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Gợi ý trả lời speaking vnu part 3 từ tháng 1 đến tháng 7 năm 2022

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School violence has been on an increase in Vietnam for the past few years. What
are some reasons that school children are more aggressive or violent now than they
were in the past? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or
observations to support your answer.
Bạo lực học đường đã gia tăng ở Việt Nam trong vài năm qua. Lý do gì khiến trẻ em
hung hăng hoặc bạo lực hơn so với trước đây? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh
nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ câu trả lời của bạn.
Main cause: Traumatic childhood and its long-term effects
1/ bad nurture
- parents' irresponsibilities: neglect, don't care about the emotional development
of their children in each stage of life
- parents don't teach children moral values, whether or not using violence to
solve problems is right or wrong
2/ witnessing domestic violence
- Being raised in dysfunctional families where fighting and hitting happen every
single day could familiarize children with violence.
- These children are more likely to use violence to end conflicts and arguments
when they grow up compared to those growing in a loving family environment.
3/ living with addicted parents
- Children brought up in a household with an addicted parent have a tendency to
experience more neglect and physical abuse than in non-addicted families.
- This could lead to behavioural problems (e.g. being unable to control their
temper, quickly getting blows-up) when they grow up.
4/ exposure to substance abuse at a young age

- Children growing up in drug abuse and criminal activities are more likely to
get involved in these activities when they grow older.
- Such bad environments could give free rein to the development of extreme
behaviours, such as aggressiveness, defiance and hostility.
5/ Another cause: prolonged exposure to violence on the Internet
- violence are rampant on the Internet: action scenes in action movies, bloody
fighting scenes in video games
- watching these violent videos for a long time à being obsessed à imitate + act
in the same way in real life (e.g. getting involved in school fights to show off

Nelson Mandela says, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use
to change the world." Has Vietnam used this weapon effectively to change itself?
Why or why not? Support your position with reasons and examples taken from
your reading, experience, or observations.
Nelson Mandela từng nói: "Giáo dục là vũ khí mạnh nhất mà bạn có thể sử dụng để thay
đổi thế giới". Việt Nam đã sử dụng vũ khí này một cách hiệu quả để thay đổi chính mình
chưa? Tại sao hoặc tại sao khơng? Hỗ trợ câu trả lời của bạn với những lý do và ví dụ
được lấy từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.
1/ lower illiteracy rate
- More schools have been built in various locations across the country, enabling
many more people to get access to education.
- People with a certain set of qualifications can get better jobs other than
manual jobs with higher income à support themselves and their families
2/ lower poverty rate
- Investing in vocational education and training à people have more choices
regarding education and apprenticeship
- Residents in poor regions have more career choices à stabilize their lives
3/ Guide farmers to sustainable agriculture

- The government has taken advantage of the media to educate farmers about
modern and organic farming techniques
à Enhancing products' quality and safety à meet export standards à agricultural

4/ People have become civilized.
- Cultural integration: Vietnamese residents are free to be exposed to different
cultures around the world
- We are acquiring good traits from foreign countries while preserving
traditional values.
5/ Gender equality
- Various TV programs and game shows are created to entertain people as well
as to change people's perceptions of gender roles.
- Vietnamese women are now free to voice their opinions on domestic and
social issues.

Vietnam has a good variety of produce but imported produce is increasing while
exports and domestic consumption are low. As consumers, what can we do to
support Vietnamese farmers? Give reasons and examples from your reading,
experience or observations to support your point of view.
Việt Nam có nhiều loại nông sản tốt nhưng sản phẩm nhập khẩu ngày càng tăng trong
khi xuất khẩu và tiêu thụ trong nước thấp. Là người tiêu dùng, chúng ta có thể làm gì để
hỗ trợ nơng dân Việt Nam? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan
sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.
1/ buy food directly from the farms
- This enables us to save money while having fresh produce to consume every
- It also helps ease farmers' worries about how to sell their products.

2/ Shopping at the farmer's markets
- We can buy fresh fruits and veggies at affordable prices.
- If more and more consumers buy fresh and processed produce from these
places, the consumption of domestic agricultural products will increase.
3/ Help farmers spread the word
- sharing information with neighbours and friends about where you buy organic
- write posts on Facebook to help them advertise

4/ Support farm-to-table businesses
- It is a new type of business in the countryside.
- Visitors buy tickets à enjoy fresh fruits such as rambutans, mangoes,
pineapples, etc.
5/ Make use of technology
- creating e-commerce platforms where sellers and buyers are supported in
terms of providing product information, flexible payment methods, and door-todoor shipping nationwide.
- Example: The Grabconnect project helped sell Luc Ngan lychees during the

"Friendship is like money, easier made than kept." – Samuel Butler
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to
support your point of view.
" ình bạn giống như tiền bạc, kiếm được dễ dàng hơn giữ."– Samuel Butler. Bạn đồng ý
hay khơng đồng ý với câu nói này khơng? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh
nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.

