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Marketing Processes and Planning

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BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title

Unit 2 Marketing Processes and Planning

Submission date

Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date

Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name

Phạm Mạnh Cường

Student ID




Assessor name

Ngo The Nam

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid





 Summative Feedback:


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CHAPTER 1: ENTERPRISE OVERVIEW ........................................................................................2
1. Introduction of the business ............................................................................................... 2
1.1 Business Description: ................................................................................................... 2
1.2 History of formation and development ........................................................................ 4
CHAPTER 2: Marketing Concepts .........................................................................................................6
2.1 Marketing definition. ....................................................................................................... 6
2.2 An overview of the marketing process to reflect the key roles of marketing. ................. 6
2.2.1 Understanding customers and markets...................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Create a customer-driven marketing strategy. .......................................................... 7
2.2.3 Create an integrated marketing plan. ........................................................................ 8
2.2.4 Nurturing long-term sustainable customer relationships. ....................................... 10
2.2.5 Capture value from customers. ............................................................................... 11
3.1 Functions and tasks of Marketing in the organization ................................................... 13
3.1.1 Brand creation and development:............................................................................ 13
3.1.2 Market research and customer analysis................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Marketing and advertising strategy ......................................................................... 14
3.1.4 Public Relations ...................................................................................................... 15
3.1.6 Customer Relationship Management ...................................................................... 16
3.1.7 Advise the Board of Directors on marketing strategies, products and customers .. 17
3.2 Characteristics of the business's internal environment .................................................. 17
3.2.1 Microenvironment ...................................................................................................... 20
3.2.2 Macro environment ..................................................................................................... 25
WITH OTHER FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS. ...................................................................... 28
4.1 Marketing influence and relationships with other functional departments.................... 29

4.2 The importance of effective relationships between Marketing and other functional departments in
the corporate context ............................................................................................................ 31
References ........................................................................................................................................................ 37


1. Introduction of the business
1.1 Business Description:
 Company name: Masan Consumer Corporation (Masan Consumer)
International transaction name: Masan group corporation
Short name: MSN
Meaning of the name Masan: The word Ma means strong, and san means product. The letter S in the middle
also means the shape of the country of Vietnam
 Email address:
Fax: (+84) 28382741
Phone: (+84) 28625638
 Chairman: Nguyen Dang Quang
 Head office: Room 802, 8th floor, building Centra Plaza, No. 17 Le Duan, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1,
Ho Chi Minh City.
Masan Consumer's logo
Masan's logo has two main


colors, blue and orange, the
symbol of two interlocking
birds flying together,

representing the group's
desire to reach out and fly
further in the future and bring
consumers the best products.
best quality products.

Source : Printgo


Brand value
In the realm of marketing theory, Brand equity is a value-added feature of products and services provided
by businesses that customers and consumers perceive, feel, evaluate, compare, and react to.
In Vietnam, this value is referred to as Brand Asset, which is a type of intangible fixed asset that is
depreciated and gradually reduces in value over time and is quantified and reflected on the enterprise's
balance sheet.
This item may not be widely known, but it can be found on the consolidated financial statements of many
large enterprises such as The Gioi Di Dong, Vinamilk, and most notably, Masan.
According to Masan's 2022 consolidated financial statements, the group's brand equity has increased by
VND 1,284 billion over the past year, bringing Masan's brand equity balance to VND 2,707 billion by the
end of 2022 (DNSE,2023).

This data suggests that Masan may have the largest brand equity value in Vietnam's financial statements,
which is not surprising given the company's successful M&A deals and ownership of a diverse ecosystem
of well-known brands such as WinMart, WinMart+ (formerly VinMart, VinMart+ of VinCommerce), Phuc
Long, Vinacafe Bien Hoa, Vinh Hao mineral water, and NET laundry detergent (DNSE,2023).

FIGURE 1.1: Residual value of brand equity on Masan Consumer's consolidated financial statements (VND

Source: Statistics of audited financial statements of enterprises over the years


It can be seen that Masan's consolidated brand value has reached nearly 3,000 billion dong in 2020. In this
year, the cost of brand assets has increased by 1,604 billion dong from the business combination.x`
The corporation's mission is to provide superior products and services to nearly 100 million Vietnamese
people, so that they pay less for their daily basic needs.
Vision: 25 years ago, Masan started its journey with the belief of “Serving consumers”. Desire to become
a large corporation, leading the market, then becoming a potential growth partner and preferred employer
in Vietnam.
1.2 History of formation and development
- January 4, 1996: Masan established a company in Russia to import and trade food products in the Eastern
European market.
- 2001: Masan Food brand was brought to Vietnam market, marking the appearance of this brand in the
domestic consumer goods market.
- 2002: To penetrate into the potential domestic market, the Company changed its direction from export
business to the domestic market by launching the brand name “Chinsu”. Open the screen is the
corresponding country chinsu.
- August 1, 2003: Renamed Ma San Industry - Trade Joint Stock Company. In this year, this trade center
has launched Chin-su premium fish sauce production to the market.
- In November 2004 the company was established under the name Ma San Maritime Joint Stock Company
with a charter capital of 3.2 billion dong.
- 2008: Masan Industry - Trade Joint Stock Company changed its name to Masan Food Joint Stock Company
(Masan Food).
- In August 2009, the Company changed its name to Masan Group Joint Stock Company; On May 11, 2009,
Masan was successfully listed on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange; In July 2015, the company
officially changed its name to Masan Group Joint Stock Company, which is used to this day

