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Trại hè hùng vương 2019 mcq

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1. When she puts her mind to it, she is always capable of _____ sarcasm.
A. biting
B. sharpening
C. slicing
D. striking
2. Fred has a__________ of staying out of trouble at the office - he never gets involved.
A. trait
B. ability
C. skill
D. knack
3. It is ________that the Minister of Justice should be accused of corruption
A. sarcastic B. sardonic
C. ironic
D. cynical
4. You can’t believe a word that woman says –she is a ________liar.
A. committed
B. compulsive
C. impulsive
D. devoted
5. The judge show that the murderer had shown a callous ________for human life.
A. disregard
B. ignorance
C. omission
D. neglect
6. It was ________ whether the operation would go ahead because so many staff were on sick leave that
A. safe and sound B. touch-and-go
C. pros and cons

D. grin and bear
7. Anna’s friend knew the casting director, so she pulled a few ________ to arrange an audition.
A. ropes
B. wires
C. threads
D. strings
8. The play is simply a vehicle for its stars and falls ________ of having a decent plot.
A. fast
B. short
C. quick
D. thin
9. Although he’s shy, it certainly hasn’t _______ his career in any way.
A. restricted B. obstructed
C. cramped
D. impeded
10. She was caught cheating in the race. _______, she was disqualified.
A. Explicitly B. Accordingly
C. Equally
D. Fundamentally
11. Burglar alarms on cars and houses may act as a _______ to the casual thief.
A. prevention
B. precaution
C. stopper
D. deterrent
12 The ________ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. chances
B. bets
C. prospects
D. odds
13. Hardship and hard work are very much part and ________ of student life.

A. package
B. section
C. province
D. parcel
14. I’m sorry to have bothered you. I was under the ____ that you wanted me to call you.
A. mistake
B. miscalculation
C. misconception
D. misapprehension
15. ____ we went swimming.
A. Being a hot day, B. It was a hot day,
C. The day being hot, D. Due to a hot day,
16. I’ve yet ________ a person as Theo.
A. to meet as infuriating
B. to have met such infuriating
C. been meeting as infuriating
D. been meeting such infuriating
17. Sniffer dogs are able to locate survivors beneath the rubble with ________ .
A. precision
B. correctness
C. meticulousness
D. exactitude
18. The preparations for the Olympic Games are on ________ according to the committee in charge.
A. goal
B. progress
C. target
D. aim
19. A ________ number of mothers with young children are deterred from undertaking paid work because
they lack access to childcare.
A. substantial

B. bleak
C. thoughtless
D. quaint
20. As I waited on the pavement, a black Mercedes __________beside me.
A. pulled up
B. pulled down
C. pulled off
D. pulled through
1. He had a ______ escape since the bullet came within inches of his head.
A. slender
B. close
C. near
D. narrow
2. You can buy goods on the Internet with a credit card, but there is a danger of ______ if someone else
obtains the number.
A. corruption
B. fraud
C. embezzlement
D. disruption
3. It was mindless of you to _____ Sam in the face. You should never have done it if you expect him to love
A. slam
B. clap
C. slap
D. clasp
4. At first Tom insisted he was right, but then began to ____.

A. back down

B. follow up
C. drop off
D. break up
5. The inconsiderate driver was ____for parking his vehicle in the wrong place.
A. inflicted
B. harassed
C. condemned D. confined
6. A lot of people who have had a ___________ deal in life will show surprising cheerfulness.
A. bad
B. rough
C. raw
D. clean
7 . The accused man was released on _________ pending the hearing of the case.
A. deposit
B. bond
C. deposition
D. bail
8. Strong protests were made
with demands for an international enquiry.
A. joined
B. added
C. coupled
D. included
9. What her problems all seemed to
to was lack of money.
A. analyze
B. condense
C. boil down D. sum up
10. I have to stress that the ______ is on you to bring up your own children.
A. duty

B. charge
C. onus
D. liability
11. She was just an ordinary person before suddenly thrusting into the ______.
A. limelight
B. floodlight
C. headlight
D. flashlight
12. Many people no longer trust their own _____ memories and commit every detail of their lives to some
digital device or other and are completely lost without it.
A. fallible
B. susceptible
C. vulnerable
D. controllable
13. Take care that your love for him doesn't _______ your judgment.
A. cloud
B. darken
C. shadow
D. topple
14. Although the twins look identical, they have widely _______ opinions on almost every topic under the
A. distinct
B. dissimilar C. divergent D. distinguished
15. The children's interest in playing the game soon _______.
A. flagged
B. stumbled
C. tottered
D. thawed
1. ___________ is a phrase which describes a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is

available will prove to be good or acceptable..
A. Potshot
B. Pepper pot
C. Pot luck
D. Melting pot
2. What stands out from The Voice Kids is that many young children are ______________ with natural
talent for music.
A. bestowed
B. conferred
C. endowed
D. vouchsafed
3. While backpacking in a quiet, traditional region, I came across the seemingly __________ fast food ads
typical of my hometown.
A. invasive
B. infuriating
C. irritating
D. ubiquitous
4. Her colleagues put her _________ a hopeless case, but she proved to be the most talented of all
A. down as
B. into
C. on to
D. through
5. The mirror __________ broken when I dropped it in the bathroom.
A. got
B. turned
C. grew
D. felt
6. To __________ means to study hard in a short period of time, usually before the exam.
A. pram

B. cramp
C. dram
D. cram
7. It looks like the sky is ________ up. It’s going to be a beautiful day.
A. shining
B. clearing
C. clear
D. clean
8. The sky is ________ this morning, but the sun is supposed to come out by late afternoon
A. moisture
B. humidity
C. overcast
D. cloud
9. Dedication, commitment, and knowledge are ___________of a good teacher.
A. characters
B. celebrities
C. personalities
D. characteristics
10. In ____________, with the benefits of hindsight,, it is clear that this was a bad decision.
A. reflection B. retrospect C. status quo
D. a second thought
11. Born into a rich Fmily, he has____________________for nothing all his life.
A. needed

B. required

C. lack

D. wanted

A. requirement

B. excess

C. need

D. lack

12. Managers claim we are in desperate__________________of greater investment in our industries.
13. I seem to be________________in energy this morning


A. berefit

B. short

C. lack

D. low

A. barriers

B. walls

C. boudaries

D. fences

A. press

B. paper

C. trading

D. circulation

14. Recent EC legislation is aimed at removing trade_____________between member states.
15. The tabloid newspapers, which are engaged in a _______________war, are all trying to print the most
sensational stories to improve sales.
1. The boxer hit his opponent so hard that he was ___________ for ten minutes.
A. asleep
B. knocked about
C. unconscious
D. stopped
2. Because of an unfortunate ______ your order was not dispatched by the date requested.
A. hindrance
B. oversight
C. negligence
D. transgression
3. The death ___________ in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.
A. damage
B. toll
C. rate
D. loss
4. Don’t be __________ by false advertisements. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
A. put off
B. given up