1/ Similarity between money and friendship
- Both of them can be created easily on a basic foundation.
- While we can make more money by safely investing it in something, we can
befriend someone through interaction.
+ Keeping friendships is not a piece of cake.
à 2/ If we don't invest our mind and time in cultivating a friendship, it will soon be
faded. A friendship cannot be strengthened if you guys rarely interact with each other.
à 3/ Many people say that exchanging Facebook accounts is ideal for keeping
relationships. However, I don't think so because they are just virtual friendships, not
real ones. Frequent comments and reactions on Facebook don't mean that we have
comfortable, face-to-face conversations.
à 4/ Being harmonious at the beginning doesn't mean you and your friends always share
the same thoughts and feelings afterwards.

à 5/ Disagreement, arguments and conflicts are common things in daily life. If both
sides are not emotionally mature enough to control their temper, sympathize and forgive
each other, you and your buddy will soon be drifted apart.

What are some solutions to raise the position of Vietnamese agricultural products
in the world market?
Support your position with reasons and examples taken from your reading,
experience, or observations.
Hãy nêu một số giải pháp nào để nâng cao vị thế của nông sản Việt Nam trên thị
trường thế giới. Hỗ trợ câu trả lời của bạn với những lý do và ví dụ được lấy từ việc
đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.
1/ Enhance products' quality
- Vietnamese farmers have still favoured traditional farming methods and have
yet applied technologies into cultivation and production à the quality of our

products are still unstable
- Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development should offer
training programmes to raise farmers' awareness of using modern farming
2/ Secure the crops' productivity
- Processing products properly allows us to ensure their quality and store them
for a long time.
- Investment in post-harvest technology should be emphasized to minimize
damage and loss.
3/ the stewardship of farmland
- Although land in the countryside is abundant, we have yet done well in
agricultural land planning.
- Therefore, more efforts should be made in zoning the centralized cultivation
areas where agricultural engineers can participate in stages of cultivation,
production and processing to assist farmers step by step in guaranteeing the
quality and crop outputs
4/ focus more on marketing campaigns

- We have a lot of high-quality products such as rice, cashew, coffee, greens,
- Promoting domestic produce is necessary to help more international customers
recognize our produce.
5/ work on branding strategies
- Many of our products are sold internationally through middle agents, which
weakens our products' competitiveness in the world market.
- The government and the National Office of Intelligence Property should have
policies to build and protect our trade names.


“I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.” – Confucius.
Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view.
“ Tơi nghe rồi tơi sẽ qn. Tơi nhìn thấy và tôi nhớ. Tôi bắt tay vào làm và tơi sẽ hiểu.”
- Khổng Tử.
Bạn có đồng ý hay khơng đồng ý với câu nói này? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc,
kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.

v AGREE – Practicing is the most effective learning method among
the three.

It is difficult to remember things well if we only hear or listen to them.

- It is a passive process, and our brains don’t have to work a lot.
- Ex: We tend to forget the knowledge after a while leaving the classroom if we
don’t take any notes.

Seeing or observing things help us memorize new learning points better
than only listening to teachers’ explanations.
- Our brains have to work harder to get both audial and visual information, then
analyze and get the correct meaning.
- This is the reason why teachers, especially those in kindergartens and primary
schools, usually design their lessons with colourful images and vivid videos.


Practising is the most wondering learning method among the three.

- This method allows students to take control over what they are learning and
explore the topics on their own.
- As a result, they are more likely to get a better understanding of the given topics.

Practising is of vital importance in learning something new.

- This way of learning is one of the best ways to engage students in classes and
attract their attention.
- It also helps foster motivation in learning as students have a chance to put
theoretical knowledge into practice and gain a profound understanding of what they
are learning.
- It makes the learning and teaching process less monotonous.
We may find something fascinating and valuable when we hear or see it,
but we are only motivated when we do it.
- People have a tendency to delay things. They believe they will begin doing
something later; however, they continue to postpone it and forget things they have
heard and seen before putting them into action.
- Thus, if we act immediately, we are motivated to continue. With motivation,
people will be more productive.

