Elements of
Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
University of Nôtre Dame
Reading, Massachusetts - Menlo Park, California
London - Amsterdam - Don Mills, Ontario - Sydney
This book is in the
Addison-Wesley Series in Metallurgy and Materials
Morris Cohen
Consulting Editor
Copyright 0 1978, 1956 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Philippines copyright
1978 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of
America. Published simultaneously in Canada. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-73950.
ISBN 0-201-01174-3
X-ray diffraction is a tool for the investigation of the fine structure of matter. This
technique had its beginnings in von Laue's discovery in 1912 that crystals diffract
x-rays, the manner of the diffraction revealing the structure of the crystal. At first,
x-ray diffraction was used only for the determination of crystal structure. Later on,
however, other uses were developed, and today the method is applied not only to
structure determination, but to such diverse problems as chemical analysis and
stress measurement, to the study of phase equilibria and the measurement of particle size, to the determination of the orientation of one crystal or the ensemble of
orientations in a polycrystalline aggregate.
The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader who has no previous knowledge of the subject with the theory of x-ray diffraction, the experimental methods
involved, and the main applications. Because the author is a metallurgist, the
majority of these applications are described in terms of metals and alloys. However, little or no modification of experimental method is required for the examination of nonmetallic materials, inasmuch as the physical principles involved do not
depend on the material investigated. This book should therefore be useful to
metallurgists, chemists, physicists, ceramists, mineralogists, etc., namely, to all
who use x-ray diffraction purely as a laboratory tool for the sort of problems
already mentioned.
Members of this group, unlike x-ray crystallographers, are not normally concerned with the determination of complex crystal structures. For this reason the
rotating-crystal method and space-group theory, the two chief tools in the solution
of such structures, are described only briefly.
This is a book of principles and methods intended for the student, and not a
reference book for the advanced research worker. Thus no metailurgical data are
given beyond those necessary to illustrate the diffraction methods involved. For
example, the theory and practice of determining preferred orientation are treated
in detail, but the reasons for preferred orientation, the conditions affecting its
development, and actual orientations found in specific metals and alloys are not
described, because these topics are adequately covered in existing books. In short,
x-ray diffraction is stressed rather than metallurgy.
The book is divided into three main parts: fundamentals, experimental methods, and applications. The subject of crystal structure is approached through, and
based on, the concept of the point lattice (Bravais lattice), because the point lattice
of a substance is so closely related to its diffraction pattern. X-ray diffraction
phenomena are rather sharply divisible into those effects that are understandable
in terms of the Bragg law and those that require a more advanced treatment, based
on the reciprocal lattice. This book is written entirely in terms of the Bragg l a 6
and can be read without any knowledge of the reciprocal lattice. My experience
with teaching x-ray diffraction to senior students in metallurgy, for many of whom
this book represents a terminal course in the subject, is that there is insufficient
time to attain both a real facility for "reciprocal thinking" and a good knowledge
of the many applications of diffraction. I therefore prefer the Bragg-law approach
for a first course. Those instructors who wish to introduce the reciprocal lattice at
the beginning can interpose Appendix I , which contains the rudiments of the
subject, between Chapters 2 and 3.
Chapters on chemical analysis by x-ray diffraction and x-ray spectroscopy are
included because of the industrial importance of these analytical methods. Electron
and neutron diffraction are treated in appendices.
This second edition includes an account of new developments made possible
by the semiconductor detector and pulse-height analysis, namely, energy-dispersive
spectrometry and diffractometry. Applications of position-sensitive detectors are
also described.
A new section is devoted to x-ray topography and other x-ray methods of
assessing the quality of single crystals. Other additions include a quantitative
treatment of the temperature factor and descriptions of the Auger effect, microcameras and Guinier cameras, and microanalysis in the electron microscope.
References to original papers are now given, and the tables of wavelengths and
absorption coefficients have been expanded.
This edition contains more material on the measurement of preferred orientation and residual stress than the first edition, but the former chapter on chemical
analysis by x-ray absorption has been dropped, as being of minor interest to most
The first edition carried the following acknowledgements:
Like any author of a technical book, I am greatly indebted to previous writers on this
and allied subjects. I must also acknowledge my gratitude to two of my former teachers
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor B. E. Warren and Professor
John T. Norton: they will find many an echo of their own lectures in these pages.
