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MÃ ĐỀ 028

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề

PHẦN A: NGỮ ÂM (1,0 điểm)
I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại.
1. A. blood
B. food
C. moon
D. pool
2. A. both
B. myth
C. with
D. sixth
3. A. booked
B. looked
C. naked
D. ticked
II. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính rơi vào vị trí khác so với các từ cịn lại.
4. A. cover
B. account
C. install
D. prevent
5. A. questionnaire
B. recommend
C. introduce
D. concentrate

I. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.
6. I'm looking forward to (take) __________ a vacation.
7. I'm hungry because I (not have) __________ breakfast or lunch.
8. I'd rather you (do) __________ the test well.
9. I distinctly remember (pay) __________ him. I gave him two dollars.
10. Nothing (do) __________ about this problem for months.
II. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.
11. There’s no __________ service in the United Kingdom. (NATION)
12. He is looking __________ thinner. (APPRECIATE)
13. He gets very angry if you __________ with his ideas. (AGREE)
14. She got a __________ letter from her boss. (PERSON)
15. We had to take out a __________ from the bank to buy the car. (LEND)
III. Chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.
16. We feel very __________ today.
A. happy
B. happiness
C. happily
D. happen
17. My parents saw me __________ at the railway station.
A. in
B. for
C. up
D. off
18. Nam put up the fence __________ prevent hens from going out.
A. so
B. so that
C. in order to
D. because
19. Stop now! You've done __________ work for one day.

A. too many
B. plenty
C. quite more
D. quite enough
20. __________ weather! We can't go out for a walk now.
A. How terrible
B. What terrible
C. How a terrible
D. What a terrible
21. Not one of the students __________ the answer to that difficult problem.
A. know
B. knows
C. is knowing
D. has known
22. Never __________ a gift horse in the mouth.
A. feel
B. catch
C. hold
D. look
23. He seldom goes fishing __________?
A. doesn’t he
B. is he
C. does he
D. isn't he
24. A surgeon is a doctor who performs an operation.
A. studies
B. researchers
C. is interested in
D. carries out
25. Host: “I’m terribly sorry for this inconvenience.” - Guest: “__________.”

A. Fine,thanks.
B. It’s not your fault
C. I’ll do better next time
D. It’s mine. I came late.
PHẦN C: ĐỌC HIỂU (3,0 điểm)
I. Chọn một từ thích hợp điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.
In the United States of America the national (26) _______ is also English. Four hundred years ago some
English people sailed to North America to live there, and (27) _______ brought the new language to this
new country. Now in the United States of America people (28) _______ American English. Most of the
words are the same in American and in British English , but American people say some English words not
like people do in England .Canada is to the North of the United States of America. It is larger than the
United States. In Canada many people speak English (29) _______ they also came from England many
years ago. But in some parts of Canada, they speak (30) _______. People living in these parts came from

II. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A , B, C hoặc D.
When I injured my back I had to take a break from my running career. I decided to introduce more
women to the sport, to show them how much fun it can be and to give them the confidence to get out and
run. I decided to start a running club for women in my area because I was annoyed by the attitude of many
race organizers. They complain about the lack of women in the sport but also use this as an excuse for not
providing separate changing facilities. I put up posters and 40 women, young and old, fit and unfit, joined.
All of them were attracted by the idea of losing weight but I don’t think they had really thought about
running before. When or if they did, they had a picture of painful training. They didn’t think of chatting
and smiling while running in beautiful places, like by a river. At first they ran for only a minute - now they
can run for thirty minutes. They’ve also learned from other runners about diet and keeping fit in general. I
want to do something for women’s running and I have had so much pleasure watching their progress –
almost as much as they’ve had themselves.
31. What is the writer’s main aim in writing the text?

