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encyclopedia of information science and technology

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Encyclopedia of
Information Science
Volume I
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A.
Information Resources Management Association, USA
Hershey  London  Melbourne  Singapore
Acquisitions Editor: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
Asst. Acquisitions Editor: Renée Davies
Senior Managing Editor: Jan Travers
Managing Editor: Amanda Appicello
Development Editor: Michele Rossi
Copy Editors: Amanda Appicello, Elizabeth Arneson, Maria Boyer, Alana Bubnis, Jane Conley, Renée Davies,
Lori Eby, Bernard J. Kieklak, Jr., Shanelle Ramelb, Sue VanderHook and Ingrid Widitz
Typesetters: Sara Reed and Rachel Shepherd
Support Staff: Corrina Chandler, Amanda Phillips, Michelle Potter, Marko Primorac, Jennifer Wetzel, Tara White,
Chris Yura and Larissa Zearfoss
Cover Design: Lisa Tosheff
Printed at: Yurchak Printing Inc.
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Copyright © 2005 by Idea Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Encyclopedia of information science and technology / Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, editor.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-59140-553-X — ISBN 1-59140-794-X (ebook)
1. Information science—Encyclopedias. 2. Information technology—Encyclopedias. I. Khosrowpour, Mehdi, 1951-
Z1006.E566 2005
British Cataloguing in Publication Data
A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.
All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors,
but not necessarily of the publisher.
Editorial Advisory Board
Linda Knight, DePaul University, USA
Shirley Fedorovich, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
James Rodger, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Eileen Trauth, Penn State University, USA
Annie Becker, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
France Belanger, Virginia Tech, USA
Karen Nantz, Eastern Illinois University, USA

Janis Gogan, Bentley College, USA
List of Contributors
(listed alphabetically by first name)
A. Vadivel / Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
A.C. Gómez Lora / Universidad de Málaga, Spain
A.K. Majumdar / Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Abdulbaset Gaddah / Carleton University, Canada
Abdulwahed Mohammed Khalfan / Public Authority Applied Education & Training, Kuwait
Aberdeen Leila Borders / University of New Orleans, USA
Ada Scupola / Roskilde University, Denmark
Adolfo Sánchez de Miguel / Cronos Ibérica, S.A., Spain
Agustinus Borgy Waluyo / Monash University, Australia
Ai Cheo Yeo / Monash University, Australia
Airi Salminen / University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Ajantha Dahanayake / Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Ala Abu-Samaha / Amman University, Jordan
Albert L. Ingram / Kent State University, USA
Alex A. Freitas / University of Kent, UK
Alexa Heucke / Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Alexander Markhasin / Siberian Telecommunications University, Russia
Alexandra Galatescu / National Institute for R & D in Informatics, Romania
Alexandros Nanopoulos / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ali Arya / Simon Fraser University, Canada
Ali Metwalli / Western Michigan University, USA
Alina Lazar / Youngstown State University, USA
Amaryllis Raouzaiou / National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Amita Goyal Chin / Viginia Commonwealth University, USA
Amr El Abbadi / University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Amy B. Woszczynski / Kennesaw State University, USA
Ana C. Andrés del Valle / VICOMTech Research Center, Spain

Ana Funes / Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
Ana Tereza Vasconcelos / LNCC, Brazil
Anabela Sarmento / ISCAP/IPP, Portugal and University of Minho, Portugal
Anand Iyer / PRTM, UK
Anatália Saraiva Martins Ramos / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Anders Avdic / Örebro University, Sweden
André de Carvalho / USP São Carlos, Brazil
Andrea De Lucia / University of Salerno, Italy
Andreas L. Opdahl / University of Bergen, Norway
Andreas Mitrakas / Ubizen, Belgium
Andreas Rülke / PRTM, UK
Andrés Coratella / Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Andrew Borchers / Kettering University, USA
Andrew Laghos / City University, London, UK
Andrew S. Targowski / Western Michigan University, USA
Andrew Urbaczewski / University of Michigan, USA
Andrey Naumenko / Triune Continuum Enterprise, Switzerland
Andries Burger / University of the Free State, South Africa
Anesh Maniraj Singh / University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Anet Potgieter / University of Cape Town, South Africa
Angel D. Sappa / Computer Vision Center, Spain
Ann Frances Cameron / Queens University, Canada
Anna Malina / e-Society Research, UK
Anne Honkaranta / University of Jyväskyä, Finland
Anthony Scime / State University of New York College at Brockport, USA
Antonio Díaz-Andrade / Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados – ESAN, Peru
Antonio P. Braga / UFMG, Brazil
Antonios Danalis / University of Delaware, USA
Ardis Hanson / University of South Florida, USA
Aristides Dasso / Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina

Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko / University of Tampere, Finland
Arlyn J. Melcher / Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
Arnor Solberg / SINTEF ICT, Norway
Arthur R. Edwards / Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Arthur Tatnall / Victoria University, Australia
Arun Rai / Georgia State University, USA
Aryya Gangopadhyay / University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Athanasios Drosopoulos / National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Athanasis Karoulis / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Athena Vakali / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Audun Jensvoll / EDB Telesciences, Norway
Awie Leonard / University of Pretoria, South Africa
Axel Schmetzke / University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, USA
Aybüke Aurum / University of New South Wales, Australia
Babita Gupta / California State University Monteray Bay, USA
Badrul M. Sarwar / University of Minnesota, USA
Bala Srinivasan / Monash University, Australia
Beatriz de la Iglesia / University of East Anglia, UK
Ben Martz / University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
Bernard Blandin / CESI SAS, France
Bernard C.Y. Tan / National University of Singapore, Singapore
Beverly Shattuck / Hinks and Elaine Shimberg Health Sciences Center Library, USA
Bill Davey / RMIT University, Australia
Bill Karakostas / City University, London, UK
Bin Zhang / Louisiana State University, USA
Birgit Jaeger / Roskilde University, Denmark
Bishwajit Choudhary / Information Resources Management Association, USA
Bob Justis / Louisianna State University, USA
Bob Ritchie / University of Central Lancashire, UK
Bosede Aworuwa / Texas A&M University- Texarkana, USA