C. taken in
D. put down
5. By next Saturday you ___________ with us for 6 months.
A. will have stayed B. will stay
C. have stayed
D. are staying
6. The child sat in the middle of the floor and ___________ refused to move.
A. distinctively
B. decisively C. flatly
D. totally
7. The manager told his assistant to ___________ the mistake immediately.
A. rectify
B. maltreat
C. sanction
D. banish
8. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to ___________.
A. break the bank
B. turn the page
C. tie the knot D. make the grade
9. Not until the seventeenth century ___________ to measure the speed of light.
A. anyone did even attempt
B. did anyone even attempt
C. even did anyone attempt
D. did even attempt anyone
10. The director retired early ___________ ill health.
A. on behalf of
B. ahead of
C. on account of
D. in front of
11. Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and ups and downs

__________ .
A. aplenty
B. inexhaustibly C. profusely
D. superabundant
12. It stands to reason that a touch of humor and optimism can work ____________ .
A. on all cylinders
B. spectacles
C. wonders
D. your fingers to the bone
13. I admit that I am late for the conference, but by _______________ of excuse let me explain: my plane
was delayed for 6 hours in Hanoi.
A. courtesy
B. dint
C. means
D. way
14. A lot of criticism and scorn has been heaped _____________ his opinions.
A. above
B. beyond
C. on
D. up
15. At first, she was ____________ dumbfounded to hear that he wanted to break up, and then came the
stirrings of auto-hypnotic perturbation.
A. exceedingly
B. out-and-out
C. somewhat
D. utterly
16. What stands out from The Voice Kids is that many young children are ___________ with natural talent
for music.
A. bestowed
B. conferred

C. endowed
D. vouchsafed
17. With the economic situation looming large, many families find it difficult to rear their ________.
A. descendant
B. lineage
C. offspring
D. successor
18. Researchers have made a(n) __________ plea for more sponsorship so that they can continue their
A. compassionate
B. dispassionate
C. encompassed
D. impassioned
19. That Mary is an ______ liar: you must take what she says with a small grain of salt.
A. incorrigible
B. incurable
C. irredeemable
D. irremediable
20. Unanswered, the demands for nuclear deterrents have _________ fears of civil war.
A. flashed up
B. prognosticated
C. sidetracked
D. stoked up

26. Laura took ____________ on the homeless man and bought him some groceries.
A. sorrow
B. shame
C. grief

D. pity
27. The man gave the police a full ____________ of what had happened among the crash survivors on the
deserted island.
A. explanation
B. account
C. interpretation
D. story
28. Every day we get ____________ calls on the phone from total strangers trying to sell us something.
That’s annoying!
A. cold
B. warm
C. hot
D. chilling
29. In the end, it all ____________ down to the fact that you don’t really care about me.
A. goes
B. turns
C. comes
D. gets
30. She’s ____________ with Jonas Brothers and collects anything and everything connected with them.
A. devoted
B. addicted
C. absorbed
D. obsessed
31. How often do you ____________ at the gym?
A. work out
B. wear out
C. catch out
D. watch out
32. It had been a terrible day for him and when he learned finally that he had lost his job, he simply blew his
top. “Blew his top” means ____________.

A. lost his nerve
B. lost his courage
C. lost his temper
D. lost his respect
33. My boss is always talking ____________ to me as if I’m not worth consideration!
A. at
B. down
C. through
D. back
34. My English teacher, Mr. Sean Hughes, was a ____________ figure in my education, and the vital reason
why I went on to study English at university.
A. key
B. prime
C. critical
D. main
35. He ran and hid behind a tree in order to be ____________.
A. out of reach
B. out of control
C. out of breath
D. out of danger
36. Mark seemed very young, but he was ____________ older than all of us.
A. in secret
B. in reality
C. in theory
D. in private
37. Even though James has suffered the most damage in life, no one has ever heard him ____________ a
groan or a word of complaint.
A. yell
B. murmur
C. shout

D. utter
38. We’ve got so much work on that we’ve had to ____________ more staff.
A. take on
B. take up
C. take in
D. take apart
39. She has a real ____________ for detail, which makes her very good at her job.
A. mind
B. brain
C. head
D. eye
40. I can’t imagine Mary dancing on a table - she’s much too prim and ____________.
A. perfect
B. correct
C. right
D. proper
1. One problem for teacher is that each student has his/ her own ________ needs.
A. separate
B. divided
C. individual
D. distinctive
2. They talked for three days before finally ________ to a decision.
A. reaching
B. coming
C. bringing
D. arriving
3. The workers decided to _______ until their demands were met.
A. stand up
B. lie behind

C. sit in
D. sleep out
4. I must take this watch to be repaired; it _______________ over twenty minutes a day.
A. increases
B. progresses
C. accelerates
D. gains
5. John has ________ painting since he retired.
A. taken up
B. taken off
C. taken over
D. take in
6. ________ stay the night if it’s too difficult to get home.
A. At all costs
B. By all means
C. In all
D. On the whole
7. Robert and his wife ________ to my house for tea yesterday evening.
A. came round
B. came about
C. came down
D. came away
8. Each of the guests ________ a bunch of flowers.
A. are given
B. is given
C. were given
D. give

9. To everyone’s surprise, Mr. Brown ________ at the Trade Union meeting.
A. turned in
B. turned over
C. turned up
D. turned round
10. The company directors asked the government to _________________ in the dispute and prevent a strike.
A. intervene
B. interact
C. intercept
D. interpose
Don’t worry. We _______ the report by 11 o’clock.
A. will be finishing
B. will have finished
C. are going to finish
D. finish
12. _______the ball, we would have won the game.
A. Should Thomson catch
B. Were Thomson to catch
C. If Thomson catches
D. Had Thomson caught
13. Fred was pleased _______to the college.
A. admitting
B. to admit
C. being admitted
D. to be admitted
14. My decision to leave university after a year is one I now ____ regret.
A. harshly
B. painfully
C. keenly

D. heavily
15. I enjoy going to school by bike. But on rainy days, I_______ to going by bus.
A. prefer
B. would rather
C. would like
D. resort
16. He spoke to me as if he _______ my father.
A. is
B. would be
C. were
D. had been
17. She pleaded_______ him not to take her child_______.
A. to – off
B. with – away
C. at – off
D. about – out
18. My mother goes to _______church every ______ Sunday morning.
A. Þ – Þ
B. the – every
C. the – the
D. a – Þ
19. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______ journey.
A. 3 hour
B. a 3-hours
C. a 3-hour
D. 3-hours
20. Mary bought______ hat yesterday.
A. a red big plastic hat
B. a big red plastic hat
C. a plastic big red hat

D. a bit plastic red hat
1. The best travel books of this year fall into three main categories: ______ informational, narrative, and
A. truly
B. fully
C. literally
D. purely
2. As a matter of ______, we have six security guards on the premises at all times.
A. wisdom
B. prudence
C. foresight
D. acumen
3. With just a little preparation and regular feeding and watering, you can guarantee that you have a ______
of colour throughout the summer.
A. disturbance
B. riot
C. demonstration
D. rally
4. It was such a sad movie that we were all reduced ______ tears.
A. for
B. with
C. into
D. to
5. Serena is still ______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant.
A. blissfully B. decorously
C. jubilantly D. ecstatically
6. At the end of the competition, all the runner were ______ exhausted.
A. actually
B. wholly
C. utterly

