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Thi Online Chuyên Đề Tìm Lỗi Sai Ngày 08082023 Khóa Live Vip I Ngữ Pháp.pdf

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NGÀY 08082023
Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
Question 1. No other (A) quality is more important for (B) a scientist to acquire as (C) to observe carefully. (D)
Question 2. Cultural diversity (A) is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly
consist (B) of various (C) culture, racial and ethnic (D) groups.
Question 3. They prefer to stay (A) in (B) their home (C) country because (D) family ties.
Question 4. The better (A) you are at (B) English, more opportunities (C) you have to get a well-paid job (D)
in this country.
Question 5. Having deciding (A) on the topic of the presentation, (B) he started finding (C) relevant
information for (D) it.
Question 6: What (A) happened in that city were (B) a reaction from (C) city workers, including (D) firemen
and policemen who had been laid off from their jobs.
Question 7: The most common (A) form of (B) treatment it (C) is mass inoculation and chlorination of water
sources (D).
Question 8: We are working, that (A) means that (B) we are contributing (C) goods and services (D) to our
Question 9: To avoid (A) confusion, the two twins (B) never wear (C) the same (D) clothes.
Question 10: To remove strains from (A) permanent press clothing, carefully soaking (B) in cold water
before washing (C) with a (D) regular detergent.
Question 11. Men and women in the Peace Corps work (A) with people in the developing (B) countries to
help them improving (C) their living (D) conditions.
Question 12. Several (A) people have apparent (B) tried to change the man’s mind, (C) but he refuses to
listen. (D)
Question 13. As (A) you come to each town, however small (B), you will (C) see a sign which states the name
of the town and how many inhabitants does it have (D).

Question 14. Do you ever (A) feel that (B) life is not being fair to you because (C) you cannot seem to get the
job where (D) you want or that really suits you?

Question 15. Mrs. Steven, along (A) with her cousins from (B) New Mexico, are (C) planning to attend (D) the
Question 16. Your trip to (A) Ho Chi Minh City sounds (B) absolutely fascinated. (C) I’d love to go there. (D)
Question 17. The wooden (A) fence surrounded (B) the factory is beginning to fall down (C) because of the
(D) rain.
Question 18. People who spend (A) too much time on (B) the Internet run (C) the risk of getting addiction (D)
to it.
Question 19. The lesions caused (A) by the activity of the scolytid create (B) an entry site for secondary (C)
infection by bacterium (D) and fungi.
Question 20. Have a headache, (A) an upset stomach, and a bad case (B) of sunburn did not put me (C) in a
good mood (D) for the evening.
Question 21. Though the (A) police tried their (B) best to catch (C) the thief, he was (D) escaped.
Question 22. He not only composed (A) popular songs for (B) musicals, and (C) wrote more serious (D)
Question 23. The proposal has repealed (A) after a twenty-minutes (B) discussion a number of (C) objections
to its failure to include (D) our district.
Question 24: My brother (A) and I go sometimes (B) swimming together (C) with our uncle’s family. (D)
Question 25: After a while (A) the track we have been (B) following became thick (C) undergrowth (D).
Question 26: A progress (A) has been made (B) toward finding (C) a cure (D) for AIDS.
Question 27: Since the average age of families has fallen (A) therefore (B) more and more women have been
(C) able to join the labor (D) force.
Question 28: It was (A) on a beautiful day in (B) November when (C) she accepted (D) his proposal of
Question 29: Deciduous trees are ones (A) that (B) lost its (C) leaves in the autumn and grow (D) new ones in
the spring.

Question 30: His wife insisted (A) that he stopped (B) sitting around and start (C) to look for (D) a new job.
Question 31: Urban consumers have formed (A) co – operatives to provide (B) themselves (C) with necessities
such (D) groceries, household appliances, and gasoline at a lower cost.

Question 32: In (A) the Rio Olympics 2016, Vietnamese sports delegation (B) returned home with two medals
both from (C) "hero" shooter Hoang Xuan Vinh, ranking (D) the 48th in the final.
Question 33: The parcel which (A) my uncle sent me (B) from America containing (C) two books and some (D)
Question 34: If I didn’t wake (A) up early to catch (B) the first bus today, I wouldn’t have (C) to go to bed at 9:
00 pm last night. (D)
Question 35: I had (A) my motorbike repair (B) yesterday but now (C) it still doesn’t work. (D)
Question 36: Although (A) ostriches and penguins cannot fly, they had other (B) abilities like swimming and
Question 37: My close (A) friends spend most of their free time helping the homeless
people in the community last year.
Question 38. Commercial airliners do not fly in the vicinity(A) of volcanic eruptions because even a small
amount(B) of volcanic ash (C) can damage its (D) engines.
Question 39. Her last(A) book is (B) published (C) in many languages 5 years (D) ago.
Question 40. ASEAN aims at(A) promoting economic growth(B), regional peace as well as providing (C)
opportunities for their (D) members.
Question 41.. Therefore, heavy reliance on(A) this single strategy is highly (B) unsafe, and the timely
development of alternative (C) or complementary methods to chemical control is advisory, (D)
Question 42.. We will offer (A) you a comprehensible(B) training in all aspects(C) of the business if you take(D)
this course.
Question 43. When a child becomes(A) a teenager, he encounters (B) many experiences which are new
for him to handle(C) independently and on his own. Children of this age are often highly suggested(D).

Question 44. The course has(A) four main ingredients(B): business law, finance(C), computing and management
(D) skills.
Question 45. He was not seriously(A) wounded(B), though his coach took him off (C) at half-time as a
