Full Name
: Nguyen Le My Uyen
Student’s ID
: 25204708442
: HP – QLC
: K25
: Dr. Luis Alfaro
Danang, Vietnam, May 2023
Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
I, Nguyen Le My Uyen, hereby declare that this thesis serves to fulfill the
requirements to obtain the Bachelor Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain
Management at Duy Tan University. The topic of this thesis is “Analysis of
potential value-added alternatives to enhance port logistics activities and major
services, through a Case Study of Strategy and action plan at the Port Logistics
Services Joint Stock Company: DANALOG, Danang, Vietnam”. It is a unique
piece of work that has never been submitted to another university for credit.
Furthermore, properly recognized are all the references.
Nguyen Le My Uyen
Date _____________________
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
This confirms that, under my guidance, Nguyen Le My Uyen has completed the
thesis outline titled “Analysis of potential value-added alternatives to enhance port
logistics and key services, Case Study on Strategy and Action Plan at Port
Logistics Joint Stock Company Joint Stock Company: DANALOG, Da Nang,
I therefore certify that her work meets the necessary standards of relevance and
quality for presentation in order to fully satisfy the requirements for a Bachelor
Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Duy Tan University.
Dr. Luis Alfaro
Date _____________________
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
I have a fantastic opportunity to advance my professional knowledge and necessary
skills by working with DANALOG as a trainee. Despite the brief period, it
represents one of the key turning points in my professional development. I want to
express my gratitude to everyone who helped me, directly or indirectly, finish the
internship report.
First of all, I gratefully acknowledged assistance from all the teachers of Duy Tan
University. I feel that I am more mature in my mind of life thanks to their support
and enthusiastic instructions during the past four years as well as for this internship
period. I would especially like to convey my sincere appreciation to Dr. Luis
Alfaro, who has given me a great deal of useful knowledge and priceless
experience to help me get through the challenges of my internship and thesis. He
has done all in his power to teach me everything. He is an excellent teacher in my
Secondly, there are also no words to adequately express my gratitude to all the
management and employees of the DANALOG Corporation. They provided me
with an excellent opportunity to showcase and promote my soft & hard skills. The
main lesson I took away from them is optimism. Despite how hard their work, they
always have smiles on their faces. Without their helpful advice and inspiration, I
would not have been able to finish this thesis before the deadline.
Finally, my family has provided the ideal environment for me to study and
practice; therefore, I would like to summarize this by expressing my gratitude to
them. Likewise, I am thankfull of all my friends who have never wavered and have
helped me succeed in both my academic and personal endeavors.
Da Nang, May, 2023
Nguyen Le My Uyen
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................9
LIST OF GRAPH...........................................................................................................10
LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................................10
LIST OF CHARTS........................................................................................................12
GLOSSARY.................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................13
1.1 Research Background...........................................................................................13
1.2 Research Objectives..............................................................................................15
1.2.1 General Objective...........................................................................................15
1.2.2 Specific Objectives..........................................................................................15
1.3 Overview of DANALOG Company.....................................................................15
1.3.1 General Details................................................................................................15
1.3.2 Timeline of the Business’s Founding and Growth.......................................17
1.3.3 Business Services............................................................................................19
1.3.4 Organizational Structure...............................................................................21
1.3.5 Development Orientation...............................................................................24
1.3.6 Risks................................................................................................................. 25
1.3.7 Facilities...........................................................................................................26
a) Facilities in Different kinds of Warehouses.......................................................26
b) Equipment...........................................................................................................29
1.4 SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................30
1.4.1 Purpose of a SWOT Analysis.........................................................................30
1.4.2 DANALOG’s SWOT Analysis.......................................................................31
1.5 Describe the Problem Specific to DANALOG....................................................31
1.6 Purpose of the Thesis Work.................................................................................33
1.7 Scope & Limitations.............................................................................................34
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
1.7.1 Scope................................................................................................................34
1.7.2 Limitations......................................................................................................34
1.8 Working Model (General Outline of the Thesis)................................................35
CHAPTER II..................................................................................................................36
LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................36
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 36
2.2 Logistics Industry.................................................................................................37
2.2.1 Outbound........................................................................................................37
2.2.2 Inbound...........................................................................................................39
2.3 Logistics Practices/Measurements.......................................................................40
2.4 Logistics Activities in CFS Warehouse................................................................41
2.4.1 General Overview of CFS Warehouse..........................................................41
2.4.2 Operations in the CFS Warehouse................................................................43
2.4.3 Importing and Exporting CFS Procedures...................................................43
a) Imported of Goods..............................................................................................44
b) Exported of Goods..............................................................................................46
2.4.4 Other Related Activities.................................................................................49
2.5 Logistics Strategy..................................................................................................49
2.6 Theoretical Model.................................................................................................51
2.6.1 SERVQUAL Model........................................................................................51
2.6.2 SERVPERF Model.........................................................................................53
2.6.3 Oliver’s “Expectations - Perception” Model................................................54
2.7 Proposed Research Model....................................................................................55
CHAPTER III................................................................................................................57
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY........................................................57
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 57
3.2 Research Approach...............................................................................................57
3.3 Research Progress.................................................................................................58