D. eventually
7. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still ______.
A. beating about the bush
B. comparing apples and oranges
C. sitting on the fence
D. holding all the aces
8. The inconsiderate driver was ______ for parking his vehicle in the wrong place.
A. inflicted
B. harassed
C. condemned
D. confined
9. It’s important to keep your ______ about you when you are walking through the African bush.
A. wits
B. heads
C. brains
D. minds
10. His appearance at the reception with the late Mayor’s widow caused something of a ______.
A. confusion
B. rumour
C. wonder
D. stir
11. Derek had no experience of white-water canoeing, so it was extremely______ of him to try and shoot the
A. hazardous B. intrepid
C. perilous
D. foolhardy
12. Members of the aristocracy don’t ______ a great deal of power nowadays.

A. practice
B. wield
C. sway
D. manage
13. Why do  you  object  to him being  taken  on – he’ll  be a(n) ______ to  the  company?
A. property
B. estate
C. asset
D. material
14. A boycott of other countries’ sporting events appears a politically more expedient form of protest than
trade ______.
A. treaties
B. actions
C. blocks
D. sanctions
15. I heard ______ that Jack has been dropped from the basketball team.
A. in the woods
B. on the grapevine
C. under your feet
D. on the olive branch
1. After several hours on the road they became ______ to the fact that they would never reach the hotel by
A. dejected
B. resigned
C. depressed
D. disillusioned
2. One of the organization’s aims is to ______ information about the disease so that more people know
about its symptoms.
A. disentangle

B. deride
C. dwindle
D. disseminate
3. Dealing with ______ refusal from an employee is easier than dealing with false compliance.
A. an offset
B. a remedial
C. an agile
D. an outright
4. Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like ______. It must have been quite a party last night.
A. a wet blanket
B. a dead duck
C. a death warmed up D. a bear with a sore head
5. In the ______ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all time.
A. requirement
B. demands
C. assistance
D. interests
6. I must ______ my Spanish before I go to Seville.
A. make up for
B. break out of
C. brush up on
D. cut out for
7. She has scrawled me a note in her familiar ______ handwriting.
A. scratchy
B. scruffy
C. rusty
D. sloppy
8. Education should be a universal right and not a ______
A. deliverance
B. enlightenment

C. privilege
D. liberty
9. I know you're upset about breaking up with Tony but there are plenty more ______
A. horses in the stable
B. cows in the field
C. tigers in the zoo
D. fish in the sea
10. On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven hours ______
A. on end
B. at once
C. in full
D. at length
11. Stephen really lost his ______ when his dental appointment was cancelled again.
A. head
B. voice
C. calm
D. rag
12. We were working overtime to cope with a sudden ______ in demand.
A. boost
B. impetus
C. surge
D. thrust
13. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ so it was abandoned.
A. repressive
B. prohibitive
C. restrictive
D. exclusive
14. She was determined to become wealthy and to that ______ she started her own company.
A. view
B. aim

C. end
D. object
15. He made a number of ______ remarks about my cooking, which upset us.
A. slashing
B. stabbing
C. chopping
D. cutting
16. She is afraid she is rather ______ about the existence of the ghost.
A. skeptical
B. partial
C. adaptable
D. incapable
17. I am sorry to have bothered you, I was under the ______ that you wanted me to call you.
A. mistake
B. miscalculation
C. misconception
D. misapprehension
18. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become ______ offenders.
A. persistent
B. insistent
C. inverted
D. innate
19. ______, Americans eat a light breakfast. They usually don’t eat a lot of food in the morning.
A. By and large
B. Fair and square
C. Ins and outs
D. Odds and ends
20. If that boy doesn’t stop stealing, he will ______ in jail.
A. end up
B. bring about

C. get round
D. go by

1. Every year on January 8th, thousands of fans travel to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee to __________
the king of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley.
A. visit upon
B. pay homage to
C. pay attention to
D. memorize
2. Can you ...................... to it that no one uses this entrance
A. ensure
B. guarantee
C. assure
D. see
3. I was proud to be ....................... out for special praise for my performance.
A. selected
B. singled
C. separated
D. distinguished
4. For children in poor countries, access to clean water is _________________.
A. a matter of course
B. a different matter
C. a matter of life and death
D. a matter of fact
5. The idea of manual _____________ doesn’t appeal to me at all.
A. effort
B. labour
C. endeavor

D. exercise
6. When I got struck in the elevator, I was scared out of my ________.
A. brains
B. head
C. wits
D. nerve
7. He seemed very quiet, but it would be a mistake to ______ his intelligence.
A. devalue
B. depreciate
C. underrate
D. minimize
8. Would you like to pay _______ to all musicians who made this wonderful concert possible?
A. praise
B. reward
C. tribute
D. thanks
9. If some experts are correct, the technological revolution is only in its _______________.
A. childhood
B. infancy
C. youth
D. nativity
10. Work hard, try your best and one day you will _____________ all your ambition.
A. win
B. get
C. have
D. realize
11. Because of the dominance of retail chain-stores, most shopping centers show the same bland _______
and no imagination.
A. similarity
B. likeness

C. equality
D. uniformity
12. She wears the most _______ color combinations you could ever imagine.
A. hiding
B. hideout
C. hidebound D. hideous
13. It would help _______ me, if you could go to the Post Office for me.
A. totally
B. absolutely C. enormously D. largely
14. The plastic surgery must have cost the ________, but there’s no denying she looks younger.
A. world
B. planet
C. universe
D. earth
15. A few of the older campers were sent home after a week as they were ________.
A. lenient
B. erratic
C. unruly
D. indulgent
1. Without additional funds from the government, the principal cannot ___________ the issue of
overcrowding in his school.
A. rectify
B. banish
C. sanction
D. maltreat
2. Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in __ _________ adults.
A. susceptible
B. dangerous C. futile
D. feasible

3. No one appreciated his work during his lifetime, but ___________ it is clear that he is a great artist.
A. in the aftermath
B. by the time C. in retrospect
D. in this eventuality
4. All things ________, she is the best student to represent our school.
A. considered
B. involved
C. taken
D. dealt with
5. The little children watched the performance in _________ amazement.
A. wide-eyed
B. open-eyed C. eagle-eyed
D. hawk-eyed
6. The Prime Minister gave a press conference to deny the charges ________ at him.
A. leveled
B. accused
C. targeted
D. blamed
7. Don’t trust what you hear on the grapevine. It’s best to hear it straight from the ___________ mouth so
you know it’s true.
A. dog’s
B. horse’s
C. camel’s
D. cat’s
8. When Tet Holiday comes, Vietnamese people often feel inclined to ________ their houses.
A. do over
B. do in
C. do through
D. do up
9. ________, modelling is actually hard work.

