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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
14 anthropology n /ˌænθruː/rəˈpɒlədʒi / nhân loại học
(thuộc) điện, có điện, phát điện có liên quan đến điện
nạp điện, nhiễm điện điện
thợ điện
sự nạp điện, sự nhiễm điện
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">27 explosion n /ɪkˈspləʊʒən/ sự nổ
<i><b>II. Structures</b></i>
3 do/ conduct/ undertake research tiến hành, làm nghiên cứu
4 see eye to eye with sb có cùng quan điểm, đồng thuận với ai đó
<i><b>III. Practice exercise 1</b></i>
<b>Question 1: His career i n the elicited drug trade ended with the police raid this morning.</b>
<b>Question 2: You can't construct anything here if you don't have an official permission.</b>
<b>Question 3: There a re a number of updated entrances in the latest edition of the encyclopedia.</b>
<b>Question 4: High blood pressure results in either an i ncreased</b> output of blood from the heart or an increased resistance to its flow through tiny branches of the arteries.
<b>Question 5: Since it was an unusually warm day, the dog laid under the tree a ll afternoon without </b>
barking at p assers - by - something he usually does.
<b>Question 6: They are d oing some fascinating researches into the language of dolphins.</b>
<b>Question 7: It is estimated that a scientific principle has a l ife expectancy</b> of approximately a d ecade before it drastically revised or replaced by newer information.
<b>Question 8: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017, such as reversing paralysis, self- driving trucks, the 3 </b>
60-degree selfie, will effect the economy and our politics, improve medicine, or influence our culture.
<b>Question 9: There are more than eight four million specimens in the National Museum of Natural </b>
History's collection of biological, geological, anthropology treasures.
<b>Question 10: Up the World War II a lmost all important research in physics had made in universities, with </b>
only university funds for support.
<b>Question 11: She had t o leave because</b> she didn't see eyes to eyes with her boss.
<b>Question 12: With the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web, businessmen do not h ardly h </b>
ave as much traveling as t hey used to .
A. development of B. businessmen C. hardly have D. they used to
<b>Question 13: Raw</b> chemical l itter is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3"><b>Question 14: Biodegradable package helps t o limit</b> the a mount of harmful chemicals r eleased into the atmosphere.
<b>Question 15: Every morning, I was woken up by the deafening noise from his electrical guitar.</b>
<b>Question 16: He was s ent off for a m istake on the French captain, which made his team lose the game.</b>
<b>Question 17: Alike oxygen, which is chemically changed by our bodies into carbon dioxide, nitrogen is </b>
erely exhaled back into the air.
<b>Question 18: Working like a police officier m eans e arning a good salary, excellent retirement b enefits</b> , and great health insurance for you and your family.
<b>Question 19: Lasers are of great value in areas such as communication, industry, medicines and scientific </b>
<b>Question 20: Income f rom dancing is u nstable so Giang popper also works as a director, p erformance</b> event organizer, coach and dance instructor at home.
<b>Question 21: MPs have urged the UK government t o launch</b> a major publicity campaign to help people p rotect themselves against online crime.
<b>Question 22: Little House on the Prairie, a successful televion program, was adapted from a s eries of </b>
bookby a woman whose life was similar to that of the character called by name Laura.
<b>Question 23: After the social science lecture all students are invited to take part in discussion o f the</b> iss
ues which were risen in the talk.
A. social science lecture B. to take part C. of the issues D. risen in
<b>Question 24: A football match begins with the ball kicking forwards from a spot in the centre of the field.</b>
<b>Question 25: The salary of</b> a professor is higher than a secretary.
<b>Question 26: It would appear that nobody on board the aircraft actually had a diploma to fly it.</b>
<b>Question 27: He has an uncle w</b> ho is i n possession of stock papers worth $75,000.
<b>Question 28: I pay a higher hire than t he other</b> tenants because my room is bigger.
<b>Question 29: She told us about his brother, Apollo, born in 1969 and named for the US astronauts's </b>
mission to the moon.
<b>Question 30: Forensic</b> scientists are examining the wreckage for clues about the reason of the explosion.
<b>ĐÁP ÁN</b>
<b>LESSON 1</b>