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VOCABULARY: ( Week 1 - Book 1 unit 1+2+3)
 Cardiology (khoa tim mạch): the hospital department that specializes in the
treatment of the heart and heart diseases
 Cardiologist (bác sĩ tim mạch): a doctor who takes care of patients with heart
 Dermatology (khoa da liễu): the hospital department that specializes in the
treatment of the skin and skin diseases
 Emergency: the hospital department where people with very serious or life
threatening injuries are treated
 Obsterics (khoa sản): the hospital department that treats women and unborn
children during pregnancy
 Obstetrician (bác sĩ khoa sản): a doctor who cares for pregnant women and their
unborn children
 Orthopedics (khoa xương khớp): the hospital department that specializes in the
treatment of bones and muscles
 Pathology (khoa bệnh học): the hospital department that tests samples taken
from patients for diseases
 Lab technician (người làm trong phịng thí nghiệm): a medical professional who
works with samples in a laboratory
 Pediatrics (khoa nhi): the hospital department that specializes in the treatment
of children
 Pediatrician (bác sĩ khoa nhi): a doctor that takes care of children
 Pharmacy (phòng bán thuốc): a business or hospital department that provides
medicine to people
 Pharmacist (dược sĩ): a licensed health care professional who fills prescriptions
and gives medicine
 Radiology (khoa X-ray): the hospital department that takes X-rays of people and
examines them
 Radiologist (bác sĩ coi X-ray): a doctor who takes X-rays and examines them
 Surgery (khoa phẫu thuật): the hospital department where doctors perform
operations on people

 Surgeon (bác sĩ phẫu thuật): a doctor who perfoms operations on people

 Anesthesiologist (bác sĩ gây mê): a doctor who ensures that patients are
unconscious or do not feel pain during surgery
 General practitioner (bác sĩ đa khoa): a doctor who provides many kinds of care
to adults and children
 Nurse (y tá): a medical professional who helps a doctor and cares for patient
 Bedpan (bô ỉa cho bệnh nhân): a pot used for relieving oneself when a person is
not able to go to a bathroom
 Bio-hazard waste container (thùng chứa chất thải nguy hiểm sinh học): a box for
the storage and disposal of dangerous medical waste
 Gauze (gạc): a cotton fabric used to cover wounds or surgical incisions
 Gown (áo bệnh nhân): a long robe worn by a hospital patient
 Latex gloves (găng tay cao su hàng xài 1 lần rồi bỏ): disposable gloves used
during a medical exam or procedure
 Oxygen tank: a metal cylinder that holds oxygen
 Pressure mattress (giường cho bệnh nhân già tránh lở loét do áp lực nằm lâu): a
special treatment designed to improve blood flow and comfort to prevent
pressure ulcer
 Sharps container (thùng chứa vật sắc nhọn): a box for the storing of used
needles and other sharp medical instruments before disposal
 Syringe (kim chích): a device consisting of a needle, chamber, and piston, used
for injecting liquids into the body
 Wheelchair (xe lăn): a mobile chair with wheels used for moving a sick or
disabled person

 Pathology test samples for all departments
 Take this person to surgery for her transplant

 My daughter’s pediatrician says that some tea and syrup is all that’s needed to
soothe her cough
 Dispose of used gauze and latex gloves in the bio-hazard waste containers
 The bedpans in this room need to be emptied before you leave
 The medical staff at a hospital will always use gauze to cover up wounds on a

 The pharmacy can fill the prescriptions twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
 Doctor and nurse must always wear a new pair of latex gloves when examining
 Dr Takeshi’s reputation as one of the best transplant surgeons is known
 Dr Brown is a famous transplant surgeon
 Pediatrics provides healthcare from birth to adulthood
 The doctor orders a pressure mattress for Ms Jones to help her back pain
 An ambulance brought the patient to the emergency room
 Nurse said: “I just took Ms Greyon’s blood pressure. It’s one fifty over ninetytwo
 A pediatrician is best qualified to examine a sick four-year old
 Suppliers for patient rooms, such as gowns and bedpans, are on the left
 Radiology creates X-rays and CT scans for all departments

VOCABULARY: ( Week 2 - Book 1 unit 4+5+6+7 )

