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1. Do you like shopping
I love shopping. I love going to store to choose clothes and other things that
I need.
2. What’s your favorite shop
My favorite store is the clothing store near my house. It’s Tina and it
specializes in handmade clothing
3. Do you prefer shopping olone or with others
I would like to go with friends or family because it's very fun and happy.
But sometimes, I want to go alone, that's when I'm sad.
4. What kind of shops are there where you live
Where I live there are many different shops. There are clothing, Grocery
stores, supermarkets, book stores, and much more.
5. Have you ever bought anything online
I used to buy online and I find it very beautiful but sometimes it is not as
6. Do you like to shop in a regular store or do you change the place you buy
I usually prefer to shopp in regular stores. I like the experience of being able
to see and touch the items before I buy them
7. What don’t you like about shopping
One thing I don’t like about shopping is the crowds. I find it difficult to
navigate through crowed stores and can be quite overwhelming
8. Is shopping a popular activity in your country
Yes, Shopping is quite a popular activity in my country. There are lots of
stores and shopping centers that offer a variety of products. People offer go
shopping for clothes, shoes, electronics ad foos
9. Have you ever had a bad shopping experience

Yes, I have had a few bad shopping experiences. Once, I bought clothes
online and when I receive it, it was not what I expected
10.Which is more important to you , the price of a product, or quality
For me, quality is more important than price. I would rather pay a little more
for something well made and of good quality, than buy somrthing cheap but
poor quality
Describe a shopping center you often go to
I would like to talk about a shopping centre that I often visit, which is located in
the city centre of my hometown. I go there at least once a week, mainly because it
is conveniently located and has a great selection of stores. The shopping center is
quite large and has too floor. It has a modern look, with lots of glass and stell.
Vũ Thị Linh

Inside, there are many difference shops and restaurant, ranging from clothing
stores to electronics stores. I often go there because I can find everything I need in
one place. It’s also a great place to spend time with friends or family, as it has a lot
of activities and entertainment
Describe a time you received good service at a shop
Here I would like to talk about a situation when I received a very good service
from a shop in a shopping mall in HN. Last month I went there with my friend to
buy some clothes for myself. I wanted to buy a pair of jeans, and I had heard about
this shop in HN, which sells jeans of all top brands. We went straight to that shop,
and the salesmen welcomed us with smiling faces. They started showing us various
varieties and allowed us to try them on. We were very happy to know that Levis
Company was offering a deal. Two pairs of jeans needed slight alterations in
length, which they got done within an hour at no extra cost. We were very happy
with their prompt service. I refer that shop to all my friends and relatives because
of their services.

Describe a shop recently opened in your hometown
I usually go to the malls to look around or maybe to buy something I need.
"Amazing Eyes", a well-known company, recently began operating a chain in our
city. To meet everyone's needs, it provides lenses, sunglasses, glasses, and frames.
The store is at the top floor of Ozone mall opposite Pizza Hut. The store is very
roomy with an all-glass entrance wall that is flush with the glass door and intricate
displays lined with various frames and accessories arranged in an orderly fashion
along the other walls. People who might need to check their eyes or change their
frames for an existing optical can definitely benefit from that place..
I feel very happy because the store is near my house and the quality of the glasses
is very good. Before, every time I went to change my glasses, I had to go a long
way to buy them
1. How have shopping habits changed over recent years
Shopping habits have changed dramatically in recent years due to the growth
of online shopping. Consumer now have more options than ever with the
ability to compare prices, see online reviews, find deal, and shop around
before making decision
2. Do you think shooping habits are likely to change in the future
I think shopping habits will change in the future, because mobile shopping
is coming more and popular using their smartphone
3. To what extent do you think advertising affects the way people shop
Advertising definitely has an impact on the way people shop, but I don't
think it's the only factor. People are influenced by a variety of factors such
as their personal preferences, social trends, and online reviews. It can
certainly create awareness of new products or big brand names and also
influence people's perceptions of quality.
4. What are some of the various ways that people buy things
Vũ Thị Linh

People shop in different ways, including in-person shopping, online
shopping, mobile shopping, subscription services and more
5. Can you explain why online shopping is so popular today
Online shopping is popular today because it is convienient and often more
affordable than shop in-person. It is alson easy to compare prices, find deal
and shop around
6. Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in real shop
No, online shopping is unlikely to completely replace shopping in real
shop. Many people still enjoy the experience of visiting a physical store,
browsing through the items
7. Do you think people spen too much time on shopping
It is difficult to determine whether people spend too much time shopping
as it depends on individual circumstance and preferences
8. Do you think there is a relationship between the brand of a product and its
I think the brand of the product and its quality always go hand in hand and
grow together. When a product is famous in the market, people love it, it
means its quality is good
9. Can you explain why some places offer lower prices than others places
The selling price of a product depends on many factors. i think one of the
above factors is due to the business premises, employee wages, the original
price of the product. when these costs are low, the selling price of the product
is also lower than other places
10.How can people find out the lowest prices for goods
Nowadays, with the development of the internet, online shopping has become
more and more popular. Finding great quality products at high discounts has
become relatively easy. We can easily compare prices on online shopping