A. Even it may seem glamorous
B. Yet it may seem glamorous

C. However glamorous it may seem
D. Glamorous as though it is
10. You can’t tell what someone is like just from their ________.
A. character
B. looking
C. appearance D. personality
11. After so many years, it is great to see him ________ his ambitions.
A. get
B. realise
C. possess
D. deserve
12. Archaeology is one of the most interesting scientific _______.
A. divisions
B. disciplines
C. matters
D. compartments
13. Don’t worry: this is nothing that ________ you.
A. matters
B. entails
C. concerns
D. complicates
14. As always, I am ________ with everything you say.
A. agree
B. agreeing
C. agreeable

D. in agreement
15. It may be raining, but I’m ________ enjoying myself.
A. thoroughly
B. highly
C. extremely D. desperately
16. The report claimed the Internet currently _______ 9% of the electricity demand of the whole city, and
predicted that it will grow to 40% in the next five years.
A. pursues
B. accounts for
C. estimates
D. consists of
17. In the end, I just lost my ________ and started gabbling incoherently.
A. head
B. mind
C. brain
D. intelligence
18. He had such a bad stomach that he was _________ with pain.
A. bent down
B. folded over
C. snapped off D. doubled up
19. I read the contract again and again _____ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of
B. by means of
C. with a view to
D. in view of
20. That’s exactly what I mean, Tom. You’ve _________!
A. put your foot in it
B. killed two birds with one stone
C. put two and two together
D. hit the nail on the head

1. Even though Julia was passed over for a promotion, it’s no skin off her ________. Since she’s leaving for
another job, she doesn’t really care.
A. palm
B. skull
C. cheek
D. nose
2. Take the doctor’s advice into consideration. He’s in ________ earnest about the epidemic.
A. mortally
B. fatally
C. gravely
D. deadly
3. After the earthquake, the entrance hall was turned into a _____ casualty ward.
A. mainstay
B. piecework C. makeshift
D. wayside
4. I don’t want to burden my daughter with my problems; she’s got too much _____
A. up her sleeve
B. in her mind
C. in effect
D. on her plate
5. This emerald bracelet is ______; it is the only one of its kind in the world.
A. only
B. original
C. peerless
D. genuine
6. She applied for paid leave but her boss rejected her application ________.
A. out of hand B. in hand
C. at hand
D. on hand
7. To get his proposal accepted, the Finance Manager had to ________ heavy pressure from colleagues.

A. fend off
B. laugh off
C. send off
D. push off
8. The school committee paid ______ to their famous former pupil by naming the new gym after her.
A. esteem
B. homage
C. honour
D. respect
9. It is far too easy to lay the blame ______ on the shoulders of the management.
A. flatly
B. willingly
C. squarely
D. perfectly
10. The science teacher asked the class to ______ the results of their experiment on a graph.
A. draw
B. illustrate
C. plot
D. sketch
11. The police asked him to give a _______ description of the accident that he had witnessed.
A. blow by blow
B. word for word
C. up and down
D. in and out
12. I'd been in ______pain with toothache all weekend and was desperate to find a dentist.
A. agonizing B. shooting
C. excruciating
D. maddening
13. He will be sued for ______ of contract if he does not do what he promised.
A. fracture

B. crack
C. rupture
D. breach
14. To __________ means to study hard in a short period of time, usually before the exam.
A. pram
B. cramp
C. dram
D. cram

15. I haven’t seen Jane for nearly ten years, ________ I had got married and had two children.
A. for that duration
B. at that point
C. during which time
D. in that time
For a team to be successful, all members have to ________ their weight.
B. make
C. get
D. pull
You really will have to be able to ________ down a job for more than six weeks.
B. turn
C. take
D. hold

It took him a long time to come to ________ with the fact that he was homeless.
B. acceptance
C. tabs
D. agreement
Simon has a very strong ________ of duty so he will always carry out his promises.
B. idea
C. mind
D. thought
The birth of their first child caused a lot of ________ in Angela Ken’s lives.
B. upheaval
C. outcry
D. overthrow
The interviewer’s warm smile soon put Jill at her ________.
B. leisure
C. rest
D. ease
No ________ how long it takes, I will keep trying to find an answer.

B. matter
C. worry
D. mind
I ________ to think how you’re going to cope all by yourself with two babies.
B. avoid
C. dread
D. worry
However at the last training session there was a very poor ________.
B. turnover
C. turnout
D. turn-off
The old lady ________ on going to court to give evidence.
B. urged
C. begged
D. insisted
We all know that you are guilty so why don’t you ________ up?

B. turn
C. own
D. say
How could we have been so gullible- it was all a ________ of lies.
B. heap
C. bunch
D. pile
They were caught because their sudden wealth gave the ________ away.
B. game
C. idea
D. match
Kate ________ Tim that he had an appointment after lunch.
remembered B. recalled
C. reminded
D. recollected
Police are trying to ________ the stolen goods.
B. track
C. shadow
D. stalk

16. I am ________ my brother is.
A. nowhere like ambitious as
B. nothing near as ambitious as
C. nothing as ambitious like
D. nowhere near as ambitious as
17. ________ are considered humorous is mainly due to his characters’ use of slang.
A. That Myan’s stories
B. Myan’s stories, which
B. Myan’s stories
D. Because Myan’s stories
18. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to ________.
A. break the bank
B. turn the page
C. tie the knot D. make the grade
19. After the accident, there was considerable doubt ________ exactly what had happened.
A. in the question of B. as to
C. in the shape of
D. for
20. Most discounts have been dramatically ________ in the final days of our clearance sale from 15% to
A. declined
B. diminished
C. slashed
D. taken down
1. She _________ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in the game at
A. apologetically
B. grudgingly C. shamefacedly
D. discreetly
2. On the way to Cambridge yesterday, the road was blocked by a fallen tree, so we had to make

A. deviation
B. digression C. detour
D. departure
3. Tom’s normally very efficient but he’s been making a lot of mistakes_________.
A. of late
B. for now
C. in a while
D. shortly

4. I know it’s difficult but you’ll just have to_________and bear it.
A. laugh
B. smile
C. grin
D. chuckle
5. I didn’t want to make a decision _________, so I said I’d like to think about it.
A. in one go
B. there and then
C. at a stroke
D. on and off
6. We are not in a _________hurry so let’s have another coffee.
A. dashing
B. racing
C. rushing
D. tearing
7. She’s a bit down in the_________at the moment – her husband has just lost his job.
A. world
B. dumps

C. heart
D. bottom
8. “How did you know that he was lying?” – “It was just a_________feeling.”
B. gut
C. slight
D. vain
9.The new company had been_________with one problem after another and looked as if it were about to go
A. glorified
B. tainted
C. fraught
D. bewildered
10. Mike decided that election to the local council would provide a_________to a career in national
A. milestone
B. springboardC. highway
D. turning point
11. As a poet, I think she_________comparison with the greatest this century.
A. stands
B. makes
C. leads
D. matches
12. We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is_________the law.
A. beyond
B. over
C. above
D. onto
13. When disaster_________, organisations such as Oxfam quickly provide help.