Professor Warren has kindly allowed me to use many problems of his devising, and the
advice and encouragement of Professor Norton has been invaluable. My colleague at
Notre Dame, Professor G . C. Kuczynski, has read the entire book as it was written, and
his constructive criticisms have been most helpful. I would also like to thank the following,
each of whom has read one or more chapters and offered valuable suggestions: Paul A.
Beck, Herbert Friedman, S. S. Hsu, Lawrence Lee, Walter C. Miller, William Parrish,
Howard Pickett, and Bernard Waldman. I am also indebted to C. G . Dunn for the loan
of illustrative material and to many graduate students, August Freda in particular, who
have helped with the preparation of diffraction patterns. Finally, but not perfunctorily,
I wish to thank Miss Rose Kunkle for her patience and diligence in preparing the typed
In the preparation of the second edition I have been helped in many ways by
Charles W. Allen, A. W. Danko, Ron Jenkins, Paul D. Johnson, A. R. Lang,
John W. Mihelich, J. B. Newkirk, Paul S. Prevey, B. E. Warren, Carl Cm. Wu, and
Leo Zwell. To all these, my best thanks.
Notre Dame, Indiana
November 1977
B. D. Cullity
Chapter 1
Properties of X-rays
Introduction . . . . .
Electromagnetic radiation
The continuous spectrum
.The characteristic spectrum .
Absorption . . . . . .
Filters . . . . . . .
Production of x-rays . . .
Detection of x-rays . . .
Safety precautions . . . .
Chapter 2
2-1 1
Chapter 3
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. .
. .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Geometry of Crystals
Introduction . . . . .
Lattices . . . . . . .
Crystal systems . . . . .
Symmetry . . . . . .
Primitive and nonprimitive cells
Lattice directions and planes
Crystal structure . . . .
Atom sizes and coordination .
Crystal shape . . . . .
Twinned crystals . . . .
The stereographic projection .
Diffraction I: Directions of Diffracted Beams
Introduction . . . . . . .
Diffraction . . . . . . . .
The Bragg law . . . . . . .
X-ray spectroscopy . . . . .
Diffraction directions . . . . .
Diffraction methods . . . . .
Diffraction under nonideal conditions
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 4
Diffraction 11: Intensities of Diffracted Beams
Introduction . . . . . .
Scattering by an electron . . .
Scattering by an atom
. . .
Scattering by a unit cell . . .
Some useful relations . . . .
Structure-factor calculations . .
Application to powder method .
Multiplicity factor . . . . .
Lorentzfactor . . . . . .
Absorptionfactor . . . . .
Temperature factor . . . .
Intensities of powder pattern lines
Examples of intensity calculations
Measurement of x-ray intensity .
Chapter 5
Laue Photographs
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cameras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specimens and holders . . . . . . . . . . .
Collimators .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The shapes of Laue spots . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 149
. 150
. 155
. 156
. 158
Chapter 6 Powder Photographs
Introduction . . . . . .
Debye-Scherrer method . . .
Specimen preparation . . . .
Filmloading . . . . . .
Cameras for special conditions .
Focusing cameras . . . . .
Seemann-Bohlin camera . . .
Back-reflection focusing cameras
Pinhole photographs . . . .
Microbeams and microcameras .
Choice of radiation . . . .
. . .
Background radiation
Crystal monochromators . . .
Guinier cameras . . . . .
Measurement of line position .
Measurement of line intensity .
Chapter 7
Diffractometer and Spectrometer Measurements
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
General features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
X-rayoptics . . . . .
Counters (general)
. . .
Proportional counters
. .
Geiger counters . . . .
Scintillation counters . . .
Semiconductor counters . .
Pulse-heightanalysis . . .
Special kinds of diffractometry
Scalers . . . . . . .
Ratemeters . . . . . .
Monochromatic operation .
Chapter 8
Orientation and Quality of Single Crystals
Crystal Orientation
The back-reflection Laue method . .
Transmission Laue method . . . . .
Diffractorneterrnethod . . . . . .
Setting a crystal in a required orientation .
Crystal Quality
Laue methods . . . . . .
Topographic and other methods .
