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Period 19
45’ english test (1)
- Knowledge: The verb to be (is, am, are); Wh-question (what, who, where)
- Vocabulary: Greetings, school things, things in the house …
- Skills: Reading & writing
- To check up Ss’ understanding.
I. Choose A, B or C for each blank (5 marks):
1. My name Nam.
A. am B. Is C. are
2. What are these:
A. It’s an armchair. B. They are an armchair. C. They are armchairs.
3. Mrs Lien a doctor.
A. am B. Is C. are
4. There five windows in the classroom.
A. am B. Is C. Are
5. “ ” - “ I’m fine, thanks.”
A. Hi, I’m Ba B. Hi. How are you? C. How you are?
6. Chúc ai đó ngủ ngon, em sẽ nói:
A. Good evening B. You are goodnight C. Goodnight
7. Chon câu hỏi đúng:
A.Where do you live? B. Where you live? C. Where you are live?
8. This is my father name is Ha.
A. He’s B. His C. Her
9. This is … eraser
A. a B. an C. the
10. What are …………? – They are pens
A. this B. that C. These
II. Make questions with How many ? and give answers: (2 marks)
0. teachers / 1.
How many teachers are there? There is one.

Desks / 5
How many desks are there? There are five.
1. students / 42 (forty two)

2. doors / 1

3. tables / 1

4. windows / 4

III. Make sentences using cues given:(2 marks):
0.This / lamp: What is this? It is a lamp
Those / desks: What are those? They are desks.
1. This / table:
2. That / telephone:
3. These / chairs:
4. Those / houses :
IV. Write about yourself with given words:(1 marks)
Hi. My name is
I’m a
I’m years old.
I live
Period 54
The first term exam
(6th form)
The aims.
- To test students’ knowledge about the first term.
- Knowledge: the present simple tense, prepositions of time, Wh-questions …
- Vocabulary: learnt vocabulary from unit one to unit 8.
- Skills: listening, reading and writing.

I Choose A, B or C for each blank.
1. They are playing
A. the soccer B. a soccer C. soccer
2. We are traveling
A. by bus to school B. To school by bus C.to the school by our bus
3.What is he doing? He video games.
A. plays B. is playing C. is play
4. A. What time is it do you get up?
B. What time do you get up?
C.What time are you get up?
5. Classes start at 7 o’clock and at haft past eleven
A. leave B. end C. go
6.I go to school
A by bike B. By a bicycle C. by the bike
7.Chi in the country
A. doesn’t live B. don’t live C. doesn’t lives
8.Adoctor works in a
A. hospital B. museum C. factory
II. Read, then do T / F exercise:
This is my school. It is big. There are 20 classes in my school. It’s near the bank and a
supermarket. There are many trees around the school. I usually walk to school in the morning.
Sentences True False
1. My school is small.
2. It is near a rice paddy.
3. There are twenty classes in my school
4. I go to school by bike
III. Put in the gap with the right tense of verb given:
1. My teacher to work by motorbike. (go)
2. These students to school by bike. (travel)
3. Lan to school now. (walk)

4. The boys soccer. (play)
IV. Correct the mistakes in the following sentnces:
1, My father is an teacher .
2, Ba don’t go to school by bike
3, My classroom is in the second floor
4, I riding my bike now
Period 72
45’ english test (3)
(6th form)
- To check up Ss’understanding through 3 units.
- To get Ss’result after 3 units
- Skills: reading and writing
I. Choose A, B, or C for each blank:
1. She has a face
A. big B. thin C. round
2. She has hair
A. a black long B. black long C. long black
3. She has lips
A. the ful B. full C. big
4. Her eyes are
A. full B. oval C. thin
5. There is a on each arm
A. a. hand B. knee C. finger
6. A. Do you would like a cold drink?
B. Would you like a cold drink?
C. Woud you like a cold ddrink?
7. Are there noodles for lunch?
A. any B. some C. the
8. A. What color does her hair have?

