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bài thảo luận đề tài how to design a package to attract customers

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HỌC PHẦN: Tiếng Anh thương mại 1.2MÃ LỚP HỌC PHẦN: 231_ENPR4911_03Giảng viên hướng dẫn : Mai Tuyết Nhung NHÓM: 2

<b>HỌC KÌ I NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024</b>

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Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt NamĐộc lập - Tự do – Hạnh phúc


<b>I.</b><small> </small><b>Buổi làm việc lần thứ: 1</b>

<b>II.</b><small> </small><b>Nội dung cuộc họp</b>

outline cho bài thảo luận

Tổng hợp Word, tìm thơng tin và trình bày nội dung phần III.1

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3 Đỗ Trung Hiếu 22D170067 <sub>trình bày nội dung phần I</sub><sup>Làm Powerpoint, tìm thơng tin và </sup>

phần II, lên outline thuyết trình

<b>2.Nhóm trưởng đề xuất ngày họp tiếp theo 4/10/2023 </b>

<b> Thư ký Nhóm trưởng </b>

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<b>Cộng hịa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt NamĐộc lập - Tự do – Hạnh phúc</b>


<b>I. Buổi làm việc lần thứ: 2</b>

- Nhóm: 2

- Mơn: Tiếng anh thương mại 1.2

- Địa điểm: Phòng họp trực tuyến Google Meet

- Thành phần tham gia: Tất cả thành viên nhóm 2, bao gồm 8/8 thành viên.

<b>II. Nội dung cuộc họp</b>

- Nhóm trưởng tổng kết lại tất cả nội dung của các thành viên, chỉnh sửa, sữa chữa bổ sung một số mục cần thiết.

- Triển khai làm slides cho các phần trình bày.

<b>III. Kết luận</b>

Tất cả thành viên đều tán thành với sự phân cơng cơng việc. Nhóm trưởng giao deadlinecho các nhiệm vụ, thư ký có nhiệm vụ ghi chép nội dung vào biên bản cuộc họp.

Thư ký Nhóm trưởng

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Lê HàGiang


<b>I.</b><small> </small><b>INTRODUCTION OF PACKAGING ……….</b>

1.Importance of packaging design ………...

2. How packaging can create a first impression………

<b>II.</b><small> </small><b>UNDERSTANDING THE TARGET AUDIENCE</b>1.<small> </small>Importance of knowing customers ……….

2.<small> </small><b>How to research and understand customer preferences…………...</b>

<b>III.</b><small> </small><b>ELEMENTS OF AN ATTRACTIVE PACKAGE DESIGN…………..</b>

1.<small> </small>Color ……….

2.<small> </small>Typography ………..

3.<small> </small>Imagery ………..

4. Material………..<small> </small>

<b>IV.</b><small> </small><b>INCORPORATING BRAND IDENTITY………</b>

1.<small> </small>Ensuring the package design aligns with the brand image and values………

2.<small> </small>Using logos and brand colors effectively ……….. ….

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<b>V.</b><small> </small><b>PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS………..</b>

1. Functionality………<small> </small>

2. Sustainability………<small> </small>

<b>VI.</b><small> </small><b>TESTING THE DESIGN………...</b>

1.<small> </small>Getting feedback on the design………

2.<small> </small>Methods for testing package design……….

<b>VII. CONCLUSIONS………..</b><small> </small>

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<b> </b> First of all, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Thuong mai University forbringing the Business English 1.2 subject into our curriculum. In particular, we expressed ourdeep gratitude to the subject lecturer - Ms. Mai Tuyet Nhung for teaching and impartingvaluable knowledge to us during the past learning process. With your lessons we have gainedadditional knowledge for ourselves. This will certainly be valuable knowledge for us to useEnglish for our jobs in the future.

This subject – Business English 1.2 is interesting and extremely useful. Ensure theprovision of knowledge, practice skills, associated with the actual needs of students who arestudying in the English Faculty. Although we have tried our best, it will certainly be difficult toavoid errors and many inaccuracies because of our limited knowledge and the lack of ourexperience in conducting this discussion topic. Please consider and provide suggestions toimprove our discussion.

We sincerely thank you!

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Nowadays, with the strong development and integration of the economy regionally as well asglobally, companies have to change to catch up with customers’ demands and stay well incompetitive markets. That is the reason why most firms or groups always have to research anddevelop new products, be creative to find out new methods and approaches to attract customersand convince them to buy products. Only the attractive innovation in products does catch thecustomers’ eyes. And of course, designing good packaging plays an important role in attractingclients to buy products while they are on shelves among others. Therefore, we conducteddiscussion and make presentation with the topic: “ How to design a package to attractcustomers”

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<b>I.</b><small> </small><b>INTRODUCTION OF PACKAGING</b>

influencing their purchasing decisions.