Ankle: the joint between the foot and the lower leg
Arm: the long extension from the upper body between the shoulder and wrist
Elbow: the joint between the upper and lower arm
Finger: one of the extensions from the hand
Foot: the perpendicular extension at the end of the leg
Hand: the part of the arm below the wrist, to which fingers are attached
Hip (hông): the part of the upper leg that projects slightly outward
Knee: the joint between the upper and lower leg
Leg: the long extension from the lower body between the hip and the foot
Shoulder: the joint between the arm and the upper body
Toe: one of the small extensions at the end of the foot
Wrist (cổ tay): the part of the forearm that attaches to the hand
Abdomen (phần bụng): the part of the body that contains the digestive organs
and is between the groin and the waist

 Back: the part of the human body on the other side of the body to the torso
between the pelvis (xương chậu) and the neck
 Chest: the part of the human body enclosed by the sternum (xương ức) and the
ribs that lies above the abdomen and below the neck
 Groin (vùng háng): the place in the human body where the inner thigh (đùi) and
the lower abdomen meet

 Neck: the part of the body that joins the head to the torso
 Rib cage (xương lồng ngực): a structure of bones in the torso that frames the
 Shoulder blade (xương bả vai): one of the two upper back bones that lie outside
the ribs and connect the back to the upper arm
 Small of the back: the lower portion of the back just above the hips
 Torso (thân trên, khơng tính tay và đầu): the upper portion of the human body
that extends from the neck to the pelvis
 Waist: the part of the human torso between the groin and the rib cage
 Cheek: the fleshy part of the either side of the face below the eye
 Ears: the organs on either side of the head that detect sound
 Eyebrows: strips of hair that grow above the eyes
 Eyes: the pair of spherical organs in the head that detect light and provide vision
 Face: the front portion of the head from the chin to the forehead
 Forehead: the portion of the face between the hairline and eyebrows
 Head: the upper part of the human body that contains the brain and the face
 Jaw: either the upper and lower bony structure that holds the teeth and forms
the framework of the mouth
 Lips: the two muscular folds that surround the mouth
 Nose: an organ that projects from the face that detects smell
 Alveoli (phế nang): small sacs in the lungs at the endpoints of the respiratory
system where oxygen enters and carbon dioxide leaves the bloodstream
 Asthma (bệnh suyễn): a chronic inflammatory lung disease (bệnh viêm phổi mãn
tính) that causes wheezing (thở khị khè), coughing, and shortness of breath.
Some symptoms of asthma can be treated by inhaling medicine
 Breathe: to pass air into and out of the lungs for the purpose of absorbing
oxygen into the bloodstream

 Bronchial tube (ống phế quản): the main passage within the lung through which

air passes from the trachea (khí quản) to the alveoli
 Emphysema (bệnh khí phổi thủng): a progessive respiratory disease that causes
shortness of breath and involves damage to lung tissues
 Exhale (thở ra): to breathe out or expel air from the lungs
 Inhale (hít vào): to breathe in or take air into the lungs
 Lung: an organ located in the chest of the human body that introduces oxygen
to the bloodstream
 Oxygen: a naturally occuring element necessary for the functioning of the
human body and absorbed into the bloodstream by the respiratory system
 Respiratory system: the human’s body means of receiving oxygen through
breathing. It includes the nose, mouth, and lungs

 Air passes into the lungs from the trachea through the bronchial tubes
 A hard blow can knock the shoulder out of place resulting in a shoulder
 The doctor placed his hand on the small of the patient’s back
 Ankles, knees, and elbows can be sprained from unnatural movements
 Breaking even your smallest toe can make walking difficult
 Breaking even your smallest finger can make lifting difficult
 Respiratory system is the network of organs and airways responsible for gas
exchange can be adversely affected by smoking
 Tom can’t move his arm due to his shoulder injury
 Which of the following is a respiratory disorder? Infertility, ulcer, stroke, asthma
 Fingers and toes, these appendages are often jammed or broken
 The bones that protect the heart and lungs make up the rib cage
 He was badly hurt in the chest. The doctor saw obvious bruises in the upper
front part of his torso
 Fingers and toes can be jammed or broken
 What part of the torso are NOT on the front of the body? Shoulder

