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Dạng 1 : Viết lại câu dùng Subjunctive mood (Wish)
Cơng thức và dấu hiệu
Ví dụ
Loại 1: ước 1 điều
CT: S + wish + QKĐ
- He wishes he didn’t work in this
khơng có thật ở hiện
(S + wish + S + were/ Ved/ V2)
company at present.
DH: in the morning, now, at the monent, - I wish I were a teacher at the
at present, …
Loại 2: ước 1 điều
CT: S + wish + QKHT
Mary wishes she had gone to school
khơng có thật ở quá
(S + wish + S + had + Ved/ V3)
DH: ago, yesterday, last night, …
Loại 3: ước 1 điều
S + wish + S + would/could + V
She wishes she would earn a lot of
trong tương lai
DH: next week, tommorrow, …
money next year.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following

1. Nam was so rude to them last night. Now he feels regretful.
A. Nam regrets to have been so rude to them last night.
B. Nam regrets having so rude to them last night.
C. Nam wishes he hadn’t been so rude to them last night.
D. Nam wishes he weren’t so rude to them last night.
2. Jenifer rejected the job offer. She now regrets it.
A. Jenifer regrets not having rejected the job offer.
B. If only Jenifer didn’t reject the job offer.
C. Jenifer wishes she hadn’t rejected the job offer.
D. Jenifer regrets to reject the job offer.
3. The children are noisy. She can’t concentrate on working.
A. She wishes the children are not noisy and she can concentrate on working.
B. In case the children are not noisy, she can concentrate on working.
C. If the children were not noisy, she can concentrate on working.
D. If only the children were not noisy and she could concentrate on working
4. Julian dropped out of college after his first year. Now he regrets it.
A. Julian regretted having dropped out of college after his first year.
B. Julian wishes he didn’t drop out of college after his first year.
C. Julian regrets having dropped out of college after his first year.
D. Only if Julian had dropped out of college after his first year.
5. Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.
A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.
B. I wish Marie had turned up at Johns birthday party.
C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.
D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.
6. Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.
A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.
B. I wish Marie had turned up at Johns birthday party.
C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.

D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.
7. Susan didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe. She now regrets it.
A. Susan wishes that she applied for the summer job in the cafe.
B. Susan feels regret because she didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe.
C. If only Susan didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe.
D. Susan wishes that she had applied for the summer job in the cafe.
8. They didn’t have breakfast this morning.That’s why they are hungry now.
A. They wish they had had breakfast this morning
B. They wish they had breakfast this morning
C. They wish they have breakfast this morning
D. They wish they would have breakfast this morning
9. We couldn't see the mountains because of the rain.
A. If only it didn't rain so we could see the mountains.

B. If it hadn't rained, we could see the mountains.
C. I wish I had been able to see the mountains without rain.
D. But for the rain, I could see the mountains.
10. I did not see Susan off at the airport. I feel bad about it now.
A. I could have seen Susan off at the airport.
B. If only I had seen Susan off at the airport.
C. That I did not see Susan off at the airport escapes me now.
D. It suddenly dawns on me that I should have seen Susan off at the airport.
11. I didn’t know that he was a liar. I now regret it.
A. I wish he wasn’t a liar.
B. I regret that he is a liar.
C. I wish I had known that he was a liar.
D. I regret to beileve him and what he said.
12. My sister can’t speak Vietnamese.
A. I wish my sister to speak Vietnamese

B. I wish my sister could speak Vietnamese
C. Speaking Vietnamese is a wish
D. My sister wishes to be spoken Vietnamese
13. I didn’t know that he was a liar. I now regret it.
A. I wish he wasn’t a liar.
B. I regret that he is a liar.
C. I wish I had known that he was a liar.
D. I regret to beileve him and what he said.
14. The children are noisy. She can’t concentrate on working.
A. She wishes the children are not noisy and she can concentrate on working.
B. In case the children are not noisy, she can concentrate on working.
C. If the children were not noisy, she can concentrate on working.
D. If only the children were not noisy and she could concentrate on working
15. I regret not booking the seats in advance.
A. I wish I book the seats in advance.
C. If only I booked the seats in advance.
B. I wish I have booked the seats in advance.
D. If only I had booked the seats in advance
16. There aren't any rivers and lakes in your hometown.
A. I wish there were some rivers and lakes in my hometown
B. I wish there was some rivers and lakes in my hometown
C. I wish there are some rivers and lakes in my hometown
D. I wish there weren’t some rivers and lakes in my hometown
17. Jack bought that second-hand car and he then recognized that he shouldn't have done that.
A. Jack wished that he has not bought that second-hand car.
B. Jack wished that he did not buy that second-hand car.
C. Jack regretted to buy that second-hand car.
D. Jack regretted buying that second-hand car.
18. If I had known about their wedding plan earlier, I would have been able to make time to attend the reception

