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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
<b>QualificationBTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Computing</b>
<b>Unit number and titleUnit: Internet of Things</b>
<b>Submission date 4/11/2022<sup>Date received (1st </sup>mission)</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3"><b>Grade:Assessor Signature:Date:Internal Verifier’s Comments:</b>
<b>Signature & Date:</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">1.2.6 API for use in IOT development...22
CHAPTER 2 Develop an IoT application using Arduino/Raspberry Pi of ware, software, data, platforms and services...24
hard-2.1 Investigate architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and API techniquesavailable to develop IoT applications(P3)...24
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5">2.1.9 Several API providers...35
2.2 Determine a specific problem to solve using IoT(P4)...37
2.2.1 The importance of smart lighting system...37
2.2.2 Purpose of the project...37
2.2.3 How does the smart lighting system work?...38
2.2.4 Features of IoT solution that control each lamp:...38
2.3 Evaluate the impact of common IoT architecture, frameworks, tools, ware and APIs in the software development lifecycle(M1)...39
hard-2.3.1 The impact of common IoT platform in software development...39
2.3.2 Impact and effectiveness in SDLC...39
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">Figure 1- 1 IoT...2
Figure 1- 2 Smart home...5
Figure 1- 3 Smart city...5
Figure 1- 4 Application of Internet of things in traffic...6
Figure 1- 5 Smart Health...7
Figure 1- 6 Architecture of IOT...8
Figure 1- 7 Raspberry Pi...11
Figure 1- 8 Missing eMMC Internal Storage...13
Figure 1- 9 Raspberry Pi can be used as a desktop computer...14
Figure 1- 10 Robot controller...14
Figure 1- 11 Security system, network monitoring...15
Figure 1- 12 Arduino Uno (R3)...16
Figure 1- 13 RedBoard...16
Figure 1- 14 Arduino Leonardo...17
Figure 1- 15 Position Sensors...18
Figure 1- 16 Pressure Sensors...19
Figure 1- 17 Temperature Sensors...19
Figure 1- 18 Smoke sensor...20
Figure 1- 19 Sound sensor...20
Figure 1- 20 Infrared sensor...21
Figure 1- 21 Chemical sensor...21
Figure 1- 22 What is API...22
Figure 1- 23 How API works...23
Figure 1- 24 Arduino IDE...26
Figure 1- 25 Arduino IDE...26
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">Figure 1- 26 Arduino...27
Figure 1- 27 Blynk...28
Figure 1- 28 Motion sensor...29
Figure 1- 29 NODEmcu ESP8266...30
Figure 1- 30 Smart bulb circuit diagram...32
Figure 1- 31 Algorithm diagram...33
Figure 1- 32 Block Diagram...33
Figure 1- 33 Home Assistant API...36
Figure 1- 34 Caret API...36
Figure 1- 35 smart lighting system...37
Figure 1- 36 SDLC...40
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">IoT Internet of Things
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">As we all know today, technology contributes a lot to people's lives in fields such asindustry, agriculture, transportation, ... IOT or the internet of things is also contributing a lotto it. Here I am in this assignment I will give the basics of internet of things and explorevarious forms of IoT functionality. Then I'll go over the standard architecture, frameworks,tools, hardware and APIs available for use in IoT development. Next I will pick outthe things needed to develop IoT applications. Finally I eetermine a specific problem tosolve using IoT and give a blueprint for that project.
CHAPTER 1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and when designing IoTsystem on electronic platform
CHAPTER 2 Develop an IoT application using Arduino/Raspberry Pi of hardware,software, data, platforms and services
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10"><b>1.1.1 What is IoT?</b>
"Internet of Things," abbreviated as "IoT," refers to actual objects that are connectedto the internet and have the capacity to gather and share data. Each person and thing inthe Internet of Things (IoT) is given a unique identifier and is able to send and exchangeinformation and data over a single network without the need for direct human contact. IoT,in its simplest form, is a group of gadgets with the ability to interact with one another, theInternet, and the outside world.
Figure 1- 1 IoT
<b>1.1.2 History of IoT:</b>
The first concepts for devices with Internet connections appeared in 1982, startingas modest initiatives like a Coca-Cola water vending machine that could report inventoryand the temperature of goods. The new water bottle that was inserted into the device waswhat initially sparked discussion about the concept of a network of smart devices.
The Internet of Things took a big step forward in 2016 and gradually established self as a new global technology trend. This development was made possible by the syn-
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">it-tems, distributed real-time data analytics, artificial intelligence, and wireless connectivity.
