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Caroline Linse and Elly Schottman


Global English

Learner’s Book


Audio CDs


Global English

Learner’s Book

Cambridge Global English is an exciting, eight-stage, language-rich
English course, taking learners from the beginning of primary through
the first two years of junior secondary. It was developed to provide comprehensive
support for learners of English as a Second Language worldwide. The course takes
an active, creative, ‘learning to learn’ approach that teaches learners to communicate
clearly and fluently in English.

Learners explore a fascinating range of cross-curricular topics, develop critical thinking skills

and build their English language literacy through a wide variety of curriculum-based activities.
The course follows the Cambridge Primary and Secondary 1 English as a Second Language (ESL)
Curriculum Frameworks: part of a world-class teaching programme developed by Cambridge English
Language Assessment and Cambridge International Examinations.

The Learner’s Book (for learners aged 5 to 6) contains: Other components of Cambridge Global English 1:

Nine richly-illustrated units, each with six lessons, Activity Book 1 ISBN: 978-1-107-65513-3
cover phonics, vocabulary, use of English, reading Teacher’s Resource 1 ISBN: 978-1-107-64226-3
and writing, listening and speaking, critical thinking
and values. For our full range of Cambridge Primary titles, including
Mathematics, English (L1) and Science, visit
• All units end with an engaging project and education.cambridge.org/cambridgeprimary
light-touch self-assessment opportunity.

• Two accompanying Audio CDs contain the listening
material for Stage 1 Learner’s and Activity Books,
including songs, story texts and poems for use in
class and at home.

• Authentic listening and reading texts include factual
and fictional extracts, dialogue and poetry from
around the world.

• Words to remember, Writing tip and Language
detective features focus on vocabulary development
and language awareness.

• A colourful Picture dictionary helps learners to build
and practise their vocabulary.

• Written by experienced authors who are experts in
young learner teaching methodology.

Series Editor: Kathryn Harper


Global English

Learner’s Book

Caroline Linse and Elly Schottman Cambridge


Welcome to Cambridge Global English Stage 1

Cambridge Global English is an eight-stage course • English for educational success. To meet the
for learners of English as a Second Language challenges of the future, learners will need
(ESL). The eight stages range from the beginning to develop facility with both conversational
of primary (Stages 1-6) to the end of the first two and more formal English. From the earliest
years of junior secondary (Stages 7-8). It is ideal stage, Cambridge Global English addresses both
for all international ESL learners, and these competencies. Emphasis is placed on
particularly for those following the Cambridge developing the listening, speaking, reading
Primary/Secondary English as a Second and writing skills learners will need to be
Language Curriculum Framework, as it has successful in using English-language
been written to adhere to this framework. It also classroom materials.
presents realistic listening and reading texts,
writing tasks, and end-of-unit projects similar to In addition to this Learner's Book, Cambridge

those students might encounter in the context of Global English Activity Book 1 provides
a first-language school. These elements provide supplementary support and practice.
teachers with the opportunity to tailor the level Comprehensive support for teachers is available
of challenge to meet the needs of their particular in Cambridge Global English Teacher's Resource 1.
students. The course is organised into nine
thematic units of study which include a range The following icons are used in this Learner's
of activities, text types and objectives. Book:

Cambridge Global English materials are aligned 1 pre-recorded listening activity
with the Common European Framework of
Reference. The materials reflect the following J* pre-recorded song and class singing activity
principles: Q| pairwork or small group speaking activity
• An international focus. Specifically developed
(not mediated by teacher)
for young learners throughout the world, Jsfe write in notebook activity
the topics and situations in Cambridge Global EQ? linking activity in Activity Book
English have been selected to reflect this H cross-curricular maths activity
diversity and encourage learning about each H cross-curricular science activity.
other’s lives through the medium of English.
• An enquiry-based, language-rich approach We hope that learners and teachers enjoy using
to learning. Cambridge Global English engages Cambridge Global English Stage 1 as much as we
children as active, creative learners. At the have enjoyed writing it.
same time as participating in a range of
curriculum-based activities, they can acquire Caroline Linse and Elly Schottman
content knowledge, develop critical thinking
skills and practise English language and

