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GIAO AN TIENG ANH 12 HK2 (Đầy đủ và chi tiết, cực hay)

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Preparing date:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
+ Use some lexical items related to the topic Endangered Species.
+ Know how to use the future perfect and double comparatives.
+ Check students’ comprehension through True / False exercise.
2. Skills
+ improve the skill of working by individual and in pairs or in groups.
+ develop Ss’ listening skill and reading skill.
3. Attitudes
+ raise Ss’ awareness of protecting endangered species.
4. Competence
+ develop Ss’ competence of language fluency, creativity, collaboration and responsibility through
group/ pair activities.
- Teacher: Textbook, chalks, handouts, lesson plan
- Students: textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and and answer the question.
+ What are the three people are talking about?
Suggested answers: They are talking about wild animals such as rhinos, tigers and bears.
- T leads Ss to the lesson to introduce the topic of the unit, vocabulary about the generation gap and the
grammar point taught in the unit.

Task 1: Listen and read (Whole class) (7 mins)
* Aims: To introduce the overall topic of the unit, topic-related vocabulary and the main grammar points
through listen and read a conversation.
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between Mr Willis, Simon and Lisa.
- Play the recording
- Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation.
Task 2. Work in pairs. Decide whether the sentences are true, false or not given. (7 mins)
* Aims: To help Ss understand the conversation through true/false statements.
- T asks Ss to read the conversation again and get information to do Task 2.
- Ask Ss to work and finish the task
- Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.
Task 3: Find a word in the conversation to complete each of the following phrases/ expressions. (7 mins)
* Aims: To help Ss to learn word collocations.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Ask them to read the incomplete phrases, and then read the conversation to pick out the words that can go
with them.
1. Extinct
2. Extinction
3. Endangered
4. Build

Task 4: Read the conversation again and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (10 mins)
* Aims: To help Ss to recognize the verb form used in the future perfect tense.
- Ask Ss to this exercise individually and then compare their answers with their partners.
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and write the correct form for the given verbs in the space
- Gives feedback and introduces the Future Perfect.
1. Will have gathered 2. Will have walked
 Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases related to to endangered species.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
+ Use words and phrases related to endangered species.
+ Know linking vowel to vowel
+ Use the future perfect.

+ Use double comparatives
2. Skills
+ improve the skill of working by individual and in pairs or in groups.
+ develop Ss’ listening skill
3. Attitudes
+ Know how to use the future perfect correctly.
+ Know how to use double comparatives accurately.
4. Competence
+ develop Ss’ competence of language fluency, creativity, collaboration and responsibility through
group/ pair activities.
- Teacher: Textbook, chalks, handouts, lesson plan
- Students: textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins) Checking
* Aims: To check what Ss have just learnt in the previous lesson, raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- T asks Ss to make sentences using some words or phrases:
1. Extinct
2. Danger
3. Survive
4. Diverse
- T corrects Ss’ answers and gives mark.
A. VOCABULARY (10 mins)
Task 1: Complete the following word diagrams
* Aims: To help Ss understand word formation by adding prefixes or suffixes before or after the base of a
- Asks Ss to work in pairs and complete the word diagrams.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Ss work individually.
- T asks students to compare the answers with a partner.

- T asks some students to read the answers.
- Checks and gives the correct answers:
* Key:
1. Extinction
2. Dangerous, endanger
3. Survival
4. Diversity, diversify 5. Evolution.
Task 2: Complete the following sentences with the words in the box.
* Aims: To focus on the use of compound nouns in appropriate contexts.
- Ask Ss to do as required, bearing in mind a verb or a noun must be used its suitable form (e,g. verb tense,
singular or plural form of nouns).
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences individually. Alternatively, in a weaker class, T has Ss work on the
sentences in pairs and find the suitable words to fill in the gaps.
- Check answers as a class..
1. Evolution, survival
2. Endangered
3. Habitat
4. vulnerable
5. Extinct
6. Biodiversity
7. Conservation

Task 1: The following phrases are spoken in low, careful speech and in fast, connected speech. Listen
and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the linked sounds.
* Aims: To facilitate Ss’s listening in real life, when native speakers use linking in their fast speech.
- T tells students that they are going to listen to six phrases spoken in two different ways: slow, careful speech
(with no linking) and fast, connected speech (with linking)

