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Name : ………………………………………………..


I. Pronunciation : (1,0)
1. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. chemical
B. cheer
C. Christmas
2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. nation
B. question
C. celebration
3. Which word has a different stress from that of the others?
A. impression
B. currency
C. traditional
4. Which word has a different stress from that of the others?
A. beauty
B. century
C. fashionable

D. mechanic
D. tradition
D. equality
D. beginner

II. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space or the best answer for the questions given in
each sentence (2.5pts):
5. I am not pleased ……… that result. It is unfair.
A. to
B. about
C. with
D. for
6. My brother was nominated ……… the team leader.
A. for
B. about
C. as
D. to
7. I wish ……… in the next trip with you.
A. was
B. were
C. to be
D. would be
8. If she ……… those clothes, she’d have some money left.
A. doesn’t buy
B. bought
C. didn’t buy
D. wouldn’t buy
9. I’ve just passed the Final Examination. - ………
A. try hard next time.
B. Congratulations!
C. It’s nice of you.
D. It’s my pleasure.
10. I don’t want to go out tonight ……… my daughter phones.
A. in case
B. instead

C. though
D. so that
11. They had to work late yesterday, ……… ?
A. hadn’t they
B. did they
C. had they
D. didn’t they
12. He finally won his ……… after 20 years in prison.
A. slavery
B. freedom
C. nomination
D. effort
13. The nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation’s energy ……… .
A. supplies
B. sources
C. savings
D. production
14. The report ……… that thousands of people had seen UFOs
A. warned
B. suggested
C. claimed
D. blamed

III. Rearrange words/ groups of words in the correct order to make a complete sentence. (0.5 pt)
15. a pity / can’t come / It’s / as well / such / your sister / . /
=> …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
16. tell me / it cost / to / Could you / where / buy it / and / how much / ? /
=> …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D): (0,5pt)
A. Emergency exit.
B. Falling rocks.
C. Danger! High voltage!

D. No admission.

A. Railway crossing road ahead.

B. No parking for trains.

C. Parking for train only.

D. No traffic for trains.

V. Read the following text. Decide if the statements from 19 to 22 are True or False, and choose the correct
answers (A, B, C or D) for the questions 23 and 24 : (1.5 pts)
Air pollution is cause of ill health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which
factories can produce. Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved

that air pollution cause lung diseases.
The gases from the exhaust of car have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas
which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the
atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands.
There are other long term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may
become warmer . A lot of the ice near the pole may melt and may cause serious floods.

19. The pollution air can make our health weaker.
20. Smoke in the air causes lung sicknesses to man.
21. There isn’t any pollutant in exhaust of cars.
22. The earth may be flooded if it is warmer.
23. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Human beings is being threatened with pollution.
B. Water pollution effects on human beings.
C. The writer is afraid of the shortage of air.
D. The writer advises the readers to keep the environment unpolluted.
24. According to the writer, what causes the polluted air in most cities ?
A. The lead.
B. Melting the ice near the pole.
C. The gases.
D. Smoke in the atmosphere.








VI. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
During the teen age years, many young people can (25) …… be difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike
being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work at school. This is a normal (26) …… at this age.
Though it can be very hard for parents (27) ……., it is part of becoming independent of teenagers trying to be adult
while thwey are still growing up. Young people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe that questions are trying
to check up (28) …… them.
Parents should do their (29) …… to talk their son and daughter about school, work and future plans but parents
should not push them to talk if they don’t want to. Parents should also watch for danger signs. Some young people in
trying to be adults may experience with drugs, alcohol or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of unsual
behavior (30) …… may be connected with these and help if necessary.

25. A. on time

B. at times

C. in time

D. at time

26. A. development

B. experienced

C. connection

D. experiment

27. A. understanding

B. understand

C. to understand

D. understood

28. A. in

B. to

C. by

D. on

29. A. better

B. best

C. effort

D. effect

30. A. which

B. what

C. when

D. why







VII. Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to complete each sentence : (1.5 pts)
31. The factory must be ……… as soon as possible.


32. He is ……… towards his employees, so they don’t like him. (considere)
33. The teacher won the ……… of all the students in hiss class. (admire)
34. Your ……… about the thieves is not clear, so we can’t help you. (describe)
35. They don’t want to go ……… on the mountain. (picnic)
36. ……… , school uniforms make students look more mature. (add)







VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence
printed before it: (0.5pt)
37. She was successful; however, she felt unhappy.
=> In spite …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
38. I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t help you find a job.
=> If only ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
VII. Complete the second sentence with the word given so that it has the similar meaning as the first sentence.
Use between 2 and 5 words, including the word given. Do not change the word given : (0.5pt)
39. It is her first visit to New York.


=> This is the …………………………………………………………………………….…………… New York.
40. Mary said, “What can I do to help you with your homework, Tom?”


=> Mary asked ………………………………………………………………… to help him with hih homework.


Name : ………………………………………………..


