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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
<small>Tropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange Juice</small>
<b><small>Vanilla Hot Chocolate ZEROINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Vanilla Mixybar ZERO</small></b>
<b><small>120 ml light hot chocolate (ChocociocZERO) </small></b>
<b><small>Cinnamon CappuccinoINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Cinnamon Mixybar Syrup1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>100 ml hot-whipped cream PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Dispense the espresso directly into thecup and flavor it with the CinnamonMixybar Syrup. Complete with hot milk.Finish with an orange twist and a</small></b>
<b><small>Caffè SorrentoINGREDIENTS 1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Amaretto Mixybar Syrup50 ml hot-whipped cream 1 amaretto biscuit </small></b>
<b><small>Crushed amaretto biscuits (garnish) PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Place an Amaretto biscuit on thebottom of the glass espresso cup,add the Amaretto Mixybar Syrup,then dispense the espresso directlyinto the cup. Top up with the hot-whipped cream. Garnish withcrushed amaretto biscuits and servewith a smile. </small></b>
<b><small>Marocchino ZEROINGREDIENTS 1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Fabbri Mixybar ZERO80 ml hot frothed milk CREATE WITH MIX BAR </small></b>
<b><small>Discover the Mixybar ZERO line and makeyour own Marocchino ZERO in the followingflavors: Caramel ZERO, Vanilla ZERO, andHazelnut ZERO.</small></b>
<b><small>PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Make the espresso in a glass cup dusted withcocoa powder. Flavor with Mixybar ZERO andtop up with hot frothed cream, creating apleasant layered effect. Garnish with a furtherdusting of cocoa powder and a twist of orangepeel to release the essential oils. Serve with asmile. </small></b>
<b><small>Gingerbread Hot ChocolateINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Gingerbread MixybarSyrup </small></b>
<b><small>120 ml hot chocolate(Chococioc ZERO) PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Make hot chocolate (changingthe volume of the milk willresult in a higher/lower finaldensity of the chocolate inthe cup) and flavor it withMixybar Syrup. Garnish andserve with a smile. </small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2"><small>Tropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange Juice</small>
<b><small>Vanilla Hot Chocolate ZEROINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Vanilla Mixybar ZERO</small></b>
<b><small>120 ml light hot chocolate (ChocociocZERO) </small></b>
<b><small>Cinnamon CappuccinoINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Cinnamon Mixybar Syrup1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>100 ml hot-whipped cream PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Dispense the espresso directly into thecup and flavor it with the CinnamonMixybar Syrup. Complete with hot milk.Finish with an orange twist and a</small></b>
<b><small>Caffè SorrentoINGREDIENTS 1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Amaretto Mixybar Syrup50 ml hot-whipped cream 1 amaretto biscuit </small></b>
<b><small>Crushed amaretto biscuits (garnish) PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Place an Amaretto biscuit on thebottom of the glass espresso cup,add the Amaretto Mixybar Syrup,then dispense the espresso directlyinto the cup. Top up with the hot-whipped cream. Garnish withcrushed amaretto biscuits and servewith a smile. </small></b>
