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A: 33
account for Fo
If you account for something, you explain how it came to be the
way it is.
Account for sth: chiếm ( cái j đó chiếm bao nhiêu trong tổng số)
act as
to perform the same function as a particular person or thing
act for
If you act for someone, you represent them.
act on
If you act on somebody's advice, you do as they suggest.
act out
If you act out, you express your feelings through acts or words.
act up Informal
If a part of your body or a piece of equipment acts up, it doesn't
work properly.
add to
If something adds to something, it makes it better, greater, stronger
or more extreme in some way.
add up
to add two or more numbers in order to find the total amount
add up to
If two or more numbers add up to another number, this is the total
you get if you add them together.
adhere to Formal
If you adhere to a law, a rule or a contract, you obey it or follow it.
advise against Formal
to suggest to someone that they should not do something they are
thinking of doing
advise of Formal
If you advise someone of something, you tell them about it.

agree with
If a certain place or lifestyle agrees with you, it suits you and is
good for you.
aim at
If you aim a product or a creative work at a particular group of
people, you see those people as your market or your audience.
allow for
to consider something, or take it into account, when making plans or
making a decision
allude to Formal
to mention or refer to something or someone in an indirect way
amount to
to be similar to, or to have the same effect as
answer back
to reply rudely to someone who is in a position of authority, such as
a teacher, a parent or a coach
answer for
to be held responsible for something
appeal for
to ask for something, usually in order to help deal with a crisis or an
appeal to
If something appeals to you, you like it.
apply to
If something applies to you, it is relevant to you or you are affected
by it.
arrive at
to reach a result, a conclusion or a decision after considering
relevant factors or details
ask after

If you ask after someone, you ask about them when you talk to
someone who's seen them recently.
ask sb for sth
to let someone know that you'd like them to give you something
ask out
If you ask somebody out, you ask someone you like to go on a date
with you.
ask over
If you ask some people over, you invite them to your house.
associate with
If you associate with someone, you regularly spend time with them.
attach to
to believe that something has importance or significance in relation
to something else
attend to
to deal with something or someone
attribute to
to believe that something results directly from a certain event or fact
auction off
to sell something to the highest bidder at an auction
average out at
to come to a certain amount on average
B : 64
back down
to decide not to do something because of opposition, or because of
pressure from authorities
back out
If you back out of something like an agreement or a deal, you
decide not to follow through on it.
back up (1)

to make an extra copy of digital information on disc, flash drive,
external hard drive, etc. in case the original data is lost
back up (2)
If you back up what you say, you use evidence or examples to show
that it's true.
bail out (1)
to help out someone or something that's in serious trouble,
especially financial trouble
bail out (2)
to give money to a court so that an accused person doesn't have to
stay in jail until their trial begins
bank on
If you bank on something happening or someone doing something,
you depend on it or count on it.
base on (1)
to use specific information, ideas or past experiences as a basis for
making a decision
base on (2)
to use something as source material
bear on
to have relevance to, or influence on, something
bear out
to show that someone is correct or that something is true
beat up
to hurt someone by punching, kicking or hitting them with a hard
become of
If you ask what has become of someone you haven't seen or heard
from for a long time, you want to know what's happened to them.
beef up

to make something stronger or more powerful
begin with
If an activity or an event begins with something, that's the first thing
that happens.
believe in
If you believe in something, you're sure that it's true or it really
belong to
If something belongs to a person, it is owned by that person.
bend down
to move the upper part of your body forwards and downwards
bet on
to be sure that something will happen
bite off
to separate something from whatever it's attached to by biting it
black out
to lose consciousness
blow away
to surprise or amaze someone
blow out
If a flame blows out, it goes out because someone blows on it or
because of the wind.
blow up (1)
If you blow up something, you use explosives to damage or destroy
blow up (2)
to fill with air or gas in order to inflate something
blow up (3)
to make a photograph larger
border on

If something like an action or an attitude borders on something
more extreme, it is close to being that extreme.
bow out
to resign from a job, or to end a career, usually after a long time
break down (1)
If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working because of a
mechanical problem.
break down (2)
If someone breaks down, they start crying.
break into
If someone breaks into a building or a vehicle, they force their way
in, usually to steal something.
break out
to escape from somewhere like a jail or a detention centre
break up
If you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you end your
relationship with him or her.
breathe in
to fill your lungs with air by drawing it in through your nose or
breathe out
to push air out from your lungs through your nose or mouth
brighten up (1)
to make a place or a thing look more cheerful and more lively
brighten up (2)
to become happier and feel more cheerful
bring about
If you bring about something, you cause it to happen or you make it
bring back (1)

to bring something with you when you return from somewhere
bring back (2)
to make something from the past come back, such as a memory, a
feeling, an idea, etc.
bring down
to cause a government or a leader to lose power
bring forward
to change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than
originally planned
bring off
to succeed in doing something that's difficult
bring on
to cause something like an illness or a painful emotion
bring out (1)
to release a new product
bring out (2)
to make a quality in someone or something show itself
bring up (1)
If you bring somebody up, you raise them from childhood to young
bring up (2)
to raise a new topic for discussion, or to mention a particular subject
or issue in a conversation
brush up
to revise your knowledge of something that you learned in the past
buckle up
to fasten a seatbelt in a car or on a plane
bugger off Informal
If you tell someone to bugger off, you're telling them to go away in
a very impolite and aggressive way.

