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The name of construction factors affecting the decision working part time jobs of students from hcmc university of technologyand education

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Project code: ……….

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<b>5. Meaning of the topic...7</b>


<b>1.1. Overview the part-time job...8</b>

1.1.1. Definition of part-time job...8

1.1.2. Types of part-time job...9

1.1.3. Characteristic of part-time job...9

<b> 1.2. Students with part-time job...10</b>

<b>1.3. Related research model...11</b>

1.3.1. Research by Thuy et al (2021)...12

1.3.2. Research by An et al (2022)...13

<b>1.4. Proposing a research model of factors affecting the students’ decision to work part-time of students at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education. 141.5. Arguing about the fit of the model...16</b>

<b>2.6. Initial quantiative reaearch...32</b>

<b>2.7. Formal quantiative research...32</b>

2.7.1. Method of sampling...32

2.7.2. Questionnaire-Data collection method...32


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<b>3.1. Descriptive statistics...35</b>

3.1.1. Research characteristics...35

3.1.2. Features of the observed variable...35

<b>3.2. Evaluation of the scale and exploratory factor analysis...37</b>

3.2.1. Reliability coefficient Cronbach's Alpha...37

3.2.2. EFA - exploratory factor analysis...37


<b>4.1. Summary of research results...41</b>

<b>4.2. Benefit when ...41</b>

<b>4.3. Limitations of the topic...42</b>

<b>4.4. Proposing research direction...42</b>

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HCMUTE Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education

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Figure 1. 3: Proposed research model...16 Figure 2. 1: Research flow chart21

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Table 1. 1: Factors affecting students' decision to work part-time.1

Table 2. 1: The scale...23

Table 2. 2: Department...24

Table 2. 3: Personal expenses exceed family support...25

Table 2. 4: Unbalanced personal spending...25

Table 2. 5: The family cannot afford to support...26

Table 2. 6: Improve soft skills...26

Table 2. 7: Learn skills and experience for future jobs...27

Table 2. 8: Applying experiential skills to practice...28

Table 2. 9: Suitable income...28

Table 2. 10: Income to meet personal expenses...29

Table 2. 11: The income is worth your efforts...29

Table 2. 12: Lots of free time...30

Table 2. 13: Arranging time to study and work...30

Table 2. 14: Don't want to waste time...31

Table 2. 15: Characteristic variables and reliability of the scale...31

Table 3. 1: Characteristics of observed variables Table 3. 2: KMO and Bartlett's Test...38

Table 3. 3: Scale of factors affecting the decision of working part-time jobs HCMUTE students adjusted...39

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The study aims to identify and understand clearly the factors affecting the decision to work part-time of students at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) based on a model consisting of 4 factors, which are Personal Expenditure, Experience-life skill, Income, Free Time.

This research problem is discussed around with common questions such as: How do the factors mentioned affect the decision to work part-time of students at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education?, Does the decision to work part-time have much influence on the learning process at school?, What necessary recommendations are needed for students when decisioning to work part-time outside ?

To get the correct answer to the above questions, our team went through the following two steps: The first step is to conduct qualitative research through expert interviews in order to build and calibrate the scale. The second phase is to perform quantitative research using a sample size (HCMUTE students) chosen at random, and data is collected using a Google Form. To examine Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), the data is primarily analyzed using SPSS software.

From the results obtained, the study has made recommendations to help HCMUTE students have an overview of part-time jobs and carefully consider their decision to work part-time.

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Part-time employment is decreasingly popular among university scholars currently; virtually all scholars have had one or two jobs during their university studies. cooperation has evolved into one of the most pivotal capacities in numerous angles of our professional and particular life. This content receives a lot of attention when it comes to scholars' decision to work part-time; whether going to a part- time job provides chops or life assignments or not has a significant impact on academic issues numerous scholars have successfully balanced studies with time jobs, as well as making the end to work part-time the proper decision. Others, still, believe this isn't the case." Why not spend further time learning new knowledge ?"," What factors impact the decision to work more?" Can we learn commodity from that part-time job?" and so on. As a result, our group decided to conduct this study to determine the factors impacting scholars' inclination to work part- time and their significance. The scholars of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education are the subjects of the study. scholars will be more set for the coming job and achieve further achievements at HCMUTE after studying the rudiments impacting the intention to work part-time.

