time spent on the mechanics of lengthy
problem solutions, reduces errors, and allows more attention to be paid to substantive
aspects of the solution. Graphical output can be generated for homework solutions,
reports, and papers.
As in previous editions, some homework problems require a computer-based solution.
Other problems include both a hand calculation and an extension that is computer based.
The latter approach is time-tested and promotes the habit of checking a computer-generated
solution with a hand calculation. Once validated in this manner, the computer solution can
be utilized to conduct parametric calculations. Problems involving both hand- and com-
puter-generated solutions are identified by enclosing the exploratory part in a red rectangle,
as, for example, (b) , (c) , or (d) . This feature also allows instructors who wish to limit
their assignments of computer-based problems to benefit from the richness of these prob-
lems without assigning their computer-based parts. Solutions to problems for which the
number is highlighted (for example, 1.26 ) are entirely computer based.
iv Preface
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What’s New in the 7th Edition
Chapter-by-Chapter Content Changes In the previous edition, Chapter 1 Introduction
was modified to emphasize the relevance of heat transfer in various contemporary applica-
tions. Responding to today’s challenges involving energy production and its environmental
impact, an expanded discussion of the efficiency of energy conversion and the production of
greenhouse gases has been added. Chapter 1 has also been modified to embellish the com-
plementary nature of heat transfer and thermodynamics. The existing treatment of the first
law of thermodynamics is augmented with a new section on the relationship between heat
transfer and the second law of thermodynamics as well as the efficiency of heat engines.
Indeed, the influence of heat transfer on the efficiency of energy conversion is a recurring
theme throughout this edition.
The coverage of micro- and nanoscale effects in Chapter 2 Introduction to Conduction has
been updated, reflecting recent advances. For example, the description of the thermophysical
properties of composite materials is enhanced, with a new discussion of nanofluids. Chapter 3
One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction has undergone extensive revision and includes
new material on conduction in porous media, thermoelectric power generation, and micro- as
well as nanoscale systems. Inclusion of these new topics follows recent fundamental discover-
ies and is presented through the use of the thermal resistance network concept. Hence the
power and utility of the resistance network approach is further emphasized in this edition.
Chapter 4 Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction has been reduced in length.
Today, systems of linear, algebraic equations are readily solved using standard computer
software or even handheld calculators. Hence the focus of the shortened chapter is on the
application of heat transfer principles to derive the systems of algebraic equations to be
solved and on the discussion and interpretation of results. The discussion of Gauss–Seidel
iteration has been moved to an appendix for instructors wishing to cover that material.
Chapter 5 Transient Conduction was substantially modified in the previous edition
and has been augmented in this edition with a streamlined presentation of the lumped-
capacitance method.
Chapter 6 Introduction to Convection includes clarification of how temperature-dependent
properties should be evaluated when calculating the convection heat transfer coefficient. The
fundamental aspects of compressible flow are introduced to provide the reader with guidelines
regarding the limits of applicability of the treatment of convection in the text.
Chapter 7 External Flow has been updated and reduced in length. Specifically, presen-
tation of the similarity solution for flow over a flat plate has been simplified. New results
for flow over noncircular cylinders have been added, replacing the correlations of previous
editions. The discussion of flow across banks of tubes has been shortened, eliminating
redundancy without sacrificing content.
Chapter 8 Internal Flow entry length correlations have been updated, and the discus-
sion of micro- and nanoscale convection has been modified and linked to the content of
Chapter 3.
Changes to Chapter 9 Free Convection include a new correlation for free convection
from flat plates, replacing a correlation from previous editions. The discussion of boundary
layer effects has been modified.
Aspects of condensation included in Chapter 10 Boiling and Condensation have been
updated to incorporate recent advances in, for example, external condensation on finned
tubes. The effects of surface tension and the presence of noncondensable gases in modifying
Preface v
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condensation phenomena and heat transfer rates are elucidated. The coverage of forced con-
vection condensation and related enhancement techniques has been expanded, again reflecting
advances reported in the recent literature.
The content of Chapter 11 Heat Exchangers is experiencing a resurgence in interest
due to the critical role such devices play in conventional and alternative energy generation
technologies. A new section illustrates the applicability of heat exchanger analysis to heat
sink design and materials processing. Much of the coverage of compact heat exchangers
included in the previous edition was limited to a specific heat exchanger. Although general
coverage of compact heat exchangers has been retained, the discussion that is limited to the
specific heat exchanger has been relegated to supplemental material, where it is available to
instructors who wish to cover this topic in greater depth.
