Time Management
Time management is paying attention to how you are spending your most
valuable resource (time) and devising a plan to use it more effectively.
Goals for Today’s
• Assess/examine how you are
currently allocating your time
• Understand the importance of
managing your time
• Understand different strategies on
how to use your time efficiently
Goal Setting
• In order to know what you should be doing with your
time, it is important to know what you are working
• Long term goals = Life-long goals (usually take a year or
more to accomplish)
• Short-term goals = Stepping stones (less than a year to
Goal Setting,
Give it a shot!
• Write a short-term and long-term goal
• Your short-term goal should be a ‘stepping stone’
on the path to achieving your long-term goal
• Make sure both goals are:
– Specific
– Measurable
• Volunteers?
Where does the time go???
• Make a list of 10-15 observable activities
you have participated in during the past
24 hours.
• Estimate how much time you spent on
each activity.
It is all connected- Goal
Setting & Time Management
• If your goal is to increase your GPA you will need to
be well organized to allocate sufficient time for
study or visit your professors office hours
• Knowing ahead of time what your main priorities are
can help you attend to those tasks first
• Are you allocating the necessary time in achieving
the short-term and long-term goals you set earlier?
Why is Time Management
Prioritize your tasks
Accomplish short-term and long-term goals
Increases productivity
Experience the success of accomplishment (fulfillment)
Feeling of self-control
Aids in money management
Reduces stress
Prepares you for the “real world”
Consider your Values
• You will put more time and energy towards what
you value, enjoy and love.
• How much do you value your education?
• How important is it that you succeed in college
and get your degree?
• If success in college is a high value for your life,
you will make more time for your studies, your
classes and projects.
• We all spend time on what we value!
What is Time Management?
• Not just about managing your time,
it’s about managing your attention
• Attention Management = ability to
focus on a designated activity
• Without attention management,
time management is pointless
“To manage your time you must manage
yourself: your energy, your behavior, your
attitudes, you”--- Constance Staley
Get Your Priorities Straight!
Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989.
Which Quadrant Are You In?
• Go back to your list of Observable
– Write each activity into the appropriate
Quadrant on your graph.
– Using the time estimates you wrote for each
activity, circle the Quadrant in which you spent
the most time (you may have a tie!).
Priorities Are Personal
• Sleep may be Quadrant IV for one person and
Quadrant I for another.
• In which Quadrant did you spend the majority of
your time?
• Which quadrant is the best? (for studying?)
• What happens if you spend the majority of your time
in Quadrant I activities?
Performance, health & happiness are grounded in
the skillful management of energy” Jim Loehr and Tony
Schwartz, from the Power of Full Engagement
How to use time wisely
Electronic or hard copy day planner or calendar
Schedule Fixed Blocks of Time First
– Start with class time, work schedule, child
Schedule DO & DUE dates
Work Backwards
Use syllabus!
Schedule study time every day--- at least 2
hours (if you have breaks between your
classes, use it!)
Some classes require more study time than others
10 minute study breaks after studying for 1 hour
How to use time wisely
Hours you should be spending studying:
Units for less demanding classes:____ x 2 hours=___ hours
Units for typical/average classes:__ X 3 hours = ___ hours
Units for typical/average classes:__ X 4 hours = ___ hours
Expected total study time per week: ____ hours
How to use time wisely
Set aside time for the day to day tasks that
will bring you a step closer to reaching your
Update your schedule everyday
Break larger assignments into smaller tasks
(exp: final term papers)
Avoid scheduling marathon study sessions
Three 3-hour sessions are more productive than 910 hour sessions
How to use time wisely
Schedule time to study for tests and to review
notes (set a regular place to study & a
specific subject)
Schedule time for errands
Plan for the unplanned
Double your time estimates (tasks can take
longer than expected)
Take time for you! Don’t forget yourself and
your needs (sleeping, nutrition, exercise)
How to use time wisely
Set priorities
Be realistic
Allow for flexibility in your schedule
Schedule time for fun!
The final step is to act on the schedule you
wrote down
• When you say “I don’t have time, what
you are really saying is “I have other