build on (1)
to add to what you've already succeeded in doing
build on (2)
to add a new section to a house or a building
build up (1)
to work at something and make it get stronger or bigger
build up (2)
to gradually increase
bump into
to meet somebody by chance
burn down
If something like a building or a forest burns down, it's completely
destroyed in a fire.
burn out (1)
If a fire burns out, it slowly dies down until it stops burning
burn out (2)
to work too hard and suffer from physical and mental exhaustion
butt in
to start talking when somebody else is already talking
butt out Informal
If you want to tell someone quite forcefully to mind their own
business, you can tell them to butt out.
butter up
to say nice things to someone before asking them to do something
for you or to give you something
buy out
to buy somebody's share of a company or a partnership in order to
take control of it
buy up

to buy all or a lot of something that is in limited supply
C : 89
call back
If you call someone back, you return their telephone call.
call for
If a person or an organisation calls for something, they state in
public that it's needed, or should be done.
call off
to cancel an event that was planned or scheduled
call on
to visit someone for a short time
call out
If you call out, you use a loud voice to tell something to someone
who's far away, or tell something to a large group.
calm down
If a person who is excited or agitated calms down, they become
calmer and less excited or agitated.
care for (1)
If you care for someone, you like them a lot and have a strong
affection for them.
care for (2)
If you care for someone or something, you look after them and
make sure they have what they need.
care for (3) Formal
If you ask someone if they would care for something, you want to
know if they'd like to have something.
carry on
to continue doing something
carry out
If you carry out a task or a piece of work, you do whatever is

needed to complete it.
catch on (1)
If something catches on, it becomes popular.
catch on (2)
If you catch on, you suddenly understand something that you
couldn't understand at first.
catch up (1)
If you catch up with someone who is ahead of you, you go faster
than them until you reach them.
catch up (2)
If two people meet again after a while and catch up, they tell each
other what they've been doing.
cater to
to provide people with what they need
change into
to change from one state or form into another
change over
to stop using one thing or one system and start using another one
charge with
If someone is charged with a crime, they are officially accused of
committing it.
chase up
to try to find out what is being done about something, or what has
happened to something
chat up Informal
to talk to someone in the hope of beginning a romantic relationship
with them
cheat on
to be disloyal to your spouse or partner by having sex with someone

cheat out of
to get something from somebody by cheating them
check in
If you check in, you give your details at a hotel's reception desk, or
at an airline's check-in counter, when you arrive.
check into
to register your details after arriving for treatment at a hospital, a
rehabilitation centre or a health resort
check on
to look at someone or something to make sure that nothing is wrong
check out (1)
to pay the bill and leave after staying at a hotel, a hospital or a
rehabilitation centre
check out (2) Informal
to look at something, or go somewhere, to see what it's like
check through
to examine something carefully to make sure nothing is wrong, or to
look for something
cheer on
to shout loudly to encourage someone, especially someone who's
playing sport or competing in a race
cheer up
to feel happier after being sad
chop down
If you chop down something like a tree, you cause it to fall by
cutting through its base.
chop up
to cut something into pieces with an axe or a knife
clean out (1)

to clean the inside of something
clean out (2) Informal
If you have been cleaned out, all your money has been taken by
someone, or spent on something.
clean up
to make something clean and tidy
clear out (1)
to tidy a place by removing things that shouldn't be there
clear out (2) Informal
to leave a place, usually for a long time or forever
clear up
If an illness or a condition like acne clears up, it improves until it's
no longer a problem.
close down
If a business closes down, or if someone closes it down, it stops
come about
to happen, especially partly or totally by chance
come across (1)
to find something or meet someone by chance
come across (2)
If somebody comes across as being a certain type of person, they
appear that way to other people.
come along (1)
to arrive or to appear
come along (2)
to make progress or to improve in some way
come along (3)
to go with somebody when they're going somewhere
come apart

to separate into several pieces, or to break into several parts
come around
to visit somebody, usually at their home
come back
to return to a place
come down
to move to a lower level or a lower position
come from (1)
to be born and raised in a place
come from (2)
to be made in or obtained from a particular place or thing
come in (1)
to enter a room or a building
come in (2)
If something like a train or plane comes in, it arrives at a station or
an airport.
come into
to be given something after its owner dies
come of
to be the result of an event or situation
come off (1)
If something comes off, it becomes separated from the thing it's
usually attached to.
come off (2)
to result in the intended outcome
come on (1)
to make progress or to improve in some way
come on (2)
If a light or a computer comes on, it starts working.
come on (3)

