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group assignment professional selling and management sales plan

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<b>GROUP ASSIGNMENT Professional Selling and Management</b>


<b> Course: SAL301</b>

<b> Lecturer: Nguyễn Thị Thới Class: MKT1710</b>

<b> Group: 3</b>

<b>Name of group memberStudentID</b>


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A sales plan is a strategic document that outlines the goals, objectives, strategies, andtactics for a company's sales efforts. It serves as a roadmap for the sales team,providing guidance on how to achieve sales targets and drive revenue growth.This report will create a Sales Plan in two months for an Ergo Smart business ofergonomic furniture. First, learn about Sales Leadership and Sales Team Structure.The second is to delve into Target Market and determine Positioning for Ergo Smart.The third is to define sales goals and plan marketing both online and offline forupcoming products. Then there is a specific Action Plan for the work lists for twomonths. Finally, calculate the costs, budget, revenue and profit of the business.

<b> Marketing Director: </b>

Manage all marketing activities of the company, including market research,develop marketing strategies and plans, manage budgets and marketingteams, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.Ensure marketing strategies align with the company's goals, vision andbrand, as well as customer needs and trends. Building, managing and

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maintaining the brand of the business, enhancing the reputation and trust ofcustomers

Analyze and evaluate markets and customers, identify opportunities,challenges and competitors. Make connections between relationships,including customers, partners, suppliers, press, community.

<b> Sales Supervisor: Manage and supervise sales activities of sales staff,</b>

including planning and allocating sales targets, tracking and evaluating salesperformance of sales staff, resolving issues arising in sales process.Participate in sales plans, propose solutions to help sales staff achievetargets. Monitor the quality of work and implement the specified standards.Connect with customers and develop relationships.

<b> Sales Representative: Finding and building relationships with customers,</b>

recommending the company's products or services to customers, advisingcustomers on products or services provided by the company, negotiating andexecuting contracts sales to achieve the assigned sales target. Marketresearch, competitor research and business planning. Participate inpromotions, after-sales, seminars, customer exchanges. Report businessresults and feedback on sales activities to superiors.

<b>2. Target market</b>

a. Location Targeting

Ergonomic products targeting the main priority area is Ho Chi Minh City. Becausethese locations are very densely populated, there are many businesses, businessestablishments, or multinational companies. This place will attract many potentialcustomers because they have the opportunity to be exposed to new technologies byupdating daily technology news on social networking platforms. These customerfiles will have a steady income making up the target market for the ergonomicproduct. They may be willing to pay for products that are convenient, smart andsuitable for work and study to improve their performance and ensure their health.

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Strategy for locations take precedence and nationwide rollout strategy:

 Offline marketing: Choosing a central location with many means of trafficwill attract the eyes of many customers. Besides, put prominentpromotional posters in front of the store so that customers can easily see,create curiosity to try out ergonomic products or customers will learnthrough the store's website.

 Social media marketing: Create content and create video company productsto see the function and use, making it easy for customers to choose. Uploadvideos to social networking platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Tiktokand run ads. Besides, books KOLs KOCs to review products withpromotional combos help create more trust for customers and attract moretarget customers.

customer experience according to the AIDA model to help the store's saleswebsite reach the top 10 of Google searches.

b. Buyers Personas

Health-conscious individuals: Those who prioritize their well-being and areactively looking for ergonomic solutions will be interested in the ergonomicSMART desk. These individuals may have health problems such as back pain,shoulder, neck, or back pain or problems related to sitting posture. They will bevery interested in the ability to adjust the height of the table, track sitting/standingtime, and receive posture correction reminders.

Teachers and students: As people who have to sit for hours to study, few canmaintain the correct sitting posture to study. They require a workspace that iscomfortable, conducive to physical growth and health, and supportive to promote

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focus and productivity. A handy SMART desk with features like built-in lighting,device charging, and storage compartments can meet their specific needs.Professionals and Teleworkers: Includes freelancers, entrepreneurs, and digitalnomads. They value productivity, health, and comfort when working long hours.The handy SMART desk with features like adjustable height, built-in technology,cable management and smart connectivity will meet their needs.

