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A y)



complete Practice Tests for the

A2 Key

Revised Exam




N 978-1-78164-651-


the Listening parts for
free audio streaming

Andrew Betsis

Lawrence Mamas




Global ELT

ceed in A2 Key (KET) Revised Exam Format

Detailed explanations of the answers for all the Reading tasks.

Page 2

Audioscripts for the Listening Paper of the tests.
The answers to the questions of the Listening tasks are underlined.


Writing Tutor with Model Answers, Suggested Structure, Useful Vocabulary
and Writing Ideas for each of the 16 writing tasks in this book.


Speaking Tutor, for tests 1-8, with guidance for every part of all

the Speaking tasks of each test.

Page 36

Answer Key for the 8 Practice Tests and the Vocabulary Exercises.

Page 47

Published by GLOBAL

8 Practice Tests





Copyright © GLOBAL ELT Ltd, 2019

Betsis and Lawrence Mamas


Linda Lethem,

Maria Windsor,

Pierre Stapley,

Marianna Georgopoulou

and Varvara Vallianatou

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Succeed in Cambridge English: A2 Key - 8 Practice Tests - Self-study Edition (with Answers & MP3-Audio CD) - ISBN: 9781781646519
e Succeed in Cambridge English: A2 Key - 8 Practice Tests - Student’s Book - ISBN: 9781781646496

@ Succeed in Cambridge English: A2 Key - 8 Practice Tests - Overprinted Edition with answers - ISBN: 9781781646502
@ Succeed in Cambridge English: A2 Key - 8 Practice Tests - Audio CDs - ISBN: 9781781646526

Explanations for the Answers

of the Questions in the Reading Paper

Test 1

PART 1 -

Questions 1-6

1.C C is correct as the competition is only ‘Open to all students
aged between 10 and 17 years old’. For this reason, B is

incorrect as not all students can take part. A is incorrect
as the reading competition is for 3 hours as it ‘Starts at

9am. Finishes 12pm’, but the notice does not refer to the
library opening times.

2.A A is correct as Emma says in the message that she knows
James will ‘finish work at 8’ so he won’t be able to leave
work before then. B is incorrect as Emma is describing an
offer where you can ‘buy two meals for the price of one’
so the food is not free. C is incorrect as Emma asks James
out in the evening to a fast food restaurant ‘Shall we go
at 8.30 pm?’

3.C The notice says that there are ‘No buses on Saturday

and Sunday’. A is incorrect as it is stated in the notice that

‘There will be two trains an hour for the extra people’ but
it does not say that this is because passengers prefer the

train to the bus. B is incorrect as according to the notice,
‘Platform One will be used’, referring to the name of the
platform itself rather than saying how many platforms will
be used as suggested by ‘one platform’.

4.B Jim asks Anna in the message to ‘tell the teacher | will be

late’. A is incorrect as Jim tells Anna in the message that
he ‘will wait for the next one’, ‘one’ referring to another

bus. He does not say that he will wait for Anna. C is
incorrect as Jim tells Anna that he ‘will ...not walk’ but ‘will

wait for the next one’ (bus).

5.C The notice says that ‘All chocolate’ is ‘50% off’. A is

incorrect as the offer with ‘Special prices’ is ‘Monday to

Wednesday only’. B is incorrect as the notice states that itis
‘£1.50 for 2kg of sweets’, ‘for’ meaning ‘selling for’ and it is

‘£1 for 1kg’ of sweets’ so 2 kg of sweets are only 50p not
£1.50 more than 1kg.

6.B In the message Marina tells Susan she ‘lost’ her school

bag, her ‘neighbour found

it and returned it’ and where

her homework was, ‘still at school. It wasn’t in the bag’.

Ais incorrect as the bag was found by a neighbour ‘Our
neighbour found it (the school bag) and returned it’. C is
incorrect as the message is really to tell Susan about her
lost bag, as the message begins with this information
‘| lost my bag...’. Also, the message only says that Susan’s

homework is ‘still at school’ so we don’t know if she has
finished it.

PART 2 - Questions 7-13

7.B Susie says that she grows ‘too much food so| sell some

of it’. Ais incorrect as Greg does not refer to money at all

when talking about his hobby. C is incorrect as Alex only

refers to money to say how ‘expensive’ his hobby is, as he

has to travel to go snowboarding and has to ‘save’ his

money to do it.

8.C Alex says ‘I am going to find a new hobby very soon’.

A and B are incorrect as neither Greg nor Susie talk about

stopping their hobby. Greg started his hobby ‘many years
ago’ so he must like it and is unlikely to give up. Although
Susie finds her hobby ‘really hard work’ sometimes, she
doesn’t talk about stopping it.
9.B Susie says she ‘only started gardening as a hobby a few
months ago’. A is incorrect as Greg started his hobby ‘many

years ago’ and C is incorrect as Alex started his hobby when

he ‘was very young’.

10.A Greg says that his grandfather ‘collects stamps and he

helps me to make my collection bigger’. B is incorrect as
Susie does not refer to her family or any help she gets with

her hobby. The only family she talks about is a TV programme
‘about a family that grow all their own fruit and vegetables’.
C is incorrect as Alex stopped an activity with the rest of his
family ‘I didn’t like skiing with the rest of my family’ and
‘tried snowboarding instead’ so snowboarding is an activity
that he does alone.

11.C Alex says that he has ‘to travel a lot and that is very
expensive’ when he goes snowboarding, and because it

costs so much, he says ‘I think | am going to find
hobby very soon’. A is incorrect as Greg does not
the cost of his hobby. In fact, many of the stamps
collection were collected from stamps on ‘letters

a new
talk about
in his

postcards’ sent by his uncle and others were given to him

by his grandfather ‘who collects stamps and he helps me to
make my collection bigger’ so Greg doesn’t have to spend
too much money on his hobby. B is incorrect as although
Susie suggests that buying flowers for her garden can be
expensive as she is ‘saving the money to buy some
beautiful flowers’ the money she will spend she gets from

selling the plants she grows, so she doesn’t spend any
personal savings.
12.B Susie says that because ‘gardening is really hard work...
| don’t need to go to the gym’. A and C are incorrect as

neither Greg nor Alex refer to their hobby as being ‘healthy’.
Also Greg collects stamps so his hobby could not be
described as making him ‘healthier’ as it is not a physical

activity like Alex’s or Susie’s hobby.

13.A Greg says that ‘because of my stamp collection...it has

made me really good at geography. Actually | am top of my
geography class’. B and C are incorrect as neither Susie nor
Alex talk about their school or going to school.

: PART 3 - Questions 14-18
: 14.C Tanya says that
pays lots of money’
that ‘neither of my
incorrect as Tanya’s

her parents wanted her to ‘get a job that
(para.1). A is incorrect as Tanya says

parents wanted me to act’ (para.1). B is
parents wanted her ‘to go to university’

then ‘get a job’ (para.1) not that they wanted her to get a

job at the university itself.

: 15.B Tanya says that ‘one of my friends had a drama teacher

come to her house and her parents let me do the lessons
with her’ (para.2). A is incorrect as Tanya says that her

mother ‘didn’t have time to teach me’ (drama) (para.2) and
C is incorrect as when Tanya ‘started primary school, my

school didn’t teach drama’ (para.2).

16.A According to Tanya, Mrs Burton told her ‘I have never
seen such a good actor at your age. You could be famous

one day’ (para.3) and because of this it made Tanya ‘believe
that | could do what | wanted to do’ (para.3). As Mrs Burton
encouraged Tanya to act, telling her ‘she could be famous’,
B is incorrect. C is incorrect as Tanya only tells us about how
Mrs Burton encouraged her to act, and not about her
teacher saying that she should ask her parents’ permission

to do so.
17.A Tanya says that when she decided to go to drama
school, her father warned her “In the future you will wish

that you had listened to us’ which made her ‘feel very sad’.
(para.4) so for this reason, C is incorrect. B is also incorrect

as although Tanya felt bad after her dad’s warning and says
that ‘I almost changed my mind’ (para.4) because of it, she
i 18.C Tanya says that ‘my whole family agrees that | made all
the right decisions...and my parents are very happy for me’
(para.5). A must be incorrect as if they thought she was a
bad actor, they wouldn’t be happy about her choice of
career. Also because Tanya is ‘famous’ it is also unlikely that
her parents would think she was a bad actor. B

is incorrect

as Tanya’s family are happy she is successful although they
gave her the wrong advice.

SUCCEED in Cambridge A2 KEY

8 Practice Tests

: Here it refers to the swimming pool that belongs to the hotel.

PART 4 - Questions 19-24

19.B take part (v) is a 2-part verb (it is made from 2 words,
a verb, take and a noun, part). It means to be part of an
event. Here it describes the athletes who compete in the

Olympic Games. Neither try nor turn can be followed by
the word part so both are incorrect. Try (v) means to do
something new or difficult. It should have an object or verb
after it (e.g. try something new or try playing tennis) so A is
incorrect. Turn (v) means to change your head/body to face

a different direction or to move an object in a circular

movement. Turn should be followed by an object (He
turned his head) or a preposition (She turned around) so
Cis incorrect.

20.A watch (v) describes the activity of looking at something

for a long time, e.g. a TV programme. Here it refers to
people looking at the Olympic Games'on TV. Visit (v) means

to go to a place in order to look at it, or to a person in order
to spend time with them. Olympic Games that follows the
missing gap here is not a place or a person to go to; is an
event that people watch, so B is incorrect. Look (v) is when

you pay attention to something you see, like a person or

thing but not a TV programme or event, so C is incorrect.

Also it needs to be followed by the preposition ‘at’.
21.B ago (adv) When a time given is in days, weeks, months
or years, ‘ago’ is used after the time period to show it is a

past, finished event. Here it is used to describe the start of

the Olympic games. Since (adv) is used to describe events

that are not finished and so A is incorrect. Past (adv) We
use past as an adverb to say what the time is when it is a
particular number of minutes after an hour. e.g. It's five
past three. Past is also used with the past simple as an
adjective to refer to a period of time. Also it is always used
with a preposition e.g. He was the fifth climber to die on
these mountains over the past two days.

22.C changes (v) When something changes, it doesn’t stay
the same. Here the text is describing how each year, the

number of Olympic sports played, is never the same.
Becomes (v) means to begin to be something different. It
needs to be followed by an adjective or noun, not just a
time reference (year to year) so A is incorrect. Improves (v)
means to make better. A person, not a thing can improve

something, so improve cannot be used here when sport is
being described, so B is incorrect.

23.B snowboarding (n) is a winter sport where someone

stands ona board to travel over the surface of snow. As
other winter sports are described here as examples of what
happens at the Winter Olympics, this is the only possible
choice here. Windsurfing (n) and sailing (n) are summer
sports, the first, using wind and a board to travel over the

sea’s surface and the second using a wind-powered boat,
so both A and C are incorrect choices.
24.C success (n) is something good that you have achieved.
Here it refers to working as a team to achieve a good result.
A business (n) is a company that makes money. You can talk
about teamwork in a business, which means working
together with other people to make money or being part of
a team ina business (business team) but you cannot use
the word business after team, so A

is incorrect. Rest (n)

describes time that you take to relax after a period of work.
It cannot be used with the word team and does not make
sense, as it would not be an important part of the Olympics
so B is incorrect.

PART 5 - Questions 25-30

(0) my. My is a pronoun used to show that something belongs
to the person speaking. Here it is referring to the speaker’s
25. going. Going is used with to when describing a future

plan. Here it is used to describe a future plan to play beach



26. has. The verb have is used with got to show possession.

¡ 27. lots. Lots is used with of with countable and uncountable

¡ nouns to show that there are many of something. Here it
i refers to the speaker’s photographs. Where of is not used,

: many can be used instead to describe countable nouns, like


: 28. a. Shame is a noun. Usually when you refer to a noun for
: the first time, you use a or an. However shame is an emotion
¡ and like other abstract nouns cannot be preceded by a or an.
: In this case though, you can put a before the word shame to

; make the expression a shame which means a pity and refers
to the fact that Sally couldn’t go to Bali with John.
: 29. as. As well means also or too. Here it refers to Sally who
: John thinks will, like himself, like the place he is describing.

? 30. here. Wish you were here is a set phrase which is used to
ị say that the writer misses someone.

he misses Sally.

: Readin

¡ PART 1-

Here John is saying that

Test 2
uestions 1-6

1.B The advert says that there is a ‘10% Discount for students’.

Ais incorrect as the only offer at the weekend is for a ‘free
phone case with every phone on Saturday’, not a cheaper
phone. C is therefore also incorrect as the free gift is available
only on Saturday.

2.C Fred is telling Jeremy that he is ‘going to visit a university’
and asks Jeremy ‘Do you want to come with me?”. A is
incorrect as Fred has not taken his exams yet as he says he
wants to ‘be a student’ ‘If | pass my exams’. B is incorrect as
Fred tells Jeremy that he is going to visit a university ‘this
Friday’ and not next week.

3.A The wedding lunch will be ‘at the restaurant next door’
to the church. B is incorrect as guests are told not to arrive
before 11.am ‘no earlier than 11a.m.’.. Cis incorrect as

guests are told to ‘leave presents in the hall’; not the church.

| 4.A Pricilla tells Elvis ‘I have never flown before’. B is incorrect
as the flight is a ‘one-hour’, so one and not a couple of
hours. C is incorrect as she says her ‘mum said it’s a small
plane’ that she will fly in.
5.B The normal opening hours of the shop are from ‘7a.m to
7p.m’ but since ‘From 1st July’ the shop ‘will open at ‘6a.m’
this will be an hour earlier than the usual opening time. A is
incorrect as a post office is one of the services offered at the
shop. Cis incorrect as the notice states that there is ‘no

frozen food’ sold at the shop.
6.C The price of the trip is ‘£50 online’ but ‘£40 if you pay
in cash’ so some students can buy the trip more cheaply
by not paying for the trip online. A is incorrect as under
‘Information’ it is written that the school office is only open
in mornings ‘any morning this week’ and not on Wednesday
‘except for Wednesday’. B

is incorrect as the online price of

the trip is shown on the notice, so it isn’t necessary to pay at
the school office. Also, the notice doesn’t say where the
students can pay for the trip in cash.