Chapter 9
Structure of Polycrystalline Aggregates
Crystal Size
Grain size .
Particle size
Crystal quality . . . .
Depth of x-ray penetration
. .
. .
Crystal Quality
Crystal Orientation
General . . . . . . . . . . .
The texture of wire (photographic method)
The texture of sheet (diffractometer methods) .
The texture of wire (diflractometer method) .
Inverse pole figures . . . . . . . .
~ m o r p h o kSolids
Amorphous and semi-amorphous solids . .
Summary . . . . . . . . . .
Determination of Crystal Structure
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . : .
Preliminary treatment of data . . . . . . . .
Indexing patterns of cubic crystals . . . . . . .
Indexing patterns of noncubic crystals (graphical methods)
Indexing patterns of noncubic crystals (analytical methods)
The effect of cell distortion on the powder pattern . .
Determination of the number of atoms in a unit cell . .
Determination of atom positions . . . . . . .
Example of structure determination
. . . . . . .
Chapter 11
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
Precise Parameter Measurements
Introduction . . . . . .
Debye-Scherrer cameras . . .
Back-reflection focusing cameras
Pinhole cameras . . . . .
Diffractometers . . . . .
Method of least squares . . .
Cohen's method . . . . .
General . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2
Phase-Diagram Determination
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
curves (disappearing-phase method) . .
curves (parametric method) .
Chapter 43
Order-Disorder Transformations
Chapter 44
Chemical Analysis by X-ray Diffraction
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Qualitative Analysis
Basic principles . . . . . .
Powder diffraction file . . . . .
Procedure . . . . . . . .
Examples of analysis . . . . .
Practical difficulties . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Quantitative Analysis (Single Phase)
Chemical analysis by parameter measurement
. 407
Quantitative Analysis (Multiphase)
14-1 1
Chapter 15
Basic principles . . .
External standard method
Direct comparison method
Internal standard method
Practical difficulties . .
Chemical Analysis by X-ray Spectrometry
Introduction . .
General principles .
Wavelength Dispersion
Spectrometers . . .
Intensity and resolution
Qualitative analysis .
Quantitative analysis .
Energy Dispersion
Spectrometers . . .
Intensity and resolution
Excitation and filtration
Chemical analysis . .
Microanalysis .
Chapter 16
. .
Measurement of Residual Stress
Introduction . . . . . .
Applied stress and residual stress
General principles . . . . .
Diffractometer method . . .
Photographic method . . . .
Calibration . . . . . . .
Precision and accuracy . . .
Practicaldifficulties . . . .
The Reciprocal Lattice . . . . . . . . . . .
Electron and Neutron Diffraction . . . . . . . .
Lattice Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The RJombohedral-HexagonalTransformation . . . .
Crystal Structures of Some Elements . . . . . . .
Crystal Structures of Some Compounds and Solid Solutions
X-Ray Wavelengths . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 480
. .
. .
. . 504
. .
. .
. .
Mass Absorption Coefficients and Densities . . . . . . .
Values of sin2 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quadratic Forms of Miller Indices . . . . . . . . . .
values of (sin 8)/A(A-') . . . . . . . . .-. . . . .
Atomic Scattering Factors . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multiplicity Factors for the Powder Method . . . . . . . .
Lorentz-Polarization Factor . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data for Calculation of the Temperature Factor . . . . . .
Atomic Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physical Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General References . . . . . . . . .
Chapter References . . . . . . . . . .
Answers to Selected Problems . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
1. Properties of X-Rays
2. Geometry of Crystals
3. Diffraction I: Directions of Diffracted Beams
4. Diffraction 11: Intensities of Diffracted Beams
Properties of X-rays
X-rays were discovered in 1895 by the German physicist Roentgen and were so
named because their nature was unknown at the time. Unlike ordinary light, these
rays were invisible, but they traveled in straight lines and affected photographic
film in the same way as light. On the other hand, they were much more penetrating
than light and could easily pass through the human body, wood, quite thick pieces
of metal, and other "opaque" objects.
It is not always necessary to understand a thing in order to use it, and x-rays
were almost immediately put to use by physicians and, somewhat later, by
engineers, who wished to study the internal structure of opaque objects. By
placing a source of x-rays on one side of the object and photographic film on the
other, a shadow picture, or radiograph, could be made, the less dense portions of
the object allowing a greater proportion of the x-radiation to pass through than the
more dense. In this way the point of fracture in a broken bone or the position of a
crack in a metal casting could be located.