3.3.1 Research Flow Chart......................................................................................58
3.3.2 Description of the Research Process..............................................................59
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
3.4 Building a Research Scale....................................................................................60
3.5 Source of Data.......................................................................................................63
3.6 Data Gathering Tool/Instrument.........................................................................64
3.7 Sample Size............................................................................................................64
3.7.1 Target Population...........................................................................................64
3.7.2 Sampling Technique.......................................................................................65
3.7.3 Sample Size.....................................................................................................65
3.8 Method of Data Analysis......................................................................................66
3.8.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis......................................................................66
3.8.2 Cronbach’s Alpha Analysis............................................................................66
3.8.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)..............................................................67
3.8.4 Pearson Correlation Analysis........................................................................69
3.8.5 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis............................................................70
3.9 Ethical Clearance..................................................................................................73
3.10 Reliability & Validity..........................................................................................73
3.10.1 Reliability......................................................................................................73
3.10.2 Validity..........................................................................................................74
CHAPTER IV................................................................................................................. 75
DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................75
4.1 Primary Data Analysis.........................................................................................75
4.1.1 Descriptive Statistics.......................................................................................75 Respondent Profile......................................................................................75 Responses on Scales.....................................................................................77
a) Reliability.............................................................................................................77
b) Flexibility.............................................................................................................78
c) Cost....................................................................................................................... 79
d) Quality Service....................................................................................................79
e) Responsiveness.....................................................................................................80
f) Logistics Service...................................................................................................81
4.1.2 Cronbach's Alpha Analysis (CAA)................................................................81
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
a) CAA of the component “Reliability”.................................................................82
b) CAA of the component “Flexibility”.................................................................83
c) CAA of the component “Cost”...........................................................................84
d) CAA of the component “Quality Service”.........................................................85
e) CAA of the component “Responsiveness”.........................................................86
f) CAA of the dependent variable “Operation of Logistics Services”..................87
4.1.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)..............................................................88 EFA for Independent Variables.................................................................88 EFA for Dependent Variables.....................................................................92
4.1.4 Pearson Correlation Analysis........................................................................95
4.1.5 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis............................................................96
a) ANOVA Table.....................................................................................................96
b) Model Summary Table.......................................................................................97
c) Coefficients Table................................................................................................98
d) Evaluation of Regression Assumptions Through 3 Charts............................100
4.2 Official Research Model.....................................................................................103
4.2 Secondary Data Analysis....................................................................................105
4.2.1 Human Resources (HR) Situation Analysis................................................105
a) Evaluation of Human Resource Structure of DANALOG.............................105
b) The Limitations of the Human Resources Situation.......................................108
4.2.2 Financial Situation Analysis........................................................................109
a) Balance Sheet.....................................................................................................110
b) Results of Production and Business Activities of the Company in Recent
Years (2020-2022)..................................................................................................113
4.2.3 Annual Ouput and Growth Rate Analysis..................................................118
a) Annual Output (2018 - 2022)............................................................................118
b) Growth Rate (2018 – 2022)...............................................................................119
CHAPTER V................................................................................................................120
CASE STUDY..............................................................................................................120
Material Resources................................................................................................121
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
Invisible Resources................................................................................................122
Foreign Policy........................................................................................................123
Technology Factor.................................................................................................123
Cost Strategy..........................................................................................................125
CHAP VI....................................................................................................................... 126
RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION........................................................126
6.1 Recommendations..................................................................................................126
6.1.1 Flexibility..........................................................................................................126
6.1.2 Cost...................................................................................................................128
6.1.3 Quality Service.................................................................................................130
6.1.4 Responsiveness.................................................................................................132
6.1.5 Other Solutions (Received from DANALOG employees's recommendations
through survey).........................................................................................................134
6.2 Conclusion...............................................................................................................135
APPENDIX................................................................................................................... 139
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
Figure No.
Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
Figure 1.5
Figure 1.6
Figure 1.7
Figure 1.8
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.4
Figure 2.5
Figure 2.6
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
Description of the Figure
Logo Company
A Reach Stacker Lifting a Tractor in a Container Terminal
Organizational Structure of DANALOG
Standard Selective Racking Systems in CFS Warehouse
The Goods are Stored in Domestic Warehouse
Electric Lights, Fire Protection are Equipped in the Bonded
SWOT Analysis of DANALOG
General Outline of the Thesis
Process of Making Goods at CFS Warehouse for Imported
Process of Making Goods at CFS Warehouse for Exported
A Logistics Strategy Framework
Five Dimensions in the SERVQUAL Model
Oliver’s “Expectations - Perception” Model
Proposed Research Model
Steps to Conduct Research
The Scatter Plot shows the Relationship between the
Independent and Dependent Variables
Official Research Model
The Company’s Capital Situation from 2020 to 2022
The Results of Production and Business Activities in 2020 2022
Page No.
Graph No.
Graph 2.1
Graph 2.2
Graph 4.1
Graph 4.2
Graph 4.3
Graph 4.4
Graph 4.5
Graph 4.6
Description of Graph
Page No.
Size of the Global Logistics Industry from 2018 to 2021,
with forecasts until 2027 (in trillion euros)
GDP Value of Storage in Vietnam
The Amount of Work by Nature of Labor
The Labor Size by Gender
The Labor Situation by Age
The ratio of HR by Qualifications
Revenue Growth Graph for the Period 2017 – 2021
The Annual Output of the Main Services
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Graph 4.7
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
The Growth Rate of the Main Services (2028 – 2022)
Table No.
Table 1.1
Table 2.1
Table 3.1
Table 3.2
Table 3.3
Table 4.1
Table 4.2
Table 4.3
Table 4.4
Table 4.5
Table 4.6
Table 4.7
Table 4.8
Table 4.9
Table 4.10
Table 4.11
Table 4.12
Table 4.13
Table 4.14
Table 4.15
Table 4.16
Table 4.17
Table 4.18
Table 4.19
Table 4.20
Table 4.21
Table 4.22
Table 4.23
Table 4.24
Description of Table
Page No.