 The patient suffered minor head trauma and may have a concussion
 Lips are the sensitive organs surrounding the mouth

 The eyebrows keep water out of the eyes
 I love to run but last week i sprained my ankle when my foot rolled in a twisting
 Which of the following is not a symptom of a asthma? Coughing, wheezing,
inflamed bronchial tubes, excessive oxygen entering the blood
 Ankle sprain can result from a blow to the knee or a sudden twist. There could
be pain throughout the leg
 Last Saturday i sprained my wrist while playing tennis
 My nose is congested and i’m having trouble breathing
 This shoe barely fits on my foot
 I’ve taken a look at your chest X-rays. I’m sorry to say, it appears to be
 I twisted my ankle when i was running
 The eyes are the pair of spherical organs in the head that detect light and
provide vision
 The dentist opened Carl’s mouth to look at his teeth
 In emphysema, the alveoli lose their shape and functionality when the person

VOCABULARY: ( Week 3 - Book 1 unit 8+9+10+15 )
 Artery (động mạch): a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
 Aorta (động mạch chủ): the largest artery in the body. It connects directly to the
 Vein (tĩnh mạch): a blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart
 Vena cava (tĩnh mạch chủ): one of two largest veins in the body. It connects
directly to the heart

 Capillary (mao mạch): the smallest kind of blood vessel in the body where the
exchange of oxygen, water, and nutrients takes place
 Circulatory system (hệ thống tuần hoàn): the system responsible for carrying
blood and oxygen throughout the body
 Heart: the organ which pumps the blood throughout the body

 Atrium (tâm nhĩ): one of the two upper chambers of the heart (buồng tim),
which receive from veins
 Valve (van): a flap in a bodily system that allows passage of material in one
direction but prevents passage in the other direction
 Pulmonary (thuộc về phổi): related to the lungs. If something is pulmonary, it
has to do with the lungs
 Digestive system: the system of organs through which food passes, and which
processes food, nutrients, and waste
 Esophagus (thực quản / cuống họng): the muscular tube connecting the mouth
at the pharynx (yết hầu) to the cardiac end of the stomach
 Stomach: the pouch-like organ between the esophagus and small intestine, this
produces acid and enzymes to break down food which enters the body
 Small intestine (ruột non): the part of the digestive system through which food
passes from the stomach and through which nutrients are absorbed into the
 Large intestine (ruột già / đại tràng): the organ connected at the end of the small
intestine and anus. The large intestine absorbs nutrients and vitamins not
absorbed by the small intestine. It then compacts unused food into waste, or
 Colon (ruột già / đại tràng): another name of the large intestine
 Colonoscopy (nội soi ruột già): a medical procedure which examines the inside
of the colon
 Ulcer (vết loét): a sore or abscess (đau hoặc áp xe) which forms in the stomach

when the stomach’s mucus lining is too thin to keep the stomach’s acid from
damaging the stomach
 Appendicitis (viêm ruột thừa): a condition where the appendix (ruột thừa), a
small organ which is part of the digestive system, becomes irritated and
inflamed (bị kích thích và viêm)
 Assess (đánh giá): to evaluate something or determine the value of it
 Bandage (băng cá nhân): a strip of material used to protect an injury
 Burn: a physical injury that can be caused by extreme heat, cold, electricity, or
dangerous chemicals

 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation / CPR (hồi sức tim phổi): is a first aid procedure
involving chest compression and artificial breathing (hô hấp nhân tạo), used
when the heart has stopped beating
 First aid (sơ cứu): basic medical care given to an injury victim when other help is
not available or necessary
 Laceration (vết rách): an open injury caused by a hard impact to soft body tissue
 Pressure: an amount of force applied to a certain area divided by the size of the
 Pulse (mạch đập): an impulse caused by a heartbeat, that can be felt when an
artery is pressed
 Rescue breathing (hô hấp nhân tạo): a first aid procedure involving providing air
for someone who has stopped breathing, but still has a heartbeat
 Shock (bị sốc): a medical emergency in which the circulator system cannot
provide oxygen to the body
 Wound (vết thương): an injury, such as a cut or burn, usually to the external
body (bên ngoài cơ thể)
 Antibiotic (kháng sinh): something used to kill or slow the growth of bacterial
microorganisms in the body
 Antimicrobial (kháng khuẩn): something that kills or prevents the growth of