If a TV or radio show comes on, it starts.
come out (1)
to become available
come out (2)
to become known
come over (1)
to visit a place, or to move from one place or country to another
come over (2)
to seem to be a particular type of person
come through
to survive a difficult or dangerous situation or time
come to (1)
to regain consciousness after an accident or an operation
come to (2)
to add up to a particular total
come to (3)
If a thought or an idea comes to you, you remember it or you think
of it
come under
to suddenly experience or suffer something dangerous or unpleasant
come up (1)
to walk up to someone or something
come up (2)
If an issue or a name comes up in something like a conversation, a
meeting, or a report, the issue or name is discussed or mentioned.
come up (3)
to appear, occur, or become available
come up against
to face a difficult situation or a difficult opponent
come up with

to think of something like a plan, an idea or a solution to a problem
count on
to depend on someone or something to do what is expected or
cover up
to try to stop people finding out about something bad
crack down
to start enforcing a law or a rule more strictly
cross off
to remove a name or an item from a list by drawing a line through it
cross out
If you cross something out, you draw a line through it with a pen or
a pencil, usually because it's wrong or is no longer necessary.
cry out
to scream or yell because of pain or fear
cut back
to reduce the amount of money spent on something, or to reduce the
size or scale of something
cut down
to reduce the amount, number or size of something
cut off (1)
to stop the supply of something like electricity, water, gas or
telephone service.
cut off (2)
to isolate somebody or something by making transport or
communication very difficult or impossible
cut out (1)
to remove an area of paper or cloth from a larger sheet by cutting
cut out (2)
to stop doing something, such as eating fatty foods or gambling or

taking drugs, usually in order to improve one's health or one's life
cut out (3) Informal
If you tell someone to "Cut it out!", you want them to stop doing
something annoying.
cut up
to cut something into small pieces
D: 58
date back
If something dates back to a certain time, it was made at that time or
it started at that time.
date from
If something dates from a certain time, it was made at that time.
dawn on
If something dawns on you, you realize it, or become aware of it,
for the first time.
deal in (1)
to buy and sell something in order to make money
deal in (2) Informal
If you say "Deal me in" it means you want to join in an activity.
deal with
If you deal with a problem or a difficult situation, you do what
needs to be done to solve or resolve it.
decide against
to decide not to do something you were thinking of doing, or not to
choose something or someone you were thinking of choosing
decide on
If you decide on something, you choose one thing from among two
or more possible options.
delight in
If you delight in doing something, you get a great deal of pleasure

from doing it.
delve into
to try to find information by examining something thoroughly
depend on (1)
If one thing depends on another, it cannot happen without the other,
or it is greatly affected by the other.
depend on (2)
If you depend on someone, you rely on them to give you what you
describe as
to say that something is a certain kind of thing or that someone is a
certain type of person
deter from
to make someone less likely to do something, or to discourage
someone from doing something
devote to
to decide to spend a certain portion of your time or money on
die away
If a sound dies away, it gradually gets softer and softer.
die down
If something dies down, it gradually becomes weaker in strength or
lower in volume or magnitude.
die off
If a group of people, animals, or plants dies off, all of them die over
a period of time and none are left.
die out
If something like a species of animal or a language is dying out, it is
disappearing and could soon be lost forever.
dig in Informal

to start eating with enthusiasm, or gusto
dig up
If you dig up something, you get it from under the ground by
dip into
to take money from an amount that has been saved or put aside for a
specific purpose
dish out (1) Informal
to give things to people, often without thinking about the effects or
the costs of doing so
dish out (2) Informal
If you dish out something like criticism or advice, you give it often
and without much thought.
dispose of Formal
to get rid of something you don't need or don't want any more
divide up
If you divide something up, you separate it into smaller parts so that
everyone gets a share.
do about
If you do something about a problem, you do something to fix it or
solve it.
do away with (1)
If you do away with something, you get rid of it.
do away with (2) Informal
to kill or to murder somebody
do in Informal
to cause someone to feel very tired or worn out
do up (1) Informal
If you do up an old building, car, boat, etc., you make it look new
again by repairing it, painting it, and so on.