A. to describe her own running career
B. to complain about race organizers
C. to talk about women runners
D. to describe good running method
32. What would a reader find out from the text?
A. the best kind of places for running
B. how runners can avoid injuring themselves
C. the progress made by the women in the club
D. the teaching skills of the writer
33. What is the writer’s opinion of the runners she trained?
A. They were too serious
B. They needed encouraging
C. They couldn’t develop their skills
D. They were difficult to train
34. Why did the women join the running club?
A. to have a good time
B. to meet other people
C. to help them lose weight
D. to become top runners
35. Which of the following would be the best title for the club poster?
A. Discover the Pleasures of Running
B. Riverside Running Club for Women
C. Athletics Competition: How to Win
D. Keep Fit by Training Hard
III. Chọn một đáp án trong số A, B, C hoặc D điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.
A village is a (36) _____ place where the influence of the city is not felt much. It is indeed a very good place
for rest and relaxation. In a village people do not live very close to one another. Their houses are far apart. Each
house therefore has a lot of space around it. So, almost every house ( 37) _____ surrounded by flowers and fruit
plants and vegetables. All these make the village look ( 38) _____ and fresh. There are also tall trees everywhere
which provide shade from the sun and keep the village cool. Some villages are surrounded by paddy fields or

mountains. There are also many streams and rivers in many villages. All these ( 39) _____ great beauty and
variety to the village scene. The village people are friendly and helpful. They work together and live in peace .
Living among (40) _____ friendly and simple people, in such a quite place, is indeed a real pleasure.
36. A. noisy
B. quiet
C. busy
D. interesting
37. A. is
B. will
C. are
D. was
38. A. green
B. blue
C. beauty
D. gray
39. A. make
B. plus
C. add
D. increase
40. A. so
B. with
C. between
D. such
PHẦN D: VIẾT (2,0 điểm)
I. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, bắt đầu bằng từ gợi ý.
41. They believe he is a good president. He ________________________________________________.
42. The furniture was so expensive that I couldn’t buy it. The furniture was ___________________.
43. A child can’t stay too far from home.  It is ___________________________________________.
44. She said, “I’m living in Hai Duong now”.  She said _______________________________________.
45. It has been raining for five hours.  It started _____________________________________________.

II. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, sử dụng từ cho sẵn trong
ngoặc đơn (không được thay đổi dạng của từ trong ngoặc).
46. I don’t play tennis as well as you do. (BETTER)
47. She would rather play golf than tennis. (PREFERS)
48. Mai broke the cup because she was careless. (BECAUSE OF)
49. Khanh said “You ought to take a break, Huy”. (ADVISED)
50. His holiday is at exactly the same time as mine. (COINCIDES)

MÃ ĐỀ 028

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề

PHẦN A: NGỮ ÂM (1,0 điểm)
I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại.
1. A
2. C
3. C
II. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính rơi vào vị trí khác so với các từ cịn lại.
4. A
5. D
I. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.

6. taking
7. haven't had
8. did
9. paying
10. has been done
II. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.
11. national
12. appreciatively
13. disagree
14. personal
15. loan
III. Chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.
16. A. happy
17. D. off
18. C. in order to
19. D. quite enough
20. B. What terrible
21. B. knows
22. D. look
23. C. does he
24. D. carries out
25. B. It’s not your fault
22. Thành ngữ "Never look a gift horse in the mouth" có nghĩa: đừng nghi ngờ/ khinh rẻ điều tốt đẹp mà
bạn được dành tặng. 
PHẦN C: ĐỌC HIỂU (3,0 điểm)
I. Chọn một từ thích hợp điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.
26. language
27. they
28. speak
29. Because/ as/ since

30. French
II. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A , B, C hoặc D.
31. C
32. C
33. B
34. C
35. A
III. Chọn một đáp án trong số A, B, C hoặc D điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.
36. B. quiet
37. is
38. green
39. add
40. such
PHẦN D: VIẾT (2,0 điểm)
I. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, bắt đầu bằng từ gợi ý.
41.  He is believed to be a good president.
42.  The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
OR  The furniture was not cheap enough for us to buy.
43.  It is impossible for a child to stay too far from home.
OR  It is not possible for a child to stay too far from home.
44.  She said (that) she was living in Hai Duong then.
45.  It started raining five hours ago.
II. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, sử dụng từ cho sẵn trong
ngoặc đơn ( không được thay đổi dạng của từ trong ngoặc).
46.  You play tennis better than I do / me.
47.  She prefers playing golf to tennis.
48.  Because of Mai’s carelessness, she broke the cup.
OR  Because of being careless, Mai broke the cup.
49.  Khanh advised Huy to take a break.
50.  His holiday time coincides with mine.