A. I knew their wedding would be planned earlier so I made some time to attend the reception party.
B. I wish I had known their wedding plan sooner so that I could arrange time to attend the reception party.
C. I don't know their wedding plan earlier so I can't make time to attend the reception party.
D. When I knew their wedding party, it was too late to attend the reception party.
19. I want to help you, but I don’t have money now.
A.I wish I had money to help you now
B. If I have money, I will help you
C. If only I had had money and could have helped you
D. should I have money, I will help you
20. John regrets forgetting to send Mary a Christmas card.
A. John wishes he remembered to send Mary a Christmas card.
B. John wishes he didn’t forget to send Mary a Christmas card.
C. John wishes he sent Mary a Christmas card.

D. John wishes he had remembered to send Mary a Christmas card
21. I wish I didn’t have to get up early tomorrow.
A. I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.
B. I will have to get up early tomorrow.
C. Getting up early tomorrow is not necessary. D. It is my wish to get up early tomorrow.
22. I regret not telling the truth.
A. If only I could tell the truth.
B. Telling the truth means regret,
C. I have never regretted telling the truth.
D. I wish I had told the truth
23. They think that they shouldn’t have lent Jack the car.
A. They regret having lent the car to Jack.
B. They should not borrow the car from Jack.
C. Jack is not the person they lend the car.
D. Jack doesn’t return the car to them on time.

24. I’m sorry I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
A. I wish I can go to your birthday party tomorrow.
B. I wish I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
C. I wish I could go to your birthday party tomorrow.
D. I wish I couldn’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
25. He is sorry he is not able to speak English well.
A. He wishes he can speak English well.
B. He wishes he could speak English well.
C. He wishes he is able to speak English well.
D. He wishes he was able to speak English well.
26. His parents are away on holiday. He really needs their help now.
A. As long as his parents are at home, they will be able to help him.
B. He wishes his parents were at home and could help him now.
C. If his parents are at home, they can help him now.
D. If only his parents had been at home and could have helped him.
27. I really regert that you haven’t told me about her family.
A. If only you would tell me about her family.
B. If only I didn’t regret that you hadn’t told me about her family.
C. If only you had told me about her family.
D. If only you hadn’t told me about her family.
28. Nam was so rude to them last night. Now he feels regretful.
A. Nam regrets to have been so rude to them last night.
B. Nam regrets having so rude to them last night.
C. Nam wishes he hadn’t been so rude to them last night.
D. Nam wishes he weren’t so rude to them last night.
29. Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.
A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.
B. I wish Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.
C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.
D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.

30. They regret ever moving into that house.
A. They hoped they wouldn’t move into that house.
B. They wish they had not moved into that house.
C. If only they didn’t move into that house.
D. They think that they should have moved into that house.
31. The police are supposed to do something about these people.
A. I wish the police would do something about these people.
B. The police should have done something about these people.
C. Supposedly, the police do something about these people.
D. The police suppose that these people do something.
32. I find you smoking in here very annoying.
A. I wish you wouldn’t smoke in here.
B. I’d rather you not smoke in here.
C. If only you hadn’t smoked in here.
D. Your smoking in here makes me annoy.
33. My school has no playground equipment or extra activities.
A. I wish my school had had playground equipment or extra activities.
B. I wish my school had playground equipment or extra activities.
C. I wish my school can have playground equipment or extra activities.
D. I wish my school will have playground equipment or extra activities.
34. It's a pity I can't cook as well as my mom.
A. I wish I could cook as well as my mom.
B. I wish I can cook as well as my mom.

