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Huberman lab actionable tips

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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">

Presented By

Wisdom In A Nutshell

Empowering you with distilled insights from impactful videoson self-growth.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">

How Your NervousSystem Works

guide your actions.

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Master Your SleepBe More Alert When

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Using Science ToOptimize SleepLearning Metabolism

To positively influence your circadianrhythms and neuroplasticity, exposeyourself to morning sunlight, exercise, and

maintain a consistent eating pattern.Consider the temperature changes, and try

to balance your food content. Payattention to personal factors, and conductself-experiments with a focus on sleep andwakefulness to identify and address your

individual needs.

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Find YourTemperatureMinimum To Defeat

Jetlag Shift WorkSleeplessness

To optimize your sleep and circadianrhythm, focus on consistency in yourmorning routine. Expose yourself tonatural sunlight each morning before 9am

for at least 100,000 lux. During travel,adapt to local meal schedules and avoid

bright lights at inappropriate times toprevent jet lag. Regularly exercise and use

light, temperature, and food adjustmentsto maintain optimal body clock

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">

Understanding AndUsing Dreams ToLearn And To Forget

To optimize your sleep, maintain aconsistent sleep schedule, focusing ongetting the same amount of sleep eachnight. Pay attention to the balance of slow

wave sleep and REM sleep, consideringresistance exercises to promote slow wave

sleep if needed. If you experienceemotionally troubling events, exploretherapies such as EMDR or Ketamine

treatment for processing emotionalresponses.

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How To Focus ToChange Your Brain

To harness the power of neuroplasticity inyour daily life, dedicate moments offocused attention to the skills or abilities

you want to improve. Cultivate anenvironment that minimizes distractions,

and practice visual or auditory focusexercises. Combine these practices with asolid sleep routine to optimize your brain’s

ability to adapt and change.

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Using FailuresMovement Balance

To Learn Faster

To optimize neuroplasticity in your dailylife, focus on incremental learning andembrace the errors you make. Engage innovel and challenging experiences, safelyharnessing your vestibular system to create

a sense of instability. Maintain a balancebetween alertness and calmness to fosteran optimal learning environment. Harness

the dopamine pathway to motivateyourself and persevere through challenges.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">

Optimize YourLearning CreativityWith Science Based

To apply the insights from this blog postin your daily life, determine your body’spatterns and preferences for alertness and

focus. Use exposure to morning sunlightand refrain from caffeine consumption for

the first two hours after waking up toenhance alertness. Allocate time forcreative exploration when you are in arelaxed state and reserve linear, focused

tasks for high alertness periods. Payattention to your autonomic arousal levelsand use techniques such as deep breathing

or visualization to modulate themaccordingly.

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Control Pain HealFaster With Your

Use insights from scientific research onpain and injury recovery to inform yourown healing process. Practice top-downmodulation strategies, such as mirroredtherapy or visualizing a loved one, tomanage pain perception. Establish healthyhabits like low-level cardiovascular exercise

and adjusting sleep position to improvebrain health and glymphatic systemfunction. Always consult a healthcareprofessional before making changes to

existing protocols.

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Tools For ManagingStress Anxiety

To manage stress levels in daily life, makea conscious effort to engage in healthyhabits like regular exercise, adequate sleep,

and maintaining social connections.Employ real-time tools like focused

breathing exercises such as thephysiological sigh and employ practices like

intentional hyperventilation in moderationto boost immunity. Experiment withnutritional supplements like Ashwagandhaand L-Theanine, but remember to consultyour doctor before making any significant

changes to your lifestyle.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5">

How Foods AndNutrients Control

Our Moods

By understanding the complex interplaybetween emotions, biological events, andchemical processes within our brain andbody, we can take control of our emotional

well-being. Opt for a balanced diet rich inthe right nutrients, prioritize the health of

your gut microbiome, and maintain anawareness of the impact of your mindseton your metabolism. By doing so, you can

make more informed decisions about yourdiet, nutrition, and overall wellness.

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How To IncreaseMotivation Drive

For a daily dopamine boost, considerintroducing mindfulness practices into

your routine, such as the AlmondMeditation technique. This simple, focused

exercise encourages presence in themoment and a greater appreciation for the

positives in your life. Don’t forget tobalance celebrating big and smallmilestones without overindulging inrewards, helping to maintain long-term

drive and motivation.