microorganisms such as bacteria and fungus
 Bacteria (vi khuẩn): any of a great number of single-celled microorganisms that
inhabit all areas of the earth including human bodies. Many types are
responsible for human ailments and disease
 Biohazard (nguy cơ sinh học): a biological substance that is potentially harmful
to humans. They can include bacteria, viruses, and biologically derived toxins
(chất độc có nguồn gốc sinh học)
 Contagious (dễ lây lan): a disease that can spread easily from one person to
 Disinfectant (chất khử trùng): something used to clean surfaces by killing
bacteria and other microorganisms
 Facemask (khẩu trang): a covering of cloth or other material over the face, worn
to prevent the transmission of microorganisms by way of the nose and mouth

 Infection (sự nhiễm trùng): the abnormal manifestation of parasitic
microorganisms within an area of the body
 Quarantine (cách ly): to isolate a person from contact with others in order to
prevent the transmission of contagious diseases
 Transmit (truyền dẫn, chuyển giao): to transfer something from one place to
another, such as transmitting a virus or other biohazard from one body to
 Virus: a small infectious entity (thực thể nhiễm trùng) only capable of replicating
within the cells of living organisms


Blood picks up oxygen when it travels through pulmonary artery
The aorta branches into two smaller arteries in the lower body
The superior vena cava returns blood without oxygen from the head and arms
Mr. Robinson, your blood pressure is really high. You’re at increased risk for a
heart attack
Usually during a heart attack, an artery inside the heart gets blocked by fatty
acids. When that happen blood can’t get through, that can lead to permanent
damage or death
The symptoms of a heart attack are sudden chest pains or difficult breathing.
Call the hospital immediately if you have them
Pain between the heart and stomach might mean an esophagus problem
Pain lower in the abdomen could mean appendicitis
Which of the following is an organ of the digestive system? Aorta, esophagus,
bladder, vena cava
The vena cava is one of the two largest vein in the body. It connects directly to
the heart
Which of the following is not a recommended Hygiene Standards? Quarantining
infected individuals, cleaning surfaces with disinfectant, hand washing with

antimicrobial soap, storing biohazards in proper cabinets (the rest are Hygiene
If you live 66 years, your heart will beat 25 billion times
Much of the bacteria found in the colon exists harmlessly in the body

 Which of the following is not related to the Circulatory system? vena cava,
cardiology, aorta, bladder (rest are related)
 Problems in the digestive system can appear in the esophagus, the stomach, the
appendix, or the colon
 I kept my foot under water for quite some time. It helped a lot to relieve my
minor burn
 Virus often get transmitted when people don’t follow proper hygiene
 They’ve quarantined Joe at the hospital because his flu is resistant to antibiotic
 Apply pressure to lacerations or other open wounds to stop bleeding
 Blood without oxygen returns to the heart in veins
 Does blood without oxyge return to the left or right atrium?
 The nurse use stiches to close the wound
 All of the following are organs of the digestive system except the: small
intestine, colon, esophagus, epidermis (3 rest are related)
 Cool minor burns with running water
 Blood begins its journey in the heart, which beats to pump it to the rest of the
 In order to stop bleeding, you should first apply pressure
 You should wash your injury and wrap a bandage around it
 A cold can be prevented from transmitting by wearing face masks
 Prevent shock by elevating the legs and covering the victim
 The appendix is between the small intestine and large intestine
 The doctor will need ton the victim’s condition

 First aid is basic medical care given to an injury victim when other help is not
available or necessary
 In a colonoscopy, the doctor insert a fiber-optic camera into the rectum. While
the camera is being withrawn, the problem will be found

VOCABULARY: ( Week 4 - Book 2 unit 1+2+3+4 )
 Clot: a small chunk of dried blood that blocks the flow of blood through a blood