With the development of technology, Internet fraud is increasingly popular all over
the world. Discuss some major cases in VN recently and some solutions to prevent

Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations to
support your point of view.

Với sự phát triển của công nghệ, gian lận Internet ngày càng phổ biến trên toàn thế
Thảo luận về một số vụ việc lớn tại VN gần đây và một số giải pháp để ngăn chặn.
Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan
điểm của bạn.

1. Fraudulent financial offers
- First, they send us fake notifications or messages about gaining something for
free. For example, they say we win the special prize of a game. We have to submit
our ID or a fee to receive the prize.
- Besides, they can send us a link and require us to click on it to receive the prize.
However, the link may contain a virus that destroys our devices and steals our
private information.
2. Websites that sell fake products
- You know, booking tickets, hotels, rooms, shopping online, etc., is very common
today. Thus, many swindlers create fake websites to cheat inexperienced users.
- They use real photos and information of authentic service providers to attract us.
However, their services aren’t as good. In many cases, they take all the money from
clients and disappear without saying any words
3. Online shopping scams
- Scammers will create websites and display products at a very low price to attract
buyers. They require buyers to pay in advance.
- After the victims complete the payment, either the fake item is delivered, or the
product is not delivered at all.

1. We shouldn’t click on any strange links or websites.
2. Also, we shouldn’t believe any messages or promotions if it isn’t sent via the
official accounts of the banks, companies, or phone networks.

3. In addition, when shopping or booking anything online, we have to choose
reliable websites.
4. One last important thing is we should only expose our private information
when needed.

“The more technology is developed, the less communication people have.”
Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view.
"Càng phát triển nhiều cơng nghệ, mọi người càng ít giao tiếp hơn."
Bạn có đồng ý hay khơng đồng ý với câu nói này? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc,
kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.
-----------------------v DISAGREE: Technology helps people reach out to each other more
easily than before. They have different ways to interact.
Technology has endowed people with numerous communication tools to
stay connected with the ow24/7.
- For example, thanks to Facebook, people can make new friends just by some mouse
- Also, this social networking site enables companies and retail sellers to reach their
customers from every corner of the globe. People can search for posts or hashtags they
concern themselves with and then send text messages or make video calls to get in

Technology facilitates distance learning, enabling the teaching and learning
process to be continued during the Pandemic.
- Teachers and students can arrange meetings on online platforms such as Zoom or
Microsoft Team.
- Without the assistance of technology, I’m afraid that things will not be
happening that easily.


The advent of smartphones helps people get in touch all the time.

- We become less reliant on letters, thus less worrying about time constraints.
- If there are any personal or business problems, people can make phone calls,
discuss, and find out suitable solutions as soon as they want.

4. The overuse of technological devices has made teenagers and a large majority
of youngsters nowadays become passive and inert.
- They don’t engage in outdoor physical activities as often as the previous
generations do.
- Teenagers nowadays tend to be more immersed in their virtual world created by
video games and social networking sites.
5. They can become keyboard warriors who are very friendly online but fail to
express their thoughts and emotions in face-to-face conversation.
- This can negatively affect their development as risks of shortsightedness and

- Bad communication skills await them if they don’t adjust their using habits.

Why do smartphones become indispensable (so important that we cannot be
without) in our lives?
Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations to
support your point of view.
Tại sao điện thoại thông minh trở nên không thể thiếu (quan trọng đến mức chúng ta
không thể thiếu) trong cuộc sống của chúng ta?
Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan
điểm của bạn.


1. The advent of smartphones helps people get in touch all the time.
- We become less reliant on letters, thus less worrying about time constraints.
- If there are any personal or business problems, people can make phone calls,
discuss, and find out suitable solutions as soon as they want.
2. Smartphones allow us to stay connected with this ever-changing world as long
as our devices are connected to the Internet
- We can surf the Internet by using smartphones and stay up to date.
- We can stay in contact with friends, colleagues and relatives by using social
networking applications that are specially designed for mobile phones.
3. Smartphones can meet most of our basic demands for entertainment.
- We can relax by listening to music, reading books or watching movies with only
smartphones and the Internet.
- These forms of entertainment are convenient and take us less money. This is why

more and more people prefer staying home and playing with their phones.
4. Because of the development of internet banking, smartphones have become
more important to us.
- Nowadays, many individuals believe that it is safer to pay online rather than
using cash.
- When they go out, there is no need to bring much cash. They do not have to
worry about being targeted by thieves. They can pay for most things with their
5. Smartphones are essential in many jobs, especially those related to filming and
- Smartphone manufacturers are always working hard to improve functionality.
- Many videos and short movies are now made and edited on the latest versions of
Samsung and iPhone with good image quality.

