Speciality: Vietnamese Studies
Code: 60.31.60
Hanoi - 2012
The thesis was completed in Hanoi
Scientific instructor: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Ngoc
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The thesis will be defended in the meeting of Thesis
Council at the Institute of Vietnamese studies at ……
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The thesis can be found at:
Library and Information Center, Vietnam national
University, Hanoi
OPENING Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Purpose and the meaning of the subject Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Historical research issues Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Objects and scope of research topics Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. The resources and research methods Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. Contribution of the thesis Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. Layout of the thesis Error! Bookmark not defined.
VILLAGE Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1. Geographical location and natural conditions Error! Bookmark not
1.1.1. Geographical location Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.2. Topography and soil Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.3. The transport system Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2. Village formation process and the administrative changes Error!
Bookmark not defined.
1.2.1. The process of formation Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2.2. Evolution of the village administration Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3. The features of traditional Cot village Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3.1. Cot village - an ancient Vietnamese village, situated at the gateway to the
west of the capital Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3.2. Cot village - land rich tradition of innovation Error! Bookmark not
1.3.3. Cot village - land of rich cultural traditions Error! Bookmark not
1.3.4. Patriotic tradition against foreign aggression and fighting spirit
indomitable resilience Error! Bookmark not defined.
State the chapter 1 Error! Bookmark not defined.
THE RENEWAL PERIOD Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1. Socio-economic situation Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1.1. The period from 1945-1954 Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1.2. The period from 1954-1975 Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1.3. The period from 1976-1986 Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2. Cultural situation Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.1. Spiritual cultural Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.2. Material culture Error! Bookmark not defined.
State the chapter 2 Error! Bookmark not defined.
PRESENT Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1. Socio-economic situation Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1.1. The period 1986 - 1996 Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1.2. The period from 1997 to present Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2. Cultural life Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2.1. Cultural spiritual life Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2.2. Material cultural life Error! Bookmark not defined.
State the chapter 3 Error! Bookmark not defined.
DEVELOPMENT TRENDS Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1. Recovery of traditional culture Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1.1. Recovery of traditional culture Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1.2. Socialization process of the restoration of traditional culture Error!
Bookmark not defined.
4.2. The demand towards the culture of spirituality of the modern village
Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3. Problems arise in the process of transformation of social culture Error!
Bookmark not defined.
4.3.1. The environment Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3.2. Immigrants Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3.3. For security and social vices Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3.4. The land Error! Bookmark not defined.
State the chapter 4 Error! Bookmark not defined.
CONCLUSION Error! Bookmark not defined.
REFERENCES Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Purpose and the meaning of the subject
Village is an object of scientific study of history, culture and education,
archeology, both extensive and complex, attracting many generations and many
research achievements. However, the study was mainly derived from the approach to
economics, history education, sociology In recent years, Vietnam Studies majors
with interdisciplinary research methods and study area has a life and growing.
Along with the development, innovation and integration of the country,
Vietnamese village also has been "change meat" and puts the new character designs.
Therefore, studies of villages, of farmers, village culture still is and will be key
issues for the general science and social science in particular.
The study of the village changes, cultural village on the field, through the period
of development, especially in the current period of innovation is essential. The
meticulous research, science will help us realize right, get the overall look to assess the
development of the villages in the modern context. Moreover, research results will form
the basis of practical science and logic to their explanation, proposed to be developing
in the future village from the village of specific practices.
Derived from the meaning and practice of science, we have chosen the
theme: "Variations in the village of Cot cultural innovation period" as the master's
dissertation topic, Vietnam specialized studies.
2. Historical research issues
- Group of research of foreign scholars: Farmers Tonkin Delta (1936) by Pierre
Gourou, Facing the future, recovery past: a study of social change in a northern village
in Vietnam (1999) author John Kleinen, Culture, Ritual and Revolution in Property
VN's Kingsley village in delta Red River: the unresolved issue (2002) to the scholar
Olivier Tessier, Nelly Krowolski.
- Group of research by scholars:
In the first trend, we must first mention the works: The organizational
structure of Vietnamese traditional village in the northern (Nguyen Tu Chi, 1984),
Vietnam Village - a social and economic problems (Phan Dai Doan, 1992), on a
number of village shops at the northern delta XVIII-XIX century (Nguyen Quang
Ngoc, 1993)
The work values and traditions and people of Vietnam today (Phan Huy Le
and Vu Minh Giang editor, 1996), ministerial-level: Rural Culture in Development
(Institute of Culture - Ministry of Culture, 2000) State-level theme: rural
Development in Vietnam from traditional villages to modern civilization (Vu
Trong Khai, Do Thai, Pham Bich Hop editor, 2004) are attracting major research
many scientists involved.
The second trend of research scholars VN is specific circumstances of each
village: Village Vietnamese work of Diep Dinh Hoa (1994) gave a comprehensive
picture of the Vietnamese village. It writes about Dan Loan village "village
communes of Vietnam through the village of Dan Loan case" Some problems in the
villages of Vietnam (2009), Nguyen Quang Ngoc has studied the process of
establishing the village as well as economic situation, political society and culture
of an ancient land is Nhan Quyen commune, Binh Giang district, Hai Duong.
Besides the study villages of Vietnam in general so they also need to
mention the study of Yen Hoa. These include a number of works such as: From To
river to Nhue river (address) (Do Thinh - 1986); Cau Giay district - the formation
and development (Vu Hong Khanh, Nguyen Thuy Ngoc, Nguyen Manh Hung-
2000); Regulation, democratic convention Yen Hoa ward (Ward People's
Committee of Yen Hoa - 2000); Culture, historical monuments and landscapes,
Centre for UNESCO protected cultural development of the people of Vietnam,
pg.234; pg.248-249 (Trinh Doan Doan - 2002); a family has many great ancient
science in a suburban village, Han Nom report 2003, pg.16-19 (the Anh - 2003);
Student community spirit through a religious inscription in an ancient village
academy, Han Nom report 2003, pg.171-173 (Bui Xuan Dinh - 2003); Cau Giay-10
years of construction and development (01/09/1997-01/09/2007) (Nguyen Duc
Huong, Le Van Luan, Nguyen Chi My - 2007); A hospitality area (study
Encouragement Association Cau Giay district, Hanoi - 9/2007); Tu Liem of
Contents (Book of the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long, HN - 2010), Historic -
cultural Cau Giay (Nguyen Doan Tuan editor, Phan Khanh, Le Van Lan - 2010),
Yen Hoa thousand years of land title incense: Celebrate 1000 years of Thang Long-
Hanoi (Nguyen Minh Hieu and Hoang Ngoc Diep, Doan Long - 2010),ect.