- T asks students to listen and repeat
- Ss repeat chorally and individually.
Task 2: Listen and repeat the following sentences spoken in fast, connected speech
* Aims: To help Ss to practice using linking in their speech.
- T plays the recording for Ss to repeat chorally and individually.
- Ss listen and repeat the following sentences, paying attention to the linking.
C. GRAMMAR (15 mins)
I. Presentation
* Aims: To present the main grammar points in the unit (the future perfect)
Form: S + will + have + Vpp
Use & Meanings:
The future perfect used to say that something will be finished or completed by a certain time in the future.
Ex: I’ll have finished cooking dinner by the them you come home.
The present perfect or the present simple is used instead of the future perfect to express the ideas of
completion after some conjunctions of time: when, as soon as, after, before.
Ex: I’’ phone you when I’ve finished my homework.
I’ll phone you when I finish my homework.
II. Practice
Task 1. Circle the correct verb form in each sentence
* Aims: To help Ss to review the use of the present perfect and the future continuous, and to learn the new verb
tense: the future perfect
-T has students review the uses of the future perfect.
-T asks students to study the remember box and draw their attention to the rules and examples.
-T asks students to read each sentence carefully
Key: 1. Will have released
2. Has lived
3. Will have finished
4. will be watching / will have finished
5. Won’t have completed

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Future Perfect.
* Aims: To focus on the present perfect and the future perfect tense.
- Ask Ss to read each sentence carefully, paying attention to the context and the time expressions.
- T has students do the activity individually first, and then compare the answers in pains. T checks answers as
a class.
Key: 1. Will have saved and taken in
2. Has lived
3. will have finished
4. Will have visited 5. Have collected
I. Presentation
The better your education is, the greater your opportunities are.
The more you give, the more you will receive.
1. The + comparative adj/adv + S +V, The+ comparative adj/adv+ S +V
2. The + more/less+ (noun) + S +V, The + more/less+ (noun) + S +V
Uses: Double comparatives describe a cause-and-effect process. The first half expresses a cause, and the
second half expresses an effect.
II. Practice
Task 3: Discuss which words in the box can be used in each gap.
* Aim: to involve Ss in discussing the new grammar point.
- T. Ask Ss to work in pairs and to suggest which word can be used in each gap.
- T. checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. more/ longer, better/ higher
2. more, better
Task 4: Complete the sentences with the words from the box. One word can be used more than once.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and to suggest which word can be used in each gap.

- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. higher/ more
2. more/ more
3. warmer/ faster
4. more/ greater
5. More/ better
Task 5: Write 4 sentences using the future perfect and double comparatives
*Aim: To give Ss chance to practice how to use the future perfect and double comparatives
- Ask Ss to write in groups.
- Go around, help
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and feedback.
 Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases related to the compound noun.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Know more about endangered species and how to protect them.
- Enlarge Ss’ vocabulary related to the reading topic.
2. Skills
- Skim and scan a text for general ideas and specific information about wildlife protection.
- Identify the main ideas for each paragraph and detailed information for each question.
- Use words and phrases related to endangered species
3. Attitudes
- Have right attitudes towards protecting endangered species.
4. Competence
- Develop Ss’ competence of reading comprehension
- Develop Ss’ competence of expressing their own information by using words, phrases related to the reading
- Develop Ss’ competence of communication, collaboration and responsibility through pair/ group activities.
- Teacher: Computer, textbook, handouts, blackboard, chalk.
- Students: Textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- Ask Ss to watch a video clip about animals and try to remember their names.
Dolphins, giant panda, tiger, saola, penguin, elephant, rhino, hippo, lion, sea turtle
- Lead Ss in the lesson.
I. Pre-reading (10 mins)
 Look at the pictures again and discuss the two questions.
* Aims: To focus on Ss’ attention on the reading text.
- T has Ss discuss the questions in pairs.