B. approaches C. arrives
D. strikes
14. The number of people traveling by air has been growing_________.
A.by leaps and bounds
B. from time to time
C. slow but sure
D. by hook and crook
15. Drug-taking is a crime which society simply cannot _________.
A. approve
B. acknowledge
C. consent
D. condone
16. I was scared _________when I looked down from the top of the cliff.
A. tight
B. stiff
C. hard
D. solid
17. The whereabouts of the exiled president remains a_________ guarded secret.
A. highly
B. closely
C. deeply
D. entirely
18. We should all _________when advertisers attempt to use unfair practices.
A. make a stand
B. make a comeback
C. make amends
D. make a deal
19. The company cannot accept _________ for injuries resulting from improper use of rental equipment
A. validity
B. liability

C. compensation
D. privilege
20. Jack never cheats or tricks anybody when he plays. He always goes by the _________.
A. book
B. instructions C. principles
D. method
1. This neighborhood looks a little _________________ and tatty these days.
A. well-heeled
B. run down
C. well-off
D. down and out
2. He’s been ____________________ her to go out with him for months.
A. persisting
B. pestering
C. persevering
D. sticking to
3. I have English classes __________________ day – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
A. each other
B. this and the other
C. all other
D. every other
4. I really want to help you, but I’ve got __________________ organizing the school play.
A. my head over heels
B. up to my ears
C. my nose choked
D. my hands full
5. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become _________________ offenders.
A. consistent
B. resistant
C. insistent

D. persistent
6. That judge is feared because she takes a hard ____________ in the fight against drugs.
A. line
B. lane
C. path
D. rule
7. A retired woman has been tricked ________________ of her life savings by a bogus financial adviser.
A. into
B. out
C. on
D. for

8. He stopped the thief right at the corner, and up _________________________________
A. did a policeman walk
B. a policeman walked
C. walked a policeman
D. walk a policeman
9. It turned out that we ______________ rushed to the airport as the flight was delayed by several hours.
A. needn’t have
B. shouldn’t have
C. mustn’t have
D. hadn’t
10. The photographer took a picture of the deer the moment it came into _________________________.
A. light
B. scene
C. lens
D. sight
11. Luckily, my bag was handed into the police station with all its contents _______________________.

A. preserve
B. unscathed
C. unsafe
D. intact
12. Ben: “Didn’t you go to cinema last night?”
Sophie: “______________________________________”.
A. Yes, I lost the ticket
B. No. It was too cold to go out
C. Ok. That was a good idea
D. Yes, I stayed at home
13. You really dropped ____________________ the other day when you told Keith you’d seen his wife at
the cinema. He thought she was her mother’s
A. a brick
B. a stone
C. a log
D. a plank
14. A wave of bombings ______________ through the capital’s business district.
A. slashed
B. hacked
C. incised
D. ripped
15. The government must never fall into the ______________ of a political party again.
A. clutches
B. groups
C. heads
D. hoofs
16. Those students don’t like to read novels ______________________ textbooks.
A. in any case
B. forgetting about
C. leaving out of the question

D. much less
17. Can I ______________your brains for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself.
A. have
B. pick
C. mind
D. use
18. The job wasn’t giving the _____________________ of the experience he wanted.
A. width
B. depth
C. length
D. breadth
19. _________ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve.
A. At the height
B. At the bottom
C. On the top
D. In the end
20. The new speed restrictions were a ________________________ debated issue.
A. heavily
B. hotly
C. deeply
D. profoundly
1. There is little doubt that your daughter has a real _________ with animals.
A. affinity
B. intuition
C. aptitude
D. flair
2. Despite a string of _________ performance, he retained his place in the side.
A. promising
B. reasonable
C. satisfactory

D. moderate
3. For years now, it seems he has been _________ by bad luck.
A. bugged
B. doomed
C. dogged
D. haunted
4. The movies takes considerable _________ with the novel that it is based on.
A. liberties
B. privileges
C. enlightenments
D. deliverances
5. _________ IT skills today should not be required for women?
A. Who was that said
B. Who was it that said
C. Who that it said
D. Who was said that
6. From the top of the hill, the village looks quite close, but distances are_________.
A. deceptive
B. surprising
C. false
D. illusory
7. This room could really do with another _________ of paint.
A. coat
B. jacket
C. skin
D. sliver
8. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly _________ this morning
A. off-hand
B. far-reaching
C. slow-witted

D. top-heavy
9. These days the castle is swamped with _________ of tourists.
A. hordes
B. cliques
C. mobs
D. assemblies
10. If we have to break the rules, then_________.
A. so is it
B. so be it
C. so it is
D.so it be
11. He won the election _________ all the odds.
A. up
B. without
C. against
D. with

12. When the lift finally started moving, we were all packed inside like _________.
A. sardines
B. anchovies
C. fish
D. dates
13. The week of exams left her exhausted, and she’s still rather _________.
A. low down
B. full of beans
C. in worse condition
D. under the weather
14. _________, he was still worried about getting ill.

A. Despite healthy
B. Healthy though he was
C. Good as he felt
D. Being healthy
15. The heavy rain lashed down continuously though the night without letting_________.
A. out
B. over
C. on
D. up
Did you plan to meet up Mary in London, or was it just a_______?
A. freak
B. fate
C. coincidence
D. luck
Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journey and ups and downs
A. aplenty
B. inexhaustibly
C. profusely
D. superabundant
3. These men share a tendency toward balladeering that _______ me the wrong way.
A. bothers
B. provokes
C. riles
D. rubs
We had to _______ in the back of the car for an hour to find the missing keys.
A. bed out

B. ransack
C. root around
D. turn upside down
He was arrested for trying to pass______ notes at the bank.
A. camouflaged
B. fake
C. counterfeit
D. fraudulent
6. Sterling is a __________________ town not far from Edinburgh
A. medium-large B. middle-sized C. medium
D. medium-sized
I felt an _______ with the writer from his descriptions of a world that seemed to have a great deal in
common with my own.
A. affection B. adherence C. acknowledgement D. affinity
I threw some biscuits _________ on the ground and a whole load of pigeons swooped down and
started eating them.
A. Grains
B. specks
C. flakes
D. crumbs
In _____ with your request, I am happy to enclose our brochure.
A. assent
B. obedience C. accordance
D. concession
She’s a bit down in the__________ at the moment – her husband has just lost his job.