PART 2 - Questions 7-13

7.B When

Maria baked a birthday cake ‘It was the first time

that she had ever cooked anything’. A is incorrect as in the

text about Charles it does not say that Charles is a beginner

in art. It is also very unlikely since drawing and painting are
learned skills and since we know that Charles is a ‘very

good artist’ who has ‘won a competition...held for students
all over the United Kingdom’ he can’t be a beginner. C is
incorrect as the text says that Spiros ‘has been writing
stories for many years’.
118 C Spiros stays that ‘he will always write stories’ and ‘he is
sure that he will become a rich and famous writer in the
future’. A and B are incorrect as neither Charles nor Maria
talk about what they want to do in the future.

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8 Practice Tests

9.A For an art competition ‘Most students painted a famous

building or a beautiful landscape’ but we are told that
‘Charles however, surprised everyone by painting a
traditional Sunday roast dinner’. B is incorrect as Maria
baked a cake for a competition but we are not told that she
did anything unusual or different to the other people who

entered the competition. C is incorrect as although Spiros is
different to most young people because he ‘hates the

internet and generally technology’ he hasn’t done anything

different to other people of his age in the past.
10.B To learn how to bake a cake, Maria ‘found out on the
internet what she needed to buy and what to do’. A is

incorrect as the text does not refer to Charles using a

computer to win a competition. C is incorrect as Spiros

‘hates the internet and generally technology’ and so would
not have used a computer in the writing competition.

11.C Spiros ‘hates the internet and generally technology’.
Ais incorrect as the text does not say if Charles likes or

dislikes the internet. B is incorrect as Maria is happy to use
the internet as she ‘found out on the internet what she
needed to buy and what to do’ to bake a cake.

12.A Charles ‘won a competition that was held for students all
over the United Kingdom’. B is incorrect as the competition
was to ‘bake a birthday cake for the headteacher’ of Maria’s
school, so Maria was the best in her school; not the country,

when she won the competition. C is incorrect as Spiros won
a competition that ‘was open to anyone in his city’; not all
the country.
13.B ‘Maria’s prize was a cooking lesson with a TV chef’.
Ais incorrect as the only reference to something famous is

‘a famous building’ which was the subject of many students’

paintings for an art competition. C is incorrect as the text
says that Spiros hopes to be ‘a rich and famous writer’ not

that he will meet someone famous.

PART 3 - Questions 14-18

14.A Sophia ‘comes from quite a poor family and when she
was a child her parents couldn’t buy her things that her
friends had’ (para.1). B is incorrect as it says in the text that
Sophia’s parents ‘couldn’t buy her things’ because they

didn’t have money, and not because they didn’t want to.

Cis incorrect as the text says that Sophia couldn’t ‘have the
things that her friends had’ not that her friends laughed at
her being poor.

15.C When Sophia started to buy second-hand things ‘It

started as a hobby’ (para.2). A is incorrect as Sophia ‘quickly

started to make money’ when she was selling second-hand
things, so it was easy; not difficult to sell things. B is

incorrect as Sophia ‘only started to earn a lot of money’
after she had ‘spent more time buying and selling things’
so she did not get a lot of money at first. Also, it says that
she earned a lot of money, not that she ‘became rich’.

16.C Sophia says ‘I believe there will be enough time for me
to have fun in the future’ (para.3). A is incorrect as Sophia

believes that although ‘university life would be fun...

| believe there will be enough time for me to have fun in

the future’, so she doesn’t feel a need to go to university.
She also thinks that a future without going to university will
be ‘fun’ so B is incorrect.

17.B When she won the competition, Sophia ‘felt that she

had done something that none of her friends had done’

(para.4) A is incorrect as Sophia ‘couldn’t believe it’ when

she won the competition (para.4). Also, since she ‘hadn’t

even heard of the competition’ (para.4) it is impossible that

she knew she was going to win it. C is incorrect as although
Sophia couldn’t believe she had won the competition, it

does not say in the text that she didn’t understand why she
had won it.
18.B ‘Now she is planning to find one or two people to work
for her in the next few weeks as there is too much for her
to do on her own’ (para.5) A is incorrect as the text says
that she is ‘her own boss’ (para.5) so she would not look for


else to be head of her company. C is incorrect as

the text only refers to Sophia wanting ‘company during the
day in the office’ and not that she wants to work from

another office.

: PART 4 - Questions 19-24

¡1 C way (n) can describe a road or path but can also mean

how you do something. In this case, the second meaning is
used in the text. Here it refers to how you can enjoy a

holiday by going camping. A plan (n) is a decision to do
something that you will put into action later. In the text a
general statement is made about the benefits of camping
and there is no reference to a personal decision made

about camping, so A is incorrect. A path (n) refers to a way
or road and since an actual road or way is not referred to

here, B is incorrect.
; 20.B rest (n) is a break and here refers to time spent relaxing

while enjoying nature. Stuff (n) is an uncountable noun,

referring to many things or objects and cannot therefore
have a or an before it, so A is incorrect. Also, here it does
not make sense as you cannot have a stuff. Atour (n) is a

short trip taken with a guide and usually with other

tourists. When camping outside you would not be taken
on a tour with tourists so C is incorrect.

21.A carry (v) means to take something in your arms or on

your back from one place to another. Here it refers to taking
water in a rucksack with you when going on day trips.

Move (v) means to push or pull something into a different
position and not keep something with you all the time, so

B is incorrect. Travel (v) refers to when a person or people
go long distances using transport and does not refer to an

item being taken with someone, so C is incorrect.
22.C map (v) is a drawing of an area, which helps you find
your way. This is why it is described as being useful in the
text ‘if you get lost’. A menu (n) is a list of the food that you
can eat in a restaurant. A menu cannot help you find your
way, so A is incorrect. A kit (n) is a box or container in which
you put a set of tools or objects which are needed for a

particular job. You can only have a kit of actual objects,
not something abstract, like an area, so B

is incorrect.

23.B sure Make sure is a phrase which means to check
something is OK. Here it refers to checking that a fire is

away from other things. Safe (adv) can be used with make

but you need to put an object after make i.e make the area
safe so A is incorrect. Right (adv) can also be used with
make but it also needs an object after make i.e make
something right so C is incorrect for this reason and also
because it is used to talk about correcting a mistake, not
making an area safe.

24.B throw (v) refers to using your hand and arm to send
something through the air, like a ball. Here it refers to

putting rubbish into a bin by releasing it from your hand

into the bin. Let (v) means to allow someone to do

something and cannot describe an action done by

someone, like putting rubbish into a bin. Also, immediately
after fet you need an object and a verb which relates to that
object which is missing here, so A is

incorrect. Fall (v) refers

to someone or something dropping through the air. You
cannot ‘fall’ an object or person, as the object or person
can only fall by itself or themselves so C is incorrect.

: PART 5 - Questions 25-30

¡ (0) on. The preposition on is put before a day of the week to
: describe when something is happening. Here it is referring to
: a party.

25. lot/few. Lot, few are used before plural countable nouns

: (lot can also be used before uncountable nouns) to refer to

: how many things or people are being referred to. Here, /ot
? and few refer to how many friends are going to the party.
: A lot refers to many people, and a few, to not many people.

26. to. When one verb follows another one, the second verb

can take the ing form of the verb or an infinitive (with or

Cambridge A2 KEY

8 Practice Tests

without to). Since here the verb following like is not in the ing
form and there is a gap before the verb come, to must be

9.B The text describes Fast Drive as a game where ‘Players are
rewarded for driving on the wrong side of the road, driving
into other cars or motorbikes, and creating problems all


27. me. After ‘Call’, an object is needed. Since Mark is asking

over a city’. A and C are incorrect as the games these texts

Robert to contact him on his telephone number, the object

describe have a good effect on the player. In A the game
described ‘helps the player to think carefully so that they

can make the best decision’ and that ‘This will probably
help them in the real world’ and in C the game ‘is all about
becoming friends with your dinosaur and it is like going on
an adventure with a loved family pet’.
: 10.A The player in the game described here has to ‘build and

pronoun me is needed.
28. with. This preposition shows that something or someone
is going with someone somewhere.

Here it refers to the music

playlists or CDs that Mark is asking Robert to take with him to
the party.
29. not. This is used to make a statement/command or ques-

tion negative. Here it is used to tell Robert that he must re-

look after a city’ and ‘be sure that the city and its people

member to bring a funny hat.

have everything they need to live’. B is incorrect as the

30. hope. The verb hope is used to show a wish, here that

player is ‘creating problems all over a city’ instead of

Robert can come to the party. It is often used at the end of

helping people. C is incorrect as the text says that in the
game you need to become ‘friends with your dinosaur’,
but it does not say that you help anyone.
ị 11.A This text says that when people play Star City it ‘will

letters in set phrases like ‘/ hope to see /hear from you soon’.


Test 3

PART 1 - Questions 1-6

1.C The notice states ‘Adults: £10’ for museum entry and

‘Adults: £2 extra’ for entry to the ‘special Science Exhibition’,

which means that adults pay a total of £12 to see the

exhibition. A is incorrect as the notice says ‘Children: free’
for entrance to the special Science Exhibition, but entrance

to the museum is £5 for children. B is incorrect as the
science exhibition is ‘Monday Only: 10a.m to 2p.m’.

2.A In the message, Bob tells Simon ‘We are visiting the factory

on Monday’. B is incorrect as Simon and Bob ‘will go back to

the office for lunch’ after the factory visit and not eat lunch
at the factory. Since Bob and Simon will return to their office
after the factory visit on Monday, C is incorrect.

3.B The notice says that there will be a ‘concert next Friday’.
A is incorrect as Stuart says that you can ‘send an email to
’ to contact him. C is incorrect as the

concert is described as a ‘Rock’ concert for people who ‘like
rock music’.

4.C Helen tells Emma in her message that ‘there is a film on TV
| want to see’ so she is not planning to go out. A is incorrect

as Helen is inviting Emma in the message to watch a film on
TV ‘there is a film on TV | want to see. Do you want to join
me?’, so we do not know what Emma’s reply is and if she

will want to accept the invitation. B is incorrect as Helen tells

Emma in the message ‘The film | want to see isn’t on’ so she
isn’t asking Emma to go to the cinema.
5.B The notice tells people to ‘Only swim between the green
signs’, so this area must be safe. A is incorrect as people

should call 999 ‘If you see someone in trouble’ not if there

are no signs. C is incorrect as people can ‘swim between the
green signs’.

6.C Jane has written in her notes ‘6p.m. buy pizzas’ and ‘7p.m.

guests arrive’ so the guests will arrive after she has ordered

the hot food. A

is incorrect as Jane has written in her notes

‘prepare...sandwiches’, so there will be cold food at the

party. B is incorrect as Jane has written ‘invite friends from
university’, so the people coming to the party are people

she knows from university; not from work.

PART 2 - Questions 7-13

7.B Fast Drive ‘has an online part that allows for chat, so each
player will hear everything that other online players say’.
Aand C are incorrect as each text describes how 1 player
plays the game and does not mention other players or
listening to them.
8.C The text describes the game as ‘all about becoming
friends with your dinosaur’. A is incorrect as the text does

not refer to anyone except the player who is playing the
game. B is incorrect as the text says that the player is in
contact with other people when playing the game, but

these people are not described as ‘strange’ or ‘friends’.


probably help them

in the real world’. B is incorrect as the

game will probably be bad for players and not help them as
‘Players are rewarded for driving on the wrong side of the
road...creating problems’ and that games like this ‘can
make...children want to drive in such a way in real life’. C is
incorrect as the text does not say how this game can help
you by becoming friends with a dinosaur.
¡ 12.C The text says that sometimes the game ‘might be a bit
boring’. A is incorrect as the game is not described in the
text as boring. It is unlikely that it would be, as ‘There are

lots of problems and difficult things for the players to do’ in

the game. B is incorrect as like A, the text does not say the
game is boring. Because it is called ‘Fast Drive’, has ‘lots of

dangerous driving in it’ and also has an ‘online part’ which
allows players to hear other online players, it is unlikely to
be boring too.

; 13.A ‘Players must be above eighteen years old to play’. B is
incorrect as the text warns the reader that some of the

players may be ‘new teenage drivers’, so the game

is not for

adults only. C is incorrect as the game is described as
‘perfect for children aged between 10 and 14’.

PART 3 - Questions 14-18

14.B Shaun says that he did the Challenge ‘to get money for
my local children’s hospital’ (para.1). C is incorrect, as

although the hospital did help Shaun’s brother, Shaun did
the challenge to help the hospital itself rather than pay his
brother’s hospital bill. A is incorrect as Shaun says the local
hospital ‘helped my brother when he was very sick’, so as
his brother’s illness was in the past, he must be well now.

15.A According to Shaun, the first mountain ‘wasn’t as bad as
| thought it was going to be’(para.2). For this reason, B is
incorrect. C is incorrect as the guide is always with people

doing the challenge and ‘shows you where to walk’ (para.2)
rather than only helping when people get lost.

i 16.C Shaun describes being frightened by the weather but

there were no serious problems ‘It was raining and there
was a heavy thunderstorm. | was very afraid. No one was
hurt but we did get very wet’ (para.3). A is incorrect as

although they did all ‘get very wet’ Shaun says he ‘was very
afraid’ (para.3). B is incorrect as although the weather was
bad ‘No one was hurt’. (para.3).
17.B Shaun says that for the challenge, you need ‘...good
walking boots, trousers and jacket and a hat for the sun’

and that the clothes ‘must be comfortable’ (para.4). A is

incorrect as Shaun says ‘... you need a small bag’ to take
with you (para.4). C is incorrect as although Shaun say that
you need “a hat for the sun’, ‘it doesn’t matter what your

clothes look like’.

i 18.A Since Shaun said that he ‘was very afraid’ (para.3) on his

walk because of the weather and that he enjoyed the walk
‘even though it rained’ (para.5), B cannot be the correct
answer. Also, because he ‘didn’t have many people to talk

to’ (para.5), C must also be incorrect. Therefore, as Shaun

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thought the places he walked were ‘really beautiful’ and
says that he ‘loved looking all around me, on the mountains’
(para.5) the countryside must be what he most enjoyed.

