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Atlanta, Georgia.
The company specializes in the production, retail, andpromotion of non-alcoholic beverages and syrups withmore than 3,500 products present in more than 200countries around the world.
In addition, the Company operates a franchiseddistribution system since 1889 in which the Coca-ColaCompany produces concentrated syrup, which is thensold to various bottlers around the world. around theworld, who hold the exclusive right to do business ineach territory. The Coca-Cola Company owns bottlingcompanies in North America, its name is Coca-ColaRefreshments.
Purpose: Refresh the world. Make adifference.
Vision: Our vision is to craft the brands andchoice of drinks that people love, to refreshthem in body & spirit. And done in ways thatcreate a more sustainable business andbetter shared future that makes a differencein people’s lives, communities and ourplanet.
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">manufactured by the Coca-Cola Company.According to statistics, Coke is the 2nd mostpopular word in the world, after Ok. It wasinvented in the late 19th century by John StithPemberton and acquired by businessman AsaGriggs Candler, whose clever marketing tacticsled Coca-Cola to dominate the world beveragemarket throughout the 20th century
The name of the drink is a combination of two ingredients: coca leaves and kola seeds (atype of caffeine). Coca-Cola's current recipe remains a trade secret, although variousexperimental recipes have been published.
The Coca-Cola Company manufactures the concentrate, which it then sells to licensedCoca-Cola bottlers worldwide.
Bottlers then sell, distribute, and ship Coca-Cola to retail stores, restaurants, and vendingmachines around the world.
Currently, Coca-Cola has become a world famous soft drink company with a widevariety of products such as Diet Coke, Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Cherry, Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Vanilla, and versions. Special edition with lemon and coffee flavor.
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5">Ages from 10 to 35: These young consumers are the segment that Coca-Colahas targeted since its establishment and development until now. Thecompany's main soft drinks products are always in line with theconsumption trends of young people with a variety of product lines that aresuitable for taste. Coca-Cola seems to be an important part of youngpeople's lives.
Customers over 40 years old: This is also the age group segment withhealthy consumption trends that Coca-Cola is aiming for. They care a lotabout their health and do not like to drink carbonated soft drinks.Therefore, the company has launched the product lines of diet Coca-Cola(Diet Coke), pure to attract this customer segment.
Target customer: Coca-Cola's potential customers are diverse and areidentified and researched based on many different criteria (geographic,demographic, psychological and behavioral):
Target market: Coca cola's target market is very broad because it meets theneeds of many different consumers. Coca Cola does not target a specificsegment but adjusts its marketing strategy by developing new products,tailored to the needs of customers.
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">Generation Z (10-25 years old): Unlike previous generations who were more concerned withproduct quality, Gen Z focuses on diversity, novelty, inspiration, story and social responsibility.more association of the brand with the community.
Age: Customers have different needs for products at different stages throughout their life cycle
=> Gen X people are interested in health products. Therefore, the introduction of Diet Coke as a gooddrink has helped the company position a positive image in the eyes of this generation while stillbringing a youthful and dynamic feeling.
=> To reach customers, companies often use Emotional Advertising associated with a good cause.For example, buying a Coke bottle, saving a child or Coca-Cola will always accompany you in happyfamily moments.
=> It can be seen that Coca Cola is one of the brands that regularly launch campaigns to convey highsocial responsibility to "nourish" and "please" consumers, especially young people who are about tobecome adults. become the economic "pillars" of the family.
Personalization Strategy: The marketing campaign "printing names on coke cans" has causedan uproar in the market, because it has never appeared before and it makes customers feelexcited about this job of Coca-Cola.
The "Share a coke" campaign is a connection, moments of reunion with family and friends,sharing comfortable moments together with Coca-Cola.
Coca Cola's trend-catching advertising campaign from the US-North Korea summit inVietnam attracts a lot of attention with the message "For peace, hope and understanding".1.
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">For example, the Coca Zero product of this brand has a strong flavor and is preferred by menwhile the Coca Light market is quite popular among women.