1. What is the weather like today
Well, the weather is very pleasant; it’s sunny weather,
2. What’s your favorite weather
- Well, my favourite weather is cold weather because in cold weather I keep
myself warm by wearing woollen clothes and I enjoy the warmth of the quilt.
3. Do you like the weather in your country
Of course, I love the weather in my country. It’s a moderate temperature like
neither it has more cold nor hot. I don’t have any kind of problems related to
the changing weather.
4. What do you like to do when it’s hot
When it's hot, I usually go swimming with my friends, or eat ice cream and
drink cold water
Vũ Thị Linh

5. What ‘s your favorite season of the year
My favorite season is springtime, because everything is getting all flowery
and new and fresh again.
6. What do you usually do in the winter
When winter comes, I love going out with my friends, we gather around a
charcoal grill or a smoky hot pot or sip on roasted corn and baked potatoes.
7. How many seasons does the country have
There are 4 seasons in my country: spring, summer, autumn, winter. The
weather in spring is still a bit chilly. The summer is very hot. Autumn weather
is cool and beautiful and cold winter
8. Does the weather ever affect the way you feel
Yes, it does. During summer, when temperatures soar and it's boiling hot
outside, it can be a bit unbearable at times. And during a heatwave, there's
always a risk of heatstroke if I am not careful. In this weather, I may be feel

9. What do people often do when it’s rainy/sunny
When it rains, people tend to stay indoors because it prevents people from
having fun outdoors
10.In what month/season does it rain most in your hometown
I live in the north of vietnam, the rainy season in my city usually takes place in
summer, fluctuates from May to July
Describe a bad weather experience you have had1`
I’m going to talk about a bad weather experience you have had. Last year, I and
my friend were enjoying beautiful sunny days, the sky was cloudless when
suddenly, the weather changed. We were in town walking around the shops when
it started to rain. I have never seen such heavy rain before. Within about 10
minutes, water flooded all the roads. I think they call it a flash flood. It's like being
in the middle of a tropical storm. The water was almost to my knees. The weather
forecast was unpredictable, so everyone was surprised. I'm not sure you can call it
'inclement' weather because a few hours later it started to clear. The sun came out,
and the water level slowly dropped. However, a lot of houses were flooded, so it
was very difficult. I found them all quite interesting. In my country, we usually
have a very mild climate and don't often get floods like this, so it was quite an
interesting experience for me.
Talk about something you like to do when the weather is hot or warmer than usual
I live in the north of Vietnam. where there are four seasons spring, summer,
autumn and winter. Each season has its own character, but my favorite is summer,
the season when the temperature is the hottest of the year. When it's hot, I like to
eat fruit to cool off, we often go swimming on weekday afternoons when we have
free time. After that, we went to eat ice cream together and cycle around the west
lake. Different from others, I really like summer because the sunshine makes my
Vũ Thị Linh

mood more cheerful. Recalling last winter's winter, I was sad when it was cloudy
and not sunny for several months.
Describe a time the weather changed your plan
Last month, I was going to have a picnic with my friends at a camping site on the
outskirts of the city. Unfortunately, due to bad weather, we had to cancel our plan.
In fact, we planned to have a picnic to refresh ourselves and to relax after the final
term examination. Everything needed such as food, drinks and even a change of
clothes was wellprepared. I was so excited about this trip that I couldn’t sleep.
However, on the next day, it was raining heavily, despite the fact that the weather
was forecast to be nice and warm. As a result, we made a decision to put off our
plans. Instead, we threw a party at my friend’s house. We made some favorite
dishes together, and then played cards. we soon forgot all about our misfortune
over the picnic
1. Where can people get weather reports
People can get weather reports from various sources such as TV/radio
programmes or sections in newspapers/magazines
2. How can weather reports affect people’s life
Weather reports can greatly affect people's lives as they help them plan their
activities accordingly. For example, if there is a heatwave or a tropical storm
warning, people may have to take extra precautions to ensure their safety.
3. Can you name some jobs that are heavily dependent on the weather
Outdoor manual jobs are most affected by the weather. It includes builders,
delivery people, cleaners, and more
4. Does the weather in your country ever affect transportation
Yes, weather in my country has affected many times the transportation system
because when there is heavy rain, then buses don’t run on time and the
waterlogging often occurs
5. How has the climate changed in your country in recent time