Radiography was thus initiated without any precise understanding of the
radiation used, because it was not until 1912 that the exact nature of x-rays was
established. In that year the phenomenon of x-ray drflraction by crystals was
discovered, and this discovery simultaneously proved the wave nature of x-rays
and provided a new method for investigating the fine structure of matter. Although
radiography is a very important tool in itself and has a wide field of applicability,
it is ordinarily limited in the internal detail it can resolve, or disclose, to sizes of the
order of lo-' cm. Diffraction, on the other hand, can indirectly reveal details of
internal structure of the order of
cm in size, and it is with this phenomenon,
and its applications to metallurgical problems, that this book is concerned. The
properties of x-rays and the internal structure of crystals are here described in the
first two chapters as necessary preliminaries to the discussion of the diffraction
of x-rays by crystal? which follows.
We know today that x-rays are electromagnetic radiation of exactly the same
nature as light but of very much shorter wavelength. The unit of measurement in
the x-ray region is the angstrom (A), equal to lo-* cm, and x-rays used in diffraction
have wavelengths lying approximately in the range 0.5-2.5 A, whereas the wavelength of visible light is of the order of 6OOO A. X-rays therefore occupy the region
Properties of x-rays
energy, eV
Name of
Wti !length,
:In troms
S-unit, X U
angstrom, A
micron, p m
1- A 1
lo2 -
centimeter, cm
meter, m
Long wave
kilometer, km
Fig. 1-1 The electromagnetic spectrum. The boundaries between regions are arbitrary,
since no sharp upper or lower limits can be assigned. (H. A. Enge, M. R. Wehr, J. A.
Richards, Introduction to Atomic Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,
Reading, Mass., 1972).
between gamma and ultraviolet rays in the complete electromagnetic spectrum
(Fig. 1-1). Other units sometimes used to measure x-ray wavelength are the
X unit (XU) and the kilo X unit (kX = 1000 XU). The kX unit, whose origin will
be described in Sec. 3-4, is only slightly larger than the angstrom. The approved
SI unit far wavelengths in the x-ray region is the nanometer:
1 nanometer
10 A.
This unit has not become popular.
It is worth while to review briefly some properties of electromagnetic waves.
Suppose a monochromatic beam of x-rays, i.e., x-rays of a single wavelength, is
traveling in the x direction (Fig. 1-2). Then it has associated with it a n electric
field E in, say, the y direction and, a t right angles to this, a magnetic field H in the
z direction. If the electric field is confined to the xy-plane as the wave travels along,
the wave is said to be plane-polarized. (In a completely unpolarized wave, the
Electromagnetic radiation
Fig. 1-2 Electric and magnetic fields associated with a wave moving in the x-direction.
electric field vector E and hence the magnetic
in the yz-plane.) The magnetic field is of
consider it further.
In the plane-polarized wave
from a maximum in the + y
direction and back again, at
instant of time, say t = 0, E
x-axis. If both variations are
the one equation
Id vector H can assume all directions
to us here and we need not
where A = amplitude of the wave, i.
variation of E is not necessarily
little; the important feature is its
graphically. The wavelength and
velength, and v = frequency. The
t the exact form of the wave matters
Figure 1-3 shows the variation of E
connected by the relation
with time but varies
in the -y
where c = velocity of light = 3.00 x 10' mlsec.
Electromagnetic radiation, such as a bea.m of x-rays, carries energy, and the
rate of flow of this energy through unit ar:a perpendicular to the direction of
motion of the wave is called the intensity I. The average value of the intensity is
proportional to the square of the amplitude 3f the wave, i.e., proportional to A ~ .
In absolute units, intensity is measured in joules/m2/sec, but this measurement is a
difficult one and is seldom carried out; most x-ray intensity measurements are made
on a relative basis in arbitrary units, suck as the degree of blackening of a
photographic film exposed to the x-ray beam.
An accelerated electric charge radiates energy. The acceleration may, of
course, be either positive or negative, and tkus a charge continuously oscillating
about some mean position acts as an excellen: source of electromagnetic radiation.