Company Milestones
Descriptive 22 Observed Variables and 5 Independent
Describe in Detail the Observed Variables of the
Independent Variables
Describe in Detail the Observed Variables of the Dependent
Statistically Significant Sample Size
Profile of Respondents
Response of the RE Scale
Response of the FL Scale
Response of the CO Scale
Response of the QS Scale
Response of the RS Scale
Response of the LO Scale
Cronbach’s Alpha Result of component “Reliability”
Cronbach’s Alpha Result of component “Flexibility”
Cronbach’s Alpha Result of component “Cost”
Cronbach’s Alpha Result of component “Quality Service”
Cronbach’s Alpha Result of component “Responsiveness”
Cronbach’s Alpha Result of component “Operation of
Logistics Services”
KMO and Bartlet’s Test
Total Variance Explained
Rotated Component Matrix
EFA Evaluation Criteria for Dependent Variable
Pearson Correlation Analysis
Model Summary Table
Coefficients Table
Summary Table of 3 Evaluation Criteria for Regression
Balance Sheet of DANALOG Company 2020 – 2022
Results of Business Activities in 2020 – 2022 of
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
Total Revenue and Profit Achieved from 2017 to 2021
Table 4.25
Chart No.
Chart 4.1
Chart 4.2
Chart 4.3
Description of Chart
Histogram of Regression Standardized Residual
Normal P-P Plot. Standardized Residual Chart
Scatter Plot
Page No.
Index (LPI)
Container Freight Station
Customer Service (CS)
Likert Scale
Statistical Packages for
Social Science (SPSS)
A non-profit professional social organization of people,
organizations and businesses operating in the field of
trade, freight forwarding, logistics services in Vietnam
An interactive benchmarking tool created to help
countries identify the challenges and opportunities they
face in their performance on trade logistics and what they
can do to improve their performance
A warehouse that specializes in the consolidation and
deconsolidation of cargo. A CFS will charge a fee.
The specific activities of the company to handle customer
orders well, these activities can be: making documents,
customs clearance, processing and retrieving orders
goods, handling complaints
A type of rating scale, often found on survey forms or
questionnaires, that measures how people feel about
something which can be useful in many different
It is a software package used for the analysis of statistical
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
In the first chapter will be the overview, general description related to the
internship company, the reason for choosing the topic. The sections that comply
with are structured as follows: (1.1) Research Background, (1.2) Research
Objective, (1.3) Overview of Company, (1.4) Swot Analysis, (1.5) Problem
Specific, (1.6) Purpose of the Thesis, (1.7) Scope and Limitations, and (1.8)
Working Model.
1.1 Research Background
In the course of global economic integration, Vietnam has recently made
significant progress in a number of areas, not the least of which is the field of
logistics. The Vietnam Logistics Business Association (VLA) reports that as of
December 30, 2022, the growth rate of its members’ logistics service activities
reached about 15%, positively influencing recovery and socioeconomic
development following the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing Vietnam’s importexport turnover to a record amount of 732 billion USD 1. Besides, Vietnam was
placed 39th out of 160 nations in the World Bank’s most recent ranking evaluation
of the degree of logistics development through the Logistics Performance Index
(LPI)2. This demonstrates how the trend of global economic integration has given
Vietnam’s logistics businesses many options for the association, joint venture, and
Nevertheless, in addition to these potential advantages, Vietnamese logistics
companies also face a number of dangers and obstacles, including an increasingly
competitive market and issues with their capabilities. However, the majority of
businesses engaged in logistics operations in Vietnam are small and medium-sized
businesses, which means they don’t just compete with one another. The logistics
sector has substantial foreign investment capital, but they also face domestic rivals
in the same market. Also, consumers may get information and access logistics
service providers quite easily in the contemporary information technology era.
Customers have the right to select the service suppliers that provide them with the
best value. Thus, it is crucial to identify, maintain, and attract clients who will
utilize the service. In fact, it could be claimed that this aspect determines whether
any Vietnamese logistics firm will remain.
Da Nang Port Logistics Joint Stock Company (DANALOG), which has been in
business for 14 years, has as its continual objective to become the top supplier of
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Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
logistics services in Vietnam’s central area. Danang Port, OOCL Logistics, Shipco
Transport, DHL, Viconship, Sinotrans, etc are just a few examples of local and
international clients that trust and rely on us. Despite the fantastic results that
DANALOG Company (DNL) has achieved, there are still a lot of issues that need
to be resolved after the intern leaves the organization. These issues include
customer feedback, complaints made via email or phone, reflections on delivery
staff confusion or customer service staff email errors, lack of flexibility in
exploitation and management of services, weak customs staff, or document staff
that results in document loss.