What are some ways to control the increasing number of drug addicts in VN?
Give your opinion and support it with reasons and examples taken from your
reading, experience, or observations.
Một số cách để kiểm soát số người nghiện ma túy ngày càng tăng ở VN là gì?
Đưa ra ý kiến của bạn và hỗ trợ nó với những lý do và ví dụ lấy từ việc đọc, kinh
nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.

It’s the government’s responsibility to raise people’s awareness of the
- Use social media, tv, or newspapers to educate people about drug addiction and

its consequences.
- Also, they can decrease drug addiction by controlling drug trafficking.
Having a healthy lifestyle and a close-knit family relationship is an
excellent way to avoid drug abuse.
- Many people use the drug as a way to reduce stress because it helps them escape
the harsh reality they have to face.
- If people can live in a healthy environment and have a good lifestyle with family
members’ support, I’m sure they will never need to use this harmful substance to
satisfy themselves.

School education

- There should be programs about substance abuse to propagate essential
information about the dire consequences of drug use and selling to each individual
and society as a whole.
- This will partly act as a deterrence for those intending to use and sell the drug.
Deserving punishment for drug traffickers in our country, together with a
suitable rehabilitation plan for these offenders

- For example, besides a prison sentence, a good re-education program aiming at
training them with working skills, such as carpentry or repairing, is essential
- It will help drug criminals reintegrate into society after being released.

For those who are in rehab, a re-education program is also important.

- They should be divided into different groups with different reasons for using
drugs so that they can be treated correctly.
- There are many causes leading people to drug use and selling; therefore, we
should apply different measures and treatments to different groups of drug addicts to
achieve good results and prevent them from reoffending.

Gợi ý trả lời Speaking part 3 - tháng 4/2022
“The Internet brings great benefits to its users. However, without parents’ control,
Internet surfing can be dangerous to teenagers.”
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view.
Chủ đề 1: "Internet mang lại lợi ích tuyệt vời cho người dùng. Tuy nhiên, nếu khơng có
sự kiểm sốt của cha mẹ, lướt Internet có thể gây nguy hiểm cho thanh thiếu niên". Bạn
có đồng ý hay không đồng ý với tuyên bố này? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh
nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.
AGREE: The Internet has been providing us with tremendous benefits in a lot of
aspects. On the other hand, the Internet also contains potential dangers. Therefore,
Internet surfing can be harmful to adolescents without parents’ control.
1. Young users can easily access negative thoughts because the content on the
Internet derives from a variety of resources without strict censorship.
Teenagers are curious and excited about exploring, which makes them click on
everything they see on the screen.
Information on the Internet can be violent or related to crimes. à Both teenagers’
psychology and personalities will be negatively impacted by these toxic things.
2. Youngsters are usually addicted to surfing the Internet without adults’ control and
ignore other daily activities.
- This takes a large amount of time which they can use to do their homework, read a
book or play a sport.

→ poor learning outcomes as they do not have enough time for school.
Spending too much time in the virtual world limits adolescents’ oral
communication ability.
Instead of directly speaking to others, Internet users are typing more and more,
partly inhibiting people from speaking.
→ They are less and less sociable and isolate themselves in the real world.
Many teenagers’ daily life has become chaotic because of the Internet’s
- They surf the Internet when they gather with friends and eat or before going to bed.
The overuse of the Internet can make people pay less attention to what they are
doing, leading to less effectiveness.
Frequent exposure to the blue light on the phone screen too much is a big
reason for insomnia - a dangerous health problem.
→ affect their schooling + overall well-being

“When one door closes, another one opens, but we so often look so long and so
regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us.” Alexander Graham Bell
Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience or observations to support your point of view.
Chủ đề 2: "Khi một cánh cửa đóng lại, một cánh cửa khác mở ra, nhưng chúng ta
thường nhìn quá lâu và q hối tiếc trên cánh cửa đóng kín đến nỗi chúng ta không thấy
những cánh cửa mở ra cho chúng ta." - Alexander Graham Bell Bạn có đồng ý hay
khơng đồng ý với câu nói này? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc
quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.
AGREE: When one opportunity or situation ends or is no longer available, then there

is almost always another situation or opportunity which soon becomes available.
However, if you are overly tied to the past, you may miss out on opportunities that
stand right in front of you.
1. Not every plan works out. Some things may go better than you planned.
Others make you disappointed.
- There are losses, failures and problems in relationships.