- T elicits the new lesson.
- T checks answers as a class.
1. Tigers, saolas, elephants, sea turtles, and giant pandas on the list of endangered species.
2. Tigers, saolas, elephants and sea turtles are still found in Viet Nam, but each with a small population.
 Vocabulary
* Aims: to provide Ss with phrases and expressions given in the reading text to aid reading comprehension.
Match the phrases/ expressions in A with their correct meanings in B.
1. to put oneself in someone’s shoes
a. to believe that something is the result of a particular
2. to attribute something to something else
3. to damage to something
b. to prevent something from being alone
4. to interfere with something
c. be in another person’s situation
5. to feel at peace
d. harm something
e. be free from anxiety or distress
Key: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. E
II. While-reading (15 mins)
 Read the passage again and find out what they are talking about.
* Aims: To focus on skimming.

-T tells students that they are going to read three people’s opinions posted on a website.
-T asks students to read the opinions and decide what the writers are discussing.
-T checks answers as a class.

Key: c
 Whose opinions are these? Write the correct name in the space before each statement.
* Aims: To focus on reading for specific information.
- Provide guidance on how to approach this kind of activity: Ss should underline the key words and
phrases in the six statements, then read through each person’s opinion, and find ideas, words or phrases that
match the key words in the statements.
- T has students work in pairs and compare the answers.
1. Yoshiko 2. Ai Lien 3. Simon 4. Yoshiko 5. Simon 6. Ai Lien
III. Post-reading (10 mins)
Discuss with a partner.
Which of the three people above do you are with? Why?
* Aims: To enable Ss reflect on their experience and express their opinions.
- Tell Ss to work in pairs
- Have Ss read the questions and practice asking and answering them
- Encourage Ss to give reason to support their opinions
- Ask several Ss to report what they learn about their partners from their discussion in pairs.
 Homework
- Do all the exercises again.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Know more about how to protect endangered species.
- Enlarge Ss’ vocabulary related to the speaking topic.
2. Skills
- Develop speaking and listening skills.
- Talk about the facts and the problems endangered animals and plants face.
- Use words and phrases related to endangered species.
- Improve Ss’ speaking skills by using Ss’ own information and language.
- Collaborate with others when working in pairs and in groups.
3. Attitudes
- Have an overview of endangered species
- Have right attitudes towards current problems of endangered species.
- Raise Ss’ awareness of protecting endangered species.
4. Competence
- Develop Ss’ competence of talking about facts and current problems.
- Develop Ss’ competence of expressing their own information by using words, phrases related to the
speaking topic.
- Develop Ss’ competence of communication, collaboration and responsibility through pair/ group activities.
- Teacher: Computer, PowerPoint slides, projector, textbook, handouts, blackboard, chalk.
- Students: Textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.

- Ask Ss to discuss the situations in the pictures and say what conflicts each one may lead to
- Discuss the reasons
+ Are soot emissions a problem in your community or in Vietnam in general? Explain.
+ Do you have a green lifestyle?
- Give comments and lead in the lesson
I. Pre-speaking (10 mins)
1. Vocabulary
- poach (v): săn bắt
- transportation (n): sự vận chuyển
- coral reef (n): rặn san hô
- campaign (n): chiến dịch
- fertilizer (n): phân bón
* Checking vocabulary: ROR
2. Put the following ways of protecting rhinos and coral reefs in the correct boxes.
* Aims: To help Ss to get some ideas about how to protect rhinos and coral reefs.
-T asks students to work individually.
- Ask Ss to read through eight ways of protecting the two endangered species and put them in the correct
-T encourages students to add more activities.
- Explain the new words if necessary.
How to protect rhinos

- ban transportation of and trading in rhinos in horns
- donate to rhino conservation
- launch anti-poaching campaigns.
- stop using rhino products
II. While-speaking (15 mins)
3. Work in pairs. Use the information in 1 or your own ideas to prepare a talk about how to protect

rhinos or coral reefs.
* Aims: To help Ss to prepare their talk and structure it in a logical way.
-T has students work with a partner. Start the activity by giving students enough time to read the information.
-T asks students to pay attention to phrases and expressions.
-T encourages them to talk about how to protect rhinos or coral reefs.
- Have Ss practice giving their talk in pairs.
4. Present your talk to the class
-T asks students to present their talk in front of the class.
-Give feedback. Praise Ss who can give a smooth talk and use the appropriate phrases and expressions.
III. Post-speaking (10 mins)
5. Write it up
* Aims: To enable Ss to think about their own experiences in relation to the issues in the dialogue with their
partners above.
- Ask Ss to summarize their conversations into their notebooks after being presented in front of the class and
corrected by the teacher.
 Homework
- Write the dialogue in the notebook and practise in pairs at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:


By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Know more about endangered species and how to protect them.
- Enlarge Ss’ vocabulary related to the listening topic.
2. Skills
- Listen for general ideas and specific information about wildlife protection.
- Identify the specific ideas for each question.
- Use words and phrases related to endangered species
3. Attitudes
- Have right attitudes towards protecting endangered species.
4. Competence
- Develop Ss’ competence of listening comprehension
- Develop Ss’ competence of expressing their own information by using words, phrases related to the
listening topic.
- Develop Ss’ competence of communication, collaboration and responsibility through pair/ group activities.
- Teacher: Computer, textbook, handouts, blackboard, chalk.
- Students: Textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- Introduce the content of the listening that they are going to listen.
I. Pre-listening (10 mins)
1. Vcabulary
* Aims: To introduce new words
- vulnerable (a): dễ bị tổn thương
- critically endangered: bị đe dọa nghiêm trọng

- endangered (a): bị đe dọa
- extinct (a): tuyệt chủng
*Checking vocabulary: ROR
Suggested key: They may talk about conflicts of watching TV/playing computer games too much; hairstyle;
clothes and not helping with the housework
2. Below is the conservation status scale which indicates whether a species still exists and how likely it is
to become extinct in the near future. Match the three phrases indicating three “threatened” levels with
the numbers 1,2 and 3.
* Aims: To introduce the topic of the listening lesson.
- T helps Ss to understand how endangered species are classified.
- T asks Ss which “threatened” level (1, 2, or 3) in the scale goes with the phrases VU, CR or EN.
- T checks answers as a class.
II. While-listening (15 mins)
3. Listen and check the answers in 2.
* Aims: To check their guess.
- Play the tape twice
- Ask Ss to share their prediction in pairs
- Elicit Ss’ predictions
- Let Ss listen to the recording, do the task then compare the answer with their partner
- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct ones.

1. CR
2 EN
3. VU
4. Listen to the second part and choose the best option.
* Aims: To focus on listening for specific information and inference.
- Ask Ss to listen again and do the task then compare the answer with their partner
- Ask some of them to tell the answer

- Give comments
2. C
3. A
III. Post-listening (10 mins)
Discuss the following question with your groups.
Do you agree with Peter Shawl that humans are responsible for the loss of biodiversity?
* Aims: To focus on some of the ideas from the listening conversation.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
- Go around, help and feedback.
 Homework
- Write a paragraph (30 words) about your opinions on the above question.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:

1. Knowledge
- Know more about endangered species and how to protect them.
- Enlarge Ss’ vocabulary related to the reading topic.
2. Skills
- Write a report about an endangered species.
- Identify the main ideas for each paragraph and detailed information for each question.
- Use words and phrases related to endangered species
3. Attitudes
- Have right attitudes towards protecting endangered species.
4. Competence
- Develop Ss’ competence of writing a report.
- Develop Ss’ competence of expressing their own information by using words, phrases related to the writing
- Develop Ss’ competence of communication, collaboration and responsibility through pair/ group activities.
- Teacher: Computer, textbook, handouts, blackboard, chalk.
- Students: Textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins) Matching
Match the pictures with the animals’ names, Then discuss the questions with a partner.
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- T tells students to match the pictures with the animals’ names.
- Have Ss discuss the three questions with a partner.
- Allow all wild guesses at this stage.
- Feedback
Key: 1.b (Komodo dragon: not found in Viet Nam; eat meat; classified as vulnerable)
2. a (blue whale: sometimes found stranded on Viet Nam’s coastal areas; eat small shellfish; classified as
I. Pre-writing (10 mins)
1. Vocabulary