B. What color is her hair?
C. Which color is her hair?
II, . Give the correct form of the verbs in the bracket.
1, He usually ( go ) to the park on Sunday .
2, Lan ( visit ) Hanoi next Saturday.
3, I ( do ) my homework at the moment .
4, What about ( watch ) TV ?
III, Fill the gaps with the right preposition.
1, She often get at 6 o’clock .
2, The students aresometimes late school .
3, My class is the second floor .
4, They’re going to stay there 3 days .
IV, Find and correct mistakes:
1, How many boy are there in your class ?
2 , What the weather like in the summer ?
3, Her sister and she has luch at 11.45.
4, He car is new but my car is old .
Period 90
45’ English test (4)
(6th form)
- Knowledge of students about unit 12, 13, 14.
- Vocabulary: Sports, activities, pastimes and seasons
- Skills: Reading & writing
- To check up Ss’ understanding.
I. Choose the best answers:
1.Lien likes .She usually swims and does aerobics. (Sports / music / games)
2.How often does your mother jog?
(Every day / In the park / Yes, My mother often jogs)
3.The weather is often in spring. (cool / warm / hot / cold)

4.When it's hot , we often feel (hungry / thirsty / happy)
5 are you going to stay here? For 2 weeks. (How long / How often / How much / How
6. We swim in the winter. It's too cold. (always / usually / never)
7. Are you going to bring to take some photos? (some pictures / a tent / your camera)
8. What about a cup of coffee ? (have / having / you have / do you have)
II. Read.Then answer the questions:
Vui and her friends are going to camp for three days in SAPA.Vui is going to bring a tent and
some food. Lan is going to bring a ball. Ly is going to bring her camera to take some photos. Nga
and Mai are going to bring some drinks.
1. Where are they going to camp?

2. How long are they going to stay there?

3. What are they going to do there?

4. Who is going to bring drinks ?

III. Make sentences
1. What / weather / like / spring ?

2. We / like / warm weather / but / Phong / cool weather .

3. Why don't / we / zoo /?

4. What /you / going / do / this summer vacation?

I. Choose the correct answer (5 points)
1. What are these?
A. It’s an armchair. B. They are armchairs. C. They’re armchair.
2. ……… Nga play soccer?
A. Do B. Does C. is
3.A.How old is your teacher? B.How old your teacher? C.How is your teacher old?
4.Ba at 6 o’clock every morning
A.get up B.gets up C.is get up
5.Ba his teeth every morning
A.brushes B. brush C. is brush
6.What time every morning?
A. do Nga gets up B. does Nga gets up C. does Nga get up
7.Our house is a park
A. near B.at C.on
8.I at five o’clock
A. go to home B. go home C.go to my home
9. She goes to school at
A. a quarter to seven B. the quarter to seven C. seven to a quarter
10. We have History Tuesday and Thursday.
A.at B.in C.on
II. Read, then answer the questions. (2 points)
This is Lan. She lives in a house. Her house is big. It has two floors. There is a hotel and a
bookstore near her house. In front of the house, there is a lake. To the left of the house, there is a
1. Where does Lan live?

2. How many floors does her house have?
3. Is there a hotel near her house?
4. Is there a lake in front of her house?
III. Choose the correct verb form (1 point)
5. We……… in a house (live / lives)
6. Their house ……… a big yard. (have / has)
7. Nhung ……….in the country. (live / lives)
8. They …………to bed at 10 o’clock. (go/ goes)
IV. Answer these questions about you. (2 points).
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you live?
4. What time do you get up?
I Choose A, B or C for each blank.
1. They are playing
A. the soccer B. a soccer C. soccer
2. We are traveling
A. by bus to school B. To school by bus C.to the school by our bus
3.What is he doing? He video games.
A. plays B. is playing C. is play
A. What time is it do you get up?
B. What time do you get up?
C.What time are you get up?
5. Classes start at 7 o’clock and at haft past eleven
A. leave B. end C. go
6.I go to school
A by bike B. By a bicycle C. by the bike
7.Chi in the country

A. doesn’t live B. don’t live C. doesn’t lives
8.Adoctor works in a
A. hospital B. museum C. factory
II. Read, then do T / F exercise:
This is my school. It is big. There are 20 classes in my school. It’s near the bank and a
supermarket. There are many trees around the school. I usually walk to school in the morning.
Sentences True False
1. My school is small
2. It is near a rice paddy.
3. There are twenty classes in my school
4. I go to school by bike
III. Put in the gap with the right tense of verb given:
1. My teacher to work by motorbike. (go)
2. These students to school by bike. (travel)
3. Lan to school now. (walk)
4. The boys soccer. (play)
IV. Correct the mistakes in the following sentnces:
1, My father is an teacher
2, Ba don’t go to school by bike
