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Tài liệu ôn luyện tiếng Anh IELTS 2

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QUÝ 2 –
THÁNG 5 - 8/2023
NAME: ………………………………


Phần 1: Các chủ đề mới trong tháng 5-8/2023
Work & study

Do you work or are you a student?
I am currently a student in [grade X] at [school name], which is a prestigious school in my city,

I have been studying here for [X years]

It has been a wonderful journey for me here.
I am currently a student in Grade X at [school name], a prestigious school located in Hanoi,
Vietnam. I have been studying at this school for the past X years, and it has been an incredible
journey for me. The school has provided me with a nurturing and stimulating environment,
allowing me to grow academically and personally. I am grateful for the opportunities and

experiences I have gained during my time here, and I am excited to continue my education
and pursue my goals in this esteemed institution.


What do you like the most about your school?

The incredibly supportive teachers and staff who go the extra mile to help students succeed.

The diverse range of extracurricular activities available to cater to different interests and
talents .

The well-equipped facilities and resources for hands-on learning experiences.

The inclusive and diverse student community that promotes acceptance and understanding,
where every student feels welcomed and valued.

The school offers various opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and take on
responsible roles
What I like the most about my school is the incredibly supportive teachers and staff who go

above and beyond to help students succeed. They are always available to provide guidance
and support, both academically and personally. Our teachers tailor their teaching approaches

to meet our needs and offer valuable mentorship. The supportive environment they create
fosters a sense of belonging and motivation among students. Their dedication and willingness
to go the extra mile have a profound impact on our academic and personal growth.


What would you want to change about your school?

Increase the availability of scholarships or financial assistance for students in need.

Improve the school cafeteria’s food quality and variety.

Enhance the sports facilities and equipment for better athletic experiences.

Provide more opportunities for students to engage in community service and social initiatives.

Foster a stronger connection between students and teachers through mentorship programs.
I would like to see a few changes in my school. Firstly, increasing the availability of
scholarships or financial assistance for students in need would ensure equal access to
education. Secondly, improving the quality and variety of food in the school cafeteria would
enhance the dining experience for students. Thirdly, enhancing the sports facilities and
equipment would provide better athletic experiences.


What was your dream job when you were young?

Becoming a doctor and helping people.

Pursuing a career in the field of scientific research and making discoveries.

Working as a professional athlete in [sport].

Becoming a successful writer or journalist and sharing stories with the world.

Starting my own business and becoming an entrepreneur.
When I was young, my dream job was to become a doctor. I was inspired by the noble
profession of healing and the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives. The idea
of being able to help others and contribute to their well-being fascinated me. I aspired to acquire
the knowledge and skills to provide medical care and bring comfort to those in need.


Have you changed your mind on your dream job?
Yes, my interests and goals have evolved, and I have discovered new passions and career

No, I have remained committed to my childhood dream job and continue to pursue it actively.
Yes, over time, my interests and aspirations have changed, leading me to reconsider my dream
job. While I once aspired to be a doctor, I have now set my sights on becoming a teacher.

Through personal experiences and exposure to different fields, I realized my passion for
education and the desire to make a positive impact on young minds. Teaching provides a
fulfilling opportunity to inspire and guide students, fostering their growth and learning.



1. What is your hometown well-known for?

My hometown is well-known for its historical landmarks and cultural heritage.

It is famous for its local cuisine and culinary traditions.

The town is renowned for its traditional festivals and vibrant celebrations.

It is known for its picturesque natural landscapes and scenic beauty.

My hometown is recognized for its contribution to the arts and literature.

2. Do you like your hometown?

Yes, I genuinely love my hometown and feel a deep connection to it.

No, I have mixed feelings about my hometown and prefer other places more.


Yes, I have a profound affection for my hometown, Hanoi. Its rich history, vibrant culture, and
captivating beauty make it a truly enchanting place. The bustling streets, adorned with ancient
temples and French colonial architecture, create a unique blend of tradition and modernity. The
delectable local cuisine, such as pho and banh mi, never fails to tantalize my taste buds.
Moreover, the warmth and hospitality of the people in Hanoi contribute to the strong sense of
community and belonging that I feel.
3. Is your hometown a big city or a small place?