Besides, Coca-Cola also adopts many other factors to divide its potential customers. Theyconsider many factors such as consumer needs, preferences, consumption trends, feelings,consumption history, scale, audience to divide and build specific strategies suitable for eachsubject.
The launch of new healthy product lines has helped this brand attract many potentialcustomers with healthy lifestyles and health concerns.
The remaining group of potential consumers are those who appreciate their taste andpreferences for soft drinks. This is the potential customer that Coca Cola always aims for andfocuses on developing relationships.
Income: Coca-Cola's potential customers have very diverse income levels: medium, low or high.Coca-Cola offers its products with a variety of designs, sizes, packaging and different prices to beable to suit the consumer needs of customers.
Gender: Coca-Cola targets both male and female customers. However, there are quite differenttastes and preferences between these two target segments.
Lifestyle: As mentioned above, Coca-Cola also divides potential customers into 2 groupsaccording to lifestyle criteria.
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">The 'Share-a-Coke' campaign uses the concept of special occasions giveaways, where it givespeople the opportunity to order personalized Coke bottles through the Facebook app. In thisway, the brand connected with the audience on a super-personal level, calling the customer'sname directly as well as the people around to draw attention to this product.
'Recipe for great meals' - In this campaign, Coca-Cola has published many recipes and videotutorials for many different occasions, be it a picnic, a family party,.. It positions itself as anintegral part of a great meal, along with family and delicious food.
Family: Buyer behavior is strongly influenced by members of a family.
For example, children love sugary drinks like Coca-Cola, but their parents are aware that sugar isbad for them. Parents can buy Coca-Cola for their kids to make them happy or they can choose ahealthier alternative. It is decided by each parent's point of view.
CocaCola has come up with various strategies to capitalize on this aspect of influencing consumerbehaviour.
Maaza - fruit drink mainly aimed at children,Sprite is aimed at young people going to school,Thums Up is aimed at young people who love adventure,Minute Maid - fruit juice for women
Role and Status: A person's consumption behavior is influenced by the role and status he holds insociety.
Coca-Cola products are also researched and manufactured according to this criterion. Example:
Reference Groups: Groups influence consumer behavior, attitudes, and decisions toward a brandbecause individuals in the same group tend to share the same interests. These include clubs,schools, or acquaintances or groups of friends,...
For example, if a leader in a group likes to drink Coca-Cola because it symbolizes youth, the rest ofthe group will also tend to use this product.
Therefore, Coca-Cola uses the concept of potential reference groups in advertising to influenceconsumer behavior by describing Coca-Cola widely consumed at any time, anywhere from:schools , offices, in the fields with farmers,...
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">Coke is defined a learge beverage brand in theworld because:
Impressive brand image:
A typical brand logo of Coca-Cola is pictured aswhite letters in red background, or red letters inwhite background. The strong contrast colors inCoca-Cola brand image convey impressive brandidentity to customers. The color red in white isstriking, expressing the brand promotion ofpassion, active lifestyle. The taste of Coca-Cola is adistinctive element that make it different fromothers, especially Pepsi. Tastes of Coca-Colacarbonated drinks with unique formula toproduce are unique for customers. Sensesconducted by Coca-Cola place the impressivebrand image of Coca-Cola into the mind ofcustomers.
Brand name - Coca: easy to pronounce andmemorable.
Unique Shape of the bottle
The result was the iconic Coca-Cola bottleinspired by the curves and grooves of the gourd-shaped cocoa bean, an ingredient the designersoriginally thought was in the product. (The Coca-Cola Company, 2022). One of the most famousshapes in the world is the iconic contour flutedlines of the Coca-Cola bottle. Renowned as adesign classic and described by noted industrialdesigner, Raymond Loewy as the <perfect liquidwrapper,= the bottle has been celebrated in art,music, and advertising.
Coca-Cola delivers an active lifestyle and aperception of the good life which are accessiblefor customers. The perception is enhanced by itsrepeated exposures over and over again throughits ads in different ads, media, and places. With itsrecognizable brand image, brand associations arecreated in the process of learning and memory(Solomon, 2014)
Coke uses advertising to increase exposure andbrand awareness with many special advertisingcampaigns that direct the insight of thecustomer.