 Compatible: something that can exist with or near something else without
causing a conflict
 Plasma (huyết tương): a liquid that contains blood cells
 Platelet (tiểu cầu - một dạng bạch cầu): a type of blood cell that thickens around
the surface of a cut to stop blood loss
 Red blood cell (hồng cầu): a unit of blood that carries oxygen throughout the
 Transfusion (truyền máu): the process of moving blood from one person into
another person who has suffered blood loss
 Type O: a blood classification that means the body’s immune system is not
compatible with A- or B- antigens on blood cells
 Type A: a blood classification that means the body’s immune system is
compatible with molecules on blood cells called A-antigens, but it fight Bantigens
 Type AB: a blood classification that means the body’s immune system is
compatible with A- and B- antigens on blood cells
 Type B: a blood classification that means the body’s immune system is
compatible with molecules on blood cells called B-antigens, but it will fight Aantigens
 Universal donor: someone who has blood type O, which can be safely received
by another person with any blood type
 Nguyên tắc truyền máu (transfusion rules): chỉ có AB là nhận được hết, cịn lại

phải nhận từ nhóm máu O, chỉ có O mới hiến được hết, AB hiến AB, A hiến A và
AB, B hiến B và AB
Nhóm máu
AB (rare)
O (universal donor)

Kháng nguyên
trên tế bào
hồng cầu
A và B

Kháng thể
trong huyết
A và B

Khả năng nhận Khả năng hiến



Nhóm máu Rh (D) (blood type Rh / blood type D): Yếu tố Rh là một loại protein đặc biệt trên các tế
bào máu. Hầu hết mọi người đều có kháng nguyên D trên hồng cầu và thường gọi là Rh+ (Rh D dương).
Những người khơng có kháng ngun D trên hồng cầu được gọi là Rh- (Rh D âm). Cần phải thực hiện
xét nghiệm kháng nguyên Rh D đối với những người phụ nữ mang thai nhằm mục đích sàng lọc và phát
hiện sự tương thích trong cơ thể của mẹ và bé.

 Bone: is strong, hard matter that is part of a body’s basic structure
 Comminuted (bị nghiền nhỏ): if a fracture is _____, the bone is broken into
several or many pieces
 Compound: if a fracture is _____, part of the bone protrudes (nhô ra) through
the skin
 Displaced: if a fracture is _____, it is moved out of its correct or normal position
 Fracture (chỗ gãy xương): is a crack or break in a bone

 Greenstick (gãy xương cành tươi): if a fracture is _____, it is the bending and
breakage of a young, soft bone
 Impacted (gãy xương nêm chặt): if a fracture is _____, parts of the bone are
crushed into each other
 Marrow (tủy xương): is a soft substance inside bones that is part of the body’s
immune system
 Skeleton: is a series of bones that makes up a body’s basic structure
 Stress fracture (vết rạn): is a minor crack in a bone caused by repeated or

excessive pressure
 Abrasion (vết xước / trầy da): a wound resulting from minor damage to the
epidermal layer of the skin. They are sometimes called scapes
 Acne (bệnh trứng cá): a human skin disease where oil becomes trapped in pores
causing raised red bumps and other imperfections of the skin (khuyết điểm của
 Contusion (vết bầm): also called a bruise, this is a temporarily discolored area of
skin that has been damaged by trauma, allowing blood to seep (rịn ra) from the
local capillaries (mao mạch lân cận) into the surrounding tissue
 Dermis (lớp hạ bì): the layer of skin between the outer epidermis and the inner

 Epidermis (lớp biểu bì): the outermost layer of human skin
 Hypodermis (lớp mỡ dưới da): the layer of skin beneath the dermis used for fat
storage (Ngoai vao trong: epidermis – dermis – hypodermis)
 Pimple (mụn nhọt – triệu chứng bệnh mụn trứng cá): a type of acne in the skin
where excess oil has become trapped in a pore, creating, a raised red pot
 Pore (lỗ chân lông): a minute (small) opening in the skin through which gases,
liquids (such as sweat as a cooling mechanism) may pass. It is located in the
epidermis of the skin
 Skin: the soft outer layer of human bodies and the bodies of other animals
 Subcutaneous fat (lớp mỡ dưới da, tên gọi khác là hypodermis): the layer of the
skin beneath the dermis that contains primarily lobules of fat (chủ yếu là tiểu
thùy mỡ)
 Brain: is the large organ that controls bodily functions through release of
hormones or activating muscles
 Nervous system: is the bodily system that transmits signals and coordinates
actions of the body
 Motor (thuộc về chuyển động): if a neuron is a _____ neuron, it helps to create