In recent times, my country has experienced more extreme weather
conditions, such as longer heatwaves, heavier rainfall causing flooding and
landslides, and stronger typhoons.
6. Has climate change affect your country
Yes, climate change has affected my country in many ways. The country's
coastal regions are vulnerable to rising sea levels, while the agricultural sector
is affected by droughts and other weather-related disasters.
7. What do you think are the main reasons for the climate change
Industrial production, deforestation, water use as well as other harmful gases
are the main reasons for the climate change
8. In your opinion, what should be done to mitigate the impacts of climate

Vũ Thị Linh

People increase dissemination, communication, and awareness of the influence
of climate change. Don't throw garbage, increase planting trees to cause forests,
and more
9. What nature disasters usually happen in your country as a result of climate
In Vietnam, natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and typhoons occur
frequently as a result of climate change. These disasters can have devastating
effects on communities, causing loss of life and significant damage to
10.In your opinion, how will the climate change in the future
YES, the climate will change in the future. The earth is getting hotter and hotter
due to the unconsciousness of people.

1. Do you like music
Yes. I love music. Music can always weave its magic to give people different
feelings. And people say that music speaks international languages. I think it is
totally true. Say, people from different countries can all appreciate the same music.
2. What’s your favorite type music
I don’t have a particular taste in music. I can pretty much listen to everything as
long as it sounds good to me.
3. Are your music tastes varied
Yes, definitely, it changed over time. When I was a little girl, I was a big fan of
classical music. My taste in music is quite different from before. Recently, I
always listen to my favorite rock bands
4. Has your music taste changed
Yes, a lot. Many years ago I used to like pop, and then I stopped liking it that
much. I started liking electronic music and songs from the 90’s and 80’s, I still like
pop a little, but not like before.
5. Do you like to sing along to your favourite songs
I do that mostly. Although my voice is not that good, I usually just close the doors
of my room and play my favorite songs and sing along in the loudest of my voice,
dance with it.
6. Did you learn music at school
I used to have music classes back when I was in primary school and secondary
school only.
7. Did you enjoy music lessons when you were at school
Yes. I like. When I was at school, I’ve looking forward to music lessions.
8. What do you think is the best age to start to learn to play a musical
I think that a child start taking instrument lessons at about age 5 or 6. Because at
this point, the children may be aware of their behavior and learn more easily
9. Are you learning a musical instrument at the moment
Vũ Thị Linh

I have started playing guitar recently. So, I don’t play it very well but I have
learnt playing some basic songs and few high nodes here and there.
10.Do you think music is important
Yes. I think music is important. Music can help you relax and relieve stress. It
can make you feel better when you are feeling down. Music Is Good For Brain
Development. Children listening to music from an early age can help with their
language skills and improve their motor skill development.
Describe a musical event in your country
There are several occasions and places in our country when musical events take
place in my country. I'd like to talk about a particular music event that takes place
in my hometown and this takes place at the beginning of the spring.
The event runs through 3-4 days and in 2-3 phases. In the first phase, the local
music bands and individuals perform and complete in the event.This event is
broadcasted on a local TV channel and on Radio. Several kinds of music are
played and among them, classic, rock, folk and contemporary songs are most
In the second phase, some famous singers and musicians enjoy perform their own
songs and people this very much. Lots of people from different parts of the country
come to attend the show and enjoy the music.
I have attended the event several times and enjoyed every time to be there. The
event attracts lots of people and a festivity goes on surrounding this event. I enjoy
the music, the gathering and the festivity of this event.
Describe a song that means something special to you
I love listening to music, so I like many songs. However, one of my favorite songs
that I want to talk about today is “comethru” by Jeremy Zucker. This song was
released in 2018. When it came out, it quickly became a hit on every single music
chart throughout the world, not just because of its catchy melody, but also for its

meaningful lyrics. I think this song has such a powerful message that whenever I
was tired or had decided to quit, it would lift me up right away. It made me think
about why I had started in the first place and that I needed to finish the job that I
was currently doing.
Tell me about your favorite music band
There are many music bands that I like very much but Chillies is my most
favourite music band. Chillies is a Vietnam pop rock band consisting of 6
members. The group was formed in 2018 and is managed by Warner Music
Vietnam Label. First heard their songs about 4 years ago, when I still was a
university student, and since then I am hooked to their music. Chillies is
considered to be one of the most musically influential and commercially successful
bands. From the very beginning as a soft rock duo, Chillies has been popular for
their love songs, and people react to these love songs very strongly and
passionately because of their romantic nature and mellow sound.
Part 3
Vũ Thị Linh