<b>1.1.3 Characteristics of IOTConnectivity.</b>
Connectivity is an important requirement of the IoT infrastructure. Things of IoTshould be connected to the IoT infrastructure. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can connect,this should be guaranteed at all times. For example, connection between people throughinternet devices like mobile phones ,and other gadgets, also connection between Internetdevices such as routers, gateways, sensors, e7tc.[1]
<b>Intelligence and Identity</b>
The extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For ple, a sensor generates data, but that data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly.Each IoT device has a unique identity. This identification is helpful in tracking the equip-ment and at times for querying its status. [1]
The number of elements connected to the IoT zone is increasing day by day.Hence, an IoT setup should be capable of handling the massive expansion. The data gen-erated as an outcome is enormous, and it should be handled appropriately. [1]
<b>Dynamic and Self-Adapting (Complexity)</b>
IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing contexts andscenarios. Assume a camera meant for the surveillance. It should be adaptable to work indifferent conditions and different light situations (morning, afternoon, night). [1]
IoT architecture cannot be homogeneous in nature. It should be hybrid, supportingdifferent manufacturers ‘ products to function in the IoT network. IoT is not owned by any -one engineering branch. IoT is a reality when multiple domains come together. [1]
There is a danger of the sensitive personal details of the users getting compromisedwhen all his/her devices are connected to the internet. This can cause a loss to the user.Hence, data security is the major challenge. Besides, the equipment involved is huge. IoTnetworks may also be at the risk. Therefore, equipment safety is also critical. [1]
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12"><b>Provides large amounts of data</b>
Businesses are able to gather and utilise the great majority of information thanks tothe big data generated by IoT, which can then be used to optimize product processes.
<b>Increase connectivity</b>
Remote production monitoring is made possible by Internet-connected machineryand sensors, which manufacturers or suppliers can use. In this approach, issues may befound before they become significant and result in bottlenecks and machine downtime.
Equipment uses data proactively and automatically to enhance planning, preventdisruptions, and increase product flow efficiency. Vendors can also use data to hasten soft-ware upgrades to directly equip the device through the internet.
<b>Service Provider</b>
By integrating their goods with ancillary services like maintenance and data sis, manufacturers may develop new business models. Customers will feel more comfort-able when purchasing, and companies will be able to sell more things.
<b>analy-Product optimization</b>
Businesses may make the most of information by using real business and tional data to layout and build the next generation of high-quality and efficient goods, inline with trends and demands. consumer usage needs.
<b>opera-1.1.5 Application of IOTSmart home.</b>
With IoT, this is probably the most popular and effective application. Designed toprovide users with optimal safety and convenience. Smart homes help you when returningto your own home is like entering a fresh, modern, sophisticated paradise in every detail.
Smart home is a system that allows monitoring, monitoring, management and mote control via phone or tablet, so that users can control the desired status at any placeand with all smart connected devices such as light bulbs, rolling doors, sprinkler pumps,curtains, etc.
re-A smart home system will help you and your family feel more comfortable, safe andconvenient than ever. Imagine controlling the lights of your home remotely to give the im -pression that you are actually on vacation in a 5-star resort.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">Figure 1- 2 Smart home
<b>Smart city</b>
Internet of things and their most important applications in infrastructure ment, IoT can fully monitor and strictly control all infrastructure activities in urban and ruralareas such as farms. , train, road, wharf...
manage-The main purpose of IoT is to use tracking of any changes or events in the eventthat the structure can affect the level of safety and danger to the infrastructure under con-struction. extremely effective
At the same time, IoT applications are used to plan for efficient repair and nance activities.
Figure 1- 3 Smart city
<b>Application of Internet of things in traffic.</b>
<b>IoT products are used to support the integration of communications, precise control,</b>
and information processing with multiple transportation systems. The application is also
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">structure, along with driver use.
The connection between the components of a transportation system allows peopleto intelligently control traffic, without having to go to the control place like the traditionalmethod, and at the same time form yards, garages, etc. intelligent vehicles, a series ofelectronic toll collection systems are installed, managing the entire fleet, with the goal ofsafety and support for the road industry.
On the other hand, IoT also has the ability to reduce traffic accidents and collisionson roads effectively.
Thanks to that, we have applied to the light poles on both sides of the road for thedevice to automatically sense, identify day and night to set up the most reasonable operat-ing programs.