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The Science OfEmotionsRelationships

Cultivate healthy emotional developmentand social bonding during adolescence by

promoting self-awareness, buildingresilience, learning to managedisappointment, and fostering connections

with peers in a supportive environment.Encourage a balance between internal and

external emotional experiences, and bemindful of the hormonal changes thatimpact this crucial stage of development.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">

Biological InfluencesOn Sex Sex

To apply the knowledge learned from thispodcast in your daily life, be mindful of

environmental factors affecting yourhormones and sexual development.

Avoiding household products withhormone-disrupting ingredients andstaying informed on research regarding theeffects of hormones on the brain and body

will help you make better decisions foryour overall health and well-being.

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The Science Of HowTo OptimizeTestosterone

To effectively optimize hormones likeestrogen and testosterone, considerincorporating a mix of endurance andresistance exercises, along with practicing

nose breathing during workouts. Payattention to sleep quality, emphasize early

morning bright light exposure, andprioritize a balanced diet with essential

nutrients. Remember to consult ahealthcare professional before making

significant changes to your hormonalbalance or taking supplements.

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How Our HormonesControl Our Hunger

diet and exercise, and pay attention tomacronutrient timing in meals. Consult

with a healthcare professional whenimplementing new strategies.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">

How To ControlYour Metabolism By

Thyroid GrowthHormone

To support thyroid and growth hormones,avoid eating too close to bedtime, have abalanced diet with iodine, L-tyrosine, and

selenium, and incorporate exercise intoyour routine. Also, consider experimenting

with safe heat exposure like sauna use toimprove hormone release. Always consultwith a healthcare professional before trying

new supplements or health practices.

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Using CortisolAdrenaline To BoostOur Energy Immune

System Function

To harness the power of stress, cortisol,and adrenaline, implement consistentroutines, such as intermittent fasting and

morning light exposure, to regulate therelease of these hormones. Embraceshort-term stressors, like cold showers orintense exercise, to enhance learning and

memory, and utilize stress-reductiontechniques and supplements to manage

chronic stress for overall well-being.

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Supercharge ExercisePerformanceRecovery With

the best combination for your individualneeds, and observe the performance

improvements that follow.

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How To Learn SkillsFaster

To optimize your skill learning, embracemaking errors, maximize repetitions, focus

on sensory input, and incorporatevisualization. Designate idle timepost-learning to enhance consolidation and

maintain focus to create optimalconditions for learning. Experiment with

metronomes and supplements to furtheraccelerate your learning process.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">

How To Lose FatWith Science Based

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Science Of MuscleGrowth IncreasingStrength Muscular

to push through the burn and experiencethe benefits of lactate in enhancing heart,

liver, and brain function. Remember,practicing proper recovery techniques is

crucial for maintaining progress andpreventing injury.

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How To BuildEndurance In Your

Brain Body

Incorporate endurance exercises into yourroutine, focusing on the different types ofendurance and finding the right balance

with other forms of training. Alwaysprioritize proper hydration, adequate rest,

and effective breathing techniques. Toaccess hidden capabilities during physicalactivities, use visual targets or milestones

as motivation and push further.

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The Science OfVision Eye Health

Seeing Better

Implement daily routines to enhance youreyesight and visual health: get sunlightexposure early in the day, spend at leasttwo hours outside, incorporate optic flow,engage in distance viewing exercises, and

sleep in a dark room. Acknowledge theimportance of eye-lid position and practice

accommodation exercises to optimize yourvision system.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">

How Smell TastePheromone LikeChemicals Control

individual tastes with each bite.Deliberate practice and increasedawareness can lead to increased sensitivity

and enjoyment of both smell and taste.

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Dr Karl DeisserothUnderstandingHealing The Mind

To improve your mental health andproductivity, pay attention to yourbehavioral patterns and seek professional

help when needed. Practice stillness inthinking, incorporate physical activities,

and stay informed on advancements inneuroscience and psychiatry.

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The Science OfHearing BalanceAccelerated Learning

Take breaks while learning newinformation to increase retention rates. In

adulthood, consider experimenting withlow-intensity white noise or binaural beats

to improve focus during learning. Engagein activities involving self-generatedforward motion and tilting movements to

improve physical balance and activateneuromodulators that promote a sense of

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MaximizingProductivity Physical

Mental Health WithDaily Tools

To optimize your daily routine andpromote overall wellbeing, implementthese science-backed protocols: recordwaking times, engage in outdoor forward

motion, expose yourself to natural light,maintain a regular sleep schedule, balancecaffeine and fasting, and leverage hypnosis

or meditation for deep relaxation. Byfollowing these practices consistently, you’ll

experience heightened focus, improvedmood, and overall health benefits.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">

Dr Lex FridmanMachines Creativity

it to optimize social networks whilepreserving transparency and user control

over data usage.