- diet (n): chế độ ăn uống
- habitat and location (n): môi trường sống và cư trú
- physical feature (n): dặc điểm nhận dạng
- conservation status (n): tình trạng bảo tồn
* Checking vocabulary: ROR
2. Read the facts about the Komodo dragon and the blue whale. Write a, b, c, d or e in the space provided
to match the title with the correct section
* Aims: To provide Ss with some facts about the two endangered or vulnerable species, which they may use
in their writing later.
- T tells students that they are going to read the facts about the Komodo dragon and the blue whale. Allow
enough time for them to read through the facts.
-T asks students to match the subheadings with the five parts.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. c
3. a
4. d
5. b
II. While-writing
3. Choose one of the two species in 2 and write a report of 150 – 200 words to describe it.
*Aims: To focus on developing Ss’ writing skills.

- Ask Ss to do the task
- Draw Ss’ attention to the instructions.
- Point out to Ss how to write a letter.
- T goes around and gives help, collects common mistakes for later correction.
- Collect 5 reports to mark in class so that all Ss feel the need to do the task.
- Walk around and offer help if necessary.
III. Post-writing (10 mins)

* Aims: To correct and feedback to Ss’ reports.
- Call him/her write the writing on the board, and the rest of students write in their notebook. (Time limited
is 10 minutes)
- Check the writing on the board.
- Collect the writing to give marks.
Komodo dragons are found in the wild on only five islands in Indonesia: Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang, Gili
Dasami and Flores, where they roam freely. They live mainly in forests, but can be seen scattered widely over
the islands from beaches to hilltops.
Though they are called dragons, they look like a big lizard. A male adult can measure three metres in length
and weighs 90 kilos. Komodo dragons eat meat. They are also fierce hunters and an eat very large prey, such
as large water buffaloes, deer and pigs. They will even eat smaller Komodo dragons.
There are about 6,000 Komodo dragons in Indonesia. Humans are not a great danger to them. However, their
population is slightly declining because there are more males than females. According to the IUCN Red List,
Komodo dragons are not endangered, but are considered vulnerable. About 30 zoos outside Indonesia Tave
been trying to protect the Komodo. There are also plans to hald more wildlife parks around the world, which
will help to rcrease the population of this fascinating species.
 Homework
- Complete your paragraph at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:


By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Know more about endangered species and how to protect them.
- Enlarge Ss’ vocabulary related to the reading topic.
2. Skills
- Listen for general ideas and specific information about wildlife protection.
- Identify the specific ideas for each question.
- Use words and phrases related to endangered species
3. Attitudes
- Have right attitudes towards protecting endangered species.
4. Competence
- Develop Ss’ competence of listening comprehension
- Develop Ss’ competence of expressing their own information by using words, phrases related to the reading
- Develop Ss’ competence of communication, collaboration and responsibility through pair/ group activities.
- Teacher: Computer, textbook, handouts, blackboard, chalk.
- Students: Textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- Collect some homework books to mark writing.
- Give marks.
- Give comments and lead in the lesson.

Bringing extinct species back to life?
1. Task 1. Listen to two exchanges.
* Aims: To give Ss further listening practice
- Tell students that they are going to listen to two exchanges and will have to understand the speakers’ opinions.
- Ask students to read the questions and underline the key words so they can get a general idea of the talk.
- Play the recording once or twice for students to take notes of their answers.
Key: Van: Yes (Well, why not?)
Nam: No (I’d say no to this idea)
Mary: Yes ( So I agree with them, not with you)
Paul: No ( What a silly idea!)
2. Task 2. Are you for a against the revival of extinct species?
* Aims: To provide further speaking practice on the topic.
- Ask students to work with a partner to compare their answers.
- Ask some pairs to report their opinions to the class.
- Check answers as a class.
II. CULTURE (20 mins)
Let’s save the sea turtles!
Task 1. Read the text about how sea turtles are protected and complete the notes.
* Aims: To provide Ss with interesting information about how sea turtles are protected in Malaysia.
- T has students read the text quickly and complete the notes
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the information they should look for in the text in order to complete the

Key: 1. endangered, critically endangered
2. loss of nesting habitat
3. climate change
4. warm
5. the beach/ beaches