A. world
B. dumps
C. heart
D. bottom
“How did you know that he was lying?” – “It was just a ___________ feeling.”
A. faint
B. gut
C. slight
D. vain
I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’ll try to ___________ahead with it anyway.
A. drive
B. bang
C. touch
D. press
When people live in such close __________ to each other, there are bound to be
occasional problems
A. neighborhood
B. vicinity
C. position
D. proximity
Could you lend me some money to _____________ me over to the end of the month?
A. hand
B. tide
C. get
D. make

He will be sued for ______ of contract if he does not do what he promised.
A. fracture
B. crack
C. rupture
D. breach
1. I always take my lucky _________with me into an exam.
A. sign
B. item
C. charm
D. spell
2. I didn’t know my guess was going to be right – It was just __________
A. pot luck
B. odds
C. draw
D. gamble
3. Why are all your clothes in a __________on the floor?
A. bulk
B. heap
C. batch
D. sum
4. Sending out e-mails that people haven’t asked for to ______addresses is often known.
A. sufficient
B. countless
C. widespread D. multiple
5. We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is ________ the law.
A. beyond
B. over
C. above
D. onto

6. We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to _________your request for British citizenship.
A. give
B. grant
C. permit
D. donate
7. We can only _______ as to the causes of the disaster.
A. think
B. consider
C. speculate
D. ponder
8. The professor’s _______ theory is that singing preceded speech.
A. preferable
B. pet
C. fond
D. fancied
9. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’ll try to ___________ahead with it anyway.
A. drive
B. bang
C. touch
D. press
10. Could you lend me some money to _____________ me over to the end of the month?
A. hand
B. tide
C. get
D. make
11. I’m not a serious investor, but I like to _______ in the stock market.
A. splash
B. splatter

C. paddle
D. dabble
12. Who else is of the ______ that we should break the camp?
A. conclusion
B. opinion
C. remark
D. theory
13. The local press has been pouring ______ on the mayor for dissolving the council.
A. blame
B. hatred
C. disapproval
D. scorn
14. I’m ______ too keen on visiting the Parkers again so soon.
A. that
B. none
C. such
D. very
15. If I make a fool of myself in front of my friends, I’ll never ________ it down.
A. let
B. give
C. settle
D. live
16. Because of his poor health, it took him along time to ________ his bad cold.
A. throw off
B. throw away
C. throw down
D. throw over
17. In spite of his poor education, he was the most ________ speaker.
A. articulate
B. ambiguous C. attentive

D. authoritarian
18. “Another cup of coffee?” — “No, but thanks __________.
A. not at all
B. for all
C. all the same
D. you for all
19. He said he would contribute money, but later he backed ___________of it.
A. down
B. away
C. off
D. out
20. Can you recite the alphabet___________?
A. reverse
B. around
C. backwards D. returned
1. It was a hot summer day and ice cream salesmen were doing a ________trade.
A. busy
B. lucrative
C. bustling
D. roaring
2. My mother had to take private pupils in order to ___________ her salary as a teacher.
A. augment
B. expand
C. complete
D. inflate
3. I found the last scene extremely ……… and particularly well-directed.
A. pathetic
B. sympathetic
C. pitiful
D. moving

4. Lauren is often labelled easy-going as she tends to appear mild and relaxed rather than tense and
A. sullen
B. likeable
C. humorous
D. excitable
5. The two boys really …………… it off from the moment they met.
A. hit
B. struck
C. made
D. put
6. I picked up these ___________from the travel agents today. They have a great offer on cruises to Turkey
for the end of April!
A. leaflets
B. manifestoes
C. brochures
D. programmes
7. I had a strong ___________ that a disaster would occur, and it did.
A. premonition
B. prediction
C. forethought
D. anticipation
8. Employees of the company are forbidden to _____________ information about the secret formula.
A. betray
B. divulge
C. portray
D. unveil
9. Jack _______and can usually let us know what the boss’s mood is.
A. turns a blind eye
B. plays it by ear

C. keeps his ear to the ground
D. is all ears
10. “Why was Jane upset?” – “The minute she ________into the party, she saw someone wearing the same
A. had walked
B. was walking
C. walking
D. walked

11. I thought she was being serious, but she was only having me ________ .
A. up
B. on
C. over
D. round
12. Carbon dioxide may be absorbed by trees or water bodies, or it may stay in the atmosphere when
________, while it is only in the atmosphere that clorofluorocarbons find the home.
A. cars that release emissions
B. released from car emissions
C. by releasing emissions from cars
D. emissions are released by cars
13. This area is absolutely ________ for more investment.
A. crying out
B. breaking down
C. better off
D. cutting back
14. He is a clever mimic who can take ________ most of the lecturers in his college.
A. off
B. down

C. over
D. up
15. It sounds like you let people take advantage of you ________, you need to learn to be more assertive. 
A. Otherwise  
B. If only
C. What if
D. If so
1. Simon has a very strong _____ of duty so he will always carry out his promises.
A. sense
B. idea
C. mind
D. thought
2. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly _______ this morning.
A. far-reaching
B. slow-witted C. off-hand
D. top-heavy
3. My older brother is extremely fond of astronomy, he seems to ______ a lot of pleasure from observing
the stars.
A. possess
B. seize
C. reach
D. derive
4. I’m sorry to _______ to your conversation but there’s an urgent message for you.
A. come in
B. bump in
C. butt in
D. pop in
5. I’m not keen on ______ control of the project to a relative newcomer.
A. undertaking
B. charging

C. entrusting
D. allowing
6. She went under ________ as a waitress to write an article on tipping.
A. cover
B. act
C. pose
D. mask
7. Even at that early state the school felt that she ________ a good chance of passing her exams.
A. possessed
B. stood
C. gained
D. took
8. His speech ________ little or no relation to the topic given.
A. gave
B. reflected
C. bore
D. was
9. He ______ in me on the understanding that I wouldn’t tell anyone else.
A. intimated
B. confessed
C. disclosed
D. confided
10. We intend to ________ with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one.
A. do up
B. do away
C. do in
D. do down
11. There is a huge amount of _______ associated with children’s TV nowadays.
A. produce
B. manufacturing

C. merchandising
D. sales
12. As the order to abandon the ship was given, hundreds of people _________ into the icy water.
A. plunged
B. emerged
C. drowned
D. submerged
13. Not once did I see him _______ a finger to help in the home.
A. shift
B. move
C. click
D. lift
14. The engineers won’t be able to repair the telephone system until they can _________ the cause of the
A. separate
B. isolate
C. estimate
D. concentrate
15. He was ________ writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth of his ideas.
A. an exceptionally B. a prolific
C. an unlimited
D. an influential
16. They are happily married although, of course, they argue ________.
A. most times B. from day to day C. every now and then D. on the occasion
17. It is physically impossible for any human being to ________ such extreme cold for long.
A. endure
B. persist
C. withhold
D. last
18. Terry is an old _____ of mine. We split up nine years ago but we’ve stayed friends.

