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BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title

Unit 2 Marketing Processes and Planning

Submission date


Re-submission Date

Date Received 1st submission
Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name

Dong Thi Linh

Student ID




Assessor name

Ngo The Nam

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature


Grading grid






 Summative Feedback:


 Resubmission Feedback:

Assessor Signature:


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Introduction. ................................................................................................................................. 4


Overview of Marketing. ................................................................................................................ 4

The Definition of Marketing. ..................................................................................................... 4


The Marketing Process. ............................................................................................................. 5



Understanding the marketplace and customer needs and wants. ................................... 6


Designing a customer value-driven marketing strategy. ................................................... 7


Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value. ...................... 7


Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity. ............................ 9

The Marketing's roles. ............................................................................................................... 9

III. The Marketing Function in SABECO. ........................................................................................... 10

The role and responsibilities of the marketing department in SABECO. ................................ 10


Influence of Marketing environment forces on SABECO's marketing activities. .................... 12

Influence of microenvironment. ...................................................................................... 12


Influence of macroenvironment. ..................................................................................... 15

IV. The relationship between marketing and other functional departments.................................. 18

Relationship between marketing and sales department. ....................................................... 18


Relationship between Marketing department and HR department. ..................................... 19


Relationship between the Marketing department and Production & Operation department.

V. The relationship between marketing and other functional departments in SABECO. ............... 20
VI. Conclusion. .................................................................................................................................. 23
VII. Reference. ................................................................................................................................... 24


I. Introduction.
I am applying for the "Marketing Executive" position at Sabeco (Sabeco is an enterprise operating
in FMCG - fast consumer goods in Vietnam).Saigon Beer - Alcohol - Beverage Joint Stock
Corporation, Also Known as Sabeco (Saigon Beer-alcohol-beverage Joint Stock Corporation), is a
Vietnamese Joint Stock Company. Despite The Fact that it is a Joint Stock Company, the State
Retains Nearly 90% of the charter Capital of Sabeco, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade Serves

As The State's Representative in Sabeco. Regarding marketing concepts, the role of the marketing
room in Sabeco. Moreover, I will have to find the relationship between the Marketing Department
and other functional rooms in Sabeco. Here will be my detailed analysis report.
Below is my analysis of Sabeco - a company in the FMCG industry in Vietnam. My report consists
of 7 parts. Part 1 is a general introduction. Part 2 is an overview of marketing, which includes the
definition of marketing, the marketing process includes 5 steps; next is the responsibility of
marketing for businesses in general. Part 3 is what function the Marketing department has in
Sabeco, which includes the responsibilities and duties of the Marketing department in Sabeco;
Next is the influence of the marketing environment on Sabeco's marketing activities: including the
micro-environment that depends on Sabeco, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers,
competitors, the public, and the macro environment includes: demographics, economy,
technology, natural and political. Part 4 is the relationship between Marketing department and
other departments, including the relationship between Marketing department and sales
department, human resources department. Part 5 is the relationship between marketing and other
departments in Sabeco company. Section 6 is a summary of the problem. Section 7 is reference.

II. Overview of Marketing.

The Definition of Marketing.

Marketing refers to any actions a company takes to attract an audience to the company's product
or services through high-quality messaging. Marketing aims to deliver standalone value for
prospects and consumers through content, with the long-term goal of demonstrating product
value, strengthening brand loyalty, and ultimately increasing sales ( Caroline Forsey, 2021).


Research, product design, promotion, sales, and distribution are all steps in the process of making

a product. Therefore, marketing also includes activities that distribute the value of your product or
service to users and conduct market research, promotion, and sales support. In order to assist
businesses in attracting, acquiring, and keeping customers, marketing today places a strong
emphasis on studying the market and consumer behavior as well as scrutinizing business
management practices. (and brand loyalty) by satisfying their needs and preferences.


The Marketing Process.