The concepts of emissive power, irradiation, radiosity, and net radiative flux are now
introduced early in Chapter 12 Radiation: Processes and Properties, allowing early assign-
ment of end-of-chapter problems dealing with surface energy balances and properties, as
well as radiation detection. The coverage of environmental radiation has undergone sub-
stantial revision, with the inclusion of separate discussions of solar radiation, the atmos-
pheric radiation balance, and terrestrial solar irradiation. Concern for the potential impact
of anthropogenic activity on the temperature of the earth is addressed and related to the
concepts of the chapter.
Much of the modification to Chapter 13 Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces empha-
sizes the difference between geometrical surfaces and radiative surfaces, a key concept that
is often difficult for students to appreciate. Increased coverage of radiation exchange
between multiple blackbody surfaces, included in older editions of the text, has been
returned to Chapter 13. In doing so, radiation exchange between differentially small sur-
faces is briefly introduced and used to illustrate the limitations of the analysis techniques
included in Chapter 13.
Chapter 14 Diffusion Mass Transfer was revised extensively for the previous edition,
and only modest changes have been made in this edition.
Problem Sets Approximately 250 new end-of-chapter problems have been developed for
this edition. An effort has been made to include new problems that (a) are amenable to
short solutions or (b) involve finite-difference solutions. A significant number of solutions
to existing end-of-chapter problems have been modified due to the inclusion of the new
convection correlations in this edition.
Classroom Coverage
The content of the text has evolved over many years in response to a variety of factors.
Some factors are obvious, such as the development of powerful, yet inexpensive calculators
and software. There is also the need to be sensitive to the diversity of users of the text, both
in terms of (a) the broad background and research interests of instructors and (b) the wide
range of missions associated with the departments and institutions at which the text is used.
Regardless of these and other factors, it is important that the four previously identified
learning objectives be achieved.
Mindful of the broad diversity of users, the authors’ intent is not to assemble a text whose
content is to be covered, in entirety, during a single semester- or quarter-long course. Rather,
the text includes both (a) fundamental material that we believe must be covered and
vi Preface
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(b) optional material that instructors can use to address specific interests or that can be
covered in a second, intermediate heat transfer course. To assist instructors in preparing a
syllabus for a first course in heat transfer , we have several recommendations.
Chapter 1 Introduction sets the stage for any course in heat transfer. It explains the
linkage between heat transfer and thermodynamics, and it reveals the relevance and rich-
ness of the subject. It should be covered in its entirety. Much of the content of Chapter 2
Introduction to Conduction is critical in a first course, especially Section 2.1 The Conduc-
tion Rate Equation, Section 2.3 The Heat Diffusion Equation, and Section 2.4 Boundary
and Initial Conditions. It is recommended that Chapter 2 be covered in its entirety.
Chapter 3 One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction includes a substantial amount of
optional material from which instructors can pick-and-choose or defer to a subsequent,
intermediate heat transfer course. The optional material includes Section 3.1.5 Porous
Media, Section 3.7 The Bioheat Equation, Section 3.8 Thermoelectric Power Generation,
and Section 3.9 Micro- and Nanoscale Conduction. Because the content of these sections is
not interlinked, instructors may elect to cover any or all of the optional material.
The content of Chapter 4 Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction is important
because both (a) fundamental concepts and (b) powerful and practical solution techniques
are presented. We recommend that all of Chapter 4 be covered in any introductory heat
transfer course.
The optional material in Chapter 5 Transient Conduction is Section 5.9 Periodic Heat-
ing. Also, some instructors do not feel compelled to cover Section 5.10 Finite-Difference
Methods in an introductory course, especially if time is short.
The content of Chapter 6 Introduction to Convection is often difficult for students to
absorb. However, Chapter 6 introduces fundamental concepts and lays the foundation for
the subsequent convection chapters. It is recommended that all of Chapter 6 be covered in
an introductory course.
Chapter 7 External Flow introduces several important concepts and presents convec-
tion correlations that students will utilize throughout the remainder of the text and in subse-
quent professional practice. Sections 7.1 through 7.5 should be included in any first course
in heat transfer. However, the content of Section 7.6 Flow Across Banks of Tubes, Section
7.7 Impinging Jets, and Section 7.8 Packed Beds is optional. Since the content of these sec-
tions is not interlinked, instructors may select from any of the optional topics.
Likewise, Chapter 8 Internal Flow includes matter that is used throughout the remain-
der of the text and by practicing engineers. However, Section 8.7 Heat Transfer Enhance-
ment, and Section 8.8 Flow in Small Channels may be viewed as optional.
Buoyancy-induced flow and heat transfer is covered in Chapter 9 Free Convection.