6. breeding ground
7. turtle eggs
8. raise public awareness
2. Discuss with a partner
* Aims: To provide opportunities for Ss to relate the text content to the situation in Vietnam
- Assign this activity as homework of the previous lesson
- T asks students to work in groups
- After their discuss, T asks some groups to report their experiences and opinions to the class.
 Homework
- Lean the vocabulary at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Know more about endangered species and how to protect them.
- Revise all the grammar points, vocabulary, sounds related to the topic
2. Skills

- Listen for general ideas and specific information about wildlife protection.
- Identify the specific ideas for each question.
- Use words and phrases related to endangered species
3. Attitudes
- Have right attitudes towards protecting endangered species.
4. Competence
- Develop Ss’ competence of listening comprehension, reading comprehension.
- Develop Ss’ competence of expressing their own information by using words, phrases related to the lesson
- Develop Ss’ competence of communication, collaboration and responsibility through pair/ group activities.
- Teacher: Computer, textbook, handouts, blackboard, chalk.
- Students: Textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- Collect some Ss and ask them to recall what they have learnt in this unit.
- Have them point out the language items.
- Give marks.
- Give comments and lead in the lesson.
A. LOOKING BACK (30 mins)
I. Pronunciation
1. Read the following exchanges. Decide where the linking /r/ is likely to happen in fast, fluent speech.
* Aims: To revise help Ss to review the pronunciation topic in this unit.
- T helps students to review the linking /r/
- T has students read the sentences and underline the sounds that can be affected by assimilation.
- T asks students to work with a partner to compare their answers.
- T checks answers as a class.
2. Listen and repeat the exchanges in 1

* Aims: To revise help Ss to review the pronunciation topic in this unit.

-T plays the recording and has students listen and repeat.
-T asks some students to say these sentences aloud.
II. Vocabulary
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
* Aims: To revise some of the vocabulary used in the unit.
-T gives comments and praises students who can say the sentences naturally and fluently, and try to blend
the final and initial sounds.
-T has students read the instructions and do the activity individually. Then ask them to compare their
answers in pains.
-T checks answers as a class.
1. survival
2. extinct
3. endangered
4. conservation
5. poaching
5. evolution

III. Grammar
1. Practise asking questions and giving answers, using the prompts.
* Aims: To revise the verb forms and usage of the future perfect and provide opportunities to use the tense in
speaking practice.
-T asks students to read through the prompts and the form of the future perfect tense
-T has students do the activity individually first, and then compare their answers in pains.
-T checks answers as a class.
1. How long will you have studied English in this school by the time you graduate in June?

2. How long will you have lived in you present home by next year?
3. How many new English words will you have learnt by the end of this unit?
2. Rewrite these sentences, using double comparatives.
* Aims: To revise the verb forms and usage of the future perfect and provide opportunities to use the tense in
speaking practice.
-T tells students that they are going to write sentences about someone called Andy.
-T asks students to read the situation and the example first. T asks comprehension questions to check if
they understand the activity context.
-T has students complete the sentences, using the words in brackets to form double comparatives.
-T allows students to do the activity individually first, and then compare their sentences in pains.
- T checks answers as a class.
1. The more land people need to build houses, the more forests they cut down.
2. The higher the unemployment rate gets, the higher the crime rate becomes.
3. The better education you get, the more opportunities for a job there will be.
4. The heavier the rain gets, the worse the flooding will become.
5. The more cars our city has, the more we will have suffer from polluted air.
B. PROJECT (12 mins)
Work in groups of four to six. Look for information about one endangered species and design a poster to
introduce this species.
- Facts about the species (habitat and location, physical features, diet, population)
- Conservation status, why it is endangered and how to protect it
Suggested endangered species:
- the saola (Viet Nam)
- the sea turtle (Viet Nam)
- the Californian condor (USA)
* Aims: To provide additional speaking practice and help Ss to consolidate the language they have learnt
throughout the unit.
- Ask Ss to interview as directed and report to the class.
- Have Ss use the information to write a report.