The marketing process is defined as research, development, implementation, control, and
improvement with the goal of providing practical value to customers and assisting businesses in
making profits. Businesses will find it easier to create a marketing strategy or plan using a specific
marketing process, ensuring that everything is going in the right direction. The marketing process
includes the following 5 steps:

Figure 1 The Marketing Process

(Source: Author's compilation)

Figure 1 shows the steps in the marketing process, including 5 important steps. I will analyze it in
more detail below:

2.1 Understanding the marketplace and customer needs and wants.
Basic requirements (Needs): The needs and desires of the scammer serve as the starting point
for strategic marketing thinking. People's urgent need is the absence of something they feel, and
it is also very diverse and complex. It includes both basic human physiological needs such as
food, clothing, heating, and life safety, as well as social and personal needs such as intimacy,

proximity, prestige, and affection. knowledge and self-expression. Urgent needs are inherent in
human nature and are not determined by society or marketers. People will feel uncomfortable
and unsatisfied if their basic needs are not met. And if those needs are extremely important to
man, it becomes even more miserable. When people are dissatisfied, they have two options: one
is to find an object capable of satisfying the need, and the other is to suppress it.
Wants: Human desire is a need with a specific form that corresponds to each person's cultural
level and personality. Desires are expressed in specific things that can meet needs but must be
appropriate for that person's lifestyle. The needs of society's members grow in tandem with its
development. As a result, manufacturers' activities are always directed toward stimulating the
desire to buy and attempting to establish an adaptive relationship between their products and
urgent human needs.
Demands: In marketing, human needs are essentially wants with the condition of being able to
pay. When backed by purchasing power, wants become needs. Many people want the same
product, but only a few can get it because of their financial means. As a result, businesses must
measure how many people buy their products and, more importantly, how many people are able
and willing to buy that product as part of their marketing strategy.
Example: At a time when the economy is developing and roads are also developing as the
demand for people's travel is increasing:
✓ Motorbike to serve that need( needs)
A trendy design motorcycle, easy to control:
✓ You can choose from the following models: Lead, SH, Vespa, Grande, Vision,...
But your spending limit is about 35 million:
✓ The best choice here is Vision 2023 standard version for 30 million VND

( Kate, 2020)

2.2. Designing a customer value-driven marketing strategy.
Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable

relationships with them.
A brand’s value proposition is the set of benefits or values it promises to deliver to customers to
satisfy their needs.
A marketing strategy is a long-term plan for achieving a company's goals through customer
understanding and the creation of a distinct and sustainable competitive advantage. It includes
everything from determining who your customers are to deciding how to reach those customers.
A marketing strategy allows you to define how your company positions itself in the marketplace,
the types of products you produce, the strategic partners you form, and the types of advertising
and promotion you engage in. A marketing strategy is critical to the success of any business.
Continue reading to learn how to develop a successful marketing strategy for your business.
( Minh Tu, 2021)
Figure 2 The Marketing Concept

(Source: Author's compilation)
The marketing concept is displayed in Figure 2. I'll delve deeper into the following marketing
idea: The marketing concept's primary focus is on customer needs, and its main goal is to satisfy
customers. Concepts in marketing place the customer at the center of all activities in order to
clear products.

2.3. Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value.


Integrated marketing program means closely linked communication activities aimed at conveying
a message about a product, service, brand or organization clearly to consumers. Here are 6 builtin marketing tools that work:
✓ Advertising is a form of paid communication used to promote a brand's goods or services
and convince consumers to act now or in the future.
✓ Direct marketing is a method of marketing products directly to customers in order to
increase sales and generate responses at the time of transaction. There are several types:

Direct sales, telemarketing (Telesales Marketing), email marketing (Email Marketing), and a
variety of other media are all options.
✓ Sales promotions are marketing activities that provide added value or impetus to the sales
force, distributors, or end users in order to drive sales. Promotions are broadly classified
into two types: consumer-oriented activities and commercial-oriented activities.
✓ Public relations (PR) is the term for the communication strategies and actions that a
person, group, or government uses to increase understanding and foster goodwill among
external audiences outside.
✓ Sponsorship is defined as the financial support of a brand, individual or activity in exchange
for the benefit of promoting the brand.
✓ Personal selling is a type of person-to-person marketing where the seller tries to help or
influence potential customers to buy a company's goods or services.
✓ Engage customers, build profitable relationships, and create customer delight:
Customer relationship management—the overall process of building and maintaining profitable
customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.
Figure 3 Relationship Building Blocks: Customer value and satisfaction


The changing nature of customer relationships:
✓ Relating with more carefully selected customers uses selective relationship management to
target fewer, more profitable customers.
✓ Relating more deeply and interactively by incorporating more interactive two way
relationships through blogs, websites, online communities and social networks.