PART 4 - Questions 19-24
19.B kinds (n pl)

describes types of something. Here it refers

to categories of sport. Sides (n pl) describes the vertical

parts of a shape or object, or in sport, it describes the
teams that are competing against one another. Since you
can have sides in a team but not of sports, A is incorrect.
Parts (n pl) refers to bits of a complete object and cannot

refer to types of games or sports which are being described
here, so Cis incorrect.

20.C equipment (n) is an uncountable noun which is used to
describe tools or things you need to complete a job or do
a sport. Here it refers to the things you need to play hockey,
such as a club or helmet. Occupation (n) is a countable



: Here Jenny is referring to her family going on holiday in July.
27. of. A lot of is a set phrase, which can be used before
? countable nouns to mean many or uncountable nouns to
: mean much. Here the phrase a /ot of is used before the un: countable noun, shopping, to show how much shopping
: Jenny and her mum plan to do.

: 28. they. Before a verb, a subject or subject pronoun

is re-

quired. Since Jenny is referring to her dad and brother as the

subjects doing an action (taking a boat out) the subject pro? noun (3rd person plural), they is needed here.

: 29. like. Would you like is a set phrase, which is used when

: inviting someone to do something. Here, Jenny is inviting Kate

: to go on holiday with herself and her family.
30. We. As Jenny is referring to herself and Kate, and they are
the subject of an action (going to the beach), the 1st person
plural, we is required.

noun that is sometimes used instead of the word ‘job’. You
cannot ‘need’ an occupation or require it to play a sport.
Also, after ‘a lot of’ a countable noun should be plural, so
Ais incorrect. Furniture (n) describes items like chairs,
tables, etc. that you put in a room to make it more

: Reading

sport, so B is incorrect.

¡ 1.B John says in his email that he ‘can’t come to work today’

comfortable to live in. You do not need furniture to play

21.B few (determiner) In the previous sentence we read

about some sports that need a /ot of equipment. This
sentence starts with the word However so we understand
that we need to find a word to make a concession. So B is
correct here as we also need a determiner that can be
followed by a countable noun (things). Many (determiner)
is incorrect as it is a synonym; not a word that has the
opposite meaning to a /ot of.

Less (determiner) is also incorrect as although is the
opposite of a Jot of that we need here we use less when it
is followed by an uncountable noun.

22.C stadium (n) A stadium is a large area with seating that is
either partly open to the sky or closed over with a roof. It is
used to play games like football and basketball and seats

many people or spectators. Here it refers to a place people

go to watch sport instead of watching it on TV. A station (n)

is where buses or trains depart from and so is not
somewhere you would go to watch sport, so A is incorrect.

A stage (n) is what actors or musicians perform shows
upon. As stages are not used to watch sport, B is incorrect.

23.A each (determiner) refers to every person or thing ina
group or collection of things. Here it refers to all the

countries in the world. All (determiner) also refers to every
person or thing in a group or collection of things but it

needs to be followed by the plural of a nounif it is
countable, so B is incorrect. Whole (determiner) refers to a

total amount and can refer to people or things. However, it
needs the before it when whole is followed by a countable

noun that is singular, so C is incorrect.
24.C popular (adj) means someone or something that is liked
by many people. In the text, it is used to refer to how some
sports are liked better than others. Classical (adj) means
traditional and is used to describe music or dance but not
sport, so A is incorrect. Helpful (adj) means someone or
something that can help. But this doesn't make sense with
the following or the previous sentences that are about
sports that people prefer to play.

PART 5 - Questions 25-30

(0) for. When you are thanking someone, you explain why you
are thanking them, by using the preposition for after thank

you. Here Jenny is saying a thank you to Kate because she was
sent a letter and a photo.
25. to. ‘can't wait to ...'is a phrase that means to be very excited about something and eager to do or experience it.

26. in. When you want to say that something happened or
will happen during a certain month, or year, you use the

preposition in before the month or year you are referring to.

: PART 1 -

Test 4
Questions 1-6

as ‘I need to go to the doctor this morning’. A is incorrect as

John will ‘go to the doctor this morning’ instead of going to
work. For this reason C

is incorrect too.

ị 2.C The notice says that there will be ‘some more (tablets)
on Friday’. A is incorrect as although people can look at the
website for information, they are also told they can ‘ask one
of the shop assistants for information’. B is incorrect as the
notice says the shop has ‘sold all the tablets’.

3.B The festival is described as being a ‘3-day event Starting
on Friday’. A is incorrect as people going to the festival are
told to ‘bring...lots of water’. C is incorrect as ‘Everyone is
welcome!’ to the festival. The notice only refers to one farmer
(Farmer Bob) on whose farm the festival will take place.

4.C The notice tells people to ‘not swim in’ the lake as it ‘is
very dirty’. A is incorrect as people are told to ‘not give food

to the ducks!’ in the park. B is incorrect as the park ‘closes
at 7pm in the summer’.

: 5.B Margaret tells Bill that she is ‘very excited’ because her
‘uncle is coming to visit’. A is incorrect as Margaret has not
seen her uncle ‘since Christmas’. C is incorrect as Margaret’s

uncle will come and visit ‘for ten days’ and Margaret has not

seen him for a very long time (‘since Christmas’).

6.C The advert says that from the house it is only ‘S minutes’
walk to get the train’. A is incorrect as there is a ‘Small

garden at the back’ of the house; not the front. B is incorrect

as there are ‘4 bedrooms’ and ‘2 bathrooms’.

: PART 2 - Questions 7-13

¡ 74C Sue compares her life with that of her parents in the past.
She says that working in an office is easier as information is
available on the internet. ‘When my parents were young,

they had to go to the library if they wanted to know about
something for a project. | can be comfortable in my office
and do all my work’. A and B are incorrect as Karen and Peter
do not say anything about working in an office.

¡ 8.A Karen says ‘...my best friend lives in Germany’. B is incorrect

as Peter talks about people who are “...in different countries’
but these are not friends, and are ‘people that | have not met
in real life’. C is incorrect as Sue does not talk about her best
friend at all or about someone who lives in a different country.
: 9.B Peter says ‘Sometimes my friends at work think that |
should stop playing because games can make you do bad

things in real life’. A is incorrect as Karen does not talk about

work colleagues. C is incorrect as although Sue talks about
her office ‘I can be comfortable in my office’ she does not

say anything about the people who work with her.
¡ 10.C Sue says ‘I’m not really interested in playing games on
the internet although most of my friends are’. A is incorrect

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as Karen talks about her best friend ‘my best friend lives in
Germany’ but does not say they are different. B is incorrect
as Peter talks about ‘my friends at work’ but only to say they


PART 4 - Questions 19-24

‡ 19.B study (v) means to gain knowledge by reading books
and going to lessons or lectures. You can study alone or at
school, college or university. In the text it refers to Cicely
Williams going to university to learn about the subject of

warn him not to play games.

11.C Sue says ‘lam learning German on the internet’. A and B
are incorrect as Karen and Peter do not talk about speaking

medicine. Prepare (v) means to get something ready.

another language.

Medicine can be prepared for a patient’s use by a dispenser

12.B Peter says ‘I also play games with people that | have not
met in real life’. A is incorrect as Karen only talks about
speaking to her best friend on the internet, not new people
“..my best friend lives in Germany...so we talk on the
internet nearly every day’. Cis incorrect as Sue talks about
the internet and friends but only to talk about the
differences between herself and friends she already has
‘I'm not really interested in playing games on the internet
although most of my friends are’.
13.A Karen says how internet calls save her money when she
talks to her best friend who lives abroad ‘It would be very

in a chemist, but not at a university, so A

is incorrect.

Know (v) means to have knowledge of something. Since if
you have knowledge of a particular subject you wouldn’t go
to university to study it, C is incorrect.

20. A interested (adj) The preposition in always follows the
word interested when something of interest is described.
In the text it describes how health problems are what
interest Cicely Williams.
: 21. B listen (v) means to hear something or pay attention to
what someone is saying. Here it describes the difficulty
Cicely Williams had in getting people’s attention when

expensive if we talked to each other on the phone but it

talking about her ideas. The preposition to always follows

doesn’t cost anything to talk on the internet’. B is incorrect
as Peter only talks about how ‘The internet is a great way to
have fun’ and meet people. C is incorrect as Sue talks about

the verb listen, when the object of the verb is described
e.g. listen to music. Hear (v) means to receive a sound
through your ears. It doesn’t mean that you are showing an

why she likes the internet: ‘I can find information about

interest in what is being said so A is incorrect as the text

everything’... ‘lam learning German on the internet. There is
a fun website where you can learn words...’ but she does
not say the internet saves her money.

describes how Cicely Williams wanted people to pay
attention to what she was saying and not just hear what
she was saying. Also, hear is followed by an object not the
preposition to, so it is incorrect for this reason too.

PART 3 - Questions 14-18

14.A ‘Katie Stagliano was only twelve when she thought of a

Believe (v) means to have the opinion that someone is
telling you the truth about something or to have trust in

15.C The text says that Katie ‘...grew a ten-kilo cabbage in her
garden. That cabbage was big enough to make food for 275
people at her local soup café’ (para.2). A is incorrect as there

ing form (the meaning of the verb stays the same). Since
began is followed by neither an object or a verb, A is
incorrect. Arrived (v) means to reach the place you want to

way to help give food to poor people in her city. Katie had
what they say. Although in the text it could refer to people
been watching a cooking programme...’ (para.1). B is
having trust in Cicely William’s ideas, believe is always

incorrect as Katie was watching a programme with her mum
by the preposition in not to, so C is incorrect.
when she got the idea how to help poor people ‘...she
thought of a way to help give food to poor people in her city.: 22, C became (v) means someone or something changed into
something else. Here it refers to Cicely Williams going from
Katie had been watching a cooking programme with her
being someone who is unknown to someone who is
mum’ (para.1) C is incorrect as Katie was watching the
Began (v) means that someone or something
programme with her mum ‘who works as a waitress ina
started to do something. Began needs to be followed by an
restaurant’ (para.1). She didn’t get her idea from the
object e.g. she began her work or a verb in the infinitive or
restaurant itself.

is no reference to a kitchen, in the text. B is incorrect as
Katie grows cabbages and vegetables in her garden to feed

people who go to the local soup café, not to people who

come to her garden.

16.C Katie says ‘When | saw how many hungry people had
soup from my cabbage | thought that it doesn’t have to be
difficult or expensive to help people’ (para.3). A is incorrect
as Katie says how feeding the poor ‘doesn’t have to be
difficult’ (para.3); not that she makes difficult meals. B is

incorrect as Katie talks about free meals being available to
other people, not her family ‘local soup café where people

who are hungry can go and get free food’ (para.2). ‘We don’t

make any money but everyone takes food for free’ (para.4).
17.B Katie talks about her business and her ‘vegetable
gardens’ where ‘... food can be grown and given to the poo
We don’t make any money but everyone takes food for free’
(para.4). Ais incorrect as Katie says ‘We don’t make any
money’ (para.4). C is incorrect as Katie refers to ‘We’ when
talking about growing food ‘We grow lots of fruit and
vegetables’ (para.4).

18.A Katie says she ‘... wants to ask people to open more of
these gardens all over the country., ‘| want them to be
looked after by young people like myself’ (para.5). B is
incorrect as Katie wants ‘gardens all over the country’. C is

incorrect as Katie’s plans to open gardens everywhere is to
help young people ‘understand how important it is to help
other people’ (para.5) and she is not planning to grow food

to sell to shops.


go to. It needs to be followed by a preposition and/or a

place e.g. she arrived at the office/she arrived home and so

Bis incorrect here.
2 23. A sick (adj) means unwell. In the text it refers to Williams’

work stopping children from becoming unwell. Broken (adj)

means damaged or destroyed. It can only refer to a thing
and not a person, so B is incorrect. Terrible (adj) means
very bad. It describes unpleasant things, experiences or
people. You can become a terrible person but you can’t get

terrible, so C is incorrect.

2a, B way (n) A way can describe a road or path but can also
mean how you do something. In this case, the second

meaning is used in the text. Here it refers to how Cicely
Williams helped sick babies in Africa. A path (n) refers to a

way or track and since an actual track or way is not referred
to here, A is incorrect. A road (n) is a way used by cars or
other vehicles and since a transport route is not described
here, C is incorrect.

PART 5 - Questions 25-30

0) My. Alexis is referring to something that is hers (her hotel
room) and so the possessive pronoun my is needed before

: 25. of. The prepositions of over, above, under can be used

: after the noun, view to describe what is being seen. A view of,
l describes a general view, and a view over, above and under,

: the position from which someone is looking at a view. Since
: only a general view of the sea and not Alexis’ viewing point of
the sea is described, of is correct here.

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26. go. A verb is needed after a subject pronoun, and since go
is always placed before swimming to describe the action of

: PART 2 - Questions 7-13
| 7.B Josh says that he goes to the cinema ‘...on Thursdays
because it’s half price for students’. A is incorrect as Michael

travelling or walking to a place where you can swim, go is the

correct answer here.




does not talk about special offers on cinema tickets. C is

27. too. Too means as well or also. Alexis is describing how

incorrect as although Mark talks about wanting to go at the

she eats fresh fish at a restaurant and also cake. The adverb

| ~— weekend to the cinema because ‘there are special ticket

as well.
28. also. Also means too or as well. Alexis is telling Rachel
that she bought a dress, a ring and a present as well. Too can-

tickets. Also he can’t buy the tickets on offer anyway as he
says ‘I have a weekend job’.
‡ 8,A Michael says ‘I go to the cinema about once a month

too is always placed at the end of a sentence when it means

offers’ he does not say that these offers are for half price

not be used here as it must always be placed at the end of the

usually on a Saturday’. B is incorrect as Josh says he likes to

sentence when it means as well so the only possible option

here, is also.
29. it. It refers to either the subject or object of an action
when the subject or object is a thing or an animal. Here it



refers to a thing which is a painting which Alexis thinks Rachel

adults’ but the cinema staff ‘...usually find us in the middle

30. take. Take is the verb used with photo to describe the ac-

of the film and ask us to leave’. A is incorrect as Michael

tion of using a camera to capture an image. As Alexis says she
will be visiting the local museum, she will be taking photos of
the exhibits there.