C. I wish I could cook as good as my mom.
D. I wish I can cook as better as my mom.
35. I regret agreeing to do the extra work.
A. I’m sorry to say that I agreed to do the extra work.
B. I wish I didn’t take on the extra work.

C. I feel regret now because I have done the extra work.
D. If only I hadn’t taken on the extra work.
36. I wish I had come to the party earlier.
A. If only I came to the party earlier.
B. I regret having come to the party early.
C. I feel regretted because I didn’t come to the party early enough.
D. I was supposed to come to the party earlier, and I did.
37. I can’t find my shoes.
A. My shoes can’t have been found.
B. I wish I knew where my shoes were.
C. If I could have my shoes found.
D. I hope someone will know the place of my shoes.
38. Susan didn’t apply for the job in the library and regrets it now.
A. Susan wishes that she applied for the job in the library.
B. Susan wishes for applying for the job in the library.
C. Susan wishes she had applied for the job in the library.
D. Susan wishes she wouldn’t apply for the job in the library.
39. I regret giving Dennis my phone number.
A. I should have given Dennis my phone number.
B. If only I had given Dennis my phone number.
C. If only I had not given Dennis my phone number.
D. I wish I could give Dennis my phone number.
40. It is such a pity that your sister can’t come as well.
A. If only your sister could come as well.
B. I wish your sister can come as well.
C. But for your sister can come as well.
D. Your sister not coming as well is such a pity.
1. The film is not perfect. Its abrupt ending spoils it.
A. The film would be perfect if it ended abruptly.

B. Provided the film ended abruptly, it would not be perfect.
C. Unless the film ends abruptly, it won’t be perfect.
D. But for its abrupt ending, the film would be perfect.
2. Mike didn’t follow his parents’ advice on choosing his career. He regrets it now.
A. If Mike had followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career, he wouldn’t regret it now.
B. Mike regrets having followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
C. If only Mike followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
D. Mike wishes he hadn’t followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
3. The candidate was offered the job because of his excellent answers.
A. The job was offered to the candidate although he couldn’t answer the questions.
B. If it hadn’t been for the candidate’s excellent answers, he couldn’t have got the job.
C. The candidate answered the questions so excellently that he might get the job.
D. Because it was such a good job, the candidate tried to answer the questions excellently.
4. I didn’t pay attention to the teacher. I failed to understand the lesson.
A. Although I paid attention to the teacher, I failed to understand the lesson.
B. I would have understood the lesson if I had failed to pay attention to the teacher.
C. I would have understood the lesson if I had paid attention to the teacher.
D. Unless I failed to understand the lesson, I would pay attention to the teacher.
5. Without my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.
A. Had my tutor not helped me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.
B. If my tutor didn’t help me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.
C. If it hadn’t been for my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.
D. If my tutor hadn’t helped me, I could have made such a good speech.
6. We survived that accident because we were wearing our seat belts.
A. But for our seat belts, we would have survived that accident.
B. Had we not been wearing our seat belts, we wouldn’t have survived that accident.

C. Without our seat belts, we could have survived that accident.
D. If we weren’t wearing our seat belts, we couldn’t have survived that accident.