Because free convection thermal resistances are typically large, they are often the dominant
resistance in many thermal systems and govern overall heat transfer rates. Therefore, most
of Chapter 9 should be covered in a first course in heat transfer. Optional material includes
Section 9.7 Free Convection Within Parallel Plate Channels and Section 9.9 Combined
Free and Forced Convection. In contrast to resistances associated with free convection,
thermal resistances corresponding to liquid-vapor phase change are typically small, and
they can sometimes be neglected. Nonetheless, the content of Chapter 10 Boiling and Con-
densation that should be covered in a first heat transfer course includes Sections 10.1
through 10.4, Sections 10.6 through 10.8, and Section 10.11. Section 10.5 Forced Convec-
tion Boiling may be material appropriate for an intermediate heat transfer course. Similarly,
Section 10.9 Film Condensation on Radial Systems and Section 10.10 Condensation in
Horizontal Tubes may be either covered as time permits or included in a subsequent heat
transfer course.
Preface vii
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We recommend that all of Chapter 11 Heat Exchangers be covered in a first heat trans-
fer course.
A distinguishing feature of the text, from its inception, is the in-depth coverage of radi-
ation heat transfer in Chapter 12 Radiation: Processes and Properties. The content of the
chapter is perhaps more relevant today than ever, with applications ranging from advanced
manufacturing, to radiation detection and monitoring, to environmental issues related to
global climate change. Although Chapter 12 has been reorganized to accommodate instruc-
tors who may wish to skip ahead to Chapter 13 after Section 12.4, we encourage instructors
to cover Chapter 12 in its entirety.
Chapter 13 Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces may be covered as time permits or
in an intermediate heat transfer course.
The material in Chapter 14 Diffusion Mass Transfer is relevant to many contemporary
technologies, particularly those involving materials synthesis, chemical processing, and
energy conversion. Emerging applications in biotechnology also exhibit strong diffusion
mass transfer effects. Time permitting, we encourage coverage of Chapter 14. However, if
only problems involving stationary media are of interest, Section 14.2 may be omitted or
included in a follow-on course.
We wish to acknowledge and thank many of our colleagues in the heat transfer community.
In particular, we would like to express our appreciation to Diana Borca-Tasciuc of the
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and David Cahill of the University of Illinois Urbana-
Champaign for their assistance in developing the periodic heating material of Chapter 5.
We thank John Abraham of the University of St. Thomas for recommendations that have
led to an improved treatment of flow over noncircular tubes in Chapter 7. We are very
grateful to Ken Smith, Clark Colton, and William Dalzell of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology for the stimulating and detailed discussion of thermal entry effects in Chapter 8.
We acknowledge Amir Faghri of the University of Connecticut for his advice regarding
the treatment of condensation in Chapter 10. We extend our gratitude to Ralph Grief of the
University of California, Berkeley for his many constructive suggestions pertaining to
material throughout the text. Finally, we wish to thank the many students, instructors, and
practicing engineers from around the globe who have offered countless interesting, valu-
able, and stimulating suggestions.
In closing, we are deeply grateful to our spouses and children, Tricia, Nate, Tico, Greg,
Elias, Jacob, Andrea, Terri, Donna, and Shaunna for their endless love and patience. We
extend appreciation to Tricia Bergman who expertly processed solutions for the end-of-
chapter problems.
Theodore L. Bergman ()
Storrs, Connecticut
Adrienne S. Lavine ()
Los Angeles, California
Frank P. Incropera ()
Notre Dame, Indiana
viii Preface
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Supplemental and Web Site Material
The companion web site for the texts is By selecting one
of the two texts and clicking on the “student companion site” link, students may access the
Answers to Selected Exercises and the Supplemental Sections of the text. Supplemental
Sections are identified throughout the text with the icon shown in the margin to the left.
Material available for instructors only may also be found by selecting one of the two
texts at and clicking on the “instructor companion site”
link. The available content includes the Solutions Manual, PowerPoint Slides that can be
used by instructors for lectures, and Electronic Versions of figures from the text for those
wishing to prepare their own materials for electronic classroom presentation. The Instructor
Solutions Manual is copyrighted material for use only by instructors who are requiring the
text for their course.
Interactive Heat Transfer 4.0/FEHT is available either with the text or as a separate
purchase. As described by the authors in the Approach and Organization, this simple-to-use
software tool provides modeling and computational features useful in solving many problems
in the text, and it enables rapid what-if and exploratory analysis of many types of problems.
Instructors interested in using this tool in their course can download the software from the
book’s web site at Students can download the software by
registering on the student companion site; for details, see the registration card provided in
this book. The software is also available as a stand-alone purchase at the web site. Any
questions can be directed to your local Wiley representative.
Preface ix
This mouse icon identifies Supplemental Sections and is used throughout the text .
Excerpts from the Solutions Manual may be reproduced by instructors for distribution on a not-for-profit basis
for testing or instructional purposes only to students enrolled in courses for which the textbook has been adopted.