1 - Questions

: — does not talk about leaving a cinema early in the middle of
: a film. Cis incorrect as although Mark says that sometimes
¡at the cinema there are ‘...a lot of bad films that | don't
enjoy watching’ he doesn’t actually say that he leaves


before the end of these films.
: 10.C Mark says that watching films that help him ‘learn about
history, geography and science...helps me with my homework’.
Aand Bare incorrect as neither Michael nor Josh talk about


? — their schoolwork or how films help them with it.

11.A Michael says ‘I prefer: the Americanes police films
TP because
there are faster cars. | like the action in the police films...’.

1.B The notice says that 50% discounts are ‘From 29th May
tolern Junen
fs ner rectas|theihal//pricerdiscounzan
swimsuits is for part of May and June and for this reason,


Cis incorrect, too.



2.B The coffee shops opens 7am Monday to Friday ‘Monday-

Friday: From 7am...’ and Saturday and Sunday ‘From 7am....’.

and snacks’ is written on the notice so food is available as

always goes with a friend ‘My mum

3.A On the notice advertising cinema tickets, it is written


‘Buy one and get one free’. B is incorrect as the offer on
tickets for buy one get one free is ‘...for students and over
65s’, so over 65s pay less than the normal ticket price. Cis:

incorrect as the offer on tickets is for ‘over 65s’ which refers:

to an age group not how many people are ina group. Also,


one free’.


there are no free tickets, as you have to pay for one to ‘get:
pepieny enesinvited sopmia LÒ NT Hai há Antia Saisie
message Donitioyeet thatitoday ls my birthday party. HOW


are you getting to my home?’ Sophia’s brother is also invited

as Anna says ‘please tell your brother to come with you...’.

B is incorrect as Anna asks Sophia ‘Will your father drive you
here (Anna’s home)?” So Sophia must be going in her dad”s;
not brother’s car, to Anna’s house. C is incorrect as Anna is

200 50754’. A is incorrect as the notice says that the job

for ‘Saturday all day & Sunday mornings’. B is incorrect as



atid thevprice.to Wash Vour ca

Ms Brown to help her find a job that will help her do this

‘Do you know where | can work?’. She doesn’t ask Ms Brown
to teach her French. C is incorrect as Jinnie tells Ms Brown at
the beginning of the email ‘My art classes finish at the end
of June’ so she does not need this information from Ms Brown.

because | always go with my friend Jane,’ C

is incorrect as

Mark doesn’t talk about going with anyone to the cinema.
13.C Mark says that after watching ‘films which show different
places around the world’ he will ‘look at the places on Google

— maps’. Ais incorrect as the only time Michael talks about

going online is to say that his parents ‘prefer watching films

online’. Bis incorrect as Josh doesn’t talk about going online.

tin ttetesrile arotbiresfergfr of “8-year-old Celismar
Guzman’ which you don’t realise ‘until you see her in the



J Shown ry a







tho ‘his ig

} aie
Is ne al MStaKe: a0
en wilting let
E-I-G-H-T!’. A is incorrect as nowhere in the text does it say
that Guzman dislikes water. It is also very unlikely as she
and now is ‘National

Ỹ atte or Chamn Sổ x Vv Ki

"(para 2) and she also
penne age BrOup: \para.2/
took part in the Junior Olympics’ (para.4). C is incorrect as
the Cppositel SiMe: enema
doesn tlook strong at all. That
is until you see her in the water’ (para1).



ae ocd ee




‘Guzman started swimming as a hobby...It’s already her life’.


(para.2) The fact that swimming is more Important than just

‘Do you know

where | can work?’ A is incorrect as Jinnie tellsl Ms Brown
‘| want to find a job where | can practise my French” and asks

and dad don’t like going

to the cinema...So they never come with me, but that’s OK

ị See

is ‘E5 per hour’.
6.B In hết email, Jinnie tells Ms Brown that her “art classes
finish at the end of June’ and asks Ms Brown,

incorrect as Mark says that he likes ‘films about true

stories and ones ‘which show different places around the

12.B Josh says that he goes with his brother to watch some
funny films: ‘my brother takes me to see them’. A is
incorrect as Michael’s parents never go with him but he

well as coffee.

inviting Sophia’s brother to her party in the message “...tell
your brother to come...’, so we do not know if he wants to
come or not.
5.C The notice says at the bottom ‘Information: Mr Black at

B is incorrect as Josh only talks about liking ‘Funny films’
WBich:are'tHe best becaiisd (love-to lãusl'a lò

world’ rather than action films.

Ais incorrect as the coffee shop closes one hour later at
weekends; not earlier than weekdays: ‘Monday-Friday...to
2pm’, ‘Saturday & Sunday...to 3pm’. C is incorrect as ‘Coffees

the lobis Btlasons: Garabe,

students’ and says ‘I never go at the weekend’. C is incorrect
as although Mark says he ‘would prefer to go at the weekend’
to the cinema he can’t as he says ‘I have a weekend job’.

: 9,8 Josh says that sometimes he goes to films which ‘are for

will love. The painting is the object of the action.


~~ ‘go on Thursdays’ to the cinema ‘because it’s half price for

a hobby is also shown by the fact that she has already wen


a gold
National Swimming Champion
d‘b medal in the
ol National'swimming
Been named
Nationa WIFE,
group in her country” (para.2) although she is only 8 years

and thasib






ond a
t Tả
nh sĩ vi holes 35
ni i See hace
a: chatesion’ ata (abingr ta eractive 2 löttỡ mi
(para.3) shows swimming isn’t just for fun. Also,
does not say she swims with her friends.



the text

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8 Practice Tests

16.C Betz, Guzman’s coach, says that Guzman ‘had to practise
a lot’ to be a champion (para.3). As she had to practise hard
to be good, A is therefore incorrect. B is incorrect as in the
text, Betz says that Guzman ‘didn’t start as a champion’

17.A The text says that when Guzman “...took part in the

Junior Olympics ... she improved her time by 4 seconds,’
(para.4). B is incorrect as Guzman ‘came home with four

gold medals and one silver medal’ (para.4) from the Junior
Olympics. C is incorrect as Guzman said after the Junior

Olympics ‘I did really well in all the races’. Also, she said
‘lam second in the whole United States for my age group’

18.C In the text, Guzman says ‘Both of my parents were

athletes. Sport is what my family does’ (para.5). A is
incorrect as when Guzman is asked ‘So what comes next...?”
She replies ‘I want to win in the next Olympics’ (para.5). B is
incorrect as Guzman only refers to her parents to say that

both were athletes; not to say that she wants to swim with
them at the Olympics.

PART 4 - Questions 19-24

19.B popular (adj) describes something or someone that is

liked by many people. Here it refers to the Eden Project, a
tourist destination. Useful (adj) and helpful (adj) refer to
something or someone that can help, when completing a

task. Since no task is referred to here, A and C are incorrect.

20.A over (prep) can mean above or covering an area. Here it
has the second meaning, and refers to plants that are
collected in many places in the world. In (prep) describes
someone or something that is inside a building or area.
Since where plants are found is not being described here,
but instead the area over which they are collected, B is
incorrect. Above (prep) means positioned over something.

Again as where the plants are found is not being referred to,

Cis incorrect.
21.B look (v) Look like is used when comparing a person or

thing that shares a similar appearance to something or
someone else. Here, the two areas of the Eden project are
being compared to ‘two big glass balls’. Seem (v) is usually

used to describe how someone or something appears to be
to the observer e.g. she seems anxious. It is more the

opinion of the observer than something that other people


replaces the name of something that is unknown in
questions e.g. What is that? It is used at the beginning of a

question. Since a question is not asked here and the gap-fill

is not at the beginning of the sentence, B is incorrect.

: 24.C visit (v) means to travel somewhere to see someone or
something and stay with that person or at that location for a
short period of time. Here it refers to the people who go to
see the Eden Project. Arrive (v) means to get to where you
are travelling to but does not describe spending time at a
location, which is what is meant here, so A is incorrect.

When arrive is followed by a noun which is the name of a
location, the noun should be preceded by the preposition
at (home is an exception) e.g arrive at the office and since

this is not the case here, A is incorrect for this reason too.
Travel (v) means to go somewhere using transport, but does
not describe spending time somewhere, so B is incorrect.

Also travel should be followed by the preposition to + noun
to describe going somewhere and so B is incorrect for this
reason too.

: PART 5 - Questions 25-30

: (0) about. About is used as part of a fixed phrase with How

and a verb in the ing form, to make a suggestion, here to go
to the cinema.
: 25. at. At is placed before a time to show when something
: happens. Here it refers to when Ghostbusters 3 will be shown

‡ at the cinema.

¡ 26. be. After the modal verb must, an infinitive without to (a
bare infinitive) is necessary. Here the verb be is used with

must to talk about something that is very likely to be true
‡ based on evidence. Here it refers to the difficulty of making
‡ friends because normally it is not easy in practice.
¡ 27. By. By is part of a fixed expression by the way when ina

: conversation, the speaker changes the subject and says something new. Here Paul uses this expression to change the sub-

ject from Sarah to his dad and getting a lift to the cinema with
: his friend, Maureen.
: 28. why. Why is used in questions. Here it is used to make a
: suggestion when placed before not. The suggestion is to invite Sarah to the cinema.
29. give. Give someone a lift is a fixed expression which

means to drive someone somewhere in a car. Here it refers to

can observe e.g. a physical structure. Since the writer is

Paul's dad driving Paul, Maureen and possibly Sarah, to the
: cinema.

Project’s two buildings, A is incorrect. Show (v) means to

: lowed by the infinitive of a verb, without to (the bare infini-

trying to describe to the reader the appearance of the Eden

display something to someone. Here a comparison is being
made between the Eden buildings and two glass balls and
no-one is displaying anything to anyone else so Cis
incorrect. Show is also never followed by the adverb like

: 30. me. After the verb /et, an object pronoun is used, fol-

tive). The phrase is used to ask permission. Here Maureen is
: asking Paul if she can pay for the tickets, so the object pro-

i noun when talking about herself, is me.

so it is incorrect for this reason, too.

Test 6

22.A bridge (n) is a structure that is often raised and joins two
points, usually two banks on either side of a river. Here it
refers to a walkway in the trees that connects two areas in

the Rainforest area of the Eden Project. A river (n) is a body
of water between two river banks. As the text refers to

something that is wooden and which can be walked upon,
B is incorrect. A ruler (n) is something with which you
measure a straight line. Usually it is made of wood or plastic.

Although there is a description of something wooden in the
text, C is incorrect as the thing described in the text, can be

walked on. Also, the text doesn’t refer to anything being
measured so C is incorrect for this reason too.
23.C which (pronoun) refers to a thing that may be the object
or subject of a relative clause. Using which prevents
repetition in a sentence of what was previously referred to.
Here it replaces the word garden which is the subject of the
clause ‘Which is home....in the UK’. Who (pronoun) refers to
a person who may be the object of subject of a relative
clause. Like which, it is used to prevent repetition of the
name of the person previously referred to. Since there is no
reference to a person here, A is incorrect. What (pronoun)


¡ PART 1 -

Questions 1-6

‡ 1.C In the advert it says that the ‘Summer Job’ is from

‘Monday to Saturday’. A is incorrect as the advert says that
for the job ‘You will take orders and make sandwiches’ so
in the job there is contact with customers. B is incorrect as
the advert says that ‘For the months of July and August we

are looking for people to work for us’.
¡ 2.B Martin says in his message to Freddie ‘Why don’t you come

to my home?”. A is incorrect as Martin tells Freddie ‘I'll order

pizza’ but doesn’t ask Freddie what pizza he wants.

Cis incorrect as Martin is inviting Freddie to watch; not play
football, asking him ‘Why don’t you come to my home and

watch the football match tonight?’
3.A The advert says that the ‘Teen Summer Camp’ is for ‘Ages:
12-16”. B is incorrect as the advert says that there are two
dates for the Teen Summer Camp, which are ‘10th-20th

August, or, 20th-30th August’. C is incorrect as ‘water sports’

are one of the activities offered at the camp.

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4.B ‘Entrance: £2.00’ is written on the advert for the running

competition. A is incorrect as it says on the advert that ‘All
money earned will be given to people who need help’. C is

incorrect as the advert only says that there are ‘Prizes’ and
doesn’t say what winners will get. The prizes will be given to
‘the first 10 runners’, not £10.00 as one prize to the first runner.

5.A Olga says in her message that it’s her ‘sister’s birthday’ and
she wants ‘to buy her that new magazine, Fashion Buzz’ and

asks Tommy ‘Can you please buy it...?’ B is incorrect as Olga

is asking Tommy to buy her sister’s present instead of her
and says ‘I'll give you the money’ so she isn’t asking him to
lend her money and is just paying him for the magazine.
Cis incorrect as she is only asking Tommy to buy her sister’s

6.C In the advert it says that the ‘Helpline’ is for ‘24hours/

7days a week’. Since the helpline is open all day, every day,
Ais incorrect. B is incorrect as the advert says you should
‘call: 1265’ ‘If you are in danger’.

school lessons’ (para.1).
15.A Carol wanted to “be a famous singer, like Madonna or
Lady Gaga’ and says ‘I hadn’t thought about being ina
group’ (para.2). In fact, when her teacher ‘...wanted to put
her in a group with three other girls. She told her parents
she wasn’t happy because no one would know her as a
singer on her own’ (para.3). B is incorrect as in the text it

doesn’t say what Carol's friends thought about her singing.
The text only refers to the fact that Carol ‘didn’t have any
friends who sang or played the guitar or drums’ (para.2). C is
incorrect as Carol says in the text that at the beginning
‘| hadn’t thought about being in a group’ (para.2). Also, later

when her ‘teachers wanted to put her in a group’ Carol ‘told
her parents she wasn’t happy’ (para.3).