1. What kind of music is popular in your country
I think people in my country mostly enjoy pop and rock. Pop music appeals to
people with its pretty melodies and catchy lyrics while rock is liked simply
because it provides soundtracks for life experiences, motivates people, and
energizes them.
2. Do you think it is possible to judge someone’s personality from their taste
Absolutely not. People's personalities, music genre's and tastes are too broad to be
judged upon.
3. Do you think it is true that anyone can sing with the right training
No. it depends. a good song cannot be made by learning with a right if you
don't have a good character for music. my parents let me take music lessons

beginning at a young age, just like i did, but i still sing out of tune.
4. Do you think pop stars can be a bad influence in young people
i think it depends on the person. they can negatively affect people if they engage
in some illegal activities or just do some inappropriate things.
5. How does pop music now compare to when you were growing
When I was growing up, pop music in Vietnam was dominated by ballads and
love songs, while now there is more diversity in terms of genres and styles.
6. How much does the internet influence how people listen to music
The internet has had a huge impact on how people listen to music. It has made it
much easier to discover new artists and genres, and to access a wide variety of
music from around the world.
7. Is foreign music or music fro your country more popular with people your age
I think that foreign music is more popular with young people in Vietnam,
especially among those who are interested in Western culture and languages.
However, traditional Vietnamese music is still highly valued and respected.
8. Is there any future for CDS, do you think? How long might they still be
CDs are becoming less popular as digital music streaming services continue to
grow in popularity. However, I think that CDs will still be around for some time,
especially among older generations who are more used to physical media.
9. Recently many singers and groups have first become famous through
television talent shows, what do you think about this
I think that television talent shows can be a great way for talented artists to gain
exposure and recognition, but they can also be very competitive and stressful for
the contestants.
10.What do you think about illegal downloading of music? What should be done
about it
I believe that is inappropriate to do. To create a work, the artist has to spend a lot
of effort and money, your illegal download of music is negating their effort.
Consequently, we should condemn that behavior.

Vũ Thị Linh

1. Are clothes important to you
Yes, they are incredibly important. They make me look good, and thus feel good
about myself.
2. What kind of clothes do you usually wear
Well, I prefer casual clothes – simple and comfortable. A pair of jeans and a shirt
would be perfect. I am not really the fashionable type. But of course, I also dress
up for special occasions.
3. Do you ever wear the traditional clothes of your country
Yes. I wore AO DAI during the high school years
4. Where do you usually buy your clothes
I am a very shopaholic person, firstly I check cloth quality and price then, I
purchase clothes, and I always prefer to do shopping from different shops.
5. How important is fashion to you
Clothes and fashion are not that important to me. I always prefer comfortable
clothes but making sure that I’d look presentable and clean. I am more of being
practical in choosing what I wear.
6. What kind of clothes do you dislike
Well, I dislike wearing untidy and eccentric clothes. Example would be tearing or
ripped jeans. I also avoid clothes with flashy colors or those that are too stunning.
7. Have you ever worn a uniform
To be honest, I wouldn’t say I like to wear the same cloth every day like a uniform,
but I wore it during my school and college time.
8. Do you have your own fashion or follow the crowds
I have my own fashion. I prefer casual clothes – simple and comfortable.
Following the trend will easily make clothes out of fashion ang difficult to

coordinate later
9. What area of fashion interests you most – clothes, hair, cosmetics, shoes, ,..
Accessories. I think that accessories can make a big difference in enhancing an
outfit, and they can help to express a person's individual style if you know how to
mix and match it
10.Do you always recycle your old clothes or give them to charity
Maybe no. I don't have a lot of hand-me-downs, but I don't throw away my old
clothes either. However, it is helpful that recycling and donating clothes to charity,
especially when they're still in good condition.
Describe an item of clothing that you often wear
I love and usually wear casual clothes because it’s comfortable and affordable.
Therefore, I have a lot of basic T-shirts, blouses and trousers, but my most favorite
clothing item would be shirt. I LOVE this shirt. I bought the shirt online ahead of
travelling to da nang. It is incredibly comfortable to wear, the colour suits me quite
well. Because the shirt is so comfy, I wore it almost all the time on my travels.
Vũ Thị Linh

Different from my shirts, this shirt has a strange design, can be worn on both sides.
I can wear it with both casual and formal dresses, and that gives me a great
advantage. Besides fashion, this cloth offers utilitarian values as well. I feel
comfortable in this shirt, and it did not cost me a lot of money.
Describe a piece of clothes that was given to you by someone
I would like to describe a coat my mom gave me as a present four years ago on my
18th birthday. She bought it at the Zara store in Vincom Shopping Centre, and the
coat is dark blue in colour. It’s made out of a lightweight, waterproof material. it
was my most favourite item and it went well with everything and it is also durable.
All in all, it’s a very meaningful gift from my mom, who always loves and cares
about me so much, so I will treasure and continue wearing it in the future