My hometown is a small place with a close-knit community.

My hometown is a bustling and vibrant city with a significant population.
Hanoi, my hometown, is a bustling metropolis and the capital city of Vietnam. It is a thriving
center of culture, politics, and commerce. With a population of millions, it is considered a big city
in terms of size and density. The streets are filled with vehicles, and there is a constant buzz of
activity. Despite its size, Hanoi still manages to retain its unique charm and rich heritage,
blending the old and the new seamlessly.

4. How long have you been living there?

I have been living in my hometown for my entire life.

I have been living in my hometown for [number of years] since I was [age].
I have been living in my hometown of Hanoi for my entire life. From the moment I was born, I
have called this city my home. It has been an integral part of my upbringing and has shaped
who I am today. Growing up in Hanoi has provided me with countless memories and
experiences that I hold dear.

5. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Yes, I plan to continue living in my hometown for the foreseeable future.

No, I have aspirations of exploring other places and may not settle down in my hometown
Yes, I plan to continue living in my beloved hometown of Hanoi for the foreseeable future. The
strong sense of attachment and familiarity I have with this city makes it difficult for me to
imagine living anywhere else. Furthermore, Hanoi offers ample opportunities for personal and
professional growth, making it an ideal place to establish roots and build a fulfilling life. As long
as the circumstances allow, I envision myself continuing to call Hanoi home and contributing to
the development and prosperity of this remarkable city.

6. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

Yes, I am attracted to the tranquility and simplicity of countryside living.

No, I prefer the conveniences and opportunities available in urban areas.

No, I prefer the conveniences and opportunities available in urban areas. While I appreciate the
tranquility and simplicity of countryside living, I find that the bustling energy and vibrant lifestyle
of the city align more with my personal preferences and aspirations. Urban areas offer a wide
range of amenities, cultural experiences, and career prospects that are essential to my growth

and development. Additionally, I thrive in the dynamic atmosphere of the city, surrounded by
diverse communities and the constant buzz of activity.
7. Have you ever lived in the countryside?

Yes, I have had the experience of living in the countryside for a brief period.

No, I have always resided in urban or suburban areas.
Yes, I have lived in the countryside in Nam Dinh province. It was a brief but memorable
experience. I enjoyed the peaceful surroundings, the close-knit community, and the opportunity
to reconnect with nature. However, I eventually returned to an urban area for personal reasons.

8. What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city

Living in the countryside offers a peaceful and serene environment, while the city is often
bustling and fast-paced.

The countryside provides closer proximity to nature, with vast open spaces and green

landscapes, while the city is characterized by tall buildings and concrete structures -> a
concrete jungle (khu rừng bê tông).

In the countryside, the sense of community and social connections may be stronger, while
in the city, there is a greater diversity of cultures and opportunities for networking.

The cost of living in the countryside is generally lower compared to the city, where expenses
like housing and transportation tend to be higher.

The countryside offers a slower pace of life, with a focus on traditional values and a closer
connection to the land, whereas the city is dynamic and offers a wide range of cultural,
entertainment, and career opportunities.
Living in the countryside offers a peaceful and serene environment, closer proximity to nature, a
stronger sense of community, and lower cost of living. On the other hand, the city is
characterized by a bustling and fast-paced lifestyle, tall buildings, greater cultural diversity, and
more career opportunities. While the countryside emphasizes traditional values and a closer
connection to the land, the city provides a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere with a wide range of
cultural and entertainment options. The choice between living in the countryside or the city
ultimately depends on individual preferences and priorities.

9. What do people living in the countryside like to do? /What do you like to do in the countryside?

People living in the countryside often engage in agricultural activities, such as farming and

livestock rearing.

They enjoy outdoor pursuits like hiking, fishing, and horseback riding in the natural

Community events and gatherings play a significant role, fostering a sense of camaraderie
and shared experiences.

Many people in the countryside pursue crafts and traditional arts, preserving and promoting
local heritage.

The countryside lifestyle often emphasizes self-sufficiency, with individuals growing their own
food and practicing sustainable living.