Radio waves, for example, are produced by the oscillation of charge back and forth
in the broadcasting antenna, and visible light by oscillating electrons in the atoms
Prope#es of x-rays
Fig. 1-3 T e variation of E, (a) with t at a fixed value of x and (b) with x at a fixed value
of t.
of the substance emitting the light. In each case, the frequency of the radiation is
the same as the frequency of the oscillator which produces it.
Up to now we have been considering electromagnetic radiation as wave motion
in accordance with classical theory. According to the quantum theory, however,
electromagnetic radiation can also be considered as a stream of particles called
quanta or :photons. Each photon has associated with it an amount of energy hv,
joule-sec). A link is thus provided
where h is Planck's constant (6.63 x
between t h two
~ viewpoints, because we can use the frequency of the wave motion
to calculat: the energy of the photon. Radiation thus has a dual wave-particle
character, and we will use sometimes one concept, sometimes the other, to explain
various phenomena, giving preference in general to the classical wave theory
whenever i.: is applicable.
when any electrically charged particle of sufficient kinetic
Electrons are usually used for this purpose, the
x-ray tube which contains a source of electrons and
voltage maintained across these electrodes, some
draws the electrons to the anode, or target,
X-rays are produced at the point of
charge on the electron (1.60 x 10-l9
then the kinetic energy (in
kg) and u its velocity in m/sec
mass of the electron (9.1 1 x
At a tube voltage of 30,000 volts, this velocity is about one-third
of the kinetic energy of the electrons striking the target is
less than 1 percent being transformed into x-rays.
from the target are analyzed, they are found to consist
The continuous spectrum
WAVELEXGTH angstroms)
Fig. 14 X-ray spectrum of molybdenum as a unction of applied voltage (schematic).
Line widths not to scale.
of a mixture of different wavelengths, an
length is found to depend on the tube
curves obtained. The intensity is zero
increases r
short-wavelength limit (A,),
with no sharp limit on the long wavelen
the intensity of all wavelengths increase
the position of the maximum shift to s
with the smooth curves in Fig. 1-4,
20 kV or less in the case of a molyb
such curves is called heterochromat
made up, like white light, of rays o
called bremsstrahlung, German for
electron deceleration.
The continuous spectrum is d
hitting the target since, as mention
Not every electron is decelerated i
one impact and give up all their e
and that by the atoms of the t
kinetic energy until it is all spent
will give rise to photons of ma
variation of intensity with waveFigure 1-4 shows the kind of
a certain wavelength, called the
a maximum and then decreases,
When the tube voltage is raised,
h the short-wavelength limit and
lengths. We are concerned now
ponding to applied voltages of
. The radiation represented by
or white radiation, since it is
ngths. White iadiation is also
tion," because it is caused by
deceleration of the electrons
celerated charge emits energy.
owever; some are stopped in
others are deviated this way
sing fractions of their total
h are stopped in one impact
x-rays of minimum wave-
proper/tiesof x-rays
length. S ch electrons transfer all their energy eV into photon energy and we may
eV = hv,,,,
x lo8)
(6.626 x 10-~~)(2.998
(1.602 x 1C-19) V
This equation gives the short-wavelength limit (in angstroms) as a function of the
applied voltage V. If an electron is not completely stopped in one encounter but
undergoes a glancing impact which only partially decreases its velocity, then only a
fraction of its energy eV is emitted as radiation and the photon produced has
energy less than hv,,,.
In terms of wave motion, the corresponding x-ray has a
frequency ower than v,, and a wavelength longer than A,,.
The totality of these
wavelengtl-s, ranging upward from I.,,,, constitutes the continuous spectrum.
We now see why the curves of Fig. 1-4 become higher and shift to the left as
the applied. voltage is increased, since the number of photons produced per second
and the average energy per photon are both increasing. The total x-ray energy
emitted pe- second, which is proportional to the area under one of the curves of
Fig. 1 4 , ~ l s odepends on the atomic number Z of the target and on the tube
current i, tne latter being a measure of the number of electrons per second striking
the target. This total x-ray intensity is given by
AiZ Vm,
proportionality constant and m is a constant with a value of about 2.
amounts of white radiation are desired, it is therefore necessary to use
like tungsten (Z = 74) as a target and as high a voltage,as possible.
material of the target affects the intensity but not the wavelength
the continuous spectrum.