1.what do clothes tell people about our personalities
Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and what
actually you are as an individual.
2. Do people in your country spend lots of money on clothes?
Yes, people in my country do spend a lot of money on clothes, especially on specia
l occasions like weddings and festivals because they want to well-dressed in this ca
3. Why do people spend lots of money on clothes?
People spend lots of money on clothes for various reasons, such as to feel confiden
t, to fit in with a certain social group or to make a statement. Additionally, some pe
ople may view fashion as an investment, as high-quality clothing can last for many
4. Who decides which clothes are fashionable?
There is only you, so you can dress as you like because everyone sees fashion diffe
5. Do you think children need to wear school uniforms?
I strongly agree that children should wear school uniform , this is because school u
niform is very important in making all the children equal at school, also the childre
n will learn how to dress in smart way and how to be disciplined .
6. Where do Vietnamese people buy clothes?
Vietnamese people often buy clothes at shopping malls, clothing stores, e-commer
ce platforms,...
7. Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?
Yes, I do think that people behave differently in different kinds of clothes. For exa
mple, someone may feel more confident and assertive when wearing formal clothin
g, while they may feel more relaxed and casual in casual clothing.
8. Do you think we can learn about a person from the clothes they are wearing?
Yes. Clothes are straightened, dressed neatly and style of dress reflects each perso
n's personality

9. Is fashion a well-developed industry in your country?
Vũ Thị Linh

I think yes. A clothing store is just a few steps away, and people spend a lot of mon
ey there.
10. Are there jobs in which people need to care more about clothes than in others?
Famous people who frequently appear in public, such as actresses, singers, and
models, pay greater care to their clothing than other people since their appearance
has a significant impact on their reputation.

Vũ Thị Linh

1. Do you often read books or magazines
I’m more into reading books. To me magazines are really vain in the type of
content they produce so I don’t really care about them. Books on the other hand are
much more informative and educational in nature.
2. What is your favorite kind of books to read
I generally read detective mysteries and thrillers. I also like to read nonfiction
books on topics that I think are interesting.
3. How often do you read books
It varies. I read a lot when I was younger, but then I became a teen and a lot of
distractions came into my life. I found it simpler to concentrate on a YouTube
video than a book.
4. Do you have any e-books
Yes, I have many ebooks. Reading ebooks is really fast and convenient

5. What books did you read as a child
Like most children, I loved comic books when I was a little girl. I can still feel the
excitement I felt as I turned the vibrant pages and immersed myself in the world of
my favorite comic book characters.
6. Name some of the famous writers of your country
In my country there are many famous writers. I ẹnjoy writers like Nguyen Nhat
Anh, Trang Hạ, Nhược Lạc, nguyễn ngọc thạch
7. Have you ever thought about writing a book
No, In fact I’m pretty bad at writing
1. Do you enjoy watching movies
Definitely, I love watching films, all genres of them.
2. What’s your favorite film
I love the way the director wrote the story and the music is amazing. Throughout
the movie, there are also many important messages.”
3. What kind of films do you like most
among many kinds of film, i like cartoon best because cartoon can bring me
happiness and make me feel relax i find catoons are really meaningful with so
great characters, which make me into
4. Who are your favorite actors
My favorite is actor Thanh Nhan. She is extremely beautiful, kind, good at acting
and has appeared in many famous movies
5. How often do you watch films
I like watching films whenever I have spare time. It depends on my working
schedule, you know, because I’m quite occupied with my work.
Vũ Thị Linh

6. How often do you go to the cinema
I usually go to the cinema twice a month because watching films especially at the

cinema is my all-time favourite pastime.
7. What type of films don’t you like
I really don’t like horror movies. Not primarily, because I get terrified but because
I think movies are there to make you feel relaxed. For me, horror movies, give so
much of emotion and excitement that it seems as if some work has been done.
Describe a book that had a major influence on you
One Vietnamese book that had a major influence on me is "Số đỏ" (Dumb Luck)
by Vu Trong Phung. It's a classic novel written in the 1930s that depicts the corrupt
and decadent society of Vietnam under French colonial rule. I first read this book
as part of my high school literature curriculum, and I couldn't put it down. The plot
follows the misadventures of a poor and uneducated man named Tam who rises to
power through a combination of luck and manipulation. The book exposes the
greed, and exploitation that were rampant in Vietnam at that time, and it made me
reflect on the social and political issues that still affect our country today. It was
also interesting to read about Vietnam's history through the eyes of someone who
lived during that period. I still have a paperback copy of "Số đỏ" that I read from
cover to cover several times, and it remains one of my favourite books.
Describe a movie that you have never seen but would like to see
I’m going to talk about a film that I’d like to see when it comes out later this year.
It’s the new James Bond film, and I saw in the news that it’s going to be called
‘Spectre’. As ‘Spectre’ hasn’t been released yet, I don’t know exactly what it will
be about. I first heard about this film when I was watching the news a couple of
months ago, and since then I’ve seen the official trailer on TV. There have also
been various articles in newspapers discussing the actors who have been cast to
play supporting roles in the film. I’d like to see ‘Spectre’ at the cinema because
I’m sure it will be full of action scenes and special effects, and I like the fact that
Bond’s missions always take place in spectacular locations in different parts of the
world. Of course Bond films are totally unrealistic, you could even say ridiculous.
But they’re always fast, entertaining and fun, a bit like a roller-coaster ride!