People living in the countryside often engage in agricultural activities, enjoy outdoor pursuits,
participate in community events, and pursue crafts and traditional arts. They find fulfillment in
farming, fishing, and horseback riding while surrounded by nature. Community events and
gatherings foster a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences. Many individuals in the
countryside also take pride in preserving and promoting local heritage through crafts and
traditional arts. The countryside lifestyle promotes self-sufficiency, with an emphasis on growing

one’s own food and practicing sustainable living.
10. How has your town changed over the last 20 years?

There has been significant urban development, with the construction of modern
infrastructure, high-rises, and shopping centers.

The population has grown considerably, resulting in increased traffic and a more
cosmopolitan demographic.

The town has witnessed the introduction of new industries and job opportunities, leading to
economic growth and prosperity.

There has been a transformation in the cultural scene, with the establishment of art
galleries, theaters, and cultural centers.

Environmental initiatives have been implemented, promoting sustainability, and
preserving natural spaces amidst urban expansion.
Over the last 20 years, my town has experienced significant urban development, including the
construction of modern infrastructure, high-rises, and shopping centers. The population has
grown considerably, leading to increased traffic and a more cosmopolitan demographic. The
introduction of new industries and job opportunities has contributed to economic growth and

prosperity. Additionally, there has been a notable transformation in the cultural scene, with the
establishment of art galleries, theaters, and cultural centers.


Home and decoration

What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

I would opt for a soothing color palette to create a relaxing ambiance in my room.

Shades of pastel blue, such as sky blue or aquamarine, can evoke a sense of tranquility and

Pale lavender or lilac can also be a suitable choice as it promotes a calming atmosphere.

Soft neutral colors like light gray or beige can provide a subtle and sophisticated backdrop for
the room.

Earthy tones like sage green or warm terracotta can bring a sense of nature indoors, creating
a cozy and peaceful environment.


What color would you never use in your home?
I would avoid using vibrant and bold colors, such as neon yellow or fluorescent orange, as
they can be visually overwhelming.

Dark and intense colors like black or deep purple may make the space feel gloomy and

I would steer clear of overly bright or flashy colors, such as hot pink or electric blue, as they
can be distracting and create a restless atmosphere.

Garish combinations of clashing colors should also be avoided to maintain a harmonious and
balanced aesthetic.

Avoiding excessively dull and monotonous colors, such as dull gray or beige, can help prevent

a lackluster and uninspiring atmosphere.


What kind of accommodation do you live in?

I currently reside in a spacious apartment located in the heart of the city.

My family and I live in a detached house with a beautiful garden and ample space for
outdoor activities.

I have the privilege of living in a modern condominium with state-of-the-art amenities and
panoramic views.

Our accommodation is a cozy townhouse nestled in a quiet neighborhood, providing a sense
of community and security.

I live in a well-appointed studio apartment that efficiently utilizes the available space while
offering a comfortable living environment.


What do you like about your house/flat?
I appreciate the open layout of my house/flat, which allows for seamless movement between
different areas.

The abundance of natural light streaming through large windows creates an airy and
inviting atmosphere.

The interior design of my house/flat strikes a perfect balance between functionality and

The presence of a spacious balcony/patio provides an ideal spot for relaxation and
enjoying outdoor views.

I am fond of the ample storage space available, which helps keep the living area clutter-free
and organized.


Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
Our family primarily spends time in the living room, where we gather to relax, socialize, and
engage in leisure activities.

The kitchen is another area where we frequently congregate, as cooking and enjoying
meals together are an integral part of our family routine.

The family room or entertainment area is a popular spot for movie nights and quality time
spent bonding over various forms of entertainment.

We often find ourselves in the dining room, especially during meals or when hosting
guests for formal occasions.

The garden or outdoor space surrounding our house/flat serves as an extension of our living
area, where we enjoy outdoor activities and unwind.


What can you see from the windows where you live?

From the windows of my residence, I have a picturesque view of a lush green park,
complete with towering trees and vibrant flowers.

I am fortunate to enjoy breathtaking views of a serene lake, its sparkling waters reflecting the
surrounding landscape.

The windows provide me with a panoramic vista of the bustling cityscape, with its towering
skyscrapers and vibrant street life.