A. fire
B. flame
C. spark
D. blaze
19. You know how I worry about you driving at night. Call me when you arrive to set my mind ________ .
A. easy
B. at peace
C. calm
D. at rest
20. I slept badly last night and I am feeling particularly _________ this morning.
A. far-reaching
B. off-hand
C. slow-wittedD. top-heavy

1. The cost of a new house in the UK has become _________high over the last few years.
A. totally
B. astronomically
C. blatantly
D. utterly
2. Serving on the voluntary management committee, they have been responsible for the overall strategy and
for the _________care of our dedicated staff and of the children who have attended the pre-school.
A. agricultural
B. clerical
C. ecclesiastical
D. pastoral
3. She made a number of _________ remarks about his painting, which upset him.
A. cutting
B. stabbing

C. chopping
D. slashing
4. It was a _________ for residents when a tornado swept through just west of the town.
A. long night B. close call
C. long bond D. bad call
5. Closure of schools took place _________ falling numbers of pupils.
A. in the context of B. with regard to
C. with a concern for D. in consideration of
6. Harry was offered a scholarship to study in Spain and he _________ the opportunity with both hands.
A. grasped
B. grabbed
C. held
D. passed
7. When the cost was _________ the benefits, the scheme looked good.
A. weighed up B. set against
C. made up for
D. settled up with
8. Many celebrities complain about the media attention but I think many of them thrive on being in
the _________.
A. torch-light
B. headlight
C. floodlight
D. limelight
9. The winning team were roundly criticized by the local media for the way in which they
had _________over the losing team. It was considered very unsporting.
A. showed up
B. relished
C. gloated
D. dominated
10. _________ your continued late arrival at work, I have been pleased with your work here.

A. nonetheless B. nevertheless
C. regardless
D. Notwithstanding
11. A lesser know symptom of this condition is that you will suddenly have panic attacks and _________
cold sweats with little or no warning.
A. break into
B. come across
C. give off
D. switch on
12. Hubert _________ remembered locking the door and couldn't understand how it was now standing wide
A. distinctly
B. sharply
C. totally
D. utterly
13. He is a conman who makes a habit of_________people’s savings.
A. getting down to
B. getting off to
C. running off with D. going through with
14. A businessman must widen his horizons; a _________ attitude will get you nowhere in this age of global
A. moderate
B. petrified
C. parochial
D. diversified
15. But is it really a _________ conclusion that all of these young people will turn to crime?
A. foregone
B. foreseen
C. foreboding D. forebear
1.There is a strong movement supporting the abolition of the death ________ .

A. penalty
B. punishment
C. discipline
D. condemnation
2. The study adds to a growing ________ of evidence that links a lack of sleep with weight gain.
A. body
B. form
C. hulk
D. soul
3. It is ________ probable that they are the original bindings of the manuscript.
A. widely
B. highly
C. utterly
D. bitterly
4. The show was ________ bit as good as I expected.
A. every
B. so
C. very
D. much
5. The similarities between all three crimes were such that they could not be ________ down to chance.
A. put
B. laid
C. set
D. taken
6. She doesn't mind working overtime because she gets paid ________ .
A. by the hour
B. all the hour C. at the hour D. in the hour
7. People often complain that children nowadays don't seem to respect their ________ .
A. elderly
B. elders

C. aged
D. age
8. All statistical analysis must allow for a ________ of error.
A. margin
B. border
C. frontier
D. boundary
9. It's time to take a rough ________ against obesity.
A. stance
B. measure
C. legislation D. angle

10. The world's first boot camp for teenagers addicted to the Internet may be the ________ of things to
A. draft
B. formula
C. character
D. shape
11. We believe that the government has a duty ……… its pledges.
A. bear out
B. standby
C. go back
D. count on
12. Don’t forget to buy a packet of ………. Peas
A. chilled
B. frozen
C. frosted
D. chilly

13. He was so mean that he couldn’t bear to ………. the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal.
A. pay off
B. part with
C. give in
D. let out
14. A huge crowd ............. in the pouring rain to cheer the president.
A. turned out
B. held up
C. saw off
D. dropped in
15. We hadn’t ............... for such heavy traffic, and we were delayed.
A. expected
B. bargained
C. calculated
D. supposed
16. Beyond all ……………., it was Alice who gave away our secrets
A. fail
B. conclusion C. dispute
D. contradiction
17. The book says that the revolution was ………….off by the assassination of the state governor.
A. launched
B. cropped
C. triggered
D. prompted.
18. The hijackers have demanded a …………….to be paid for releasing the civilian hostages from the plane
A. currency
B. revenue
C. deposit
D. ransom
19. Just ………….these proofs for me as I’m in a hurry.

A. run into
B. run off
C. run over
D. run out
20. She resigned …………. No one forced her to do so.
A. for her own sake
B. of her own accord
C. with a will
D. on purpose
1. As the maestro lifted his baton the theater was so still you could hear _________.
A. his heartbeat

B. a pin drop

C. bird wings

D. the drum beating

2. _________ in the Middle East, oil became known as black gold because of the large profit it brought.
A. That when discovered
B. Discovered

C. Discovering
D. Which was discovered

3. I read the contract again and again _________ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of
B. by means of
C. with a view to
D. in view of

4. "If you want to ask me, just ask; don't beat _________ the bush."
A. around

B. for

C. round

5. One of the professor’s greatest attributes is _________

D. towards

A. when he gives lectures
B. how in the manner that he lectures

C. the way which give lectures
D. his ability to lecture

A. a narrow escape

C. a clear cut

6. “Did Jane pass her exam?”
“Yes, but only just. It was _________. The pass mark was forty – five percent and she got forty – six”.
B. a tight spot

7. He escaped by _________
A. a hair’s breadth
B. the hair’s breadth

D. a close thing

C. the breadth of a hair
D. a breadth of a hair

8. The manager told his assistant to _________ the mistake immediately.
A. rectify

B. maltreat

C. sanction

D. banish

A. worms

B. butterflies

C. crabs

D. hedgehogs

A. faded away

B. clamped down

C. petered out

D. fobbed off

9. I always get _________ in my stomach before visiting the dentist.

10. When the funds finally _________, they had to abandon the scheme.
11. It is a federal law _________ vaccinated before entering the first grade.
A. for children be
B. that children will be

C. that children be
D. requires children to be

A. on your right
B. at your right hand

C to your right side
D. to your right-handed side

12. As you pass the courthouse, you’ll be able to see Mr. Watson’s orange gloves_____.
13. Sandra’s unpleasant _______ suggested that she knew about Amanda’s terrible secret.
A. grimace

B. smirk

C. snort

D. wince

14. After years of working together, the partners found themselves ________ linked.


A. permanently

B. perpetually

C. inextricably

D. indelibly

A. stirred up

B. poured through

C. turned into

D. cut back

15. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only_________ the hot, humid air.