Any other reproduction or translation of the contents of the Solutions Manual beyond that permitted by Sections
107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
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Symbols xxi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 What and How? 2
1.2 Physical Origins and Rate Equations 3
1.2.1 Conduction 3
1.2.2 Convection 6
1.2.3 Radiation 8
1.2.4 The Thermal Resistance Concept 12
1.3 Relationship to Thermodynamics 12
1.3.1 Relationship to the First Law of Thermodynamics
(Conservation of Energy) 13
1.3.2 Relationship to the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the
Efficiency of Heat Engines 31
1.4 Units and Dimensions 36
1.5 Analysis of Heat Transfer Problems: Methodology 38
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1.6 Relevance of Heat Transfer 41
1.7 Summary 45
References 48
Problems 49
CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Conduction 67
2.1 The Conduction Rate Equation 68
2.2 The Thermal Properties of Matter 70
2.2.1 Thermal Conductivity 70
2.2.2 Other Relevant Properties 78
2.3 The Heat Diffusion Equation 82
2.4 Boundary and Initial Conditions 90
2.5 Summary 94
References 95
Problems 95
CHAPTER 3 One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction 111
3.1 The Plane Wall 112
3.1.1 Temperature Distribution 112
3.1.2 Thermal Resistance 114
3.1.3 The Composite Wall 115
3.1.4 Contact Resistance 117
3.1.5 Porous Media 119
3.2 An Alternative Conduction Analysis 132
3.3 Radial Systems 136
3.3.1 The Cylinder 136
3.3.2 The Sphere 141
3.4 Summary of One-Dimensional Conduction Results 142
3.5 Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation 142
3.5.1 The Plane Wall 143
3.5.2 Radial Systems 149
3.5.3 Tabulated Solutions 150
3.5.4 Application of Resistance Concepts 150
3.6 Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces 154
3.6.1 A General Conduction Analysis 156
3.6.2 Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area 158
3.6.3 Fin Performance 164
3.6.4 Fins of Nonuniform Cross-Sectional Area 167
3.6.5 Overall Surface Efficiency 170
3.7 The Bioheat Equation 178
3.8 Thermoelectric Power Generation 182
3.9 Micro- and Nanoscale Conduction 189
3.9.1 Conduction Through Thin Gas Layers 189
3.9.2 Conduction Through Thin Solid Films 190
3.10 Summary 190
References 193
Problems 193
xii Contents
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CHAPTER 4 Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction 229
4.1 Alternative Approaches 230
4.2 The Method of Separation of Variables 231
4.3 The Conduction Shape Factor and the Dimensionless Conduction Heat Rate 235
4.4 Finite-Difference Equations 241
4.4.1 The Nodal Network 241
4.4.2 Finite-Difference Form of the Heat Equation 242
4.4.3 The Energy Balance Method 243
4.5 Solving the Finite-Difference Equations 250
4.5.1 Formulation as a Matrix Equation 250
4.5.2 Verifying the Accuracy of the Solution 251
4.6 Summary 256
References 257
Problems 257
4S.1 The Graphical Method W-1
4S.1.1 Methodology of Constructing a Flux Plot W-1
4S.1.2 Determination of the Heat Transfer Rate W-2
4S.1.3 The Conduction Shape Factor W-3
4S.2 The Gauss–Seidel Method: Example of Usage W-5
References W-9
Problems W-10
CHAPTER 5 Transient Conduction 279
5.1 The Lumped Capacitance Method 280
5.2 Validity of the Lumped Capacitance Method 283
5.3 General Lumped Capacitance Analysis 287
5.3.1 Radiation Only 288
5.3.2 Negligible Radiation 288
5.3.3 Convection Only with Variable Convection Coefficient 289
5.3.4 Additional Considerations 289
5.4 Spatial Effects 298
5.5 The Plane Wall with Convection 299
5.5.1 Exact Solution 300
5.5.2 Approximate Solution 300
5.5.3 Total Energy Transfer 302
5.5.4 Additional Considerations 302
5.6 Radial Systems with Convection 303
5.6.1 Exact Solutions 303
5.6.2 Approximate Solutions 304
5.6.3 Total Energy Transfer 304
5.6.4 Additional Considerations 305
5.7 The Semi-Infinite Solid 310
5.8 Objects with Constant Surface Temperatures or Surface
Heat Fluxes 317
5.8.1 Constant Temperature Boundary Conditions 317
5.8.2 Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions 319
5.8.3 Approximate Solutions 320
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5.9 Periodic Heating 327
5.10 Finite-Difference Methods 330
5.10.1 Discretization of the Heat Equation: The Explicit Method 330