2.4. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity.
Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the sum of all future purchases a customer would make over
the course of a lifetime of business.
Customer share is the percentage of a customer's purchasing that a company receives in its

product categories.
Customer equity is the sum of all of the company's customers' lifetime values.
Building customer equity:
✓ Having the right relationships with the right customers entails treating them as assets
that must be managed and maximized.
✓ Different customer types necessitate distinct relationship management strategies.


The Marketing's roles.

Marketing helps businesses understand customers

Conduct market research in different forms to identify customer needs, thereby serving as the
basis for other marketing activities such as product development, pricing, product promotion,
and branding. , and distribution. To collect market information, businesses can conduct regular
information collection through the sales team or point of sale, as well as conduct formal research
to collect market information. (Bao,2019)

Marketing assists businesses in developing their brands

Branding is an extremely important business activity. Branding enables businesses to sell
products and services at a higher price and with greater customer trust.

Marketing helps convey information about brands and products to customers

Marketing contributes to increased sales

Marketing requires the creation of profitable value for individuals and businesses. Marketing not
only meets the needs of customers, but it also broadens the reach, allowing more people to
learn about the company's products. As a result, they will have more opportunities to bring their
products to more consumers. A good marketing strategy will help businesses increase sales and
• Marketing aims to satisfy, needs and wants of consumers. Customers directly give
feedback and suggestions about goods and services for businesses to improve products better.
( Hai, 2023)
• Improve people's quality of life when many products and services are created to meet the
needs of consumers.

III. The Marketing Function in SABECO.

The role and responsibilities of the marketing department in

SABECO relies heavily on marketing. This division is in charge of customer research, segmentation,
and market positioning. As a result, the company develops pricing strategies and distribution
networks. Other departments will plan activities based on those projections. The company's
departments continue to work together and support one another. The most common is the
connection between marketing and business. The marketing department will develop programs to

attract new customers to Sales. Alternatively, they collaborate with the sales team to gather
market, product, and competitor data, among other things.( P.V, 2022)
• Marketing Dept
✓ Building and developing brand and image for SABECO Corporation: Creating and managing a
professional and committed customer service system. Participating actively as a sponsor in a
variety of social activities to promote the brand image. Create a variety of after-sales
programs and product warranties for businesses. Register to participate in a variety of
product quality programs such as High-Quality Vietnamese Goods and ISO.
✓ Market research and product development: Sabeco's Marketing Department undertakes
customer and shopping market research.Furthermore, the marketing department is
frequently in charge of selecting and managing agents and suppliers who create marketing
materials or provide marketing support. Market research may also be conducted by the
marketing department in order to determine what customers are most interested in and
what they will be interested in in the future. Marketers can also examine trends related to
Sabeco's Interests. Or the use of products by age groups, regions, and regions. They will then
collect data, analyze it, and report on market trends so that SABECO Corporation has a clear
picture of the market they need to target. The product will then be launched in the direction
of that goal.
✓ Plan and execute marketing strategy: Sabeco's marketing department is responsible for the
planning and execution of various marketing projects for their company. They may also work
with journalists, media and news media to arrange articles or interviews related to the
company's interests. Aside from planning and creating content, the Marketing department
also keeps track of how well various advertising tools have been and are working so that
marketing strategies can be quickly modified to be most effective for customers SABECO
✓ Promote products to customers: The marketing department will always monitor market
trends to identify customers' needs and wants, and then develop a marketing strategy to
raise customer awareness about their purchasing needs. The marketing department is in
charge of informing and persuading customers to purchase Sabeco products by combining
various activities. Not only that, but Sabeco's marketing department is also in charge of


attracting customers, understanding them, and listening to what they have to say; all of this
contributes to monitoring the competition, generating new ideas, and defining goals. Target
and plan strategies for attracting and retaining customers.
✓ Establish and maintain relationships with press and media: To ensure that the company's
image and interests are presented in the best light in the eyes of the public, the marketing
department must focus on developing positive relationships with the media and the press.
The media is an effective partner, assisting businesses in building brands, standing, and
assisting businesses in dealing with arising crises.
✓ Operating, managing, and training Marketing staff
✓ Coordinate business activities with SABECO Corporation related parties, Satraco, and regional
trading joint stock companies in order to meet SABECO Corporation's annual business and
profit goals.