Technology enthusiasts: Customers who are always curious about smart furnituredevices, always keeping up with technology news will be attracted by the handySMART desk. These individuals will appreciate features like wireless chargingpads, USB ports, built-in speakers, touch controls, and compatibility with smarthome systems or virtual assistants.

Home office users: Currently, because of the nature of work, many people are veryinterested in their work from home, so they will look for convenient and aestheticfurniture that suits their living space. Surname. The ergonomic SMART desk withits sleek design, customizable finish, and space-saving features will appeal to thistarget audience.

c. Omissions

Budget-minded buyers: This desk is designed with premium features and premiummaterials in mind, which often comes with a higher price tag. Budget-consciousbuyers may not be willing to invest in a high-priced desk.

Temporary or short-term users: This desk is designed for individuals or businesseslooking for a long-lasting and durable solution, making it less suitable for thosewith desk needs temporary or short-term.

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Individuals unfamiliar with technology: Built-in USB ports, wireless charging, andapp control for example, may not appeal to those unfamiliar or unfamiliar withtechnology. They may prefer a more traditional office setup, so won't see the valueof smart features, and may not be interested in this desk.

<b>3. Positioning</b>

a. Market Condition

The current market of ergonomic lifting tables is growing steadily as peoplegradually pay more attention to their own health after the outbreak of the Covid-19epidemic. Revenue report of height lifting tables on the e-commerce floor reachedVND 14.4 billion in 12 months and increased by more than 81% compared to thelast quarter. Most stores tend to focus on opening sales in two big cities, Ho ChiMinh City and Hanoi. Currently, the ergonomic lift table market is expanding dueto the increasing emphasis on health benefits, novelty and technologicaladvancements and corporate organizations striving to create a safe workingenvironment. safer and more efficient for their employees.

Porter’s Five Forces Model: Threat of New Entrants

The ergonomic product industry can pose a moderate to high threat to newentrants, as it does not require too much capital, high technology or patents.However, barriers to entry may include high initial investment costs, the need forspecialized production capacity, and extensive research and developmentrequirements. Existing companies with strong brand recognition and establisheddistribution networks can also pose challenges to new entrants. It is also extremelydifficult to attract the attention of customers from those big companies to ErgoSmart.

 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

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The bargaining power of suppliers in the ergonomic product industry is low. Theprocess of making products of "Ergo Smart" will be done by the company itself, sothe influence of the supplier is not too great. Mainly suppliers will provide basicmaterials such as wood, steel alloy, plastic,...

In terms of suppliers changing the cost of increasing raw materials or having tochange new suppliers, there is still no big impact on "Ergo Smart". Because thesupply of products is simple, there are many large-scale supplies, so it is notdifficult to find a supply of moderate but good quality.

 Bargaining Power of Buyers

The bargaining power of buyers in the ergonomic products industry is high.Buyers, such as consumers, businesses, and retailers, have access to variousergonomic product options and can easily compare prices and features to choosethe right product. products that best suit your needs and budget. Besides, substituteproducts also have a great influence, consumers can choose to buy other productswith cheaper prices.

Therefore, Ergo Smart needed to differentiate its products, provide unique valuepropositions and offer competitive pricing to attract and retain customers. Buildinglasting customer relationships and establishing a recognizable brand can helpreduce buyer power.

 Threat of Substitute Products

The threat of substitutes in the ergonomic product industry is moderate. Whileergonomic chairs and tables offer specific benefits in terms of comfort, posture,and productivity, there may still be alternatives available to potential customers.Alternative products for ergonomic desks can be laptop tables with adjustableheight, manual height-adjustable tables, anti-humpback chairs, gaming chairs or

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other work-supporting devices. However, these products do not have many healthand efficiency advantages like ergonomic lifting tables, but they are still the choiceof customers if they consider the price of ergonomic products too high.