3. Objects and scope of the research
+ Study subjects:
Study subjects we selected the village of Ha Yen Quyet (other name is Cot)
now the village of Yen Hoa, Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi. Ha Yen
Quyet full convergence characteristics of a rural village delta renovation period, a
village typical of the tradition of hospitality, on the cultural values, history is also
reserved to today.
+ Scope of study:
The transformation of the village were culture we learn the following aspects:
the transformation of natural conditions and the formation of villages, the socio-
economic development lead to the transformation of culture, education, too building
cultural life modern times in the overall process of formation and development of
the village. But we focus more on the transformation of the village from 1986 to
present. By this stage marked the innovation process in a comprehensive way
associated with the period of industrialization and modernization, urbanization, the
development of science and technology towards modernization, emerging collision
between old and new, between tradition and modernity, between conservation and
development, between adaptation and change.
4. Resources and research methods
+ The resources:
The first resource is the work, materials about the feudal village: Dai Nam
nhat thong tri, Dai Nam record, address book Du Dia Chi of Nguyen Trai, History
ward revolution Yen Hoa Based on this work we have been the common
understanding of the old village, the village of Cot compare traditional and modern.
The second data source notes the French are now stored at the Central Archives
Department and the National Library of Vietnam. This is an important document for us
to learn about the field of economic and socio-cultural village of Cot.
The third resource material collected during fieldwork in the locality
including written documents, physical documents. About writing materials, we
collected fairly complete bibliography of the ancient village (land register,
conventions or ordained, god built, sharp mind ), the inscription documents,
sentences, of self, family genealogy (family tree they Hoang, the Nguyen).
Typically the following: Bach Lien see the original sign-up at the library Han Nom,
the translation of Hoang Thuc Tram in 1966 (Nguyen Quang Dich - 1833); Spirit
area, the god of the tutelary in church Cot village (Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay
District, Hanoi); The legend of the Holy Cao Son (Historians Resources Institute,
the Institute of Han Nom); The Nguyen family tree (the current document The
Nguyen Van Son), Social convention Ha Yen Quyet (Translation) (Dich Vong,
Hoai Duc, Pham Thi Thoa (translation) - 1917); Securities commune of Ha Yen
Quyet (Total Dich Vong, Tu Liem district, Hoai Duc, Ha Dong - 1930), Guidelines
traditional rituals Cot village (Yen Hoa Ward); Question booklet in 1996
(Materials of the house of Nguyen Van Son); In that Bach Lien see the original
sign is ancient books still exist to this day. The book by Nguyen Quang Dich in Ha
Yen Quyet village written in Han in Minh Mang No.14 (1833). In addition, we also
collected records of the village relics such as: relics resume of Ha Yen Quyet
Family House Resolution (Cultural and information facilities of HN - 1993),
Curricula vitae historic church the Hoang (Cultural and information departments
hanoi - 1994), Curricula vitae historic church the Nguyen Nhu Uyen (Cultural and
information facilities of HN - 1994), Curricula vitae historic church architecture
the Nguyen Yen Hoa (Cultural and information departments hanoi, 1994).
+ Research methods:
Dissertation research methods applied in the direction of the area to learn to do
research mainstream. Research methods in the direction of history primarily to fully
exploit the historical source, the information and materials on the village of Cot.
When research on issues related to our current investigation in the form of
using sociological surveys, in-depth interviews conducted over the last try of the
elders in the village on the changes of villages in different periods of history.
5. Contribution of the thesis
First of all, the thesis was collected and the system provides additional
research materials on an ancient village rich cultural traditions in the process of
urbanization and strong change towards modernity.
The second, the thesis presents an overview of natural conditions, the
formation and the basic characteristics of the traditional village of Cot.
The third: A comparison, for the village of Cot-way stage before and after
renovation to transform the culture of a northern delta villages on the basis of
economic development of society.
The final: On the basis of the state of the cultural changes Cot village, thesis
given the overall development trend of the future village of Cot.
6. Layout of the thesis
Chapter 1: The natural conditions, the formation and characteristics of the
traditional village of Cot.
Chapter 2: Culture Cot village before the renewal period.
Chapter 3: Culture Cot village renewal period to the present.
Chapter 4: Culture Village Cot: transform the situation and development trends.
1.1. Geographical location and natural conditions
1.1.1. Geographical location
Cot village have beautiful natural-terrain located to the west gate of the the
capital stock; a place to exchange directly between the inner suburban areas are
separated by the To Lich river. Village close to Nghe villages (Nghia Do village)
has ordained traditional paper, near with Buoi village (Yen Thai Ward) is a
popular paper craft, adjacent to the Vong village (Dich Vong Ward) is a village
with a long career as nuggets, adjacent the To Lich river and is located on the
provincial road in the city center. So, Yen Hoa has favorable conditions for the
development of traditional industries, expand exchanges economic - social and
circulation of goods with the surrounding area.
Yen Quyet located west of the city, from Yen Quyet into the city center is
only about 6km. So any news from the city quickly moved to Yen Quyet and the
city where this fluctuation is usually the refuge of the king of the dynasty.
Today, Cot village of Yen Hoa ward (before in 1996 is Yen Hoa commune),
Cau Giay District, Hanoi City. The village is located in the centre of Cau Giay
District (formerly part of Cau Giay of Tu Liem district, Quoc Oai, Son Tay Town;
1831 Cau Giay district of Tu Liem, Hoai Duc, Hanoi province).
Current boundaries of the village: the east ward Lang Thuong (Dong Da
district), the west and Dich Vong Hau and My Dinh Commune (Tu Liem district),
on the south by Trung Hoa, Quan Hoa Ward to the north border.
1.1.2. Topography and soil
Cot Village with relatively flat terrain, the difference in height between the
highest and lowest place is not large (about 7m) so scattered over the fields
formerly low mound.
In soil, the village's land is not fertile as other regions of the northern plain. In
the village there is alternating between good land and no good land, land distribution is
not uniform. Although located near the village of To Lich river but still lack the alluvial
soil is not enriched by every year. The soil conditions are not fertile but villagers still
trying to overcome to be able to rely on agriculture
1.1.3. The transport system
In the history, Cot village had crossed the provincial road, the village also inter-
village road in the middle of the village. The main road connecting the hamlets in the
village, inter-village roads remain almost intact (now open wider, asphalt, concrete).