: 16.B When Carol’s teachers wanted to put her in a group,
Carol ‘wasn’t happy because no one would know her as a

singer on her own’ (para.3). As Carol wasn’t happy to be in

a group, A is therefore incorrect. C is incorrect as in the text

PART 2 - Questions 7-13

7.C The text says that ‘Every Tuesday and Thursday’ Phil ‘plays
tennis at school’. A is incorrect as in the text it does not say

that Jack does any sport, only that ‘Jack loves watching

football’ and that ‘He goes to see his favourite team play

every Saturday’. B is incorrect as Edward only ‘plays cricket
for his village club every Saturday during the summer’.
8.B In the text it says that Edward ‘last year...went to India
with two friends to watch the World Cricket Games’. A is
incorrect as Jack only travels around his country to watch
football, which happens when ‘...his team plays against
another team in another city. This means he has to travel by
coach’. C is incorrect as although Phil’s ‘favourite sport is
tennis... He never goes to watch a game outside his city’.
9.C Phil’s ‘favourite sport is tennis’ but he ‘never goes to watch
a game outside his city’. A is incorrect as Jack will sometimes
travel to watch football matches when “...his team plays
against another team in another city. This means he has to
travel by coach’. B is incorrect as ‘last year’ Edward ‘went to

India with two friends to watch the World Cricket Games’.
10.A ‘Sometimes his team plays against another team in

another city. This means he has to travel by coach. He never
travels on his own because his brother goes with him’. B is
incorrect as the text does not refer to Edward's family or to
Edward watching matches with them. The only people that
he has gone to watch a match with, are two friends: ‘last
year he went to India with two friends to watch the World
Cricket Games’. C is incorrect as the text does not refer to
Phil’s family or Phil watching matches with them.
11.B In the text it says that sometimes Edward plays sport on
his computer: ‘If it rains, he goes to his friend’s house and
plays cricket on the computer’. A and C are incorrect as

neither text refers to computers or Phil or Jack using them
to watch their favourite sport.
12.A Jack goes to watch football every Saturday and ‘The
stadium is very large and can get very noisy with thousands
of people shouting and singing’. B is incorrect as the text
does not say that the place where Edward watches cricket is
full of people. In fact, Edward says that ‘the people who
watch this game are usually very quiet’ which suggests that
there aren’t many people around him. C


is incorrect as Phil

it says that Carol’s parents just ‘wanted her to be happy’
and not that Carol thought they would be happier if she was
in a group.

¡ 17.B In the text it says that Carol ‘spent some time with the
other girls and saw that she could have lots of fun with
them. So she decided to sing with them’ (para.4). A is
incorrect as Carol’s teachers ‘wanted to put her in a group
with three other girls’ (para.3) but they didn’t make Carol
sing with the group. C is incorrect as Carol had always
wanted to sing alone ‘I hadn’t thought about being in a

group’ (para.2) and she was unhappy when she thought
‘no one would know her as a singer on her own’(para.3) so

that means she must have always thought that she was
good enough to sing alone.
48. A It says in the text that ‘Carol loves singing in the group for

other reasons’ (para.5) and explains that as a group they
‘have been to so many wonderful places and different
countries’ (para.5). B is incorrect as although ‘all the girls are
making a lot of money. However, Carol loves singing in the

group for other reasons’ (para.5). C is incorrect as Carol says
‘| miss my parents but the other girls are like my new family
and this helps me not to feel sad’ (para.5).

¡ PART 4 - Questions 19-24

: 19.B where (pronoun) refers to the location of something.

It is used in a relative clause to prevent repeating a location
when it has been referred to before in a sentence. Here, it

replaces the word ‘London’. Which (pronoun) refers to a
thing that may be the object or subject of a relative clause
and its use prevents repetition in a sentence of what was
previously referred to. Here there is no need to prevent
the repetition of the name of a thing, but of a location,
so Ais incorrect. Who (pronoun) refers to a person who

may be the object or subject of a relative clause. It is used
to prevent repetition of the name of a person previously
referred to. Since there is no reference to a person here,
B is incorrect.

© 20. B opened (v) is the past tense of open and when used to
talk about a business, it can refer to allowing customers to
enter a shop at the beginning of a working day or it can

mean to start a business. Here the second meaning is used,
referring to McQueen’s fashion business. Closed (v) is the

does not talk about other people around him when he
watches a tennis match.
13.C It says in the text that Phil “...will start having classes with
a tennis coach’. A and B are incorrect as neither text refers
to sport lessons or classes.

the end of a working day or it can mean to end a business

PART 3 - Questions 14-18

decided to work on his own, he would not sell his own

14.C '1 started singing to other people in church when | was
eight’ (para.1). A is incorrect as Carol says ‘I sing all the time
at home’, (para.1) not that she started singing at home. B is
incorrect as Carol didn’t want to sing at school in front of
other people ‘..the only time | didn’t sing was during my

past tense of close and when used to talk about a business

it can refer to shutting a shop door and stopping business at
permanently. Since neither meaning is used here, A


incorrect. Sold (v) is the past tense of sel! and describes
exchanging something you have for money. Since McQueen
business, so C is incorrect.
21.A customers (n pl) are people who buy something from a
business. Here the text is referring to the people who
bought McQueen’s clothes. Managers (n pl) are people

who direct a business. They are in charge of staff. Since the

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8 Practice Tests

rich and famous are being discussed it is obvious they
wouldn’t work for McQueen and manage his business.
So B is incorrect. Workers (n pl) are staff who work for a

‘Everyone is welcome to...sing’ at the concert, not that only
good singers can come. C is incorrect as the event is
described as ‘the greatest music event in our town’.

: 3.C Latifa tells Tim ‘Please tell me if you like your new school”
and wants to know if he has ‘made any friends’. A is
incorrect as Latifa knows that Tim has changed school, and
that is why she asks him if he likes his ‘new school’. B is
incorrect as Latifa is asking about Tim’s school and friends
and says nothing about herself.

business. Again, as the rich and famous are being referred
to, it wouldn’t make sense for them to become McQueen’s
staff so Cis incorrect.

22.B articles (n pl) are texts written on a particular subject for
a newspaper or magazine. Here the text is referring to

articles written in magazines and newspapers about
McQueen’s clothes. Books (n pl) are stories based on truth
or works of fiction that are written by individual writers and

sold in bookshops. They are not written by magazine and
newspaper staff and so A is incorrect. Films (n pl) are visual

¡ 4,C In the advert, it says that ‘John Preston gives lessons in

your home. Only on weekdays...’. A is incorrect as John
Preston asks to be paid ‘£15.00 per hour’ but it doesn’t say
on the notice if the lessons last for more than one hour, in

which case, they would be more than £15.00. B is incorrect
as it says on the notice that Maths lessons are offered to ‘All

stories that are acted by actors and actresses and shown at
the cinema or on TV. Films are not written, only filmscripts
and also not by newspapers or magazines, so C is incorrect.
23.C pleasant (adj) refers to a person or thing that is nice.

levels: Beginners to Advanced’.

5.A Emily asks Pedro in the email ‘Shall we go to the pool
party?’ Bis incorrect as Emily says that her brother will ‘take
us... by car’, although they ‘will need to come back by train’.
Cis incorrect as Emily’s brother will take her and Pedro by car.
¡ 6.BOn the notice, it says that ‘food and drinks’ are ‘Included

When referring to a person it can also mean polite. Here it
is used to describe McQueen who was often not pleasant

or polite to journalists. Angry (adj) means very annoyed or

upset. A person can be described as angry, but you cannot
be angry to someone so A is incorrect. Afraid (adj) means
scared and is followed by the preposition of when
describing the thing or person that makes someone scared,

in entrance’. A is incorrect as although the party is ‘On

Friday’ it ‘Starts at 7.00pm’. C is incorrect as the notice tells
people to ‘Write down your name at Mr. Brown’s office from

so Bis incorrect.

24.B old (adj) is used when referring to someone’s age. The
word o/d is placed after someone’s age in years. Here it
refers to the age of McQueen when he died. Aged (adj)
refers to someone who suddenly has
appearance. It does not describe the
so Ais incorrect as McQueen’s age is
his appearance. Young (adj) refers to

become older in their
actual age of someone
being referred to, not
someone who is not

Monday to Wednesday’; not only on Wednesday.

¡ PART 2 - Questions 7-13

7.B ‘Jane loves going on holiday to places which have a lot of

old buildings ... She, especially, likes looking around old

castles and learning about how people lived hundreds of
years ago’. A is incorrect as the text does not refer to Sarah

old or middle-aged. It can refer to someone”s appearance or ‡
general age group, not their specific age, so C is incorrect.

PART 5 - Questions 25-30

(0) to. To here is part of the verb have to, which is in the past
tense here. It is used to talk about something you are obliged

to do. Here it refers to Sandra going to her sister’s wedding.
25. How. How is used to begin questions which ask about the

way in which something is or was done. Here it is used to ask
about Vicky’s lesson and if it was good or bad.
26. an. This goes before a noun which begins with a vowel.

The article is used when talking about something that has not

previously been referred to in conversation/writing. Here the
noun is exam.
27. that. That is used as part of a set phrase ‘to make sure
that’ which means to try and create a positive outcome to an
action. Here it refers to passing an exam.

28. about. About is used in questions to ask for more information about someone or something. It is placed before the
person or thing of interest which here is Ralph Mathers.

29. getting. Getting is part of the verb phrase to get married.
Here the present continuous form is used to talk about a future plan to marry someone.
30. as. As is used as part of the phrase, as soon as. The phrase
is used when someone needs something done quickly. Here,

it refers to Sandra wanting Vicky to reply quickly to her email.

Test 7

PART 1 - Questions 1-6

1.B The notice tells people to: ‘Place all your rubbish in the

rubbish bins when you leave’. A is incorrect as dishes, and
therefore food, must be allowed on the beach as people are
told ‘do not leave dirty dishes...on the beach’. C is incorrect
as since people are told not to ‘leave...plastic bottles...on the
beach’ plastic can be taken onto the beach.

2.B The notice advertises ‘Free entrance for schoolchildren’
to the concert. A is incorrect as it says on the notice that


liking old places or history, only that she ‘likes holidays by

the sea where she can rest all day’. C is incorrect as the only
thing we learn about Gemma’s interests is that she ‘is a

great fan of dangerous sports’ and ‘every time she goes on
holiday, she likes doing some very dangerous activities’.
? 8.C In the text, it says that Gemma ‘is a great fan of dangerous
sports’ and ‘every time she goes on holiday, she likes doing
some very dangerous activities’. A and B are incorrect as
neither text refers to either Sarah or Jane doing dangerous
9.A In the text it says that when Sarah is on holiday, ‘At
lunchtime she only has a sandwich and some orange juice’.

B is incorrect as when Jane eats a meal ‘she will always go to
restaurants...’ C is incorrect as the text does not refer to

what or when, Gemma

eats at lunchtime.

10.B Jane ‘...hates eating burgers and other unhealthy snacks’.
Ais incorrect as when Sarah is on holiday in the evening she
and her friends ‘have supper at a local or a fast food
restaurant’. C is incorrect as it does not say in the text what
Gemma likes or dislikes eating.
¡ 11.A Sarah “... usually travels with her friends’. B and C are
incorrect as the texts do not say anything about Jane or

Gemma’s friends or if they go with the girls on holiday.
: 12.€ It says in the text that ‘once’ Gemma ‘ended her holiday
in hospital and was taken home in an ambulance’. A and B
are incorrect as the texts do not refer to any problems that

either Sarah or Jane had on holiday.
13.A On holiday, Sarah “... likes to go to bed early in the
evening and wake up late in the morning’. B and C are
incorrect as neither text refers to how long either Jane or
Gemma sleeps on holiday.

PART 3 - Questions 14-18

14.B In the text Archie says: ‘My parents didn’t let me have a
computer so | used to go to my cousin’s house and play
games on his computer’ (para.1). A is incorrect as Archie
played on his cousin’s computer at his house, so the cousin
only had one computer. C is incorrect as Archie says that if
his parents had known about his visit to his cousin they
‘would have been very angry’ (para.1).

15.A Archie says in the text that ‘My cousin Freddie showed

SUCCEED in Cambridge A2 KEY


me how to play games that older children usually play and
he said that | was much better than most of his friends who

fire) and since there is no reference to a danger from which
items need to be rescued, A is incorrect. Owns (v) refers to

were three years older than me’ (para.2). B is incorrect as

Freddie encouraged Archie to play computer games because


Archie says Freddie ‘showed me how to play games’. C is
incorrect as when Archie told Freddie he wanted to ask his
parents for a computer he told him ‘to wait another year at

© 22, B space (n) is an area that is available for use. Here it
refers to a play station where children can play. A box (n) is
a square or rectangular container with stiff sides and
sometimes a cover. Here we need a word that describes a
place that children can visit and learn new things. So A is
incorrect. A circus (n) is a place where people or animals
perform, usually inside a large tent. Since the Little Play

least’ (para.2). .

16.C Archie says ‘Then | started to have computer lessons at
school. That was when everything changed. | learned how to
make programmes and | started to make my own games...
From that time, | knew that making games was all | would

ever want to do’ (para.3). A is incorrect as when Archie

started computer lessons at school he then started to make
his own games. B is incorrect as when he started computer
lessons he then got his ‘cousin’s help’ (para.3) to make his

Station is somewhere children ‘can learn about railways’

the Station
28, A through
and out the

own games so he didn’t stop going to his cousin’s house as
he needed his cousin’s computer.
17.A In the text, Archie says, ‘I didn't say anything to my
parents for a long time...Then one evening it was parents’

(e.g. she went through the instruction booklet). Here the

railways by playing. Against (prep) has several meanings.

| had a brilliant future making computer games’ (para.4).

For example, it can describe the position of someone or an

B is incorrect as Freddie’s parents didn’t know about Archie

object that is using the support of something or can be

and Freddie making computer games ‘Freddie’s parents

used to describe being in disagreement with an idea or set
of beliefs e.g. I’m against fox hunting. However, no meaning
of against fits here so B is incorrect. To (prep) is used before
a verb to show that it is in the infinitive. Here after the

didn’t know what we were doing either’ (para.4). C is

incorrect as it doesn’t say in the text that Archie’s cousin,

Freddie, told Archie’s parents about their computer games.

