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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
Nguyen Thi Thu Uyen - DS170084 Bui Thi My Tam - DS170149Nguyen Thi Kim Ly - DS170109 Hoang Thi Thu Hang - DS170002
Da Nang, 2023
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">3. Formula, ingredients, production process:4. Price:
<b>B. ANALYSIS: </b>
I. SWOT Model: II. Competitor analysis: III. Positioning map: IV. 4P analysis: V. Customers:
1. Consumer behaviour: 2. Segmentation:3. Target customer:4. Insight:
I. Campaign objective:II. Creative Content:
1. Meaning project:2. Key message: III. Media Plan:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">1. Digital Marketing:2. SMS Marketing:3. Out-of-home media:4. Experiential Marketing:5. Sponsorship:
6. Public Relation:7. Sale promotion: 8. 3 Phases:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4"><b>A. OVERVIEW BRAND: I. About TH group: </b>
<b>● Establish: in 2009 </b>
<b>● Founder: Entrepreneur Thai Huong. </b>
<b>● Meaning of the brand: the word True Happiness - True Happiness.● Core value: “Completely Natural” and “For Community Health”.● Product line: TH Group has been operating several foods and beverage </b>
projects including manufacturing and processing fresh milk, nut milk, vegetable, herbals, purified water, fruit juice…
<b>● Finance: The enterprise was established under the main financial advice of </b>
Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank - stock code is THMILK.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5"><b>II. Brief introduction about the industry- Reasons for choosing the product:1. Industry overview: </b>
Black bean water is one of the types of water with high nutritional and healthbenefits. A delicious choice for those who are vegan or want to avoid dairy.However, the development of this market in Vietnam is still not promisingenough. Currently, bean juice product lines often only exist at a manual level orare produced by small businesses.
<b>2. Reasons for choosing the product:</b>
If in 2002, the average person in our country only consumed 6.04 liters/year ofsugary drinks, then in 2021 it will increase to 55.78 liters/year. This figure showsthat after only nearly 20 years, the use of sugary drinks in our country hasincreased 10 times. (Medinet.gov.vn, 2023) Noticed a rapid increase in the use ofsugary drinks photo directly affects consumer health. With the desire to raiseawareness, improve lifestyle, health quality and create a new, attractive businessenvironment in the food and beverage industry. Taking advantage of reputablequality to create a large-scale product, from raw materials to finished productsfrom TH Group. This product line currently does not have a large facility that hasinvested in development or has a high reputation in the Vietnamese market. Thisis an opportunity to quickly reach customers and create an outstanding productline called age in the Vietnamese market.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6"><b>III. Product development: 1. Big idea: </b>
TH true BEAN brings a line of quintessential natural products, pure sweetness,freshness, nutrition, and diverse flavors. The product is a safe and great choicefor everyone from children to the elderly, vegans, weight loss,… The productcares about consumers’ health, safety, quality and direction. To a natural healthcommunity. The product provides nutrition for the body, prevents a number ofdiseases and accompanies people for a long day of fun, study, work full of energyand a healthy lifestyle.
Great taste: The product has new flavors with unique formulas, bringing an<b>4</b>
attractive and interesting experience to customers.
<b>3. Formula, ingredients, production process: </b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">Formula
(The main ingredient is green black beans, grown concentrated on large samplefields in Thai Binh and Nghe An provinces by FVF International Clean Fruit andVegetable Production and Supply Joint Stock Company - part of TH Group. )
Water: Is the main ingredient that creates the structure and solution of theproduct
Green black beans: provide the product's characteristic flavor and color.Refined sugar: (low content) creates taste.
Lotus seeds, chia seeds, brown rice, honey, aloe vera. Production process:
Step 1: select the finest beans, clean them and peel them.
Step 2: put the beans in the machine and dry until the beans are fragrant.Step 3: put in blender and filter through sieve and then cook.
Step 4: put into the mixing line.Nutritional Ingredients Amount per Bottle
Brown Rice Flavor 5g
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">Step 5: bottling process, creating finished products for consumers.Function:
o Traditional black beans: clears heat, detoxifies the body, is good for the heart, beautifies the skin, regulates blood pressure.
o Black beans with lotus seed flavor: support insomnia, improve taste, inflammatory, anti-oxidant.
anti-o Black beans and chia seeds: detanti-oxify the banti-ody, suppanti-ort digestianti-on, pranti-ovide minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus), anti-oxidant.o Black beans mixed with roasted brown rice: beautifies the skin, helps
stabilize blood circulation, prevents diabetes and kidney stones.