1. There has been a lot of ____ surrounding the government’s proposed scheme.
A. controversy
B. consent
C. conformity
D. consequence
2. Our town has a real problem with youth crime, ____ do many other British towns.
A. so
B. nor
C. as
D. like
3. Warning: anyone caught stealing from these premises will be _____.
A. advocated
B. undermined

C. prosecuted
D. enforced
4. The local authorities need to _____ down on illegal parking, in my opinion.
A. hit
B. force
C. move
D. crack
5. If the service isn’t up to standard, I think you have _____ right to complain.
A. all
B. each
C. much
D. every
6. Jim’s tough character and certainly won’t let anyone push him ______.
A. up
B. off
C. around
D. through
7. The ______ I don’t understand is why Emily lets her boyfriend get away with it.
A. reason
B. object
C. item
D. thing
8. My uncle pulled a few _____ and got me a job in the company where he works.
A. ropes
B. strings
C. threads
D. chords
9. Although she would have preferred to carry on working, my mum _____ her career in order to have
A. devoted

B. repealed
C. sacrificed
D. abolished
10. I find the offer quite ____, but I think I’d rather study at Oxford.
A. tempting
B. desirous
C. inclined
D. envious
11. I don’t normally like noisy clubs, but I had a sudden _____ to see what the Blue Parrot was like.
A. force
B. motive
C. pressure
D. impulse
12. Jerry loves snowboarding so much that it’s almost like a drug ________.
A. passion
B. obsession
C. addiction
D. requirement
13. I don’t want to do the course in applied statistics, but it’s ______.
A. compulsory
B. inevitable
C. bound
D. indecisive
14. Don’t worry about me – I’m quite ______ to sit here and wait for you to come back.
A. ecstatic
B. delighted
C. joyful
D. content
15. When I was pregnant, I often got a sudden _____ for tinned sardines.
A. preference

B. craving
C. envy
D. greed
16. Thank you for thinking of us, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to _____ your kind invitation.
A. decline
B. deny
C. condemn
D. reject
17. I’ve never seen anyone so _____ to their job as Philip is.
A. eager
B. keen
C. dedicated
D. interested
18. Why do you have such a _____ with model railways?
A. desire
B. fascination
C. love
D. preference
19. I wish you would stop wasting so much time on computer games and do something a little more _____.
A. welcome
B. enviable
C. feasible
D. worthwhile
20. Olivia has always ______ to return to the country she was born in.
A. favoured
B. yearned
C. urged
D. inclined
1. What I found most .......................about it is that he didn’t even have the decency to say that he was sorry.
A. furious

B. touchy
C. resentful
D. galling
2. Harry was offered a scholarship to study in Spain and he .........the opportunity with both hands.
A. held
B. grabbed
C. grasped
D. passed
3. It was .............by chance that we managed to find her.
A. sheerly
B. purely
C. plainly
D. highly
4. We knew the concert was sold out, but we still went to the stadium ............the off-chance that someone
might want to sell us their tickets.
A. with
B. by
C. on
D. in
5. They were the best economic analysists in the United States- a team hand- ....................by the Presendent

A. selected
B. picked
C. named
D. settled
6. The bank refused to lend me any more money as my account was in the ..............
A. red

B. black
C. white
D. blue
7. After travelling all day, he was completely ........................
A. done in
B. done up
C. broken down
D. used up
8. I was impressed by how he ...............the interview in his stride.
A. did
B. saw
C. took
D. made
9. Pat’s .............of dress frequently harks back to the days when Parisian couture was all the rage.
A. tone
B. method
C. mode
D. design
1. The increased pay offer was accepted although it ___________ short of what the employees wanted
A. fell
B. arrived
C. came
D. ended
2. His poor handling of the business ___________ on negligence.
A. bordered
B. edged
C. approached
D. neared
3. Price increase are now running at a(n) ___________ level ò thirty percent.
A. highest

B. record
C. uppermost
D. top
4. This monument is ___________ to the memory of the distinguished former students.
A. erected
B. dedicated
C. commissioned
D. associated
5. To begin study chemistry at this level, you must already have proved your ability in a related
A. line
B. discipline
C. region
D. rule
6. The stage designed was out of this ___________ but unfortunately the acting was not so impressive.
A. moon
B. planet
C. world
D. earth
7. I ___________ on the grapevine that George is in the line for promotion.
A. heard
B. collected
C. picked
D. caught
8. ___________ the US superiority at that time, it was probable that any threatened US response would have
deterred the Soviet Union.
A. If
B. Given
C. Although
D. Since

9. They have made a ___________ plan to build a suspension bridge over the river
A. bald
B. bound
C. bold
D. bare
10. In the 1850’s Harriet Beecher’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” became the best seller of the generation,
___________ a host of imitators.
A. inspiring
B. inspired
C. inspired by
D. to inspire
11. After so many years, it is great to see him___________ his ambition.
A. get
B. realize
C. possess
D. deserve
12. The review committee ___________ three practicing lawyer s and a retired businessman.
A. consists
B. comprises
C. is made up
D. encloses
13. I ___________ doubt whether he will actually carry out his threats.
A. highly
B. deeply
C. absolutely
D. seriously
14. When the funds finally ___________, they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away
B. clamped down
C. petered out

D. fobbed off
15. The team won the championship four years ___________
A. running
B. passing
C. following
D. rotating
16. I couldn’t get a wink of sleep last night, so I’m not really on the ___________ today.
A. mark
B. fringe
C. ball
D. weakness
17. We know people are generally more aware of the importance of ___________ a healthy and active
lifestyle than they were.
A. leading
B. taking
C. doing
D. making
18. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but he ___________ to the occasion
A. raised
B. rose
C. fell
D. faced
19. Mr Pike is certainly a ___________ writer, he has written quite a few books this year.
A. prolific
B. fruitful
C. fertile
D. successful
20. ___________ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was


A. Ranks
B. The ranking
C. To be ranked
D. For being ranked
1. Children born out of _______ shouldn’t be made fun of.
A. marriage
B. marriage license
C. wedlock
D. home
2. This Chinese milk tea stall is popular with film stars and the _______.
A. like B. same
C. similar
D. such
3. The composer can’t write masterpieces unless they’re in the right ________ of mind.
A. frame
B. way
C. set
D. turn
4. A few political extremists _______the crowd to attack the police.
A. animated
B. agitated
C. incited
D. stirred
5. Has anyone managed to ________the meaning of the speech?
A. see
B. snatch
C. grip

D. grasp
6. The escaped prisoner fought _________ before he was finally overpowered.
A. head over heels
B. tooth and nail
C. heart and soul
D. foot and mouth
7. The employee is still _______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant.
A. delightedly
B. blissfully
C. jubilantly
D. ecstatically
8. Many athletes have reached their ________ by the time they are twenty.
A. summit
B. top
C. point
D. peak
9. The spoilt schoolboy was ________ from school for his disruptive behavior.
A. dispelled
B. repelled
C. expelled
D. compelled
10. I was able to do the puzzle very quickly but I seem to lose the ________ now.
A. hang
B. knack
C. habit
D. use
11. The criminal knows the ___________ of successful robberies.
A. trash and treasure B. part and parcel
C. ins and outs
D. close all

12. I am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I am up to my ___________ in work.
A. neck
B. nose
C. head
D. eyes
13. Sterling is a ___________ town not far from Edinburgh.
A. medium-large
B. medium
C. middle-sized
D. medium-sized
14. Mike decided that the election to the local council would provide a ___________ to a career in national
A. milestone
B. springboard
C. highway
D. turning point
15. As a poet, I think she ___________ comparison with the greatest this century.
A. stands
B. makes
C. leads
D. matches