It is also unlikely as even Freddie’s parents didn’t know
about the games.

word to there is the word play but in this sentence play is

used as an noun; not as a verb. Also to is used after many

18.C Archie says ‘Now | am 20 and | enjoy student life...as

verbs of agreeing, needing, and wanting to do something,

soon as| leave university...’ (para.5). A is incorrect as Archie
is now at university but Archie says that in the future ‘two
computer companies...want me on their team’ (para.5). B is

or it is used in phrases where there are reported orders and
requests, or it is used after some adjectives or nouns. None
of the meanings of to fits here so C is incorrect.

= 2a. B visit (v) means to go on a journey/trip to see someone
or something and spend time with that person or looking
around the place you have travelled to. Here it refers to
going to see the National Railway Museum and spending

incorrect as Archie says ‘I don’t have much time to make
games now’ (para.5).

PART 4 - Questions 19-24

19.A part (n) refers to something that belongs to, but is not

time there. Go (v) means to move from one place to

attached to a whole thing. Here it refers to the National

which belongs to the Science Museum

Group, but is a separate building and Museum in itself. Part

can be used without an article, as it is used here. A field (n)
is a large area of grass, sometimes used for animals like

another. Since go only refers to movement, not a purpose


go and since this is missing here this is another reason why

A is incorrect. Arrive (v) means to get to where you planned

before the singular form of the noun, and a reference to a
field does not make sense here, B is incorrect. A flat (n) is
a small self-contained living area inside a larger building

to here and this cannot be described as a

living area.

20.C tells (v) means to pass information from one person to
another in conversation or writing. Here it refers to

information about the story of rail transport in Britain

which is made available to visitors to the National Railway

Museum. Tell needs an indirect object (the person who is
told information and a direct object (what is told to the

person). Here the indirect object is the visitor (understood

by the reader) and the direct object, the story of rail

transport in Britain. Discusses (v) means to talk about a
problem or situation or ideas with one or more people.

Since no-one is speaking here and only the story of rail

transport is referred to, B is incorrect. Says (v) is used to say
that someone is making a statement. Since no-one is
speaking here, A is incorrect. Also says is not followed
directly by an object so again, it is an incorrect choice here.

21.C includes (v) means to make part of a whole, or group.

Here it refers to furniture and other things from railway
buildings that form part of a big collection. Saves (v) means
keep something for future use or to rescue something from
danger. Only the second meaning can be used referring to
objects like furniture (e.g. rescuing furniture from a house

for going somewhere, A is incorrect as the people referred
to in the text don’t just travel to the museum, they also stay

there to look around. Also, the preposition to should follow

sheep or cows. Since an article like the or a is needed

containing several other such living areas. An article is
needed before the singular form of the noun so C is
incorrect for this reason and because a museum is referred

cannot be a circus so C is incorrect.
(prep) describes a movement that goes into
other side of something or the action of getting
by doing something like reading or playing

second meaning is used, where children learn about

day at my school and my computer teacher told them that

Railway Museum

having something that belongs to you. Someone can owna

collection of furniture and other items but a thing, such as
a collection referred to here, cannot own something else,
so Bis incorrect.

to travel to. Since the people are not just getting to the

museum but also looking around it too when they get
there, C is incorrect. Also arrive cannot be followed by a

personal pronoun so it is incorrect for this reason as well.

! PART 5 - Questions 25-30

(0) some. Some is used before nouns when someone

is de-

scribing an unknown amount of something or something that
can’t be measured e.g. some people don’t eat meat. News is
an uncountable noun and so can be preceded by some.
25. me. After the verb te// the object pronoun is necessary
when it is not followed by a noun (compare the sentences:
: she told them to sit down/she told the girls to sit down). Here

: the person who is told the news, is the person who is writing
: the email, so me is the only possible option here.

: 26. the. The is used before certain nouns (e.g. well-known

mountain ranges, rivers), when referring to something that

has already been previously mentioned and when the su-

: perlative (the best, the greatest) is used. Here a superlative

| best is used so it needs to be preceded by the.
: 27. your. Your is used to show that the person that someone
is addressing owns something or is personally connected to

Here, Tom is addressing Helen and asking her for

: news about herself so your is placed before news.

: 28. what. What can be used to refer to a thing or things

? which the speaker/writer has not yet identified at the time of
? speaking or writing. Here what is used to talk about some-

: thing that has happened which is then explained by Helen afterwards / got an A

in maths!

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29. got. Got is the past tense of the verb get and can mean

receive something e.g. she got a birthday present, achieve

: 10.C

something e.g. he got a job or change in some way e.g. she

got tired. Here it shows that Helen achieved an A in maths.
30. as. As is used to show that someone or something is performing a certain role e.g. he works as a pilot or use e.g. | use

two very large swimming pools, one inside the school and

the other one outside’. A is incorrect as at Peter’s school
‘There isn’t a lot of outdoor space which means there isn’t
enough room for students to play sports outside’. B is
incorrect as students play sports indoors at Ken’s school in
‘another building next to the school where different sports
can be played...There are no outdoor sports’.
: 11.A Peter lives in a house which is ‘only a five-minute walk to

this basket as a wastepaper bin. Here the first meaning is

used to show that Helen will have the job title of engineer.

¡ __ school". B is incorrect as Ken ‘rents a house which is far away

Test 8

Nick’s school ‘...has a lot of land with three football fields,

one rugby field and one cricket field. The school also has


from school so he goes there by bus’. C is incorrect as Nick
‘lives at the school’ where he works.

asking John if he likes French food ‘I think you like French
food, don’t you?’ and not if he wants to go to a French

: 12.C As Nick ‘lives at the school’ where he works, he is there

24 hours a day. A is incorrect as Peter lives in a house which
is ‘only a five-minute walk to school’ so he doesn’t stay at
the school all the time. B is incorrect as Ken ‘rents a house
which is far away’ from the school where he works, so he
doesn’t stay at his school 24 hours a day.
: 13.C At Nick’s school ‘parents have to pay a lot of money to
send their children there’. A and B are incorrect as nowhere
does it say in these texts how much parents pay to send
their children to these schools.

asking ‘Are you going to the Food Festival?’; not about
travelling and he only refers to Japan to say he wants to try
the food from Japan at the festival.

: 14.C

PART 1 -

Questions 1-6

1.B The programme is ‘Every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday’. A is therefore incorrect as the programme is not on
Tuesday and Thursday or at the weekend. C is incorrect as
the programme shows ‘people that take care of animals’.
2.C Peter tells John that at the Food Festival, he wants ‘to try
the food from Japan and Korea’. A is incorrect as Peter is

restaurant. B is incorrect as Peter has sent John a message

: PART 3 - Questions 14-18

3.A The tours are at ‘10am, 11am and 3pm’. B is incorrect as
the adult ticket is £10 and the child ticket is £6, not £5 as it


would be if it were half price. C is incorrect as there are only
3 tour times in the day.


your house on Saturday afternoon and practise on your
piano?’ Ais incorrect as Paul is telling Kim that he needs
‘a piano to practise on’ because the ‘school is closed’; not
because there is a problem with the school piano. B is

other dogs: ‘In her free time she walks her dog’ (para.1).

Georgia was a child ‘She had wanted a cat when

she was little but they all agreed that a rabbit was a much
better pet for a little girl’ (para.2). A is incorrect as Georgia
only got a dog recently ‘Georgia...was very happy when they
finally got a dog two years ago’ (para.2). C is incorrect as
Georgia ‘...had wanted a cat when she was little’ but she
didn’t get one as ‘they all agreed that a rabbit was a much

better pet’ (para.2).
: 16.C Jack says that at his animal shelter they ‘always try to

incorrect as Paul wants to go to Kim’s house and asks in the
message ‘Please can | come to your house on Saturday

find them (animals) new homes with kind people’ (para.3).
Ais incorrect as Jack never refuses an animal shelter ‘We
never say no if an animal needs our help’ (para.3) B is

6.A The television is £150 cheaper now. The ‘Before’ price is
£300 and the ‘Now’ price is £150. The washing machine is
only £100 cheaper than it was before and the fridge is only

incorrect as it doesn’t say that the shelter is full, in the text
and in fact as Jack never refuses shelter to an animal, there

is incorrect as the notice


own dog when she’s not working; she isn’t paid to walk

: 15.B When

‘office is on the top floor’ so it is upstairs; not downstairs.
Cis incorrect as the office is ‘opposite the coffee shop’.
5.C Paul asks Kim in his message to her ‘Please can | come to

says that the Electric Appliance staff ‘can take your appliance
to your house for free’. C is incorrect as the notice says that
‘Special prices end on Saturday’; not that appliances are half

(para.1) A is incorrect as ‘...Anna Collins has stopped working

as a doctor’ (para.1) B is incorrect as Anna only walks her

4.B The notice tells people ‘Please book your day off more
than seven days before you want it’. A is incorrect as the

£50 cheaper than it was before. B

‘These days Anna.... spends her days selling pet food,

toys and just about everything an animal could need’

can’t be only one place left for an animal.

17.C Georgia says that she “...finds it difficult when a new


animal that someone has left on the street or hurt in some
way comes to them’ (para.4). A is incorrect as it doesn’t say
in the text that Georgia feels sad when animals leave the
shelter. In fact as she ‘understands that the animals they

PART 2 - Questions 7-13

7.B ‘Ken works at a very big school with over eight hundred

students and forty teachers’. A is incorrect as Peter’s school
‘is very small’. C is incorrect as Nick works ‘at a school in the

countryside’ which would be smaller than a

city school like


8.A Peter ‘lives with two other teachers in a guest-house’. B is
incorrect as the text says that Ken ‘rents a house’ but it
doesn’t say that he lives with other people. C is incorrect as

the text says that Nick ‘lives at the school’ but does not refer
to anyone else living with him.
9.B Ken works in a school where the teachers ‘have different
nationalities’. A is incorrect as the text does not refer to the
other teachers who Peter works with. C is incorrect as the
text only says that the other teachers who Nick works with,

are good ones, like Nick. The text does not refer to their
nationalities. ‘He is a very good teacher like most of the
teachers who work there’.

save need a good home’ (para.4) and she thinks ‘it’s a good
thing if they don’t have too many animals to look after’
(para.4) it suggests that she is happy rather than sad, when

animals leave to go to new homes. B is incorrect as Georgia
is happy when ‘...they don’t have too many animals to look

: 18.A It says that ‘every weekend’ when Georgia’s ‘friends go
shopping she goes to her Saturday job. She helps collect
eggs from the chickens and gives water to the cows’
(para.5). B is incorrect as in the text it only refers to
Georgia’s school, to talk about her plans when she leaves

school ‘Georgia wants to work with animals when she leaves

school’ (para.5). C is incorrect as every weekend


friends go to the shops but Georgia goes to work ‘...every
weekend when her friends go shopping she goes to her
Saturday job’ (para.5).

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PART 4 - Questions 19-24

19.C most (adv) is used to form the superlative of the

adjective popular. Adjectives of more than 2 syllables are
formed with the + most and the adjective required to form
the superlative. Here, the superlative of popular is used to
describe the pets that people like most. Adjectives of 1 or 2
syllables in their superlative forms can be grouped together,

e.g. the tallest, tidiest girl in class or adjectives of more than
3 syllables in their superlative forms can be grouped

together e.g. the most beautiful, intelligent girl in the class

but the superlatives of 1 or 2 syllables adjectives cannot be

grouped together with those of 3 syllables e.g. the best

popular is incorrect. For this reason best or biggest cannot

be followed by popular as the best and biggest are formed


1 and 2-syllable adjectives respectively and the last

from a 3 -syllable adjective, so A and B are incorrect.

20.B after (prep) Look after is a 2-part verb, meaning to care

for. Here it refers to caring for dogs as pets. When for
follows look, it forms the 2-part verb look for, meaning to

search for someone or something that is lost. Here there is

no reference to dogs being lost, so A is incorrect. When out

follows ‘look’ it forms the 2-part verb look out meaning to

be careful or to look from

the inside of a building, out ofa

window. Since look out, used as a warning should be

followed by ‘for’ (in statements, not commands) or by ‘of’

when describing looking at the view beyond a window,

A and Care incorrect. Also the two meanings of look out do
not fit with the text here so they are incorrect for this

reason too.
21. part (n) refers to a piece of a whole thing or unit. It can
refer to an abstract thing like a company or organisation.

Here it refers to a dog being part of the family unit. It is not

necessary to use an article before this noun always, as is

the case here. Type (n) describes a set or class of people or

things. You cannot become a type and also the word type is
always defined by a general; not specific group e.g. pugs

are a type of dog; not a type of the family, so B

is incorrect.

Piece (n) describes something that is a slice or part of a

whole thing such as a cake. It can describe abstract things
like music (a piece of music) but not a family so Cis incorrect.

22.B even (adv) is used to suggest that something is

surprising or unexpected. Here it refers to the unexpected

benefit of dogs helping people to make friends.

Still (adv) describes a situation that is continuing. Here the

suggestion is that making friends is unexpected rather than

something that started earlier on and
Ais incorrect. Instead (adv) is used to
another choice when your first choice
e.g. There are no trains today so you'll

is still true now so
suggest or describe
is not possible
have to get a bus

instead. Here, making friends is described as a benefit; not

a second choice because something else was better, so C is

23.C chat (v) means to speak about ordinary, everyday things
with someone to pass the time. Here it refers to dog

owners speaking to other people with dogs. Tell (v) means

to give someone information.

Here the text does not refer

to dog owners giving other dog owners information.

Also tell needs to be followed by an object pronoun or

person; not with, so A is incorrect. Say (v) means to

pronounce words or sounds, to express a thought, opinion,
or suggestion, or to state a fact or instruction. We use the
preposition to with the verb say e.g. say something to sb

or about e.g. say about something.

24.B work (n) refers to jobs and general tasks that people

have to do. Here it refers to dogs that can help blind people

and the police do jobs that these people themselves cannot

do alone. Business (v) refers to an organisation that exists

to make money.

Dogs cannot help people to do this, so A is

incorrect. Also, you cannot do a business only help
someone with their business so A is incorrect for this
reason too. Career (n) is the job that someone decides to


do in life or for a long period. Dogs cannot help people in
their careers so C is incorrect. Also, you can help someone
with their career but not to do their career so C is incorrect
for this reason too.