<b><small>Marocchino ZEROINGREDIENTS 1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Fabbri Mixybar ZERO80 ml hot frothed milk CREATE WITH MIX BAR </small></b>
<b><small>Discover the Mixybar ZERO line and makeyour own Marocchino ZERO in the followingflavors: Caramel ZERO, Vanilla ZERO, andHazelnut ZERO.</small></b>
<b><small>PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Make the espresso in a glass cup dusted withcocoa powder. Flavor with Mixybar ZERO andtop up with hot frothed cream, creating apleasant layered effect. Garnish with a furtherdusting of cocoa powder and a twist of orangepeel to release the essential oils. Serve with asmile. </small></b>
<b><small>Gingerbread Hot ChocolateINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Gingerbread MixybarSyrup </small></b>
<b><small>120 ml hot chocolate(Chococioc ZERO) PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Make hot chocolate (changingthe volume of the milk willresult in a higher/lower finaldensity of the chocolate inthe cup) and flavor it withMixybar Syrup. Garnish andserve with a smile. </small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3"><small>Tropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange Juice</small>
<b><small>Caffè CalypsoINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>20 ml Halzenut Mixybar Syrup30 ml dark rum </small></b>
<b><small>1 espresso PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes, pour thedark rum into the bottom, then flavourwith Fabbri Hazelnut syrup. Dispense theespresso and pour it in gently to form afloat, creating a pleasant layered effect.</small></b>
<b><small>Mokaccino StyleINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>30 ml Chocolate Gourmet Sauce120 ml hot frothed milk </small></b>
<b><small>CreminoINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>10 ml Dark Chocolate Gourmet SauceGold</small></b>
<b><small>10 ml White Chocolate Gourmet SauceGold</small></b>
<b><small>Caffè TiramisuINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>15 ml Zabaione Gourmet Sauce 1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>Whipped cream flavored with VanillaMixybar Syrup </small></b>
<b><small>PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Pour the Zabaione Gourmet Sauce into thebottom of a glass coffee cup. Dispense theespresso directly into the glass and dustwith cocoa powder. Finish with a mound ofwhipped cream flavored with VanillaMixybar Syrup. Garnish with a puff pastrybiscuit and a further dusting of cocoapowder. </small></b>
<b><small>Caffè PislàINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>20 ml Pistachio Gourmet Sauce Gold 1 espresso </small></b>
<b><small>Whipped cream flavored with Vanilla MixybarSyrup </small></b>
<b><small>PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Pour the Pistachio Gourmet Sauce Gold intothe bottom of the glass and then dispense theespresso directly. Finish with a mound ofwhipped cream flavored with Vanilla MixybarSyrup. </small></b>
<b><small>Garnish with chopped pistachios and servewith a smile.</small></b>
<b><small>Crockafe’INGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>15 ml Hazelnut Super Gourmet Sauce Gold 1 tbsp of hazelnut brittle pieces </small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4"><small>Tropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange JuiceMaraschino cherriesTropical OrgasmIngredients:2 oz Spiced Rum1 oz Pineapple Rum 1 oz Cream of Coconut 1 oz Orange Juice</small>
<b><small>.Banana CaffèINGREDIENTS 80 g coffee gelato 50 ml whole milk </small></b>
<b><small>30 ml Banana Mixybar PLUS Syrup or 40ml Banana Mixyfruit </small></b>
<b><small>120 g ice cubes or crushed ice PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Blend the ingredients in a professionalblender for about 30 seconds untilsmooth and thick. Pour into a</small></b>
<b><small>fantasy/hurricane glass. Garnish andserve with a smile. </small></b>
<b><small>fuFragolosaINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>80 g Fiordilatte gelato 50 ml whole milk </small></b>
<b><small>30 ml Strawberry Mixybar PLUSSyrup/Strawberry Mixybar Syrup 120 g crushed ice/cubes </small></b>
<b><small>Blue Lagoon GelatoINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>80 g fiordilatte gelato 20 ml Lime Mixybar Syrup10 ml Tropical Blu Mixybar Syrup30 ml white rum </small></b>
<b><small>6/8 ice cubes PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Place the ingredients in a blender and blend for about20 seconds until the texture is smooth and thick. Pourinto a fantasy/hurricane glass after pouring theTropical Blu Mixybar Syrup into the bottom of theglass. Garnish with mint leaves and fresh fruit andserve with a smile. </small></b>
<b><small>Flower PowerINGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>80 g Fiordilatte gelato 50 ml whole milk </small></b>
<b><small>20 ml Elderflower Mixybar Syrup 10 ml Rose Mixybar Syrup </small></b>
<b><small>100/120 g crushed ice/cubes PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Place the ingredients in a blender and blenduntil smooth and homogeneous like a</small></b>
<b><small>milkshake. Pour into a fantasy/hurricaneglass, garnish, and serve with a smile. Choco Cayenne</small></b>
<b><small>INGREDIENTS </small></b>
<b><small>70/80 g chocolate gelato 50 ml whole milk </small></b>
<b><small>30 ml Cinnamon Mixybar Syrup 100 g crushed ice/cubes </small></b>
<b><small>PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Place the ingredients in a blenderwith the ice and blend until creamyand liquid. Pour into a fantasy glassand garnish with an orange twistand a sprinkling of freshly groundpepper. Serve with a smile. </small></b>
<b><small> Yogo MangoINGREDIENTS 80 g yogurt gelato 50 ml whole milk </small></b>
<b><small>30 ml Mango Mixybar Syrup/40 mlMango Mixyfruit</small></b>
<b><small>120 g crushed ice/ice cubes PREPARATION </small></b>
<b><small>Place the ingredients in a blender.Blend for 30 seconds until smoothand thick. Pour into a</small></b>
<b><small>fantasy/hurricane glass. Garnishand serve with a smile. </small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5"><b>GINGERED AMARETTO SOURINGREDIENTS</b>
<b>3/4 oz. bourbon</b>
<b>3/4 oz. amaretto liqueur3 mL Monin GingerConcentrated Flavor</b>
<b>2 oz. fresh lemon sour mixice, splash club soda</b>
<b>1 tsp. matcha green tea powder</b>
<b><small>2 dashes Angostura bitters0.25 oz simple syrup</small></b>
<b><small>Orange slice</small></b>
<b><small>Maraschino cherry</small></b>
<b><small>3 ounces coconut-infusedbourbon*</small></b>
<b><small>1/4 ounce Laird’s applebrandy</small></b>
<b><small>1/4 ounce spiced almonddemerara syrup</small></b>
<b><small>1 dash Angostura bittersGarnish: dried apple slice</small></b>
<b>1 Luxardo maraschino cherry2 ounces brown-butter-washedbourbon</b>
<b>2 parts Bacardi Dark rum2 dashes Angostura Bitters1 splash water</b>
<b>1-2 tsp sugar/a sugar cubeice cubed</b>
<b>IngredientsCoarse salt1 lemon wedge2 oz. vodka</b>
<b>4 oz. fresh grapefruitjuice</b>
<b>½ grapefruit wheel forgarnish </b>
<b>1 1/4 ounces Ocean Vodka3/4 ounce Malibu coconut rum3/4 ounce Bols blue curaỗao1/2 ounce lemon juice, freshlysqueezed</b>
<b>1 1/2 ounces pineapple juice, freshly squeezed</b>
<b>pomegranate juiceIce cubes</b>
<b>55 ml (1 3/4 oz.) limejuice</b>
<b>30 ml (1 oz.) cane syrup(simple syrup)</b>
<b><small>30 ml (1 oz.) rum</small></b>
<b><small>60 ml (2 oz.) pineapple juiceOrange slices or pineapplechunks for garnish</small></b>
