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Analog filters for audio frequency range based on current starved cmos inverter

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MIXED DESIGN MIXDES 2011, 18th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", June 16-18, 2011, Gliwice, Poland

Analog Filters for Audio Frequency Range Based on
Current Starved CMOS Inverter

Witold Machowski, Juliusz Godek

Department of Electronics
AGH University of Science and Technology
30 Mickiewicza Av, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

e-mail: [machowsk, godek]@agh.edu.pl

Abstract—In the paper the measurement results obtained for Vdd
audio frequency range CMOS analog filters implemented
entirely on-chip are presented. The filter itself was primarily in out
dedicated for non-uniform sampling delta modulator codec [1].
For several reasons the experimental chip containing the filter Vss
under consideration has been manufactured twice with minor
layout changes, thus the experimental data allow to discuss both Figure 1. The transocnductor based on CMOS inverter working in weak
mismatch as well as process variation impact on filter inversion
performance. The tuning capability, dynamic range as well as
substrate noise immunity are also discussed. data have been already presented in the extended version of the
conference paper [2].
Index Terms—CMOS circuits, analog filter
The transconductor (Fig. 1) is composed of CMOS inverter
One of the most common desirable feature of contemporary with additional “top” and “bottom” MOSTETs in configuration
analog CMOS circuits is suitability for low (sometimes even somehow resembling that of current starved inverter [eg. 3].
very low) voltage operation. It comes from two facts – one is Thank to this circuit architecture, when supplied with voltage

related with CMOS technology evolution and shrinking feature slightly below doubled threshold voltage the resulting
size, which leads to significant reduction of thin oxide transconductance may be below μS level and thus allowing the
underneath the MOSFET gate and consequently lowering the achievement of desired time constants. Transconductance of
supply voltage. The second one is related to portability the stage may be tuned either by slight variations of supply for
requiring adoption to new electrochemical, photovoltaic or the entire stage (or eventually after disconnecting gates of
other modern supply methods. “bottom” and “top” additional MOSFETs and driving them
separately and independently of the global supply – this is not
Another important factor is requirement for integration of shown in Fig.1, but conceptually easy to imagine. Such a
the entire electronic system into single chip. For low frequency scheme was introduced in the second variant of the test chip).
analog signal processing (especially continuous time filters) Four transconductors of this type may form a gyrator – very
this creates another challenges. Since integrable capacitors may useful building block for filter implementation following the
have value of, say -teens of picofarads, resistors (or passive prototype. The entire filter specifications was given by
transconductances) appropriate for huge time constants the aforementioned application – non-uniform sampling delta
corresponding to single kHz frequency have to be enormously modulation (NSDM) codec [4], despite the rest of the circuit
large (or, respectively, small). In the implementation presented has not yet been implemented with architecture allowing 0.9
conceptually in [1] we accomplished the aforementioned and Volt operation. The resulting filter was approximated with 6-th
partially contradictory specifications using low voltage CMOS order elliptic filter with the transfer function of:
inverters working in weak inversion mode and forming
transconductors with gm of a few hundreds nS. To make this
paper more comprehendible we repeat some most important
consideration about the filter specifications, synthesis and
implementation. However, in contrary to mentioned reference,
we are going to focus on experimental results here, so the
interested reader should consult paper [1] devoted mainly to
system considerations, synthesis and implementation flow with
simulation results. Some very raw preliminary experimental

0.01s6  4.548˜1013 s5  7.535˜107 s4  0.001607s3 1.051˜1017 s2  8.279 ˜105 s  3.961˜1025
s6  3.538˜104 s5 1.391˜109 s4  2.891˜1013 s3  5.095˜1017 s2  5.531˜1021 s  4.007 ˜1025 

kdy *QTv`B;?i Ü kyRR #v .2T`iK2Mi Q7 JB+`Q2H2+i`QMB+b  *QKTmi2` a+B2M+2- h2+?MB+H lMBp2`bBiv Q7 GQ/x

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Figure 2 The LC prototype of the filter

