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fordy, wood. (eds.) harmonic maps and integrable systems (1994)(316s)

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Contents of Fordy Wood file:///tmp/index.htm
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University of Leeds School of Maths Pure Maths J.C. Wood
ed. A.P. Fordy and J.C. Wood
Harmonic maps and integrable systems
Originally published in the series: Aspects of
Mathematics, vol. E23, by Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden,
1994; now out of print. Click on any chapter to obtain the
postscript version. All papers are unchanged except as
Introduction and background material
, p. 3
AhistoricalintroductiontosolitonsandBäcklundtranformations , A.P. Fordy, p. 7
Harmonic maps into symmetric spaces and integrable systems, J.C. Wood, p. 29
The geometry of surfaces
The affine Toda equations and miminal surfaces
, J. Bolton and L. Woodward, p. 59
Equations (4.2) on p. 73 corrected
Surfaces in terms of 2 by 2 matrices: Old and new integrable cases, A.I. Bobenko, p. 83
Pictures now included in file (in slightly different positions on page)
Integrable systems, harmonic maps and the classical theory of solitons, M. Melko and I.
Sterling, p. 129
Pictures now included in file as original
Sigma and chiral models
The principal chiral model as an integrable systemMMañasp
2-dimensional nonlinear sigma models: Zero curvature and Poisson structure, M.
Sigma models in 2+1 dimensions
, R.S. Ward, p. 193

The algebraic approach
Infinite dimensional Lie groups and the two-dimensional Toda lattice, I. McIntosh, p. 205
Harmonic maps via Adler-Kostant-Symes theory, F.E. Burstall and F. Pedit, p. 221
Loop group actions on harmonic maps and their applications
, M.A. Guest and Y.
Ohnita, p. 273
Contents of Fordy Wood file:///tmp/index.htm
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The twistor approach
Twistors, nilpotent orbits and harmonic maps, P.Z. Kobak, p. 295
Index of terms used in the articles, p. 323
This page is maintained by J.C. Wood
Last Updated 24 August 1998