7. They were late for the meeting because of the heavy snow.
A. If it snowed heavily, they would be late for the meeting.
B. Had it not snowed heavily, they would have been late for the meeting.
C. But for the heavy snow, they wouldn’t have been late for the meeting.
D. If it didn’t snow heavily, they wouldn’t be late for the meeting.
8. He was successful in his career thanks to his parents’ support.
A. Had it not been for his parents’ support, he wouldn’t be successful in his career.
B. If his parents hadn’t supported him, he wouldn’t have been successful in his career.
C. But for his parents’ support, he wouldn’t be successful in his career.
D. Without his parents’ support, he would have been successful in his career.
9. They cancelled all the sporting events because of the heavy rain.
A. Without the heavy rain, they wouldn’t cancel all the sporting events.
B. If it hadn’t rained heavily, they would have cancelled all the sporting events.
C. If it didn’t rain heavily, they wouldn’t cancel all the sporting events.
D. Had it not rained heavily, they wouldn’t have cancelled all the sporting events.
10. You are in this mess right now because you didn’t listen to me in the first place.
A. If you listen to my advice in the first place, you will not be in this mess right now.
B. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
C. If you listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
D. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t have been in this mess right now
11. It was only because I owed Bill a favor that I agree to help him.
A. I agree to help Bill only as a favor.
B. I agree to do Bill a favor, by helping him.
C. I only agreed to help Bill because I owed him some money.
D. If I hadn’t owed Bill a favor, I wouldn’t have agreed to help him.
12. John didn’t install an alarm, so the thieves broke into his house last night.
A. If John installed an alarm, the thieves didn’t break into his house last night.
B. Because John hadn’t installed an alarm, the thieves would break into his house last night.
C. If John had installed an alarm, the thieves wouldn’t break into his house last night.
D. Had John installed an alarm, the thieves wouldn’t have broken into his house last night.

13. Without transportation, our modern society would not exist.
A. If there were no transportation, our modern society would not exist.
B. If transportation no longer exists, our modern society will not either.
C. Our modern society will not exist without having traffic.
D. Our modern society does not exist if there is no transportation.
14. I’ll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week.
A. If you promise to return the book, I let you borrow it.
B. If you promised to return the book, I’ll let you borrow it.
C. If you promises to return the book next week, I won’t let you borrow it.
D. If you promise to return the book next week, I’ll let you borrow it.
15. He could have gone by bus and so saved a lot of money.
A. He wouldn’t have saved much money if he had taken the bus.
B. He would have gone by bus if he had saved money for the fare.
C. He traveled by bus, and it didn’t cost him much.
D. He would have spent less money if he had traveled by bus.
16. The staff couldn’t have worked any harder, and they could not even finish half of the order all the week.
A. Had the staff worked a little harder, they might have finished all the order by the end of the week.
B. Throughout the week, the staff could only complete half of the order, which how they did not work as hard as
they should have.

C. The staff, who only completed half of the order all week, could not have worked as hard as they claimed they
D. Throughout the week, less than half of the order could be produced, although the staff worked as hard as they
17. This conference wouldn’t have been possible without your organization.
A. If you didn’t organize, this conference wouldn’t have been possible.
B. Your organization made it possible for this conference to take place.
C. If it hadn’t been for your organization, this conference wouldn’t have been possible.
D. If it weren’t for your organization, this conference wouldn’t be possible.

18. I didn’t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet.
A. Since I got wet, I didn’t have an umbrella with me.
B. My umbrella helped me to get wet.
C. I wouldn’t have got wet if I had had an umbrella with me.
D. I got wet, so I didn’t have an umbrella.
19. Unless you leave me alone, I’ll call the police.
A. I’ll call the police because you leave me alone.
B. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone.
C. If you leave me alone, I’ll call the police.
D. You leave me alone, so I’ll call the police.
20. If I had known the reason why she was absent from class, I would have told you.
A. I knew the reason why she was absent from class, but I didn’t tell you.
B. Unless I knew the reason why she was absent from class, I wouldn’t tell you.
C. I didn’t know the reason why she was absent from class, so I didn’t tell.
D. Although I knew the reason why she was absent from class, I didn’t tell you.
21. But for your carelessness you could have been a partner in the firm.
A. If it hadn’t been your carelessness, you could have been a partner in the firm.
B. Your carelessness was the only thing to prevent being a partner in the firm.
C. It was your carelessness that made you impossible to be a partner in the firm
D. You could have been a partner in the firm, but you were so careless.
22. Unless you have tickets you can’t come in.
A. You can’t come in provided that you have tickets.
B. You can come in provided that you have tickets.
C. If you didn’t have tickets, you couldn’t come in.
D. Unless you don’t have tickets, you can come in.
23. Unfortunately, I don’t know philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
A. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
B. If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
C. If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
D. If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.