Icont. spectrum
1-4 THE
on an x-ray tube is raised above a certain critical value,
target metal, sharp intensity maxima appear at certain waveon the continuous spectrum. Since they are so narrow and
are characteristic of the target metal used, they are called
lines fall into several sets, referred to as K, L, M, etc.,
wavelength, all the lines together forming the characterused as the target. For a molybdenum target the K
0.7 A, the L lines about 5 A, and the M lines still
only the K lines are useful in x-ray diffraction,
the longer-wavelength lines being too easily
in the K set, but only the three strongest are
These are the Kor,, Kor,, and KP,, and for
approximately :
The characteristic spectrum
There are several lines
normal diffraction work.
their wavelengths are
The a, and a, components have wavelengths s close together that they are not
always resolved as separate lines; if resolved, t ey are called the Kor doublet and,
if not resolved, simply the Kor line." Similarly KP, is usually referred to as the
KP line, with the subscript dropped, Kcw, is al ays about twice as strong as Kor,,
while the intensity ratio of Kor, to Kfl, depend on atomic number but averages
about 51 1.
These characteristic lines may be seen in he uppermost curve of Fig. 1-4.
Since the critical K excitation voltage, i.e., t e voltage necessary to excite K
characteristic radiation, is 20.01 kV for molyb enum, the K lines do not appear
in the lower curves of Fig. 1-4. An increase in voltage above the critical voltage
increases the intensities of the characteristic lines relative to the continuous
spectrum but does not change their wavelengths. ' ~ i ~ u1-5
r e shows the spectrum of
molybdenum at 35 kV on a compressed vertica scale relative to that of Fig. 1-4;
the increased voltage has shifted the continuo s spectrum to still shorter wavelengths and increased the intensities of the
lines relative to the continuous
spectrum but has not changed their wavelength .
The intensity of any characteristic line, measured above the continuous
spectrum, depends both on the tube current i an the amount by which the applied
voltage V exceeds the critical excitation voltag for that line. For a K line, the
intensity is given approximately by
where B is a proportionality constant, VK the K e citation voltage, and n a constant
with a value of about 1.5. (Actually, n is not a t ue constant but depends on V and
varies from 1 to 2.) The intensity of a charact ristic line can be quite large: for
example, in the radiation from a copper target perated at 30 kV, the Ku line has
an intensity about 90 times that of the wavelen ths immediately adjacent to it in
the continuous spectrum. Besides being very i tense, characteristic lines are also
very narrow, most of them less than 0.001 A wid measured at half their maximum
intensity, as indicated in Fig. 1-5. The existen of this strong sharp Kor line is
because many diffraction
what makes a great deal of x-ray diffraction
* The wavelength of an unresolved Ka doublet is u
of the wavelengths of its components, Ka,
is twice as strong. Thus the wavelength of the
taken as the weighted average
the weight of Ka2,since it
Properties of x-rays
FVAVELENGTH (angstroms)
Fig. 1-5 Spectrum of Mo at 35 kV (schematic). Line widths not to scale. Resolved Ka
doublet is shown on an expanded wavelength scale at right.
experiments require the use of monochromatic or approximately monochromatic
The characteristic x-ray lines were discovered by W. H. Bragg and systematized
by H. G . Moseley. The latter found that the wavelength of any particular line
decreased as the atomic number of the emitter increased. In particular, he found a
linear relation (Moseley's law) between the square root of the line frequency v
and the atomic number Z:
where C and o are constants. This relation is plotted in Fig. 1-6 for the Kct, and
La, lines, the latter being the strongest line in the L series. These curves show,
The characteristic spectrum
X (angstroms)
3.0 2.5
v;' (sec-4)
Fig. 1-6 Moseley's relation between
and Z for two characteristic lines.
incidentally, that L lines are not always of long wavelength: the Lx, line of a heavy
metal like tungsten, for example, has about the same wavelength as the Ka, line of
copper, namely about 1.5 A. The wavelengths of the characteristic x-ray lines of
almost all the known elements have been precisely measured, mainly by M.
