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Scientific Writing
Manuscript structure and Journal Standards

Dr Leigh Jones, OUCRU, Head of Training
Hanoi Medical University, June

Scientific writing: What is your experience level?

What do you find difficult about scientific writing?



Learning Objectives

1. Understand the structure of a paper
2. Appreciate the importance of journal standards


Scientific Writing

Manuscript Structure


Initial message delivery!
• Peers
• Science Community
• Media and Government
• Public


What makes a good/bad paper?

•Clear message
•Concise/simple language
•Targets readership
•Puts into context
•Highlights importance

•Confused message/story
•Complex language •Irrelevant
info for reader
•Doesn’t “set the scene”


Manuscript Structure

Title and author list
Materials and Methods
Results (figures and legends)

The structure is there to help YOU and to help your READER

Manuscript Structure: Title
• KEY to making article “findable” (also keywords)
• Clear and self explanatory snapshot
• Descriptive and use specific rather than generic terms (e.g. use
‘ampicillen’ rather than
• No abbreviations/acronyms
• The title should report what the researcher has done by stating:
1. Subject/patient

2. Manipulation/what are you doing?
3. Output parameter/result
• Which readers are you targeting?
• Make the title interesting and appealing to your target audience
• Descriptive vs declarative? Check journal guidelines

Manuscript Structure: Title (an example)
1. Does Vaccinating Children and Adolescents with Inactivated
Influenza Virus Inhibit the Spread of Influenza in Unimmunized
Residents of Rural Communities?
2. Influenza Vaccination of Children: A Randomized Trial
3. Effect of Child Influenza Vaccination on Infection Rates in Rural
Communities: A Randomized Tria

Which title do you like the best? Why?

Manuscript Structure: Title (an example)
1. Does Vaccinating Children and Adolescents with Inactivated
Influenza Virus Inhibit the Spread of Influenza in Unimmunized
Residents of Rural Communities?
2. Influenza Vaccination of Children: A Randomized Trial
3. Effect of Child Influenza Vaccination on Infection Rates in Rural
Communities: A Randomized Trial
 Short

 Easy to understand
 Conveys key points of the study (population, trial design, output)


A brief note about Epidemiological Titles
Tend to be more descriptive than declarative
1. Subject/species
2. Output parameter/result
3. Location
4. Study design (optional; cohort, case-control, crosssectional, ecological)


Should you have fun with your title?

• Wordplay and witty titles on the rise but still uncommon
Journal dependent
• May increase downloads BUT fewer citations
• Wordplay can be highly cultural so may not always be
• May be best suited to review articles
• Must still reflect the work!


Manuscript Structure: Authorship list
• Multi-author collaborative efforts
• ICMJE has authorship guidelines used by many key institutions
• The basic guidelines state that to be considered as an author the
researcher must meet three basic criteria:
1. Involvement in designing, collecting data or analysing
2. Participation in drafting
3. Approval of final manuscript/report
• Authorships should NOT be misused e.g. ‘guest authorships’
• Order:
• The first author is the person who carried out the bulk of the
• The last author is the principal investigator who runs the lab

Manuscript Structure: Abstract
• More people read this than the full paper
• Distilled version of paper (200-250 words)
• Self explanatory
• Short/concise BUT often most difficult to write
• What SHOULD/SHOULD NOT be in the abstract?
 Purpose/question

X Literature review


X Content not in paper

 SUMMARISED results


 MAJOR conclusions

X References


Manuscript Structure: Introduction
• From general to specifics
• Start by putting your work in a broader
context then focus on your specific research
• The introduction should have four main parts
1. Context – a brief background of the subject
2. Need/gap – requirement for your study?
3. Task – what did you do to address the need?
4. Object/outcome –major conclusions
OR Objectives/hypotheses – keep the mystery!
• The introduction should mentally prepare the
reader for the structure of the document to


Manuscript Structure: Materials and Methods
• What would a person wishing to repeat the study ask you?
• It should explain how the experiment(s) was carried out with details on
• Experimental design
• Apparatus
• Data/specimen gathering methods
• Control groups
• Statistical tests used
• NOT the same as a protocol or laboratory book notes.
• DON’T say “First pour agar into six petri dishes. Then inoculate with
bacteria. Then put into the incubator”
• DO say “Agar was inoculated with bacteria and incubated for ten hours”
• Don’t list standard equipment e.g. say “standard microscopic techniques”
• Lots of listed information such as primer sequences? Use a table/list

Manuscript Structure: Results
• All figures/graphs should be referred to and described in the results
• Keep interpretation to discussion
1. “The results are shown in Table 1”
2. “The decreased expression of proinflammatory genes, as shown in
Table 1, is evidence that the test drug A is a viable option as an
alternative therapy in autoimmune disease. In a review by Smith
and colleagues, the currently available therapies are less effective
3. “As shown in Table 1, administration of the drug resulted in a
decreased expression of proinflammatory cytokines…..”


Manuscript Structure: Results
• All figures/graphs should be referred to and described in the
• Keep interpretation to discussion
 “The results are shown in Table 1”
 “The decreased expression of proinflammatory genes, as
shown in Table 1, is evidence that the test drug A is a viable
option as an alternative therapy in autoimmune disease. In a
review by Smith and colleagues, the currently available
therapies are less effective at……”
 “As shown in Table 1, administration of the drug resulted in a
decreased expression of proinflammatory cytokines…..”


Manuscript Structure: Figures and
Figure Legends
• All figures must be easily read and decipherable with
accompanying figure legends
• Tables and figures must be understood WITHOUT reading the
results section
• A good figure legend should include:
• Brief title of figure as first sentence.
• Organism studied (where applicable)
• Treatment applied/relationship displayed
• Experimental readout

• Brief method
• Location (in a field experiment)
• Sample sizes • Statistical test summaries

Manuscript Structure: Figures and
Figure Legends

Figure a: Interleukin-21 regulates

immunoglobulin A (IgA) production. Fecal
pellets were collected from age-matched wildtype, IL-21-/- and IL-21R-/- B6 mice. IgA
levels were quantified through enzyme linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and
normalized to total protein. N=4 mice per
group; data are reflective of two independent
experiments. *P <0.05 compared with wild
type mice

Manuscript Structure: Discussion
•From specifics to general
•Interpret data rather than repeat
•This should include:
•Patterns between data; linking
data together
•Hypotheses vs actual results

•Differences/similarities to literature
•Negative as well as positive


Manuscript Structure

• Title and author list
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results (figures and legends)
• Discussion
The structure is there to help YOU and to help your READER

Scientific Writing

Journal Standards:
Institute for Scientific Information and Scopus


• How do I know a journal is good quality?
• What standards are in place?
• Where can I find lists of good quality