Ex: people lose their money or job or meet other unpleasant things. Bell
himself had many failures and setbacks in his career and private life.
2. There are many paths for us to select.


People cannot change external situations, but they can control their minds.


For instance, for students who have bent their efforts to pass the university
entrance exam to attend their dream school, what will happen if they fail? They
may be depressed, self-critical, and feel that the world is likely collapsing or
keep calm to choose another major or retake the exam.

3. Doors may close, but there are always, other, unlimited number of doors –
new opportunities.

The world is full of opportunities.


The only question is whether we are focused enough to see them. à Bell did not
use his failures as reasons to quit; rather, he forged new opportunities for
himself, his family, and his career.

4. Most people are too attached to the past, to what they are familiar with,
and therefore, miss opportunities that stand right in front of them.

We may not always have control over these events, but we can exercise control
over our minds and attitude.


If we could move our sight and attention away from the closed door, we
might be surprised to discover new, open doors.

5. I do believe that there is always a second chance for everyone who never
gives up.

When you free yourself from past attachments, you can bring yourself to see
and enter the new doors that open for you.


Life is not always easy and smooth. There will be challenges waiting for
people. The essential thing is the attitude we use to face them.

Big cities tend to be chosen by criminals from other places. How can residents in
these cities protect themselves against these dangerous criminals?
Give your opinion and support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading,
experience, or observations.

Chủ đề 3: Các thành phố lớn có xu hướng được chọn bởi bọn tội phạm từ những nơi
khác. Làm thế nào cư dân ở các thành phố này có thể tự bảo vệ mình chống lại những
tên tội phạm nguy hiểm này? Đưa ra ý kiến của bạn và hỗ trợ nó với những lý do và ví
dụ được lấy từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.
1. The first important and effective solution is always with the utmost caution.
In no circumstances should we create any chances for criminals to commit

People can protect themselves and their property with small actions such as
carefully locking the door before leaving, not wandering alone at night or
being wary when using public transportation.

2. Should people witness a crime, immediately call the police to report the case.
Keeping silent in these cases means joining hands with criminals. If
everyone turns a blind eye to the crimes happening to others, this bad
criminal behaviour will spread quickly.

à reporting criminal acts is not only defending the victims but also somehow
protecting ourselves.

3. People had better be equipped with the knowledge to avoid being defrauded.
Nowadays, technology is developing speedily, which opens a new area for
computer phishing. The less we understand it, the more easily we are


Comprehending law can help people hinder these crimes from occurring.

4. It’s important to self-defense for yourself. The effective and proper response is
very crucial to protect your safety or even your properties.
- You can take part in some martial art course.
- Pepper spray or perfume is also useful to fight back thieves.
5. When we go out, we have to plan our route carefully. You should also take the
safest routes to school, work, stores. We should also prefer well-populated and
well-lit streets.

“Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.”- Marquis de
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view.

Chủ đề 4: "Hãy tận hưởng cuộc sống của riêng bạn mà khơng so sánh nó với cuộc sống
của người khác." - Marquis de Condorcet Bạn có đồng ý hay không đồng ý với tuyên bố
này? Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ con đường, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ
quan điểm của bạn.

1. Comparing yourself to others makes you feel bad about yourself.
When someone achieves something, you can have a feeling of being
defeated, and you aren’t as good as him.

It helps you nothing but to feel sad, exhausted, and tired. As Theodore
Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

2. It’s a waste of time.
When you spend your time comparing yourself to others, you may
never have enough time to do what you want.

Instead of trying to focus on your fortes, you keep competing with

3. You should learn to be happy for others’ success.
Instead of feeling jealous or competitive, you should turn that emotion
into motivation and inspiration.

You may not be able to achieve a goal as quickly as someone else.
However, everyone is destined for different paths. Thus, we should focus
more on our dreams and our goals.

4. We may miss precious things when we keep admiring other people’s lives.
- There are things we should care for and treasure in our lives: our

family, our friends and ourselves.
- People’s lives are different from each other, and we always have
precious things that other individuals do not have à We will find ourselves
happy when we are satisfied with what we have got.
5. Other people also have difficulties and dissatisfaction in their own lives.
We may compare our lives to their lives because they seem to be full of

However, other people also have to strive and make an effort for the
good things they have. They have to undergo difficulties and challenges
like we have to. à we can also enjoy a happy life if we work hard.