- 2011: Masan Food Joint Stock Company changed its name to Masan Consumer Goods Joint Stock
Company (MasanConsumer). During this year, Masan Consumer made a private placement of 10% shares
for $159 million to investor Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. recovered by the United States, thereby valuing
the company at $1.6 billion.
- At the end of 2011: Masan Consumer spent more than 50 million USD to buy back the stock chip part of
Vinacafé Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company. This is a step that marks the company's expansion beyond the
food sector.

- The year 2022 of Masan reflects that the group's commercial assets have increased by VND 1,284 billion
in the past year. Accordingly, Masan's brand equity balance by the end of 2022 is VND 2,707 billion


CHAPTER 2: Marketing Concepts
2.1 Marketing definition.
Today, marketing is defined in a wide variety of ways. In the early decades of the 20th century, the term
"marketing" was first used in the US. In the 1980s, it arrived in our nation after spreading throughout Europe
and Asia. The word "market" in English, which meaning "market, market," is where the term "marketing"
originates. Marketing is frequently mistaken for marketing because the suffix "ing" denotes approach
(Graeme Drummond, 2005) There are many ways to define marketing: Through the creation and exchange
of products and values with others, marketing is a social and managerial activity that enables individuals
and groups to achieve what they want. wants and needs (Kotler et al., 1999). Marketing is the management
process responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer requirements profitably. Chartered
Institute of Marketing (CIM) Marketing is the process of planning and executing the ideas, pricing,
promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy the objectives of

the individuals and organizations. (American Marketing Association). According to the definitions given
above, marketing is a technique used to facilitate value exchange. Such exchanges must be mutually
advantageous to be sustained. Value production is emphasized in all definitions. Value is the reward that
each party gives to an exchange desire for example (money, assistance, or goodwill). Exchange ties must
endure for them to be effective. Sales are short-term or one-time transactions, whereas marketing is the
continuing development of long-term barter relationships. In addition, Marketing according to (Philip
Kotler,2012) means: "Marketing is the process by which individuals and groups achieve needs and wants
by creating and exchanging products and values between parties".
2.2 An overview of the marketing process to reflect the key roles of marketing.
2.2.1 Understanding customers and markets.
Understanding customers and markets is a crucial aspect of business development for any company, including Masan
Consumer. By gaining insights into customers' preferences, needs, and behaviors, as well as understanding market
dynamics, Masan Consumer can effectively tailor its products and strategies to meet the demands of its target
audience. Here's how Masan Consumer focuses on understanding customers and markets:


Market Research: Masan Consumer invests in market research to gather data and analyze market trends, consumer
behavior, and competitors. This research helps the company identify customer preferences, emerging market
opportunities, and potential areas for growth.
Consumer Insights: Masan Consumer conducts various surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gain deeper insights
into consumer preferences, habits, and buying patterns. By understanding their target customers, Masan Consumer
can develop products and marketing campaigns that resonate with their needs and desires.
Data Analytics: The company utilizes data analytics tools and techniques to analyze large sets of data, including
sales data, customer feedback, and market trends. This helps Masan Consumer uncover valuable insights, such as
consumer segmentation, purchasing patterns, and product performance, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.

Monitoring Competitors: Masan Consumer keeps a close eye on its competitors to understand their strategies,
product offerings, and market positioning. This information helps Masan Consumer identify competitive advantages

and develop differentiation strategies to stay ahead in the market.
Customer Feedback and Engagement: Masan Consumer actively seeks customer feedback through surveys,
reviews, and social media platforms. This feedback allows the company to gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas
for improvement, and address any issues promptly. Moreover, Masan Consumer engages with its customers through
various channels, building strong relationships and loyalty.
By continuously investing in understanding customers and markets, Masan Consumer can adapt its business
strategies, develop innovative products, and deliver value to its customers. This customer-centric approach ensures
that Masan Consumer remains competitive and responsive to evolving market trends and consumer preferences.

2.2.2 Create a customer-driven marketing strategy.
Creating a customer-driven marketing strategy is essential for Masan Consumer to effectively reach and engage its
target audience. By putting customers at the center of its marketing efforts, Masan Consumer can better understand
their needs, communicate relevant messages, and build strong brand loyalty. Here are some key components of a
customer-driven marketing strategy:
Segmentation and Targeting: Masan Consumer segments its customer base based on demographic, psychographic,
and behavioral characteristics. This allows the company to identify specific customer groups with distinct needs and
preferences. By understanding these segments, Masan Consumer can tailor its marketing efforts to target the right
audience with the right messaging.