Figure 1- 4 Application of Internet of things in traffic
<b>Internet of things application in Health</b>
Internet of things devices can be used for remote health monitoring and emergencynotification systems when there are changes in the body's health status.
These health monitoring devices can take blood pressure and heart rate ment at any time with more advanced advanced devices, they also have the ability to mon-itor special implants, such as air conditioners. heart rate or hearing aid.
measure-A special sensor is also equipped in the living space of the elderly to help monitorhealth status regularly to avoid many risks of sudden death.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">include smart devices that monitor human health such as heart rate measurement, bloodglucose monitoring, blood glucose testing, hydration detection and lots of other functions.
Figure 1- 5 Smart Health
<b>Application of Internet of things in agriculture</b>
IoT devices can assist farmers in monitoring parameters of temperature, air ity, wind speed, etc., helping farmers to be proactive in responding to erratic weatherchanges. Reduce the possibility of pests and diseases, effectively increase the yield andquality of products.
humid-Automatic irrigation system is also one of the leading applications to help agriculturedevelop, saving time and effort for farmers.
<b>1.2Review standard architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware, and APIs available for use in IoT development (P2)</b>
<b>1.2.1 Architecture of IOT </b>
Internet of Things (IoT) technology has many applications, and the usage of the ternet of Things is growing faster. Depending on the different application areas of the Inter -net of Things, it will function as designed or developed, respectively. But IoT does not havea standard-defined working architecture that is strictly followed around the world. The ar -chitecture of IoT depends on its functionality and implementation in different domains.However, there is an underlying process upon which the IoT is built.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 16</span><div class="page_container" data-page="16">In-tecture of IoT. IoT archiIn-tecture has 4 phases.
Figure 1- 6 Architecture of IOT
<b>Sensor Layer (SENSING LAYER)</b>
Sensors, actuators, devices are included in this sensor class. These sensors or tuators receive data (Physical/Environmental parameters), process the data, and transmitit over the network.[2]
<b>ac-Network Layer (NETWORK LAYER)</b>
Internet (network) gateways, data acquisition systems (DAS) appear in this layer.The DAS performs the function of data aggregation and conversion (Gathering data andaggregating data and then converting the sensor's analog data to digital data, ...) Ad-vanced ports mainly open the connection between Sensor networks and the Internet alsoperform many basic functions, such as anti-malware protection and filtering of some deci -sion-making based on entered data and data management services. [2]
<b>Data Processing Layer (DATA PROCESSING LAYER)</b>
This is the processing unit of the IoT ecosystem. Here, data is analyzed and cessed before being sent to the data center, where the data is accessed by software appli -cations commonly known as business applications. This is where data is tracked and man-aged. Other actions are also prepared in this class. [2]
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17">pro-This is the final layer of the 4 phases of the IoT architecture. Data center or cloud(Cloud) is the management stage where data is managed and used by end user applica-tions such as agriculture, healthcare, aerospace, agriculture, international rooms and otherapplications. [2]
<b>Cisco IoT Cloud Connect</b>
For commercial use, Cisco IoT Cloud Connect offers completely automated, highlysecure connectivity. The Cisco Kinetic IoT platform handles IoT data management in orderto extract, transport, and compute data. A secure IoT architecture from Cisco, which isrenowned for its security services, guards IoT deployments against dangers.
Zetta is an open source platform built on Node.js for creating Internet of Thingsservers running on geographically distributed computers and the cloud. Zetta combinesREST APIs, WebSockets, and reactive programming - perfect for assembling multiple de-vices into data-intensive, real-time applications.
<b>GE PREDIX</b>
The foundational principle on which the GE PREDIX open-source architecture isfounded is cloud foundry. Although this IoT framework was initially developed as opensource for GE's internal operations, it has subsequently developed into one of the mostpopular and successful IoT systems available.
Users may efficiently manage assets, maintain the security and real-time of linkeddevices, and make it simpler to gather, store, and retrieve enormous volumes of datathanks to the GE PREDIX open-source software.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18">When comparing the top Internet-of-Things platforms, we undoubtedly includeOracle, a global software provider renowned for its top-tier database management andbusiness software solutions. Oracle provides businesses exceptional opportunities to con-struct business applications in a flexible environment. Oracle provides processing assis-tance and develops massive IoT networks with a variety of data. Another point worth em -phasising is the deployment of sophisticated security solutions to defend IoT devicesagainst outside threats. Centralized security procedures are not sufficiently justified be-cause these systems typically contain many devices, some of which lack security tools.