5.10.2 Discretization of the Heat Equation: The Implicit Method 337
5.11 Summary 345
References 346
Problems 346
5S.1 Graphical Representation of One-Dimensional, Transient Conduction in the
Plane Wall, Long Cylinder, and Sphere W-12
5S.2 Analytical Solutions of Multidimensional Effects W-16
References W-22
Problems W-22
CHAPTER 6 Introduction to Convection 377
6.1 The Convection Boundary Layers 378
6.1.1 The Velocity Boundary Layer 378
6.1.2 The Thermal Boundary Layer 379
6.1.3 The Concentration Boundary Layer 380
6.1.4 Significance of the Boundary Layers 382
6.2 Local and Average Convection Coefficients 382
6.2.1 Heat Transfer 382
6.2.2 Mass Transfer 383
6.2.3 The Problem of Convection 385
6.3 Laminar and Turbulent Flow 389
6.3.1 Laminar and Turbulent Velocity Boundary Layers 389
6.3.2 Laminar and Turbulent Thermal and Species Concentration
Boundary Layers 391
6.4 The Boundary Layer Equations 394
6.4.1 Boundary Layer Equations for Laminar Flow 394
6.4.2 Compressible Flow 397
6.5 Boundary Layer Similarity: The Normalized Boundary Layer Equations 398
6.5.1 Boundary Layer Similarity Parameters 398
6.5.2 Functional Form of the Solutions 400
6.6 Physical Interpretation of the Dimensionless Parameters 407
6.7 Boundary Layer Analogies 409
6.7.1 The Heat and Mass Transfer Analogy 410
6.7.2 Evaporative Cooling 413
6.7.3 The Reynolds Analogy 416
6.8 Summary 417
References 418
Problems 419
6S.1 Derivation of the Convection Transfer Equations W-25
6S.1.1 Conservation of Mass W-25
6S.1.2 Newton’s Second Law of Motion W-26
6S.1.3 Conservation of Energy W-29
6S.1.4 Conservation of Species W-32
References W-36
Problems W-36
xiv Contents
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CHAPTER 7 External Flow 433
7.1 The Empirical Method 435
7.2 The Flat Plate in Parallel Flow 436
7.2.1 Laminar Flow over an Isothermal Plate: A Similarity Solution 437
7.2.2 Turbulent Flow over an Isothermal Plate 443
7.2.3 Mixed Boundary Layer Conditions 444
7.2.4 Unheated Starting Length 445
7.2.5 Flat Plates with Constant Heat Flux Conditions 446
7.2.6 Limitations on Use of Convection Coefficients 446
7.3 Methodology for a Convection Calculation 447
7.4 The Cylinder in Cross Flow 455
7.4.1 Flow Considerations 455
7.4.2 Convection Heat and Mass Transfer 457
7.5 The Sphere 465
7.6 Flow Across Banks of Tubes 468
7.7 Impinging Jets 477
7.7.1 Hydrodynamic and Geometric Considerations 477
7.7.2 Convection Heat and Mass Transfer 478
7.8 Packed Beds 482
7.9 Summary 483
References 486
Problems 486
CHAPTER 8 Internal Flow 517
8.1 Hydrodynamic Considerations 518
8.1.1 Flow Conditions 518
8.1.2 The Mean Velocity 519
8.1.3 Velocity Profile in the Fully Developed Region 520
8.1.4 Pressure Gradient and Friction Factor in Fully
Developed Flow 522
8.2 Thermal Considerations 523
8.2.1 The Mean Temperature 524
8.2.2 Newton’s Law of Cooling 525
8.2.3 Fully Developed Conditions 525
8.3 The Energy Balance 529
8.3.1 General Considerations 529
8.3.2 Constant Surface Heat Flux 530
8.3.3 Constant Surface Temperature 533
8.4 Laminar Flow in Circular Tubes: Thermal Analysis and
Convection Correlations 537
8.4.1 The Fully Developed Region 537
8.4.2 The Entry Region 542
8.4.3 Temperature-Dependent Properties 544
8.5 Convection Correlations: Turbulent Flow in Circular Tubes 544
8.6 Convection Correlations: Noncircular Tubes and the Concentric
Tube Annulus 552
8.7 Heat Transfer Enhancement 555
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8.8 Flow in Small Channels 558
8.8.1 Microscale Convection in Gases (0.1 m Շ D
Շ 100 m) 558
8.8.2 Microscale Convection in Liquids 559
8.8.3 Nanoscale Convection (D
Շ 100 nm) 560
8.9 Convection Mass Transfer 563
8.10 Summary 565
References 568
Problems 569
CHAPTER 9 Free Convection 593
9.1 Physical Considerations 594
9.2 The Governing Equations for Laminar Boundary Layers 597
9.3 Similarity Considerations 598
9.4 Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Surface 599
9.5 The Effects of Turbulence 602
9.6 Empirical Correlations: External Free Convection Flows 604
9.6.1 The Vertical Plate 605
9.6.2 Inclined and Horizontal Plates 608
9.6.3 The Long Horizontal Cylinder 613
9.6.4 Spheres 617
9.7 Free Convection Within Parallel Plate Channels 618
9.7.1 Vertical Channels 619
9.7.2 Inclined Channels 621
9.8 Empirical Correlations: Enclosures 621