Value Proposition: Masan Consumer develops a clear and compelling value proposition that communicates the
unique benefits and value its products offer to customers. This helps differentiate Masan Consumer's offerings from
competitors and highlights the specific value it delivers to customers.
Customer Journey Mapping: Masan Consumer maps out the customer journey, from initial awareness to postpurchase, to understand the touchpoints and interactions customers have with the brand. This helps identify
opportunities to enhance customer experience and provide personalized messaging and offers at each stage of the
Product Development: Masan Consumer incorporates customer feedback and market insights into its product
development process. By understanding customer needs and preferences, Masan Consumer can create products that

align with customer expectations and provide solutions to their pain points.
Integrated Marketing Communications: Masan Consumer develops an integrated marketing communications
strategy that utilizes various channels to reach its target audience effectively. This may include traditional advertising,
digital marketing, social media, public relations, and other promotional activities. The messaging and content are
crafted to resonate with customer needs and highlight the unique value of Masan Consumer's products.
Customer Engagement and Relationship Building: Masan Consumer focuses on building long-term relationships
with its customers through continuous engagement and personalized interactions. This includes loyalty programs,
customer feedback mechanisms, and responsive customer service. By nurturing customer relationships, Masan
Consumer can foster loyalty and advocacy among its customer base.
Measurement and Analysis: Masan Consumer regularly tracks and analyzes marketing performance metrics, such
as customer acquisition, retention, and satisfaction. This allows the company to assess the effectiveness of its
marketing efforts and make data-driven adjustments to optimize its strategies.
By creating a customer-driven marketing strategy, Masan Consumer can better understand its target audience, deliver
relevant messaging, and build strong customer relationships. This approach helps drive customer satisfaction, brand
loyalty, and ultimately business growth.

2.2.3 Create an integrated marketing plan.

Creating an integrated marketing plan is essential for Masan Consumer to ensure a cohesive and effective approach
to reaching its target audience across various channels. An integrated marketing plan combines multiple marketing
tactics and channels to deliver consistent messaging and maximize the impact of marketing efforts. Here are the key
steps involved in creating an integrated marketing plan:

Identify Target Audience: Identify and understand the target audience for Masan Consumer's products or services.
Develop detailed buyer personas that represent the characteristics, needs, and preferences of the target audience
Select Marketing Channels: Identify the most appropriate marketing channels to reach the target audience
effectively. This may include a combination of traditional channels such as print, television, radio, and outdoor

advertising, as well as digital channels like social media, email marketing, content marketing, search engine
marketing, and influencer partnerships.
Develop Key Messages: Create key messages that align with Masan Consumer's value proposition and resonate with
the target audience. These messages should be consistent across all marketing channels and convey the unique benefits
and value that Masan Consumer offers.
Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy that supports the key messages and engages the target audience. Create
high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that can be distributed across different channels, such as blog posts,
videos, infographics, and social media content.
Campaign Planning: Plan integrated marketing campaigns that align with Masan Consumer's goals and target
audience. Determine the campaign themes, timing, and channels to be used. Ensure consistent messaging and creative
elements across all campaign components.
Media Planning and Buying: Develop a media plan that outlines the media channels, placements, and budget
allocation for advertising campaigns. Consider factors such as reach, frequency, target audience demographics, and
cost-effectiveness when selecting media channels.
Online Presence and Digital Marketing: Develop a strong online presence through a user-friendly website, search
engine optimization (SEO), and social media profiles. Implement digital marketing strategies, including paid
advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing, to drive online visibility and
Measurement and Analysis: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of the
integrated marketing plan. Track and analyze relevant metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, lead
generation, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). Use these insights to optimize marketing efforts and
make data-driven decisions.
Collaboration and Consistency: Ensure collaboration and communication among different marketing teams and
stakeholders involved in executing the integrated marketing plan. Maintain consistency in messaging, branding, and
design across all marketing channels to reinforce the brand identity and enhance recognition.

By creating an integrated marketing plan, Masan Consumer can deliver a consistent and impactful message to its
target audience across multiple channels. This coordinated approach maximizes the effectiveness of marketing efforts

and enhances brand visibility, customer engagement, and ultimately, business growth.