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How To OptimizeYour Brain BodyFunction Health

To improve your interoceptive abilities,start by focusing on your heartbeat for afew minutes each day. This will promoteself-awareness, which can lead to better

emotional and cognitive functioning.Experiment with different breathingexercises to control heart rate and stress,and incorporate fermented foods into yourdiet to support a healthy gut microbiome.Taking time to tune in to your internalsensations, like hunger and fullness, can

also improve overall well-being.

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Dr Matthew WalkerThe Science Practice

Of Perfecting YourSleep

To achieve better sleep, prioritize aconsistent sleep schedule, early exposure tonatural light, and exercise in line with your

circadian rhythm. Limit caffeine andalcohol consumption, especially close to

bedtime. Explore natural supplementsbased on individual needs, engage insexual activity for a hormone boost, andpractice nightly wind-down routines in a

sleep-friendly environment.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">

How To ControlYour Sense Of Pain

Dr Anna LembkeUnderstandingTreating Addiction

To overcome addiction and maintainwell-being, cultivate a balanced lifestyle,

depriving yourself of high dopaminerewards for at least 30 days. Focus ondaily tasks, engage in truth-telling, andseek a value-driven approach to success,

preserving offline connections andmoments of boredom for personal growth.

Embrace the difficult phases of recoveryand remain vigilant against falling into

new addictive patterns.

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effectively. Consult with qualifiedprofessionals to determine the best course

of action for ongoing mental well-being.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12">

Dr Robert SapolskyScience Of StressTestosterone Free

Develop a personalized stress managementplan by finding effective copingmechanisms such as exercise, meditation,or social support. Regularly practice stress

reduction techniques, limit exposure tosocial media, and be mindful of the roles

hormones and neurobiology play inshaping behavior. Consult a physicianabout hormone replacement therapy and

monitor your own blood work and DNAfor valuable health insights.

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Healthy EatingEating DisordersAnorexia Bulimia

that may be contributing to disorderedeating patterns and work on breakingthem. Seek the guidance of healthcare

professionals when necessary, andremember that healthy eating looks

different for everyone.

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Adhd How AnyoneCan Improve Their

To enhance focus and attention, tryincorporating daily meditation practiceslasting 15-17 minutes, engaging in physical

activity, and consuming omega-3 fattyacids. Experiment with management

techniques, such as timeboxing ororganization strategies, to improveproductivity. For individuals with ADHD,

consider consulting a medical professionalabout the appropriate treatment options,

including medication, dietarymodifications, or non-invasive brain

stimulation devices.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">

Dr Matthew JohnsonPsychedelics ForTreating Mental

To bring the potential benefits ofpsychedelics into your life, considerlearning more about ongoing clinical trials

or therapy options. Always prioritizesafety and legality, opting forwell-established research settings if youchoose to participate in a trial. Ultimately,

remain open-minded and informed on thesubject to help fuel the shift towards wider

acceptance of these transformativecompounds.

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Controlling YourDopamine ForMotivation Focus

To effectively harness the power ofdopamine in your daily life, considerengaging in cold water exposure to boost

dopamine levels, practice intermittentfasting to regulate dopamine release, andmanage digital consumption to maintain a

healthy dopamine balance. Furthermore,be mindful of your dopamine history when

making choices and find sustainable ways,like exercise and social connections, to

experience increased dopamine levels.

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Dr Craig HellerUsing Temperature

For PerformanceBrain Body Health

To enhance your mental and physicalperformance, maintain your body’s

homeostasis through temperatureregulation. Optimize your athletic

performance with proper coolingtechniques and consider using wearable

cooling technology in extremeenvironments. Explore innovative sports

gear and workouts to improve yourperformance and recovery. Lastly,prioritize a cool sleeping environment to

optimize your sleep quality.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">

Effects Of FastingTime RestrictedEating On Fat Loss

and remember that adherence andconsistency are essential for long-term

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Nutrients For BrainHealth Performance

To enhance brain function through food,prioritize essential fatty acids,phosphatidyl serine, and choline in your

diet. Maintain proper hydration andconsume anthocyanin-rich berries daily.

Include fermented foods to ensure ahealthy gut microbiome and explore ways

to rewire your taste preferences towardshealthier options.

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Dr Samer HattarTiming Light FoodExercise For BetterSleep Energy MoodHuberman Lab 43

To harness your circadian rhythms foroptimal health, try to maintain aconsistent sleep schedule and get exposureto natural light, especially in the morning.

Adopt time-restricted eating within aspecific time frame and be aware of the

impact of light colors on sleep quality.Support research on circadian rhythms toexpand our understanding of their role in

mental and physical health.