Those small road in neighbors or in the region end of the village, zones dilated people is
because new be do add in recent years. From Cot village into the center of Hanoi there are
ways but the most common way that people often go through Cot bridge and Lang road.
In the village of Cot had ponds, lakes and ponds systematic especially this
system in addition to providing water for the population also provides irrigation
water for agriculture.
1.2. Village formation process and the administrative changes
1.2.1. The process of formation
Yen Hoa is an ancient land, the "Du dia chi": Yen Hoa of Chau Dien (that is
Yen Lang, Quoc Oai, Son Tay province) is one of 15 the land of the Hung Vuong
building nation [11, pg.9]. Since ancient times, the ancient Vietnamese were
present on the strip and tied to farms to produce and protect the fruits of their labor.
Ke Cot is name in the language of the ancient Vietnamese, have from time
to only residents of Hung Vuong, village hamlets of a region, a country. Moreover,
"It was in the system ancient village of Tu Liem district formerly: Ke Mo, Ke La,
Ke Canh, Ke Vong, Ke Moc, Ke Buoi From this name, the researchers of
language, historical, archaeological and ethnographic studies confirmed the birth
and existence of Ke Cot from before the domination of the North"[9, tr.14].
In 1978, when digging To Lich river people found the coffin with hollow stems.
Inside the coffin there are some artifacts archaeologists dating of early AD, over 2000
years ago. This proved the ancient Vietnamese to Yen Hoa to land to build villages.
1.2.2. Evolution of the village administration
Table 1.1: Evolution of the village of Cot
Village’s name
Administrative changes
Before the reign of Le
Bach Lien
Le dynasty
Yen Quyet
Tu Liem communes, Quoc Oai town, Son
Tay regions
Early 16th century
Ha Yen Quyet
Tu Liem communes, Quoc Oai town, Son
Tay regions
In 1831
Ha Yen Quyet
Hoai Duc town, Hanoi province
In 1903
Ha Yen Quyet
Dich Vong total, Hoai Duc town, Hanoi
In 1915
Ha Yen Quyet
Ha Dong province
Ha Yen Quyet
Hoan Long dealer
The August in 1945
Ha Yen Quyet
Dai La district, Hanoi
The May in 1948
Ha Yen Quyet
Song Yen, western into town, Hanoi
In 1956
Ha Yen Quyet
Yen Hoa communes, district 6, Hanoi
In 1961
Yen Hoa
Yen Hoa, Tu Liem communes, Hanoi
From 1997 to present
Yen Hoa
Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi
Yen Hoa Ward was established on the basis of Yen Hoa is one of the eight
wards in Cau Giay district, Hanoi. Ward has an area of 207.2 hectares of natural cover
along the To Lich river with 9204 inhabitants, a population of 22,000 people ( in 1996).
1.3. The traditional features of Cot village
1.3.1. Ke Cot- an ancient Vietnamese village, situated at the gateway to the west
of the capital
Ke Cot is an ancient land, based on the archaeological dig in To Lich river in
1978 people was found a coffin with the same hollow tree relics identified early AD,
the following over 2000 years. This proved the ancient Vietnamese came here to live.
Since Thang Long becoming the capital of Dai Viet (in 1010), Ke Cot is the
gateway to the west of the capital, near the city, convenient transportation to any political
events taking place in the inner city were impact on the village. Through the feudal
dynasty, when in the chaos, the head office move often Tu Liem area which is nearest Cot
village: "Ly Hue Tong king (the May in 1215) and Le Chieu Tong king (the September in
1510) move to Yen Quyet village to make cottage meeting the court "[24, pg.14].
The capital is the focus of the country's elite, while the capital is also home to
quickly acquire the Oriental and the West culture. Because daily contact with the capital
to the village of Cot also quickly acquire cultural essence, polite manners and lifestyle
of city dwellers.
1.3.2. Ke Cot - a land rich in tradition innovative and labor
Yen Hoa people from the life is still the hard-working people, suffered hard.
Although grown in an area of agricultural land but Yen Hoa people always take
advantage of a peri-urban areas for professional development bridging the gap in
those days "harvest", ensuring stability for the life themselves and their families.
Cot village’s agricultural associated with farming, tending and harvesting
the rice, cash crops. These crops are mainly grown by family size, grown in fields
or in gardens. In the old family also planted many fruit trees and some timber trees.
The livestock: human Cot villagers soon Livestock Development. Especially
popular village sow, pig pen powder of high weight. In the old village churches
have the custom of the adjacent pig host festival village head. Ranching to get
traction with an important role in agricultural production.
Besides the diversified agriculture, village of Cot also craft of traditional gold
and silver as money, serving as snacks. Gold profession code: Cot village also serving
as gold bullion, gold leaf used in ceremonial occasions. Gold bullion has a career long,
originally it was made at harvest, avoiding the waste of time, increase household
income. This is a profession is considered as "professional" of some families. In Ha
Yen Quyet making is highly developed snacks, assorted donuts, cakes away,
vegetarian cake is usually the "store" (order) to bring to market the internal market,
suburban. Still the most famous rolls. Cot not inferior rolls rolls Thanh Tri, Hanoi
is the favorite.
In the village of ancient Tu Liem district, the village of Cot with Mo, La,
Canh more famous, so popular has the adage: "The first Mo, the second La, the
third Canh and Cot." And in the craft villages of the most prominent role is the role
of women, they are diligent, hard to find stuff to learn. Fishing: "Men in Ke La,
woman in Ke Cot" said the make up of people who are resourceful girl in Yen Hoa
village that throughout the Thang Long-Hanoi knows. A land rich in historical and cultural
Ke Cot have many historical and cultural relic, architectural molding
attached to the name of their homeland. So far the village has many relics ranked
historical-cultural as communal houses, Ngoc Quan pagoda.
Cot home is where the ceremony, meetings, festivals and activities of the
villagers were built long ago, but sketchy. After multiple family moved to 1832
13th Minh Mang with eight adjacent dignitaries united efforts to build the home in
"The Garden" (where the current home).
Ngoc Quan pagoda by Thuong Huy and the Quan builts in camps outside the
"Deposition" (the wheel), the new camp with a communal turn to the pagoda today.
There was a large bronze bell was cast from the Tay Son in Ngoc Quan pagoda.