2.2.4 Nurturing long-term sustainable customer relationships.
Nurturing long-term sustainable customer relationships is a crucial aspect of Masan Consumer's business strategy.
Building strong and lasting relationships with customers not only enhances customer loyalty but also drives repeat
purchases, positive word-of-mouth, and brand advocacy. Here are some key approaches Masan Consumer can take
to nurture long-term sustainable customer relationships:
Excellent Customer Service: Provide exceptional customer service at every touchpoint. Train customer service
representatives to be knowledgeable, responsive, and empathetic. Resolve customer issues promptly and exceed their
expectations to build trust and loyalty.
Personalization: Tailor communication and offerings based on individual customer preferences and behaviors.
Leverage customer data and insights to create personalized experiences, customized recommendations, and targeted
promotions that resonate with their needs.
Customer Feedback and Engagement: Actively seek customer feedback through surveys, reviews, and social media
platforms. Listen to their opinions and suggestions and demonstrate that their feedback is valued. Engage with
customers through various channels, such as social media, email newsletters, and community forums, to foster a sense
of community and encourage ongoing dialogue.
Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs to reward and incentivize repeat purchases. Provide exclusive
benefits, discounts, or special offers for loyal customers. This encourages customer retention and strengthens the bond
between Masan Consumer and its customers.
Continuous Communication: Maintain regular communication with customers to stay top-of-mind. Keep them
informed about new product launches, promotions, and relevant updates. Utilize email marketing, social media, and
other channels to share valuable content and relevant information that adds value to their lives.
Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.
Engage in environmentally friendly practices, support social causes, and communicate these efforts to customers.
This can resonate with customers who align with similar values and foster a deeper connection with the brand.
Exclusive Events and Experiences: Organize exclusive events, product demonstrations, or VIP experiences for loyal
customers. This creates a sense of exclusivity and makes customers feel appreciated and valued.


Proactive Relationship Management: Proactively reach out to customers to check on their satisfaction, help, or
provide relevant product recommendations. This shows that Masan Consumer cares about their needs beyond just
making a sale.
Continuous Improvement: Continuously evaluate and improve the customer experience based on customer feedback
and market trends. Actively listen to customers' evolving needs and adapt products and services accordingly.
Measure and Monitor: Track and measure customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention metrics. Monitor customer
feedback, sentiment, and engagement to identify areas for improvement and take necessary actions.
By focusing on nurturing long-term sustainable customer relationships, Masan Consumer can create a loyal customer
base that contributes to business growth and success. A customer-centric approach fosters trust, advocacy, and longterm partnerships, ensuring a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace.

2.2.5 Capture value from customers.
Capturing value from customers is an essential aspect of Masan Consumer's business strategy. It involves maximizing
the revenue and profitability derived from customer relationships. Here are some key approaches Masan Consumer
can take to capture value from customers:
Pricing Strategy: Implement a strategic pricing strategy that effectively communicates the value of Masan
Consumer's products and services. Consider factors such as production costs, competitor pricing, customer
perceptions, and willingness to pay. Offer different pricing tiers or bundles to cater to different customer segments
and capture maximum value.
Cross-Selling and Upselling: Identify opportunities to cross-sell or upsell additional products or services to existing
customers. Leverage customer data and insights to recommend relevant offerings that complement their previous
purchases or address their evolving needs. This increases the average transaction value and enhances customer
lifetime value.
Subscription and Membership Programs: Introduce subscription or membership programs that provide exclusive
benefits, access to premium features, or regular product deliveries. This generates recurring revenue streams and
fosters long-term customer loyalty.
Add-on Services and Accessories: Offer add-on services, warranties, or accessories that enhance the value of the
core product. Provide options for customers to customize their purchases and upsell complementary items.


Value-added Services: Provide value-added services such as installation, training, or technical support. These
services differentiate Masan Consumer from competitors and can be offered at an additional cost to capture extra
Data Monetization: Safely and ethically leverage customer data to generate insights and create targeted marketing
opportunities. Collaborate with partners or advertisers to offer personalized promotions or targeted advertising based
on customer profiles, preferences, and behavior.
Customer Referral Programs: Encourage customers to refer their friends and family to Masan Consumer's products
or services through referral programs. Provide incentives, such as discounts or rewards, for successful referrals. This
leverages the power of word-of-mouth marketing and expands the customer base.
Strategic Partnerships and Alliances: Collaborate with complementary businesses or strategic partners to create
bundled offerings or joint promotions. This allows Masan Consumer to access new customer segments and capture
additional value through shared marketing efforts.
Continuous Relationship Building: Nurture and strengthen customer relationships to foster long-term loyalty.
Satisfied customers are more likely to repurchase and become brand advocates, contributing to increased customer
lifetime value and positive brand reputation.

Customer Feedback and Iterative Improvement: Regularly collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas
for improvement and address any pain points or customer concerns. Continuously refine products, services, and the
overall customer experience to increase customer satisfaction and capture ongoing value.

Final Step By effectively capturing value from customers, Masan Consumer can drive revenue growth,
increase profits, and build a sustainable business model. By understanding customer needs and preferences,
and delivering compelling value propositions, Masan Consumer can create mutually beneficial relationships
that benefit both the company and its customers. its customers.