- T goes around and helps Ss with the new words or structures.
- Call some groups to report the results to the class.
- T listens and makes comments.
 Homework
- Do exercise in your workbooks.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
+ Use some lexical items related to the topic Artificial Intelligence
+ Know how to use the active and passive causatives
+ Check students’ comprehension through answering the questions.
2. Skills
+ improve the skill of working by individual and in pairs or in groups.
+ develop Ss’ listening skill and reading skill.
3. Attitudes
+ have the right attitude towards artificial intelligence,

4. Competence
+ develop Ss’ competence of language fluency, creativity, collaboration and responsibility through
group/ pair activities.
- Teacher: Textbook, chalks, handouts, lesson plan
- Students: textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and brainstorm what they know about the abbreviation.
- T leads Ss to the lesson to introduce the topic of the unit, vocabulary about the topic and the grammar
points taught in the unit.
Task 1: Nam and Mai are talking about a film. Listen and read (Whole class) (7 mins)
* Aims: To introduce the overall topic of the unit, topic-related vocabulary and the main grammar points
through listen and read a conversation.
- T. plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently.
- Ss listen and read silently.
- T. tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between Nam and Mai talking about a film.
2. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions. (7 mins)
* Aims: To focus on reading comprehension.
- Ask Ss to work individually and finish the task
- Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.
- Check their answer; ask them to give evidences for the answer
1. The coastal cities are flooded due to the melting of polar ice caps.
2. Because she had the only son whose life is threatened by a very dangerous disease.
3. Because he wanted her to help him become a real boy.
4. It was dangerous and incredible.
5. They become extinct.

6. She thinks it’s interesting and she will watch it soon.
7. Students’ answers.
Task 3: Work in pairs. Find a word or phrase in the dialogue that means the following. (7 mins)
* Aims: To help Ss understand the conversation through comprehension reading.

- T asks Ss to read the phrases (1-7) for comprehension, then refer back to the conversation for the words
or phrases having similar meanings.
- T tells Ss to work individually before comparing their answers in pairs.
- T checks answers as a class..
Keys: 1. science fiction 2. Threatening 3. destroyed 4. in vain
Task 4: Work in groups of three. Discuss the underlined grammar points. (10 mins)
* Aims: To provide SS with opportunities to talk about their experience and points of view.
- This activity checks Ss’ knowledge of the causatives: active and passive.
- T Has Ss work in pairs, asks them to read the two sentences carefully and discuss their structures, has
Ss analyse the underlined structures and focus on the verb forms.
… they are going to get the robotic boy destroyed → causative passive
… she has someone take him to a faraway forest and leave him there → causative active
 Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases related to further education.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
+ Use words and phrases related to endangered species.
+ Know linking vowel to vowel
+ Use the future perfect.
+ Use double comparatives
2. Skills
+ improve the skill of working by individual and in pairs or in groups.
+ develop Ss’ listening skill
3. Attitudes
+ Know how to use the future perfect correctly.
+ Know how to use double comparatives accurately.
4. Competence
+ develop Ss’ competence of language fluency, creativity, collaboration and responsibility through
group/ pair activities.
- Teacher: Textbook, chalks, handouts, lesson plan
- Students: textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins) Checking
* Aims: To check what Ss have just learnt in the previous lesson, raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- Asks Ss some questions about the previous lesson.
- Asks some questions about the education system in Viet Nam and in England.
A. VOCABULARY (10 mins)

Task 1: Match the words and phrases with their meanings.
* Aims: To help Ss to understand the meaning of some new words by matching the vocabulary items with
their meanings.
- Ss work individually, read each word or phrase and match it with the definitions.
- T checks answers as a class.
If necessary, ask a few Ss to say the equivalent meaning of these words and phrase in Vietnamese.
* Key:
Task 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in 1.
* Aims: To practice using the words in sentences.
- Ss do as required, bearing in mind a verb or a noun must be used its suitable form (e,g. verb tense, singular or
plural form of nouns).
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences individually. Alternatively, in a weaker class, T has Ss work on the
sentences in pairs.
- Ss find the suitable words to fill in the gaps.
- T checks answers as a class.
1. emotion
2. capable
3. resurrected
4. activate
5. Incredible
Listen and repeat, paying attention to the stressed words

* Aims: To focus on practicing stressed words in utterances.
- T asks Ss to listen and repeat, paying attention to the stressed words.