More and more young women, especially celebrities, choose to be single moms. Do
you think that modern society should accept this trend?
Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations to support
your point of view.
Chủ đề 5: Ngày càng có nhiều phụ nữ trẻ, đặc biệt là những người nổi tiếng, chọn làm
mẹ đơn thân. Bạn có nghĩ rằng xã hội hiện đại nên chấp nhận xu hướng này? Đưa ra lý
do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của

1. Women nowadays are capable of raising children on their own.
The common reason people are against the idea of being a single mom
is financial problems.

Modern women, however, have their own careers, which means they are
financially strong enough to raise a child without a man.

Besides, women are capable of taking care of their children in both
physical and mental aspects. Thus, I think being a single mom is not a
bad idea.

2. Female celebrities may find it difficult to have a stable marriage.

We all know that fans and paparazzi always stalk celebrities.

à they are more likely to encounter difficulties in marriages as their
private lives are often exposed to the public.

3. In comparison with raising children in an unhappy family, it is better to be a
single mom and give their children the best things they have.
There are always special circumstances: an unhappy marriage in which
the mother and the father always quarrel and conflict with each other à
children’s development will be negatively affected.

In contrast, even though they are a single mom, their children still
develop well when they give them enough materials, love, and care that
they need.

1. Raising a kid costs a lot of money.
→ If children are raised in a single-mom family, financial problems
may happen.

→ the income has an influence on the mom and kid’s quality time.
When moms have to earn more money, they have to spend more time
working, meaning their time for kids can be cut off.

2. It can cause some relationship difficulties for kids.

Ex: a young woman decides to be a single mom by choice.

5 years later, she finds a man with whom she wants to get married.
Her kid may find it difficult to bond with the potential partner of his
mom. Also, the child can have problems with his half-siblings.

Gợi ý trả lời Speaking part 3 - tháng 6/2022
There is a shortage of medical staff in many remote areas all over the country. What
should be a solution and why? Give your opinion and support it with reasons and
examples taken from your reading, experience, and observations.
Hiện tại có 1 sự thiếu hụt nhân viên y tế ở nhiều vùng sâu vùng xa trên cả nước. Giải
pháp nên là gì và tại sao? Đưa ra ý kiến của bạn và hỗ trợ nó với những lý do và ví dụ

được lấy từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm và quan sát của bạn.

1) Equip local people with knowledge and skills to protect themselves
- Basic knowledge: How to treat common illnesses such as diarrhea, flu or first aid for

It will be a relief for local medical staff as local people will be less reliant on them


Provide local medical staff with chances to improve their expertise.


They will be qualified to treat chronic diseases more effective than before.

- Local people will trust them more and become less likely to come to cities whenever they
have health problems.

The government should consider allocating the budget to improving healthcare
infrastructure and facilities.
- Poor facilities and a bad working environment make doctors and nurses refuse to retain in
such remote areas for working.
- Even when they are willing to stay, work and contribute, a significant lack of needed
equipment will be a big obstacle in their working process.


extend the scope of training in medical schools

- More excellent students from rural areas should be accepted and provided with
scholarships so as not to be deprived of chances to follow higher education.
- Department of Education should have policies to encourage famous medical schools to
open their branch in rural areas to ensure training quality. à outstanding rural students feel
assured of following medical majors designed by prestigious à more likely to remain in their


providing general practitioners, doctors, and other staff with economic incentives

- Ex: signing bonuses and student loan forgiveness can be effective in recruiting physicians
to work in rural areas.
- It is also essential to create an excellent working environment and get closer to the local
community to enhance their understanding of patients' needs: establishing intimate
relationships = a higher possibility for medical staff retention.

"It is recommended that education should be free for all Vietnamese children until they
finish high school." Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Give reasons and
examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view.
"Người ta đề nghị rằng giáo dục nên được miễn phí cho tất cả trẻ em Việt Nam cho
đến khi chúng học xong trung học." Bạn có đồng ý hay không đồng ý với ý kiến này?
Đưa ra lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan
điểm của bạn.
AGREE 1: lead to an increase in the national literacy rate
- Because all adolescents would have a chance to have a high school diploma on

their hands.

The target of providing universal education would be successfully reached.