3.1 Functions and tasks of Marketing in the organization
3.1.1 Brand creation and development:
Brand building and development is an important content in the business strategy of Masan Consumer.
Building a strong and distinctive brand helps establish a positive perception of a company, differentiates its
products, or services from competitors, and creates lasting connections with customers. To build and
develop a brand, the marketing department needs to perform a series of common tasks:
Building and managing a professional customer care system. ∙ Designing after-sales and product
warranty programs for businesses. ∙
- Actively participate in sponsoring social activities to promote brand image∙ Register to participate in
programs related to quality products such as: High-quality Vietnamese goods, ISO...
For example, Masan Consumer's branding efforts can be seen through its flagship brand "Chinsu", which
offers a wide range of high-quality food products such as fish sauce, soy sauce and chili sauce. Masan
Consumer's marketing department has worked hard to position Chinsu as a trusted brand offering authentic
Vietnamese taste and outstanding quality. Through marketing, advertising and product promotion
campaigns, Masan Consumer has successfully built Chinsu into a well-known and prestigious brand in the
=> Masan Consumer focuses on creating a strong and distinctive brand by understanding consumers,
building effective brand strategies, maintaining product quality and innovation, engaging with
customers and liking respond to market trends. Through these efforts, Masan Consumer builds a
brand that resonates with customers, differentiates products, and cultivates long-term loyalty.
3.1.2 Market research and customer analysis
Masan Consumer understands the importance of market research and customer analysis in planning its
business strategy. Market research and customer analysis bring many benefits to Masan Consumer and can
be illustrated with real-life examples:

Identify market needs, target markets, and expand markets: Collect all the market information you
need. ∙ Define market scope and segmentation. Marketing department in the business will perform the
following tasks to complete research, product development and market expansion: ∙ Build a system to collect
and synthesize information on prices, products, and competitors.
Analyze and evaluate information collected, thereby making decisions to improve existing products or
develop completely new products.
Proposing ideas for new products, product design orientation, branding, product packaging. Developing a
market expansion strategy in line with business development goals.
Example: To illustrate market research and customer analysis, consider an example where Masan
Consumer intends to launch a consumer-oriented line of healthy snacks. care about health. The marketing
department conducts extensive research to understand market size, consumer trends, competitors, and
changes in the business environment. They analyze data from a variety of sources, including customer
surveys, market reports, and competitor analysis, to identify opportunities and develop products that match
customer preferences. Through this research, Masan Consumer identified a need for nutritional products
and convenient snacks and developed a product line to meet these needs, leading to successful market
penetration and success. customer satisfaction.
=> In short, market research and customer analysis generate significant benefits for companies like
Masan Consumer. These practices enable informed decision making, targeted marketing, product
innovation, competitive advantage, risk reduction, customer satisfaction, and business growth. By
understanding the market landscape and customer preferences, companies can tailor their strategies,
services, and communications to effectively meet customer needs and achieve long-term success.
3.1.3 Marketing and advertising strategy
Marketing and advertising strategies play an important role in Masan Consumer's overall business success.
It involves developing a comprehensive plan to effectively promote its products or services, build brand
awareness, and drive customer engagement. Here are the key elements of a marketing and advertising
Define marketing goals, identify target audiences: Identify specific customer segments that Masan
Consumer wants to reach with its marketing messages. Positioning and Message: Develop a clear
positioning strategy that differentiates Masan Consumer's products or services from competitors. Draft


compelling marketing messages to effectively communicate the unique value proposition and benefits of
Masan Consumer products to the target audience. Marketing Channels and Tactics, Content Strategy,
Advertising Campaigns, Measurement and Analytics Customer Relationship Management, Continuous
Example: Masan Consumer runs a television advertising campaign to promote the beverage brand "Tiger
Crystal". The marketing department designs attractive and appealing advertisements that highlight the
refreshing taste and premium quality of Tiger Crystal. They also leverage online advertising channels, such
as social media platforms and targeted digital advertising, to reach a wider audience. In addition, Masan
Consumer organizes events and sponsors sports and entertainment events to enhance brand visibility and
create positive associations with the target audience.
=> In summary, a well-executed marketing and advertising strategy is crucial to the success of Masan
Consumer. It helps a company build brand awareness, attract and engage customers, differentiate its
products from competitors, increase sales, and foster long-term customer relationships. By understanding
the target audience, effectively communicating the brand's value proposition, using a variety of marketing
channels, and continuously analyzing and adjusting strategies, Masan Consumer is able to stay competitive,
drive business growth and achieve your marketing goals. The strategic approach to marketing and
advertising ensures that Masan Consumer's products and brands resonate with consumers, ultimately leading
to sustained success in the marketplace.
3.1.4 Public Relations
The Marketing Department uses corporate relations activities to build a positive image and manage company
information. The company can organize events, participate in community activities, and build good
relationships with favorable media.
Interactive Marketing and Customer Experience: The Marketing Department uses customer experience and
interactive marketing campaigns to build strong relationships with customers. The company can organize
events, promotions, and experiential activities to create a positive experience and build trust from customers.
To ensure that the company's image is presented in the best way to the public, the marketing department
needs to pay attention to building good relationships with the media and press. The media is an effective

partner to help businesses build brands as well as support businesses to handle unexpected crises.