Influence of Marketing environment forces on SABECO's marketing

2.1. Influence of microenvironment.

( Source: Minh Tu, 2022)
The Company- SABECO Corporation:
Marketing management considers other company groups when developing marketing plans,
including top management, finance, research and development (R&D), purchasing, operations,
human resources, and accounting. The internal environment is made up of all of these

interconnected groups. The mission, objectives, broad strategies, and policies of the company are
established by top management. Marketing managers make decisions within the context of these
larger strategies and plans. With marketing in charge, all departments—from manufacturing and
finance to legal and human resources—are responsible for understanding and creating customer
Suppliers have long been seen as corporate partners in creating and delivering value to customers.
They are, of course, considered a factor in the company's microenvironment. SABECO's suppliers
include Crown SaiGon, Crown Hanoi, Tan Uc Viet Production Trading Corporation, Thai Tan Trading
Transport Company Limited, Joe White Malting/ADM Australia. The increase in prices or scarcity of
inputs in the market can greatly affect the marketing activities of enterprises, leading to business
activities also affected. The production schedule will be impacted by a shortage or delay in raw
material supply, making it challenging for companies to meet delivery deadlines. The rise in the
cost of raw materials also drives up production costs, forcing businesses to decide whether to raise
the price of their products or lose money. Since then, marketing initiatives also need to change to
reflect the status of the product.
Marketing intermediaries:
Marketing intermediaries are individuals or organizations that help a company with production
(manufacturing for the company), rental distribution (wholesalers, retailers, agents & brokers),
advertising (media companies, etc.) advertising), finance (banks, finance companies) and marketing
press (marketing agents). Marketing intermediaries greatly influence SABECO's marketing activitie.
increase customer reach and decrease customer and manufacturer touchpoints. Due to the sales
network that covers all provinces, regions, and rural areas. Customers can quickly purchase
Sabeco's goods by contacting a small number of points of sale. Intermediaries help SABECO to
share information about the market because agents and retailers can understand the customs,
laws and purchasing habits of local consumers. Due to the fact that occasionally neither the seller
nor the buyer are aware of each other's locations, this is regarded as a bridge between supply and
demand. In this case, the marketing broker is seen as a middleman who helps the supply and
demand cycle. For SABECO, intermediaries serve as the primary sales representatives and

customers convert to buyers.SABECO's marketing will have to support marketing intermediaries.

Customers are not only the visible targets of the company's marketing efforts, but they are also the
most important actor in its microenvironment. Customers can have an impact on the company's
marketing activities. For example, if the company intends to expand its coverage to a country, it
must conduct research on the characteristics (demographic, psychographic, behavioral, etc.) of its
target customers in that country. Customers also greatly influence Sabeco's marketing activities.
More specifically, a marketing strategy is launched into the market targeting their target
customers, from which they will evaluate whether customers love this strategy, whether this
strategy is effective. From there, the Marketing department will make a decision whether this
strategy is suitable for the market or not because the main goal of the marketing activities of not
only SABECO but also all those businesses. is to create satisfaction for customers, if customers like
it, the company will use marketing activities.
Competitors have an impact on a company's marketing ability in both positive and negative ways.
HABECO, Heineken, and others are competitors of SABECO. On the one hand, competitors
encourage the company to work hard in order to gain a competitive advantage. On the other hand,
this factor may have a negative impact on the company's revenue and profit. In addition, there are
also big brands that are encroaching on the Vietnamese market such as Budweiser, Corona Extra,
Skol, etc. These products have had certain positions in the international market, brand advantages.
, reputation, quality. The world's major beer companies have begun to invest in building factories,
along with global marketing strategies to increase market share, which has created fierce
competitive pressure on domestic beer brewing enterprises. In addition, the increasing
consumption trend of consumers, focusing more on high-class and health-promoting product lines
will promote the birth and development of light beer and non-alcoholic beer products. .
Differentiating the brand and improving product recognition among consumers has always been
one of the important activities affecting the consumption and revenue of Saigon Beer. In order to

maintain market share and meet the needs of consumers, Saigon Beer has actively built a suitable
business strategy to be able to meet the increasingly diverse tastes of consumers, in line with
regulations. under the law. ( Linh, 2021)