I have a charming view of a quaint neighborhood, characterized by rows of charming houses
and peaceful streets.

My windows overlook a magnificent mountain range, with its majestic peaks and cascading
waterfalls, creating a serene and awe-inspiring sight.


Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
Personally, I prefer living in a house due to the following reasons:

Houses typically offer more space and privacy compared to flats, allowing for greater freedom
and flexibility in terms of design and functionality.

Having a backyard or garden space provides opportunities for outdoor activities, gardening,
and relaxation.

Houses often offer a sense of community and a stronger connection to the neighborhood,
fostering a feeling of belonging.

The ability to customize and personalize the house according to individual preferences
and needs is a significant advantage.

Houses generally provide more storage options, making it easier to keep belongings
organized and accessible.
However, living in a flat also has its advantages:

Flats often offer convenience in terms of location, being situated in central areas close to
amenities, public transportation, and entertainment options.

Maintenance and upkeep are typically easier in flats, as there is usually a dedicated team or
management responsible for common areas and repairs.

Flats can provide a greater sense of security, with controlled access points and the presence
of neighbors in close proximity.

Energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness are often associated with flats due to shared
resources and utilities.

Flats can be a suitable option for individuals who prefer a low-maintenance lifestyle or have
mobility limitations.


What would you like to change in your flat?
Although I appreciate my current flat, there are a few aspects I would consider changing:

I would like to enhance the natural lighting by incorporating larger windows or skylights

to create a brighter and more airy atmosphere.

Upgrading the kitchen appliances and fixtures to modern, energy-efficient alternatives
would improve functionality and reduce energy consumption.

Increasing storage options through built-in cabinets or innovative storage solutions
would help maximize space utilization and minimize clutter.

Redesigning the layout to create an open-concept living area, providing a sense of
spaciousness and facilitating better interaction between rooms.

Introducing a balcony or outdoor space would offer a private area for relaxation and enjoyment
of fresh air.

Topic: Bags

1. Do you usually carry a backpack? (Why/Why not?)

Yes, I carry a backpack because it allows me to comfortably transport all my textbooks,
notebooks, and other school essentials.

No, I don’t carry a backpack; I use a binder or a folder instead because my load is usually
light and I like to travel light.
Yes, I usually carry a backpack because it provides convenience and functionality. It allows me
to organize and carry all the necessary items for my daily activities, such as textbooks,
notebooks, stationery, and personal belongings. The backpack evenly distributes the weight
across my shoulders and back, reducing strain and fatigue compared to carrying a bag on one
side. Moreover, the multiple compartments and pockets in a backpack provide easy access and
help me stay organized throughout the day.

2. What kind of bag do you like to carry? (Why?)

I prefer a backpack because it can hold a lot of items, is durable, and distributes the weight
evenly on both shoulders, reducing strain.

I enjoy using a shoulder bag because it is easy to access and I can quickly find what I need.
I prefer carrying a backpack due to its spaciousness and versatility. It allows me to conveniently
store and organize my belongings, whether it’s for school, work, or travel. Additionally, the even
distribution of weight across both shoulders makes it more comfortable to carry, especially when
I have to transport heavy items.

3. Do you often change bags? (Why/Why not?)

Yes, I change bags based on the day’s requirements—such as a larger bag for days with

more classes, and a smaller one for lighter days.

No, I stick to one bag for the entire term for consistency, and it helps me stay organized and
not forget anything.
Yes, I often change bags depending on the specific needs of the day. For days when I have
multiple classes or need to carry additional items, I opt for a larger bag that can accommodate

everything. However, on days with lighter schedules or when I only need to carry a few
essentials, I prefer a smaller and more compact bag for convenience and ease of carrying.

Topic: Living Place

1. Do you live in a house or a flat?

I live in a house, which gives me ample space for study and relaxation.

I live in an apartment which is comfortable and located in a convenient area close to my school
and local amenities.
I live in a house, which provides me with the luxury of ample space for various activities. The
spaciousness allows me to have a dedicated study area where I can focus on my academics
without distractions. Additionally, I have room to create a comfortable and cozy environment for
relaxation and leisure activities. The privacy and independence that come with living in a house

contribute to a sense of personal freedom and tranquility.