9.8.1 Rectangular Cavities 621
9.8.2 Concentric Cylinders 624
9.8.3 Concentric Spheres 625
9.9 Combined Free and Forced Convection 627
9.10 Convection Mass Transfer 628
9.11 Summary 629
References 630
Problems 631
CHAPTER 10 Boiling and Condensation 653
10.1 Dimensionless Parameters in Boiling and Condensation 654
10.2 Boiling Modes 655
10.3 Pool Boiling 656
10.3.1 The Boiling Curve 656
10.3.2 Modes of Pool Boiling 657
10.4 Pool Boiling Correlations 660
10.4.1 Nucleate Pool Boiling 660
10.4.2 Critical Heat Flux for Nucleate Pool Boiling 662
10.4.3 Minimum Heat Flux 663
10.4.4 Film Pool Boiling 663
10.4.5 Parametric Effects on Pool Boiling 664
xvi Contents
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10.5 Forced Convection Boiling 669
10.5.1 External Forced Convection Boiling 670
10.5.2 Two-Phase Flow 670
10.5.3 Two-Phase Flow in Microchannels 673
10.6 Condensation: Physical Mechanisms 673
10.7 Laminar Film Condensation on a Vertical Plate 675
10.8 Turbulent Film Condensation 679
10.9 Film Condensation on Radial Systems 684
10.10 Condensation in Horizontal Tubes 689
10.11 Dropwise Condensation 690
10.12 Summary 691
References 691
Problems 693
CHAPTER 11 Heat Exchangers 705
11.1 Heat Exchanger Types 706
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 708
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of the Log Mean
Temperature Difference 711
11.3.1 The Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger 712
11.3.2 The Counterflow Heat Exchanger 714
11.3.3 Special Operating Conditions 715
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness–NTU Method 722
11.4.1 Definitions 722
11.4.2 Effectiveness–NTU Relations 723
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations 730
11.6 Additional Considerations 739
11.7 Summary 747
References 748
Problems 748
11S.1 Log Mean Temperature Difference Method for Multipass and
Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers W-40
11S.2 Compact Heat Exchangers W-44
References W-49
Problems W-50
CHAPTER 12 Radiation: Processes and Properties 767
12.1 Fundamental Concepts 768
12.2 Radiation Heat Fluxes 771
12.3 Radiation Intensity 773
12.3.1 Mathematical Definitions 773
12.3.2 Radiation Intensity and Its Relation to Emission 774
12.3.3 Relation to Irradiation 779
12.3.4 Relation to Radiosity for an Opaque Surface 781
12.3.5 Relation to the Net Radiative Flux for an Opaque Surface 782
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12.4 Blackbody Radiation 782
12.4.1 The Planck Distribution 783
12.4.2 Wien’s Displacement Law 784
12.4.3 The Stefan–Boltzmann Law 784
12.4.4 Band Emission 785
12.5 Emission from Real Surfaces 792
12.6 Absorption, Reflection, and Transmission by Real Surfaces 801
12.6.1 Absorptivity 802
12.6.2 Reflectivity 803
12.6.3 Transmissivity 805
12.6.4 Special Considerations 805
12.7 Kirchhoff’s Law 810
12.8 The Gray Surface 812
12.9 Environmental Radiation 818
12.9.1 Solar Radiation 819
12.9.2 The Atmospheric Radiation Balance 821
12.9.3 Terrestrial Solar Irradiation 823
12.10 Summary 826
References 830
Problems 830
CHAPTER 13 Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces 861
13.1 The View Factor 862
13.1.1 The View Factor Integral 862
13.1.2 View Factor Relations 863
13.2 Blackbody Radiation Exchange 872
13.3 Radiation Exchange Between Opaque, Diffuse, Gray Surfaces in
an Enclosure 876
13.3.1 Net Radiation Exchange at a Surface 877
13.3.2 Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces 878
13.3.3 The Two-Surface Enclosure 884
13.3.4 Radiation Shields 886
13.3.5 The Reradiating Surface 888
13.4 Multimode Heat Transfer 893
13.5 Implications of the Simplifying Assumptions 896
13.6 Radiation Exchange with Participating Media 896
13.6.1 Volumetric Absorption 896
13.6.2 Gaseous Emission and Absorption 897
13.7 Summary 901
References 902
Problems 903
CHAPTER 14 Diffusion Mass Transfer 933
14.1 Physical Origins and Rate Equations 934
14.1.1 Physical Origins 934
14.1.2 Mixture Composition 935
14.1.3 Fick’s Law of Diffusion 936
14.1.4 Mass Diffusivity 937
xviii Contents
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14.2 Mass Transfer in Nonstationary Media 939
14.2.1 Absolute and Diffusive Species Fluxes 939
14.2.2 Evaporation in a Column 942
14.3 The Stationary Medium Approximation 947
14.4 Conservation of Species for a Stationary Medium 947