In addition, the village also has a network of temples as Cho temple, Ca
temple, Pagoda temple. Along with the current system to church to worship their
ancestors and their cultural celebrities like churches the Nguyen (the family Nhu
Uyen), the Hoang, Nguyen Van Son and their tombs system has historical value
long time. An academic village
Cot village have been tradition of hospitality, there are 20 doctors have been
recorded in Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam, is one of five villages "Science table" of
Thang Long, which is one "Mo - La - Canh- Cot ". Since ancient times people take
care the school examination in Yen Hoa to recruit top talent to take on the water,
consider this one of the major villages and communes with "The literature" caring
learning regulations; have "Van Chi" to the church school, "Field study" to
donation who passed.
Among the academic village of Thang Long - Hanoi, Yen Hoa is a village
with many achievements in examinations (both university faculty, secondary
science and elementary science). The reign of Ly - Tran always cared for the school
examination system to recruit top talent to take. Ha Yen Quyet on Tran dynasty had
Hoang Quan Chi bordered by the First Thai student science exam Rooster, Quang
Thai dating to the 6th (1393), Thuan Tong king, to attend court as to the
competence of the hospital, which led to the examination system of the ancient land
and Yen Hoa ward today.
Examination year of the Ox (in 1469) Le Thanh Tong king in the village there
were applications tools Nguyen Nhu Uyen II exam and adjacent parking came Dr.
(Royal gland). And then he made relating to Ministry of Attorney Clerk cum gather
(Principal) Imperial Academy.
The name of did the radiant Dr. Yen Quyet homeland. The village of Cot has
become one of the twenty villages "academic" of the country's feudal period and one
year village "academic" typical soil Menstruation thousand years of civilization.
1.3.4. Patriotic tradition against foreign aggression and fighting spirit
indomitable resilience
Yen Hoa people's patriotic tradition against foreign aggression and
indomitable fighting spirit for a long time. From the sixth century Ly Nam De king
fortress built to resist the invaders in the area Yen Quyet and upstream along the To
Lich river. In this struggle, the people of Yen Quyet has been actively engaged in
combat, the remaining evidence to date is the temple (temples and shrines In
Between) worshiped two female princess of the king's minister.
In the war against the Ming invaders led by the Ho (1406 - 1407), Nguyen
Quang Minh is the place for enforcing the state's General Government control in
the Ho and Hoang Cong Tinh - son of Hoang Quan Chi in Tran dynasty have
fought bravely.
The Nguyen with Nguyen Van Sau, director learning his son Nguyen Van
Thanh as the revolt of the Le Van Khoi against oppression reign of Minh Mang
(1820-1840). He was arrested and taken to Hue to death.
In the last two times against the French colonialists occupied Hanoi, Yen
Hoa civil war fought bravely under the command of the sect of militants in the
court in the land of Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay. As a result villagers kill two official
commander is three F.Gac-ni-e in Hanoi was first occupied (21.12.1873) and the
official's private H.Ri-vi-e occupied during the second Hanoi (in 1883) on the
territory of his country.
The insurrections against French first row XX TK but failed the patriotism of
our people in general and in particular Yen Hoa people still smoldering in the hearts
and wills of people. Spirit when the winds of patriotic and revolutionary blow to the
powerful flare up
The village of Cot is the place to witness many great historical events of HN
in particular and the nation's history in general. Learn the history of the village of
Cot partly help us understand more about the historical events have affected the
village. The historical events that certainly impacts on the cultural life of the
community spirit Cot village residents over the years.
2.1. Socio-economic situation
2.1.1. The period from 1945-1954
Under the feudal colonial, Yen Hoa has strongly influenced the colonial
economy built by the French after the capture of the HN.
Compared to other parts of the suburbs, villages Cot is a less colonial and feudal
system of land appropriated to the economy but not intensive agriculture to economic
activity at home is also erratic income. So the French have also aggressively collect taxes:
taxes rivers, fair tax, house tax, land tax but most barbaric thing called tax collection
body, a body of three same tax rate (equivalent to one quintal of rice at the time).
With all the policy rule, heavy exploitation of French colonialism and
feudalism, the people of Yen Hoa is poverty, lack of material and cultural
backwardness, and spirit. The life of poverty was rife with unfairness as to make
conflict between class exploitation with the exploited classes, between people and
the French and tougher minions. Farmers want the land, to escape exploitation,
artisans want employment, youth desire democratic ideal. All strata are even hatred
simmering, ready to break the chains of slavery, independence and freedom.
2.1.2. The period from 1954-1975
* Land reform and build new relations of production (1954-1960)
After liberation, Yen Hoa difficulties as a result of colonial conquest.
Important job is stable at the time the people's life, gradually restoring production and
social activities.
The care education, building schools for children are conducted
expeditiously and medical work to protect people's health is correct, the toilet is
deployed, the blow is organized according to taste life new life put people's lives
gradually become more stable.
To complete the national democratic revolution the people, carried the
slogan farmers having land, the north country to implement the land reform.
October 1955, Hanoi City Committee plans to restore and develop the industry,
gradually solve difficult for the people, the land reform carried out in the
suburbs. Implementation of this policy, in mid-1956 land reform in Yen Hoa
commune in particular and in general all basically been completed.
In agricultural production, in 1958 many institutions have modified the
activities such as neighborhood school, neighborhood market. Temple in 1959, the
cooperative neighbors, neighbors farm, Dinh was established neighbors. To 1960, the
Cooperative Supply objective was reorganized into cooperatives textile Yen Hoa
Nguyen Van Tuu is the team work as demobilization.
The victory of the 3-year plan for socialist reform and economic
development - culture (1958-1960) was initially established the socialist relations
of production, creating a profound shift. From the village was destroyed after the
war, craft stalled villagers efforts move forward to build the village during the
socialist revolution.
* Planning the first five years (1961-1965)
a. Manufacturing industry
On the craft of making paper, more than a year after the Democratic and
Republican operatives are established, in August 1962 of two operatives merged into
the Democratic operatives with about 240 members, 40 women workers, by Dao Van
Thi as chairman. Cooperative production of goods increasingly rich as roneo paper,
copy paper, invitations, cardboard cooperatives also pay attention to build
infrastructure such as pulp mill cabins, wharves cover, cooking cauldron that dip tank
covers technical focus stage, increasing labor productivity for members.