24. He didn’t take his father’s advice. That’s why he is out of work now.
A. If he took his father’s advice, he would not be out of work now.
B. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not have been out of work now.
C. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not be out of work now.
D. If he takes his father’s advice, he will not be out of work now.
25. I didn’t speak to Anita because I didn’t see her.
A. If I saw Anita, I would speak to her.
B. If I had seen Anita, I would have spoken to her.
C. Although I spoke to Anita, I didn’t see her.
D. I saw Anita so that I could speak to her.
--- THE END---

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
1. Nam was so rude to them last night. Now he feels regretful.
A. Nam regrets to have been so rude to them last night.
B. Nam regrets having so rude to them last night.
C. Nam wishes he hadn’t been so rude to them last night.
D. Nam wishes he weren’t so rude to them last night.
2. Jenifer rejected the job offer. She now regrets it.
A. Jenifer regrets not having rejected the job offer.
B. If only Jenifer didn’t reject the job offer.
C. Jenifer wishes she hadn’t rejected the job offer.
D. Jenifer regrets to reject the job offer.
3. The children are noisy. She can’t concentrate on working.
A. She wishes the children are not noisy and she can concentrate on working.
B. In case the children are not noisy, she can concentrate on working.
C. If the children were not noisy, she can concentrate on working.

D. If only the children were not noisy and she could concentrate on working
4. Julian dropped out of college after his first year. Now he regrets it.
A. Julian regretted having dropped out of college after his first year.
B. Julian wishes he didn’t drop out of college after his first year.
C. Julian regrets having dropped out of college after his first year.
D. Only if Julian had dropped out of college after his first year.
5. Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.
A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.
B. I wish Marie had turned up at Johns birthday party.
C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.
D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.
6. Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.
A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.
B. I wish Marie had turned up at Johns birthday party.
C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.
D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.
7. Susan didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe. She now regrets it.
A. Susan wishes that she applied for the summer job in the cafe.
B. Susan feels regret because she didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe.
C. If only Susan didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe.
D. Susan wishes that she had applied for the summer job in the cafe.
8. They didn’t have breakfast this morning.That’s why they are hungry now.
A. They wish they had had breakfast this morning
B. They wish they had breakfast this morning
C. They wish they have breakfast this morning
D. They wish they would have breakfast this morning
9. We couldn't see the mountains because of the rain.
A. If only it didn't rain so we could see the mountains.
B. If it hadn't rained, we could see the mountains.
C. I wish I had been able to see the mountains without rain.

D. But for the rain, I could see the mountains.
10. I did not see Susan off at the airport. I feel bad about it now.
A. I could have seen Susan off at the airport.
B. If only I had seen Susan off at the airport.
C. That I did not see Susan off at the airport escapes me now.
D. It suddenly dawns on me that I should have seen Susan off at the airport.
11. I didn’t know that he was a liar. I now regret it.
A. I wish he wasn’t a liar.
B. I regret that he is a liar.
C. I wish I had known that he was a liar.
D. I regret to beileve him and what he said.

12. My sister can’t speak Vietnamese.
A. I wish my sister to speak Vietnamese
B. I wish my sister could speak Vietnamese
C. Speaking Vietnamese is a wish
D. My sister wishes to be spoken Vietnamese
13. I didn’t know that he was a liar. I now regret it.
A. I wish he wasn’t a liar.
B. I regret that he is a liar.
C. I wish I had known that he was a liar.
D. I regret to beileve him and what he said.
14. The children are noisy. She can’t concentrate on working.
A. She wishes the children are not noisy and she can concentrate on working.
B. In case the children are not noisy, she can concentrate on working.
C. If the children were not noisy, she can concentrate on working.
D. If only the children were not noisy and she could concentrate on working
15. I regret not booking the seats in advance.
A. I wish I book the seats in advance.

