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We are all born and raised in this same vast society. I am no exception, if
anyone asks me what has raised my soul to grow. I will not hesitate to answer
that it is a dream. It can be said that dreams truly have no end and certainly
dreams also play a significant role in human life as Hermann Hesse believes:
"You must find your dream...but no dream lasts forever, each dream is followed by
another, and one should not cling to any particular dream.." The road will become
The role of dreams brings positive things to people, everything is more
pleasant if you have dreams. Thus, Hermann Hesse's opinion confirms the
importance of dreams in human life
I agree with Hermann Hesse's views. Why are dreams an indispensable part of
every human being? First of all, dreams are desires, wishes to achieve
something, to do something. Everyone has dreams. Maybe these are just
normal needs in daily activities. But it could also be the desire for longer plans
for oneself. Like you, I am a person with many... many dreams and ambitions.
Like the great leader Ho Chi Minh, one of the people who shaped the twentieth
century, a billionaire Bill Gates who shook the software world,.... all have their
own dreams of a good future. . That is what made them successful and
brought a positive attitude and life to them. Who among us has not once
dreamed of something like that? Therefore, each individual needs to
understand that dreams will bring a spiritual role to us. Thus, their spiritual life
will be more optimistic and happier every day
Furthermore, dreams will help us gain more motivation and inspiration to
constantly try to move forward. Billy Wilder also once asserted: "You have to
have a dream to wake up in the morning." Surely we have experienced many
times of discouragement before a certain problem or event. But we are
confident that, with a big dream of a beautiful, bright future, people will have
more motivation. to constantly try for yourself and a good life ahead. The only
way for people not to fall in the face of difficulties and obstacles in life is to
constantly dream as Prisvin advises "You must dream more Moreover, we
must dream more earnestly to turn the future into the present.”