<b><small>45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) dry gin</small></b>
<b><small>45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) cooled infusion</small></b>
<b><small>10 ml (1/3 oz.) cane syrup (simple syrup)Club soda</small></b>
<b><small>1 tea bag (like Earl Grey)Ice cubes</small></b>
<b><small>2 lime wedges4 - 5 blackberries10 sage leaves</small></b>
<b><small>30 ml (1 oz.) almond liqueur120 ml (4 oz.) orange juiceIce cubes</small></b>
<b><small>1 orange wedge1 basil leafPreparationIn the glass</small></b>
<b><small>Combine almond liqueur and orange juice in anold-fashioned glass filled with ice cubes.Stir using a mixing spoon.</small></b>
<b><small>Garnish with an orange wedge and a basil leaf.</small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9"><b>2 ounces Blanco tequila¾ ounce lime juice¾ ounce grenadine4 dashes of Angosturabitters</b>
<b>Garnish: lime wheel</b>
<b><small>1 1/2 ounces Don Julio Añejo1/4 ounce Grand Marnier1/2 ounce Lime Juice1/4 ounce Simple syrup1 teaspoon Chipotle ChiliPowder</small></b>
<b><small>Combine preferred Tanqueray gin and green juice over ice in arocks glass.</small></b>
<b><small>Stir until combined.</small></b>
<b><small>Garnish with a mint sprig.</small></b>
<b><small>Ingredients2 ounces mezcal</small></b>
<b><small>1/2 ounce orange liqueur (liketriple sec or Cointreau)</small></b>
<b><small>1 ounce freshly squeezed limejuice</small></b>
<b><small>1/2 ounce agave nectarGarnish: salt rim, lime wheel</small></b>
<b>60 ml (2 oz.) vanilla-flavoredvodka</b>
<b>30 ml (1 oz.) pineapple juice30 ml (1 oz.) lemon juice15 ml (1/2 oz.) honey syrupIce cubes</b>
<b>Pineapple sliceMaraschino cherry</b>
<b>45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) vanilla-flavoredvodka</b>
<b>60 ml (3 oz.) cranberry juice15 ml (1/2 oz.) grapefruit juiceIce cubes</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11"><b>1/2 oz Coconut rum, natural</b>
<b>1 bar spoon cranberrypreserves</b>
<b>2 ounces Flor de Caña 7-year-old grand reserve rum</b>
<b>1 ounce Goslings Black Seal rum1/2 ounce Pierre Ferrand dry curaỗao ancienne methode1 ounce lemon juice, freshlysqueezed</b>
<b>30 ml Whiskey - Tennesseewhiskey</b>
<b>25 ml Orange Curaỗao liqueur25 ml Vermouth - Rosso/rouge (sweet) vermouth</b>
<b>2 Angostura or other aromaticbitters</b>
<b><small>2 OZ. GIN</small></b>
<b><small>3/4 OZ. FRESH LEMON JUICE</small></b>
<b><small>1/4 OZ. ORGEAT</small></b>
<b><small>1/4 OZ. RICH SIMPLE SYRUP (2:1)</small></b>
<b><small>ẳ OZ. BLUE CURAầAO</small></b>
<b><small>1 OZ. CHILLED SPARKLING WATER TO TOP</small></b>
<b><small>Ingredients0 Isterninger5 centiliter Gin (dry)2 centiliter Mangosirup(Monin sirup med mangoeller mangopuré)</small></b>
<b><small>0.25 stk. Lime (saften fra 2både)</small></b>
<b><small>0 Schweppes Lemon (til attoppe af med)</small></b>
<b>3/4 ounces lime juice, freshlysqueezed</b>
<b>3 ounces ginger beer, chilled2 dashes Angostura bittersGarnish: lemon wheelGarnish: mint sprig</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13"><b>2 ounces gin (I used Empress 1908Gin)</b>
<b>1-ounce fresh-squeezed lime juice(approx. one lime)</b>
<b>1/2 ounce simple syrup2 ounces sparkling waterIce</b>
<b>The garnish of your choice</b>
<b>6 mint leaves, plusadditional for garnish1/4 cup blueberries2 ounces* white rum1-ounce lime juice1-ounce simple syrup</b>
<b><small>IngredientsPlum Puree</small></b>
<b><small>2 pounds fresh plums, halved and pitted</small></b>
<b><small>⅓ cup granulated sugar</small></b>
<b><small>¼ cup (2 ounces) gin (such as Empress 1908,The Botanist, or Hendrick's MidsummerSolstice)</small></b>
<b><small>1 large egg white</small></b>
<b><small>1 tablespoon fresh lemon juiceIce cubes</small></b>