2. What can you see from the windows of your home?

From my window, I see a typical residential neighborhood with houses, trees, and
occasionally, neighbors walking their dogs.

Out of my window, I see a cityscape filled with buildings and the busy streets below.
From the windows of my home, I have a view of a typical residential neighborhood. I can see
rows of houses, each with their own unique architectural style. The neighborhood is adorned
with lush green trees that provide shade and add to the aesthetic appeal. Every now and then, I
catch glimpses of neighbors strolling along the sidewalks with their furry companions, creating a
sense of community and liveliness in the surroundings.

3. Are you satisfied with the place where you focus on living?

Yes, I am quite satisfied with my living place because it’s peaceful and ideal for studying, and
all the necessary facilities are within reach.

There are aspects I appreciate about my current place, like its location or comfort, but I also
wish for certain improvements like a quieter neighborhood or more green spaces.
I am indeed satisfied with the place where I currently reside. It offers a peaceful environment
that is conducive to studying and focusing on my goals. Additionally, all the necessary amenities
and facilities, such as shops, libraries, and parks, are conveniently located within close

proximity. Overall, it provides me with the ideal setting to pursue my endeavors and lead a
comfortable and fulfilling life.

Topic: Wild Animals

1. Have you ever seen a wild animal? (What was it?/Why not?)

Yes, on a school trip to a zoo/nature reserve, I saw various wild animals such as deer and

No, I haven’t seen a wild animal up close as I live in an urban area with limited wildlife.
Yes, I have had the opportunity to see wild animals. During a school trip to the zoo, I witnessed
a variety of fascinating creatures, including deer and foxes. It was a memorable experience to
observe these animals up close and learn about their natural habitats and behaviors.

2. What is your favourite wild animal? (Why/Why not?)

My favorite wild animal is the lion, due to its majestic appearance and its reputation as the
‘King of the Jungle’.

I am fascinated by dolphins because of their intelligence and playful nature.

My favorite wild animal is the elephant. I am captivated by their majestic presence and gentle
nature. Elephants are intelligent, social creatures known for their strong family bonds and
cooperative behavior. Their size and strength are awe-inspiring, yet they exhibit remarkable
empathy and compassion. Moreover, elephants play a vital role in maintaining the ecosystem
and have a rich cultural significance in many countries.

3. Do you like seeing animals in a zoo? (Why/Why not?)

Yes, seeing animals in a zoo is educational and provides an opportunity to observe different
species up close.

No, I prefer seeing animals in their natural habitats as it’s more ethical and respectful of
their freedom.
Yes, seeing animals in a zoo can be an enjoyable and educational experience. It allows us to
observe and learn about a wide variety of animal species from around the world that we may
not have the chance to encounter in our daily lives. Zoos also contribute to conservation efforts,
raising awareness about endangered species and supporting breeding programs. However, it is
important to ensure that the animals are well-cared for and their habitats are designed to mimic
their natural environments as closely as possible.

4. How important is it to protect wild animals? (Why/Why not?)

It’s extremely important as each species plays a unique role in maintaining the balance of our

Protection of wild animals is vital, not just for ecological reasons but also for the preservation
of biodiversity for future generations.
Protecting wild animals is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, each species has a specific role
within its ecosystem, and the loss of even a single species can disrupt the delicate balance of
nature. Secondly, wild animals contribute to biodiversity, which is essential for the resilience and
sustainability of our planet. Furthermore, many wild animals are keystone species, meaning
their presence or absence has a significant impact on the overall health of their habitats. Lastly,
protecting wild animals is an ethical responsibility, as they have a right to live and thrive in their
natural environments without human interference.


Topic: Keeping Healthy

1. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?

I maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and ensure that I get enough
sleep each night.
I try to stay healthy by prioritizing a balanced diet, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains, while minimizing processed and sugary foods. I also make sure to drink an
adequate amount of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Regular exercise is a crucial
part of my routine, whether it’s going for a run, practicing yoga, or engaging in strength training.

