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Classification essay mẫu healthy food hay nhất

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Classification essay about healthy food
Classification of healthy food is the categorizing of foods that are safe for
human consumption. It is important to encourage healthy eating habits and
choices, especially among children. Taking strict measures in protecting
yourself from bad eating habits can help prevent some common diseases. Once
this happens one can say they are living a good life. (Yadav)
Carbohydrates are foods that contain fats and sugars. They are a form of energy
in the body. Cereals, bread, pastas, crackers, and rice are in this class. Grains
supply food energy from starch and carbohydrates. Bread that is manufactured
using polished ingredients is not advised but rather whole grains. These whole
grains are contained in brown oatmeal. Tubers including Irish potatoes, sweet
potatoes, and Jerusalem artichoke are also in this category. Legumes such as
navy beans, peas, peanuts, and lentils are also carbohydrates. Some nuts also
contain starch including acorns, cocoanuts, and dry chestnuts. (Agriculture and
Consumer Protection)
Proteins are nitrogenous foods in that they hold the right amount of protein
required in the body. Since the body requires nitrogen these foods are very
important. Regularly people get proteins from animal sources like birds, fish,
and domesticated animals. Proteins assist in developing the body framework,
they provide resources to restore body waste as well as helping the body with
important ingredients that give it the oily texture. They are very important in
providing energy for the body muscles. The main sources of proteins include
meat of all types like beef, mutton, lean pork, chicken, duck, and mostly all lean
meat from many animals and birds. All types of fish, Legumes such as dried
beans and peas. Dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, and cream. Some nuts

also like almonds, Brazil nuts, filberts, hickory nuts, and pecans all contain
protein. (Dolson)
Fats and oils are other categories of food. These are very concentrated foods
such that pure oil has 4,220 calories which are high compared to other classes of

food. These foods are supposed to be eaten in fewer quantities because of the
number of calories they contain. They are soft fats whether it is cold or warm
they remain fine foods. The source of oil and fat is carbon that is why they
provide heat and energy. They help the body fatten very fast since they are too
fatty. People in warmer climates should eat less of these foods to protect their
skin. Dairy products like rich cheese, butter, and cream are fats. Meat that has
been fattened, some fish like herring and shad as well as some legumes like
Soybeans are all kinds of fats and oils. Most nuts and cotton seeds, olives and
corn furnish contain oils. (Fahy)
Fruits are very good foods and when eaten well they keep the bloodstream
clean. Most fruits have constituents that help cleanse the blood. They contain a
lot of potassium, calcium, and salts which keep the body healthy. Some fruits
like acid fruits help in cooling the body and therefore people should eat them
often. Sweet fruits are also good for nourishing the body and protecting from
diseases. Examples of fruits include Apples, lemons, oranges, peaches, pears,
strawberries, apricots, avocadoes, blackberries, cherries, cranberries, currants,
and gooseberries. (Yadav)
Vegetables are good for the body since they contain minerals and vitamins. It is
essential to consume a wide range of vegetables because different vegetables
contain different elements. They are low in fats and calories but they should not
be overcooked since these fats can be added in the process. They also help keep

the bloodstream clear and they are very healthy foods. Some vegetables should
be eaten raw and not cooked to maintain the vitamins and minerals. Carrots,
cabbage, cucumber, egg plant, lettuce and tomatoes are some of the vegetables.
Healthy eating is very important for a healthy body. People should avoid
unhealthy eating habits in order to ensure that they avoid many common
diseases and thus maintain a healthy lifestyle. All the foods that contain fats and

oils should be taken in low quantities whenever necessary. This will ensure that
one feels fit and avoid unnecessary disorders.
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