SABECO can create marketing plans for both large publics and its customer markets. Assume
SABECO desires a specific response from a specific public, such as goodwill, positive word of
mouth, social sharing, or a donation of time or money. The company will need to create a
compelling offer for this public in order to elicit the desired response. Typically, the Vietnam
Consumer Association, the policies of the Vietnam Consumer Association have an impact on
Sabeco's marketing activities. For example, the association provides the state management agency
with rights protection. consumers of information about illegal acts of organizations and individuals
trading goods and services. in addition, the independent survey, testing, publication of the results
of the testing survey on the quality of goods and services performed by them, warning information
to consumers about goods and services, recommendations to the agency. The state has the
authority to handle violations of the law on consumer protection. Based on the association's
policies, Sabeco's marketing activities will be adjusted to benefit consumers. Additionally, some
young people today (like members of Generation Z) enjoy using beer to have fun or display their
ego. For some product lines launched in 2020, creating a number of Sabeco fanpages didn't cost a
lot to advertise; instead, the community did it through newspaper articles, online content, social
media, and product review videos. For Sabeco businesses, this is also regarded as an effective
marketing strategy.

2.2. Influence of macroenvironment.


Demographics such as age, gender, and income significantly influence the consumption of alcoholic
beverages, especially the beer industry. Vietnam is a leading consumer market for brewers. Unlike
other countries, Vietnamese people have a tradition of drinking beer and showing loyalty to
domestic brands, especially Saigon beer. In addition, Vietnam is a country with a large population.
In 2014, Vietnam had a total population of 96 million people. In which, the proportion of young
population is high, nearly 60% of the population is under 35 years old. In this case, it is an
opportunity for the Vietnamese beer industry to develop. This has a big impact on marketing. more
specifically young people have more time to meet friends and drink beer on a regular basis. Young
people often gather with friends or watch football matches, which affects Sabeco's marketing
activities. Sabeco relies on this demographic trend to reach customers, such as using marketing
through famous players, and sponsoring football matches,...
Vietnam has a high GDP, which has hovered around 8% in recent years. Despite a global recession
in 2008 and 2009, it is expected to accelerate growth in the long run. Furthermore, Vietnam's
growth rate will continue to accelerate. This appears to be an opportunity for SABECO to expand
its operations. Meanwhile, Vietnam's high inflation rate has resulted in high production costs,
posing numerous challenges for SABECO Company and the entire beer industry. The decline in
global commodity prices, responsible credit practices, stable exchange rates, and low cost of
healthcare services all helped to restrain inflation. Inflation not only drives up a company's cost of
capital but also directly affects the cost of labor, transportation, and other inputs, which drives up
the price of the final product and slows down consumer spending and market growth. Per capita
income is increasing. When people's living standards are improved, the market demand for beer,
wine and soft drinks will also increase, requiring more satisfactory quantity and quality, richer
designs to ensure food safety and hygiene. Products. The income gap is a challenge for the
company, because when income changes, output must change, products that fit the pocket of each
customer group. From there, marketing activities will have to be adjusted accordingly.


Today's technical technology is increasingly developed and is an indispensable part of the
production and business process, in which the Saigon Beer - Alcohol - Beverage Corporation is one
of the enterprises with the production process. self-contained, modern technology, the most
advanced automation equipment. In order to maintain its position against competitors such as
Tiger, Heineken, etc., as well as the rapid development of Habeco, there have been new advances
in reforming the research and development system, especially, recruitment. selection of raw
materials to finished products, which are managed and strictly followed by a technical team
consisting of technology-equipment engineers, and experienced Brewmasters (beer production
experts) who are well-trained in Germany and USA. The advancement of science and technology
has resulted in modern machines and materials that are more abundant and of higher quality.
SABECO breweries are outfitted with synchronous machinery and modern production technology
imported from the world's specialized equipment manufacturers for the beer industry. As a result,
the majority of Saigon's breweries are ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001:
2015 (Environmental Management System), ISO 22000: 2005 (Management System. food safety
management), and HACCP certified (Hazard Analysis and In-Process Control System Limit Points).
The country of Vietnam has a tropical climate. This is a very valuable source of raw materials,
creating favorable conditions for the development of the beer industry. Furthermore, due to the
hot weather, beer consumption is relatively high. Malt and houblon, on the other hand, are
agricultural products that are directly affected by weather and crops. The main ingredients in the
brewing industry are barley and houblon, but neither is suitable for Vietnam's climatic conditions.
The increasingly polluted environment requires the company to invest in modern technological
processes to treat waste in accordance with permissible standards, which will increase the
company's production costs. The continuous flood situation in the central provinces has directly
affected the production activities of some factories in the SABECO system. In addition, the
Corporation also faces the risks of climate change and water salinization in the Mekong Delta.
Since 2010, SABECO has prepared many countermeasures to different climate change scenarios

