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Bsi bs au 209 5b 1996 (1999)

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Vehicle security —
Part 5b: Specification for central power
locking systems for passenger cars and
car derived vehicles

Product code 00573920

BS AU 209-5 b:
1 996

BS AU 209-5b:1 996

Committees responsible for this
British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical
Committee AUE/1 7, Vehicle security, upon which the following bodies were
Association of Car Fleet Operators
Automobile Association
Automotive Glazing Executive
British Security Industry Association
Consumer Policy Committee of BSI
Consumer’s Association
Department of Trade and Industry (Vehicles Division)
Department of Transport
Freight Transport Association
Home Office

Ice (Ergonomics)
Master Locksmiths’ Association
Metropolitan Police
Motor Industry Research Association
Road Haulage Association
Royal Automobile Club
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited

This British Standard, having
been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering
Sector Board, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes
into effect on

Amendments issued since publication

1 5 January 1 996
© BSI 06- 1 999

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference AUE/1 7
Draft for comment 94/708974 DC

ISBN 0 5 80 24624 8

Amd. No.



BS AU 209-5 b:1 996


Committees responsible






Normative references









Test conditions


Annex A (normative) Power system tests


Annex B (normative) Inertia load test


Table A. 1 — Test sequence


List of references

© BSI 06- 1 999

Inside front cover

Inside back cover


BS AU 209-5b:1 996


This Part of BS AU 209 has been prepared by Technical Committee AUE/1 7 at
the request of the Department of Transport and with the support of the Home
Office and organizations connected with law enforcement, the motor vehicle
construction industry and vehicle user organizations.
The provision of a central power locking system enhances vehicle security by
reducing the onus on the driver, who only has to remember to lock the vehicle at
one point, e. g. the driver’s door.
It is possible to add a “deadlocking” facility to a central power locking system.
This ensures that, even when the side door glazing is broken, unauthorized entry
to the vehicle is still only possible through the glazing aperture, and is therefore
a considerable additional deterrent to a thief. BS AU 209- 6a covers this subj ect.
Other Parts of BS AU 209 are as follows:
— Part 0: Code of practice for the application of security devices/systems to

— Part 1 a: Specification for locking systems for passenger cars and car derived

— Part 2: Specification for security systems against theft of in-car equipment for
entertainment and communication purposes;

— Part 3: Specification for security marking of glazing for passenger cars and
car derived vehicles;

— Part 4: Specification for security glazing for passenger cars and car derived

— Part 6a: Specification for dead locking systems for passenger cars and car
derived vehicles;

— Part 7: Specification for locking systems for goods vehicle driver’s

It is envisaged that the following Parts will be published in due course.
— Part 8: Specification for locking systems for the load carrying compartment;
— Part 9: Specification for security of ancillary equipment on CVs;
— Part 1 0: Specification for immobilizers.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages

This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had

amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.


© BSI 06- 1 999

BS AU 209-5 b:1 996

1 Scope
This Part of BS AU 209 specifies requirements for
the performance of central power locking systems
fitted to passenger compartment doors, luggage
compartment or hatchback doors, engine
compartment access, fuel filler aperture lids and

4.1 .3 It shall be possible to unlock the closures fitted

with external locks individually from outside the
4.1 .4 If central power unlocking is possible from

outside the vehicle, the system shall have two
distinct modes of operation:

sun- roof equipment of passenger cars and car

a) unlocking only one of the nominated closures;

derived vehicles.


This Part of BS AU 209 is intended to supplement

b) unlocking selected and/or all closures.

but not replace the requirements of Part 1 a.

2 Normative references
This British Standard incorporates, by reference,

4.1 .5 The internal locking and unlocking controls for

each door (with the child- proof locking feature,
where fitted, set to be inoperative) shall have two
distinct modes of operation:

provisions from specific editions of other

a) locking/unlocking only one of the nominated

publications. These normative references are cited

closures; and

at the appropriate points in the text and the
publications are listed on the inside back cover.
Subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of

b) locking/unlocking selected and/or all closures.

Central power locking systems may be fitted with an

impact sensor, in accordance with 4.3 , such that all doors are

these publications apply to this British Standard

automatically unlocked in the event of an accident whilst the

only when incorporated in it by updating or revision.

ignition is switched on.

4.2 Security of connections

3 Definitions

4.2.1 It shall not be possible to release or enable the

For the purposes of this Part of BS AU 209 the

release of the latches of any of the closures and

definitions given in Part 1 a apply, together with the

thereby gain access to any of the areas protected by


the central power locking system by the methods
described in 4.2.2 .

central power locking system

a facility that provides for the locking by a single
action of all closures to the passenger compartment
and luggage space other than those which require
no specific locking operation to reach a secure mode

Locking of the engine compartment and other closures

may be included in the system.

impact sensor

an inertia device that triggers the unlocking of the
central power locking system in the event of the

4.2.2 If contact can be made with any part of the

central locking power or signal circuits from outside
the vehicle using a probe formed from wire of
diameter 1 . 5 mm, then the part that is contacted
shall be tested in accordance with 4.2.3 .