‡ PART 5 - Questions 25-30
(0) On. On is used before days of the week to describe when
: something will happen. Here it describes when Artemis ari rived with her family in Spain.
: 25. ever. Ever is used with the present perfect for emphasis
? when talking about experience. Here Artemis is talking about
going to Spain and wants to emphasise that it’s the first time

she’s been abroad.

: 26. my. Artemis is talking about herself and her age group, so

: the possessive pronoun my is used when referring to her age
} group.
: 27. say. The verb say is used with goodbye as a fixed phrase,

to say goodbye. Here Artemis is saying farewell to the friends
she made in Spain.
: 28. about. The preposition about is used to introduce the

! topic of conversation. Here Artemis is telling her friend that
: the topic of conversation will be her holiday when she next
: sees her.
29. If. If is used here to suggest that something is possible.

Here it suggests that Dylan might have news to tell Artemis. If

: is used with the present simple here (have) as part of a first

? conditional.

30. from. From is used to say that something or someone will

‡ be arriving from somewhere. Here it is used to refer to news
that will hopefully come from Dylan.

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- Practice Tests



: [know we usually travel by train but
time. (7) The coach leaves at 8.30 am
it by 8.20 at the latest. Please try not
: We are going to meet at 8 o'clock (8)

This is an A2 Key English Listening test. There are five parts to the test.
You will hear each piece twice. We will now stop for a moment. Please
ask any questions now because you must NOT speak during the test.

Part 1

Now, look at the instructions for Part One.

For each question, choose the correct answer.
Look at question 1.

‡ building opposite the gym.

Pause 5 seconds
Pause 2 seconds
Pause 5 seconds


1 What time is the man’s plane leaving?
F: What time shall | drive you to the airport?
M: Well, | should be there by 11.00 pm.
F: | don’t think you need to be that early. That means you will wait
for two hours!
M: Ok. Let’s leave at 11.30. It’s only half an hour to get to the
airport, (1) so I'll have an hour to get to the plane by 13.00.
Pause 5seconds
Pause 5 seconds


a coach will be much faster this
so we must have everyone on
to be late.

outside the library. This is the

(9) You can have your own snacks with you and you can buy water
and drinks at the museum. No food will be served during our visit.
(10) Tickets cost £9.50 but as we are a large group, we get a £3 discount, so that’s £6.50. Make sure you bring the money at the time
of the visit if you haven’t paid already.
Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
That is the end of Part Two.
Pause 10 seconds

¡ Part 3

¡ Now look at Part Three.

Pquse 5 seconds

¡ For each question, choose the correct answer. Look at questions

11-15 now. You have 20 seconds.

Pause 20 seconds

You will hear Lee talking to his friend Paula about going to the
ị B: Hi Paula. I’ve got some free tickets so some of us are going to the

2 How much does their meal cost?

M: Well, (2) £50 is expensive for such a small meal!
F: | told you that this is an expensive restaurant!
M: | know! But we only got a salad and some chicken. The chicken
alone was £35.
F: Well, it could be worse. My sister paid over £70 here last week!
But they did have a great time!
Pause 5seconds
Pause 5 seconds

: cinema. Are you free tonight?

i G: Yes, I'd love to come with you. Who else is coming?
: B: | wanted to ask Sarah and her brother but as he’s sick, they wouldn’t
‡ come - (11) so there’ll be three of us from my basketball team and


G: So who gave you the free tickets?
B: (12) | saw a school friend on Monday and he told me about a

? competition on an online magazine. Who'd think I’d win?
: G: (12) Lucky you!

3 What type of house is the woman looking for?
M: Let’s have a look in the house advertisements, shall we?
F: | looked last night. All the houses are either too big or apartments.

: B: And we can also get some crisps and drinks but (13) no free ice

cream or chocolate unfortunately.
M: (3) | think | saw exactly what you want on the internet last night.
G: So what are we watching?
It had a lovely garden.
B: A popular adventure film’s on but (14) I’d rather watch Mandy
F: Well, if it’s a one-bedroom house that isn’t expensive, | think it’ll
Down’s new film.
be great!
G: She’s my favourite actress. (14) She makes everyone laugh. | also
Pause 5 seconds
Pause 5 seconds
like love stories but...
¡ B: No, thanks. We'd better watch something we’d both like. Shall we
4 What does the man need to buy?
: meet at 7 outside the cinema? (15) That'll give us plenty of time
F: Can | help you, Sir? Are you looking for summer clothes? Our
before the 7.30 film.
T-shirts are on sale.
G: (15) | think we should be there at around 6.30 to have time for a
M: Um. No, actually I’m looking for something a bit warmer.
coffee too.
F: Well, the trouser department is here, and (4) upstairs is the
B: Ok! See you there.
jumper department. My colleagues will be there to help you.
Pause 5 seconds
Pause 5 seconds

M: (4) OK. I’ll go upstairs then. Thank you for your help.

Pause 5seconds



Pause 5 seconds

5 What was the weather like at the weekend?
F: Hi Jim! Did you have a good weekend in the countryside?
M: Great, thanks. The weather couldn’t have been better!
F: Oh, | thought (5) the forecast was for a cloudy rainy weekend in
the South.

M: (5) Yes, but luckily they were wrong. | spent the whole weekend

outdoors! Not like the last time we were there when it snowed all
Pause 5 seconds
Nowlisten again.
Pause 5 seconds
That is the end of Part One. Pause 10 seconds

Part 2

Now look at Part Two.

For each question, write the correct answer in the
or a number or a date or a time. Look at questions
10 seconds.

5 seconds
gap. Write one word
6-10 now. You have
10 seconds

You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a trip.
M:1 know most of you are interested in going on tomorrow’s class
trip so here’s everything you need to know about it.
As our last visit to The Arts Museum was so popular, (6) I’m glad to
say we’re going to The Music Museum this time.

: That is the end of Part Three.

¡ Part 4

? Now look at Part Four.

i For each question, choose the correct answer.

Pause 10 seconds

Pause 5 seconds
Pause 5 seconds

: 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her new car.
Why did she sell her last car?
M:: So, you’ve got a new car, Susan?
: Yeah, do you like it?
M: It’s great!
: Thanks! | was always late with my old car. It kept breaking down.
} (16) | had it for 14 years.
: M: And you always had to repair it, didn’t you?
: (16) Yeah. | really needed something newer.
: Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
: 17 You will hear two friends talking about the man“s future plans.


What is the man going to do?

: So do you think you’ve decided?
M: I loved football at school, but it isn’t useful for job searching. I’ve
always dreamt of living in Spain and my friend Luis told me there are
quite a few jobs there. (17) So | guess knowing Spanish will help a
lot. | even thought about going back to university but | couldn’t find
anything I really liked.
: Pause 5 seconds
Nowlisten again.
Pause 5 seconds

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18 You will hear a couple talking about a video.
What’s the video of?
F: Look how happy Lindsay is. They are jumping into the pool and
M: Look, she’s racing with Sam (18) to get to the cake first...
F: She really enjoyed it. (18) | can’t believe she’s 12 already.
Remember the summer in Italy? Well, | didn't think we could
have a better time than that.
M: But we certainly did.
Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
|19 You will hear a woman calling a friend. What’s her problem?
F: | feel awful! (19) | got stuck in traffic. There are no buses today. |
couldn’t find Harry’s phone number so I’m calling you. Do you
happen to know if there’s any other way to his house? Oxford Stree
is too busy and I’m afraid I'll get lost if| turn into Madison Road.
(19) Please start without me. Call me back, will you?
Pause 5seconds
Nowlisten again.
Pause 5 seconds

You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a present.
What did she get?
M: Did you get anything nice for your birthday, Mia?
|F: Well, John got me the best present this year. We’re going over
to his parents’ house tonight. His whole family is going to be there.
| think he’s going to give me a ring. Anyway, look...
M: (20) Oh, that's lovely! Dresses always look great on you!
F: He knows what colour | like and it matches my favourite boots.
Pause 5 seconds
Nowlisten again.
Pause 5 seconds
That is the end of Part Four.
Pause 10 seconds

Now look at Part Five.

Pause 5 seconds

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Look at questions 21-25 now. You have 15 seconds.

Pause 15 seconds

You will hear Sam talking to her friend Paul about a play.
What will each person help with?
G: We're getting ready for our end-of-the-year play.
B: Oh, what are you doing this year, Sam?
G: I’m helping with the lights. | want to make sure there’ll be no

B: You'll do great.
G: (21) Marco suggested having some dancers but Ms Jones said no

(21) So he’s finding people to sing in the play.

B: | see.
G: (22) Mary did great work as an actress last year but (22) she is
deciding what everyone's going to wear this time.
B: (23) Robert did that last time, didn’t he?
G: Yes, but (23) he’s helping with the music now. We need some
students to play instruments at the play.
B: Is (24) Ivanna helping, too?
G: Yes, (24) she’s deciding on who’s going to act in the play.
B: Oh, will she be good at that? She took great pictures last time.
G: Well, she says she likes this now.
B: Ok then, (25) so who’s selling tickets?
G: | thought | was going to do that but, as I’m helping with the

lights, (25) Diego is.

B: | guess | should get one from him then.


Part 1

Now, look at the instructions for Part One.

Pause 5 seconds

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Pause 2 seconds

Look at question 1.

Pause 5 seconds

1 Who is the woman’s teacher?
F: Oh, look Tom! It’s my English teacher over there. | hope he doesn’t
come this way.
M: Oh, you mean that man with no hair?
No silly! The one standing next to him, (1) the man with a beard.
M: (1) Oh, the other one not wearing glasses?
(1) Yes, that’s him. | haven't finished my project yet. | think he'll
be mad if he sees me here.
Pause 5seconds
Pause 5 seconds
2. Which pet does the man have?
M: Oh dear! | forgot to buy food for your fish. | told your mother |

would, as (2) | was going to the pet shop for Ricky’s biscuits.

F: | think John is going back to the store in the afternoon to get a
new bed for his cat. Maybe he could help you.
M: Ok I'll call him and then (2) I'll take Ricky for a walk.
:; Pause 5 seconds

Nowlisten again.
Pause 5 seconds

: 3.

What is the woman going to order?

M: I’m so hungry! I’m going for a sausage and some chips! The
burger here is great, too!
F: I’m on a diet! | really shouldn’t be eating fast food but I’m so tired
of eating salad.

: M: Oh come on! Have the same as me. It’s delicious.

Part 5

Pause 5 seconds


Nowlisten again.

That is the end of Part Five.


Pause 5 seconds
Pause 2 seconds

You now have six minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.
Pause 5 seconds
You have one more minute. Pause 1 minute
That is the end of the test.

: F: (3) Well, | guess I'll have the burger, if you don’t mind.
: Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
4 What will the woman buy today?
M: Can | help you Madam?

: F: Yes. | would like to buy a shirt for my husband.

? M: For work, Madam? Or do you want something for the summer?
i F: (4) Well, something for our summer holidays with stripes would
? be perfect for now. But I'm definitely coming back for work clothes
in the autumn as | see you have wonderful shirts of all sorts.
Pause 5 seconds
Pause 5 seconds
5 When will they go to the festival?
F: So when are we going to the festival? Monday could be ok for
both of us.
M: It is but the festival is on until Sunday.
: F: (5) What about Friday? | guess it will be less crowded than
¡ Saturday.

M: (5) I'm not sure as | have to work late.

: F: (5) Don't worry. | can pick you up any time you finish.

¡ M: (5) Ok then.

Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
That is the end of Part One.

Part 2


Pause 5 seconds
Pause 10 seconds

Now look at Part Two.
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
ora number or a date or a time. Look at questions 6-10
i You have 10 seconds.

5 seconds
Write one word
10 seconds

You will hear a man leaving his friend a message about a car.

M: Hi Emir! It’s Samuel here. Remember you asked me to look for a
? good car for you? Well, | think | have found one. The ad was on the
: college notice board outside the library and | met the woman selling
it at the cafeteria.
The car she’s selling is really cheap. She bought it for £5,600, she
was asking for £4,800 but as no one’s been interested in it, (6) she’ll
give it to you for £4,200.

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The car’s quite new. She’s only had it for almost a year. (7) She
bought it on the 13" of August last year and she wants it gone by

the 30° of the month.

She says (8) you can call her on 675509872. | think you should call
her soon or she'll sell it to someone else at this price.
If she doesn’t answer, (9) try emailing her at sophieturner@
mail.com. That’s S-O-P-H-I-E-T-U-R-N-E-R.
(10) She’s free to meet in the evenings as she’s usually in class in th
mornings. I’m sure you'll find time that suits you both. Let me know
what you think.
Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
That is the end of Part Two.
Pause 10 seconds

Part 3

Now look at Part Three.
Pause 5 seconds
For each question, choose the correct answer. Look at questions
11-15 now. You have 20 seconds.
Pause 20 seconds
You will hear Mona talking to her husband Ken about their holiday.
F: I’m so happy | went with you on the camping trip.
M: We really enjoyed it, didn’t we? (11) | loved swimming in the
lake. | didn’t even mind that we didn’t go windsurfing. Maybe next
time we can go fishing too.
F: Yeah, (12) | wasn’t sure | was going to like camping but now | know
how exciting it is. It makes me unhappy thinking we didn’t do it

18 You will hear a woman talking about sailing.
How did she learn to sail?
F: When | said | wanted to learn how to sail, my friends got really
excited and said we’d go on sailing trips together... John told me
about a YouTube sailing channel. Anna suggested taking lessons but
as they were expensive, | didn’t. (18) | tried and tried and after a
couple of months | sailed a boat on my own.
i Pause 5seconds
Pause 5 seconds

ị 19 You will hear a woman talking about her day at work.



What did she like best?

F: Work was great today! First, we had a meeting where our boss
talked to us about the company’s future plans. We are making an
advertisement about our new smart phone these days and he’s
really happy about it. (19) He asked me to think of a person to star
in the ad. How exciting! I’m going to meet a celebrity. That's why |
‡ love this job.
i Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds

You will hear two friends talking about a flight.
Why didn't they rest?
M: What a flight! | can’t believe we are back from our holiday.
F: Me too. It felt like a long time till we landed. (20) Those kids
didn’t stop laughing out loud.
¡ M: m sure their parents felt really uncomfortable, especially when

¡ the girl sat in my seat.