14.4.1 Conservation of Species for a Control Volume 948
14.4.2 The Mass Diffusion Equation 948
14.4.3 Stationary Media with Specified Surface Concentrations 950
14.5 Boundary Conditions and Discontinuous Concentrations at Interfaces 954
14.5.1 Evaporation and Sublimation 955
14.5.2 Solubility of Gases in Liquids and Solids 955
14.5.3 Catalytic Surface Reactions 960
14.6 Mass Diffusion with Homogeneous Chemical Reactions 962
14.7 Transient Diffusion 965
14.8 Summary 971
References 972
Problems 972
APPENDIX A Thermophysical Properties of Matter 981
APPENDIX B Mathematical Relations and Functions 1013
APPENDIX C Thermal Conditions Associated with Uniform Energy
Generation in One-Dimensional, Steady-State Systems 1019
APPENDIX D The Gauss–Seidel Method 1025
APPENDIX E The Convection Transfer Equations 1027
E.1 Conservation of Mass 1028
E.2 Newton’s Second Law of Motion 1028
E.3 Conservation of Energy 1029
E.4 Conservation of Species 1030
APPENDIX F Boundary Layer Equations for Turbulent Flow 1031
APPENDIX G An Integral Laminar Boundary Layer Solution for
Parallel Flow over a Flat Plate 1035
Index 1039
Contents xix
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A area, m
area of prime (unfinned) surface, m
cross-sectional area, m
fin profile area, m
nozzle area ratio
a acceleration, m/s
; speed of sound, m/s
Bi Biot number
Bo Bond number
C molar concentration, kmol/m
; heat capacity
rate, W/K
drag coefficient
friction coefficient
thermal capacitance, J/K
Co Confinement number
c specific heat, J/kg ⅐ K; speed of light, m/s
specific heat at constant pressure, J/kg ⅐ K
specific heat at constant volume, J/kg ⅐ K
D diameter, m
binary mass diffusivity, m
bubble diameter, m
hydraulic diameter, m
d diameter of gas molecule, nm
E thermal plus mechanical energy, J; electric
potential, V; emissive power, W/m
total energy, J
Ec Eckert number
rate of energy generation, W
rate of energy transfer into a control volume, W
rate of energy transfer out of control volume, W
rate of increase of energy stored within a control
volume, W
e thermal internal energy per unit mass, J/kg;
surface roughness, m
F force, N; fraction of blackbody radiation in a
wavelength band; view factor
Fo Fourier number
Fr Froude number
f friction factor; similarity variable
G irradiation, W/m
; mass velocity, kg/s ⅐ m
Gr Grashof number
Gz Graetz number
g gravitational acceleration, m/s
H nozzle height, m; Henry’s constant, bars
h convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m
⅐ K;
Planck’s constant, J ⅐ s
latent heat of vaporization, J/kg
modified heat of vaporization, J/kg
latent heat of fusion, J/kg
convection mass transfer coefficient, m/s
radiation heat transfer coefficient, W/m
⅐ K
I electric current, A; radiation intensity, W/m
⅐ sr
i electric current density, A/m
; enthalpy per unit
mass, J/kg
J radiosity, W/m
Ja Jakob number
diffusive molar flux of species i relative to the
mixture molar average velocity, kmol/s ⅐ m
diffusive mass flux of species i relative to the
mixture mass average velocity, kg/s ⅐ m
Colburn j factor for heat transfer
Colburn j factor for mass transfer
k thermal conductivity, W/m ⅐ K
Boltzmann’s constant, J/K
zero-order, homogeneous reaction rate
constant, kmol/s ⅐ m
first-order, homogeneous reaction rate
constant, s
first-order, surface reaction rate constant, m/s
L length, m
Le Lewis number
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M mass, kg
rate of transfer of mass for species, i, kg/s
rate of increase of mass of species i due to
chemical reactions, kg/s
rate at which mass enters a control volume, kg/s
rate at which mass leaves a control
volume, kg/s
rate of increase of mass stored within a
control volume, kg/s
molecular weight of species i, kg/kmol
Ma Mach number
m mass, kg
mass flow rate, kg/s
mass fraction of species i,
N integer number
, N
number of tubes in longitudinal and
transverse directions
Nu Nusselt number
NTU number of transfer units
molar transfer rate of species i relative to
fixed coordinates, kmol/s
molar flux of species i relative to fixed
coordinates, kmol/s ⅐ m
molar rate of increase of species i per unit
volume due to chemical reactions,
kmol/s ⅐ m
surface reaction rate of species i,
kmol/s ⅐ m
ᏺ Avogadro’s number
mass flux of species i relative to fixed
coordinates, kg/s ⅐ m
mass rate of increase of species i per unit