2. What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise?

Both are crucial as a nutritious diet provides the necessary fuel for our bodies, while
exercise helps in burning off excess calories, strengthening muscles, and improving overall
Both eating healthily and engaging in regular exercise are important for maintaining overall
health and well-being. Eating a nutritious diet provides the essential nutrients and energy our
bodies need to function properly, support our immune system, and prevent chronic diseases.
On the other hand, exercise helps to improve cardiovascular health, build strength and
endurance, maintain a healthy weight, and boost mood and mental well-being. The combination
of a balanced diet and regular exercise is optimal for achieving and maintaining good health.

3. What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier?

I would like to improve my sleep schedule by establishing a consistent bedtime and
ensuring I get the recommended amount of sleep each night.

Keep my sugar/fat intake to a minimum → obesity
I would most like to make my sleep schedule healthier. Establishing a consistent bedtime
routine and ensuring that I get the recommended amount of sleep each night is important for
overall well-being. Adequate sleep plays a vital role in supporting physical health, cognitive
function, and emotional well-being. By prioritizing and improving my sleep habits, I can enhance
my overall lifestyle and feel more energized and productive during the day.

Topic: Concentration

1. Where would you like to go when you need concentration?

I find the quiet environment of a library conducive to concentration.
When I need to concentrate, I prefer a quiet and serene setting that minimizes distractions. A
tranquil library provides the ideal atmosphere with its peaceful ambiance and dedicated study
spaces. Surrounded by books and a calm environment, I can fully immerse myself in my work
and maintain optimal focus.

2. How can you concentrate on something?

By eliminating distractions, setting specific goals, taking regular breaks, and maintaining a
positive mindset, I can improve my concentration.

Noise-canceling headphones/ earbuds to filter out background noise
To concentrate on something, I create a focused environment by eliminating distractions, such
as turning off notifications and finding a quiet space. I set specific goals and break my tasks into
smaller, manageable chunks to stay organized and motivated. Additionally, I find that taking
regular short breaks and practicing mindfulness techniques help to refresh my mind and
maintain a positive and focused mindset.

3. What makes it hard to concentrate?

External distractions like noise,

internal distractions like wandering thoughts or stress, and physical factors like lack of
sleep (sleep deprivation) can make it hard for me to concentrate.
External distractions, such as noise from the surroundings or electronic devices, can easily
divert my attention and make it challenging to concentrate. Internal distractions, like racing
thoughts, worries, or stress, can also hinder my ability to stay focused on a task. Additionally,
physical factors like fatigue or inadequate sleep can negatively impact my concentration levels.

Topic: Teachers:

1. What do you think of “a good teacher”?

Option 1: I believe a good teacher should possess qualities such as patience, empathy, and
deep knowledge of the subject they teach. They should be able to inspire and motivate
students, especially those who are of average ability or those who might be quite slow on
the uptake

Option 2: A good teacher, in my opinion, is someone who creates an engaging and inclusive
learning environment. They should adapt their teaching methods to cater to the diverse
learning styles of students.

2. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

Yes Option: I have considered the possibility of becoming a teacher, as I enjoy sharing

knowledge and believe in the transformative power of education.
Yes, I have thought about the prospect of becoming a teacher in the future. I am drawn to the
idea of imparting knowledge, guiding and inspiring students, and making a positive impact on
their lives. The joy of witnessing their growth and development is something that appeals to me

No Option: While I have immense respect for teachers, I don’t envision/envisage myself in
this profession. I am currently more inclined towards a career in technology or sciences.
(musically inclined/gifted)


3. Do you think high school students should be encouraged to make comments on their

Yes Option: Encouraging high school students to provide constructive feedback/criticism on
their teachers could be beneficial. It can help teachers understand the effectiveness of their
teaching methods and make necessary improvements.

No Option: While student feedback can be useful, it’s essential to consider their maturity
level. Students might not fully understand the challenges of teaching and could offer critiques
that are subjective or unfair.
Yes, I believe that high school students should be encouraged to provide feedback and make
comments on their teachers in a respectful and constructive manner. It promotes open

communication, fosters a sense of ownership in their education, and allows teachers to gain
insights into their teaching practices. This feedback can help teachers enhance their teaching
methods and create a more engaging and effective learning environment for students.