The ThingSpeak framework enables users to analyse and visualise data in LAB. Because this particular open-source IoT framework achieves this, the user is nolonger required to buy a licence in order to perform such services.
MATThanks to the ThingSpeak open source, it is now feasible to collect and store sen sor data even in private channels. This open-source technology also makes it easy toshare sensor data across open channels.
<b>-1.2.3 Describe how Arduino/Raspberry Pi board and end device</b>
<b> Raspberry Pi.</b>
The Raspberry Pi was developed by Eben Upton at the University of Cambridge inthe United Kingdom with the aim of teaching and improving programming skills of studentsin developing countries. While Arduino is a Microcontroller based development board, theRaspberry Pi is a Microprocessor (usually an ARM Cortex A Series) based board that actsas a computer.[3]
You can connect several peripherals like a Monitor (through HDMI or AV Port),Mouse and Keyboard (through USB), connect to internet (through Ethernet or Wi-Fi), adda Camera (through the dedicated Camera Interface), just like we do to our desktop com-puter. [3]
ince the entire Computer (the Processor, RAM, Storage, Graphics, Connectors,etc.) is sitting on a single Printed Circuit Board, the Raspberry Pi (and other similar boards)are called as Single Board Computers or SBC. [3]
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 19</span><div class="page_container" data-page="19">Raspberry Pi Foundation, the organization which is responsible for designing and develop ing Raspberry Pi SBC, also provides a Debian based Linux Distribution called the Rasp-berry Pi OS (previously known as the Raspbian OS). [3]
-Another important thing about Raspberry Pi is, as it is a Linux based Computer, youcan develop software using several Programming Languages like C, C++, Python, Java,HTML, etc. [3]
Despite its original intentions, which is to promote programming (like Python andScratch Programming Languages) in schools, the original Raspberry Pi SBC became ex-tremely popular among DIY builders, hobbyists and enthusiasts for developing several ap-plications like Robotics, Weather Stations, Camera based security systems etc. [3]
Due to its success and popularity, the Raspberry Pi Foundation is continuously dating and releasing new versions of Raspberry Pi with the latest one being the RaspberryPi 4 Model B. [3]
Figure 1- 7 Raspberry Pi
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 20</span><div class="page_container" data-page="20"><b>Vast Peripheral Support.</b>
Raspberry Pi comes with 26 GPIO Pins which are very useful indeed for embeddedprojects and interfacing hardware. These pins are really useful in learning about compo-nent interfacing. You can combine multiple digital sensors all together due to the goodnumber of GPIO pins being given. It supports almost all the peripherals supported by Ar-duino.[4]
It has a lot of accessories available for it in the market. You will find many berry Pi cases with different designs, Raspberry pi HATs, Fans, Heat Sinks, etc... You willfind a whole big community and support as well. It is said to be the most popular single-board computer of this era.[4]
<b>Rasp-Multiple Sensors</b>
As discussed in the above section that it comes with a lot of GPIO Pins, so it is vious for it to support multiple sensors at once. You can connect various displays, mod -ules, sensors, etc...to it. Unless its not analog.[4]
<b>ob-Supports all type of Codes</b>
Its one of the best part of this board, if we compare it with arduino you will know thatarduino only supports C, C++. While this board works as a single board computer. You geta linux desktop environment in which you can code in almost any language, be it C,C++,C#,Ruby,Java,Python,etc...[4]
This Support for all types of code makes this board famous, one of the main goal ofthe raspberry pi foundation was to provide cheap computing to people, so that they canlearn programming. They have really reached their goal in providing cheap computing topeople, so they can learn programming easily.[4]
Moving towards the future, everything is turning digital, so we need more and moreprogrammers. Raspberry Pi is really helping people who cannot spend much for desktopcomputers.[4]
<b>Missing eMMC Internal Storage.</b>
Since the raspberry pi doesn't have any internal storage it requires a micro SD cardto work as an internal storage. We all know that SD cards are not that fast. Even if we
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 21</span><div class="page_container" data-page="21">performance, so this increases boot time of the board and read/write speed of the berry pi.[4]
Figure 1- 8 Missing eMMC Internal Storage
<b>Graphics Processor Missing</b>
Well graphics process is a very crucial thing, if you're into photo editing, video edit ing and gaming. Without it your Computer is just a potato. Many of us need a graphics pro-cessor so we can do certain tasks. While the raspberry pi doesn't come with a GPU unit.The processor does all the task for it, which is inefficient.[4]
-Asus Tinker board comes with a graphics processor. You can play android gameson the board while installing android OS easily. You can edit photos and videos faster.[4]
<b>Impractical as a Desktop Computer</b>
When we look at the bigger picture of the board here, and think of it as a desktopcomputer. It misses a lot of stuff. Even if you buy the latest raspberry pi with the 4GB ram.It lacks some performance. It is said to render 4K video at 60 FPS but in actual its a bitless and you will see some stutters in 4K 60 FPS video.[4]
If you open too much tabs, the board will start to slow down a bit. You can't watchonline videos on netflix or amazon, you will need to install extra codecs. even after thatyou will barely be able to stream 2K properly. It needs some improvement and optimizationin the software and hardware end both.[4]
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 22</span><div class="page_container" data-page="22"><b>Raspberry Pi can be used as a desktop computer.</b>
You also require a microSD card, a power source, an HDMI cable, and a suitablemonitor in addition to the Raspberry Pi. We also need a keyboard and mouse in order toutilize it as a computer. To accommodate the demands of as many users as possible, theRaspberry Pi 3 models come with built-in WiFi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet interfaces.