C. If only I booked the seats in advance.
B. I wish I have booked the seats in advance.
D. If only I had booked the seats in advance
16. There aren't any rivers and lakes in your hometown.
A. I wish there were some rivers and lakes in my hometown
B. I wish there was some rivers and lakes in my hometown
C. I wish there are some rivers and lakes in my hometown
D. I wish there weren’t some rivers and lakes in my hometown
17. Jack bought that second-hand car and he then recognized that he shouldn't have done that.
A. Jack wished that he has not bought that second-hand car.
B. Jack wished that he did not buy that second-hand car.
C. Jack regretted to buy that second-hand car.
D. Jack regretted buying that second-hand car.
18. If I had known about their wedding plan earlier, I would have been able to make time to attend the reception
A. I knew their wedding would be planned earlier so I made some time to attend the reception party.
B. I wish I had known their wedding plan sooner so that I could arrange time to attend the reception party.
C. I don't know their wedding plan earlier so I can't make time to attend the reception party.
D. When I knew their wedding party, it was too late to attend the reception party.
19. I want to help you, but I don’t have money now.
A.I wish I had money to help you now
B. If I have money, I will help you
C. If only I had had money and could have helped you
D. should I have money, I will help you
20. John regrets forgetting to send Mary a Christmas card.
A. John wishes he remembered to send Mary a Christmas card.
B. John wishes he didn’t forget to send Mary a Christmas card.
C. John wishes he sent Mary a Christmas card.
D. John wishes he had remembered to send Mary a Christmas card
21. I wish I didn’t have to get up early tomorrow.

A. I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.
B. I will have to get up early tomorrow.
C. Getting up early tomorrow is not necessary. D. It is my wish to get up early tomorrow.
22. I regret not telling the truth.
A. If only I could tell the truth.
B. Telling the truth means regret,
C. I have never regretted telling the truth.
D. I wish I had told the truth
23. They think that they shouldn’t have lent Jack the car.
A. They regret having lent the car to Jack.
B. They should not borrow the car from Jack.
C. Jack is not the person they lend the car.
D. Jack doesn’t return the car to them on time.
24. I’m sorry I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.

A. I wish I can go to your birthday party tomorrow.
B. I wish I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
C. I wish I could go to your birthday party tomorrow.
D. I wish I couldn’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
25. He is sorry he is not able to speak English well.
A. He wishes he can speak English well.
B. He wishes he could speak English well.
C. He wishes he is able to speak English well.
D. He wishes he was able to speak English well.
26. His parents are away on holiday. He really needs their help now.
A. As long as his parents are at home, they will be able to help him.
B. He wishes his parents were at home and could help him now.
C. If his parents are at home, they can help him now.
D. If only his parents had been at home and could have helped him.

27. I really regert that you haven’t told me about her family.
A. If only you would tell me about her family.
B. If only I didn’t regret that you hadn’t told me about her family.
C. If only you had told me about her family.
D. If only you hadn’t told me about her family.
28. Nam was so rude to them last night. Now he feels regretful.
A. Nam regrets to have been so rude to them last night.
B. Nam regrets having so rude to them last night.
C. Nam wishes he hadn’t been so rude to them last night.
D. Nam wishes he weren’t so rude to them last night.
29. Marie didn’t turn up at John’s birthday party. I feel so sorry for that.
A. If only Marie turn up at John’s birthday party.
B. I wish Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.
C. I wished Marie wouldn’t turn up at John’s birthday party.
D. It’s a shame Marie had turned up at John’s birthday party.
30. They regret ever moving into that house.
A. They hoped they wouldn’t move into that house.
B. They wish they had not moved into that house.
C. If only they didn’t move into that house.
D. They think that they should have moved into that house.
31. The police are supposed to do something about these people.
A. I wish the police would do something about these people.
B. The police should have done something about these people.
C. Supposedly, the police do something about these people.
D. The police suppose that these people do something.
32. I find you smoking in here very annoying.
A. I wish you wouldn’t smoke in here.
B. I’d rather you not smoke in here.
C. If only you hadn’t smoked in here.
D. Your smoking in here makes me annoy.

33. My school has no playground equipment or extra activities.
A. I wish my school had had playground equipment or extra activities.
B. I wish my school had playground equipment or extra activities.
C. I wish my school can have playground equipment or extra activities.
D. I wish my school will have playground equipment or extra activities.
34. It's a pity I can't cook as well as my mom.
A. I wish I could cook as well as my mom.
B. I wish I can cook as well as my mom.
C. I wish I could cook as good as my mom.
D. I wish I can cook as better as my mom.
35. I regret agreeing to do the extra work.
A. I’m sorry to say that I agreed to do the extra work.
B. I wish I didn’t take on the extra work.
C. I feel regret now because I have done the extra work.
D. If only I hadn’t taken on the extra work.
36. I wish I had come to the party earlier.
A. If only I came to the party earlier.
B. I regret having come to the party early.
C. I feel regretted because I didn’t come to the party early enough.
D. I was supposed to come to the party earlier, and I did.
37. I can’t find my shoes.
A. My shoes can’t have been found.
B. I wish I knew where my shoes were.