<b>1. Reason for choosing the topic</b>

During council, numerous scholars are engaged in part-time jobs outside of class time. scholars are the age that understands that in addition to the task of accumulating solid knowledge, they also have to exercise further chops and gain experience in mortal society if they want to succeed explosively with an seductive income, suitable for their requirements. the current standard of living. Still, when society is decreasingly developing, the education and training of life chops in scholars haven't entered important attention, causing numerous scholars to be unresistant and warrant the necessary chops. Some important life chops that ensure the development and successful guidance of people are needed similar as Decision timber, problem-working, creative thinking, critical thinking, and effective communication, all of that has to go through a literacy process. currently, to hone those necessary chops, they will

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have numerous options by joining clubs or taking part-time jobs. utmost scholars choose to work part-time. Only scholars can help themselves get out of their comfort zone, to help themselves come a better interpretation of their future. Part-time jobs are now extensively available far and wide and come a system nearly associated with the life of scholars while still sitting in the lecture hall. Scholars work part-time because part of their income, they also want to accumulate further experience and make musketeers. Still, not all scholars understand this well, there are other factors affecting perception that make scholars vacillate and vacillate before deciding to take part-time jobs. Thus, it’s veritably important to understand the factors that affect scholars' decision to work part-time, especially HCMUTE scholars, it'll come an extremely important baggage when going to meet the development future of life and tone. There's no secret to success. It's the result of medication, hard work, and literacy from failure. For the below reasons, we decided to register for the design "Factors affecting the decision to work part-time of HCMUTE scholars".

<b>2. Research’s objectives2.1. General objective</b>

This study aims to improve the self-development of students at HCMUTE through part-time work.

<b>2.2. Detailed objectives</b>

Research on factors affecting the decision to work part-time of HCMUTE students.

Research the influence of factors on the decision to work part-time. The significance of the decision to work part-time for the study of HCMUTE students.

<b>3. Research’s subjects</b>

The research topic is studying the factors affecting the decision to work part-time of HCMUTE students.

Subjects of the research are the HCMUTE students.

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From the study "Factors affecting the decision to work part-time of HCMUTE students", we find that the decision to work part-time makes an important contribution to the learning process as well as to cultivate more skills and experience for students.

The research serves as an important data source to draw conclusions about the factors affecting the decision to work part-time of HCMUTE students. From the research results, we make some recommendations and suitable solutions to improve the development of students. In particular, the topic helps students have a scientific view, better understand the factors affecting the decision to work part-time.

<b>5.2. Practical meaning</b>

From the study "Factors affecting the decision to work part-time of HCMUTE scholars", our platoon would like to propose the ensuing recommendations to help scholars come more and more perfect in their own opinions as well as have a right view of part-time work and overall, tone-reflection to strive for development every day.

The content helps scholars understand more deeply the factors affecting the decision to work part-time and the degree of influence of the factors so that the scholars can acclimate their gets.

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<b>CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW1.1 Overview the part-time job</b>

<b>1.1.1 Definition of part-time job</b>

A part-time job is a form of employment where a hand works smaller hours per week than a full-time job. The precise description of a part-time job can vary depending on the employer and country, but generally, workers are part-time if they work smaller than 30 hours per week. Part-time work is frequently flexible, which can make it a seductive option for those looking to balance work with other commitments similar as family or education. still, part-time workers may not admit the same benefits or openings as full- time workers and may not always have the same job security. In numerous countries, there are laws in place to ensure that part-time workers aren't treated unfairly compared to their full-time counterparts.

Working hours in part-time employment are often shorter than those in a full-time job and can be variable based on the nature of the work and the employer's plans. Employers, for example, may require part-time workers to work specific days and hours each week, or they may offer more flexible arrangements that allow workers to choose their working hours.