Brian Dobing / University of Lethbridge, Canada
Bruce Lubotsky Levin / University of South Florida, USA
Bruce Rollier / University of Baltimore, USA
Bruce Vanstone / Bond University, Australia
Burak Ozer / Verificon Corp., USA
C.L. Vidal-Rodeiro / Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health, USA
C. Makatsoris / Orion Logic Ltd., UK
Carla Wilkin / The University of Melbourne, Australia
Caroline Howard / Touro International University, USA
Catherine M. Beise / Salisbury University, USA
Catherine M. Ridings / Lehigh University, USA
Cathy Cavanaugh / University of North Florida, USA
Celeste See-pui NG / Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Cesar Alexandre de Souza / University São Judas Tadeu, Brazil
Cesare Alippi / Politecnico Di Milano, Italy
Chad Lin / Edith Cowan University, Australia
Chalermsak Lertwongsatien / Ministry of Finance, Thailand
Chanda Elbert / Texas A&M University, USA
Chandra S. Amaravadi / Western Illinois University, USA
Charlene A. Dykman / University of St. Thomas, USA
Charles C. Hinnant / The University of Georgia, USA
Charles H. Mawhinney / Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA
Charles Møller / Aarhus School of Business, Denmark
Charles R. Graham / Brigham Young University, USA
Chen Way Siew / National University of Singapore, Singapore
Chi Kin Chan / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Chin-Chen Chang / National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Chong W. Kim / Marshall University, USA
Chris Chatwin / University of Sussex, UK
Chris Coulston / Penn State Erie, USA

Chris Kimble / University of York, UK
Christine Ashley / University of Minnesota, USA
Christoph Richter / University of Hannover, Germany
Christophe Nicolle / Université de Bourgogne, France
Christopher Klassen / University of Dallas, USA
Chung Hsun Hsieh / Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Chung S. Kim / Southwest Missouri State University, USA
Chung-Shing Lee / Pacific Lutheran University, USA
Chung-wei Lee / Auburn University, USA
Clare Brindley / Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Clare M. Pollock / Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Clarence N.W. Tan / Bond University, Australia
Clarence Tan / Bond University, Australia
Claudia Cevenini / University of Bologna, Italy
Claudia Pereira / Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Clint A. Bowers / University of Central Florida, USA
Colin C. Venters / University of Manchester, UK
Concetta M. Stewart / Temple University, USA
Conrad Shayo / California State University, San Bernardino, USA
Coral Calero / University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Craig Van Slyke / University of Central Florida, USA
Cristiano Castelfranchi / Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Cristóbal Pareja-Flores / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Cynthia LeRouge / Saint Louis University, USA
Cynthia Ruppel / The University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
D. Bruce Sun / California State University at Long Beach, USA
D. Chakraborty / Tohoku University, Japan
D. Theotokis / University of Peloponnese, Greece
D.I. Martakos / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
D.M. Gorman / Texas A&M University, USA

D. Sandy Staples / Queens University, Canada
D.S. Stamoulis / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Dale H. Shao / Marshall University, USA
Damianos Chatziantoniou / Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Dan S. Petty / North Texas Commission, USA
Dane Peterson / Southwest Missouri State University, USA
Daniel Brandon, Jr. / Christian Brothers University, USA
Daniel J. Buehrer / National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Daniel J. Power / University of Northern Iowa and DSSResources.com, USA
Daniel Riesco / Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
Daniel Romero / Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina
Daniel Schwabe / Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio, RJ, Brazil
Danny A. Samson / University of Melbourne, Australia
Darleen M. DeRosa / Right Management Consultants, USA
Darren Dalcher / Middlesex University, UK
David A. Banks / University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
David Bryde / Liverpool John Moore University, UK
David Gefen / Drexel University, USA
David J. Pauleen / Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
David Knight / Brunel University, UK
David Petie / Petie Ltd, UK
David Robinson / St. Cloud State University, USA
David Ruppel / The University of Toledo, USA
David Sammon / University College Cork, Ireland
David Taniar / Monash University, Australia
Davood Askarany / University of South Australia, Australia
Deborah Bunker / University of New South Wales, Australia
Deborah Bursa / Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Dedric A. Carter / Nova Southeastern University, USA
Denis Trcek / University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia

Denise Fukumi Tsunoda / CEFET-PR, Brazil
Denise Johnson McManus / Wake Forest University, USA
Dennis E. Tucker / Yaasuo Consulting Company, USA
Dennis Guster / St. Cloud State University, USA
Derrie Perez / University of South Florida, USA
Detmar Straub / Georgia State University, USA
Diane H. Sonnenwald / Goteborg University, Sweden
Dianne Willis / Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Dimitrios Katsaros / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dimitris Plexousakis / Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Greece
Dirk Trossen / Nokia Research Center, USA
Dirk Vriens / Radbound University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dirk Werth / German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Divyakant Agrawal / University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Dohoon Kim / Kyung Hee University, Korea
Dolores Cuadra / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Donald A. Hantula / Temple University, USA
Donald R. Morris-Jones / SRA, USA
Donaldo de Souza Dias / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Donna Ure / Brigham Young University, USA
Dorothy G. Dologite / Baruch College, USA
E. Kapetanios / Semantic Technologies, Switzerland
E. Vázquez-Fernández / Public Health Department of Galicia, Spain
E.V. Krishnamurthy / Australian National University, Australia
Earl Woodruff / OISE - University of Toronto, Canada
Eberhard Stickel / Hochschule der Sparkassen – Finanzgruppe and University of Applied Sciences-Bonn GmbH,
Edilberto Casado / Gerens Escuela de Gestion y Economia, Peru
Edilberto Magalhães Silva / Brazilian Public News Agency, Brazil
Edilson Ferneda / Catholic University of Brasília, Brazil

Eduardo Rodriguez / Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Eduardo Salas / University of Central Florida, USA
Edward J. Szewczak / Canisius College, USA
Edward Szczerbicki / The University of Newcastle, Australia
Eileen M. Trauth / The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Eitel J.M. Lauría / Marist College, USA
Elaheh Pourabbas / National Research Council, Rome, Italy
Elaine R. Winston / Hofstra University, USA
Elayne Coakes / University of Westminster, UK
Elena Castro / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Elena Karahanna / University of Georgia, USA
Elizabeth Furtado / Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil
Elizabeth Smythe / Concordia University College of Alberta, Canada
El-Sayed Abou-Zeid / Concordia University, Canada
Emma Tonkin / University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Emmanuelle Vaast / Long Island University, USA
Eric Pardede / La Trobe Univresity, Australia
Erick Slazinski / Purdue University, USA
Erik Buelen / Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Erik Molenaar / Technical University of Aachen, Germany
Erwin Van den Enden / Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium
Eshaa M. Alkhalifa / University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Esperanza Marcos Martínez / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Ester Zumpano / DEIS Università della Calabria, Italy
Fabio A. Schreiber / Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Fadi P. Deek / New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Fahui Wang / Northern Illinois University, USA
Fang Zhao / RMIT University, Australia
Farhad Daneshgar / University of New South Wales, Australia
Fay Cobb Payton / North Carolina State University, USA