<b>4. Price: 10,000 VND/ bottle </b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9"><b>B. ANALYSIS: I. SWOT model: </b>
Prestigious brand
High quality of raw materials Strong financial potential Large distribution systemHigh market coverage
Invest in design development, balance prices with the general market, high quality, low price.Supply chain: influenced by external factors, the quality of rawmaterials needs to be guaranteed.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10"><b>II. Competitor analysis: </b>
Product Feature Price
Tan Hiep Phat Number 1 Soya Canxi - Helps support bones from deep inside
- Enhance the health of the body
8.000-10.000 VND/ bottle
Nutifood - Nutizen soy milk and aloe vera
- Nutizen aloe vera fruit milk- Nutizen milk thistle tea - Nutizen bird's nest water with chia seeds
Provides many important vitamins and minerals for the body such as (A, E, D3),collagen,...
9.000 - 11.000 VND/ bottle
Vinamilk - VFresh (orange, apple, grape, guava,...)- Coco fresh coconut
- Supplementing natural vitamins for beautiful skin- Add energy, strengthen theimmune system, support
35,000-40,000 VND/ 1 liter
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">good resistance
Suntory Pepsico
O Long Tea+ without sugarO Long Tea + lemon flavor
- Helps reduce cholesterol, protect cardiovascular health
- Protects the digestive tract,stabilizes blood sugar
8,000 - 10,000 VND/bottle
TH - TH true TEA (lemon green tea, natural oolong tea)- TH true RICE (roasted rice, red brown rice)
- TH true JUICE (orange, apple, peach apple)
- Lose weight, stabilize blood pressure, good for the heart
- Stimulates intestinal mucosa activity, increases absorption, and eases digestion
- Manage diabetes, preventcancer
- Supports digestion, brightens skin, anti-oxidant
10.000 – 18.000VND/bottle
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12"><b>III. Positioning map: </b>
<b>IV. 4P analysis: </b>
TH true Bean's green black bean juice is not only a unique drink, but also aperfect combination of delicious taste and nutritional quality. The product ismade from fat-free green black beans, combined with natural flavors andimportant nutrients that can be suitable for all ages. This creates a unique andattractive product for
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">consumers, especially those who focus on health benefits and self-careprioritizing convenience…
TH true Bean's pricing strategy is built on the special value the product brings.The price is consistent with the general level of products on the market, but stillensures high quality, natural raw materials and advanced processing technology.This price is an impression of brand reputation and quality for customers, whilealso meeting expectations for a unique experience and health value.
To ensure the product reaches the right customers, TH true Bean black bean juiceis distributed at specialized sales points, including organic food stores andsupermarkets specializing in organic products, facilities, and health care stores.And distributed in both rural and urban areas. In addition, building relationshipswith reliable distribution partners helps products reach a large number ofpotential customers in the market.
The advertising campaign of TH true Bean green black bean drink focuses oncommunicating the value and benefits of the product to customers. Throughonline advertising on websites, social networks and e-commerce sites, productswill be widely promoted. At the same time, creating quality content about healthbenefits and product uses will help increase customer understanding and drivepurchasing
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">decisions. Promotional programs, influential sponsorship activities oraccompanying gifts featuring TH true Bean will also be applied to stimulateshopping and enhance product appeal.
<b>V. Customers: </b>
<b>1. Consumer behaviour: </b>
Life / Style - Lover of healthy drinks
- Losing weight
- Lover of healthy drinks- Losing weight- Vegetarians and Vegans
- Vegetarians and Vegans
Personality - Dynamic and vibrant- Likes new things, easily influenced by society
- Stable, likes what's convenient, modern
- Patience, simplicity- Quality, safety, according to old style standards
Usage rate 2,5 - 3 liter /week 3 - 3,5 liter / week 2,5 - 3 liter /week
Benefit sought
- New flavor- Likes sweet, easy to drink
- Pay attention to form- Drinking to help you
- Taste easy to drink- Convenient to use- Save time
- Drink to reduce stress
- Health
- Nutritional quality- Bold flavor, not sweet- Helps prevent diseases
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">lose weight, have beautiful skin and figure- Trendy
and tension
<b>2. Segmentation: </b>
To bring a healthy life through the use of bean water, changing the drinkinghabits of customers in the bottled water market. For TH true Bean's Vietnamesemarket segment, customers with a healthy lifestyle and health concerns arelocated in both urban and rural areas with many different activities andprofessions. Because of the quality of nutritional value that the water brings, THtrue Bean's customers in the Vietnamese market range in age from 7 to over 50years old, generations Z to GenX can easily use it. Regarding psychology, THtrue Bean targets young customers who have an active life, love to explore andexperience, and are especially interested in healthy health and nutrition but stillhave a trendy, nature, and convenience. However, TH true Bean's customerbehavior is divided into many aspects. Based on the market survey, it was foundthat TH true Bean customers, in addition to drinking hand-cooked and boiledwater, also use bottled water products significantly, and the frequency of usingbottled water is high because of its convenience and customer preferences,especially for the age groups 15 - 25 years old and 25 - 50 years old.Furthermore, there exists a growing trend
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 16</span><div class="page_container" data-page="16">in consumer expectations of brands. A competitive product not only provides anaffordable price but also ensures stable quality. Notably in specialized segmentssuch as bottled water - maintaining customer loyalty is a very importantcondition.
