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Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_14 doc

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499 Appendix 8
In this study, high volume clearers were defined as being active at all of the European clearing
houses, i.e. assumed to be direct members of Eurex Clearing, LCH.Clearnet, OMX, MEFF
and CC&G.
High volume clearers were assumed not to have a preference for utilising their original home
country clearing house as their central clearing house for access to the markets cleared by
Eurex Clearing, LCH.Clearnet, OMX, MEFF and CC&G.
For the purpose of this calculation, these clearers were instead assumed to have based their
decision on various factors, including the clearing houses’ fixed costs, service levels, technical
and risk management standards, etc. It was thus notassumed that high volume clearers would
automatically select the European CCP with the lowest fixed charges as their central clearing
All European high volume clearers were thus assumed to incur the fixed clearing house
charges related to a membership at Eurex Clearing/LCH.Clearnet, which could imply a
suboptimal solution for a number of high volume clearers.
Reductions of variable clearing house charges were not accounted for.
Based on the resulting figure of total clearing house charges per clearing member type, figures
for the remaining cost categories per high volume clearing member type were calculated.
Calculation of total European derivatives clearing costs:
The total costs for low, medium and high volume clearers are shown in Figures 9.4 and 9.5,
which present the total European derivatives clearing costs in 2005 that would have occurred
under the assumption of an implemented European Single CCP.
In summary, the calculation of the efficiency impact of European clearing links and a single
European CCP falls short of reflecting the full scope of changes in the composition of the

all-in clearing costs that could be expected to occur under a European clearing link or a single
European CCP initiative. Taking all of these potential changes into account would certainly
affect the magnitude of the resulting efficiency impact. Furthermore, although the calculation
of the overall efficiency impact is based on the identified changes in fixed clearing house
charges, both network initiatives could in reality also lead to reductions of variable clearing
house charges, which would translate into an even greater impact on efficiency.
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