- After that, has them identify the word class of the stressed words. This will help them to understand that only
the words mentioned in the Do you know…? box are stressed.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and repeat all the sentences chorally.
- Ss recognise and practise the sentence stress.
- Ss repeat chorally and individually.
C. GRAMMAR (15 mins)
I. Presentation
* Aims: To present the main grammar points in the unit (the active and passive causatives)
Form: Have + someone + bare infinitive
Have + something + past participle
Get + something + past participle
Use & Meanings:
* The active causatives is used when the subject causes the object to do something.
Ex: The A.I expert had his assistant activate the newly made robot.
* The verb have and get are also used in the passive causative. There is usually no agent in this structure
Ex: The A.I expert had the newly made robot activated.
II. Practice
Task 1. Rewrite the sentences, using have + object + bare infinitive.
* Aims: To focus on the use of the active and passive causatives.
- T asks Ss to study the Do you know…? box and check their understanding.
- T tells Ss what they are going to change the sentences (1-6) into causative structures.
- T has Ss read and analyse the structure of the example; gives feedback and explain that in the causative
example the action is in the past and Monica (the subject) arranged for someone (the object – Jimmy) to do
the action.
- T asks Ss to work individually, and then has them compare their answers in pairs.
- T checks answers as a class.

1. The A. I. expert had his assistant activate the newly made robot.
2. The computer corporation had their workers eliminate malfunctioning products.
3. The robot manufacturer had his customers exchange their outdated robots for the next generation
4. The company had someone clear out all the junk in the store.
5. The manager had the workers move the machine to a new station.
6. The owner of the palace had a construction company remodel his estate.
Task 2. Rewrite the sentences in 1, using get + object + past participle.
* Aims: To focus on the use of the active and passive causatives.
- T asks Ss to read the example carefully, paying attention to the structure of passive causative with get.
- T allows enough time for Ss to do the activity individually first, and then has them compare their
answers in pairs.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Correct and feedback.
1. The A. I. expert got the newly made robot activated.
2. The computer corporation got mafunctioning products eliminated.
3. The robot manufacturer got the outdated robots exchanged for the next generation robots.
4. The company got all the junk in the store cleared out.
5. The manager got the machine moved to a new station.
6. The owner of the palace got his estate remodeled.
III. Production
Write 4 sentences using the active and passive causatives.
*Aim: To give Ss chance to practice how to use the active and passive causatives.
- Ask Ss to write in groups.
- Go around, help
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class and feedback.

 Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases related to the present perfect and present perfect continuous.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
* Notes:

Preparing date:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Know more about A.I applications
- Enlarge Ss’ vocabulary related to the reading topic.
2. Skills
- Skim and scan a text for general ideas and specific information about A.I
- Identify and detailed information for each question.
- Use words and phrases related to A.I
3. Attitudes
- Have right attitudes towards artificial intelligence.

4. Competence
- Develop Ss’ competence of reading comprehension
- Develop Ss’ competence of expressing their own information by using words, phrases related to the reading
- Develop Ss’ competence of communication, collaboration and responsibility through pair/ group activities.
- Teacher: Computer, textbook, handouts, blackboard, chalk.
- Students: Textbook
 Warm- up (5 mins)
* Aims: To raise Ss’ interest and to lead to the topic.
- Ask Ss to answer the question:
(?) Do you know anything about A.I?
- Lead Ss in the lesson.
I. Pre-reading (10 mins)
 Vocabulary
* Aims: To provide Ss with words used in the reading text.
- display (v): hiển thị
- automated (a): tự động
- medication (n): thuật toán
- algorithm (n): dược phẩm
- assembly line (n): dây chuyền lắp ráp
* Checking vocabulary: ROR
 Discuss what the pictures below show and where you might see these things.
* Aims: To focus on Ss’ predictions about the reading text.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs, look at the pictures, discuss what the images illustrate, and guess where they might
see these things.
- T checks answers as a class.

a. a voice recognition application which can be seen in smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices
b. a device using the GPS (Global Positioning System): a space-based navigation system that provides
location information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth, and can be seen in advanced
means of transport
c. a medical robot which can be seen in technologically advanced hospitals
d. an automated bomb disposal robot which is used by the military
II. While-reading (15 mins)
 Read the following text about some A.I. applications. Circle the answers to the questions.