Fazli Erbas / University of Hanover, Germany
Felix B. Tan / Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Fergal Carton / University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Fernando José Barbin Laurindo / University of São Paulo, Brazil
Floriana Grasso / Liverpool University, UK
Folker den Braber / SINTEF ICT, Norway
France Bélanger / Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Francisco Cervantes / Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology (UNAM), Mexico
Francisco-Javier Díaz-Pernas / University of Valladolid, Spain
Françoise Preteux / Institut National des Télécommunications, France
Frank E. Ritter / The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Fred L. Kitchens / Ball State University, USA
Fred Niederman / Saint Louis University, USA
Frederic Adam / University College Cork, Ireland
Frederick Ericsson / Örebro University, Sweden
Fredrik Vraalsen / SINTEF ICT, Norway
Freek Ebeling / Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands
G. Chakraborty / Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
G. Eleftherakis / City College, Greece
G. Peter Zhang / Georgia State University, USA
Gabor Hosszu / Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Gaelle Picherit-Duthler / University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA
Galen Sevcik / Georgia State University, USA
Garp Choong Kim / Inha University, Korea
Gary F. Kohut / University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Gee-Woo (Gilbert) Bock / National University of Singapore, Singapore
Georg Disterer / University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hanover/Germany
Georg Peters / Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
George Doukidis / Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
George M. Giaglis / Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

George Pallis / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Geraldine Clarebout / University of Leuven, Belgium
Gerardo Canfora / University of Sannio, Italy
German Montejano / Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
Giancarlo Fortino / Università della Calabria, Italy
Gillian H. Wright / Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, UK
Gina Green / Baylor University, USA
Giorgos Zacharia / MIT, USA
Giovanni Vanini / Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Giuseppi Pozzi / Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Glenn Lowry / United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Glenn Russell / Monash University, Australia
Goran D. Putnik / University of Minho, Portugal
Göran Pulkkis / Arcada Polytechnic, Helsinki, Finland
Gordana Jovanovic-Dolecek / National Institute of Astrophysics Optics and Electronics, INAOE, Mexico
Graeme Richards / University of East Anglia, UK
Graham Pervan / Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Greg Chiasson / PRTM, UK
Grigoris Antoniou / Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Greece
Guadalupe Salazar-Zárate / Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Guisseppi Forgionne / University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Gustavo Rossi / UNLP, La Plata, Argentina
Ha Sung Hwang / Temple University, USA
Hamada H. Ghenniwa / University of Western Ontario, Canada
Hanni Muukkonen / University of Helsinki, Finland
Hanns-Christian Hanebeck / GlobeRanger Corporation and Univerity of Dallas, USA
Hannu Salmela / Institute of Information Systems Science, Finland
Hao Lou / Ohio University, USA
Hareton Leung / Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Harold Webb / The University of Tampa, USA

Hassan A. Karimi / University of Pittsburgh, USA
Haydee M. Cuevas / University of Central Florida, USA
Hector Perez-Meana / National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, Mexico
Heidrun Allert / University of Hannover, Germany
Heitor S. Lopes / CEFET-PR, Brazil
Helen Mitchell / Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand
Helen Thompson / University of Ballarat, Australia
Hendrik Decker / Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, Spain
Henry Aigbedo / Oakland University, Michigan, USA
Herbert J. Mattord / Kennesaw State University, USA
Herbert Kotzab / Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Herberto Ochoa-Morales / University of New Mexico, USA
Hércules Antonio do Prado / Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research and Catholic University of Brasília,
Hock Chuan Chan / National University of Singapore, Singapore
Holly Yu / California State University, USA
Hong Va Leong / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Houston Hume Carr / Auburn University, USA
H. D. Richards / Orion Logic Ltd, UK
Hsien-Chu Wu / National Taichung Institute of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Hung-Jen Yang / University of North Dakota, USA
I. Navas Delgado / Universidad de Málaga, Spain
I.M. Jawahar / Illinois State University, USA
Ian K. Wong / Queens University, Canada
Ido Millet / Penn State Erie, USA
Ikuo Kitagaki / Hiroshima University, Japan
Imed Kacem / Université de Technologie de Troyes, France
In Lee / Western Illinois University, USA
Ionnis Tarnanas / Kozani University of Applied Sciences, Greece
Irena Ali / DSTO Fernhill, Australia

Irvine Clarke III / James Madison University, USA
Isabel Ramos / Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Isola Ajiferuke / University of Western Ontario, Canada
István Mezgár / Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary and Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary
J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide / Universisdad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
J. Wenny Rahayu / La Trobe University, Australia
J. William Holland / Georgia Bureau of Investigation, USA
J.F. Aldana Montes / Universidad de Málaga, Spain
J.H. Erik Andriessen / Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
J.K. Suresh / Infosys Technologies Ltd., India
Jae-Woo Chang / Chonbuk National University, South Korea
Jakov Crnkovic / University of Albany, USA
James Griffin / Tipperary Institute, Ireland
James R. Lindner / Texas A&M University, USA
Jan Achterbergh / Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jan Elen / University of Leuven, Belgium
Jana Polgar / Monash University, Australia
Jane E. Klobas / Bocconi University, Italy and University of Western Australia, Italy
Jane L. Garb / Baystate Medical Center, USA
Janet Toland / Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Janette Moody / The Citadel, USA
Janice C. Sipior / Villanova University, USA
Janos Fustos / Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA
Janse Tolmie / University of the Free State, South Africa
Jari Veijalainen / University of Jyväskyä, Finland
Jason C.H. Chen / Ganzaga University, USA
Jatinder N.D. Gupta / University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
Javier Díaz-Carmona / National Institute of Astrophysics Optics and Electronics, INAOE and Technology Institute of
Celaya (ITC), Celaya, Mexico

Jean-Charles Pomerol / Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Jean-Claude Simon / Université de Bourgogne, France
Jef Van den Ende / Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium
Jeffrey L. Brewer / Purdue University, USA
Jeffrey Parsons / Memorial University of New Foundland, Canada
Jeffrey Stanton / Syracuse University, USA
Jennifer Paige Nightingale / Duquesne University, USA
Jenq-Foung Yao / Georgia College and State University, USA
Jerome Darmont / Universite Lumiere Lyon 2, France
Jerzy Kisielnicki / Warsaw University, Poland
Jilin Tu / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Jim O. Otieno / Middlesex University, UK
Jinyoul Lee / State University of New York at Binghamton, USA
Jo Ann Oravec / University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA
Jo Ellen Moore / Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
Joan Pastor / Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Joan Pelland / New College of Florida, USA
João Álvaro Carvalho / Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge / Technical University if Lisbon, Portugal
Joe Gilbert / University of Nevada, USA
Johan M. Karlsson / Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden
Johanna Lammintakanen / University of Kuopio, Finland
John A. Hoxmeier / Colorado State University, USA
John A. Nicholson / Utah State University, USA
John B. Nash / Stanford University, USA
John C. McIntosh / Bentley College, USA
John Day / Ohio University, USA
John H. Nugent / University of Dallas, USA
John Krogstie / NTNU and SINTEF, Norway
John M. Artz / The George Washington University, USA