Part-time jobs are available in a variety of fields, including education, retail, hospitality, and healthcare, to name a few. Part-time work is popular among students, parents, and those searching for extra money. Employers benefit from part-time workers as well since they may minimize labor costs, provide more flexibility, and manage peak demand ages when new staff is required. Part-time job pay varies dependent on the assiduity, job kind, and experience position. Depending on the employer's policies, part-time employees may also be entitled to other benefits including as paid holidays and sick days, withdrawal plans, and insurance. Overall, part-time work can be a fantastic alternative for people looking for a more flexible work-life balance, new money, or who have other obligations.

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<b>1.1.2 Types of part-time job</b>

There are various types of part-time employment accessible across the board. Examples of common exemplifications include:

1. Customer service and retail occupations: These positions typically involve working in shops, stores, or other customer-facing environments, assisting with transactions, client questions, and other responsibilities.

2. Jobs in food service and hospitality: Working at cafes, caffs, bars, or hospices may involve tasks such as food preparation, serving, and cleaning.

3. Training and tutoring are part-time occupations: These positions are frequently offered in seminaries, sodalities, and other educational environments, and may entail assisting scholars with their coursework or providing one-on-one training.

4. Executive and office support positions: These professions may include answering phones, processing documents, and providing general executive support to an office or firm.

5. Freelancing or gig-based work: These positions are typically freelance or contract-based, and may entail jotting, web design, or other creative work.

6. Jobs in healthcare: Part-time healthcare occupations may include nursing assistants, home health aides, or medical sidekicks.

Overall, the types of part-time work available will differ depending on your diligence and the specific needs of companies in that industry.

<b>1.1.3 Characteristics of part-time job</b>

Part-time job characteristics may differ depending on assiduity, job type, and company programs, but some typical characteristics of part-time employment include:

<b>1. Part-time jobs often need fewer working hours per week than full-time</b>

occupations. Working hours vary according to the employer's programs and the nature of the job.

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<b>2. Flexibility: Many part-time jobs offer flexible work hours and may</b>

allow employees to select their preferred shift timings. This is great for professors and anyone else who has duties outside of work.

<b>3. Pay is lower: Part-time employees are frequently paid less than full-time</b>

employees since they receive fewer benefits and work fewer hours. Compensation may vary depending on assiduity, work kind, and position experience.

<b>4. Part-time employees are frequently ineligible for some of the benefits</b>

that full-time employees enjoy, such as health insurance, holiday pay, and over-time pay.

<b>5. Lower job security: Part-time jobs are sometimes regarded as less secure</b>

than full-time work since they are more vulnerable to layoffs and changes in business requirements.

<b>6. The occasion for professional advancement: While part-time jobs may</b>

initially provide lesser pay and fewer benefits, they can be an ideal opportunity to get work experience and develop skills that will lead to higher-paying opportunities later in one's career.

Overall, the characteristics of part-time work may differ depending on the assiduity and employer programs, and job seekers should carefully analyze these variables before accepting a part-time position.

<b>1.2 Students with part-time job</b>

Having part-time work while studying can provide various benefits, including earning extra money to help pay for expenses such as school, books, and rent. Other advantages of working part-time while a student include:

1. Getting some job experience: Having part-time work can help students acquire vital skills such as time management, communication, and cooperation, which can be useful for future employment.

2. Establishing a professional network: Part-time employment helps scholars to meet and connect with people in their field of interest, which can lead to additional job possibilities and career progression.

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3. Improved academic performance: Contrary to popular assumption, research has shown that working part-time while studying can result in improved academic performance and higher marks.

4. Understanding how to govern a plutocrat: Having part-time work can help students learn to better manage their finances, such as budgeting and saving.

5. Creating a solid work legacy: Working part-time necessitates discipline, commitment, and tenacity, which can assist students in developing a strong work legacy that will serve them well throughout their careers. For some researchers, particularly those from traditionally underrepresented areas, obtaining a job is a matter of necessity rather than choice. They must work to save for the council or to reduce their family's income. Counselors should assist students who have a genuine need to work in improving their time-management skills and finding employment that supports their educational goals.

Overall, having a part-time job as a student can provide several benefits; However, it is critical to strike a balance between employment and study to prevent severely influencing academic performance.

<b>1.3. Related research model</b>

Within the scope of this study, we refer to four relevant research models to develop a formal research model, including the work of Thuy et al (2021) and An et al (2022).