<b><small>¼ cup club soda</small></b>
<b><small>1 lavender sprig, for garnish</small></b>
<b>ẵ oz. dry vermouthắ oz. fresh lime juice4-5 oz. club soda</b>
<b>3-4 dashes of Angostura bitters</b>
<b>2 teaspoons matcha (food grade isfine)</b>
<b>3/4 cup cool water</b>
<b>1/2 cup lightly packed fresh spearmintleaves, plus a few sprigs for garnish2 tablespoons organic blonde canesugar</b>
<b>1-2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1/2 cup bourbon whiskey</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14"><b><small>1-2 scoops crushed ice</small></b>
<b><small>50ml Baileys Original Irish Cream200ml whole milk</small></b>
<b><small>Chocolate sauceHot chocolate powderChocolate shavings</small></b>
<b><small>4 strawberries roughly chopped for the puree2 strawberries sliced to fill inside the glasses2 strawberry whole with a single slit for garnish3 oz vodka</small></b>
<b><small>6 oz Baileys Strawberries & Cream Irish CreamLiqueur</small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15"><small>1-1/2 oz Cachaca (Boca Loca)2 sprig Cilantro</small>
<small>2 oz Carrot Juice1 oz Lime Juice3/4 oz Simple Syrup</small>
<small>2 dashes Angostura BittersGarnish: Cilantro</small>
<small>Glass: Rocks Glass</small>
1-1/2 oz Cachaca (Leblon)3/4 oz Banana Liqueur1/2 Banana
1 oz Coconut Water3/4 oz Lime Juice3/4 oz Pineapple Juice2 oz Lychee Juice
Garnish: Banana, PineappleGlass: Highball Glass
<small>1-1/2 oz Cachaca (Boca Loca)3/4 oz Apricot Brandy</small>
<small>3/4 oz Lemon Juice1/4 oz Simple Syrup2 dashes Peach BittersCherry - for garnish</small>
<small>slice Orange - for garnishGarnish: Orange, MaraschinoCherry</small>
<small>Glass: Rocks Glass</small>
2 oz Cachaca (Leblon)5 Kumquat - sliced inhalf
pinch Ginger2 tsp Sugar
Garnish: KumquatGlass: Rocks Glass
1-1/2 oz Cachaca (Leblon)1 oz Orange Juice - bloodorange juice
1/2 oz Simple Syrup1/4 oz Lime Juice4 leaves MintClub Soda - to fillGarnish: Mint
Glass: Highball Glass
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18"><b>Smooth and Sour Ingredients</b>
<b>1-1/2 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam)1 oz Amaretto</b>
<b>2 oz Sour MixLemon-lime Soda1 Cherry</b>
<b>1 slice Orange</b>
<b>Garnish: Cherry, OrangeGlass: Highball Glass</b>
<b><small>Pineapple Disaronno Ingredients</small></b>
<b><small>1-1/2 oz Amaretto(Disaronno)Pineapple Juicewedge Pineapple1 Cherry</small></b>
<b><small>Garnish: MaraschinoCherry, PineappleGlass: Highball Glass</small></b>
<b><small>Peach Disaronno Ingredients1-1/2 oz Amaretto(Disaronno)Peach Juice</small></b>
<b><small>Glass: Highball GlassDirections</small></b>
<b><small>Fill a highball glass withice.</small></b>
<b><small>Add Disaronno and fill with peach juice.Stir gently and serve.</small></b>
<b>Lychee Disaronno Ingredients</b>
<b>1-1/2 oz Amaretto(Disaronno)</b>
<b>Lychee JuiceGarnish: LycheeGlass: Highball Glass</b>
<b>Italian BreezeIngredients1 oz Amaretto(Disaronno)1 oz White Rum2 oz Pineapple Juice2 oz Cranberry JuiceGarnish: Star Fruit,Maraschino CherryGlass: Highball Glass</b>
<b><small>Italian Alabama Slammer Ingredients</small></b>
<b><small>3/4 oz Amaretto (Disaronno)3/4 oz Vodka</small></b>
<b><small>1/2 oz Southern Comfort1/2 oz Grenadine</small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 19</span><div class="page_container" data-page="19"><b><small>3/4 oz Pucker Berry Fusion Schnapps3/4 oz Citrus Vodka</small></b>
<b><small>3 Blackberry3 Raspberry5 Blueberry2 wedges Lime2 sprig Mint1 tsp SugarClub Soda</small></b>
<b><small>Garnish: Lime, Blackberry, Raspberry,Blueberry</small></b>
<b><small>Glass: Highball Glass</small></b>
<b><small>Lemon - peel, for garnishGarnish: Lemon, BlackberryGlass: Rocks Glass</small></b>
