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Nguyễn Ngọc Tường Vi

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B: As the oldest brother in the family, I realized that I needed to hold an urgent family meeting to inform
my two sisters about the difficult situation in our family. I know you two are very busy taking care of
your own family. I apologize for the suddenness, but our family's current situation is very serious.
N: What happened, bro? Come on.
V: that's right, what's wrong
B: Last week, our mother suddenly fainted during dinner, when she was taken to the emergency room,
the doctor told her that she was suffering from rare heart disease, which is difficult to treat.
N: Godness, why didn't u say it?
B: You both have to take care of your own family, so I'm afraid that we'll worry and affect our careers.
But now I'm very confused because I can't afford to take care of my mother, so I have to ask for your
V: But she is our mother, that disease is still curable, isn't it, there's still hope, isn't it? We must save our
mother at all costs
B: Yes, there's still hope. The doctor said that there was a suitable experimental medicine to cure the
mother's illness and it is probably the only one that works. But the problem is that this treatment is just
a trial, and the medicine costs $1000 per month, it also doesn't include health insurance. It is beyond
our capabilities. I don't know what to do.
Like: It's too expensive, we can't afford it, at least for me. My business is not doing well so I can't even
support myself. How can I pay for that?
Vi: Me too, recently my husband and I work from morning to afternoon and still can't afford to pay
school fees for our children and the rent. So I also...
B: it's okay, I understand your situation, so do you have any opinion on this?
N: Well, Perhaps we could try to sell our real property. I'm pretty sure this one is the fastest way for our
financial difficulty right now. With that money, we can afford the course of treatment for several
months. How do u feel about this?
Vi: Why do u think like that? I don’t agree with u. You must consider the consequences if the treatment
is not effective. Everything will be more serious, our financial even worse after selling.
B: Right, and our mom may be sad and feel guilty because of being a burden. If our mother's condition is
not better, our family will fall into depression, anxiety, everything may be worse. This is too risky. But for
now, let's find another solution first. I think we should call for donations and help from the Internet.
Vi: But the important thing is that now we don't have a relationship to support us in this. How many

people have more difficult circumstances than our mother? I'm afraid it's very difficult for us to spread
the words about our situation to everyone.
N: Right, we can't ask for donations from people on the Internet. Social media will not help us reach our
goals and in many ways will turn off ppl that have money and good hearts. We should put ourselves in

their shoes. Can we throw money at every charity that posts a link on Facebook, for example? Of course
B: Ok, I can see your point. Another way is that we can call for donations from outside charities. In Ho
Chi Minh City, there are many charities, such as the HCMC Sponsoring Association for Poor Patients. the
branch sponsors poor patients in Nhon Hoa, the Red Cross, or the press agencies to partially relieve the
financial burden. I see great opportunities open to us and we can raise large sums of money quickly so
that mom can get treatment in time.
N: Yes, why don’t we try that? This solution is better than mine, honestly…
V: I completely agree. So we’s better move on. As far as I know, if it's a free trial drug, why shouldn't we
let mom try it. Maybe it's effective.
N: I'm afraid that might not be such a good idea because.., u know, as bro said, it's just an experimental
medicine so that means it may not have been fully tested, the range of side effects may be unknown.
Moreover, getting an answer may take time. There is no set timeline and no one can predict how long
we'll wait for an answer.
Vi: But it will help us save money. Instead of waiting for the doctor, in case something goes wrong during
treatment. Wouldn't we then waste money for treatment in vain and mother would be in danger too?
B: do you agree with vi? The doctor consulting him is a leading expert in the field of cardiology, he has a
lot of experience in this disease. So I think that the experimental course he advises is the most promising
at the moment. Mom will also feel more secure and comfortable. I think this is the most effective
solution in the current situation. Oke and the meeting is ending here. We have alleviated some of our
worries. You guys go home to rest and don't worry too much, everything will be fine

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