To protect domestic businesses, the Vietnamese government has enacted a number of policies and
laws that have either positive or negative implications for beer brewing companies. To increase

opportunities for foreign companies to invest in Vietnam, the Vietnamese government has
promoted foreign investment policies. Since the beginning of 2018, the excise tax rate for alcohol
over 25 degrees and beer has been 65% under the 2014 Special Consumption Tax Law. In this case,
the policies have an impact on SABECO as well as government rules.

IV. The relationship between marketing and other
functional departments.

Relationship between marketing and sales department.

Marketing and sales are two distinct business functions, but they both share the goal of bringing
long-term value to the company in terms of branding and economics.
✓ The marketing team will provide the sales team with solutions and strategies to achieve
various business development goals (sales, market share, etc.).
✓ Furthermore, the marketing team must publicize the company's image in order to attract
more potential customers. As a result, the sales team will have "jobs" to do.
✓ All of the marketing team's efforts will be futile if the customer is not persuaded and "closed"
by the sales team. As a result, the sales team's dedicated advice will be critical in spending
money on customers' purchases. This is where the close relationship between marketing and
sales can be seen most clearly.
Besides supporting each other, these two departments also have potential conflicts:
✓ The goal of marketing is to discover and meet the needs of the market through the marketing
process in order to establish a foundation for the growth of the business. Meanwhile, the

factory - the source of supply - serves as the point of sale product.
✓ Marketing is concerned with promoting a company's image and products. as well as
comprehending customer psychology and needs in order to develop the best marketing
strategy. At the same time, establishing long-term customer relationships. In contrast, sales
is only concerned with selling as many of the company's products as possible in order to
make a profit. This is a more short-term goal than marketing.
✓ Marketing employs methods required for the marketing process, such as pricing the product,
communicating the value of the product to the customer, and measuring campaign

effectiveness. Meanwhile, sales focuses solely on "selling," namely consulting products,
pricing for customers, and persuading customers to purchase, all in order to generate profits
for businesses.

2. Relationship between Marketing department and HR department.
In general, the HR-Marketing relationship is a very strong and supportive relationship in the
working process. Thanks to HR, Marketing has more customer information as well as work
motivation. And thanks to Marketing, HR can communicate internally and connect with the rest of
the employees more easily. For Marketing, their goal is to attract and satisfy the company's
customers. Meanwhile, HR aims to use human resources reasonably to achieve the development
goals of the business. However, no matter how different the goals are, both are still geared
towards ensuring the interests of the business. This is the common point between HR and
Marketing ( Misa Amis, 2021).
Besides supporting each other, these two departments also have potential conflicts:
Both departments need to work collaboratively to achieve a balance between their own interests.
However, there might be conflict between the Marketing Department and the Human Resources
(HR) department about:
✓ Personnel: number of sales people, number of production workers, training needs, bonus
structures, onboarding new hires

✓ Employer branding.


Relationship between the Marketing department and Production &
Operation department.