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Using Your NervousSystem To EnhanceYour Immune System

To enhance your immune system, focus onmaintaining a healthy microbiome,practice nose breathing, ensure adequatesleep, use serotonin-enhancing techniques,

leverage the dopamine pathway,incorporate Spirulina into your treatmentroutine if needed, and explore the benefits

of acupuncture and fascia stimulation.Embrace the convergence of mechanisticscience with ancient healing practices to

optimize your health.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">

Dr Duncan FrenchHow To Exercise For

Strength GainsHormoneOptimizationHuberman Lab 45

Incorporate resistance training into yourexercise routine and optimize your workout

sessions by focusing on hormonal andmetabolic efficiency. Utilize recoverytechniques, such as cold exposure and heat

adaptation, strategically to enhance yourperformance. Additionally, meditation can

improve focus, sleep, and stressmanagement, contributing to overall better

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Time PerceptionEntrainment ByDopamine Serotonin

To optimize time perception in daily life,try implementing these strategies:maintain a consistent sleep schedule,ensure proper light exposure during theday and evening, keep regular exercise and

eating times, strategically plan workaccording to ultradian rhythms, andincorporate habits that create functionalunits throughout your day. Prioritize novelexperiences to create lasting memories and

a richer perception of time.

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The Science OfGratitude How ToBuild A Gratitude

To implement a powerful gratitudepractice, select a meaningful narrativeabout someone, either yourself or anotherperson, who receives genuine gratitude. In

a quiet, relaxed space, spend one to fiveminutes recalling the story and trulyfeeling the emotion of gratitude. Repeatthis practice three times a week to boostmental and physical health, foster positive

connections, and enhance your dailyperformance.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 16</span><div class="page_container" data-page="16">

Dr David Buss HowHumans Select Keep

Romantic PartnersIn Short Long Term

Huberman Lab 48

To implement insights from evolutionarypsychology in your daily life andrelationships, practice self-awareness andstrive for open communication with yourpartner to build trust and strengthen yourbond. Be cautious when engaging in onlinedating, and always try to meet in person

to accurately assess compatibility.Understand the role of mate value in

relationships and make an effort tomaintain and improve it by prioritizingemotional well-being, physical health, and

providing stability and security for abetter future together.

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Dr David BersonYour Brains Logic

To maintain a healthy circadian rhythm,ensure proper exposure to natural lightduring the day and minimize blue lightexposure at night. Such habits promotehormonal balance, enhance mood, and

contribute to better overall health.

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Science Of SocialBonding In FamilyFriendship Romantic

bonds can empower you to nurture andmaintain stronger connections in your

daily life.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17">

Dr David SinclairThe Biology OfSlowing Reversing

To promote longevity, considerincorporating intermittent fasting, aplant-based diet, and regular exercise into

your daily routine. Monitor your glucoselevels and consult a doctor before adopting

new supplements like resveratrol,metformin, or burburine. Stay informedabout advancements in gene therapy and

personalized medicine, while prioritizinghealth education and tracking biomarkers.

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The Science OfMaking Breaking

To create or break habits, start byunderstanding the difference betweengoal-based and identity-based habits, and

the role of limbic friction in habitformation. Incorporate linchpin habits toenable easier habit execution. Utilize tools

such as procedural memory visualization,task bracketing, and understanding yourbody’s phasic habit preferences to create

context-independent habits. Lastly,consider a 21-day habit installation system

to maintain and strengthen your habitseffectively.

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Dr Jack FeldmanBreathing ForMental PhysicalHealth Performance

Incorporate daily mindfulness practices,such as breathwork and meditation, to

improve your cognitive and emotionalwell-being. Experiment with personalized

nootropic blends and magnesiumsupplementation to optimize brainfunction. Prioritize a balanced diet withessential vitamins, minerals, and probiotics

for overall health.

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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18">

The Science OfSetting Achieving

both success and potential failure asmotivators for continued action.

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Dr Alia CrumScience Of Mindsets

For HealthPerformance

To harness the power of your mindset forbetter health and performance, start by

becoming aware of your beliefs andattitudes. Intentionally adopt positive

mindsets about exercise, stressmanagement, and eating habits.Encourage others, like influencers and

media, to promote healthy lifestylespositively. Last but not least, apply apositive mindset to medical treatments to

maximize their benefits.

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OptimizingWorkspace ForProductivity Focus

the perfect balance between focused andrelaxed visual attention to keep your brain

alert and engaged.

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Using Play ToRewire Improve Your

mental and physical wellbeing.

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