4. What are the most important qualities of “a good teacher”?

Option 1: I believe a good teacher should be patient, approachable, and able to break down
complex subjects into understandable chunks. Also, being responsive to student needs
and having strong communication skills are crucial.
Yes, I agree that patience, approachability, and the ability to simplify complex subjects are
important qualities of a good teacher. Additionally, a good teacher should be knowledgeable in
their subject matter, adaptable to different learning styles, and passionate about teaching. They
should also possess excellent communication skills, be supportive and encouraging, and foster
a positive and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Option 2: The most important qualities of a good teacher include deep knowledge of the
subject, flexibility in teaching methods, a sense of responsibility, and a passion for igniting
curiosity in students

Topic: Days Off

1. What do you do on your day off?

Option 1: On my days off, I like to catch up on my favorite books or movies. I also enjoy going
for long walks or practicing my hobby, such as painting or playing a musical instrument.

Option 2: My days off are usually spent outdoors. I love exploring nature, visiting local parks,
or going on a cycling adventure.
Option 3: On my day off, I like to prioritize my well-being by practicing meditation
On my day off, I like to prioritize my well-being by practicing meditation. It allows me to
disconnect from the busyness of everyday life and find inner peace and clarity. I find a quiet and
comfortable spot, focus on my breath, and let go of any thoughts or worries. It helps me relax,
reduce stress, and recharge for the upcoming week.

2. Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?

Parents Option: Yes, I often spend my days off with my parents. We engage in family
activities such as cooking together, watching movies, or going for picnics. I cherish these
moments as they strengthen our bond.

Friends Option: While I do spend time with my parents, I usually hang out with my friends on
my days off. We play sports, visit local attractions, or just chat at a café. It helps me unwind
and relax.

Topic: Friends

1. Do you have any good friends who live far away?

Yes Option: Yes, I do have a few good friends living far away. Thanks to technology, we stay
connected through video calls, social media, and online gaming.

No Option: No, most of my close friends live nearby, which makes it easier for us to meet
regularly and maintain our bond.
Yes, I do have a few good friends who live far away. Despite the distance, we are able to
maintain our friendship through regular communication using technology. We often catch up
through video calls, share updates and photos on social media, and even engage in online
activities together like gaming or virtual hangouts. Although we may not see each other in
person often, our friendship remains strong.

2. Are you still friends with any of your childhood friends?

Yes Option: Yes, I am still friends with a few people from my childhood. We’ve grown up
together, sharing experiences that have strengthened our bond over the years.
Yes, I am still friends with a few people from my childhood. Despite the changes and challenges
that life has brought, we have managed to maintain our friendship. We have shared countless
memories and experiences, and our connection remains strong. Even though we may not see
each other as frequently as we used to, we still cherish the friendship we built during our
childhood years.

No Option: Unfortunately, I have lost touch with most of my childhood friends, due to

relocation or different life paths. However, I cherish the memories we made together.

3. What do you value most about your friends?

Option 1: The thing I value most about my friends is their trustworthiness. I know I can rely
on them in difficult times, and they can confide in me as well.

Option 2: What I appreciate most about my friends is their ability to make me laugh and
lighten the mood, even in the most stressful situations.
The thing I value most about my friends is their trustworthiness. Knowing that I can rely on
them in difficult times and share my thoughts and feelings without judgment is incredibly
important to me. Their loyalty and support make our friendship strong and meaningful. Having
friends who I can trust and who trust me in return creates a sense of security and openness in
our relationship.

4. Do you think you are a good friend?

Yes Option: I believe I am a good friend. I make efforts to listen, support, and be there for my
friends. I also try to give them space when they need it.

No Option: While I strive to be a good friend, I also recognize that I have areas to improve,
such as being more proactive in reaching out or improving my listening skills.

Yes, I believe I am a good friend. I make a conscious effort to listen attentively to my friends,
offering them support and understanding. I prioritize being there for them during both joyful and
challenging moments. Additionally, I understand the importance of giving them space and
respecting their boundaries when they need time for themselves. Being a good friend means
being reliable, compassionate, and respectful, and I strive to embody these qualities in my
12. Fixing things

13. Languages



13. Rains



14. Health




15. Week


16. Ambition