Working in marketing means that your media relationships will follow you throughout your career.
Therefore, there is absolutely no misunderstanding with the media. If there is a conflict, you need to stay
calm and handle it in the sincerest way.
An example of Masan Consumer's public relations is when they ran a community engagement campaign
to raise awareness about healthy business and environmental protection. They partnered with a local
nonprofit to organize an event to exchange and share information about healthy eating and recycling. At the
event, Masan Consumer introduced healthy eating products and shared the benefits of eating a balanced diet
and using natural products. They provide information on how to make truly healthy choices and guidance
on how to recycle and reduce waste. Masan Consumer also supports recycling activities and community
education. Besides the main event, Masan Consumer uses social media and communication channels to
share messages and drive community engagement. They create engaging content about healthy eating, share
recipes, and spread the word about recycling practices.
=> Through this campaign, Masan Consumer not only creates awareness about healthy business and
environmental protection, but also builds a positive image of the company and strengthens
relationships with the community. This interaction helps build customer trust and loyalty and
strengthens Masan Consumer's position as a company that values health and sustainability.
3.1.6 Customer Relationship Management
The marketing department ensures that the company maintains a good relationship with its customers. They
develop customer service strategies, manage loyalty programs, and create targeted marketing campaigns to
increase customer engagement and engagement. The marketing department also monitors customer
feedback and assesses customer satisfaction to improve service quality and create customer satisfaction.
An example of customer relationship management (CRM) at Masan Consumer can be seen through their
efforts to maintain a good relationship with customers and enhance customer satisfaction. Let's consider the
scenario of Masan Consumer launching a loyalty program for their food products.
Developing customer service strategies: The marketing department at Masan Consumer develops

comprehensive customer service strategies to ensure a positive experience for their customers. They
establish standards for customer interactions, train customer service representatives, and implement systems
to handle customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback effectively.


Managing loyalty programs: Masan Consumer introduces a loyalty program called "Masan Rewards" for
their customers. The marketing department designs the program, including the structure of rewards, points
accumulation, and redemption options. They create promotional materials, communicate the benefits of the
loyalty program to customers, and ensure smooth implementation and operation of the program.
=> Through effective CRM practices, Masan Consumer aims to foster long-term relationships with
customers, enhance customer loyalty, and drive repeat purchases. By actively engaging with
customers, addressing their needs, and continuously improving their offerings, Masan Consumer
strives to create a positive and satisfying customer experience that aligns with their overall marketing
3.1.7 Advise the Board of Directors on marketing strategies, products and customers
Advise the Board of Directors: The marketing department plays an important role in Advising the Board of
Directors on marketing-related issues. They provide insights and recommendations on strategies to grow
brands, expand distribution channels, launch new products, and identify target customers. They collaborate
with other departments to ensure the successful execution of marketing plans and initiatives.
3.2 Characteristics of the business's internal environment
Organizational culture: Masan Consumer has a strong organizational culture that focuses on
professionalism, creativity, and collaboration. The company values employee training and creates a
comfortable and motivating working environment that encourages personal growth and innovation.
Organizational structure: Masan Consumer has a clear and flexible organizational structure, with different
functional departments such as marketing, sales, research, and product development. The company has a
clear and strong division of work, ensuring efficiency and coordination between departments.
Resources and technology: Masan Consumer have the resources and state-of-the-art technology to support
its business. The company invests in cutting-edge technology to improve manufacturing processes, data

management, and customer interactions. This helps the company improve productivity, optimize
management, and provide a better customer experience.
Human Resources
The company has a staff of highly qualified and skilled professionals. Masan always sets the criteria
"People are assets and competitive resources - Pioneering exploration - Cooperation for mutual
development and harmonization of benefits for partners - National spirit". However, with a large
production system, the company needs a lot of workers, the management of this labor must be divided into


many management layers, making it difficult for Masan. Staff qualifications are not evenly distributed.
This is a big challenge for Masan, focusing on training employees to make the most of human resources.
The company also trained an experienced sales and marketing team in analyzing, identifying consumer
tastes and trends, and supporting direct sales staff who understand people's tastes well. consumption
through regular access to customers at multiple points of sale
Strengths: High quality, abundant and stable human resources
Weaknesses: Staff qualifications are not evenly distributed
=> In summary, information on Masan Consumer's quality personnel and training creates important
benefits for marketing by ensuring service quality, understanding customer needs and trends, and
creating customer loyalty. Active cooperation with customers. This provision contributes to strong
brand building and enhances competition in the market.
Marketing Resources
Masan always focuses, seriously and effectively invests in advertising activities, becoming the top 3
companies with the largest and most effective advertising in 2018. With great media coverage on program
ads On television and social networking sites, Masan's products have become familiar to generations of
Vietnamese consumers. In advertising for Chinsu fish sauce products, Masan's Advertising and Marketing
staff did the work. good at implementing ideas and exploiting the advantages of products, thereby helping
Chinsu fish sauce products to stand out from competitors at the same time, Knorr Phu Quoc. Massan has
invested in many seriously invested advertising TVCs, with great media coverage. Masan Chin-Su products

spread the message of clean and safe food for users.
Strengths: Good brand positioning campaign
Weaknesses: Exaggerated advertising, not true ingredients as advertised
=> In total, thanks to product development strategy, marketing and advertising strategy along with
Vietnam's economic stability, Masan Consumer has built up strong marketing resources. This
contributes to the company's success and leadership in the industry in which it operates.
Research and development of technology
• In the past time, Masan has made great efforts to improve technology, upgrade modern machinery, help
improve productivity and quality, to meet the increasingly demanding needs of customers.