<b><small>1-1/2 oz Gin (Martin Miller's)1 tbsp Blackberry Brandy3/4 oz Lemon Juice</small></b>
<b><small>1/2 oz Simple Syrup</small></b>
<b><small>wedge Lemon - for garnish1 Blackberry - for garnishGarnish: Lemon, BlackberryGlass: Rocks Glass</small></b>
<b>Mint - for garnish</b>
<b>Garnish: Blueberry, MintGlass: Highball Glass</b>
<b><small>2 oz Mint Rum (Don Q Mojito)5 Blueberry - 1 for garnish4 Raspberry - 1 for garnish2 Strawberry</small></b>
<b><small>3 Blackberry - 1 for garnishsprig Mint - for garnishClub Soda - to fill</small></b>
<b><small>1/2 oz Lemon Juice1 tsp Simple Syrup</small></b>
<b><small>1 Jalapeno Pepper - small3 Blackberry</small></b>
<b><small>Ginger Ale</small></b>
<b><small>Garnish: Ginger, BlackberryGlass: Highball Glass</small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 20</span><div class="page_container" data-page="20"><b><small>With orange juice, orange zest, and orange liqueur, the ’55 T-Bird is loaded with vitamin C.</small></b>
<b><small>Shakeup...Ingredients1 ounce vodka1/4 ounce Aperol</small></b>
<b><small>1/4 ounce orange liqueur</small></b>
<b><small>1 1/2 ounces orange juice, freshlysqueezed</small></b>
<b><small>Garnish: orange twist</small></b>
<b><small>"Boulevardier" roughlytranslates </small></b>
<b><small>to "man about town," and this classic cocktail could not embody ...Ingredients</small></b>
<b><small>1 1/2 ounces bourbon or rye1-ounce sweet vermouth1 ounce Campari</small></b>
<b><small>Orange twist, to garnish</small></b>
<b>Drink Recipe </b>
<b>Activate your superpowers with this Powerpuff Girls-inspiredcocktail. </b>
<b>For Bubbles, we made this ...Ingredients</b>
<b>¼ cup granulated sugarlime wedge, or water1 ½ cups ice</b>
<b>2 oz ginger beer2 oz blue curaỗao</b>
<b>This modern classic cocktail is made with gin, lemon juice, simple syrup, and fresh basilleaves. ...</b>
<b>Ingredients2 oz gin</b>
<b>¾ oz fresh lemon juice¾ oz simple syrup10-12 basil leaves</b>
<b><small>50 ml rye or bourbon whiskey25 ml lemon juice</small></b>
<b><small>2 tsp simple syrup20 ml red wine</small></b>
<b><small>1 egg white ((optional))</small></b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 21</span><div class="page_container" data-page="21"><b><small>1 oz Orange Juice</small></b>
<b><small>Champagne - chilled, to topslice Orange - for garnishCherry - for garnish</small></b>
<b><small>Garnish: Orange, MaraschinoCherry</small></b>
<b><small>Glass: Champagne Glass</small></b>
<b>Recipe: Ingredients</b>
<b>1 oz Tequila - Silver (Patron)1 oz Elderflower Liqueur (St-Germain)</b>
<b>Champagne1 slice OrangeGarnish: Orange</b>
<b>Glass: Champagne Glass</b>
<b>Recipe: Ingredients</b>
<b>2 oz Pomegranate Liqueur(PAMA)</b>
<b>Champagne - chilledSugar - to rim glassGarnish: Sugar</b>
<b>Glass: Champagne Glass</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 22</span><div class="page_container" data-page="22"><b>The Gin and Tonic was first created for diseaseprevention. </b>
<b>But it is now the</b>
<b>quintessential summer Ingredients</b>
<b><small>IngredientsCrushed ice1 1/2 oz. vodka</small></b>
<b><small>Freshly squeezed orange juice to top,optionally strained pulp</small></b>
<b><small>Orange wheels or slices, for serving</small></b>
<b>The perfect long drink For those who prefer a tarttaste: </b>
<b>Campari Soda, a popular...ingredients</b>
<b>4cl Campari</b>
<b>1 cl Vermouth Rossosoda water</b>
<b>2 oz. London Dry gin1 oz. fresh lemon juice1 teaspoon sugar3 oz. club soda</b>
<b>Dragon Fruit SmoothieRecipe</b>
<b><small>1 cup (237 ml) Unsweetenedalmond milk</small></b>
<b>2 oz red dragon fruit juice (1.5 oz blanco tequila</b>
<b>1 oz lime juice.5 oz triple sec.5 oz simple syrup (optional))</b>