In the cooperative industry in this period must also mention Summing Thinh
- food processing facilities. Staples as tofu, rice, milled rice to serve the people. In
1962, the cooperative also produces more malt, wine, sorghum, tapioca filter,
cassava bread, sugar juice,
b. Agricultural production
Agricultural production is very difficult here, most farmers are not fluent in
plowing and harrowing, transplanting and harvesting. The most serious is to harvest
the winter rain floods, cooperative neighborhood school did not mobilize enough
manpower to germinate rice were much larger failures. Under these circumstances, is
common and learning from experience production cooperatives Dong Xuan (Spring
Mount), high-level operatives in Phu Gia village scale, cooperative neighborhood
school has made progress. In late 1961, the cooperatives have carried goods to capital
goods prices move higher. However, the development of agricultural cooperatives is
much higher up embarrassing the organization and management.
Overcoming many difficulties, the cooperative steps to boost production.
Community Power Cooperative in 1963-1964 accounted for transplant to 131 form 6
acres up 5% of the plan area; 142 samples transplanted crop up 6% of the plan. On
the pig, the cooperatives have to build housing collectives. The cooperative to build
technical facilities, just as the warehouse, drying, has focused on building compost,
seed soaking tanks, procurement of technical tools. Breeding can be accelerated. In
addition, the cooperative also planted dozens of green vegetables to serve people's
lives. Results after the campaign to improve the management, agricultural
cooperatives has grown up full-scale communal named Hop Nhat.
* Medium production, just fight, positive support for the South (1965-1975)
a. Manufacturing industry
In addition to general problems, the cooperative has faced many
disadvantages in the production process, such as power failure, shortage of
materials, production is not stable, these items must be changed regularly. Redress
the war often lose power, Quan Hoa Cooperative bought generators and encourage
good weavers stood two machines to increase productivity. In 1967, The U.S.
textile cooperative is the flagship textile crafts of the city. Democratic operatives
face many hardships due to non supply of raw materials should be continuously
produced in the years 1966-1969 decreased, their members do other jobs such as
kneading coal, as blinds structure, scraping cotton blanket core.
b. Agricultural production
In 1965 had completed by pulling power and Yen Hoa it plans to build
pumping stations, bringing electricity to the rice threshing, milling, The use of
tractors as well as land new changes in the cooperative. Systems for grain storage,
supplies, farm system, well built. However, agricultural production can not rise on
a par with the craft by about objectivity: this period, agricultural production to meet
natural disasters (flooding limit cold, pests), especially the labor force was reduced
due to the national defense mobilization, many young people enroll in professional
schools, to escape.
On sale of cooperative activities: since 1966, purchasing cooperatives
organized annually consumed hundreds of tons of vegetables. Working households
buying, selling household agricultural cooperatives have contributed to boost
2.1.3. The period from 1976-1986
From 1976 to 1986, Yen Hoa people have implemented the task of strengthening
and reorganization of production, gradually overcome difficulties, maintain economic
development and social.
The weather conditions are more complicated, there are five such prolonged
cold spring accounted for 1976-1977, which must be sown again several times but the
output still reached 360-533 kg, the state tax for more than 71 tons, the food is
average of 12.8 members kg / month. In 1978, prolonged flooding but many
cooperatives have taken measures to overcome production reached 300 tonnes of
paddy, the State duties with 87 tons.
100-CT/TW Directive was issued with the policy of renewing the
agricultural cooperative model elimination mechanism towards centralized
bureaucratic level, the mechanism of applying the product to groups and workers.
Under the new mechanism, agricultural production is divided into eight stages,
including operatives in charge of five phases (soil preparation, seed, fertilizer,
irrigation and pest control), the household and its members guarantee 3 stages
(planting, tending and harvesting). However, only around 100 actually meet early
in Yen Hoa. From the years 1983, 1984 onwards the number of agricultural
workers here on a reduced, aging populations increase the working age, young
labor force added little (mostly young people escape from work or cooperative)
should this time not all the area of culture.
Along with agriculture, industry is also of interest. The U.S. textile cooperative
is the leading unit, and achieving high production value. Since 1976, cooperatives have
expanded quickly found a woolen carpet and move workers into flour processing. Since
1981, members supported cooperative restored traditional paper-based procurement
make use of paper margins. This has contributed to employment and income for people.
2.2. Cultural situation
2.2.1. Cultural and spiritual Customary
* The delivery: According to custom the child is born, if the son is the
family holiday home to fix the row adjacent to the specific charge of the village
received books of the Holy gifts and baby boy names that Family book of the
village's borders. In the village, the old have much to buy, purchase of letters to his
son very early, the wealthy son of the village want to position themselves in the
village or international lady is free phen complex services spend money for the
village to buying position.
* The marriage: The wedding married in the village of Cot mainly in the form
of "introduction", often introduced in the village who married "the buffalo grass was
eaten" with more than two types of girls, boys more than one. Basically traditional
wedding in the village of Cot whether rich or poor families are going through the
steps of: making connections, see eye to see the ceremony, Le Van Name, holiday
lane mile, holiday food questions, please wedding, bride, cross to pay the village, the
procession ceremony beard, dodder International, with full care of members,
including the bride, groom, relatives exterior sides, incense bearers, bridesmaids,
groomsmen, the mats, who chickened welcome.
* The evidence: In the past, have a funeral in the village, immediately
adjacent to appoint persons to assist. The village also specify the ages of 30-42
years old are working in the hospitality village. Whenever the village there is the
taste of this team meetings to help the family to take care of tasks related to the
coffin, carrying, her funeral and burial Generally the job requires a lot of health
and participants
* Process the old longing: Custom key is represented by the old rite to the
old, old longing, good life. In the village the old longing to maintain close family
associations. Le village is defined as 50 years old and have been on line long for
the old ceremony. Depending on the conditions of the families that long for the old
ceremony is large or small. Up to 64 years old are entitled to every detail bordering
the upper and longing to eat. If that does not long for someone to old age at death is
still to be regarded as civil debt. Religious beliefs
* Worship the ancestors: ancestor worship is a good tradition are highly
valued in the village of Cot. This activity is associated with the regular worship in
the family in the village and the maintenance and care for them in the family.
As far as how to decorate ancient place of worship, the ancestral altar was
placed at the most solemn in the space between the house, on the altar and
worshiping many shares as wished stations, incense, all the.