Figure 1- 10 Robot controller
<b>Security system, network monitoring.</b>
You may create a motion security system that can identify intruders using the era module built into the Raspberry Pi Camera or a conventional USB webcam. The de -
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 23</span><div class="page_container" data-page="23">cam-may also be configured to email notifications.
Additionally, the Raspberry Pi actively helps to the creation of solutions for networkmonitoring. You may browse pictures of networked gadgets and keep an eye on the time.
Figure 1- 11 Security system, network monitoring1.2.3.2 <b>Working principle and role of Raspberry Pi</b>
<b>Raspberry Pi's operating system</b>
The Raspberry Pi was created for the Linux OS, and several Linux distributions nowprovide an optimized Raspberry Pi model. Raspbian Jessie, based on the Debian operat -ing system, and Pidora, based on the Fedora operating system, are two of the most well-liked options. Actually, all of these solutions function excellently; whether to choose Pidoraor Raspbian Jessie depends on personal preference. You'll be given a menu with a varietyof distributions (including Raspbian and Pidora) to pick from when you first boot from theSD card.
We still have further choices: Two Linux-based operating systems designed for usewith the Raspberry Pi as a media center are OpenELEC and RaspBMC. The Raspberry Pican also run non-Linux operating systems like RISC OS.
<b>Raspberry Pi can be replaced</b>
As we all know Raspberry Pi is not the only small computing device. Arduino is alsoa preferred choice, geared towards people who want to build electronic projects. However,Arduino is just a microcontroller, so it still has the full functionality of a Linux computer.
Another option that can be mentioned is the Beaglebone series of boards, similar tothe Raspberry Pi, but more powerful than the Raspberry Pi and more expensive.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 24</span><div class="page_container" data-page="24"><b>Arduino Uno (R3)</b>
Uno is a fantastic option. It contains 6 analogue inputs, a USB connection, a powerjack, a reset button, and 14 digital input/output pins, 6 of which can be used as PWM out -puts. It comes with everything required to support the microcontroller; to use it, just plug ina USB cable, an AC-DC adapter, or a battery to power it.
Figure 1- 13 RedBoard
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 25</span><div class="page_container" data-page="25">The first Arduino development board to use a microcontroller with integrated USBwas called Leonardo. It could therefore be less expensive and easier. Since the boarddeals with live USB, there are also code libraries that enable the board to simulate a com -puter keyboard, mouse, and other devices.
<b>comput- Types de sensor</b>
<b>Position Sensors.</b>
As was previously said, there are numerous types of position sensors, including ear, rotational, contacting, and non-contacting ones that employ a range of diverse tech -nologies. Position sensors are used to gauge and track an object's movement orposition.
lin-In addition to the extensive selection from our suppliers and partners, we havecreated our own line of position sensors throughout the course of our more than 40 yearsof position sensor supply. Our own assortment consists of.
<b>Linear position Sensors</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 26</span><div class="page_container" data-page="26"><b>Rotary Position Sensors</b>
Euro-X Hall Effect
Euro-XP Puck – 2 part puck and magnet designEuro – XPD – D shaft
Pressure sensors are utilised in many different industries since they can detect thepressure in gases, liquids, or solids. As the pressure that they detect is directly related tothe level of the water, underwater pressure transducers are also known as level metres.