John M. Carroll / The Pennsylvania State University, USA
John Mendonca / Purdue University, USA
John R. Durrett / Texas Tech University, USA
John S. Edwards / Aston Business School, UK
John T. Riedl / University of Minnesota, USA
John W. Priest / University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Jon Dron / University of Brighton, UK
Jon Oldevik / SINTEF ICT, Norway
Jon Patrick / University of Sydney, Australia
Jonathan Frank / Suffolk University, USA
Joost Lowyck / K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Jorge H. Doorn / Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jörgen S. Svensson / University of Twente, The Netherlands
Joris P.G. de Rooij / Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
José Esteves / Instituto de Empresa, Spain
Jose M. Framinan / University of Seville, Spain
José María Cavero Barca / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira / Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
José-Fernando Díez-Higuera / University of Valladolid, Spain
Joseph A. Konstan / University of Minnesota, USA
Joseph Bradley / Central Washington University, USA
Joseph Sarkis / Clark University, USA
Jounghae Bang / University of Rhode Island, USA
Juan M. Ale / Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Judith Bishop / University of Pretoria, South Africa
Judith V. Boettcher / University of Florida, USA
Judith C. Simon / The University of Memphis, USA
Judith Jeffcoate / University of Buckingham, UK
Judith Kabeli / Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Juergen Seitz / University of Cooperative Education Heidenheim, Germany

Juha Pärnistö / Fujitsu Services, Finland
Julie Mackey / Christchurch College of Education, New Zealand
Jyh-haw Yeh / Boise State University, USA
Kai Hakkarainen / University of Helsinki, Finland
Kaija Saranto / University of Kuopio, Finland
Kaj Grahn / Arcada Polytechnic Helsinki, Finland
Kalpdrum Passi / Laurentian University, Canada
Kambiz E. Maani / University of Auckland, New Zealand
Kan Hou Vat / University of Macau, China
Karen D. Schenk / K.D. Schenk and Associates Consulting, USA
Karen Neville / National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland
Karen S. Nantz / Eastern Illinois University, USA
Karim K. Hirji / AGF Management Ltd., Canada
Karl Kurbel / European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Kate Kaiser / Marquette University, USA
Kathryn A. Marold / Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA
Kathy Arsenault / University of South Florida St. Petersburg, USA
Katy Campbell / University of Alberta, Canada
Keith C.C. Chan / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Keng L. Siau / University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Kenneth J. MacGregor / University of Cape Town, South Africa
Kerrie Mengersen / The University of Newcastle, Australia
Ketil Stølen / SINTEF ICT, Norway
Kevin E. Voges / University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Kevin Johnston / University of Cape Town, South Africa
Khamis Al-Gharbi / Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Kim E. Dooley / Texas A&M University, USA
Kim Man Lui / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Kin Choong Yow / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Kirk St.Amant / Texas Tech University, USA

Kirsimarja Blomqvist / Lappeenranta University, Finland
Kokou Yétongnon / Bourgogne University, France
Konrad J. Peszynski / Deakin University, Australia
Konstantina Stoupa / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Kostas Karpouzis / National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Kovach Dragan / SUPER-King Inc., Croatia
Kristiina Häyrinen / University of Kuopio, Finland
Kristina Setzekorn / University of Evansville, USA
Kristine F. Dery / University of Sydney, Australia
Krzystof Wecel / The Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Kuldeep Kumar / Bond University, Australia
Kurt April / University of Cape Town, South Africa
L. E. Moser / University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Lakshmi S. Iyer / University of North Carolina, USA
Laura C. Rivero / Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina and Universidad
Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laura Felice / Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Beunos Aires, Argentina
Lawrence L. Schkade / University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Leandro Krug Wives / Centro Universitário Feevale and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Leandro Nunes de Castro / Catholic University of Santos, Brazil
Lei Dang / University of Manchester, UK
Leigh M. Smith / Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Lejla Vrazalic / University of Wollongong, Australia
Len Asprey / Practical Information Management Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia
Leo Tan Wee Hin / Singapore National Academy of Science and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Leon Urbas / Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Leonardo Tininini / Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi e Informatica “Antonio Ruberti”, Rome, Italy
Leoni Warne / DSTO Fernhill, Australia
Leopoldo E. Colmenares / University Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
Lerina Aversano / University of Sannio, Italy

Letizia Tanca / Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Liliana Favre / CIC, Argentina
Liliana Martinez / Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Linda V. Knight / DePaul University, USA
Lisa A. Burke / Louisianna State University Shreveport, USA
Lisa Burnell / Texas Christian University, USA
Liyang Zhang / Baidu.Com (Beijing) Co., Ltd., China
Ljiljana D. Mili / University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Lloyd D. Brooks / The University of Memphis, USA
Lorraine Justice / Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Louise Lane / Laurentian University, Canada
Luca Tosi / Comune di Milano, Italy
Luiz A. DaSilva / Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Luiz Antonio Joia / Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Getulio Vargas Foundation and Rio de
Janeiro State University, Brazil
Luiz Augusto Machado Mendes-Filho / Faculdade Natalense para o Desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Lutz Hamel / University of Rhode Island, USA
Luyin Zhao / Philips Research, USA
Lynette Kvasny / The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Lynne D. Roberts / University of Western Australia, Australia
M. Asim Qayyum / University of Toronto, Canada
M. Gheorghe / University of Sheffield, UK
M. Gordon Hunter / University of Lethbridge, Canada
M. Holcombe / University of Sheffield, UK
M. Spinu / EXITECH S.r.L., Italy
M. Zahirul Huq / ICDDRB, Centre for Health and Population Research, Bangladesh
M.E. López-Vizcaíno / Galician Statistical Institute, Spain
M.I. Santiago-Pérez / Public Health Department of Galicia, Spain
M.M. Roldan Garcia / Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Maciej Zakrzewicz / Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Maggie McPherson / University of Sheffield, UK
Mahboob ur Rahman / Gasmin Ltd., Bangladesh
Mahesh S. Raisinghani / University of Dallas, USA
Maija-Leena Huotari / University of Helsinki, Finland
Majed Z. Al-Hajery / College of Business Studies, Kuwait
Malcom King / Loughborough University, UK
Manoj K. Singh / i2 Technologies, USA
Manuel Mora / University of Aguascalientes(UAA), Mexico
Manuel Serrano / University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Maosheng Lai / Peking University, China
Marc Holzer / Rutgers University, Newark, USA
Marcela Daniele / Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina
Marcelo Schneck de Paula Pessôa / University of São Paulo, Brazil
Marco Roccetti / University of Bologna, Italy
Marek Wojciechowski / Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Maria Alexandra Rentroia-Bonito / Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
María Carmen Leonardi / UNCPBA, Argentina
Maria Eugenia Iacob / Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands
Maria Manuela Cunha / Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave, Portugal
María Virginia Mauco / Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Marijn Janssen / Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Mariko Nakano-Miyatake / National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, Mexico
Mario Bochicchio / University of Lecce, Italy
Mario G. Piattini / University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Marion Cottingham / The University of Western Australia, Australia
Marios C. Angelides / Brunel University, UK
Marius Preda / Institut National des Télécommunications, France
Mark E. Nissen / Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Mark Griffiths / Nottingham Trent University, UK
Mark I. Hwang / Central Michigan University, USA