the ability to move
 Nerve (dây thần kinh): is a cordlike structure that enables the transmission of
electric impulses (xung điện) through the nervous system
 Network (mạng lưới): is a group of connected neurons that process information
 Neuron (tế bào thần kinh): is a cell that transmits information by electrical and
chemical signaling
 Reflex (phản xạ): is an involuntary (vô thức) and immediate movement in
response to a stimulus (kích thích từ ngoại cảnh)
 Sensory (giác quan): if something is _____, it has to do with five senses of sight,
hearing, touch, taste and smell
 Spinal cord (tủy sống): is a long bundle of nerve cells that extends downward
from the brain
 Vertebrae (đốt sống): are the small bones that together make up the backbone
and surround the nerves of the spinal cord


 Beth is a nurse at Memorial Children’s Hospital. She says she encouters
greenstick fractures daily
 Compound fracture require extensive repositioning so the bone heals in the
right place
 A green stick fracture is most common among children
 Which of the following condition is caused by external trauma to the skin?
 The skin is made up of three layers: dermis, epidermis, and hypodermis
 Stress fractures are easier to treat than other fractures
 The patient has acne on her face and neck
 Julie is a very active child ans is always getting abrasions on her knees and

 Stress fractures require fairly straightforward treatment. The bone is typically
cracked rather than broken all the way through
 If the displaced bone is not realighned, it may cause permanent disability
 The blood bank encourages every universal donor to donate as often as possible
 What is right about acne? It is common in teenagers, it is caused by oils that
become trapped in the skin’s pores, acne is usually treated by topical medicine,
to prevent acne you should often wash your face
 Information travels along nerves and up the spinal cord to the brain
 Compound fractures require exensive repositioning so the bone heals in the
right place
 Because of surging hormones, teenagers are more prone to compound than
children and adults

VOCABULARY: ( Week 5 - Book 2 unit 5+6+7 )
 Adrenal gland (tuyến thượng thận): is a gland above the kydney produces
adrenaline and other hormones
 Adrenaline (tên một loại hormone): is a hormone that helps the body react to a
sudden threat or stress

 Endocrine system (hệ nội tiết): is the bodily system that uses hormones to
regulate the body’s functions
 Gland (tuyến): is a bodily organ that creates a susbstance and release it, often
into the bloodstream
 Hormone: is a chemical released by one part of the body that sends out
messages which affect other parts of the body
 Hypothalamus (vùng dưới đồi): is the part of the brain that connects the nervous
system with the endocrine system. It controls body temperature, hunger, thirst
and fatigue
 Melatonin (một loại hormone): is a hormone that controls the day and night

cycles of the body (a hormone from pineal body)
 Pineal body (tuyến tùng): is a small gland in the brain that produces the
hormone melatonin
 Pituitary gland (tuyến yên): is a gland in the brain that emits numerous
hormones to control body processes such as growth, blood pressure, and sex
organ functions
 Secrete (tiết ra): is to emit a substance in order to perform some bodily function
 Thyroid gland (tuyến giáp): is a large gland in the neck that controls how the
body uses energy and controls proteins
 Birth control (biện pháp ngừa thai): refers to several techniques used to prevent
egg fertilization or interrupt pregnancy
 Condom: is a barrier device worn over the penis during intercourse to reduce
the chance of pregnancy and disease
 Contraceptive (ngừa thai / thuốc ngừa thai): is a method of birth control that
prevents fertilization of the egg cell
 Genitalia (cơ quan sinh dục): are the parts of the male and female bodies that
involved in the process of reproduction
 Gonads (tuyến sinh dục): are the organs that produce sex cells. They are the
testes in males and ovaries in females
 Infertility (vô sinh): is the inability to have children
 Intercourse (giao hợp): is the sexual act in which the male penis enters the
female vagina