I. Pronunciation : (1,0)
1. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. chemical
B. cheer
C. Christmas
2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. nation
B. question
C. celebration
3. Which word has a different stress from that of the others?
A. impression
B. currency
C. traditional
4. Which word has a different stress from that of the others?
A. beauty
B. century
C. fashionable
1. B
2. B
3. B

D. mechanic
D. tradition

D. equality
D. beginner
4. D

II. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space or the best answer for the questions given in
each sentence (2.5pts):
5. I am not pleased ……… that result. It is unfair.
A. to
B. about
C. with
D. for
6. My brother was nominated ……… the team leader.
A. for
B. about
C. as
D. to
7. I wish ……… in the next trip with you.
A. was
B. were
C. to be
D. would be
8. If she ……… those clothes, she’d have some money left.
A. doesn’t buy
B. bought
C. didn’t buy
D. wouldn’t buy
9. I’ve just passed the Final Examination. - ………
A. try hard next time.
B. Congratulations!
C. It’s nice of you.

D. It’s my pleasure.
10. I don’t want to go out tonight ……… my daughter phones.
A. in case
B. instead
C. though
D. so that
11. They had to work late yesterday, ……… ?
A. hadn’t they
B. did they
C. had they
D. didn’t they
12. He finally won his ……… after 20 years in prison.
A. slavery
B. freedom
C. nomination
D. effort
13. The nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation’s energy ……… .
A. supplies
B. sources
C. savings
D. production
14. The report ……… that thousands of people had seen UFOs
A. warned
B. suggested
C. claimed
D. blamed
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. C

9. B
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. C
III. Rearrange words/ groups of words in the correct order to make a complete sentence. (0.5 pt)
15. a pity / can’t come / It’s / as well / such / your sister / . /
=> It’s such a pity your sister can’t come as well.
16. tell me / it cost / to / Could you / where / buy it / and / how much / ? /
=> Could you tell me where to buy it and how much it cost ?

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D): (0,5pt)
A. Emergency exit.
B. Falling rocks.
C. Danger! High voltage!

D. No admission.

17. C
A. Railway crossing road ahead.

B. No parking for trains.

C. Parking for train only.

D. No traffic for trains.

18. A

V. Read the following text. Decide if the statements from 19 to 22 are True or False, and choose the correct
answers (A, B, C or D) for the questions 23 and 24 : (1.5 pts)
Air pollution is cause of ill health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which
factories can produce. Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved
that air pollution cause lung diseases.
The gases from the exhaust of car have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas
which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the
atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands.
There are other long term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may
become warmer . A lot of the ice near the pole may melt and may cause serious floods.

19. The pollution air can make our health weaker.
20. Smoke in the air causes lung sicknesses to man.
21. There isn’t any pollutant in exhaust of cars.
22. The earth may be flooded if it is warmer.
23. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Human beings is being threatened with pollution.
B. Water pollution effects on human beings.
C. The writer is afraid of the shortage of air.
D. The writer advises the readers to keep the environment unpolluted.
24. According to the writer, what causes the polluted air in most cities ?
A. The lead.
B. Melting the ice near the pole.
C. The gases.
D. Smoke in the atmosphere.
19. True

20. True

21. False

22. True


23. A

24. D

VI. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
During the teen age years, many young people can (25) …… be difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike
being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work at school. This is a normal (26) …… at this age.
Though it can be very hard for parents (27) ……., it is part of becoming independent of teenagers trying to be adult
while thwey are still growing up. Young people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe that questions are trying
to check up (28) …… them.
Parents should do their (29) …… to talk their son and daughter about school, work and future plans but parents
should not push them to talk if they don’t want to. Parents should also watch for danger signs. Some young people in
trying to be adults may experience with drugs, alcohol or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of unsual
behavior (30) …… may be connected with these and help if necessary.

25. A. on time

B. at times

C. in time

D. at time

26. A. development

B. experienced

C. connection

D. experiment

27. A. understanding

B. understand

C. to understand

D. understood

28. A. in

B. to

C. by

D. on

29. A. better

B. best

C. effort

D. effect

30. A. which

B. what

C. when

D. why

25. B

26. A

27. C

28. D

29. B

30. A

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to complete each sentence : (1.5 pts)
31. The factory must be ……… as soon as possible.


32. He is ……… towards his employees, so they don’t like him. (considere)

33. The teacher won the ……… of all the students in hiss class. (admire)
34. Your ……… about the thieves is not clear, so we can’t help you. (describe)
35. They don’t want to go ……… on the mountain. (picnic)
36. ……… , school uniforms make students look more mature. (add)
31. modernised / modernized

32. considerate

33. admiration

34. description

35. picnicking

36. Additionally

VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence
printed before it: (0.5pt)
37. She was successful; however, she felt unhappy.
=> In spite of being successful / her success, she felt unhappy.
38. I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t help you find a job.
=> If only ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
VII. Complete the second sentence with the word given so that it has the similar meaning as the first sentence.
Use between 2 and 5 words, including the word given. Do not change the word given : (0.5pt)
39. It is her first visit to New York.


=> This is the first time she has visited New York.
40. Mary said, “What can I do to help you with your homework, Tom?”

=> Mary asked Tom what can be done to help him with hih homework.