Campaign Hilltop (1971) - "I'd Like to Teach theWorld to Sing": using vintage imagery. On ahilltop in Italy, a group of people regardless ofskin color or race, holding a traditional Coca-Cola bottle in their hands and singing the song"I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" together. Atthe time of its release, the song became aninstant symbol of the brand and was broadcastto radio stations across the United States.
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">"Holidays are coming" (1995 - present): Opening with the jingle of sleigh bells and sparklingCoca-Cola truck, "Holidays are coming" has become the symbol of Christmas of the company.millions of people around the world.
<The Polar Bowl= (2012): During the 2012 Super Bowl XLVI football season, the polar bearimage became the mascot in Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns. The company estimatesthat 60% of the 111 million Super Bowl viewers will use a second screen when watching thegame. The campaign exploded with 9 million social media users curious to check out whatthe polar bears were up to.
<Share a Coke= (2011): First tested in Australia to promote brand awareness among youngcustomers, <Share a coke= suddenly became a global phenomenon and created a landmark<to life= for Coca-Cola.
Coke advertising brings about meaningful messages, which evoke meaningfulness, happiness,engagement, love, connections... These advertisements completely influenced significantly tothe customer's psyche, which then increases brand awareness, brand retention, brand loyalty,and other factors that constitute brand equity.
Integrated with the green tendency of the world, many green marketing campaigns haveappeared. (i.e: Recently, Coca-Cola has launched the bold message "Recycle Me" on thepackaging of all brands and products in the Southeast Asian market. (Chìa khóa <h nh phúc= c aạ ủCoca-Cola, 2022)
However, in competition with Pepsi, Coke had faced some failures due to wrongdecisionmaking related to the psychological factor. A typical example is 1985 the Coca-ColaCompany decided to terminate its most popular soft drink and replace it with a formula itwould market as New Coke. Coke had increased the amount of sugar in the new products thatmake loyal customers feel that they are deceptive. This problem is also related to concern aboutobesity in the US decreased in sales volume and market share.
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</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">According to Maslow, an individual will try to satisfy the vital needs first and when heachieves it, such needs, at that level, stop being a motivator and the individual is motivatedby the desire to seek the most important need in the next level. As in the case of coca-cola,quenching the thirst is the fundamental thing and the most basic drive, satisfying it usingwater is primary as compared to using coca-cola which is expensive and it is only fit forthose who have satisfied their psychological and social needs.
Herzberg’s theory operates on two fundamental principles; first, the seller should be in aposition to produce good quality goods to prevent dissatisfaction that is prompted byfactors like poor quality of products. This is evident when coca-cola experienced low salesand customer dissatisfaction that was brought about by the change in formula to the NewCoke.
Coke does not only satisfy the biogenic needs of people (thirst) but also the psychologicalneeds in higher levels such as self-esteem and self-actualization (coca-cola, as opposed towater, makes an individual appear modern and potent). People in developed countries oftentake cola to satisfy their thirst whereas in the developing world people satisfy their thirst bytaking water, this is a clear indication that coca-cola is a want and a need at the same time.(Coca-Cola Company: Consumer Behavior, 2022).
Consumers want convenience: consumers desire goods that are well organized and attractivelydisplayed since this will facilitate convenient shopping. Coca-cola vendors should display thegood in an attractive place as a persuasive measure. (Coca-Cola Company: Consumer Behavior,2022).
Price and value: pricing is a factor that is necessary and often consumers consider it in buyingcoca-cola or/and other substitutes or competitive products. (Coca-Cola Company: ConsumerBehavior, 2022).
Advertising: This is also an indirect benefit that consumers consider in determining their wants.Aggressive advertising may result in an increase in the volume of sales since consumers will bepersuaded into buying the product. (Coca-Cola Company: Consumer Behavior, 2022). Packaging: Good or attractive packaging is likely to lure consumers into buying the product.(Coca-Cola Company: Consumer Behavior, 2022).
However, in some cases, psychological factors are the challenges for Coke’s development, evenbringing about failure. Some research is based on the classical model to explain the failure ofthe Coke in past.
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