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Argumentative essay mẫu key to happiness

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Argumentative essay mẫu key to happiness
Happiness is subjective. There is no one way in which the term can be defined. For
different people, Happiness holds different connotations. For some, it implies a state
of mind; for others, it might mean a standard of lifestyle. Each human being is an
independenA, free-thinking individual. Everyone has an outlook on life that is
different from the other. Hence, the definition of Happiness is also variable for
people. However, whatever may be the definition of Happiness, there is no denying
that Happiness is an integral part of our lives. Without it, there is no point in living or
going about in life.
There is a common phrase that goes: “Money cannot buy happiness.” To some
extent, it can be heralded as being valid. However, some people may find it to be
false. For a specific section of society, Happiness is defined by wealth. These people
tend to consider wealth as the measuring rod for their joys in life. For them,
Happiness in life comes from material possession and well-being. Riches, money,
jewels, gold, and wealth make them happy; they remain content with these in their
For another section of society, wealth does not act as the agent for Happiness in
their lives. Many consider Happiness to be a peaceful and calm sense of joy that
occurs within one’s mind. For them, it cannot be measured in terms of worldly things.
Happiness tends to become a feeling, that can be grasped through the satisfaction of
the mind and soul, and not through the pleasure of the body. Happiness, for some,
can also imply success. Being ambitious, hardworking, and successful often become
ways in which a person obtains Happiness in life.
Whatever be our modes and methods of becoming happy, it tends to keep changing
over time. No feeling is absolute. It might happen that the things used to make us
comfortable during our childhood, no longer hold the same significance in our lives.
This happens because our priorities and our goals change over time. As we grow up,
our outlook and vision in life mature, and we no longer base our Happiness on things
we used to love previously.

Thus the state of being happy largely depends upon what a particular person wants
from life. It depends upon a person’s desires and goals in life. Above all and in most
cases, indulging in the things that one loves the most becomes the key to a happy
life. Hence, love and Happiness are directly linked. Without love, Happiness does not
persist. Likewise, without Happiness, love does not persist.
As mentioned, a variety of things make a variety of people happy. There is no right
or wrong way to obtain Happiness. Different people have different methods by which
they can derive Happiness. All of them are valid; none of them are false or incorrect.
Judging people based on what they love and what they hate is not justifiable. We all
have different priorities in life, and not all of those are similar. They can be different,
but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. Doing anything that makes one feel happy
inside out should be considered as valid and rightful.
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