* Belief tutelary village church: In the traditional beliefs of the cult VN
tutelary is considered the most popular. Cot Village is no exception to that trend of
worship. Village with the worship of the tutelary saint and Yan Cao Son Dai Vuong
Ly La Royal Buddhist. The legend of the tutelary gods also be many books praise
and worship at some sites. Cao Son Dai Vuong Duc is a saint of the four "four
immortal" - those who patronize the ancient Thang Long Citadel. Also known Ly
Phat Tu is a real character in history, the history of continuing to Ly Nam De Ly
Thien Bao after his death (in 555 AD). Traditional festivals
Like many other village house in the Red River delta, in addition to function
as a meeting place, cultural activities of the village community, a place to worship the
village tutelary saints, the relics of the column is a place villagers in the three-day
festival from 12 to 15 February. Formerly of village churches have the custom of the
adjacent pig chief host. Day 12 is on the Assembly, but from the 10th day began
opening meeting, the program is pasted around the village festival. These days, when
entering the village, from the Bridge Cot, festival atmosphere was filled with festive
flags along the bridge plug.
Evening of 11 February, members of the same old tools elderly women of
the village to the temple ceremony invited (invited) and 3 days later, the villagers
celebrate Holy Communion on the three temples in the village offering to do home
incense, festival. Only five major village festival held sacred procession from third
temple (Temple Market, Wat temples, shrines both) of families. The evening of
May 15, villagers organized procession of the holy shrines known as the procession
leave the same. March 16 to villagers about the home village of Kim Lien
Assembly (because of the relationship with worship Cao Son).
Speaking to the Assembly Cot can not not mention the procession of life:
palanquin procession 7 (5 dragon throne plaque, a sharp trot - trot line incense, a
procession jars with water), an incense. Procession of 120 boys aged 12-15 (in
which 16 women); 130 people holding flags, fans, brutal, canopy, hole set, the
eight weapons panicle; 24 musicians, 26 people dedicated to keep the team
procession.Hoàn tác chỉnh sửa Education
Under the French regime, the early twentieth century, when the script
becomes a means of spreading advanced knowledge of that time, young people
decide to Lower Yen heavily attended private classes of homeland state school or
private school in Hanoi. Between XX TK, before the development of Yen Decision
learning, "state protection" must open schools at the village level sales, is one of the
rare schools of Tu Liem district
Secondary schools, Yen Hoa III was established in 1960, first year only two
grade 8 school. 1961 officially named the high school level III Yen Hoa. The first
year the school only four-level roof huts, thatched roofs mix together. Step into the
year against American tensions challenging, teachers and students have attempted
Yen Hoa emulation "good teaching and good learning". Five years (1965 -1970)
consecutive school is recognized as an advanced case against American in Hanoi
Department of Education. Also there is the certificate of merit from the Ministry of
Education, Hanoi People's Committee and the Prime Minister Pham Van Dong.
2.2.2. Material Culture
* The construction of monuments, religious Cot village save a lot of valuable relics
Ha yen Quyet family: Decision Monuments family Yen Hoa is the name of
the village's geographic locations. Are relics of ancient villages, families Cot has a
long history. In addition to the column is the gathering place of the eight adjacent
villages, where families still worship the tutelary saint and Yan Cao Son Dai
Vuong Ly La Royal Buddhist.
Family of type 4, 5 deck of his heart, three incense, bowed legs a collapsed
church, a picture of the ring, suspected subjects, one of a set of 12 holes, 2 picture
scrolls, 7 parallel sentences, a horizontal picture, a bronze bell, 3 trio of bronze, a
copper sword, 3 copper incense holder, a mace the same, a set of holes, 5 engines all the
dragon throne, the parallel sentences lacquer trimmed with gold from the 1832 Disaster
Mong Hai Vu wrote, the Bachelor couple of sentences Thuc Royal Society chord
progressions all in the definition of art in TK XIX.
Chua Ngoc Quan: Cot Village with beautiful ancient temples, pagodas
name is Ngoc Quan (with place names is called Lower pagoda Yen Decision). It
was built early. According plate inscription dating to the 8th Duong Hoa (1642) is
kept in the temple proved temple was built at least TK XVII. Ngoc Quan Pagoda is
a monument of religious beliefs, besides Buddhist temple worship according to
popular belief model, the worship of Buddhist monk and climate. In the temple a
bronze bell bowl of Canh Thinh year (1800) is cast into the Tay Son period.
Church of the Nguyen: In line preserved their genealogy and family
convention with 16 direct ordination
* In addition to the historical, cultural and traditional religious beliefs,
family, temple ruins are important revolutionary war.
Ngoc Quan Temple in 1945 in the mass organizations of the National
Salvation Front Vietnamese Minh City has donated two sessions of hunger relief. On
the evening of 18/08/1945 temple is where the rally held to welcome the new
government of the front Vietnamese Minh. After the national resistance on
19.12.1946, the temple is the cooking facilities, supplies to the army and fought
defensive University in La route Cau Giay and Kim Code.
In the early years of resistance against French colonialists, the column is the
headquarters of the Administrative Committee of the social resistance. Village as the
site regularly organizes staff training reinforced the Commission's administrative
staff. During the enemy occupied, campus secret cellar family have hidden
documents, home is where the focus away masses to spread advocacy on policy and
guidelines of the revolutionary war, where permanent battle of the militia unit.
3.1. Socio-economic situation
3.1.1. Socio-economic situation since 1986 The period 1986 - 1996
In 1986 marked an important turning point in the Party and State to conduct
the renewal of the country.
Regarding agriculture, not only that the commune of Yen Hoa implanted during
seasons, fertilization and pest good, respected purebred CR203 pest resistant high yield
of 8 tonnes / ha to total over 600 tons of paddy / nam.Chan collective farming
decreased, livestock development in each family, there are 15-20 families raising pigs,
the number of cattle and poultry also increased.
The cooperative crafts, after making a new management mechanism,
producing collective shrinking, private production on a lot. Democratic operatives
paper after the difficult years of the plan targets were removed, self-production and
marketing of products, joint ventures with other entities. Cooperative members in
addition to time in workshops focusing cooperatives also produce more autonomy
in the family. Cooperatives such as Dong Tam paper, cooperative purchasing,
quite developed.
The years 1991-1993 are strong transition to a market economy. State on the
one hand increasing inputs to accurate and complete production costs, overcome by
the word fake real loss of price subsidies before. Under the impact of market rules,
industry activities - social service development of diverse and healthy.
Economic stability to create favorable conditions to promote the Hoa Yen
culture and society. In good education combined stages: the school - family - society
to take care of education, implement the principle of "good teaching, good learning".
Primary and secondary schools of social good annual rate of 25-30%, 34-39% rather
from the average low is 27% and 2% (in 2009).