The Marketing department will set deadlines for the Production department to manufacture the
goods according to the quantity and quality specifications requested by the customer. Production
will also test and control products to ensure that they are not defective, meet all quality standards
and fulfill health and safety requirements as specified by the law ( JERRY GRZEGORZEK, 2022). The
Production / Operations department will work directly with the Marketing department on
researching, designing, developing, manufacturing, testing and launching products to meet the
constantly changing needs of customers. The Production / Operations department will receive the
sales forecasts from the Marketing department as it will have to prepare production schedules to

meet tight deadlines. The Production Manager may need to arrange for the purchase of new
machines or the upgrade of current machines to be used in the manufacturing process. He will also
need to plan for the capacity needed as more products may be required than what the current
factory is able to produce ( JERRY GRZEGORZEK, 2022).
Both departments need to work collaboratively to achieve a balance between their own interests.
However, there might be conflict between the Marketing Department and the Production /
Operations department about:
✓ Production methods: Job Production, Batch Production, Mass (Flow) Production, Mass
✓ Capacity: number of products, types of products, outsourcing, changing demand.
✓ Inventory: supply-chain management, stock levels, Just-in-Case (JIC) or Just-in-Time (JIT),
standard parts or non-standard parts, order lead times.

✓ Quality: quality issues, Quality Assurance or Quality Control.
✓ Product development: To Buy or To Make, timeline, schedule flexibility, number of models.

V. The relationship between marketing and other
functional departments in SABECO.
Marketing is an essential part of SABECO. This department undertakes customer research,
segmentation, and market positioning. Thereby the company achieves pricing strategies and
distribution networks. Other departments will plan to implement activities based on those
forecasts. The relationship between departments in the company continues and supports each
other. The most typical is the link between Marketing and business. The marketing department will
create programs to bring in potential customers to Sales. Or they link up with the sales team to
collect market, product, competitor data, etc. ( P.V, 2022)
Example: SABECO wants to launch a completely new line of beer. The new range is a perfect
combination of aromas and flavors of caramel, cocoa and roasted malt, with the ecstatic taste of
chocolate. Marketing will coordinate with other functional departments to create efficiency.



The marketing department works closely with the human resources department. The company's
marketing not only impressed customers but also employees. The marketing division at Sabeco
frequently publishes accomplishments, sales volume, and overall revenue, attracting workers and
encouraging job applications. The human resources department also posted information about the
position, salary, benefits, and application deadline on the SABECO home page at the same time. so
that recruitment becomes very convenient and exactly. Additionally, the marketing department's
work in posting company information assists employees in developing a more objective
perspective of the business, learning more about the working environment, and boosting their


confidence when recruiting. Last but not least, marketing needs to work with HRM to make sure
that workers have the necessary knowledge and abilities to do the job. The marketing department
must balance work and marketing to other departments because human resources must always
hire and train employees. This is especially true in a large company like SABECO with numerous
branches and subsidiaries.
The company's core departments are the finance and marketing departments. All departments and
the financial department are closely connected. All financial aspects, including profits, cots, project
viability, sales growth, and financial performance at year's end, are related to finance. First off,
without the marketing division, the company won't be able to sell well, sales will tank, and profits
will decline. Additionally, the marketing department will be unable to complete its task without a
strong financial foundation. Consequently, having a strong financial department will give the
business more chances to roll out campaigns and marketing plans.
In addition, the marketing department and the sales department also have a very close
relationship. The marketing department supports the sales department in advertising and
marketing products to help products reach consumers more quickly, thereby helping the sales
department to sell more products, increase revenue to generate profits for the company.
Although the marketing department and the customer service department are separate, they do
communicate with one another. The marketing division's success will draw clients to the business.
Additionally, the customer service division will give the business exactly what the customer wants
and expects, from which point the business can develop the ideal product and the ideal marketing
plan for its intended audience.

VI. Conclusion.
Above is my analysis of Sabeco - a company in the FMCG industry in Vietnam. My report consists of
7 parts. Part 1 is a general introduction. Part 2 is an overview of marketing, which includes the
definition of marketing, the marketing process includes 5 steps; next is the responsibility of
marketing for businesses in general. Part 3 is what function the Marketing department has in

Sabeco, which includes the responsibilities and duties of the Marketing department in Sabeco;
Next is the influence of the marketing environment on Sabeco's marketing activities: including the
micro-environment that depends on Sabeco, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers,

competitors, the public, and the macro environment includes: demographics, economy,
technology, natural and political. Part 4 is the relationship between Marketing department and
other departments, including the relationship between Marketing department and sales
department, human resources department. Part 5 is the relationship between marketing and other
departments in Sabeco company. Section 6 is a summary of the problem. Section 7 is reference.

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