Mark Kieler / Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Mark Snyder / Clemson University, USA
Mark Srite / University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA
Mark Toleman / University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Mark Xu / University of Portsmouth, UK
Marly Monteiro de Carvalho / University of São Paulo, Brazil
Martha Myers / Kennesaw State University, USA
Martin C. Kindmüller / Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Martin D. Crossland / Oklahoma State University, USA
Martin Doerr / Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Greece
Martin Gaedke / University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Martin Nussbaumer / University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Mary Elizabeth Brabston / The University of Manitoba, Canada
Mary Jane Lenard / University of North Carolina - Greensboro, USA
Mass Soldal Lund / SINTEF ICT, Norway
Mathias Weske / University of Potsdam, Germany
Matthew W. Guah / Warwick University, UK
Mauel Mora / Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Maureen C. Minielli / Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, USA
Mauricio Minuto Espil / Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina
Maurizio Rafanelli / Italian National Research Council, Italy
Melanie Misanchuk / University of Guelph, Canada
Merilyn Burke / University of South Florida, USA
Michael Dixon / Murdoch University, Australia
Michael E. Whitman / Kennesaw State University, USA
Michael J. Mullany / Northland Polytechnic, New Zealand
Michael J. West / Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Michael Middleton / Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Michael N. Huhns / University of South Carolina, USA
Michael W. Dixon / Murdoch University, Australia

Michele Zappavigna-Lee / University of Sydney, Australia
Michelle M. Ramim / Nova Southeastern University, USA
Miguel Felder / Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mihir A. Parikh / University of Central Florida, USA
Mikael Wiberg / Umea University, Sweden
Mikolaj Morzy / Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Mila Gascó-Hernández / Open University of Catalonia, Spain
Mimi Kessler / Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Minaz J. Parmar / Brunel University, UK
Ming Yung Tsai / Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Minna Lakkala / University of Helsinki, Finland
Mirek Riedewald / Cornell University, USA
Mirja Iivonen / University of Tampere, Finland
Mizue Kayama / Senshu University, Japan
Moez Limayem / City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mohammad A. Rashid / Massey University - Albany, New Zealand
Mohammad Ali / International Vaccine Institute, Korea
Molly Wasko / Florida State University, USA
Monica T. Whitty / Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Monideepa Tarafdar / University of Toledo, USA
Morgan Jennings / Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA
Mukesh Mohania / IBM India Research Lab, India
Murray E. Jennex / San Diego State University, USA
Murray Turoff / New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
N. Moreno Vergara / Universidad de Málaga, Spain
N. Shiratori / Tohoku University, Japan
Nabeel A.Y. Al-Qirim / United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Nadia N. Moertiyoso / Hewlett-Packard Singapore, Singapore
Ned Kock / Texas A&M International University, USA
Neeraj Parolia / University of Central Florida, USA

Neil F. Doherty / Loughborough University, UK
Nicholas Beaumont / Monash University, Australia
Nicola Fiore / University of Lecce, Italy
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis / National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Nikhilesh Dholakia / University of Rhode Island, USA
Niki Aifanti / Informatics & Telematics Institute, Greece
Niki Panteli / University of Bath, UK
Nikos Grammalidis / Informatics & Telematics Institute, Greece
Nikos Karacapilidis / University of Patras, Greece
Nilmini Wickramasinghe / Cleveland State University, USA
Nir Kshetri / The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana / Thammasat University, Thailand
Norm Archer / McMaster University, Canada
Norman F. Schneidewind / Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Norman Pendegraft / University of Idaho, USA
Nory B. Jones / University of Maine Business School, USA
O. Kao / University of Paderborn, Germany
Olena Daly / Monash University, Australia
Olga De Troyer / WISE Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belguim
Ovsei Gelman / National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico
P. Kefalas / City College, Greece
P.M. Melliar-Smith / University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
P. Nesi / University of Florence, Italy
Pallab Saha / National University of Singapore, Singapore
Paloma Martínez / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Panayiotis Zaphiris / City University, London, UK
Pasi Tiitinen / University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Pasi Tyrväinen / University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Patricia L. Rogers / Bemidji State University, USA
Patrick R. Mullen / U.S. General Accountability Office, Washington, USA

Paul Darbyshire / Victoria University, Australia
Paul Gruenewald / Prevention Research Center, USA
Paul Hildreth / K-Now International Ltd., UK
Paul Johannesson / Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Paul Lajbcygier / Monash University, Australia
Paul Leng / Liverpool University, UK
Paul M. Leonardi / Stanford University, USA
Paul Mulligan / Babson College, USA
Paul N.J. Hendricks / University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Paul Rippon / The University of Newcastle, Australia
Paul Safonov / St. Cloud State University, USA
Pawel Jan Kalczynski / University of Toledo, USA
Peik Åström / Arcada Polytechnic, Helsinki, Finland
Pengyu Hong / Harvard University, USA
Penny Baillie-de Byl / University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Pere Botella / Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Peretz Shoval / Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Pervaiz Alam / Kent State University, USA
Petek Askar / Hacettepe University, Turkey
Peter Aiken / Defense Information Systems Agency, USA
Peter Fettke / Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
Peter Goldschmidt / The University of Western Australia, Australia
Peter J. Smith / Athabasca University, Canada
Peter Kim Streatfield / Center for Population and Health Research, Bangladesh
Peter Murphy / Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Peter Rittgen / University College of Borås, Sweden
Petia Todorova / Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Petros A.M. Gelepithis / Kingston University, UK
Petros Theodorou / Technological Education Institution of Kavala, Greece
Philip Duchastel / Information Design Atelier, Canada