• Modern, synchronous machinery, using AVE_ITALIA's highly automated and closed production
technology, equipment lines, and strict standards of food safety. Production materials: - Take advantage of
local raw materials to save costs and keep freshness.
-The company also converted and updated the Health and Safety Management System from ISO 18000
standard to the new version ISO 45001 in addition to maintaining ISO 14001 environmental standards to
improve management efficiency.
Strengths: Product development capability ensures good quality
Weaknesses: There are still concerns about product quality that are not as advertised
=> Regarding technology, technology research and development is an important factor in Masan
Consumer's activities. The company has taken measures to improve technology, use modern machinery and
apply high health and safety standards to ensure product quality and enhance management efficiency. This
contributes to Masan Consumer's success and reliability in its industry.
Company image
Since its establishment, Masan has always wanted to accompany Vietnamese customers to develop and
build an image
Masan identifies product quality and consumer safety as the company's mission in every product.
With a strategy of three no "seasoning seeds without MSG, fish sauce without residue, ..." to meet the needs

of consumers.
=> Overall, Masan Consumer has the image of a trustworthy company, with a wide range of products, a
commitment to quality and safety, and a positive contribution to the community. This helps the company
build a strong image and create trust from customers and partners.
Organization, management (company culture)
Masan creates a fair and equal working environment to maintain a company culture that promotes success.
With that goal, Masan is proud to be one of the best places to work in Vietnam. The goal is to improve the
material and spiritual life of Vietnamese people. Massan creates an attractive working environment, creates
job opportunities, contributes to the general development of social security in the localities in particular and
the country in general.
Strengths: Fair, professional working environment, attracting talents
Weaknesses: Acquiring multiple subsidiaries will cause cultural conflicts between subsidiaries
Accouting financial.
With the ability to raise capital available, Masan Consuner has very strong financial resources, the company
can easily expand its production scale, diversify products, consolidate product quality, expand markets,
reach different customer segments. Masan's growth rate has increased dramatically over the years. On April

22, Ma San Consumer Joint Stock Company (Masan Consumer - MSC) held its 2013 Annual General
Meeting. Masan Consumer, owned by Ma San Group (Masan Group - MSN), is a part. One of the fastest
growing and fastest growing consumer companies in Vietnam. MSC's products currently hold the No. 1
position in the fish sauce, soy sauce, chili sauce, and instant coffee industries and the 2nd in the instant
noodles industry. (Ngoc, T 2014)
Strengths: Strong financial potential
Weakness: high loan interest rate
=> Overall, Masan Consumer's internal financial and accounting environment is stable, professional, and in
compliance with legal regulations and accounting rules. This helps the company maintain transparency,
trust, and drives business growth and success.
Manufacturing business (quality of service provided)

Masan Consumer's sales distribution system is very wide. From large shopping centers to retail grocery
stores, it is not difficult for consumers when they want to own a product of Masan Consumer, with this
extensive retail system the company has earned a lot of revenue. big every year. At the same time, Masan
targets everyone from the elite to the common people, offering reasonable prices for each product to suit
everyone. Masan Consumer has a factory system of thousands of hectares for the production process.
Recently, Masan has moved to Binh Duong New City, laid the foundation to build a factory here to expand
production scale. As a strong brand in Vietnam, Masan Consumer has now established its name in the
market. consumer goods. The figure of 95% of families using at least 1 product of Masan Consumer has
confirmed it through promoting advertising and brand communication in all means. Currently, the "Point of
Life" ecosystem are helping customers save time and money in one time, they can shop for necessities
(WinMart+), tea and coffee drinks (Phuc Long), automatic banking and financial services (Techcombank),
and take care of their customers. healthcare (Phano Vmart) and mobile network (Reddi).
Strengths: Large distribution channel
Weaknesses: Excessive expansion causes complexity and is difficult to manage. Traditional
management style.
=> Overall, Masan Consumer's commitment to product excellence, investment in research and
development, customer-centric approach, and robust supply chain management practices contribute
to the high quality of service provided by the company. Through these efforts, Masan Consumer has
earned a reputation as a trusted manufacturer of consumer goods in Vietnam.
3.2.1 Microenvironment
The microenvironment has an impact related to enterprise business activities; it can directly affect all business
processes. The microenvironment includes factors such as customers, suppliers, marketing intermediaries,
competitors, and the public. These factors affect the business specifically and have the potential to affect the overall
performance of the company.