Pursuing reform of the Party, Yen Hoa people strive for and achieve success
on many fronts in the last 10 years. This marks the maturity of the organization and
management of the government, while confirming that the masses have always
believed strongly in the innovation, overcome all difficulties and challenges,
promote industrialization and modernization of the country . The period from 1997 to present
The implementation of Decree No. 74/CP of November 22, 1996 of the
Government, beginning in September 1997 Cau Giay district is established consisting
of 7 wards Hoa Yen Yen Hoa ward was changed. When converted into wards, Yen Hoa
households with 11,000 inhabitants in 2850, the switch operating mechanism of social
management on the ward, particularly Yen Hoa high speed urbanization posed to ward
difficulties, try new challenges in the process of economic development, social security,
employment, people's daily lives.
The economic structure is now: industry, construction, trade and services,
agriculture, focusing on infrastructure investments such as roads, schools, health care,
electricity and clean water for people encourage and create conditions for the
components of economic production and business expansion, contributing to local
employment. In the years 1998-2000 most of the production facilities have invested
small and medium machines instead of labor, increase productivity, expand markets.
As each ward with the speed of urbanization, arable land is increasingly
shrinking, labor issues, employment becomes urgent. Yen Hoa has solved nearly 200
jobs for local laborers and more than 100 employees engaged in other organs.
From 2005 to now the village of Hoa Yen Yen Hoa Ward in particular and
the general rate of urbanization is very rapid, with many big projects in housing,
public transportation lines. Therefore, agricultural land continued to decline, the
population continues to increase the mechanical employment to people becoming
more urgent
After 20 years of the renovation policy, Yen Hoa Yen Hoa ward now has a
comprehensive change in all economic sectors - cultural - social security and
defense. The face of urban increasingly clear, material and spiritual life of the
people is improved and improved remarkably. Yen Hoa People's People's Capital
and the whole people determined to make the goal of "prosperous people, strong
country and an equitable, democratic and civilized society".
3.1.2. The change in the economic life after renovation
* Career Change:
Vocational services trade in the village: About 40% of villagers service
occupations, mostly sales (food, clothing, games, pharmacy ), student lodging,
pawn, stores beauty, motorcycle repair. The types of services appear dense in the
village, providing a significant source of income for people.
The craft village is now so extensive as to every code, making paper,
plastics manufacturing outsourcing, making the bread, making sausage, rolls,
producing pure water there are also other forms of trade in services such as rental
trucks, passenger cars, processing clothing, of the village economy in recent
years this goes towards the service. The economic structure of the village in 2010:
1% agriculture, industry and handicrafts accounted for 35%, trade and services
accounted for 64%.
* Change of land, housing
Along with the expansion of the village and demand for land for production
and sales, land in the village of Cot with rapid fluctuations. The area of agricultural
land is increasingly given way to narrow residential land, handicraft production and
construction land. The fast changing nature created the breakthrough of the village
can be calculated from the amount of land the villagers have divided population
density, the villagers use the money to build houses, shopping facilities and
wholesale investment selling business.
* Change in living
Widened, the village welfare projects are focused, demand for the type of
site services also increased. The village appeared all kinds of services. The market
meeting the day rather than the fair form as before.
3.2. Cultural life
3.2.1. Cultural and spiritual life Customary
* The customs and practices related to life cycle rituals
Births: At present, the feast of the row adjacent to the families whose son no
longer be performed as before but the village still get the exact amount of capacity
in each village by village family or individual statistics. The full month celebrate
rituals, full of years for young people today are not only larger organizations within
the family that the family is inviting friends and relatives to celebrate the child's
diet, regardless of your son or daughter.
The wedding: Since the renovation, along with economic development and
openness of the new society, the wedding ceremony took place in the village of Cot
in the more cautious, more fullness in eating and more attentive to invite guests,
welcome guests. Some wedding ceremony was a big change, has no more to bride,
wedding son or daughter will also do the same deck of cards and wedding villagers
son or daughter will celebrate the same and happy with money. Some rituals, such
as silk roses, wedding ceremony before the Deity was no longer obligatory
rituals, even wedding ceremonies are simplified to the extent possible in order
touching ceremony and asked to eat at the same time. Wedding in Hoa Yen was
much different today, the bride with shuttle cars are very popular, dress of the
bride, groom most western-style, wedding form in restaurants, hotels.
Important aging process: Currently, the old longing in the village much
more simple, just a ceremony at home and often betel tray of rice, some
descendants gathered not stretch it invited the villagers as before. The life
expectancy of people now more than 70 years of age so long for new homes. At
present, the old longing to return to the family rather than community, this ritual is
no longer required as previously released.
The evidence: Approximately from the late 90's to early XX TK 2000s
eating very popular funeral, the funeral is more expensive buffalo, pigs and
chickens; the casting side deck when not eating longer. The funeral rites took place
in a simple ceremony of villagers visit international rather than as before, the
spiritual food of the day funeral home is also much reduced.
* The customs and practices related to lifestyle and relationships in the village
There is a very noticeable change is the rhythm of village life today.
Different pace of life now past, seasonal agricultural rhythm is replaced by the pace
of industrialization, services and trade. Population in the village no longer farming
anymore, but to completely switch to jobs and services, business, work for the
enterprise, industrial With lines such labor should pace of busy villagers also
more urgently than in the strict dominance of the time factor.
The home in the village now are close together, the wall at the wall, not at
home any longer style fence, leaving early, this garden other gardens that connection
which also walled, private closed door then install malicious established, especially in
the streets. This dominant and partly reflects the independent urban lifestyle, enhance
private property and privacy of living space in each family.
The family cohesion, family power, prestige ancient family has been a problem
in the village, creating dissension, factions complex. Currently cohesion but there is still
no clear sectarian divisions as before that only a large family of concentration of power
and influence the development and cultural transformation of the village. Festival
After renovation, along with caring for the appearance of monuments,
especially the villagers interested in the restoration and preservation of the festival.
The convention of the village in which the provisions of the traditional rituals such
as sacrifices, processions and activities of those who serve in the festival are still
strict. The villagers villages today are more formal organization, offering more and
more, the amount invested festival as well as the amount of merit to the work of the
Assembly are very large. Apparel festival flags, the international air map, the
church, more beautiful. The amusement or entertainment and sports activities in
the village festival and more. During the festival days, the villagers who held flags,
singing the family, the traditional games, singing songs dao arts as theater, opera,
cockfighting competition.