Unit Words and expressions | Use of English | Reading/Writing

6-9 Starter Numbers, colours and alphabet objects Poems/songs
10-23 1 Welcome to Read for information
24-37 School objects, people, activities, Singular and plural nouns Guided writing
38-51 school vehicles Present simple with /, we, you
Possessive adjectives Non-fiction
52-65 2 Family time Greetings by Poems/songs
Transport Adjective order Read for information
3 Fun and games Colours Guided writing: Cards, labels
Picture captions
4 Making things Families, routines Present simple A play
Feeling words Negatives Guided writing: Game
Likes and dislikes Questions and short answers Read instructions
Favourite foods, recipes and activities How many are there? Read and act out story/play
Numbers 1-10 There is/are
Traditional story and song
Activities/games Imperatives/present tense Information texts
Body can for ability Write about clothes
House and objects on, under, next to Poem
Animals Write a song verse
Point to/put

Clothes Present continuous (statements,
Colours and shapes questions, word order)
Characters Subject pronouns
Describe clothes

66-79 5 On the farm Farms and animals, seeds, vegetables, Present continuous - questions Guided writing
plants and short answers Labelling

Picture captions
Describe animals and their actions Subject pronouns Class story writing
Polite language can

80-93 6 My five senses Senses Comparatives with -er Story from India
94-107 7 Let’s go! Music can Factual texts
Talk about favourites Ask and answer questions Write full sentence captions,
Ordinal numbers beginning: Which? Can you? shared writing, short vowel words
Describe and discuss tastes, What’s? Do you?

likes and dislikes Imperatives Factual text
Make predictions What's this? Read and follow instructions
Prepositions Write about activities/experiments
Transportation Make a chart
Movement Present simple consolidation Write about favourite vehicles
Descriptions: Colours and size yes/no questions
Adjective order Don’t forget to... Play from Vietnam
Poetry, story, song
108-121 8 Wonderful water Weather Determiners: this/that Write a poem based on model
Water and nature Pronouns: these/those Write about animals
Days of the week Plurals Write captions, speech bubbles,
Ask about and describe weather
create lists, organise writing
122-135 9 City places City places and sounds Make a class book
136-143 Picture dictionary Traffic and roads
Household objects Poem about cities
Ordinal numbers Guided writing about cities
Identify opposites Write: Complete sentence frames,

Describe and compare objects
Express opinions new version of poem, draw and
label places
Review of vocabulary and themes

Listening/Speaking_______________| School subjects_________| Phonics / Word study | Critical thinking / Values

Jsten to letters, numbers and colours Maths: Number review Alphabet review Understanding and conducting
Listen for information Geography Letter names
Listen to letters Spelling Organising and making charts
nterviews Capital letters Making friends, working, playing
Discuss, act out poems and songs Labels
and learning together
Listen for information Maths: 1-10, simple problem th
Ask and answer solving Short a Families in different parts of the world
Talk about families Rhyming words Asking survey questions, creating and
Discuss, act out poems and songs Geography
Social studies discussing graphs
Listen to / give instructions Physical education Short u How families work and play together
Make a new song verse Rhyming words
Discuss and act out poems, songs, Question marks What games can we play?
Read and act out Creative problem solving
stories Compare and contrast
decodable story Taking turns, speaking politely,

Listen for information Arts and crafts Short e being a good sport
Ask and talk about pictures Shapes and colours I’m (contractions)
Discuss and act out poems, songs, Make puppets Rhyming words What can we make with colours

and shapes?
Recognising and reproducing
Interviews Science: Life cycles Short /, ch, sh word patterns
Guided speaking Growing vegetables Tongue twisters
Discuss and act out stories, poems, Identify rhyming words Planning and making a quilt
Music I’m/we’re (contractions) Helping others
songs Science: Senses Cleaning up after ourselves
Sing new verses Arts and crafts: Making Short o
Ask and answer information questions -er forms What can you find on a farm?
instruments Compare minimal pairs Document growth of seeds
Talk about ability Rhyming sounds Interpreting diagrams
Talk about senses Story maps
Act out a story Taking care of plants and animals

is important

How do we use our five senses?
Making lists
Comparing things
Understanding high and low sounds
Inclusion/awareness of disability
Respecting differences

Listen for information Arts and crafts: Making a Long e sound How do we travel around?
Talk about transportation helicopter Listen for sounds Classifying and identifying difference

and movement Science: Hands-on between vehicles and movement
_isten to stories, poems exploration, shapes Keeping safe while using

Science and the environment Long a spellings ai and ay transportation
Listening comprehension Weather patterns Punctuation and capitals
Guided speaking Experiment: Things that float Why is water important?
Dialogues Providing examples to support ideas
Emphatic expression Predicting outcomes
Discuss and act out stories, poems, Understanding nature and survival
Understanding the importance of water
Social studies: Living in cities -y endings What can you see, hear and do in a city?
Jstening comprehension: routes Awareness of syllables Interpreting maps
Talk about where you live Rhyming words Interpreting poems
Act out conversation We can appreciate where we live
Play games We can respect different opinions
Perform poems
Ask for and give things

Welcome to school

Think about it What do we do at school?