1. How can books impact on man’s life
Books have the power to shape a person's thoughts and beliefs, provide knowledge
and information, inspire creativity and imagination, and offer a source of
entertainment and escape. Reading books can broaden one's perspectives and
understanding of the world, and also improve one's cognitive abilities and critical
thinking skills.
Vũ Thị Linh

2. Is reading a popular leisure activity in your country
Yes, reading is a popular leisure activity in many countries, including mine.
However, with the rise of digital media and social media, the popularity of
reading has decreased in recent years.
3. Do you think that people read nowadays as they did in the past
No. Reading habits have altered from the past. Today, we can read books on
digital devices and use the Internet to download and read any book we want.
4. Why do you think some children do not read books very often
If a child does not have strong literacy skills, they may find it difficult to
comprehend what they are reading, which can be discouraging.
5. How do you think children can be encouraged to read more
Parents and other adults can set a good example by reading regularly
themselves and discussing what they're reading with the children.
Encouraging them to choose books they're interested in, or making reading time
a fun and enjoyable experience
6. Are there any jobs where people nees to read a lot
Yes. There are doctors, lawyers and teachers, and more
7. Do people in your country like to read
Yes, people in my country do like to read, but the popularity of reading has

decreased in recent years due to the rise of digital media.
8. Do young and old people like to read the same books
No. The interests of young and old vary greatly. Young people mostly like
fantasy and fiction best. Older people often prefer serious or historical works.
9. Compare reading habits today to those of the past
Reading habits today are vastly different from those of the past due to the rise
of digital media and social media. While in the past, people would spend their
leisure time reading books and newspapers, today, people are more likely to
spend time on their phones or computers.
10.How do you think reading habits will change in the future
In the future, reading habits will likely continue to shift towards digital media
and e-books, with fewer people reading traditional printed books. However, the
importance of reading and its impact on individuals' lives will remain
1. Is movie a developed industry in your country
Yes, the movie industry is a developed industry in my country. We have many
talented actors, directors, and producers who have contributed to the growth
and success of the movie industry.
2. What’s the difference between the movies of your country and Hollywood
The movies in my country tend to focus more on local culture and traditions,
while Hollywood movies often have more universal themes and appeal to a
Vũ Thị Linh

global audience. Hollywood movies also tend to have higher production values
and bigger budgets than movies in my country.
3.What do you think of the violent films
I think violent films can be entertaining and thrilling, but they can also be

harmful if they glorify violence or sensitive viewers to its real-world
consequences. It's important for filmmakers to be responsible and mindful of
the impact their movies can have on audiences.
3. Why movies need computer techniques? Any example of movie using,
computer techniques
Movies often use computer techniques to create special effects, such as
explosions, creatures, and environments that would be difficult or
impossible to create with practical effects alone. An example of a movie that
uses computer techniques is the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, which
feature extensive use of CGI to create superheroes and their powers.
4. Which parts of a movie are the most important and how to improve it
The most important parts of a movie are the plot, characters, and dialogue. To
improve a movie, filmmakers can focus on creating a compelling story with
interesting and relatable characters, and writing dialogue that is engaging and
5. Why do difference people love difference kinds of movies
Different people love different kinds of movies because everyone has their own
unique tastes and preferences. Some people enjoy action movies for the
excitement, while others prefer romantic comedies for the humor and
heartwarming moments.
6. Some people argue that it is necessary to ban violent movies on TV as they
might harm children. DO you agree with the opinion
In my opinion, violence in movies should only be limited, not prohibited.
Controlling the content of their children's movies is what parents should do.
7. Do you think that it is necessary to censor every film shown on TV
I believe some sort of censorship is required in the TV and film industry so that we
can enjoy movies and watch TV programmes without embarrassments and getting

1. Do you like to travel
Yes, I really enjoy traveling. I love exploring new cultures, trying new foods, and
seeing breath-taking views.
2. What kind of places have you visited in your life
I have a keen interest in History. For this reason, I usually prefer to visit places
which have historical significance. I have been to several places which retain a
glorious ancient history and are important in enhancing the knowledge about our
3. What’s the best place you’ve ever visited
Vũ Thị Linh

The best place I've ever visited is Ninh Bình. I went there on a short break a few
years ago and was blown away by the stunning landscape and breath-taking views
of picturesque village
4. Do you like to travel on your own or with your family
I love to travel with my family. I feel happy and peaceful traveling with my mom
dad. In today's world where we are super busy with something or the other we
often forget to spend time with out loved ones. Traveling helps brings us together.
5. Do you like visit popular places or less-known places
I like visit popular places because many people have already gone by those
locations. I can quickly think of top restaurants and scenic locations.
6. Do you prefer short trips or long trips
I like them both. I'm a person who loves to travel, so for me, each type has its own
7. What places do you want to visit the future? Why
There are so many places in the world that I would like to visit in the future. One
of my top choices is a far-off destination, such as New Zealand, with its stunning
landscapes and breath-taking views. Another place on my list is a wildlife safari in
Africa, where I can observe animals in their natural habitats.