4.2.3 Attach a simple tool via the external access

point of the probe. Manipulate the tool over the
range of directions that are possible from the access
point while applying the range of loads that the tool
can transmit up to an absolute maximum of 300 N.
If any part of the circuits can be brought to an
accessible position then tests shall be applied in

vehicle suffering an impact

accordance with Annex A.

4 Performance

4.3 Impact sensor

4.1 General
4.1 .1 Central power locking systems shall conform

to BS AU 209- 1 a, and shall be installed so that entry
to the passenger or luggage compartments of the
vehicle, either directly or via the engine
compartment, cannot be achieved by the use of
simple tools.
4.1 .2 When locking the vehicle, it shall be possible to

operate the central power locking system from:

4.3.1 Where a vehicle is fitted with an impact

sensor, unlocking by the impact sensor shall be
inoperative when the ignition is switched off.
4.3.2 In the event that the impact sensor is

triggered when the vehicle’s ignition is switched on,
the central power locking system shall unlock and
remain unlocked until a positive independent action
has been taken to reset the impact sensor. Where
such action is not achieved by the ignition key or by
operation of the external lock, and when the ignition

a) at least one point within the passenger

is on or the external lock is being operated, a

compartment of the vehicle; and

positive indication shall be provided on leaving the

b) at least one specific external point.

© BSI 06- 1 999

vehicle until the system is reset.


BS AU 209-5b:1 996

4.4 Resistance to inertia unlocking

5 Test conditions

When the impact sensor, if fitted, is inoperative, it

5.1 For the tests specified in Annex A and Annex B,

shall not b e possib le to unlock all or part of the

a complete vehicle or representative portion thereof

central power locking system by the application of

shall be provided for testing together with

an inertia load to the vehicle. Conformance shall b e

installation drawings of the system applicable to the

checked in one of the following ways:


a) b y the method describ ed in Annex B; or
b) by calculation. The manufacturer shall


Pre- test familiarization of the central power locking

system by examination of the vehicle is permitted.

maintain evidence that the calculation method

5.2 O nly those parts of the central power locking

used simulates the results obtained b y the

system that have not b een tested in accordance with

method described in Annex B.

Annex A and Annex B, including any parts located
within the engine compartment, shall be tested.

5.3 Before the start of the tests all external closures
shall be fully closed and latched, and locked where
locks are provided.


© BSI 06- 1 999

BS AU 209-5b:1 996

Annex A (normative)
Power system tests

Annex B (normative)
Inertia load test

A.1 General

Apply an acceleration of ( 3 0

Power systems shall be tested in accordance

to a test vehicle or simulating structure

with A.2 or A.3 as appropriate.

incorporating a representative total locking system


The system may be isolated so as to protect non- security

+ 6


gn for at least 30 ms

installation as follows:
a) in the forward and backward horizontal

systems not under test.

directions parallel to the longitudinal axis of the

A.2 Electrically powered systems
Carry out the following tests. Each connection shall
be made for a duration of 2 s, replacing fuses as

b) in the inward and outward horizontal
directions perpendicular to the longitudinal axis

necessary before proceeding further:
a) connect each of the wires/connections to an

of the vehicle;
c) in the upward and downward vertical

earth on the vehicle;
b) connect in turn each wire/connection to the

The impact sensor, if fitted, shall be inoperative.

others, covering all possible combinations;
c) apply the normal supply voltage to each of the

A.3 Systems powered other than by electrical

Apply consecutively to the system’s entry and
exhaust ports, and all other points accessible in
accordance with 4.2 , an external
pneumatic/hydraulic source of up to five times the
normal operating pressure, in both a positive sense
and, as far as it is possible, a negative sense.
For a normal operating pressure,


conduct the

tests in accordance with the sequence of Table A. 1 .

Table A.1 — Test sequence
Test no.


Entry port


Exhaust port


© BSI 06- 1 999





– 5






– 5





BS AU 209-5b:1 996

List of references

(see clause 2 )

Normative references

BSI publications

BS AU 209, Vehicle security.
BS AU 209- 1 a: 1 992, Specification for locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles.

Informative references

BSI publications

BS AU 209, Vehicle security.
BS AU 209- 0: 1 995, Code of practice for the application of security devices /systems to vehicles.
BS AU 209- 1 a: 1 992, Specification for locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles.
BS AU 209- 2: 1 988, Specification for security systems against theft of in- car equipment for entertainment
and communication purposes.

BS AU 209- 3: 1 988, Specification for security marking of glazing for passenger cars and car derived vehicles.
BS AU 209- 4: 1 995, Specification for security glazing for passenger cars and car derived vehicles.
BS AU 209- 6a: 1 995, Specification for dead locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles.

BS AU 209- 7: 1 993, Specification for locking systems for goods vehicle driver’s compartments.
BS AU 209- 8, Specification for locking systems for the load carrying compartment
BS AU 209- 9, Specification for security of ancillary equipment on CVs
BS AU 209- 1 0, Specification for immobilizers




It is envisaged that this Part will be published in due course.

© BSI 06- 1 999





BS AU 209-5 b:
1 996

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