The transfer function (1) may be implemented with LC Figure 4. The microphotograph of the second prototype
prototype filter depicted in Fig. 2. Very large inductor coils are
substituted by their capacitor-gyrator equivalents. The as “transient noise” simulations with Cadence spectre) were
precision of capacitors in Fig.2 is obviously the desired one, in rather optimistic, providing dynamic range appropriate for
practice we were able to keep 4 digit precision, after long dedicated applications. We prototyped two variants of the filter
optimization process leading to the appropriate choice of in question. The first prototype (Fig. 4) comprised two similar
elementary capacitor (all the capacitors needed for filter filters in two separate I/O rings (the whole silicon area with
synthesis were realized as matrices of such an elementary unit). two rings was only slightly exceeding the minimum charged
This procedure is described in more detail in [1]. one for EUROPRACTICE mini@sic runs). One ring contained
the entire raw filter, the second one had additional output pads
III. SIMULATION RESULTS AND PROTOTYPING after each filter stage. The whole filter is actually a cascade of
The described circuit has been intensively simulated using three biquadratic filters and the purpose of additional output
BSIM3 process parameters provided by the foundry (0.35 μm pads was observation of intermediate output signals after first-
AMS). Because of rather untypical solution and violation of second and third biquad, respectively. Most probably due to
many recommendations for analog design (weak inversion late layout alterations (forced by apparently false rule
means usually more thermal noise and matching of active violations reported by ERC checks performed in MPW service
elements is poor) our main concern was manufacturability of center) only the half of the prototype was operable. The
the proposed idea. Simulation results [1] pointed that filter operable half was that containing additional output pads. This
should be not very sensitive to local process variations position made possible investigation of separate stages, but
(“mismatch” variant of Monte Carlo simulations) sustaining unfortunately additional pads’ parasitic capacitances influenced
both function and cut-off frequency, while sensibility to global the frequency response of the whole filter, distorting it from the
process variations (Monte Carlo “process” option) is rather desired one. For this reason we decided to resubmit the project.
large in the terms of cut-off frequency variations. On the other In order to maximize the research yield of this remanufacturing

hand, noise simulations (both in small-signal domain as well the second prototype (Fig. 3) contain the variant with
additional inter-stage outputs (Filter 1 - repeated for
Figure 3. The microphotograph of the first prototype comparison with another run for the same technology), entire


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Figure 5. The testbench for the filter

raw filter (Filter 2 - for meeting the specifications’ check). visible impact neither on passband ripple nor the shape of the
Between the two filters a circuitry with controlled delay lines transfer region.
has been placed (in Fig. 3 marked as “aggressor”). It has been
placed for experiment within another project ran at our Another measurements we performed for the filter 1 are
Department [5] but will be also exploited by us to investigate already announced investigations of interference noise caused
the filters’ immunity to substrate interference noise. by active semi-digital portion of the chip activity. Since our
circuit is dedicated for low frequency applications we
IV. MEASUREMENT RESULTS stimulated the delay lines by 100Hz square wave applied to the
middle part of the chip. It assures a spectrum of interfering
For performing the measurements of the filter a testbench signals within the passband. Measurement results show that
depicted in Fig. 5 has been used. A LT3020 low dropout due to common contra-measures we have undertaken (double
voltage regulator was used for supply stabilization (about 850 guard ring embracing the filter part) assure that digital part
mVolt total). The VDD and VSS voltages have slightly different activity has no influence within the passband and appears in the
absolute value. This asymmetry comes from unequal absolute stopband only if the usable signal level is very low.
values of of p-MOS and n-MOS threshold voltages and may
be considered also as input signal pre-conditioning for single The circuit is capable to transfer within the passband
ended supply. An AD8541 OpAmp serves as a voltage buffer – sinewave with 150mVolt peak-to-peak and output signal
the filter itself is matched for 4Mohm load and connecting the exhibits then a THD below 2%. The total output noise for the
output of the filter to 1Mohm/50Ohm test equipment would circuit with input terminated with 50Ohm resistor is about
significantly influence the frequency response. OpAmp 85μV within 20kHz band. So despite very low supply voltage

performance on the other hand guarantees that measured the circuit has a reasonable dynamic range (measured SINAD
spectra are that of the filter itself. The lot of 10 manufactured for aforementioned input magnitude is about 30dB – Fig. 9).
testchips were bonded into ceramic DIP-24 package and
inserted into the testbench using a ZIF socket. The whole B. Comparison of two manufacturings of filter with additional
circuitry has been enclosed into EMI/RFI box for shielding outputs.
purposes. On the contrary to preliminary results [1,2] obtained
by accumulated and averaged scope measurements in this The re-manufacturing of the second filter with auxiliary
paper we present results obtained with the use of Agilent interstage outputs (performed just for the sake of utilizing the
4395A Spectrum/Network Analyzer.(Fig. 6). For the sake of silicon area which is chargeable to the customer) gives the
caeteris paribus comparison all the previous measurements
have been repeated using the aforementioned equipment, using
text output option for future data aggregation.