3 1 Read and listen Welcome
Class 1
Find each thing in
the picture. Classroom ru(es:
Look and listen.
Hello, school! Pvt ^our hand up.

Ge a good friend. I
Tables and chairs
A list of rules
Books and crayons
Hello, school!

2 What's in the classroom?

Find some more things.

a blue pencil

a green ruler

a red lunchbox

4 3 Making friends

Listen to the children talking.
How old are they?
Practise with your partner.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 Vocabulary: school Use of English: singular and plural nouns Listen: school: treasure hunt Read/Listen: Hello, school! Talk: Introductions Write: a poem

4 Topic vocabulary

Listen, point and say.

a table a whiteboard

an ABC chart chairs computers

65 ® Classroom treasure hunt

Listen to Matteo. He is doing a classroom treasure hunt.
Which thing does he forget to say?

Now do a treasure hunt in your classroom!

6 School poem

Write a school poem with your class.

Find out more Children around the world

1 Before you read

Look at these photos.
What do the children do at school?
Now listen and read.

Writing tip 3 Zak jrom. New Zealand
My name is Zak. I am 6.
A name begins with a I do Maths at school.

capital letter. Amira, Marat, Zak

read write do Maths r 7 draw
use computers

My name is
I am_
I at school.

Unit 1 Lesson 2 Use of English: present simple: I, we, you Listen/Read: for information Write: making a chart

8 3 How do children go to school?

Read and listen.

I go by bicycle. We go by bus.

I go by car. We go by boat. We walk.

4 Lp O A class chart

How do you go to school? Make a chart with your class.

How Jo yOU go £o school?

I go by bus. Lar Ar-Oh 1 Tanya | ____ ___ Paco |

I go by Car. KjJJip | Marbaj

I go by biCycle. Lucas 1

I walk, PatAoj Vina |

3 Letters and sounds The alphabet

1 Alphabet poem A B C D E F G

Listen and point to the letters. We’re in school, you and me.


I have a pencil. You have a pen.


Look around. What do you see?

2 Word wall U V W XY Z

Put your hands on your head!

Make a word wall with your class.

What's the first letter of your name? Put your name under that letter.

Unit 1 Lesson 3 Listen: the alphabet Phonics: spelling Song: Bingo: making a new song

10 3 B A spelling song

Make 5 letter cards.
Point to the letters as you sing.

There was a Jarmer had a dog
Arid Bingo was its name-o.

B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-
And Bingo was its name-o!

4 B P Make a new song

Sing some new verses! Make letter cards. Point to the letters as you sing.

4 Use of English Favourite colours

11 1 Colours a red
Listen and point to the colours.
Can you think of something
for each colour?

red orange blue pencil

blue black

green purple



12 2 An interview Name: Ben
Favourite colour: black
Listen to Fatima.
She is interviewing Ben.
What questions does

she ask?

Fatima interviews
another friend.
What is her name?
What is her favourite

3 B: Gp Make a name card

Draw a picture of yourself. Write your name and your favourite colour.

16 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Vocabulary: colours Use of English: possessive adjectives Listen/Talk: interviewing

Ask your partner some questions. name

Can yon s
name, p

Write about your partner.Then introduce your partner to the class.

This is my Jr lend. Language detective

ÌHis name is_ When do we say his
His Javourite coloar is and her?

This is my jriend. This is a girl.
Her name is_ Her name begins with R.
Her Javourite colour is
Her Javourite colour

5 Mystery child is red.

Choose a name card.
Tell your partner about the child.
Can they guess who it is?

Name: Anna Name: Rosa
Favourite colour: gellow Favourite colour: red

Name: Tomas Í Name: Lan

Favourite colour: green Favourite colour: orange

5 Read and respond

13 1 Before you read

This poem tells a story about a girl. The girl is going to school.
Look at the pictures. What do you think happens?
Now listen and read.

I go to school

by Richard Brown and Kate Rattle

I go to school in the morning and I look like this.

I see a little rabbit and it hops like this.
I see a little duck and it swims like this.