Due to the aforementioned factors, I made the decision to choose the research topic
“Analysis of potential value-added alternatives to enhance port logistics activities
and major services: Strategy and action plan at the Port Logistics Services Joint
Stock Company: DANALOG, Danang, Vietnam”in the hopes of enhancing the
logistics activities and main services of DANALOG in order to help the company
bring a certain competitive advantage; build a loyal customer base; and bring the
best satisfaction.
1.2 Research Objectives
1.2.1 General Objective
Analyzing potential value - added alternatives to enhance port logistics activities
and major services at DANALOG Company, Danang, Vietnam.
1.2.2 Specific Objectives
The specific research objectives, have the following purposes:
a) To know the component of “Reliability” affects the operation of logistics
services in CFS warehouse
b) To know the component of “Flexibility” affects the operation of logistics
services in CFS warehouse
c) To know the component of “Cost” affects the operation of logistics services
in CFS warehouse
d) To know the component of “Quality Service” affects the operation of
logistics services in CFS warehouse
e) To know the component of “Responsiveness” affects the operation of
logistics services in CFS warehouse
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
1.3 Overview of DANALOG Company
1.3.1 General Details
With 14 years of expertise offering specialized logistics services, Da Nang Port
Logistics Joint Stock Company (DANALOG) focuses on a service - based business
strategy. In the mission of becoming a leading logistics provider in Central Central Highlands Vietnam and a confidential partner of domestic and foreign
customers. A Logistics Company provides logistics services from: Warehouse
services (CFS/Bonded/Domestics Warehouse); Container depot; Container
trucking; Container sales; Customs clearance; etc.
Figure 1.1 Logo Company
Source: Self-search on the website’s DANALOG
Danang Port Logistics Joint Stock Company (DANALOG) was established in
2009. In orientation to become a professional logistics supplier in Central Viet
Nam and confidential partner of domestic and foreign customers.
DANALOG is situated in the city of Da Nang, which serves as the regional
commercial hub as well as a significant crossroads for transportation between the
nation and its neighbors. On the way to Tien Sa port, and directly linking National
Highway 14B, this location is on the East - West Economic Corridor route.
The completion of the traffic system connecting DANALOG with Tien Sa port, Da
Nang international airport, National Highway 1A, railway station, and industrial
parks has made it easier for commodities to be transported by road and road even
while transporting extremely large cargo by train, sea, or air.
To attract goods to the domestic market, southern Laos, and northeast Thailand
along the East - West economic corridor, as well as to Da Nang Port, the
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
establishment of DANALOG aims to create a source of import and export goods
for the port. This will help the movement of goods through the port be smooth,
quick, and efficient. The establishment of DANALOG is essential. In accordance
with the agreements made with the WTO, Vietnam will begin to fulfill its promise
to open the service sector in 2009, including the logistics industry. Enterprises with
100% foreign capital will thus be eligible for rewards. In our nation, this kind of
service requires a company license.
At this moment, there is a significant increase in demand for logistics services.
Statistics demonstrate that an important percentage of Vietnam’s GDP is already
generated by the export of products and services. This proportion will rise from
72.9% in 2015 to 93.3% in 2021 as a result of improvements in the quality and
quantity of these services. From 2015 to the present, Vietnam’s freight volume has
steadily expanded at a high level, and the logistics industry has contributed 4-5%
of GDP to this growth. The aforementioned data indicates that there is significant
room for growth in the logistics business in Vietnam in 20233. Business Information Details
The company is located at 97 Yet Kieu - Tho Quang Ward - Son Tra District - Da
Nang City, Vietnam and the business phone number from Danang is 84-236 3 667
669 which is used for mainly communication channels.
The company also has a Fax: 84-236 3 924 111 and to display the
products/services, the business Website include a Vietnamese domain known as
DANALOG.com.vn while the company is responsible for Tax license as a
registered business under the number: 0400999731 and the Stock index is
classified using the UPCoM: DNL classification.