A. The whole filter (prototype 2)results Figure 6. Direct frequency response measurement result with 4395A
Spectrum/Network Analyzer
Second successful manufacturing of the entire filter proves
that designed filter may be used for codec, since the whole
manufacturing lot meets the specifications in the terms of
allowed passband ripple as well as desired roll-of (Fig. 7),
while the cut off frequency may be tuned. The tuning range is
moreover very high – it starts from 200Hz (however with
significantly increased passband ripple – Fig. 8) and may reach
20kHz (with almost constant transfer region in the terms of
roll-off per decade). Tuning within 3kHz-4kHz band has no


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0 variation. Anyway we had to remember that the circuit under

the test is actually a by-product, with destroyed performance,
-5 due to the influence of output pads’ parasitic capacitances.
However the comparison is interesting from manufacturability
-10 point of view. Our experience with another circuits
implementations [6] points out that simulation and real
-15 measurement results may differ from each other very
significantly. It seems that the key issue is reliability of the
-20 simulation models – especially when MOSFET transistors
operate both in weak as well as strong inversion region in the
Amplitude (dB) -25 circuit. The principle of operation of the circuit presented in
this paper is based exclusively on subthreshold region, so it is
-30 not a big surprise we obtained results provided by the
simulations with spice/spectre. Moreover simulation predicted
-35 much more sensitivity of the frequency response on process
variations. We of course realize that two independent runs not
-40 necessary mean the full range changes of process parameters,
and we are aware that Monte Carlo, and especially corner
-45 parameters are usually overestimated and sometimes lead to
very pessimistic results, however we found than on contrary to
-50 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 simulations (predicting cut-off frequency variations by orders
0 of magnitude) our two fabrication runs gave at most 30%
discrepancy of most figures of merits (including first of all the
Frequency (Hz) cut-off frequency – Fig. 10) and are not substantially more
diffused than that coming from single run.
Figure 7 Measured frequency responses for the prototyping lot of the
entire filter V. CONCLUSIONS

Figure 8. Tuning ability of the entire filter We have proposed and experimentally checked the
operation of very low supply voltage CT fully CMOS
Figure 9. The spectrum of filter’s output signal (SINAD=30dB) integrable analog filter for audio frequency range. The filter

has satisfying performance and may be tuned within almost
10 whole audio range


-10 The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of Professor
Kuta in discussing many issues of CMOS analog design as well
Magnitude [dB] -20 as Professor Wojciech Kucewicz for making available his
excellent measurement laboratory and equipment.
[1] W. Machowski, J.Godek , “Low voltage, low power CMOS inverter
-50 based filter for NSDM codec” in MIXDES 2009 Proceedings of the 16th
international conference, pp.306-309, àódĨ, Poland, 25–27 June, 2009
-60 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 100
0 Frequency [Hz] [2] W. Machowski, J.Godek, “Low voltage continuous time CMOS filters
for audio frequency range,” Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie,
zastosowania, vol. 20 No 12, pp. 56-60, 2009

[3] M.G. Johnson, E.L. Hudson, “A variable delay line PLL for CPU-
Coprocessor Synchronization”, IEEE J.Sol. Stat. Circ., vol. 23. no. 5, pp.
1218-1223, October 1988

[4] R. GolaĔski, J. Koáodziej, “Adaptive Rate Delta Codec Design and
Implementation” WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, vol. 3 No. 3, pp.
103-111, 2006

[5] à. ĝliwczyĔski, P. Krehlik, à. Buczek, M. LipiĔski, “Active propagation
delay stabilization for fiber-optic frequency distribution using controlled

electronic delay lines” IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., vol. 60, No. 4, pp.
1480-1488, 2011

[6] R. GolaĔski, J. Godek, J. Koáodziej, W. Machowski, S. Kuta,” Filter
implementation for CMOS adaptive sampling delta modulators”, Int.
J.Circ. Syst. and Sign. Proc.,vol 5, No. 2, pp. 159–167, 2010

Figure 10. Comparison of frequency responses of the first biquad for two

opportunity to investigate the filter sensitivity to global process

manufacturing lots (traingles – run #2147 squares run #2402


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