 Ovaries (buồng trứng): are the organs in the female body that produce egg cells
 Reproductive system (hệ sinh dục): is the bodily system of organs that work
together for the purpose of producing offspring
 Sexually active (nhu cầu tình dục cao): if a person is_____, he or she regularly
engages in forms of sexual activity
 Sexually-transmitted disease (bệnh lây lan qua đường tình dục): an STD, or____,

is an illness that is passed from one person to another through sexual activity
 Testes (tinh hoàn): are the organs in the male body that produce sperm
 Abdominal aorta (động mạch chủ bụng): is the main artery that supplies
oxygenated blood to all of the abdominal and pelvic organs and the legs
 Bladder (bàng quang): is a bodily organ that holds urine before it is expelled
from the body
 Urinary cast (trụ niệu): is a tiny structure that produced by the kidneys and
present in urine that contains indicatots of urinaty health
 Flow (lưu lượng): is the smooth movement of something, usually a liquid
 Inferior mesenteric artery (động mạch mạch treo tràng dưới): come off the
surface of the abdominal aorta and it transfers the blood supply of the intestines
 Inferior vena cava (tĩnh mạch chủ dưới): is a vein that carries blood that has had
the oxygen removed from it, to the right part of the heart
 Kidney (thận): is one of the two organs that removes waste from the blood and
produces urine
 Kidney stone (sỏi thận): is a hard, crystal-like mineral structure that forms in the
kydneys and can be very painful to pass
 Pass (thải): is to process something through and out of one’s body
 Ureter (niệu quản): is the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary
bladder ( urine move from kidney -> ureter -> urinary bladder -> urethra -> out
of the body)
 Urethra (niệu đạo): is a tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body
 Urinary bladder (bàng quang tiết niệu): is the place where urine is collected and
stored before it is removed from the body
 Urinary system (hệ bài tiết): is a part of the body that controls the creation and
 expulsion of urine

 Urine (nước tiểu): is a liquid waste that the body expels
 Waste (chất thải / phân): is a substance produced by the body that is not needed

so it is expelled


Diana used painkillers to pass the stones with minimal discomfort
Which of the following is a STD? HIV
The casts indicated that the patient might have a kidney disease
Urinary system consists of: ureter, kidneys, urinary bladder
Growth is one of the functions controlled by the pituitary gland
Kidney stones can cause pain and poor urine flow due to blockage of the urethra
The adrenal gland located above the kidney
Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell reaches an egg cell during intercourse
The reproductive system is the only system in which males and females have
very different parts
Birth control pills and condoms are examples of contraception

Addison’s disease symptoms are: diarrhea and nausea, extreme fatigue and
light-headedness, weight loss
Endocrine system: hypothalamus, hormones, thyroid gland
Each gland of the endocrine system secrete one or more hormones into the
The pineal body helps control sleep patterns
Dietary changes might help prevent the recurrence of kidney stones

VOCABULARY: ( Week 6 - Book 2 unit 13+14+15 )
 Advise (khuyên): is to give a recommendation about health care
 Counsel (tư vấn): is to give guidance about health care options
 Family medicine (y học gia đình): is a branch of medicine that provides longterm, general health care for all individuals

 Health education (giáo dục sức khỏe): is the act of teaching people about their
bodies and good health habits
 Practitioner (bác sĩ): is someone who is legally licensed to perform medical
treatments without supervision
 Preventative (tính dự phịng): if medicine is_____, it focuses on preventing
diseases from occurring rather than curing them
 Primary care (chăm sóc sức khỏe ban đầu): refers to the first and main point of
medical assistance for patients in a health care system
 Refer (giới thiệu): to_____ is to transfer a patient from one doctor to another
doctor who may be better addres the patient’s specific needs
 Urgent care (chăm sóc khẩn cấp): refers to health care provided to immediately
respond to an injury or illness that is not serious enough to visit the emergency
 Bili light (đèn bili): is a light therapy tool used to treat jaundice in newborns
wherein the infant is placed under blue lights which convert bilirubin for proper