Philip J. Dobson / Edith Cowan University, Australia
Philip L. Powell / University of Bath, UK
Phyllis Ruscella / University of South Florida, USA
Piet Boekhoudt / Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands
Pieter Blignaut / University of the Free State, South Africa
Pombortsis Andreas / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Pouwan Lei / University of Sussex, UK
Pruthikrai Mahatanankoon / Illinois State University, USA
Purnendu Mandal / Lamar University, USA
R. Kelly Rainer / Auburn University, USA
R. Subramaniam / Singapore National Academy of Science, Singapore and
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
R.A. Haraty / Lebanese American University, Lebanon
R.P. Sundarraj / University of Waterloo, USA
Rafael S. Parpinelli / CEFET-PR, Brazil
Rajesh Chandrashekaran / Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA
Ramesh Subramanian / Quinnipiac University, USA
Ratchata Peachavanish / University of Pittsburgh, USA
Rebecca Watson / Deloitte, Australia
Reima Suomi / Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland
Rezaul Begg / Victoria University, Australia
Richard B. Wait / Baystate Medical Center, USA
Richard C. Hicks / Texas A&M University, USA
Richard Chbeir / Bourgogne University, France
Richard Discenza / University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
Richard J. Hartley / Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Richard P. Bagozzi / Rice University, USA
Richard Schwester / Rutgers University, Newark, USA
Richard T. Herschel / St. Joseph’s University, USA
Richi Nayak / Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Rick Gibson / American University, USA
Rino Falcone / Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Robert A. Schultz / Woodbury University, USA
Robert Barone / Buffalo State College, USA
Robert D. Sprague / University of Wyoming, USA
Robert G. Dyson / University of Bath, UK
Robert Gay / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Robert J. Mockler / St. John’s University, USA
Robert Joseph Skovira / Robert Morris University, USA
Robert Lipton / Prevention Research Center, USA
Robert M. Verburg / Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Robert Mac Gregor / University of Wollongong, Australia
Robert S. Owen / Texas A&M University- Texarkana, USA
Robert W. Holt / Ganzaga University, USA
Roberto Evaristo / University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Roberto Hirsh / Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Roberto Paiano / University of Lecce, Italy
Robin Teigland / Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Rodney Nason / Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Rodney Turner / Victoria University of Technology, Australia
Roger McHaney / Kansas State University, USA
Roger Tagg / University of South Australia, Australia
Ron Craig / Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Ronald B. Wilkes / The University of Memphis, USA
Ronald Dattero / Southwest Missouri State University, USA
Ronaldo Zwicker / University São Judas Tadeu, Brazil
Ruidong Zhang / University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA
Rung Ching Chen / Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Rupert Young / University of Sussex, UK
Ruth A. Guthrie / California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA

Ryan R. Peterson / Information Management Research Center, Spain
S. Geisler / University of Clausthal, Germany
Sagarmay Deb / University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Sai Ho Kwok / California State University, USA
Salvatore Valenti / Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Sam Lubbe / University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Sandro Leuchter / Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Sanjay Madria / University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
Sara Dexter / University of Virginia, USA
Sari Rissanen / University of Kuopio, Finland
Schahram Dustdar / Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Scott Nicholson / Syracuse University, USA
Sergio Greco / DEIS Università della Calabria, Italy
Seung-Kyoon Shin / University of Rhode Island, USA
Shamik Sural / Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Shannon Howle Schelin / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Shantha Fernando / University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Sharmila Pixy Ferris / William Patterson University, USA
Shawn D. Long / University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Sheng-Uei Guan / National University of Singapore, Singapore
Sherif Kamel / The American University at Cairo, Egypt
Sherry Y. Chen / Brunel University, UK
Sheryl Burgstahler / University of Washington, USA
Shin-Ping Liu / Jarvis Christian College, USA
Shirley Ann Becker / Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Simon Dixon / Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria
Simpson Poon / IVE, Hong Kong and Charles Sturt University, Australia
Sotiris Malassiotis / Informatics & Telematics Institute, Greece
Spiros Ioannou / National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Stacie Petter / Georgia State University, USA

Stanley Loh / Catholic University of Pelotas and Lutheran University of Brazil, Brazil
Stefano Ferretti / University of Bologna, Italy
Stefano Renzi / Bocconi University, Italy
Stefanos Kollias / National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Stephan Olariu / Old Dominion University, USA
Stephanie Allen / Brigham Young University, USA
Stephen Burgess / Victoria University, Australia
Stephen Hawk / University of Wisconsin-Parkside, USA
Stephen M. Fiore / University of Central Florida, USA
Steve Sawyer / The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Steven A. Morris / Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Steve Gordon / Babson College, USA
Steven Utsi / K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Stu Westin / University of Rhode Island, USA
Stuart D. Galup / Florida Atlantic University, USA
Stuart J. Barnes / Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Subhasish Dasgupta / The George Washington University, USA
Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan / University of Manitoba, Canada
Sue E. Kase / The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Supawadee Ingsriswang / BIOTEC and NSTDA, Thailand
Susan A. Baim / Miami University Middletown, USA
Susan E. George / University of South Australia, Australia
Sushil K. Sharma / Ball State University, USA
Susy S. Chan / DePaul University, USA
Suzanne M. Embury / University of Manchester, UK
Suzanne T. Bell / University of Guam, Guam
Sven A. Carlsson / Lund University, Sweden
T.T. Wong / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Tadeusz Morzy / Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Tamara Babaian / Bentley College, USA