Da Nang Port Joint Stock Company and Vietnam Container Joint Stock Company
(VICONSHIP), the company’s two largest owners, each control a combined
45.10% and 30.91% of the shares4. Under the cooperation and mutual support of
major shareholders and other shareholders, DANALOG has strengthened its
position in the market working in the field of logistics, and the area that the
business cares a lot about is warehousing, particularly CFS (Container Freight
Station) - refers to a warehouse where cargo that is consolidated or unconsolidated
before being shipped or imported belongs to numerous exporters or importers.
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Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
1.3.2 Timeline of the Business’s Founding and Growth
DANALOG was established in 2009 and has been expanding and changing ever
since. The DANALOG brand has progressively gained market recognition over the
course of those 14 years thanks to important titles, honors, and in particular the
confidence of local and foreign clients in the areas of import-export, logistics,
transportation, warehousing system, etc. It is the driving force behind
DANALOG’s daily efforts to steadily enhance the way it operates and the services
it offers in order to give its clients exceptional benefits and services. The greatest
alternatives whenever choosing Da Nang Port Joint Stock Corporation products
and services.
The following phases led to the formation and growth of DANALOG:
2010 - 2011
Student Name: Nguyen Le My Uyen
Established Da Nang Port Logistics Joint
Stock Company, formerly known as Da
Nang Port Warehousing Station, with the
responsibility of serving as the logistics
division of Da Nang Port
The Leader of Danang Port’s reconstruction
policy led to the establishment of Da Nang
Port Logistics Joint Stock Company
(DANALOG), which gives a business
registration certificate by the Department of
Planning and Investment of Da Nang City
No.0400999731, dated March 5, 2009 with
27,528,550,000 VND
Increasing the charter capital in accordance
with the Board of Directors’ Decision No.
09/NQ dated November 27, 2009 on the
27,528,550,000 VND to 29,951,600,000
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Bachelor Degree Thesis
2019 – Present (2023)
Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
Establishment of CFS and Bonded
warehouse - the company’s expansion of its
business model and the development of
economic and operational efficiency in the
logistics industry are both significant by this
establishment. Also, the issuing of shares to
current owners boosted charter capital to 36
billion VND at the same time
Establishment of Container Depot - has
significant implications for decreasing the
demand on time while the container stays in
the port, improving the seaports’ traffic
capacity, and boosting the ability to carry
containers from the port to the inland
In 2017, charter capital increased to 43
billion VND - the ability to compete more
effectively while reiterating DANALOG’s
reputation and brand
Opening of Container Depot 2,3,4 and 5 DANALOG is a new breakthrough in the
company’s market expansion strategy that
will help speed up future growth. The
Director of the business additionally
anticipates that the new branches will assist
it in greater client outreach and user service
Table 1.1 Company Milestones
Source: Self-search on the website’s DANALOG
1.3.3 Business Services
According to its annual report for 2022, DANALOG Corporation operates in the
following business sectors: Services of CFS Warehouse, Bonded Warehouse,
Container Depot Service, Customs tax declaration service, Inland transportation
agent, Container agent, Commodities counting service, Carriage of Goods by
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Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
Water and Road. In such a case, the company’s main business strategy is to
concentrate on operations in the field of Logistics services through three primary
sectors: Warehousing (focused on evolving more on CFS warehouses),
Transportation, and Container Depots.
Figure 1.2 A Reach Stacker Lifting a Tractor in a Container Terminal
Source: Self-search on the website’s DANALOG
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Advisor: Dr. Luis Alfaro
1.3.4 Organizational Structure
Figure 1.3 Organizational Structure of DANALOG
Source: Human Resource Department Fundamental Responsibilities and Obligations by Department
Board of Directors
Make decisions on the company’s strategy,
development plan, and yearly business plan
Overseeing and guiding the Director or General Director, and other
managers in carrying out the day-to-day operations of the company
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