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what are the reason why many people like shopping online

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Technological innovations have altered nearly every aspect of our
everyday lives, one of such areas is shopping. It is undeniably true that buying
products from stores in person is constantly phasing out, as people are now
patronizing online markets. Although it may have a negative effect somehow,
I believe that it has more benefits than drawbacks. This essay will address
why shopping online has more advantages than disadvantages.
On the one hand, one obvious disadvantage of buying things from the
internet is that you do not get to see or feel the item before placing an order.
This is because goods purchased online can not be felt, and what you see on
display may vary from the real thing. Thus, one may end up being displeased
about it, leading to a bad relationship between the customers and the shop
involved as some malls don't take back items after delivery.
On the other hand, some people go online shopping, maybe because of
the efficiency it provides. Here orders can be done from the convenience of
one's home or office and delivered. In addition, the supporters of this style of
shopping, like the pricing comparison it affords them. For instance, prices of
goods can be checked from different online stores simultaneously without the
sellers being aware. For example, one can compare prices from Shopee and
Tiki e-commerce platforms before deciding where to purchase from.
In conclusion, although containing both merit and demerit points, In
my point of view, purchasing via e-commerce is a popular vogue that made
modern life in the world unlimited and straightforward.