Tamio Shimizu / University of São Paulo, Brazil
Tanya J. McGill / Murdoch University, Australia
Ta-Tao Chuang / Gonzaga University, USA
Terence Cavanaugh / University of North Florida, USA
Teresa Ludermir / UFPE, Brazil
Teresa Torres-Coronas / Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Terry Halpin / Northface University, USA
Theo McDonald / University of the Free State, South Africa
Theresa A. Steinbach / DePaul University, USA
Theresa Flaherty / James Madison University, USA
Theresa M. Vitolo / Gannon University, USA
Theresa P. Murphrey / Texas A&M University, USA
Thomas E. Marshall / Auburn University, USA
Thomas F. Stafford / University of Memphis, USA
Thomas Kunz / Carleton University, Canada
Thomas S. Huang / Beckman Institute, USA
Tiehan Lv / Princeton University, USA
Till Hänisch / University of Cooperative Education, Heidenheim, Germany
Tim Coltman / University of Wollongong, Australia
Timothy H. Murphy / Texas A&M University, USA
Tiok-Woo Teo / Bond University, Australia
Tony Polgar / Coles Myer Pty. Ltd., Australia
Tor Guimaraes / Tennessee Technological University, USA
Toshio Okamoto / University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Tzu-Chuan Chou / University of Bath, UK
Ugur Halici / Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Utpal M. Dholakia / Rice University, USA
V. P. Kochikar / Infosys Technologies Ltd., India
V.K. Murthy / University of New South Wales, Australia
V.K. Narayanan / Drexel University, USA

Valentina Plekhanova / University of Sunderland, UK
Valeria De Antonellis / University of Brescia, Italy
Valerie Baker / University of Wollongong, Australia
Vassilios Kikis / Kozani University of Applied Sciences, Greece
Vassilis Christophides / Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Greece
Vassilis Serafeimidis / Atos KPMG Consulting, UK
Venkat Reddy / University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
Vicki L. Gregory / University of South Florida, USA
Victoria Youngohc Yoon / University of Maryland, USA
Vincent Yen / Wright State University, USA
Virpi Lyytikäinen / University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Vladimir A. Kulyukin / Utah State University, USA
Vladimír Modrák / Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
W. Andrew Taylor / University of Bradford, UK
W. Zhao / University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Wai Law / University of Guam, Guam
Waleed E. Farag / Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Walter D. Fernández / Australian National University, Australia
Wayne W. Huang / Ohio University, USA
Wayne Wolf / Princeton University, USA
Wei K. Lou / Northern Illinois University, USA
Wei-Ping Tan / National University of Singapore, Singapore
Wen-Chen Hu / University of North Dakota, USA
Wendy L. Currie / Warwick University, UK
Wendy Lucas / Bentley College, USA
Wesley J. Johnston / Georgia State University, USA
Wilfried Lemahieu / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
William F. Wieczorek / Buffalo State College-State University of New York, USA
William H. Friedman / University of Central Arkansas, USA
William J. Switala / Duquesne University, USA

William K. Holstein / The College of William and Mary and
Graduate School of Business Administration-Zurich, USA/Switzerland
William R. Gates / Naval Postgraduate School, USA
William S. Lightfoot / International University of Monaco, Monaco
William T. Hewitt / University of Manchester, UK
Witold Abramowicz / The Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Wole Olatokun / University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Woojong Suh / Inha University, Korea
X. Hervada-Vidal / Public Health Department of Galicia, Spain
Xiannong Meng / Bucknell University, USA
Xiaohui Liu / Brunel University, UK
Xiaotong Li / University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
Xiaowen Fang / DePaul University, USA
Xin Fu / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Xue Li / University of Queensland, Australia
Y. S. Chang / HanKuk Aviation University, Korea and Orion Logic Ltd., UK
Yair Levy / Nova Southeastern University, USA
Yangjun Chen / University of Winnipeg, Canada
Yannis Manolopoulos / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Yanqing Duan / University of Luton, UK
Yanyan Yang / University of California, Davis, USA
Yaolin Gu / Southern Yangtze University, China
Ye Diana Wang / University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Yen-Ping Chu / National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Ye-Sho Chen / Louisianna State University, USA
Yining Chen / Ohio University, USA
Yin-Leng Theng / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Young-Gul Kim / KAIST, Korea
Yuan Gao / Ramapo College of New Jersey, USA
Yu-An Ho / National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Yue “Jeff” Zhang / California State University, USA
Yu-Jin Zhang / Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Yukiko Inoue / University of Guam, Guam
Yung-Kuan Chan / National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Zaiyong Tang / Louisianna Tech University, USA
Zhen Wen / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Zhensen Huang / University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Zhixiang Chen / University of Texas-Pan American, USA
Zhonghua Yang / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Southern Yangtze University, China
Zongqiao Xiao / Georgia College and State University, USA
Zoran Stojanovic / Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
by Volume
A Duplicate Chinese Document Image Retrieval System / Yung-Kuan Chan, Yu-An Ho, Hsien-Chu Wu,
and Yen-Ping Chu 1
A Language/Action Based Approach to Information Modelling / Paul Johannesson 7
A Primer on E-Government / Shannon Howle Schelin 11
A Socio-Technical Case Study of Bangladesh / Mahesh S. Raisinghani and Mahboobur Rahman 16
A Systemic Approach for Information Systems Evaluation / Ala Abu-Samaha 22
A University/Community Partnership to Bridge the Digital Divide / David Ruppel and Cynthia Ruppel 29
A Web-Geographical Information System to Support Territorial Data Integration / V. De Antonellis,
G. Pozzi, F. A. Schreiber, L. Tanca, and L. Tosi 33
Actor-Network Theory and Adoption of E-Commerce in SMEs / Arthur Tatnall and Stephen Burgess 38
Actor-Network Theory in Information Systems Research / Arthur Tatnall 42
Adaptive Mobile Applications / Thomas Kunz and Abdulbaset Gaddah 47
Adaptive Playout Control Schemes for Speech over the Internet / Marco Roccetti and Stefano Ferretti 53
Addressing the Central Problem in Cyber Ethics through Stories / John M. Artz 58
Adoption of E-Commerce in the Value Chain by SMEs / Judith Jeffcoate 62
Advanced Techniques for Object-Based Image Retrieval / Y J. Zhang 68