 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

The intensity of competition in the ergonomic products industry is high.Established companies and well-known brands can dominate the market, creatingstrong competition. However, the industry can still offer opportunities for startupsthat can differentiate themselves through innovation, quality, price, or uniquefeatures.

Most of today's ergonomic furniture products have a price, product design and thedifference are not too big, so when customers choose to buy, customers will oftenfocus on companies with good brands. Big brands, reputable and long-term quality(general mentality of the well-off people when buying) than small companies.However, in terms of cost, the price of "Ergo Smart" can still be competitivebecause compared to other competitors, this is a moderate and good price, whichcan be owned by mid-range customers.

b. Value Proposition

Lack of ergonomics: The product is specifically designed to prioritize comfort andhealth benefits. The table's lifting mechanism allows for smooth and easy heightadjustment. It allows the user to adjust the height of the table according to thecustomer's preference. This ergonomic design promotes overall health,productivity and long-term health benefits.

Intelligent control system: The product incorporates an intelligent control systemthat provides various customization options. Users can set personalized heightpreferences and save them for future use. Additionally, the dashboard can include

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other features such as memory presets, digital altimeter displays and evensmartphone connectivity for remote control and data tracking.

Durability and Build Quality: The product is constructed with high-qualitymaterials, ensuring durability and longevity. The sturdy construction of the deskcan support heavy equipment, monitors, and other essentials for the job withoutcompromising stability or safety. This reliability ensures that the investment is asolution.

Health Benefits: Sitting for long periods of time can lead to various healthproblems. So being flexible between standing and sitting improves posture, burnsmore calories and reduces the risk of certain health conditions like obesity,diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Overall, Ergo Smart products offer an attractive value proposition by combiningergonomic design, height-adjustability, intelligent control, durability, enhancedproductivity, and health benefits. health and customization options. It aims tocreate a more comfortable, flexible and healthy workspace that promotes healthand productivity for users.

c. Competitive Advantages

Quality and Price: Ergo Smart provides customers with good, high-qualityproducts, but the price ranges from only 3,250,000, which can still be suitable formid-range customers and above.

Customer service: Ergo Smart always takes care of customers enthusiastically withfree home delivery and on-site installation. Product replacement if there is damagecaused by the product in the first 30 days and product warranty for 1 year.

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Product innovation: The product is somewhat more colourful than other placeswith convenient functions such as: having a backup battery for use when there isno electricity, using a remote control or adjustable phone Any size depends oncustomer preference,...

Marketing strategy: Thoroughly exploit social networking platforms such asFacebook, Tiktok, Youtube and KOL/KOC to promote products to consumersbetter. Take advantage of strategic partners such as hospitals, companies, and so onto promote their products.

d. Competitor Analysis

<b>Comparative Weakness(es)</b>

<b>Epione</b> Diverse products withdiverse prices forcustomers to easily

<b>Ergolife</b> Ergonomic products areextremely diverse fromdesign, price to age.

Most ergonomic desk products useelectricity to adjust, so a stable powersource is required for the desk to work

properly. If the power fails, theoperation of the desk will be affected.

<b>Xiaomi</b> A big tech brand that haswon the trust ofconsumers in the tech

Product variety is limited, the designsare not eye-catching.

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<b>4. Marketing Strategy</b>

a. Product Strategy

Goals Objective: Revenue goal In 2 months, sell 150 items. Profit is 1 billion 500 million VND.Customer target:

 Customers with a good income or more. People who need to sit at a desk for a long time  People who care about health.

Product benefits:

 Ergonomic table and chair products have the ability to help customersadjust their sitting position for the most reasonable and comfortable. Ergo Smart's products, in addition to using direct power, also use batteries

(rechargeable) to operate, allowing devices to still operate normally even ifthe power source has problems.

 Electric products can connect to the phone and adjust the features right onthe app, extremely convenient.

 Easy to install because of its smart, user-friendly design.Product goal:

 Well received by customers.

 Become the top 10 most popular ergonomic products in the Vietnammarket.

b. Pricing StrategyPrice: Chair: 3.250.000 VND