do up (2)
If you do up a zip, a button, or a shoelace, you secure it in some
do with (1)
to put something somewhere
do with (2)
to make use of something
do without
If you do without something, you manage to get by without it.
doze off
If you doze off, you fall asleep without meaning to.
drag on
to continue for longer than seems necessary or usual
draw on
to use part of a supply of something, or to utilize something that has
been gained over time
draw out
to make something last longer than usual or longer than necessary
draw up
to prepare and write a plan, a contract, guidelines or a list of some
dream of
If you dream of something you'd really like to be, to do, or to have,
you imagine it becoming a real part of your life.
dream up
to imagine something like a plan or a story in great detail
dress up
If you dress up, you put on formal clothes for a special occasion.
drive away
to cause someone or something to leave a place

drive off
to leave in a car
drive out
to force someone or something out of a place
drop by Informal
to make a short, casual visit somewhere
drop in
If you drop something in somewhere, you stop to leave it there and
then keep going.
drop off (1)
to drive someone to a place they need to go to and leave them there
drop off (2)
to fall asleep
drop off (3)
to become fewer in number or less in amount or intensity
drop out
to leave a course of study before completing it
drown out
If a sound is drowned out, it can't be heard because of an ever
louder sound.
drum up
to stimulate something like support for a project, enthusiasm for an
idea, or sales for a business
dry up
If something like water or oil dries up, or its source dries up, it
means it's all gone and there is none left.
dumb down Informal
to make something like a movie or a novel easier to understand so
more money can be made from it
dwell on

If you dwell on something bad or unpleasant, you think about it too
much or you talk about it too much.
dying for
If you're dying for something, you really feel like it or you want it
very much.
E: 21
ease off
If something eases off, it becomes weaker or less powerful.
eat in
If you eat in, you eat at home instead of going out to a restaurant.
eat into
to use up, or reduce the amount of, something of value
eat out
If you eat out, you eat in a restaurant instead of at home.
eat up (1)
to eat all or most of something
eat up (2)
If something eats up your time or money, you spend a lot of time or
money on it.
egg on Informal
If you egg someone on, you encourage them to do something
foolish or risky.
embark on
to begin something, usually something that will be challenging and
empty out
to remove everything from inside something
end in
to have a certain result at the end of something
end up

If you end up being somewhere, or doing something, it's because of
decisions you've made in the past.
end with
to have something act as the final part of something
engage in Formal
to become involved in something related to competition or conflict,
such as a debate, a battle, or a dispute.
enter into
to become involved in something like a discussion, an agreement, or
a partnership.
entitle to
If you are entitled to something, you have the right to have it or the
right to do it.
entrust to
to give somebody responsibility for something of importance or
entrust with
to give someone responsibility for something of importance or value
even up
to make something more equal or to make it fairer
expose to (1)
If you expose someone to something, you introduce them to
something they might not otherwise see or experience.
expose to (2)
to make someone face a danger or a hazard
extricate from Formal
to get someone out of a difficult situation or a dangerous place
F: 56
face up to
If you face up to a difficult or challenging situation, you accept that

you have to deal with it, and then do something about it.
face with
If you are faced with something like a problem or a challenge, you
have to deal with it.
factor in
to include a certain item when calculating or planning something
fade away
to slowly become weaker, softer or dimmer
fall apart
If something falls apart, it breaks into pieces or parts start falling
fall back on
to use or do something else because what you used or did first has
fall behind
If you have fallen behind other people, they have advanced faster
than you and they are ahead of you.
fall for (1)
If you fall for something like a trick or a scam, you believe it's real
or genuine even though it's not.
fall for (2)
If you fall for someone, you fall in love with them.
fall in (1)
If a roof or a ceiling falls in, it falls to the floor because it's been
weakened or damaged.
fall in (2)
to form a line by standing side by side or one behind the other
fall off
to become less in amount or lower in level
fall out (1)

If something falls out, it becomes detached from whatever it's
attached to.
fall out (2) Informal
If you and a friend fall out, you are no longer friendly because of a
disagreement or a problem you've had.
fall over
If someone falls over, they fall to the ground.
fall through
If a plan or a deal falls through, it doesn't work out and it's dropped
or scrapped.
farm out
If you farm out work, you pay people outside your company to do
feel for
If you feel for someone, you have sympathy for them or feel sad
because they are suffering.
fight back
If you fight back, you do what's needed to win a conflict or a battle
after being attacked or threatened.
fight off
to try to stop someone or something from attacking you or hurting
figure out (1)
If you figure something out, you find the solution to a problem or
the answer to a question.
figure out (2)
If you figure somebody out, you know what they're like and how
they're likely to act.
fill in (1)
If you fill in a form, you complete it by writing in the spaces

fill in (2)
If you fill somebody in, you give them the details about something.
fill out
If you fill out a form, you complete it by writing in the spaces
fill up (1)
If you fill something up, you make it full.
fill up (2)
to fill someone's stomach with food
find out
to discover a fact or information about something
finish off
to complete something, or to eat the last piece of something
finish up
to be in a certain place or situation after a long series of events or a
long time

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