Here are several key reasons why packaging design is important in this regard:a.<small> </small>First Impression: A well-designed package can create a positive andmemorable first impression, capturing the attention of potential buyers andmaking them more likely to consider the product.

b.<small> </small>Brand Recognition: Effective packaging design helps establish andreinforce brand identity. Consistent packaging across a product line or brandbuilds recognition and trust among consumers.

c.<small> </small>Safety and Protection: Packaging design must ensure the safety andprotection of the product during transportation and storage.

d.<small> </small>Convenience and Functionality: Easy-to-open, or eco-friendly packagingcan enhance the overall customer experience and satisfaction.

=>> Packaging design goes beyond aesthetics; it's a strategic tool that cansignificantly impact a product's success in the market. A well-thought-outpackaging design can captivate consumers, convey brand identity, and drivepurchasing decisions, making it a critical element of marketing and productpresentation.

<b>2.<small> </small></b>Packaging creates a first impression by serving as the initial point ofcontact between a product and a potential customer.

a.<small> </small>Visual appeal: Colors, graphics, and typography all play a role in catchingthe eye and conveying information about the product. A visually attractivepackage can draw people in and pique their interest.

b.<small> </small>Consistency with brand promise: Packaging should align with the brand'spromise and the expectations it sets.

c.<small> </small>Materials and texture: The choice of materials and textures in packagingcan communicate various messages.

d.<small> </small>Cultural and regional considerations: Packaging should consider culturaland regional norms and preferences. What works well in one market may not beas effective in another, so adapting packaging to local expectations is importantfor making a positive first impression.

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=>> Packaging is the "face" of a product, and it has only a few seconds to capturethe attention and interest of a potential customer. A well-designed packageconsiders these factors to create a memorable and positive first impression, whichcan lead to increased sales and brand loyalty.


To design a package that attracts customers, it is crucial to understand thetarget audience.

expectations, thereby offering suitable products and services.

right audience, and optimize the marketing budget.

and adjust in time to avoid lagging behind competitors.

To research and understand customer preferences, you can follow these steps:a. Conduct market research: Start by gathering information about your targetaudience through surveys, focus groups, or interviews. This will help you collectdata on customer preferences, their likes and dislikes, and any specificrequirements they might have.

b. Analyze industry trends: Stay updated with current market trends and thepackaging designs of your competitors. Analyzing successful packagingstrategies in your industry can provide insights into what works well and whatdoesn't.

c. Utilize social media and online platforms: Monitor social media platforms andonline communities to gather feedback and insights from your target audience.Participate in discussions and engage with your potential customers to gain adeeper understanding of their preferences.

d. Test and iterate: Develop prototypes or mock-ups of different packagingdesigns and test them with a sample of your target audience. Collect feedback and

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make iterative changes based on their responses. This process allows you torefine your design and ensure it appeals to your customers.

By thoroughly understanding your target audience through research andanalysis, you can design a package that truly attracts customers by appealing totheir preferences and needs.


1. Color:

Color of package design plays an important role in attracting customers. Mostcustomers are attracted by products due to their prominent colors when beingdisplayed on the shelves at first sight. The colors will not only stand out theproducts from others but also remind customers of brands. Therefore,manufacturers have to design the suitable colors with the products, the class ofcustomers, culture, age,society… to attract the customers’ attention. For example,The Coca Cola brand - the renowned soft drink brand is very political to designthe red package- the color is famous for the luck in Tet holiday in Asian’s Cultureand so that this brand is attractive to a number of customers to purchase.2.<small> </small>Typography

I totally agree that the layout of packaging is very significant in fascinating thecustomers. It must be designed in appropriate font and size. Both of them need tobe easily understood and good- looking to fit in the size of packaging, but makeenough specialty to be more noticeable. It must be big enough to hold consumers’attention, and fit enough to not cover the image of products.Of course, eachperson has different hobbies, and opinions, but the font and size should besuitable to each part of customers. For instance, the products for kids are able tobe added the jolly stickers or font, but no for the elderly.

3.<small> </small>Imagery :

Imagery in package design refers to the use of visual elements, such asphotographs, illustrations, graphics, and icons, to communicate the product'sfeatures, benefits, and emotional appeal. It's an essential aspect of storytelling andcapturing the consumer's attention.

a.<small> </small>Product photography : High-quality images of the product itself are crucial.These images should showcase the product from multiple angles and in differentuse cases to help consumers understand what they are buying.

b.<small> </small>Lifestyle imagery : Lifestyle images show the product being used in real-lifesituations. This helps consumers visualize how the product fits into their lives andthe benefits it offers.

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c.<small> </small>Icons and graphics : Icons and graphics can convey information quicklyand succinctly. For example, icons representing product features or certifications(e.g., organic, gluten-free) can communicate important details at a glance.d.<small> </small>Emotional appeal : Imagery should evoke emotions that resonate with thetarget audience. Whether it's a sense of excitement, comfort, nostalgia, or trust,the imagery should connect with consumers on an emotional level.