volume due to chemical reactions,
kg/s ⅐ m
P power, W; perimeter, m
, P
dimensionless longitudinal and transverse
pitch of a tube bank
Pe Peclet number
Pr Prandtl number
p pressure, N/m
Q energy transfer, J
q heat transfer rate, W
rate of energy generation per unit
volume, W/m
qЈ heat transfer rate per unit length, W/m
qЉ heat flux, W/m
q* dimensionless conduction heat rate
R cylinder radius, m; gas constant, J/kg ⅐ K
universal gas constant, J/kmol ⅐ K
Ra Rayleigh number
Re Reynolds number
electric resistance, ⍀
fouling factor, m
⅐ K/W
mass transfer resistance, s/m
residual for the m, n nodal point
thermal resistance, K/W
thermal contact resistance, K/W
fin thermal resistance, K/W
thermal resistance of fin array, K/W
cylinder or sphere radius, m
r, , z cylindrical coordinates
r, , spherical coordinates
S solubility, kmol/m
⅐ atm; shape factor for
two-dimensional conduction, m; nozzle
pitch, m; plate spacing, m; Seebeck
coefficient, V/K
solar constant, W/m
, S
, S
diagonal, longitudinal, and transverse pitch
of a tube bank, m
Sc Schmidt number
Sh Sherwood number
St Stanton number
T temperature, K
t time, s
U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m
⅐ K;
internal energy, J
u, v, w mass average fluid velocity components, m/s
u*, v*, w* molar average velocity components, m/s
V volume, m
; fluid velocity, m/s
v specific volume, m
W width of a slot nozzle, m
rate at which work is performed, W
We Weber number
X vapor quality
Martinelli parameter
X, Y, Z components of the body force per unit
volume, N/m
x, y, z rectangular coordinates, m
critical location for transition to turbulence, m
concentration entry length, m
hydrodynamic entry length, m
thermal entry length, m
mole fraction of species i, C
Z thermoelectric material property, K
Greek Letters
␣ thermal diffusivity, m
/s; accommodation
coefficient; absorptivity
 volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, K
⌫ mass flow rate per unit width in film
condensation, kg/s ⅐ m
␥ ratio of specific heats
␦ hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness, m
concentration boundary layer thickness, m
thermal penetration depth, m
thermal boundary layer thickness, m
emissivity; porosity; heat exchanger
fin effectiveness
thermodynamic efficiency; similarity variable
fin efficiency
overall efficiency of fin array
zenith angle, rad; temperature difference, K
absorption coefficient, m
wavelength, m
mean free path length, nm
xxii Symbols
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viscosity, kg/s ⅐ m
kinematic viscosity, m
/s; frequency of
radiation, s
mass density, kg/m
; reflectivity
electric resistivity, ⍀/m
Stefan–Boltzmann constant, W/m
⅐ K
; electrical
conductivity, 1/⍀ ⅐ m; normal viscous stress,
; surface tension, N/m
⌽ viscous dissipation function, s
volume fraction
azimuthal angle, rad
stream function, m
shear stress, N/m
; transmissivity
solid angle, sr; perfusion rate, s
A, B species in a binary mixture
abs absorbed
am arithmetic mean
atm atmospheric
b base of an extended surface; blackbody
C carnot
c cross-sectional; concentration; cold fluid; critical
cr critical insulation thickness
cond conduction
conv convection
CF counterflow
D diameter; drag
dif diffusion
e excess; emission; electron
evap evaporation
f fluid properties; fin conditions; saturated liquid
fc forced convection
fd fully developed conditions
g saturated vapor conditions
H heat transfer conditions
h hydrodynamic; hot fluid; helical
i general species designation; inner surface of an
annulus; initial condition; tube inlet
condition; incident radiation
L based on characteristic length
l saturated liquid conditions
lat latent energy
lm log mean condition
m mean value over a tube cross section
max maximum
o center or midplane condition; tube outlet
condition; outer
p momentum
ph phonon
R reradiating surface
r, ref reflected radiation
rad radiation
S solar conditions
s surface conditions; solid properties;
saturated solid conditions
sat saturated conditions
sens sensible energy
sky sky conditions
ss steady state
sur surroundings
t thermal
tr transmitted
v saturated vapor conditions
x local conditions on a surface
ȍ free stream conditions
* molar average; dimensionless quantity
surface average conditions; time mean
Symbols xxiii
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