 Bilirubin (học trong hóa sinh - sắc tố da cam): is a yellow colored breakdown
product of red blood cells
 Check up (kiểm tra): is a medical examination performed perodically to evaluate
a patient’s health even if the patient has no apparent ailments
 Infant (trẻ sơ sinh): is a young human being in the first year or two of life
 Jaundice (bệnh vàng da trước gan): is a yellowish coloring of the skin caused by
excessive levels of bilirubin in the blood. This condition is often related to
disease of the liver, common in newborns and usually not harmful
 Juvenile (trong giai đoạn thiếu niên): if an illness is_____, it occurs in children
 Newborn (trẻ mới đẻ): is an infant in the first twenty-eight days after birth
 Obesity (béo phì): is a medical condition in which a person accumulates a
potentially unhealthy amount of excess body fat
 Teenager (thiếu niên – danh từ): is a young human being between the ages of
twelve and twenty
 Alzheimer’s disease (bệnh Alzheimer): is a brain disease that causes a person to
lose memory and their ability to think clearly

 Assisted living (hỗ trợ sinh hoạt): is a living situation in which a person receives
assistance with daily activities, but does not need 24-hour care
 Bed sores (lở loét do liệt một chỗ trên giường thời gian dài): are skin wounds
caused by too much pressure cutting off blood circulation to a part of the body
 Dizziness (chóng mặt): is a condition in which a person feels as if he or she is
spinning and that he or she might fall over
 Drug interaction (tương tác thuốc): is the combined use of drugs that result in
negative reactions
 Elderly (người già): if a person is_____, he or she is approaching the end of an
average lifespan
 Geriatrics (khoa lão / khoa chăm sóc người già): is a field of medicine that
focuses on preventing and treating diseases in older people

 Hearing loss: is a loss of a portion of all of one’s hearing
 Incontinence (ỉa đái mất kiểm soát, đại tiểu tiện): is the inability to control one’s
bladder or bowel movements
 Nursing home (viện dưỡng lão): is a cility that provides 24-hour care to elderly
 Polypharmacy (sử dụng quá nhiều thuốc một lần): is the use of too many
medications at once
 Stroke (đột quỵ): is a rapid loss of brain function due to a loss of blood to the

 If needed, family practitioners refer patients to specialists for specific diseases
and injuries
 Senior citizens must often take several regular medications. This puts them at
risk for polypharmacy
 Bilirubin is a yellow colored breakdown product of red blood cells
 Family practioners also provide primary care such as routine checkups and
immunizations, and also counselling
 Seniors who require help may be placed in assisted living or a nursing home,
depending on the seriousness of their condition

VOCABULARY: ( Week 7 - Book 3 unit 5+6 )
 Burning (rát bỏng): if pain is_____, it means the affected area feels very hot
 Constant (liên tục trong một đoạn thời gian): if pain is_____, it continues for a
long period of time without getting better
 Distress (phiền muộn): is a feeling of pain or unhappiness
 Excruciating (dữ dội): if pain is_____, it is extremely bad
 Intensity (cường độ): is the degree of something’s strength
 Intermittent (gián đoạn, từng cơn từng hồi từng đợt): if pain is_____, it goes

away for a period of time and then returns
 Mild (nhẹ): if pain is_____, it is not very severe
 Moderate (vừa phải): if pain is_____, it hurts, but it is not extreme
 Sharp (buốt): if pain is_____, it is very strong and comes on very suddenly
 Shooting (nhói): if pain is_____, it feels like the pain is passing through a body
part very quickly
 Throbbing (nhói kiểu mạch đập): if pain is_____, it beats, or stops and starts,
very quickly
 Unbearable (không thể chịu nổi): if pain is_____, it is extremely hard or even
impossible to withstand
 Acute (cấp tính): if a condition is_____, it appears suddenly and often with great
 Chronic (mạn tính / mãn tính): if a condition is_____, it develops slowly and lasts
a long time
 Chronic bronchitis (viêm phế quản mạn tính): is a persistent condition in which
tubes in the lungs swell and make it diffult to breathe
 Condition (tình trạng): is a medical illness or disease
 Endocarditis (viêm nội tâm mạc): is a chronic condition in which the inner layers
of the heart become inflamed due to bacteria growing inside
 Intervention (sự can thiệp): is the process of treating a condition to cure it or
prevent it from becoming worse
 Not affected (không ảnh hưởng): if something is_____, this means it does not
have a particular illness

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