Siegbahn and his associates, and a tabulation of these wavelengths for the strongest
lines of the K and L series will be found in Appendix 7. Data on weaker lines can
be found in Vol. 4 of the International Tables,for X-Ray Crystallography [G.I I].*
While the continuous spectrum is caused by the rapid deceleration of electrons
by the target, the origin of the characteristic spectrum lies in the atoms of the target
material itself. To understand this phenomenon, it is enough to consider an atom
as consisting of a central nucleus surrounded by electrons lying in various shells
(Fig. 1-7),.where the designation K, L, M, . . . corresponds to the principal quantum
number n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . . If one of the electrons bombarding the target has
sufficient kinetic energy, it can knock an electron out of the K shell, leaving the
atom in an excited, high-energy state. One of the outer electrons immediately falls
into the vacancy in the K shell, emitting energy in the process, and the atom is
* Numbers in square brackets relate to the references at the end of the book. "G" numbers are keyed to the General References.
Properties of x-rays
Fig. 1-7 Electronic transitions in an atom (schematic). Emission processes indicated by
once again in its normal energy state. The energy emitted is in the form of radiation
of a definite wavelength and is, in fact, characteristic K radiation.
The K-shell vacancy may be filled by an electron from any one of the outer
shells, thus giving rise to a series of K lines; Kct and KP lines, for example, result
from the filling of a K-shell vacancy by an electron from the L or M shells,
respectively. It is possible to fill a K-shell vacancy from either the L or M shell, so
that one atom of the target may be emitting Kct radiation while its neighbor is
emitting KP; however, it is more probable that a K-shell vacancy will be filled by an
L electron than by an M electron, and the result is that the Ka line is stronger than
the KP line. It also follows that it is impossible to excite one K line without exciting
all the others. L characteristic lines originate in a similar way: an electron is
knocked out of the L shell and the vacancy is filled by an electron from some outer
We now see why there should be a critical excitation voltage for characteristic
radiation. K radiation, for example, cannot be excited unless the tube voltage is
such that the bombarding electrons have enough energy to knock an electron out
of the K shell of a target atom. If W, is the work required to remove a K electron,
then the necessary kinetic energy of the electrons is given by
It requires less energy to remove an L electron than a K electron, since the former
is farther from the nucleus; it therefore follows that the L excitation voltage is less
than the K and that K characteristic radiation cannot be produced without L, M,
etc., radiation accompanying it.
Further understanding of the electronic transitions which can occur in atoms can
be gained by considering not only the interaction of electrons and atoms, but also
the interaction of x-rays and atoms. When x-rays encounter any form of matter,
they are partly transmitted and partly absorbed. Experiment shows that the
fractional decrease in the intensity I of an x-ray beam as it passes through any
homogeneous substance is proportional to the distance traversed x. In differential
where the proportionality constant p is called the linear absorption coeficient and
is dependent on the substance considered, its density, and the wavelength of the
x-rays. Integration of Eq. (1-9) gives
where I, = intensity of incident x-ray beam and Ix = intensity of transmitted
beam after passing through a thickness x.
The linear absorption coefficient p is proportional to the density p, which means
that the quantity p/p is a constant of the material and independent of its physical
state (solid, liquid, or gas). This latter quantity, called the mass absorption coeficient, is the one usually tabulated. Equation (1-10) may then be rewritten in a
more usable form :
Values of the mass absorption coefficient p / p are given in Appendix 8 for various
characteristic wavelengths used in diffraction.
It is occasionally necessary to know the mass absorption coefficient of a
substance containing more than one element. Whether the substance is a mechanical mixture, a solution, or a chemical compound, and whether it is in the solid,
liquid, or gaseous state, its mass absorption coefficient is simply the weighted
average of the mass absorption coefficients of its constituent elements. If w,, w,,
etc., are the weight fractions of elements 1, 2, etc., in the substance and (pip),,
( p / ~ ) etc.,
~ , their mass absorption coefficients, then the mass absorption coefficient of the substance is given by
The m y in which the absorption coefficient varies with wavelength gives the
clue to the interaction of x-rays and atoms. The lower curve of Fig. 1-8 shows this
variation for a nickel absorber; it is typical of all materials. The curve consists of
two similar branches separated by a sharp discontinuity called an absorption edge.