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Third edition



Sensory analysis — Methodology —
Paired comparison test


Analyse sensorielle — Méthodologie — Essai de comparaison par

Reference number
ISO 5495:2005/Amd.1:2016(E)
© ISO 2016

ISO 5495:2005/Amd.1:2016(E)


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ISO 5495:2005/Amd.1:2016(E)


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ISO 5495:2005/Amd.1:2016(E)

Sensory analysis — Methodology — Paired comparison test

Page 15, Annex B, B.5.2

Replace B.5.2 with the following:

Analysis and interpretation of results

In Example 1 (one-sided paired test), the data were as follows: n = 30, x = 21, α = 0,05. From these data,

the analyst calculates

p c = x/n = 21/30 = 0,7,

sd (standard error of p d )

pˆ d

(proportion of distinguishers) = 2 p c − 1 = 2 × 0, 7 − 1 = 0, 4 ,




= 0, 167 , and
— 95 % one-sided lower confidence limit = pˆ d − zα s d = 0, 4 − 1, 64 × 0, 167 = 0, 125 .


x − x2 / n3


30 × 21 − 21 2 / 30 3

The sensory analyst can there fore be 95 % certain that the proportion o f consumers who perceive the
prototype to be crispier than the control is larger than the proportion o f consumers who perceive the
control to be crispier than the prototype by at least 12 %. This result agrees with the conclusion given
in Example 1, since it shows that the one-sided confidence interval does not contain the null value.

In Example 3 (two-sided paired difference test), the data were as follows: n = 44, x = 32, α = 0,05. It
follows that
— pc = x/n = 32/44 = 0,73,
— pˆ d (proportion of distinguishers) = 2 p c − 1 = 2 × 0, 73 − 1 = 0, 45 ,

sd (standard error of p d )



× x − x2) / n3 = 2

( 44

× 32 − 32 2 ) / 44 3 = 0, 134 ,

— 95 % upper confidence limit = pˆ d + zα/2 sd = 0,45 + 1,96 × 0,134 = 0,71, and
— 95 % lower confidence limit =

pˆ d

− zα 2 s d = 0, 45 − 1, 96 × 0, 134 = 0, 19 .

The sensory analyst can there fore be 95 % certain that at least 19 % and at most 71 % o f the

population is capable of distinguishing the samples. This result concords with the conclusion given in
Example 3, indicating sample A as being saltier, since it shows that the confidence interval does not
contain the null value.
In Example 4 (two-sided paired similarity test), the data were as follows: n = 120, x = 67, β = 0,05 and
the critical pd = 30 %. In the two-sided case, the value of x is chosen to be the maximum of the two
choice counts, regardless of which sample was chosen most often. The calculation therefore gives
— pc = x/n = 67/120 = 0,56,

— pˆ d (proportion of distinguishers) = 2 p c − 1 = 2 × 0, 56 − 1 = 0, 12 ,

sd (standard error of p d )

© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved




x − x2 / n3




120 × 67 − 67 2 / 120 3

= 0, 09 , and

ISO 5495:2005/Amd.1:2016(E)

9 5 % upp er con fidence l i m it =


d + zβ/2 sd = 0,12 + 1,96 × 0,09 = 0,29.

T he s en s or y ana lys t c a n there fore b e 9 5 % cer tai n that the ac tua l prop or tion o f the p opu lation c ap able
o f d i s ti ngui s h i ng the s a mple s i s no gre ater th an 2 9 % . For the s i m i la rity te s t, the ana lys t cho s e the
con fidence level to b e 10 0 (1 –




= 95 %. Since 29 % is less than the pre-established limit (i.e. critical

= 3 0 %) , the ana lys t c an conclude with 9 5 % con fidence that the s a mp le s a re s u fficiently s i m i la r i n

s ur face sl ip to b e u s e d i nterch ange ably.

Since x

wa s defi ne d as the ma xi mu m choice cou nt rega rd le s s o f wh ich s ample re ceive d the h igher cou nt,

on ly the upp er-l i m it o f the two - s ide d con fidence i nter va l ne e d s to b e c a lc u l ate d .


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ISO 5495:2005/Amd.1:2016(E)

ICS  67.2 40

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