<b>3. Target customers: </b>
TH true Bean's target demographic focuses on individuals between the ages of 15- 35 years old. The rationale behind this strategic choice is diverse. First, TH trueBean identified the resonance between the brand's special attributes - specificallythe fresh, creative, natural, modern spirit - as the trend of this customer segment.A significant proportion of individuals in this age group are students or workers,showing that they are people who require dynamism, novelty, convenience andnutritional value. a day of their activities. Notably, the age group from 15 to 35, aperiod characterized by a tendency to both like new things but also desire safety,drives the need to use and find suitable solutions when launching the line newproduct. This period also corresponds to a time marked by profound adjustments,personal, financial, and lifestyle. Important factors that influence establishinglong-term brand loyalty with TH true Bean determine lead generation patternsand the likelihood of adopting cyclical or cumulative purchasing behaviours.
<b>4. Insight: </b>
Based on the insights gathered from the interview process, it is clear that the current customer trend is that they care about health and a healthy lifestyle, and
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17">they research and prioritize products that are convenient, but still brings certain health values, especially in the age group of 15 - 35 - facing a lot of study and work activities outside. These individuals find that using bottled water that has nutritional value and internal health benefits is a perfect combination that fits their context. Instead of using hand-cooked drinks, which take time, are difficult to balance taste, are difficult to use, and have limited value, now TH true Bean products have partly solved most of the difficulties of customers row. It is convenient, easy to drink, affordable, brings health benefits and changes their consumption habits.
<b>C. MARKETING STRATEGY: I. Campaign objective:</b>
Increase market share to 13%Increase brand awareness by 65%
Push product trials (online and offline channels) to 200,000 visitsRaise community awareness about the importance of healthIncrease coverage and build brand image in the marketPromote consumer purchasing awareness
<b>II. Media plan: </b>
<b>1. Digital marketing:</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18">For Youtube, Facebook, Tiktok, TH TRUE BEAN will officially upload theTVC "Pure sweetness, health from nature". TH true Bean launched TVC onJanuary 10, 2024. The advertising message that TH true Bean conveys is blackbean water, a familiar drink in Vietnamese culture since ancient times, with asweet and cool flavor, not only does it help cool down and purify the body, but italso brings many health benefits.
In modern life, the pressure of work, study and love for Gen Z generation cancause stress and fatigue. TH black bean water becomes a great solution to helpthem relieve stress, restore energy and spirit. The sweet and delicious taste of THblack bean water is like a cool breeze, dispelling fatigue and anxiety. In additionto helping quench thirst and purify the body, TH black bean water is alsobeneficial for health with 100% pure black beans, providing energy, vitamins andnecessary minerals. It also supports digestion and prevents constipation, suitablefor all ages, both children and the elderly. The film ends with a messagesuggesting that TH Black Bean Drink is not just a drink, but also a spiritualconnection between generations. TH black bean water is truly a bridge, bringingpeople closer together in love and memories. TH true Bean will run TVC tohighlight its campaign on this social network channel to better communicateabout this campaign.
<b>2. SMS marketing: </b>
TH True Bean will use AI Chatbot technology to send health care messages tocustomers. TH True Bean can deploy campaigns on online communication
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 19</span><div class="page_container" data-page="19">channels, such as email, mobile applications,... or through traditional channels,such as SMS, phone,...
The valuable message: Health is the most valuable asset of humans - Messagesemphasize the importance of health, encouraging customers to take care of thehealth of themselves and their loved ones. Messages demonstrate TH True Bean'scare and concern for customers, helping them feel appreciated and attached totrademark.
Send to lover/husband and wife:
"My dear, let's start the day with a delicious glass of TH black bean drink to befull of energy and spirit of love!"
Send to friends/siblings: