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1. TEST 1: Read the instruction carefully and do the required task
1. PART 1: GRAMMAR (3p)
Choose the correct answers.
1. I’m so cross! I didn’t need to / needn’t have stayed up late last night to finish the
project. Miss Davis doesn’t want it until Monday now!
2. Joe couldn’t / shouldn’t have said those things to Sue. She’s really upset.
3. Peter might / needn’t have phoned while we were out. Check your voice mail.
4. She ought to / shouldn’t have left us a message. We were so worried when she
didn’t come home last night.
5. Mike should / could have won the race if he hadn’t been so tired.
6. Ned and Sandy might not / couldn’t have left until after the rush hour to avoid
the traffic.
7. Steve is terrible. He couldn’t / might have at least started to prepare the dinner
while I was out.
8. I’m afraid I shouldn’t / couldn’t have given you a lift yesterday because my car
was at the garage.
1. needn’t have
2. shouldn’t
3. might
4. ought to
5. could
6. might not
7. might
8. couldn’t
2. PART 2: READING (3p)
Read the text.
How do YOU use the net?
We asked members of one family to tell us what they use the Internet for and why.
Here is what they told us.
A. Grandad Peter

I might be over 80 but the Internet is invaluable to me. At my age it’s not always
so easy to get about and my friends and family are scattered all over the globe. It’s
difficult to visit and have face-to-face conversations that often. It’s a bit pricy too!
Phoning isn’t that convenient because of the different time zones. I don’t think my

brother in Australia would appreciate being woken up at three in the morning just
for me to say hello! So I keep in touch by e-mail and it’s very important to me. It
took me a while to get the hang of it but now it’s no problem at all.
B. Daughter Lynne
I must admit that I’m a spendaholic and I’m on auction sites all the time. I can’t
resist a bargain and I love the excitement of bidding against other people and never
being sure whether you’re going to win or not. It’s quite addictive so I have to be
careful or else I would be completely broke! I think it’s incredible that whatever
you’re looking to buy, someone out there has got it to sell.
C. Mum Karen
I find the net useful for downloading information for my students. You can also
access sites that give you free lesson plans and good, imaginative ideas for making
lessons interesting. There’s such a lot of knowledge out there too. To get the
answers to the kind of questions I have, it would take hours with piles of books and
I simply don’t have the time. For me the net is a lifeline!
D. Dad Oliver
My big thing is news and sports and I’m always online checking the latest scores. I
work shifts too, so I often miss the regular news slots and with the net I can always
watch news clips of programmes that were on earlier. It also brings you breaking
news and with the more controversial issues if you want to, you can read people’s
comments and of course, make your own. I do that quite often. And there are also
online newspapers. If I don’t get a paper, I can always go online and click on to the
newspapers website. It’s easier to choose what you want to read rather than leafing
through the papers which can be so big these days.

Which person (A–D) says …
1. I see the net as time saving? ___
2. I sometimes share my opinions with others? ___
3. I use it to get help with my work? ___
4. I don’t always get what I want? ___
5. it took time to work out how to use the net? ___
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B

5. A
Write a for and against essay with the title: The growth of the air industry must be
restricted to control global warming. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Describe the current situation.
Paragraph 2: Give points in favour of the statement.
Paragraph 3: Give points against.
Paragraph 4: Summarise and give your opinion.
With the growth in aviation, the majority of people are more likely to travel abroad
to spend their leisure time in the special occasions. One of the most tangible
influences of this phenomenon is the exponential increase of thousand airlines
which provide low-cost carrier, and it is argued as the trigger of environmental
catastrophes on a global scale such as air pollution and lack of fossil fuel. As a
result, critics claim that air industry should be controlled to preserve the natural
ecology. While it is believed that air industry provides more benefits in terms of
time consuming and reasonable prices, people also have to consider the negative
side of this transportation.
Supporters of the aircraft deliberate that air planes are by far the fastest mode of

transport which connects all of parts in the world by hours. In 20th century, when
air planes have been invented, many counties choose this mean of transport to
export food such as vegetables and fruits to places where they are not in season or
cannot be grown. Consequently, some food could be exported faster and would not
deteriorate in the worldwide distribution. In addition, the availability of cheap air
travels allows many holidaymakers to visit abroad for vacations over last decades.
Air travel leads people to get novelty of other challenged vacations.
On the other hand, the detrimental effects of this development are the impact on
the environment. Firstly, a study records that there are more than hundred
international and domestic flights which require more than thousand litters of fuel
every day. As the time passed by, the natural environment is absorbed to produce
more fuel while there is prevention to limit this activity. In the linear relationship
of this condition, burning of fossil fuel in terms of oil will add significantly to this

problem as just one flight releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases
into the environment and damages the layers of ozone. It can be concluded that the
development of aviation contributes the biggest contribution of climate change as
the global problem.
In conclusion, the development of air travel in the recent years has its own merits
and demerits for environment. In the glance, air travel benefits people to commute
between different regions sooner whereas people are blame for environmental
influences which are more important issues so that the restriction should be
implemented to reduce damages. From my perspective, using air travel for
travelling should be controlled, and green taxes should be increased to control lowcost airline companies as a novel solution.
Invent a famous person. Write about his/her life and achievements. Use the writing
guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Introduce the person and explain why you have chosen to write about

Paragraph 2: Give information about his/her early experiences.
Paragraph 3: Give details about his/her main achievement(s).
Paragraph 4: Give information about his/her life since main achievement(s).
Everyone has an idol, some people like a star movie, the others like a famous
singer. If I could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, I would
like to meet Uncle Ho because of the following reasons.
First of all, I have seen a lot of films about uncle Ho, read a lot of books, and
studied his ideology. He is always my greatest idol to study and follow. If I met
him, I would look at him closely, talk to him and discuss a lot of problems of our
country and the dream of the young generation. I'm sure that he would listen to me
and explain all questions I ask.
Secondly, I knew that Uncle Ho was very good at foreign languages, he could
speak fluently fifteen languages. I would ask him how he studied English, Russian,
and French. In fact, I have been studying English for ages but I haven't been
satisfied with my English. I think this is a good opportunity to learn about his

Finally, all Vietnamese people know that Ho Chi Minh devoted his life to our
nation. If he wasn't born in Vietnam, our country could still be invaded by other
countries. I would like to show respect to Uncle Ho, and I would say that all
Vietnamese people are studying and following his ideology. Vietnam has become a
developed country and played an important role in the world. I believe that Ho Chi
Minh will exist forever in the hearts of all Vietnamese people.

ĐỀ 2
1. PART 1: GRAMMAR (3p)
Complete the sentences with must, can’t or might and the correct form of the verbs in

1. He __________________ (be) a vegetarian. I’ve never seen him eat meat.
2. Dan __________________ (be) back before lunchtime but I wouldn’t bet on it!
3. She __________________ (be) exhausted! She’s just slept for more than twelve hours.
4. You __________________ (see) this film before. It was only released yesterday.
5. I __________________ (leave) the keys on the table. Can you check for me?
6. Helen __________________ (like) your cooking. Look, she’s left most of the meal.
7. You __________________ (joke)! I can’t come out now – I’m in bed!
1. must be
2. might be
3. can't be
4. can't have seen
5. might have left
6. can't like
7. must be joking

2. PART 2: READING (3p)
Read the text.
How do YOU use the net?
We asked members of one family to tell us what they use the Internet for and why. Here
is what they told us.
A. Grandad Peter
I might be over 80 but the Internet is invaluable to me. At my age it’s not always so easy
to get about and my friends and family are scattered all over the globe. It’s difficult to
visit and have face-to-face conversations that often. It’s a bit pricy too! Phoning isn’t that
convenient because of the different time zones. I don’t think my brother in Australia

would appreciate being woken up at three in the morning just for me to say hello! So I
keep in touch by e-mail and it’s very important to me. It took me a while to get the hang
of it but now it’s no problem at all.

B. Daughter Lynne
I must admit that I’m a spendaholic and I’m on auction sites all the time. I can’t resist a
bargain and I love the excitement of bidding against other people and never being sure
whether you’re going to win or not. It’s quite addictive so I have to be careful or else I
would be completely broke! I think it’s incredible that whatever you’re looking to buy,
someone out there has got it to sell.
C. Mum Karen
I find the net useful for downloading information for my students. You can also access
sites that give you free lesson plans and good, imaginative ideas for making lessons
interesting. There’s such a lot of knowledge out there too. To get the answers to the kind
of questions I have, it would take hours with piles of books and I simply don’t have the
time. For me the net is a lifeline!
D. Dad Oliver
My big thing is news and sports and I’m always online checking the latest scores. I work
shifts too, so I often miss the regular news slots and with the net I can always watch news
clips of programmes that were on earlier. It also brings you breaking news and with the
more controversial issues if you want to, you can read people’s comments and of course,
make your own. I do that quite often. And there are also online newspapers. If I don’t get
a paper, I can always go online and click on to the newspapers website. It’s easier to
choose what you want to read rather than leafing through the papers which can be so big
these days.
Which person (A–D) says …
1. I see the net as time saving? ___
2. I sometimes share my opinions with others? ___
3. I use it to get help with my work? ___
4. I don’t always get what I want? ___
5. it took time to work out how to use the net? ___

1. C
2. D

3. C

4. B
5. A
Write a for and against essay with the title: The growth of the air industry must be
restricted to control global warming. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Describe the current situation.
Paragraph 2: Give points in favour of the statement.
Paragraph 3: Give points against.
Paragraph 4: Summarise and give your opinion.

With the growth in aviation, the majority of people are more likely to travel abroad
to spend their leisure time in the special occasions. One of the most tangible
influences of this phenomenon is the exponential increase of thousand airlines
which provide low-cost carrier, and it is argued as the trigger of environmental
catastrophes on a global scale such as air pollution and lack of fossil fuel. As a
result, critics claim that air industry should be controlled to preserve the natural
ecology. While it is believed that air industry provides more benefits in terms of
time consuming and reasonable prices, people also have to consider the negative
side of this transportation.
Supporters of the aircraft deliberate that air planes are by far the fastest mode of
transport which connects all of parts in the world by hours. In 20th century, when
air planes have been invented, many counties choose this mean of transport to
export food such as vegetables and fruits to places where they are not in season or
cannot be grown. Consequently, some food could be exported faster and would not
deteriorate in the worldwide distribution. In addition, the availability of cheap air
travels allows many holidaymakers to visit abroad for vacations over last decades.
Air travel leads people to get novelty of other challenged vacations.

On the other hand, the detrimental effects of this development are the impact on
the environment. Firstly, a study records that there are more than hundred
international and domestic flights which require more than thousand litters of fuel
every day. As the time passed by, the natural environment is absorbed to produce
more fuel while there is prevention to limit this activity. In the linear relationship
of this condition, burning of fossil fuel in terms of oil will add significantly to this
problem as just one flight releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases
into the environment and damages the layers of ozone. It can be concluded that the

development of aviation contributes the biggest contribution of climate change as
the global problem.
In conclusion, the development of air travel in the recent years has its own merits
and demerits for environment. In the glance, air travel benefits people to commute
between different regions sooner whereas people are blame for environmental
influences which are more important issues so that the restriction should be
implemented to reduce damages. From my perspective, using air travel for
travelling should be controlled, and green taxes should be increased to control lowcost airline companies as a novel solution.

ĐỀ 3
1. TEST 1: Read the instruction carefully and do the required task
1. PART 1: GRAMMAR (3p)
Rewrite the sentences using conditionals.
1. I’ve got a really bad headache today because I did so much work on the computer last
If _________________________________________________________________.
2. She argued with you because she enjoys a good debate!
She _______________________________________________________________.
3. We can’t buy a house because the prices have gone up too much.

If _________________________________________________________________.
4. I knew she was going to leave early because I checked my e-mail.
If _________________________________________________________________.
5. My Spanish was very weak because I don’t practise enough.
If _________________________________________________________________.
6. I didn’t know you were feeling low so I didn’t come over yesterday.
If _________________________________________________________________.
7. I’m really annoyed because I reminded her five times about the meeting.
I _________________________________________________________________.
1. If I hadn’t done so much work on the computer last night, I wouldn’t have a really
bad headache today.
2. She wouldn’t have argued with you if she didn’t enjoy a good debate.
3. If the prices hadn’t gone up so much, we would be able to buy a house.
4. If I hadn’t checked my e-mail, I wouldn’t have known she was going to leave
5. If I practiced more, my Spanish wouldn’t have been so weak.
6. If I’d known you were feeling low, I’d have come over yesterday.
7. I wouldn’t be so annoyed if I hadn’t reminded her five times about the meeting.
2. PART 2: READING (3p)
Read the text.
How do YOU use the net?

We asked members of one family to tell us what they use the Internet for and why. Here
is what they told us.
A. Grandad Peter
I might be over 80 but the Internet is invaluable to me. At my age it’s not always so easy
to get about and my friends and family are scattered all over the globe. It’s difficult to
visit and have face-to-face conversations that often. It’s a bit pricy too! Phoning isn’t that
convenient because of the different time zones. I don’t think my brother in Australia

would appreciate being woken up at three in the morning just for me to say hello! So I
keep in touch by e-mail and it’s very important to me. It took me a while to get the hang
of it but now it’s no problem at all.
B. Daughter Lynne
I must admit that I’m a spendaholic and I’m on auction sites all the time. I can’t resist a
bargain and I love the excitement of bidding against other people and never being sure
whether you’re going to win or not. It’s quite addictive so I have to be careful or else I
would be completely broke! I think it’s incredible that whatever you’re looking to buy,
someone out there has got it to sell.
C. Mum Karen
I find the net useful for downloading information for my students. You can also access
sites that give you free lesson plans and good, imaginative ideas for making lessons
interesting. There’s such a lot of knowledge out there too. To get the answers to the kind
of questions I have, it would take hours with piles of books and I simply don’t have the
time. For me the net is a lifeline!
D. Dad Oliver
My big thing is news and sports and I’m always online checking the latest scores. I work
shifts too, so I often miss the regular news slots and with the net I can always watch news
clips of programmers that were on earlier. It also brings you breaking news and with the
more controversial issues if you want to, you can read people’s comments and of course,
make your own. I do that quite often. And there are also online newspapers. If I don’t get
a paper, I can always go online and click on to the newspapers website. It’s easier to
choose what you want to read rather than leafing through the papers which can be so big
these days.
Which person (A–D) says …
1. I see the net as time saving? ___
2. I sometimes share my opinions with others? ___

3. I use it to get help with my work? ___

4. I don’t always get what I want? ___
5. it took time to work out how to use the net? ___

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A
Write a for and against essay with the title: The growth of the air industry must be
restricted to control global warming. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Describe the current situation.
Paragraph 2: Give points in favour of the statement.
Paragraph 3: Give points against.
Paragraph 4: Summarise and give your opinion.

With the growth in aviation, the majority of people are more likely to travel abroad
to spend their leisure time on special occasions. One of the most tangible
influences of this phenomenon is the exponential increase of thousand of airlines
that provide low-cost carriers, and it is argued as the trigger of environmental
catastrophes on a global scale such as air pollution and lack of fossil fuel. As a
result, critics claim that the air industry should be controlled to preserve the natural
ecology. While it is believed that the air industry provides more benefits in terms
of time-consuming and reasonable prices, people also have to consider the negative
side of this transportation.

Supporters of the aircraft deliberate that airplanes are by far the fastest mode of
transport which connects all of the parts of the world by hours. In the 20th century,
when airplanes have been invented, many counties choose this means of transport
to export food such as vegetables and fruits to places where they are not in season

or cannot be grown. Consequently, some food could be exported faster and would
not deteriorate in the worldwide distribution. In addition, the availability of cheap

air travel allows many holidaymakers to visit abroad for vacations over the last
decades. Air travel leads people to get the novelty of other challenging vacations.

On the other hand, the detrimental effects of this development are the impact on
the environment. Firstly, a study records that there are more than a hundred
international and domestic flights that require more than a thousand liters of fuel
every day. As time passed by, the natural environment is absorbed to produce more
fuel while there is prevention to limit this activity. In the linear relationship of this
condition, burning of fossil fuel in terms of oil will add significantly to this
problem as just one flight releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases
into the environment and damages the layers of ozone. It can be concluded that the
development of aviation contributes the biggest contribution to climate change as a
global problem.

In conclusion, the development of air travel in recent years has its own merits and
demerits for the environment. At a glance, air travel benefits people to commute
between different regions sooner whereas people are blamed for environmental
influences which are more important issues so that the restriction should be
implemented to reduce damages. From my perspective, using air travel for
traveling should be controlled, and green taxes should be increased to control lowcost airline companies as a novel solution.

ĐỀ 4
1. TEST 1: Read the instruction carefully and do the required task
1. PART 1: GRAMMAR (3p)
Choose the correct answers.

1. We mustn’t / don’t have to give in this assignment until next Friday. That’s good
2. We must / have to meet up sometime for a coffee and a chat.
3. Simon needn’t / shouldn’t work so hard. He’ll make himself ill.
4. Do you think we have to / ought to check with your dad before using his tools?
5. I really don’t have to / mustn’t eat so much salt. It’s very bad for me.
6. You oughtn’t to / needn’t worry about me. I’m getting a lift home with Freddie.
7. You mustn’t / shouldn’t park there! It’s the boss’s space and he’ll be furious.
8. I need to get / get some money out of the bank later today.
1.don't have to
4.have to
8.get some
2. PART 2: READING (3p)
Read the text.
Don’t reach for the bottle!
We are constantly being warned about climate change and how much we
contribute to the environmental problems our planet is facing but one thing each
and every one of us can do to help is literally at our fingertips. [1 _______]
According to recent reports our obsession with buying and drinking bottled water
significantly increases our carbon footprint. Apparently in America, the largest
market in the world for bottled water, over eight billion gallons is consumed
annually and in the UK the market is worth more than two billion pounds. [2
_____] What is interesting is that according to most experts, bottled water is no
better for us than ordinary tap water. So, we have an alternative in our own

[3 _____] They insist that their water tastes better, has added minerals and comes
in handy plastic bottles that encourage us all to drink more water wherever we are

– something that many medical experts consider to be good for our health. But
does this all really compensate for the 600 fold increase in greenhouse gas that is
put into the atmosphere by producing and delivering the product? [4 _____] And
what about the damage caused by the 75% of plastic bottles that are not recycled
but disposed of in landfill sites? It has been calculated that drinking one bottle of
water has the same environmental impact as driving for one kilometre in a car!
Many people also question the morality of buying a product that is becoming so
scarce in some parts of the world that many people (like a third of those in Fiji) do
not have easy access to it. The moral issue aside, is it really worth buying
something that costs 2,000 times more than an alternative we can already find in
our homes? [5 _____]
Complete the text with sentences A–F. There is one sentence you do not need.
A. The bottled water industry of course refutes these findings.
B. The popular Fiji water travels 10,000 miles from its source on the island of Fiji
to the upmarket UK stores that sell it.
C. And at what cost to the environment?
D. However, not all bottled water has this effect on health.
E. These figures may not be surprising if we compare them with other bottled
F. Turn on the tap when we’re thirsty!
1. F
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. C

Write a for and against essay with the title: The growth of the air industry must be
restricted to control global warming. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Describe the current situation.

Paragraph 2: Give points in favor of the statement.
Paragraph 3: Give points against.
Paragraph 4: Summarize and give your opinion.
With the growth in aviation, the majority of people are more likely to travel abroad
to spend their leisure time on special occasions. One of the most tangible
influences of this phenomenon is the exponential increase of thousands of airlines
that provide low-cost carriers, and it is argued as the trigger of environmental
catastrophes on a global scale such as air pollution and lack of fossil fuel. As a
result, critics claim that the air industry should be controlled to preserve the natural
ecology. While it is believed that the air industry provides more benefits in terms
of time-consuming and reasonable prices, people also have to consider the negative
side of this transportation.
Supporters of the aircraft deliberate those airplanes are by far the fastest mode of
transport which connects all of the parts of the world by hours. In the 20th century,
when airplanes have been invented, many counties choose this means of transport
to export food such as vegetables and fruits to places where they are not in season
or cannot be grown. Consequently, some food could be exported faster and would
not deteriorate in the worldwide distribution. In addition, the availability of cheap
air travel allows many holidaymakers to visit abroad for vacations over the last
decades. Air travel leads people to get the novelty of other challenging vacations.
On the other hand, the detrimental effects of this development are the impact on
the environment. Firstly, a study records that there are more than a hundred
international and domestic flights that require more than a thousand liters of fuel
every day. As time passed by, the natural environment is absorbed to produce more
fuel while there is prevention to limit this activity. In the linear relationship of this

condition, burning of fossil fuel in terms of oil will add significantly to this
problem as just one flight releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases
into the environment and damages the layers of ozone. It can be concluded that the
development of aviation contributes the biggest contribution to climate change as a
global problem.

In conclusion, the development of air travel in recent years has its own merits and
demerits for the environment. At a glance, air travel benefits people to commute
between different regions sooner whereas people are blamed for environmental
influences which are more important issues so that the restriction should be
implemented to reduce damages. From my perspective, using air travel for
traveling should be controlled, and green taxes should be increased to control lowcost airline companies as a novel solution.