C. If I could have my shoes found.
D. I hope someone will know the place of my shoes.
38. Susan didn’t apply for the job in the library and regrets it now.
A. Susan wishes that she applied for the job in the library.
B. Susan wishes for applying for the job in the library.

C. Susan wishes she had applied for the job in the library.
D. Susan wishes she wouldn’t apply for the job in the library.
39. I regret giving Dennis my phone number.
A. I should have given Dennis my phone number.
B. If only I had given Dennis my phone number.
C. If only I had not given Dennis my phone number.
D. I wish I could give Dennis my phone number.
40. It is such a pity that your sister can’t come as well.
A. If only your sister could come as well.
B. I wish your sister can come as well.
C. But for your sister can come as well.
D. Your sister not coming as well is such a pity.
1. The film is not perfect. Its abrupt ending spoils it.
A. The film would be perfect if it ended abruptly.
B. Provided the film ended abruptly, it would not be perfect.
C. Unless the film ends abruptly, it won’t be perfect.
D. But for its abrupt ending, the film would be perfect.
2. Mike didn’t follow his parents’ advice on choosing his career. He regrets it now.
A. If Mike had followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career, he wouldn’t regret it now.
B. Mike regrets having followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
C. If only Mike followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
D. Mike wishes he hadn’t followed his parents’ advice on choosing his career.
3. The candidate was offered the job because of his excellent answers.
A. The job was offered to the candidate although he couldn’t answer the questions.
B. If it hadn’t been for the candidate’s excellent answers, he couldn’t have got the job.
C. The candidate answered the questions so excellently that he might get the job.
D. Because it was such a good job, the candidate tried to answer the questions excellently.
4. I didn’t pay attention to the teacher. I failed to understand the lesson.
A. Although I paid attention to the teacher, I failed to understand the lesson.

B. I would have understood the lesson if I had failed to pay attention to the teacher.
C. I would have understood the lesson if I had paid attention to the teacher.
D. Unless I failed to understand the lesson, I would pay attention to the teacher.
5. Without my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.
A. Had my tutor not helped me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.
B. If my tutor didn’t help me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.
C. If it hadn’t been for my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.
D. If my tutor hadn’t helped me, I could have made such a good speech.
6. We survived that accident because we were wearing our seat belts.
A. But for our seat belts, we would have survived that accident.
B. Had we not been wearing our seat belts, we wouldn’t have survived that accident.
C. Without our seat belts, we could have survived that accident.
D. If we weren’t wearing our seat belts, we couldn’t have survived that accident.
7. They were late for the meeting because of the heavy snow.
A. If it snowed heavily, they would be late for the meeting.
B. Had it not snowed heavily, they would have been late for the meeting.
C. But for the heavy snow, they wouldn’t have been late for the meeting.
D. If it didn’t snow heavily, they wouldn’t be late for the meeting.
8. He was successful in his career thanks to his parents’ support.
A. Had it not been for his parents’ support, he wouldn’t be successful in his career.
B. If his parents hadn’t supported him, he wouldn’t have been successful in his career.
C. But for his parents’ support, he wouldn’t be successful in his career.

D. Without his parents’ support, he would have been successful in his career.
9. They cancelled all the sporting events because of the heavy rain.
A. Without the heavy rain, they wouldn’t cancel all the sporting events.
B. If it hadn’t rained heavily, they would have cancelled all the sporting events.
C. If it didn’t rain heavily, they wouldn’t cancel all the sporting events.
D. Had it not rained heavily, they wouldn’t have cancelled all the sporting events.