Agent- and Web-Based Employment Marketspaces in the U.S. Department of Defense / William R. Gates
and Mark E. Nissen 74
Agent-Based Intelligence Infrastructure / Zaiyong Tang and Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan 81
Agent-Based Negotiation in E-Marketing / V.K. Murthy and E.V. Krishnamurthy 88
Table of Contents by Volume
Agents and Payment Systems in E-Commerce / Sheng-Uei Guan 93
Alignment of Business and Knowledge Management Strategies / El-Sayed Abou-Zeid 98
Alignment of Information Technology and Human Resources Strategies / K. F. Dery and
D. A. Samson 104
An ERP Life-Cycle Cost Model / José Esteves and Joan Pastor 111
Analyzing the Quality of Virtual Teams / Robert M. Verburg, J.H. Erik Andriessen, and Joris P.G. de Rooij 117
Animated Characters within the MPEG-4 Standard / Françoise Prêteux and Marius Preda 123
Antecedents of Trust in Online Communities / Catherine M. Ridings and David Gefen 127
“Anytime, Anywhere” in the Context of Mobile Work / Mikael Wiberg 131
Application of Fuzzy Logic to Fraud Detection / Mary Jane Lenard and Pervaiz Alam 135
Application Service Provision for Intelligent Enterprises / Matthew W. Guah and Wendy L. Currie 140
Applying a Metadata Framework to Improve Data Quality / Victoria Youngohc Yoon, Peter Aiken, and
Tor Guimaraes 146
Archival Issues Related to Digital Creations / Mark Kieler and Michael J. West 152
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Medicine and Health Care / Rezaul Begg 157
Artificial Neural Networks in Financial Trading / Bruce Vanstone and Clarence Tan 163
Artificial Neural Networks Used in Automobile Insurance Underwriting / Fred L. Kitchens 168
Assessing the Value of Information Systems Investments / Charlene A. Dykman 173
Audience Response Systems and Face-to-Face Learning / David A. Banks 178
Audience-Driven Web Site Design / Olga De Troyer 184
Audio Analysis Applications for Music / Simon Dixon 188
Automation of American Criminal Justice / J. William Holland 197
Autopoietic Approach for Information System Development / El-Sayed Abou-Zeid 200
Balancing Risks and Rewards of ERP / Joseph Bradley 205
Basic Notions on Multidimensional Aggregate Data / Maurizio Rafanelli 211

Basics of the Triune Continuum Paradigm / Andrey Naumenko 217
Bayesian Analysis of Geographical Variation in Disease Risk / C.L. Vidal-Rodeiro, M.I. Santiago-Perez,
E. Vazquez-Fernandez, M.E. Lopez-Vizcaino, and X. Hervada-Vidal 222
Bayesian Machine Learning / Eitel J.M. Lauría 229
Table of Contents by Volume
Bayesian Modelling for Machine Learning / Paul Rippon and Kerrie Mengersen 236
Behavioral Factors in Strategic Alliances / Purnendu Mandal, Dale H. Shao, and Chong W. Kim 243
Behavioral Perspective of Groupware Adoption / Yining Chen and Hao Lou 248
Benefits and Challenges of Blended Learning Environments / Charles R. Graham, Stephanie Allen, and
Donna Ure 253
Best Practices for Effective Virtual Teams / D. Sandy Staples, Ian K. Wong, and Ann Frances Cameron 260
Better Executive Information with the Dashboard Approach / Frédéric Adam and Jean-Charles Pomerol 266
Bibliomining for Library Decision-Making / Scott Nicholson and Jeffrey Stanton 272
Bridging the Digital Divide in Scotland / Anna Malina 278
Bridging the Growing Digital Divide / Ioannis Tarnanas and Vassilios Kikis 284
Bridging the Industry-University Gap through Action Research / Ned Kock 292
Building and Management of Trust in Information Systems / István Mezgár 298
Building Educational Technology Partnerships through Participatory Design / John M. Carroll 307
Building Local Capacity via Scaleable Web-Based Services / Helen Thompson 312
Building Police/Community Relations through Virtual Communities / Susan A. Baim 318
Business Model Application of UML Stereotypes / Daniel Brandon, Jr. 325
Business Model Innovation in the Digital Economy / Chung-Shing Lee 331
Business Modeling with Client-Oriented Requirements Strategy / María Carmen Leonardi 339
Business Process and Workflow Modeling in Web Services / Vincent Yen 345
Business Processes and Knowledge Management / John S. Edwards 350
Business Strategy, Structure and IT Alignment / Petros Theodorou 356
Cache Management for Web-Powered Databases / Dimitrios Katsaros and Yannis Manolopoulos 362
Case-Based Learning in Computer Information Systems / Morgan Jennings, Charles H. Mawhinney,
and Janos Fustos 368
Census Data for Health Preparedness and Response / Jane L. Garb and Richard B. Wait 373

Certifying Software Product and Processes / Hareton Leung 381
Challenges in M-Commerce / Pouwan Lei, Chris Chatwin, and Rupert Young 387
Challenges in Quality of Service for Tomorrow’s Networks / Luiz A. DaSilva 392
Table of Contents by Volume
Change Process Drivers for E-Business / H. D. Richards, C. Makatsorsis, and Y. S. Chang 397
Changing Trends in the Preparation of Print Media / Mark Snyder 404
Chief Knowledge Officers / Richard T. Herschel 409
Citizenship and New Technologies / Peter J. Smith and Elizabeth Smythe 414
Classification-Rule Discovery with an Ant Colony Algorithm / Rafael S. Parpinelli, Heitor S. Lopes,
and Alex A. Freitas 420
Classroom Communication on a Different Blackboard / Jennifer Paige Nightingale 425
Client/Server and the Knowledge Directory / Stuart D. Galup, Ronald Dattero, and Richard C. Hicks 430
Cluster Analysis Using Rough Clustering and k-Means Clustering / Kevin E. Voges 435
Cognitive Research in Information Systems / Felix B. Tan and M. Gordon Hunter 439
Collaborative Learning On-Demand / Giancarlo Fortino 445
Collective Intentional Action in Virtual Communities / Richard P. Bagozzi and Utpal M. Dholakia 451
Combining Local and Global Expertise in Services / Hannu Salmela and Juha Pärnistö 457
Communication Management for Large Modules / Elayne Coakes and Dianne Willis 464
Comparing Conventional and Non-Parametric Option Pricing / Paul Lajbcygier 472
Complex Adaptive Enterprises / Anet Potgieter, Kurt April, and Judith Bishop 475
Component-Oriented Approach for Designing Enterprise Architecture / Zoran Stojanovic
and Ajantha Dahanayake 481
Composition in Object-Relational Database / David Taniar, Eric Pardede, and J. Wenny Rahayu 488
Computer Attitude and Anxiety / Pieter Blignaut, Andries Burger, Theo McDonald, and Janse Tolmie 495
Computer-Mediated Learning Groups / Charles R. Graham and Melanie Misanchuk 502
Computing Curriculum Analysis and Development / Anthony Scime’ 508
Concepts and Dynamics of the Application Service Provider Industry / Dohoon Kim 514
Concepts of Emergence Index in Image Databases / Sagarmay Deb 519
Conducting Ethical Research in Virtual Environments / Lynne D. Roberts, Leigh M. Smith,
and Clare M. Pollock 523

Consistent Queries Over Databases with Integrity Constraints / Sergio Greco and Ester Zumpano 529
Constructionist Perspective of Organizational Data Mining / Isabel Ramos and João Álvaro Carvalho 535