F: Well, | don’t know about you but | need some sleep.
M: | knew you'd love it. Wasn’t it fun having barbecues? And the
Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.

Pause 5 seconds
day we bought fish and fried it? Amazing!
That is the end of Part Four.
Pause 10 seconds
F: (13) But having egg for breakfast every day was a bit boring.
M: Yeah, we should think of something else next time. (14) And you
should remember to pack a jacket and a sweater too. | was afraid
Part 5
you'd catch a cold.
i Now look at Part Five.
Pause 5 seconds
F: It’s ok. | always take some medicine with us just to be sure.
: For each question, choose the correct answer.
M: (15) | know but how would you sing when we were around the
: Look at questions 21-25 now. You have 15 seconds.
Pause 15 seconds
fire if you were sick? What a special night, even better than the day
we swam in the lake.
You will hear Tyler talking to his sister Sandra about the sports his
F: | loved the long walks we went on in the countryside.
friends want to try. What sport does each friend want to do?
M: They were OK.
: B: Hey Sandra, today my friends and | talked about which sports
F: | can’t wait to do it again!
? we’d be interested in.

Pause 5seconds


| That is the end of Part Three.


Pause 5 seconds

Pause 10 seconds

: G: And what do you want to do, Tyler?

? B: You know how much | like horses, so I’d love to learn how to ride.

G: Great! So what does (21) Daniel want to do?

B: (21) He loves the sea. His uncle has a boat and he’s asked him to
teach him how to sail.
Part 4
G: That’s nice. | thought he’d like to surf.
Now look at Part Four.
Pause 5 seconds
B: No, he’s scared. And (22) Barbara likes winter sports. She usually
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Pause 5 seconds
skis on the mountains but she’s thinking of trying something a bit
16 You will hear two friends talking about the weekend. What did
G: Well, (22) Hasan could teach her how to snowboard.
the man do on Saturday?
: (23) | guess and | could teach him how to ride a bike. That’s what

F: So did you have fun at the weekend?
he wants.
M: Well, Saturday was busy. | woke up early because | had to finish
G: Good idea. What about (24) Ingrid? Does she still want to learn
that project for work (16) but my daughter wanted me to drive her
how to play tennis?
into town to meet her friends. | thought | had some time to go to
: Sandra, she never wanted to play tennis.
the supermarket but then Sarah called me and said we shouldn't be
G: Oh, right. (24) It was table tennis, wasn’t it?
late for lunch.
: Yes, and she’s going to start practising with (25) Charles.
Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
G: Oh, and does he want to try anything new?
Well, (25) he’s meeting his friends at the park tonight to skate.
|17 You will hear a boss talking to an employee about work. Why
: G: Great!
didn’t the man come to the office yesterday?
i Pause 5seconds
Nowlisten again.
Pause 5 seconds
M: Mrs Gibbs, can | talk to you about the meeting?
i That is the end of Part Five.
Pause 2 seconds
F: Of course, Sam. You missed it yesterday. Are you feeling better?
M: Oh that isn’t the reason | wasn’t here. (17) Wendy called in sick i You now have six minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.

and | had to go to our store in Brighton.
: Pause 5 seconds
F: Oh, why didn’t George go?
You have one more minute. Pause 1 minute
M: Actually, he’s in Greece for the summer. Anyway...
That is the end of the test.
Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds


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The Christmas party is on the twenty fourth of December, (6) but we

have to let Mr Fowler know we're taking part by the 15" of December

so that leaves us just a week to decide. (7) Mr Fowler is expecting to

Part 1

| Now, look at the instructions for Part One.
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Look at question 1.

Pause 5 seconds
Pause 2 seconds
Pause 5 seconds

1 What did they have for lunch?
F: I’m feeling really hungry! What’s for dinner tonight?
M: You ate all that food at lunch! You can’t be hungry!
F: Come on. (1) | just had a bit of pizza! You ate most of it! | should
have ordered fish and chips. | wouldn't be so hungry now.
M: Ok, | guess it wasn’t a lot. How about pasta?
Pause 5seconds
Pause 5 seconds
2 What did the man want to do at the weekend at the start?
F: Let’s do something together this weekend.
|M: Um. (2) Well, | had arranged to play football with the guys on
F: Well, this weekend you can forget it! | want to go out. | can’t stay
in another day! How about the circus?
M: The circus? That’s next weekend. There’s a new movie playing.
How about that?
F: Ok then. I'll book tickets online.
Pause 5seconds

Pause 5 seconds

i receive videos of the people wishing to enter the competition. |


thought we could send the video from our summer holiday but then
| remembered the one from Annie’s birthday last year. It’s much better.
(8) Lalso found out about a website we could practise on.
It’s www.singpros.com. That’s spelt S-I-N-G-P-R-O-S.
Anyway, if you’re interested (9) we could meet after work at the
West Café to talk a bit more about it. It’s just opposite the street
from the post office next to the cinema. So meet you there?
(10) It would be great if we won first prize. That’s £180. Even second
prize sounds good at £120.
Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
: That is the end of Part Two.
Pause 10 seconds

Part 3

: Now look at Part Three.

Pause 5 seconds

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Look at questions 11-15 now. You have 20 seconds.

Pause 20 seconds

You will hear Mei talking to her friend Haruto about an art exhibition.
G: Hi Haruto. | went to an art exhibition yesterday!
: B: Did you go with your mum? | know she loves art. Or was it a class

: trip?

i G: Neither, (11) my friend Paul who lives next door asked me to go

? with him and his family.

13 Howare they going to travel on holiday?
B: Didn’t it rain on Saturday?
M: I’ve been thinking... How about changing our holiday plans a bit?
G: | thought it would but no. (12) There were clouds in the sky but it
F: Don’t tell me you don’t want to go to Scotland! It’s all booked!
was warm.
M: No! Don’t panic! (3) But how about driving rather than going by
B: | don’t really like exhibitions. Some paintings look strange.
: G: (13) | know but | think the paintings were better than the
F: | guess we could, but not by coach. (3) But as my car is too small

ị photographs. But what was really special were the videos.
let's take yours.
i B: You’d never see me going to an art exhibition any day soon!
M: Ok then, | should call the railway company.
? G: You know I'd do anything to avoid finishing my project. | was not
Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
keen on the idea. (14) | usually find such events a bit boring but
since it was about modern art | thought I’d give it a try.
4 What time is the party?
B: So any plans for next week? | know it’s your birthday.
F: Hi, Tom! Are you coming to Gill’s party at the swimming pool in
G: Well, | wanted us to watch Lee Jones sing live at the local park
an hour?
i but then (15) | heard of an art and music festival at the nearby town.
M: | am but isn’t it at a quarter to one? That was the time on the
:? B: (15) Sounds better than the singing competition we took part in
invitation at least.
last week...
F: Oh, (4) it’s been changed to half past one as the cake will arrive
Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
later than we thought, at around a quarter past one.
That is the end of Part Three.
Pause 10 seconds
M: Lucky you told me. | was on my way there!

Pause 5seconds
Pause 5 seconds

Part 4

Now look at Part Four.

Pause 5 seconds
5 What are they doing today?
: For each question, choose the correct answer.
Pause 5 seconds
M: (5) Would you like to go swimming today?
F; That sounds like a good idea but we haven’t played tennis for a
¡ 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her holiday.
long time. And the coach wants to know if we're going to basketball :
What didn’t she like?
practice tonight.
M: Hi Diana! Did you enjoy your holiday?
M: (5) | know but today it’s so hot that the only thing I'd like to do is
F: It could have been better, actually.
go to the beach.
M: (16) Wasn’t the hotel good?
F: (5) Ok but next time | decide what we'll do.
F: It was fine and the breakfast they served was ok too. (16) It was
Pause 5seconds
Nowlisten again.
Pause 5 seconds

just too far away from the main square.
That is the end of Part One.
Pause 10 seconds
M: But didn’t you have a car to get around?
F: | did but the car park was far and there was traffic all day.
i Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds

Part 2

Now look at Part Two.
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
or a number or a date or a time. Look at questions 6-10
You have 10 seconds.
| You will hear
F: Well Peter,
can bring the

a woman

5 seconds
Write one word
10 seconds

leaving her husband a message about a

| have a great idea. Why don’t we enter the singing
at the office Christmas party? It’s perfect for us as we
children too.

: 17 You will hear a couple talking at a restaurant.
Why won’t the woman order a drink?
i M: Would you like some wine?

? F: I’d love some but | can’t.

M: Don’t tell me you’ve got a stomach ache again... I’ve got some
medicine with me you could take.
F: Actually, no... (17) But | guess | should tell you we need to get the
kids’ room ready soon.
M: Are you serious? That’s great news. (17) | can't wait to be a dad!
: Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds

Succeed in Cambridge A2 KEY - Practice Tests



You will hear two friends talking outside a shop.
Why is the man unhappy?
M: (18) Well, | understand that he was trying to sell that smart
phone but he shouldn’t have pushed me so much.
F: He really knew what he was talking about so was trying to get
you to buy it with all this information he kept giving you.
M: | know but did you see the prices? | couldn’t buy anything in
that shop, anyway.
| Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
19 You will hear a woman talking on the phone.
What is wrong with the dress?
F: Good morning. I’d like to return a dress. (19) | need a bigger size,
I’m afraid. Other than that, it’s great. | thought that, since it was
| cheap it wouldn’t look good on me or the colour wouldn’t be like
the picture but it was ok. Anyway, is it still available?
Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds

You will hear a man talking to his wife about her handbag.
What is the problem?
M: Not again! | never seem able to find anything in here... (20) Why
do you have to carry such a big bag? And what is that? A book?
What do you need a book for at the supermarket? I’m telling you

I’ve lost my keys...

F: Well, if you stop being in such a hurry, then | could help you. Give

me my bag. See... Here they are...
Pause 5seconds
Now listen again.
That is the end of Part Four.

Part 5


Now look at Part Five.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Look at questions 21-25 now. You have 15 seconds.

Part 1

Now, look at the instructions for Part One.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Look at question 1.


Pause 5 seconds
Pause 2 seconds
Pause 5 seconds

1 What day will they meet?
F: How about dinner sometime this week? There's a great new
estaurant in town.
M: Good idea. What's today? Thursday? Because | think I've got an
appointment with the dentist.
F: (1) Actually it's Tuesday. So is tonight good for you then?
M: Well, | can’t on Wednesdays, as I’m working late, (1) so tonight is

¡ probably best. I'll call you later...
| Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.


Pause 5 seconds

: 2 How much does the woman pay for the ticket?
: F: Hello. Do you have cheap tickets for Paris for tomorrow?
M: The cheapest is £104, Madam, but I’m afraid they’re all sold out.
F: Oh well, | guess I’ll have to pay the standard price of £180, then.
M: Actually, we have a special offer of a £40 discount this week. (2)
: So that’s £140 rather than £180, Madam. Now, if you would just...
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
: Pause 5 seconds

: 3 What job does the man do?
M: Well, my job at the hotel is very difficult at times. Sometimes the
customers have problems with our staff; especially with our waiters

and waitresses.
: F: What about the receptionists, then? Do they ever have any
: problems with the guests?
Pause 5 seconds
: M: Sometimes yes, but not that often. (3) If anyone needs my help,
¡ they call me and | come right away from my office.
Pause 15 seconds
Pause 5seconds
Pause 5 seconds

Pause 5 seconds
Pause 10 seconds

You will hear Angela talking to her friend Liam about some films
she’s watched. What does she say about each film?
B: Hi Angela, have you watched any good films these days? I’d love
to rent a DVD tonight.
G: You should get Lost and Found. It’s amazing. It has some great

songs, too.

B: What about (21) Happy Place? I’ve heard it’s really good.
G: Well, (21) the film isn’t anything special, but the actors are great,
especially the young girl.
B: | see. Didn’t you also watch (22) Kids Rock?
G: | did. (22) | really enjoyed it except for the last part. It was really


B: Oh, ok. Klaus suggested watching (23) Dangerous People.
G: You could, but you know (23) | think adventure films are horribl
B: That’s because you’re scared to watch something new. But you
watched (24) Sunny Summer too. Isn’t that an adventure film?
G: Yes, but (24) it will have you laughing all day. The star is so funny.
Oh, | almost forgot... The (25) Pop Star is on.
B: Not another teen comedy...
G: Well, (25) it’s not the usual love story. It’s a clever film with lots
of exciting facts about the singer’s life.
B: Hm, that doesn’t sound boring!
Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
That is the end of Part Five.
Pause 2 seconds
You now have six minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet.
Pause 5 seconds
You have one more minute. Pause 1 minute
That is the end of the test.

4 What are they watching tonight?
M: What’s on TV tonight?
F: There’s a new film about the life of a famous doctor.
: M: That sounds really interesting. But | think (4) there’s also a dance

? competition.
‡ F: Oh, yes. What about The Men in Blue? It’s a film about the lives
? of police officers.

M: Let’s watch that next Saturday online, when Jin is here. (4) So
what about now? The competition?
F: (4) Yes. | think Jin will love The Men in Blue.
: Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
: 5 What is the weather like now?
: M: (5) Look how great the clouds look in the sky!
F: They do look nice but | prefer the sun. It makes me happy!
M: (5) Well, it looks like it's going to rain in a few minutes so no
clear sky today.
F: | hope so. It hasn't rained in a while and the trees need some
water. It'll be sunny at the weekend anyway.
: Pause 5 seconds
Now listen again.
Pause 5 seconds
‡ That is the end of Part One.
Pause 10 seconds

¡ Part 2

‡ Now look at Part Two.

i For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
! or anumber or a date or a time. Look at questions 6-10
You have 10 seconds.

5 seconds
Write one word
10 seconds

You will hear a tour guide talking to a group of tourists about
their plans for the day.
M: Good morning, everyone. I’m John, your tour guide.
: Tomorrow we are going to leave at 9.00 am. (6) Please make sure you
are all at the hotel entrance at 10 to 9. The bus will pick us up from