10. You are in this mess right now because you didn’t listen to me in the first place.
A. If you listen to my advice in the first place, you will not be in this mess right now.
B. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
C. If you listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
D. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t have been in this mess right now
11. It was only because I owed Bill a favor that I agree to help him.
A. I agree to help Bill only as a favor.
B. I agree to do Bill a favor, by helping him.
C. I only agreed to help Bill because I owed him some money.
D. If I hadn’t owed Bill a favor, I wouldn’t have agreed to help him.
12. John didn’t install an alarm, so the thieves broke into his house last night.
A. If John installed an alarm, the thieves didn’t break into his house last night.
B. Because John hadn’t installed an alarm, the thieves would break into his house last night.
C. If John had installed an alarm, the thieves wouldn’t break into his house last night.
D. Had John installed an alarm, the thieves wouldn’t have broken into his house last night.
13. Without transportation, our modern society would not exist.
A. If there were no transportation, our modern society would not exist.
B. If transportation no longer exists, our modern society will not either.
C. Our modern society will not exist without having traffic.
D. Our modern society does not exist if there is no transportation.
14. I’ll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week.
A. If you promise to return the book, I let you borrow it.
B. If you promised to return the book, I’ll let you borrow it.
C. If you promises to return the book next week, I won’t let you borrow it.
D. If you promise to return the book next week, I’ll let you borrow it.
15. He could have gone by bus and so saved a lot of money.
A. He wouldn’t have saved much money if he had taken the bus.
B. He would have gone by bus if he had saved money for the fare.
C. He traveled by bus, and it didn’t cost him much.
D. He would have spent less money if he had traveled by bus.

16. The staff couldn’t have worked any harder, and they could not even finish half of the order all the week.
E. Had the staff worked a little harder, they might have finished all the order by the end of the week.
F. Throughout the week, the staff could only complete half of the order, which how they did not work as hard as
they should have.
G. The staff, who only completed half of the order all week, could not have worked as hard as they claimed they
H. Throughout the week, less than half of the order could be produced, although the staff worked as hard as they
17. This conference wouldn’t have been possible without your organization.
A. If you didn’t organize, this conference wouldn’t have been possible.
B. Your organization made it possible for this conference to take place.
C. If it hadn’t been for your organization, this conference wouldn’t have been possible.
D. If it weren’t for your organization, this conference wouldn’t be possible.
18. I didn’t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet.
A. Since I got wet, I didn’t have an umbrella with me.

B. My umbrella helped me to get wet.
C. I wouldn’t have got wet if I had had an umbrella with me.
D. I got wet, so I didn’t have an umbrella.
19. Unless you leave me alone, I’ll call the police.
A. I’ll call the police because you leave me alone.
B. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone.
C. If you leave me alone, I’ll call the police.
D. You leave me alone, so I’ll call the police.
20. If I had known the reason why she was absent from class, I would have told you.
A. I knew the reason why she was absent from class, but I didn’t tell you.
B. Unless I knew the reason why she was absent from class, I wouldn’t tell you.
C. I didn’t know the reason why she was absent from class, so I didn’t tell.
D. Although I knew the reason why she was absent from class, I didn’t tell you.

21. But for your carelessness you could have been a partner in the firm.
A. If it hadn’t been your carelessness, you could have been a partner in the firm.
B. Your carelessness was the only thing to prevent being a partner in the firm.
C. It was your carelessness that made you impossible to be a partner in the firm
D. You could have been a partner in the firm, but you were so careless.
22. Unless you have tickets you can’t come in.
A. You can’t come in provided that you have tickets.
B. You can come in provided that you have tickets.
C. If you didn’t have tickets, you couldn’t come in.
D. Unless you don’t have tickets, you can come in.
23. Unfortunately, I don’t know philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
A. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
B. If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
C. If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
D. If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.
24. He didn’t take his father’s advice. That’s why he is out of work now.
A. If he took his father’s advice, he would not be out of work now.
B. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not have been out of work now.
C. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not be out of work now.
D. If he takes his father’s advice, he will not be out of work now.
25. I didn’t speak to Anita because I didn’t see her.
A. If I saw Anita, I would speak to her.
B. If I had seen Anita, I would have spoken to her.
C. Although I spoke to Anita, I didn’t see her.
D. I saw Anita so that I could speak to her.
