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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
quyền công dân điều cốt lõi, cốt yếu người theo bản chất luận
<i><b>II. Structures</b></i>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2"><b>3</b> switch it off and on tắt đi rồi bật lại
biết điều đó
khi cịn nhỏ
<i><b>III. Practice exercise 20</b></i>
<b>Question 1: The doctor told him to lose weight quickly or pay the __________ later in life.</b>
<b>Question 2: You're not that good at singing - __________ yourself!</b>
<b>Question 3: Oh God, the microwave is always doing that. Just __________ again and it usually works </b>
<b>Question 4: This species of seagull is not a __________ of the island, but will sometimes rest here a </b>
<b>Question 5: Doesn't it __________ you as strange that it's the middle of May and it's snowing?</b>
<b>Question 6: During hibernation, an animal seems to be dead. Its metabolism slows down and its body </b>
temperature __________.
<b>Question 7: Are you sure these motorbikes are __________?</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">A. to let B. for hire C. for use D. to rent
<b>Question 8: __________ her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her.</b>
<b>Question 9: Fantastic! It's a __________ that she wasn't here to see it.</b>
<b>Question 10: We can only give you the __________ number of refugees crossing the border</b>
at the moment.
<b>Question 11: A man's pay usually __________ from the number of hours he works in a week.</b>
<b>Question 12: The water workers' claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under __________ by the </b>
<b>Question 13: The Government has __________ an inquiry to investigate bribery in local elections.</b>
<b>Question 14: Dentists will always try to save teeth rather than __________.</b>
<b>Question 15: Oxbridge is a word made from the names Oxford and Cambridge and is used to refer </b>
__________ to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge together, especially when they are being distinguished from other universities.
<b>Question 16: If __________ and artificial intelligence in the workplace become a reality, there will </b>
surely be an increasing need for skills that robots can't offer.
<b>Question 17: The English language is spoken all over the world. It is difficult to exactly __________ </b>
how many people precisely speak this language, as not all countries that use the language take census data.
<b>Question 18: The new women controllers were viewed with __________ and they had to work twice as </b>
hard to be accepted by their male colleagues.
<b>Question 19: "I didn't get the job after all." - "Oh, __________”</b>
<b>Question 20: - "It's true that she's going to leave the company." - " __________ "</b>
<b>Question 21: Most researchers agree that artificial intelligence (AI) peaked around 1985. A public </b>
__________ science-fiction movies and excited by the growing power of computers had high expectations.
<b>Question 22: Marvin Minsky said in 1967 that within a generation the problem of creating AI would be </b>
__________ solved.
<b>Question 23: Finally, after 10 years in prison, Tom found himself as free as a (n) __________.</b>
<b>Question 24: If you are really convinced that what you have to do is __________, it would be easier to </b>
say no to things that you are not responsible.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4"><b>Question 25: Do you find it easier to __________ what's happening when you watch a film in English?</b>
<b>Question 26: When aeroplanes were first invented, the invention did not look __________ as no one </b>
could get it to fly for long periods of time.
<b>Question 27: You must mix the right __________ of soap and water if you want to blow bubbles that last </b>
<b>Question 28: When you are in the desert, you have to keep your eyes __________ for snakes that may be </b>
hidden in the sand.
<b>Question 29: My husband always gives __________ to me when we have an argument.</b>
<b>Question 30: The Estonia was well designed and carefully maintained. It carried the proper number of </b>
lifeboats. It had been __________ inspected the day of its fatal voyage.