8. What are the major tourist attractions in your country
Hoi An- a charming ancient town that is known for its well-preserved architecture,
colorful lanterns, and vibrant street markets. Ha Long Bay- a stunning natural
wonder, an UNESCO World Heritage site and is known for its breathtaking views.
9. What do you think people can learn from travelling to other countries? Why
Traveling to other countries teaches you to plan, prepare, adapt and think on your
feet as well as solve problems on your own sometimes. Travel teaches you
confidence, independence and freedom. It boosts your self-awareness and your
problem-solving skills
10.Do Vietnamese people like travel abroad
Yes in general. Vietnamese people like to experience different cultures, taste new
food, and see breath-taking views. They often book all-in packages or holiday
brochures from travel agents to save time and effort in planning their trip.
Describe a country you would like to visit in the future
I’m gonna talk about the country I love to visit, which is korea. I’m a big fan of a
romance movie. I was impressed by the scenery that appears in those movies. They
are the limitless inspiration that sparks the want to visit this country in me.
I’ll visit Korean sometime between mid-March and May next year if everything
goes according to my plan. I have heard that this is an ideal time for people to see
cherry blossoms. I have already shared my ideas with my parents and they would
be okay with me travelling there with one of my close friends. So, I will possibly
visit this country which is famous for its celestial beauty, delicious chicken,
Hanbok, jeju island, with Hoa, who also wants to visit Korea with me.
Describe a place that has a special meaning to you
Vũ Thị Linh

Visiting different places is my hobby and whenever I get a chance, I try to pay
visits. However, going to so many places, the place I find the most meaningful is

Nam Dinh - the place where I was born. I have many happy memories in this city,
and this is the city where I have spent some of my happiest days in life. So this is
perhaps the most important place for me as a person. I was born and brought up in
Namdinh. While living in the old part of this city, I used to travel downtown of the
city with my friends and schoolmates. The happy memories still linger in my brain,
and I often remember how innocent and carefree those days were. I like this city
for many reasons. The most important thing about the city is that it is my
birthplace where I also spent my childhood and teenage days. Wherever I go, and
whichever city I travel to, I feel a special bond with my birthplace.
Describe a short vacation that you were impressed by
I would like to talk about my recent holiday in Thailand with my best friend last
summer, which was really memorable for us. Although this trip only lasted for 4
days, it involved a lot of planning ahead. We booked the plane tickets a month
ahead to get a couple of cheaper ones. Because we definitely did not want to use a t
ravel agent or book a package tour, we had to search for a lot of information online
to organize our own journey. Throughout the trip, there were a lot of interesting thi
ngs that we had a chance to experience together. We visited some well-known tour
ist attractions in Thailand, which allowed us to discover a new culture and tradition
al customs there. Despite the fact that we did not like food that is too spicy, the var
iety of Thai street dishes tempted us to try them. It was truly a holiday of a lifetime,
and I would love to visit again someday.
1. What are the good and bad things about travelling
On the one hand, booking an all-in package or package holiday can be very
convenient and cost-effective. Holiday brochures can also provide inspiration for
new holiday destinations, and there are plenty of stunning landscapes and breathtaking views to discover. However, if you only have the chance to take a holiday
of a lifetime once, it can be difficult to know which far-off destination to choose.
2. What is the importance of travelling
Travelling is an important short break, as it broadens your horizons and exposes
you to new cultures, languages, and ways of life. It can also help you to develop

important skills such as adaptability, independence, and problem-solving.
3. What steps should the government take to make the tourism more attractive
to foreigner
The government can attract foreign visitors by filming many promotional videos
about Vietnam's beauty, videos about Vietnamese food, scenery and people.
4. Is travel an education
Travel is the best kind of education you can enjoy! Travel education teaches you
new things every day. You will learn more about culture, language, customs and
habits of the place you visit.
5. What are the pros and cons of travelling first class and backpacking
Vũ Thị Linh

Travelling first class can be very luxurious and comfortable, with plenty of space.
However, it can also be quite expensive and may limit your ability to interact with
local people or experience local cultures. On the other hand, backpacking can be
very affordable and allows you to have a more authentic travel experience.
6. Is tourism something that only rich people take part in
No, traveling is not just for the rich people. Everyone should have the opportunity
to explore and experience different cultures and places around the world. With
careful planning, budgeting, and research anyone can find ways to travel that fit
their financial situation.
7. How important is tourism to your country
Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops
the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural ...
8. What is eco-tourism? Do you think it’s a good ideal
Eco-tourism is a type of tourism that focuses on responsible and sustainable travel,
with an emphasis on preserving natural environments and supporting local
communities. I think it is a very good idea, as it can help to protect fragile
ecosystems and promote responsible tourism practices.

9. Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How
Yes of course. Tourism is one of the economic sectors that bring many
benefits. Not only growing the economy, but also introducing people to a
new country with many new things
10.Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of
travelling to other countries? In what ways
Yes. People who have traveled may retell their experiences on social media.
People who have never been can use this review to determine whether they belong

Vũ Thị Linh

1. What do you do to make your living
Currently, I'm still a student, I make a living by working part-time at a clothing
2. What would you like to do for living
Well, I majored in accounting. Therefore, I want to become a future accountant
after graduation
3. What do you like and deslike about that fob
I want to be an accountant because i love calculations and be friends with small
numbers, but this job requires constant sitting and constantly looking at the
computer screen
4. What kind of company/organization would you like to work for
do you know viettel, that is the company that i have always worked from the first
days of university
5. What kind of worker do you think you are
I'm the kind of person who takes their work extremely seriously and constantly

strives to do a task well.
6. When your were a child, what job did you want to do when you grew up
I like being a cashier because I like to calculate and count money
7. What will influence your choice of job
That is the salary. I've always questioned whether I could support myself with
that kind of work.
8. Which job do you think are more popular than others why
These are e-commerce-related employment because everything is now done
online and through networks, making it possible to work and purchase.
9. Would you like to work abroad
Yes. Of sure. Wage, superior living conditions overseas compared to my nation,
and want to experience other cultures
10.Is it easier or more difficult to apply for a job in your country
I think it depends on the situation. However, the competition for certain jobs can
be quite high, especially for well-paid, high-powered jobs that offer good perks
Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future
There are several opportunities in the world today, the majority of them are wellpaying. However, I want to become an accountant when I grow up. Because my
family has a small restaurant, I am familiar with this line of work. As a child, I
used to like watching the accountant count cash and figure sales. I've always
wanted to be an accountant like her ever since. It's a straightforward profession that
requires you to type continuously, perform calculations, create reports, etc. I enjoy
it since I'm a fast typer, good at arithmetic, and I adore numbers. something brings
me such joy
Describe a country you would want to work in for a short time
Vũ Thị Linh

Today, I would like to talk about a place in foreign countries where I would like to
work. It is Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia which has become home

for millions of people from various countries around the world. I would like to
work for an accountant in one of the largest corporations in the world. So, right
after I finish my studies in Vietnam, I will go to Melbourne to apply for a job
there. Anyway, I would like to work in Japan because it has a very good working
culture, where everybody treats each other with great respect. Besides, working in
a country like Australia would also allow me to gain valuable work experience and
use it to further advance my career after coming back to work in my own country.
Finally, I would like to work in this great country also because they have a very
high salary structure.
Describe a person whose job is important to the society
today to talk about a person (and his job) who I think has a far greater impact on
our society than any other person or professional. Anyway, the person, I want to
talk about, is a policeman and also a cousin of mine, who has been working in the
police force for more than 5 years. he works in order to keep the good citizens of
our country safe and secured from dangerous and criminal activities. Anyway, I
think, the job my cousin does is important to society because it is the dedication
and hard works of police personnel, like my cousin, that we have managed to
thrive and peacefully coexist in a beautiful country like ours. Besides, it is usually
the police people who always extend their helping hands whenever we are in any
kind of danger or distress.
1. What jobs are most popular (among young people) in your country today
In my country, popular jobs among young people include those in the technology
sector, such as software development and data analysis, as well as jobs in
healthcare and education, like nursing and teacher.
2. Do you think work is equally important for both men and women
Yes, I believe that work is equally important for both men and women. Everyone
deserves the opportunity to pursue their career aspirations and contribute to society
through their work.
3. Do you think people tend to become more interested in their work as they

become older
I think that job satisfaction can increase with age as people gain more experience
and knowledge in their field. However, some people may also become lose
direction with their work and they become older and feel stuck in a dead-end job.
4. What do you say are the advantages of doing shiftwork (working in shifts)
One advantage of shift work is that it can provide more flexibility for workers who
may have other responsibilities, such as caring for children or elderly family
members. However, the heavy workload and irregular hours can also be a
disadvantage, as it can be difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
5. How do you think work will (or might) change in the future
Vũ Thị Linh