Masan Consumer's customers include both end-consumers and intermediaries. Currently, the Company is

applying exclusive distribution, so there is very little price competition, products in different regions always
have the same price and that price is determined by the company.
There are two main markets: the consumer market (individuals, families) and the agency market
(supermarket agents).
Consumer market: Customers always pay attention to product quality, variety of goods, brands... then
Dealer market: agents and supermarkets distribute products that have a great impact on consumer buying
behavior. Make it easy for customers to find products. In order to promote the sales of grocery retailers, the
company needs to set up specific strategies (discounts, commissions, etc.)
With the launch of many products in many different segments, Masan Consumer has exposed many types
of customers with different incomes. However, Masan always has to devise customer retention and customer
care programs.. At any time, consumers can abandon their products and switch to competitors' products.
This is an invisible pressure that always pursues the business without ever diminishing, forcing the business
to constantly improve.
Opportunities: Loyal customers to large businesses, people's incomes increase rapidly and stably
Challenge: Customers have many choices of FMCG products from other businesses
=> In short, the impact from customers on the company's marketing is an important factor for the
company to understand and meet the needs of customers in the best way. Positive feedback, favors,
rejections and suggestions from customers can help a company build an effective marketing strategy
and generate customer engagement and satisfaction.
Potential Competitors: In recent years, many groups of domestic manufacturing enterprises have entered
the consumer market, but they are only involved in small industries.
Competition among competitors in the industry: The company's current products are sold throughout the
country. Currently, there are more than 300 large and small consumer goods manufacturing enterprises
nationwide. Typically, large companies such as Vina Acecook, Asiacook ... All other enterprises, producing
consumer goods soy sauce, fish sauce, instant noodles, coffee, cereals... such as: Vina Acecook, A Chau,
Micoem, Trung Nguyen, Trung Thanh... Food and Beverage Companies: Companies in the food and
beverage industry may offer similar or similar products to Masan Consumer. For example: Nestlé, Vinamilk.


Processed food manufacturing and trading companies: Processed food manufacturing and trading
companies may compete directly for the supply of ready-to-eat products or frozen foods. Example:
Ajinomoto, Kinh Do Joint Stock Company.

Promote the development and creation of products to adapt to the trend of social

development. Don't leave your opponent behind in the race.
Challenge: Overcoming all competitors of the industry FCMG reached the top in the industry.
Facing fierce competition from industry rivals, ensuring competitiveness in price, quality and innovation,
keeping up with market trends and changes so as not to fall behind the competition.
=> To deal with the impact of competitors on the price of advertising products, etc., the company
needs to capture and analyze information about the market, master its strengths, develop competitive
strategies, improve the quality of products and services. services, enhance advertising and marketing
to attract customers and stay competitive in the market.
Marketing intermediaries:
Agents, supermarkets, groceries: help businesses reduce a lot of costs when they do not have to open too
many sales showrooms. Combined with advertising and media companies, marketing research companies
or KOLs, they help businesses identify and promote products in the market to reach customers in a
reasonable and effective way. Owners can cooperate in this work to help Masan promote its brand and image
in the market. The relationship between marketing intermediaries and emerging businesses is making the
market expand and develop.
E-commerce: Masan Consumer can use e-commerce platforms such as Lazada, Shopee, Tiki, and Adayroi
to sell online and reach more customers online. This allows publicity.
While marketing intermediaries can play an important role in a company's marketing, they can also have
certain negative effects.

Expand market coverage.
Increase marketing and promotion.
Manage relationships with marketing intermediaries, coping with industry change, price and profit
management, quality assurance and delivery.


=> All the above effects can mess up and put pressure on a company's marketing activities, reducing
efficiency and desired business results. Therefore, managing and maintaining a good relationship with
marketing intermediaries is very important to ensure the success of marketing activities.
The public environment in Masan Consumer's micro-factor is influenced by many factors such as customers,
shareholders, competition, and the community. Here are some important points regarding Masan
Consumer's public environment:
Customers: Masan Consumer's public environment depends primarily on customer expectations and
feedback. The company needs to constantly capture the needs of customers, respond on time, and bring the
highest value to them. Positive feedback from customers can create momentum to strengthen a company's
image and increase public trust.
Shareholders: Masan Consumer shareholders play an important role in the public environment. The
company should ensure that the information provided to shareholders is accurate and transparent. The
company also needs to maintain a good relationship with shareholders, regularly contact them and listen to
their opinions.
Competition: Masan Consumer's public environment is influenced by competition from peers. The
company must find ways to create a competitive advantage, developing unique and quality products and
services to attract customers. In addition, Masan Consumer also needs to ensure that its business practices
comply with fair and ethical competition regulations.
Community: Masan Consumer's public environment also depends on its relationship with the community.
The company should ensure that its business activities do not cause negative impacts on the environment,

society, and public health. In addition, Masan Consumer can also participate in social, charitable, and
environmental activities to contribute to building a better community.
Strengthen brand position, product diversification, use advanced technology.
Fierce competition. Technology change, changes in customer needs, environmental issues and
In summary, the public environment in the micro element of Masan Consumer depends on the
interaction with customers, shareholders, competitors, and the community. The company should