Unique characteristics in the village of Cot festival procession is when
corporations go to where the villagers, especially children racing run by the procession
and the procession to pass through would be health, luck, good student and a achieved.
In the village festival village do not have that which also makes engines for
worship tutelary. The family focused gathered together to make the home team a
tray of incense ceremony, then sell fortune together. Village Holy Communion held
on a tour through the village, the family is preparing a grand ceremony to wheel
through the Holy Communion. The house in the alley, will together make wheels
holidays, first brought out in order for Holy Communion.
* Yen Hoa High School
Currently, Yen Hoa High School has about 1600 students. In the 2008-2009
school students learning capacity ratio reached 13.78% Good, good degree reached
66.34% rate of graduates reached 99.2%. Every year, the school has won several
high students in the gifted students for exams County, city and country. With these
achievements, Yen Hoa High School in 2006 by the Ministry of Education ranked
25/100 high schools have the best quality of training nationwide. According to the
Ministry of Education of the University Exam Results - Colleges 2009-2010 school
year, Yen Hoa High School ranked 64th in the top 200 high schools have higher
test scores most universities across the country and in the top 5 schools non-
professional high school of the University of HN with the highest scores.
* Yen Hoa Study Encouragement Society
On December, 2002 Yen Hoa Study Promotion Association was established.
Based on the local characteristics of the Association has developed the Advanced
Assembly Extension courses in three areas: school authorities, residents and family.
The family took in Yen Hoa's family tradition to educate native children. Many
of these family anniversary, frequently referred to the ancestral tradition of his father,
desperate to remind children to help each other, transforming or teach the truth.
The root of the Yen Hoa family now has hundreds of bachelors, engineers,
masters, more than 20 Ph.D., professor of contemporary. Many famous people
throughout the country by their contribution to the development of science and
technology, culture and education such as the American culture-Hoang Thuc By
Tram (specific name of the city was named), Professor Hoang Xuan Sang - expert
on nuclear physics, mathematics female doctor Hoang Xuan Sinh, Dr. musicians
segments, Dr. Hoang Suoc radio, architect Dr. Doan Minh Khoi
The tradition of hospitality, Yen Hoa's academy that lives and engage with
the historical culture of the village as houses, temples, churches, places to keep
them and promote the cultural traditions of the village. The worship of the family
patriarch expressed admiration hearts of the people tribute to those who have
contributed to the nation, and the ancestors. The access to information and other forms of entertainment
In each family, information systems are very diverse approaches 100% of
households in the village have television, 100% of households have telephones,
many have computers and internet. According to interviews of our questionnaire,
80% of respondents regularly access information from watching television,
listening to the radio 40%, 75% read books, newspapers, 35% talk to friends,
relatives . Thus information from television and books is the leading source of
information of the people of Yen Hoa.
Fact of life now has too much risk to the health insecurity, many people
especially in middle age or more sports activities selected just for fitness, but also
helps relax the mind: questions nursing student club, cycling, badminton, chess,
human chess, volleyball Assembly of the elderly. Village authorities also organized
tournaments, stadium construction, the stadium, develop sports movement.
In addition to the entertainment needs and enhance the health, social
activities also flourished. The social activities we do here is look at aspects
involved in the social grouping such as the elderly club, Veteran, club opera art,
opera, the question they,ect community recreation such as birds, plants, cocks.
About ten years the tourist attractions form has become popular with the villagers.
On summer vacations, holidays, unions, groups, societies, clubs, schools, the children, the
family organized trips, vacation, vacation: visit in Hue, Sam Son, Ha Long, Cat Ba
There are 34% of villagers often go sightseeing in the summer and holidays, 57%
occasionally travel is not the year to year, 9% of group rarely travel calendar.
Transformation of Yen Hoa culture associated with the process of economic
development and social transformation of the village. The change in culture was
reflected in many dimensions of village life, from small details to a common
overall. The change in culture was also expressed in many different levels with
many different directions that our investigation in this chapter also just mention
some of the main manifestations.
3.2.2. Material and cultural life
* Space and village landscape
Currently, none of bamboo wrapped around the village no longer land in the
village that became very valuable, rapid population growth is the wasteland where
scrub grass banks have been previously used for other purposes shall be for
business or live. Population pressures and rising land prices has led to shrinking
agricultural land, soil mounds, beach, ancient graves have also been exploited to
include land for residential and business.
Referring to the space, scenic villages can not not mention the public space
of the village. In particular, the highlights are the ruins of the space, the space of
the cultural projects such as schools, playgrounds, parks, sports grounds, libraries,
markets this work is extended or new construction in the village from the 90s of
XX century back but made the important point in the overall village space: cultural
Yen Hoa, Hoa Yen primary school, secondary school in Yen Hoa Currently
space of the surface that works together with the concrete streets that become urban
village. Previously the village's public space is also a public plots, farm villages,
their fields, ponds and villages but now, after the once divided the land no longer
forms. Thus, the space of the village also had a change towards a more modern
development to keep pace with urban growth.
* The works still retain their ancient architecture, unique
Cot church: Although village had to move several times, but still preserved
the architecture is typical of the house with the array Le sophisticated engraving on
wood components and architecture profound tinted wood structure with time the
executioner curved corners, rectangular structure with the surface. The entire
architecture home located on a high mound, the court system is made up of the
lower level to the outside, the layout is relatively consistent with the topography of
the land gradually slopes toward the plains. From outside the main courtyard of the
family to go through the door we Nghi subjects, formed by four pillars with axial
symmetric layout of the monument is mind, body grip head is up to respect the
letter of sentences Han.
Ngoc Quan pagoda: Temple of turning south, the buildings of the temple
layout uninterrupted harmony in a wide open space. Front of the temple
architecture is the gateway Three types of two-story brick building. Floor tiles on
the roof two-story wood frame matches her husband, rolling door downstairs brick
arch in three passages, with decorative brick pillars at the corners. After Tam is the
brick walkway leading into the courtyard of the main temple. On both sides to have
the areca and lush plants. The main pagoda wood frame brick with tiled roofs,
mobile, ground-style layout with seven intentional for two reason, the front
forecourt, 5 Upper power space in the rear.
Behind the main temple on the right is Power Model, architectural style with
5 letters Second two ahead of time, after a harem of three times. Electric Model
made of wooden frames, roof tile di. Same direction as the main temple by a large
paved courtyard is the group and guest houses with roofs of two adjacent folds