4.<small> </small>Materials

The choice of materials for packaging is a critical decision that significantlyinfluences the overall attractiveness and functionality of the package design. Itinvolves selecting the type of substrate (the material the package is made from)and any special finishes or treatments.

a.<small> </small>Substrate : The choice of material can vary widely, including paper,cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, and even wood. The selection should align withthe product's nature, brand image, and intended use. For example, high-endcosmetics often use sleek glass packaging, while eco-friendly products may optfor recycled and recyclable paper.

b.<small> </small>Transparency : Transparent or translucent packaging materials canshowcase the product itself, allowing consumers to see the contents. This cancreate a strong visual connection between the packaging and the product.c.<small> </small>Sustainability : In today's eco-conscious world, the use of sustainablematerials or emphasizing recyclability can make your package design moreattractive to environmentally conscious consumers.

d.<small> </small>Special Treatments : Incorporating special treatments like foil stamping,embossing, debossing, or spot UV varnishes can add visual interest and highlightspecific design elements, enhancing the overall package's aesthetics.


To ensure that packaging design aligns with the brand image and values, it'simportant to consider the following:

brand's overall image and values. This includes considering the use of graphics,typography, and overall aesthetic that align with the brand's personality and targetaudience.

b. Consistency with brand identity: The packaging design should be consistentwith the brand's visual identity, including its logo, color scheme, and overallstyle. This helps to create a cohesive and recognizable brand presence.

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c. Emotional connection: The design should evoke the desired emotions andperceptions associated with the brand. This can be achieved through the use ofspecific imagery, messaging, or storytelling elements that resonate with the targetaudience and reinforce the brand's values.

2. Using logos and brand color effectively

To effectively use logos and brand colors, consider the following:

packaging design, ensuring it is easily visible and recognizable. Consider placingthe logo in a strategic location that enhances brand recognition.

consistently across all packaging designs. This helps to maintain the integrity andlegibility of the logo, reinforcing brand recognition.

c. Brand color usage: Use the brand's color palette consistently throughout thepackaging design. Incorporate these colors into various design elements, such asbackgrounds, borders, text, and graphics. Consistency in color usage helps toreinforce brand recognition and create visual cohesion.

By ensuring that the packaging design aligns with the brand image and values,and using logos and brand colors effectively, businesses can strengthen theirbrand identity and create a cohesive and impactful packaging experience forcustomers.


logo, bright and outstanding colors because distinctive and eye-catchingpackaging help your products stand out on the shelf from other comparableproducts.

product by the consumer. Easily opened cans, reusable boxes and packagingwhich require no tools or minimal effort can increase sales and make yourproduct more appealing. Understanding how your products are consumed,including where and when, will dictate how your packaging is designed.Speaking to your consumers through market research is a great way ofunderstanding accessibility needs and trends.

2.<small> </small>Sustainability:

Choosing packaging that is 100% recyclable reduces your products impact onthe environment while showing to consumers that your brand is proactivelymaking a difference, and it may be the deciding factor in the purchase choice.

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Steel packaging is 100% recyclable, making it the most environmentally friendlypackaging available. Whether your brand uses cardboard, glass, plastic or steel,it’s important to understand its recyclability based on its material and theavailability of recycling facilities in your target market, there is a greaterawareness and avoidance of over packaging.


Testing the design of a package is crucial to ensure its effectiveness and appealto the target audience. Here are some key points regarding the importance ofgetting feedback on the design and methods for testing package design:

a. User-Centric Approach: Feedback helps in adopting a user-centric approach,ensuring that the package design meets the needs and preferences of the intendedusers. It allows you to incorporate their perspectives and improve the overall userexperience.

b. Identification of Issues and Improvements: Feedback helps identify potentialissues, such as confusing visuals, unclear messaging, or unattractive aesthetics. Itprovides an opportunity to address these concerns and make necessaryimprovements before launching the package.

c. Validation of Design Choices: Feedback allows you to validate your designchoices and determine whether they align with the intended brand image, targetmarket, and product positioning. It helps ensure that the design effectivelycommunicates the desired brand values and product attributes.

2. Methods for testing package design

a. Focus Groups: Conducting focus groups involves gathering a small group ofrepresentative individuals who fit the target market profile. Participants canprovide feedback on various aspects of the package design, including visualelements, messaging, usability, and overall appeal. This method allows for in-depth discussions and qualitative insights.

b. A/B Testing: A/B testing involves creating multiple versions of the packagedesign and randomly assigning different versions to different segments of thetarget audience. By comparing the performance and feedback of each version,you can determine which design resonates the most with the audience. Thismethod provides quantitative data and helps make data-driven decisions.

c. Usability Testing: Usability testing focuses on evaluating how users interactwith the package design and assessing its ease of use. It involves observing usersas they perform specific tasks or provide feedback on their experience. Usabilitytesting helps identify any usability issues, confusing elements, or areas thatrequire improvement.

