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Unit 12 skills 1

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Week ….

Unit 12 :




Period ….


SKILLS 1 (P. 64)



I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Extend vocabularies and phrases related to the types of robots at the show.
- Read to get to know about the types of robots at the show, pay attention to they
can do.
2. Competences:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss can read for specific information about types of
robots and their abilities, talk about what robots can do.
3. Character qualities: Be interested in important role of robots
II. Teaching aids: Textbook, sub board, pictures, cassette
III. Procedure:

1. Warm up:
Aims: To activate Ss some phrases related to robots.

* Brainstorming:
In the hospital
At home

At school

In the factory

In the space

In the supermarket

2. Pre-stage:
Aims: - To teach some new words related the text about robots
- To help Ss understand and activate their knowledge about the topic .
- space robots (n) người máy không gian (picture)
- space stations (n) trạm vũ trụ
- planet (n) hành tinh
- type of = kind of loại

- improve (v) cải thiện
Check vocabulary: ROR
2. Pre-questions: Ss work in pairs to discuss two questions:
1. What types of robots are there?
2. What robots are children interested in?
3. During-stage:
Aims : - To help Ss read to get to know about the types of robots at the show,
pay attention to where they can do.
- To help Ss prepare ideas for the speaking.
Activity 2. Multiple choice: Read the text and choose the best answer
Teacher has Ss read the text in detail to answer the questions individually.
Teacher asks Ss to compare their answer with a partner.
T checks as a class.
Key: 1. B. A robot show
2. C. teacher robots
3. C. take care of sick people
4. C. Home robots can’t do much of the housework
Activity 3. Gap fill: Ss read the text again and fill the table below
Types of robots

What they can do?

Home robots

Cook meals, clean the house, do the washing and
iron clothes

Teaching robots

help children study, teach English, literature, maths
and other subjects, help children improve English

Worker robots

build houses, move heavy things

Doctor robots

look after sick people

Space robots

build space stations on the Moon and on planets

4. Post-stage:
Aims: To develop speaking skill
Ss work in pairs, discuss what you think robots can do in the following places:

What robots can do?
Take care of children,


S1: What can robots do at home?
S2: They can take care of children
IV. Homework:
- Learn vocabulary by heart
- Do exercise 5/ 64
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 12: Skills 2.
* Feedback: ……………………………………………….

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